1# Lint as: python2, python3
2# Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
3# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
4# found in the LICENSE file.
7This class provides wrapper functions for Bluetooth quick health test
8batches or packages
11from __future__ import absolute_import
12from __future__ import division
13from __future__ import print_function
15import functools
16import logging
17import tempfile
18import threading
19import time
21import common
22from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
23from autotest_lib.server import site_utils
24from autotest_lib.server.cros.bluetooth import bluetooth_adapter_tests
25from autotest_lib.server.cros.multimedia import remote_facade_factory
26from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
27from six.moves import range
29class BluetoothAdapterQuickTests(bluetooth_adapter_tests.BluetoothAdapterTests):
30    """This class provide wrapper function for Bluetooth quick health test
31    batches or packages.
32    The Bluetooth quick test infrastructure provides a way to quickly run a set
33    of tests. As for today, auto-test ramp up time per test is about 90-120
34    seconds, where a typical Bluetooth test may take ~30-60 seconds to run.
36    The quick test infra, implemented in this class, saves this huge overhead
37    by running only the minimal reset and cleanup operations required between
38    each set of tests (takes a few seconds).
40    This class provides wrapper functions to start and end a test, a batch or a
41    package. A batch is defined as a set of tests, preferably with a common
42    subject. A package is a set of batches.
43    This class takes care of tests, batches, and packages test results, and
44    prints out summaries to results. The class also resets and cleans up
45    required states between tests, batches and packages.
47    A batch can also run as a separate auto-test. There is a place holder to
48    add a way to run a specific test of a batch autonomously.
50    A batch can be implemented by inheriting from this class, and using its
51    wrapper functions. A package can be implemented by inheriting from a set of
52    batches.
54    Adding a test to one of the batches is as easy as adding a method to the
55    class of the batch.
56    """
58    # Some delay is needed between tests. TODO(yshavit): investigate and remove
60    GCS_MTBF_BUCKET = 'gs://chromeos-mtbf-bt-results/'
63    def restart_peers(self):
64        """Restart and clear peer devices"""
65        # Restart the link to device
66        logging.info('Restarting peer devices...')
68        # Grab current device list for initialization
69        connected_devices = self.devices
70        self.cleanup(test_state='MID')
72        for device_type, device_list in connected_devices.items():
73            for device in device_list:
74                if device is not None:
75                    logging.info('Restarting %s', device_type)
76                    self.get_device(device_type, on_start=False)
79    def start_peers(self, devices):
80        """Start peer devices"""
81        # Start the link to devices
82        if self.use_btpeer:
83            logging.info('Starting peer devices...')
84            self.get_device_rasp(devices)
86            # Grab all the addresses to verify RSSI
87            addresses = []
88            for device_type, device_list in self.devices.items():
89                # Skip bluetooth_tester since it won't be discoverable
90                if 'TESTER' in device_type:
91                    continue
93                for device in device_list:
94                    addresses.append(device.address)
95                    self.start_agent(device)
97            # Make sure device RSSI is sufficient
98            self.verify_device_rssi(addresses)
100    def _print_delimiter(self):
101        logging.info('=======================================================')
103    @staticmethod
104    def _get_update_btpeers_arguments(args_dict=None):
105        """Parse the update_btpeers argument"""
106        key = 'update_btpeers'
107        if args_dict is not None and key in args_dict:
108            return args_dict[key].lower() != 'false'
109        return True
111    def quick_test_init(self,
112                        host,
113                        use_btpeer=True,
114                        flag='Quick Health',
115                        args_dict=None,
116                        start_browser=False):
117        """Inits the test batch"""
118        self.host = host
119        self.start_browser = start_browser
120        self.use_btpeer = use_btpeer
121        update_btpeers = self._get_update_btpeers_arguments(args_dict)
122        btpeer_args = []
123        if args_dict is not None:
124            btpeer_args = self.host.get_btpeer_arguments(args_dict)
125        #factory can not be declared as local variable, otherwise
126        #factory._proxy.__del__ will be invoked, which shutdown the xmlrpc
127        # server, which log out the user.
