1# Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
7#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13# limitations under the License.
15"""oauth2client Service account credentials class."""
17import base64
18import copy
19import datetime
20import json
21import time
23import oauth2client
24from oauth2client import _helpers
25from oauth2client import client
26from oauth2client import crypt
27from oauth2client import transport
28from oauth2client import util
31_PASSWORD_DEFAULT = 'notasecret'
32_PKCS12_KEY = '_private_key_pkcs12'
33_PKCS12_ERROR = r"""
34This library only implements PKCS#12 support via the pyOpenSSL library.
35Either install pyOpenSSL, or please convert the .p12 file
36to .pem format:
37    $ cat key.p12 | \
38    >   openssl pkcs12 -nodes -nocerts -passin pass:notasecret | \
39    >   openssl rsa > key.pem
43class ServiceAccountCredentials(client.AssertionCredentials):
44    """Service Account credential for OAuth 2.0 signed JWT grants.
46    Supports
48    * JSON keyfile (typically contains a PKCS8 key stored as
49      PEM text)
50    * ``.p12`` key (stores PKCS12 key and certificate)
52    Makes an assertion to server using a signed JWT assertion in exchange
53    for an access token.
55    This credential does not require a flow to instantiate because it
56    represents a two legged flow, and therefore has all of the required
57    information to generate and refresh its own access tokens.
59    Args:
60        service_account_email: string, The email associated with the
61                               service account.
62        signer: ``crypt.Signer``, A signer which can be used to sign content.
63        scopes: List or string, (Optional) Scopes to use when acquiring
64                an access token.
65        private_key_id: string, (Optional) Private key identifier. Typically
66                        only used with a JSON keyfile. Can be sent in the
67                        header of a JWT token assertion.
68        client_id: string, (Optional) Client ID for the project that owns the
69                   service account.
70        user_agent: string, (Optional) User agent to use when sending
71                    request.
72        token_uri: string, URI for token endpoint. For convenience defaults
73                   to Google's endpoints but any OAuth 2.0 provider can be
74                   used.
75        revoke_uri: string, URI for revoke endpoint.  For convenience defaults
76                   to Google's endpoints but any OAuth 2.0 provider can be
77                   used.
78        kwargs: dict, Extra key-value pairs (both strings) to send in the
79                payload body when making an assertion.
80    """
83    """Max lifetime of the token (one hour, in seconds)."""
86        frozenset(['_signer']) |
87        client.AssertionCredentials.NON_SERIALIZED_MEMBERS)
88    """Members that aren't serialized when object is converted to JSON."""
90    # Can be over-ridden by factory constructors. Used for
91    # serialization/deserialization purposes.
92    _private_key_pkcs8_pem = None
93    _private_key_pkcs12 = None
94    _private_key_password = None
96    def __init__(self,
97                 service_account_email,
98                 signer,
99                 scopes='',
100                 private_key_id=None,
101                 client_id=None,
102                 user_agent=None,
103                 token_uri=oauth2client.GOOGLE_TOKEN_URI,
104                 revoke_uri=oauth2client.GOOGLE_REVOKE_URI,
105                 **kwargs):
107        super(ServiceAccountCredentials, self).__init__(
108            None, user_agent=user_agent, token_uri=token_uri,
109            revoke_uri=revoke_uri)
111        self._service_account_email = service_account_email
112        self._signer = signer
113        self._scopes = util.scopes_to_string(scopes)
114        self._private_key_id = private_key_id
115        self.client_id = client_id
116        self._user_agent = user_agent
117        self._kwargs = kwargs
119    def _to_json(self, strip, to_serialize=None):
120        """Utility function that creates JSON repr. of a credentials object.
122        Over-ride is needed since PKCS#12 keys will not in general be JSON
123        serializable.
125        Args:
126            strip: array, An array of names of members to exclude from the
127                   JSON.
128            to_serialize: dict, (Optional) The properties for this object
129                          that will be serialized. This allows callers to
130                          modify before serializing.
132        Returns:
133            string, a JSON representation of this instance, suitable to pass to
134            from_json().
135        """
136        if to_serialize is None:
137            to_serialize = copy.copy(self.__dict__)
138        pkcs12_val = to_serialize.get(_PKCS12_KEY)
139        if pkcs12_val is not None:
140            to_serialize[_PKCS12_KEY] = base64.b64encode(pkcs12_val)
141        return super(ServiceAccountCredentials, self)._to_json(
142            strip, to_serialize=to_serialize)
144    @classmethod
145    def _from_parsed_json_keyfile(cls, keyfile_dict, scopes,
146                                  token_uri=None, revoke_uri=None):
147        """Helper for factory constructors from JSON keyfile.
149        Args:
150            keyfile_dict: dict-like object, The parsed dictionary-like object
151                          containing the contents of the JSON keyfile.
152            scopes: List or string, Scopes to use when acquiring an
153                    access token.
154            token_uri: string, URI for OAuth 2.0 provider token endpoint.
155                       If unset and not present in keyfile_dict, defaults
156                       to Google's endpoints.
157            revoke_uri: string, URI for OAuth 2.0 provider revoke endpoint.
158                       If unset and not present in keyfile_dict, defaults
159                       to Google's endpoints.
161        Returns:
162            ServiceAccountCredentials, a credentials object created from
163            the keyfile contents.
165        Raises:
166            ValueError, if the credential type is not :data:`SERVICE_ACCOUNT`.
167            KeyError, if one of the expected keys is not present in
168                the keyfile.
169        """
170        creds_type = keyfile_dict.get('type')
171        if creds_type != client.SERVICE_ACCOUNT:
172            raise ValueError('Unexpected credentials type', creds_type,
173                             'Expected', client.SERVICE_ACCOUNT)
175        service_account_email = keyfile_dict['client_email']
176        private_key_pkcs8_pem = keyfile_dict['private_key']
177        private_key_id = keyfile_dict['private_key_id']
178        client_id = keyfile_dict['client_id']
179        if not token_uri:
180            token_uri = keyfile_dict.get('token_uri',
181                                         oauth2client.GOOGLE_TOKEN_URI)
182        if not revoke_uri:
183            revoke_uri = keyfile_dict.get('revoke_uri',
184                                          oauth2client.GOOGLE_REVOKE_URI)
186        signer = crypt.Signer.from_string(private_key_pkcs8_pem)
187        credentials = cls(service_account_email, signer, scopes=scopes,
188                          private_key_id=private_key_id,
189                          client_id=client_id, token_uri=token_uri,
190                          revoke_uri=revoke_uri)
191        credentials._private_key_pkcs8_pem = private_key_pkcs8_pem
192        return credentials
194    @classmethod
195    def from_json_keyfile_name(cls, filename, scopes='',
196                               token_uri=None, revoke_uri=None):
198        """Factory constructor from JSON keyfile by name.
200        Args:
201            filename: string, The location of the keyfile.
202            scopes: List or string, (Optional) Scopes to use when acquiring an
203                    access token.
204            token_uri: string, URI for OAuth 2.0 provider token endpoint.
205                       If unset and not present in the key file, defaults
206                       to Google's endpoints.
207            revoke_uri: string, URI for OAuth 2.0 provider revoke endpoint.
208                       If unset and not present in the key file, defaults
209                       to Google's endpoints.
211        Returns:
212            ServiceAccountCredentials, a credentials object created from
213            the keyfile.
215        Raises:
216            ValueError, if the credential type is not :data:`SERVICE_ACCOUNT`.
217            KeyError, if one of the expected keys is not present in
218                the keyfile.
219        """
220        with open(filename, 'r') as file_obj:
221            client_credentials = json.load(file_obj)
222        return cls._from_parsed_json_keyfile(client_credentials, scopes,
223                                             token_uri=token_uri,
224                                             revoke_uri=revoke_uri)
226    @classmethod
227    def from_json_keyfile_dict(cls, keyfile_dict, scopes='',
228                               token_uri=None, revoke_uri=None):
229        """Factory constructor from parsed JSON keyfile.
231        Args:
232            keyfile_dict: dict-like object, The parsed dictionary-like object
233                          containing the contents of the JSON keyfile.
234            scopes: List or string, (Optional) Scopes to use when acquiring an
235                    access token.
236            token_uri: string, URI for OAuth 2.0 provider token endpoint.
237                       If unset and not present in keyfile_dict, defaults
238                       to Google's endpoints.
239            revoke_uri: string, URI for OAuth 2.0 provider revoke endpoint.
240                       If unset and not present in keyfile_dict, defaults
241                       to Google's endpoints.
243        Returns:
244            ServiceAccountCredentials, a credentials object created from
245            the keyfile.
247        Raises:
248            ValueError, if the credential type is not :data:`SERVICE_ACCOUNT`.
249            KeyError, if one of the expected keys is not present in
250                the keyfile.