129        self.factory = remote_facade_factory.RemoteFacadeFactory(
130                host, no_chrome=not self.start_browser, disable_arc=True)
131        try:
132            self.bluetooth_facade = self.factory.create_bluetooth_facade()
133        except Exception as e:
134            logging.error('Exception %s while creating bluetooth_facade',
135                          str(e))
136            raise error.TestFail('Unable to create bluetooth_facade')
139        if self.use_btpeer:
140            self.input_facade = self.factory.create_input_facade()
142            self.host.initialize_btpeer(btpeer_args=btpeer_args)
143            logging.info('%s Bluetooth peers found',
144                         len(self.host.btpeer_list))
145            logging.info('labels: %s', self.host.get_labels())
147            if len(self.host.btpeer_list) == 0:
148                raise error.TestFail('Unable to find a Bluetooth peer')
150            # Check the chameleond version on the peer and update if necessary
151            if update_btpeers:
152                if not self.update_btpeer():
153                    logging.error('Updating btpeers failed. Ignored')
154            else:
155                logging.info('No attempting peer update.')
157            # Query connected devices on our btpeer at init time
158            self.available_devices = self.list_devices_available()
160            for btpeer in self.host.btpeer_list:
161                btpeer.register_raspPi_log(self.outputdir)
163            self.btpeer_group = dict()
164            # Create copy of btpeer_group
165            self.btpeer_group_copy = dict()
166            self.group_btpeers_type()
169        # Clear the active devices for this test
170        self.active_test_devices = {}
172        self.enable_disable_debug_log(enable=True)
174        # Disable cellular services, as they can sometimes interfere with
175        # suspend/resume, i.e. b/161920740
176        self.enable_disable_cellular(enable=False)
178        self.enable_disable_ui(enable=False)
180        # Delete files created in previous run
181        self.host.run('[ ! -d {0} ] || rm -rf {0} || true'.format(
182                                                    self.BTMON_DIR_LOG_PATH))
183        self.host.run('[ ! -d {0} ] || rm -rf {0} || true'.format(
184                                                    self.USBMON_DIR_LOG_PATH))
186        self.start_new_btmon()
187        self.start_new_usbmon()
189        self.flag = flag
190        self.test_iter = None
192        self.bat_tests_results = []
193        self.bat_pass_count = 0
194        self.bat_fail_count = 0
195        self.bat_testna_count = 0
196        self.bat_warn_count = 0
197        self.bat_name = None
198        self.bat_iter = None
200        self.pkg_tests_results = []
201        self.pkg_pass_count = 0
202        self.pkg_fail_count = 0
203        self.pkg_testna_count = 0
204        self.pkg_warn_count = 0
205        self.pkg_name = None
206        self.pkg_iter = None
207        self.pkg_is_running = False
208        self.mtbf_end = False
209        self.mtbf_end_lock = threading.Lock()
212    @staticmethod
213    def quick_test_test_decorator(test_name, devices={}, flags=['All'],
214                                  model_testNA=[],
215                                  model_testWarn=[],
216                                  skip_models=[],
217                                  skip_chipsets=[],
218                                  shared_devices_count=0):
219        """A decorator providing a wrapper to a quick test.
220           Using the decorator a test method can implement only the core
221           test and let the decorator handle the quick test wrapper methods
222           (test_start and test_end).
224           @param test_name: the name of the test to log.
225           @param devices:   list of device names which are going to be used
226                             in the following test.
227           @param flags: list of string to describe who should run the
228                         test. The string could be one of the following:
229                         ['AVL', 'Quick Health', 'All'].
230           @param model_testNA: If the current platform is in this list,
231                                failures are emitted as TestNAError.
232           @param model_testWarn: If the current platform is in this list,
233                                  failures are emitted as TestWarn.
234           @param skip_models: Raises TestNA on these models and doesn't attempt
235                               to run the tests.
236           @param skip_chipsets: Raises TestNA on these chipset and doesn't
237                                 attempt to run the tests.
239        """
241        def decorator(test_method):
242            """A decorator wrapper of the decorated test_method.
243               @param test_method: the test method being decorated.
244               @returns the wrapper of the test method.
245            """
247            def _check_runnable(self):
248                """Check if the test could be run"""
250                # Check that the test is runnable in current setting
251                if not(self.flag in flags or 'All' in flags):
252                    logging.info('SKIPPING TEST %s', test_name)
253                    logging.info('flag %s not in %s', self.flag, flags)
254                    self._print_delimiter()
255                    return False
256                return True
259            def _is_enough_peers_present(self):
260                """Check if enough peer devices are available."""
262                # Check that btpeer has all required devices before running
263                for device_type, number in devices.items():
264                    if self.available_devices.get(device_type, 0) < number:
265                        logging.info('SKIPPING TEST %s', test_name)
266                        logging.info('%s not available', device_type)
267                        self._print_delimiter()
268                        return False
270                # Check if there are enough peers
271                total_num_devices = sum(devices.values()) + shared_devices_count
272                if total_num_devices > len(self.host.btpeer_list):
273                    logging.info('SKIPPING TEST %s', test_name)
274                    logging.info(
275                            'Number of devices required %s is greater'
276                            'than number of peers available %d',
277                            total_num_devices, len(self.host.btpeer_list))
278                    self._print_delimiter()
279                    return False
280                return True
282            @functools.wraps(test_method)
283            def wrapper(self):
284                """A wrapper of the decorated method."""
285                # Set test name before exiting so batches correctly identify
286                # failing tests
287                self.test_name = test_name
289                if not _check_runnable(self):
290                    return
292                try:
293                    if not _is_enough_peers_present(self):
294                        logging.info('Not enough peer available')
295                        raise error.TestNAError('Not enough peer available')
297                    model = self.get_base_platform_name()
298                    if model in skip_models:
299                        logging.info('SKIPPING TEST %s', test_name)
300                        raise error.TestNAError(
301                                'Test not supported on this model')
303                    chipset = self.get_chipset_name()
304                    logging.debug('Bluetooth module name is %s', chipset)
305                    if chipset in skip_chipsets:
306                        logging.info('SKIPPING TEST %s on chipset %s',
307                                     test_name, chipset)
308                        raise error.TestNAError(
309                                'Test not supported on this chipset')
311                    self.quick_test_test_start(test_name, devices,
312                                               shared_devices_count)
314                    test_method(self)
315                except error.TestError as e:
316                    self.fails.append('[--- error {} ({})]'.format(
317                            test_method.__name__, str(e)))
318                except error.TestFail as e:
319                    if not bool(self.fails):
320                        self.fails.append('[--- failed {} ({})]'.format(
321                                test_method.__name__, str(e)))
322                except error.TestNAError as e:
323                    self.fails.append('[--- SKIPPED: {}]'.format(str(e)))
324                except Exception as e:
325                    self.fails.append('[--- unknown error {} ({})]'.format(
326                            test_method.__name__, str(e)))
328                self.quick_test_test_end(model_testNA=model_testNA,
329                                         model_testWarn=model_testWarn)
330            return wrapper
332        return decorator
335    def quick_test_test_start(
336            self, test_name=None, devices={}, shared_devices_count=0):
337        """Start a quick test. The method clears and restarts adapter on DUT
338           as well as peer devices. In addition the methods prints test start
339           traces.
340        """
341        # Bluetoothd could have crashed behind the scenes; check to see if
342        # everything is still ok and recover if needed.
343        self.test_is_facade_valid()
344        self.test_is_adapter_valid()
346        # Reset the adapter
347        self.test_reset_on_adapter()
348        # Initialize bluetooth_adapter_tests class (also clears self.fails)
349        self.initialize()
350        # Start and peer HID devices
351        self.start_peers(devices)
352        self.shared_peers = self.host.btpeer_list[-shared_devices_count:]
354        if test_name is not None:
355            time.sleep(self.TEST_SLEEP_SECS)
356            self._print_delimiter()
357            logging.info('Starting test: %s', test_name)
358            self.log_message('Starting test: %s'% test_name)
360    def quick_test_test_end(self, model_testNA=[], model_testWarn=[]):
361        """Log and track the test results"""
362        result_msgs = []
363        model = self.get_base_platform_name()
365        if self.test_iter is not None:
366            result_msgs += ['Test Iter: ' + str(self.test_iter)]
368        if self.bat_iter is not None:
369            result_msgs += ['Batch Iter: ' + str(self.bat_iter)]
371        if self.pkg_is_running is True:
372            result_msgs += ['Package iter: ' + str(self.pkg_iter)]
374        if self.bat_name is not None:
375            result_msgs += ['Batch Name: ' + self.bat_name]
377        if self.test_name is not None:
378            result_msgs += ['Test Name: ' + self.test_name]
380        result_msg = ", ".join(result_msgs)
382        if not bool(self.fails):
383            result_msg = 'PASSED | ' + result_msg
384            self.bat_pass_count += 1
385            self.pkg_pass_count += 1
386        # The test should be marked as TESTNA if any of the test expressions
387        # were SKIPPED (they threw their own TESTNA error) or the model is in
388        # the list of NA models (so any failure is considered NA instead)
389        elif model in model_testNA or any(['SKIPPED' in x
390                                           for x in self.fails]):
391            result_msg = 'TESTNA | ' + result_msg
392            self.bat_testna_count += 1
393            self.pkg_testna_count += 1
394        elif model in model_testWarn:
395            result_msg = 'WARN   | ' + result_msg
396            self.bat_warn_count += 1
397            self.pkg_warn_count += 1
398        else:
399            result_msg = 'FAIL   | ' + result_msg
400            self.bat_fail_count += 1
401            self.pkg_fail_count += 1
403        logging.info(result_msg)
404        self.log_message(result_msg)
405        self._print_delimiter()
406        self.bat_tests_results.append(result_msg)
407        self.pkg_tests_results.append(result_msg)
409        if self.test_name is not None:
410            logging.info('Cleanning up and restarting towards next test...')
413        # Bluetoothd could have crashed behind the scenes; check if everything
414        # is ok and recover if needed. This is done as part of clean-up as well
415        # to make sure we can fully remove pairing info between tests
416        self.test_is_facade_valid()
418        self.bluetooth_facade.stop_discovery()
420        # Store a copy of active devices for raspi reset in the final step
421        self.active_test_devices = self.devices
423        # Disconnect devices used in the test, and remove the pairing.
424        for device_list in self.devices.values():
425            for device in device_list:
426                if device is not None:
427                    self.stop_agent(device)
428                    logging.info('Clear device %s from DUT', device.name)
429                    self.bluetooth_facade.disconnect_device(device.address)
430                    device_is_paired = self.bluetooth_facade.device_is_paired(
431                            device.address)
432                    if device_is_paired:
433                        self.bluetooth_facade.remove_device_object(
434                                device.address)
436                    # Also remove pairing on Peer
437                    logging.info('Clearing DUT from %s', device.name)
438                    try:
439                        device.RemoveDevice(self.bluetooth_facade.address)
440                    except Exception as e:
441                        # If peer doesn't expose RemoveDevice, ignore failure
442                        if not (e.__class__.__name__ == 'Fault' and
443                                'is not supported' in str(e)):
444                            logging.info('Couldn\'t Remove: {}'.format(e))
445                            raise
448        # Repopulate btpeer_group for next tests
449        # Clear previous tets's leftover entries. Don't delete the
450        # btpeer_group dictionary though, it'll be used as it is.
451        if self.use_btpeer:
452            for device_type in self.btpeer_group:
453                if len(self.btpeer_group[device_type]) > 0:
454                    del self.btpeer_group[device_type][:]
456            # Repopulate
457            self.group_btpeers_type()
459        # Close the connection between peers
460        self.cleanup(test_state='NEW')
462    @staticmethod
463    def quick_test_batch_decorator(batch_name):
464        """A decorator providing a wrapper to a batch.
465           Using the decorator a test batch method can implement only its
466           core tests invocations and let the decorator handle the wrapper,
467           which is taking care for whether to run a specific test or the
468           batch as a whole and and running the batch in iterations
470           @param batch_name: the name of the batch to log
471        """
473        def decorator(batch_method):
474            """A decorator wrapper of the decorated test_method.
475               @param test_method: the test method being decorated.
476               @returns the wrapper of the test method.
477            """
479            @functools.wraps(batch_method)
480            def wrapper(self, num_iterations=1, test_name=None):
481                """A wrapper of the decorated method.
482                  @param num_iterations: how many interations to run
483                  @param test_name: specifc test to run otherwise None to run
484                                    the whole batch
485                """
486                if test_name is not None:
487                    single_test_method = getattr(self,  test_name)
488                    for iter in range(1,num_iterations+1):
489                        self.test_iter = iter
490                        single_test_method()
492                    if self.fails:
493                        # If failure is marked as TESTNA, prioritize that over
494                        # a failure. Same with WARN.
495                        if self.bat_testna_count > 0:
496                            raise error.TestNAError(self.fails)
497                        elif self.bat_warn_count > 0:
498                            raise error.TestWarn(self.fails)
499                        else:
500                            raise error.TestFail(self.fails)
501                else:
502                    for iter in range(1,num_iterations+1):
503                        self.quick_test_batch_start(batch_name, iter)
504                        batch_method(self, num_iterations, test_name)
505                        self.quick_test_batch_end()
506            return wrapper
508        return decorator
511    def quick_test_batch_start(self, bat_name, iteration=1):
512        """Start a test batch. The method clears and set batch variables"""
513        self.bat_tests_results = []
514        self.bat_pass_count = 0
515        self.bat_fail_count = 0
516        self.bat_testna_count = 0
517        self.bat_warn_count = 0
518        self.bat_name = bat_name
519        self.bat_iter = iteration
522    def quick_test_batch_end(self):
523        """Print results summary of a test batch """
524        logging.info(
525                '%s Test Batch Summary: total pass %d, total fail %d, '
526                'warn %d, NA %d', self.bat_name, self.bat_pass_count,
527                self.bat_fail_count, self.bat_warn_count,
528                self.bat_testna_count)
529        for result in self.bat_tests_results:
530            logging.info(result)
531        self._print_delimiter();
532        if self.bat_fail_count > 0:
533            logging.error('===> Test Batch Failed! More than one failure')
534            self._print_delimiter();
535            if self.pkg_is_running is False:
536                raise error.TestFail(self.bat_tests_results)
537        elif self.bat_testna_count > 0:
538            logging.error('===> Test Batch Passed! Some TestNA results')
539            self._print_delimiter();
540            if self.pkg_is_running is False:
541                raise error.TestNAError(self.bat_tests_results)
542        elif self.bat_warn_count > 0:
543            logging.error('===> Test Batch Passed! Some WARN results')
544            self._print_delimiter();
545            if self.pkg_is_running is False:
546                raise error.TestWarn(self.bat_tests_results)
547        else:
548            logging.info('===> Test Batch Passed! zero failures')
549            self._print_delimiter();
552    def quick_test_package_start(self, pkg_name):
553        """Start a test package. The method clears and set batch variables"""
554        self.pkg_tests_results = []
555        self.pkg_pass_count = 0
556        self.pkg_fail_count = 0
557        self.pkg_name = pkg_name
558        self.pkg_is_running = True
561    def quick_test_print_summary(self):
562        """Print results summary of a test package"""
563        logging.info(
564                '%s Test Package Summary: total pass %d, total fail %d, '
565                'Warn %d, NA %d', self.pkg_name, self.pkg_pass_count,
566                self.pkg_fail_count, self.pkg_warn_count,
567                self.pkg_testna_count)
568        for result in self.pkg_tests_results:
569            logging.info(result)
570        self._print_delimiter();
573    def quick_test_package_update_iteration(self, iteration):
574        """Update state and print log per package iteration.
575           Must be called to have a proper package test result tracking.
576        """
577        self.pkg_iter = iteration
578        if self.pkg_name is None:
579            logging.error('Error: no quick package is running')
580            raise error.TestFail('Error: no quick package is running')
581        logging.info('Starting %s Test Package iteration %d',
582                     self.pkg_name, iteration)
585    def quick_test_package_end(self):
586        """Print final result of a test package"""
587        if self.pkg_fail_count > 0:
588            logging.error('===> Test Package Failed! More than one failure')
589            self._print_delimiter();
590            raise error.TestFail(self.bat_tests_results)
591        elif self.pkg_testna_count > 0:
592            logging.error('===> Test Package Passed! Some TestNA results')
593            self._print_delimiter();
594            raise error.TestNAError(self.bat_tests_results)
595        elif self.pkg_warn_count > 0:
596            logging.error('===> Test Package Passed! Some WARN results')
597            self._print_delimiter();
598            raise error.TestWarn(self.bat_tests_results)
599        else:
600            logging.info('===> Test Package Passed! zero failures')
601            self._print_delimiter();
602        self.pkg_is_running = False
605    def quick_test_cleanup(self):
606        """ Cleanup any state test server and all device"""
608        # Clear any raspi devices at very end of test
609        for device_list in self.active_test_devices.values():
610            for device in device_list:
611                if device is not None:
612                    self.clear_raspi_device(device)
613                    self.device_set_powered(device, False)
615        # Reset the adapter
616        self.test_reset_on_adapter()
617        # Initialize bluetooth_adapter_tests class (also clears self.fails)
618        self.initialize()
621    @staticmethod
622    def quick_test_mtbf_decorator(timeout_mins, test_name):
623        """A decorator enabling a test to be run as a MTBF test, it will run
624           the underlying test in a infinite loop until it fails or timeout is
625           reached, in both cases the time elapsed time will be reported.
627           @param timeout_mins: the max execution time of the test, once the
628                                time is up the test will report success and exit
629           @param test_name: the MTBF test name to be output to the dashboard
630        """
632        def decorator(batch_method):
633            """A decorator wrapper of the decorated batch_method.
634               @param batch_method: the batch method being decorated.
635               @returns the wrapper of the batch method.
636            """
638            @functools.wraps(batch_method)
639            def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
640                """A wrapper of the decorated method"""
641                self.mtbf_end = False
642                mtbf_timer = threading.Timer(
643                    timeout_mins * 60, self.mtbf_timeout)
644                mtbf_timer.start()
645                start_time = time.time()
646                board = self.host.get_board().split(':')[1]
647                model = self.host.get_model_from_cros_config()
648                build = self.host.get_release_version()
649                milestone = 'M' + self.host.get_chromeos_release_milestone()
650                in_lab = site_utils.host_in_lab(self.host.hostname)
651                while True:
652                    with self.mtbf_end_lock:
653                        # The test ran the full duration without failure
654                        if self.mtbf_end:
655                            self.report_mtbf_result(
656                                True, start_time, test_name, model, build,
657                                milestone, board, in_lab)
658                            break
659                    try:
660                        batch_method(self, *args, **kwargs)
661                    except Exception as e:
662                        logging.info("Caught a failure: %r", e)
663                        self.report_mtbf_result(
664                            False, start_time, test_name, model, build,
665                            milestone, board, in_lab)
666                        # Don't report the test run as failed for MTBF
667                        self.fails = []
668                        break
670                mtbf_timer.cancel()
672            return wrapper
674        return decorator
677    def mtbf_timeout(self):
678        """Handle time out event of a MTBF test"""
679        with self.mtbf_end_lock:
680            self.mtbf_end = True
683    def report_mtbf_result(self, success, start_time, test_name, model, build,
684        milestone, board, in_lab):
685        """Report MTBF result by uploading it to GCS"""
686        duration_secs = int(time.time() - start_time)
687        start_time = int(start_time)
688        gm_time_struct = time.localtime(start_time)
689        output_file_name = self.GCS_MTBF_BUCKET + \
690                           time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d/', gm_time_struct) + \
691                           time.strftime('%H-%M-%S.csv', gm_time_struct)
693        mtbf_result = '{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7}'.format(
694            model, build, milestone, start_time * 1000000, duration_secs,
695            success, test_name, board)
696        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp_file:
697            tmp_file.write(mtbf_result.encode('utf-8'))
698            tmp_file.flush()
699            cmd = 'gsutil cp {0} {1}'.format(tmp_file.name, output_file_name)
700            logging.info('Result to upload %s %s', mtbf_result, cmd)
701            # Only upload the result when running in the lab.
702            if in_lab:
703                logging.info('Uploading result')
704                utils.run(cmd)