251        """
252        return cls._from_parsed_json_keyfile(keyfile_dict, scopes,
253                                             token_uri=token_uri,
254                                             revoke_uri=revoke_uri)
256    @classmethod
257    def _from_p12_keyfile_contents(cls, service_account_email,
258                                   private_key_pkcs12,
259                                   private_key_password=None, scopes='',
260                                   token_uri=oauth2client.GOOGLE_TOKEN_URI,
261                                   revoke_uri=oauth2client.GOOGLE_REVOKE_URI):
262        """Factory constructor from JSON keyfile.
264        Args:
265            service_account_email: string, The email associated with the
266                                   service account.
267            private_key_pkcs12: string, The contents of a PKCS#12 keyfile.
268            private_key_password: string, (Optional) Password for PKCS#12
269                                  private key. Defaults to ``notasecret``.
270            scopes: List or string, (Optional) Scopes to use when acquiring an
271                    access token.
272            token_uri: string, URI for token endpoint. For convenience defaults
273                       to Google's endpoints but any OAuth 2.0 provider can be
274                       used.
275            revoke_uri: string, URI for revoke endpoint. For convenience
276                        defaults to Google's endpoints but any OAuth 2.0
277                        provider can be used.
279        Returns:
280            ServiceAccountCredentials, a credentials object created from
281            the keyfile.
283        Raises:
284            NotImplementedError if pyOpenSSL is not installed / not the
285            active crypto library.
286        """
287        if private_key_password is None:
288            private_key_password = _PASSWORD_DEFAULT
289        if crypt.Signer is not crypt.OpenSSLSigner:
290            raise NotImplementedError(_PKCS12_ERROR)
291        signer = crypt.Signer.from_string(private_key_pkcs12,
292                                          private_key_password)
293        credentials = cls(service_account_email, signer, scopes=scopes,
294                          token_uri=token_uri, revoke_uri=revoke_uri)
295        credentials._private_key_pkcs12 = private_key_pkcs12
296        credentials._private_key_password = private_key_password
297        return credentials
299    @classmethod
300    def from_p12_keyfile(cls, service_account_email, filename,
301                         private_key_password=None, scopes='',
302                         token_uri=oauth2client.GOOGLE_TOKEN_URI,
303                         revoke_uri=oauth2client.GOOGLE_REVOKE_URI):
305        """Factory constructor from JSON keyfile.
307        Args:
308            service_account_email: string, The email associated with the
309                                   service account.
310            filename: string, The location of the PKCS#12 keyfile.
311            private_key_password: string, (Optional) Password for PKCS#12
312                                  private key. Defaults to ``notasecret``.
313            scopes: List or string, (Optional) Scopes to use when acquiring an
314                    access token.
315            token_uri: string, URI for token endpoint. For convenience defaults
316                       to Google's endpoints but any OAuth 2.0 provider can be
317                       used.
318            revoke_uri: string, URI for revoke endpoint. For convenience
319                        defaults to Google's endpoints but any OAuth 2.0
320                        provider can be used.
322        Returns:
323            ServiceAccountCredentials, a credentials object created from
324            the keyfile.
326        Raises:
327            NotImplementedError if pyOpenSSL is not installed / not the
328            active crypto library.
329        """
330        with open(filename, 'rb') as file_obj:
331            private_key_pkcs12 = file_obj.read()
332        return cls._from_p12_keyfile_contents(
333            service_account_email, private_key_pkcs12,
334            private_key_password=private_key_password, scopes=scopes,
335            token_uri=token_uri, revoke_uri=revoke_uri)
337    @classmethod
338    def from_p12_keyfile_buffer(cls, service_account_email, file_buffer,
339                                private_key_password=None, scopes='',
340                                token_uri=oauth2client.GOOGLE_TOKEN_URI,
341                                revoke_uri=oauth2client.GOOGLE_REVOKE_URI):
342        """Factory constructor from JSON keyfile.
344        Args:
345            service_account_email: string, The email associated with the
346                                   service account.
347            file_buffer: stream, A buffer that implements ``read()``
348                         and contains the PKCS#12 key contents.
349            private_key_password: string, (Optional) Password for PKCS#12
350                                  private key. Defaults to ``notasecret``.
351            scopes: List or string, (Optional) Scopes to use when acquiring an
352                    access token.
353            token_uri: string, URI for token endpoint. For convenience defaults
354                       to Google's endpoints but any OAuth 2.0 provider can be
355                       used.
356            revoke_uri: string, URI for revoke endpoint. For convenience
357                        defaults to Google's endpoints but any OAuth 2.0
358                        provider can be used.
360        Returns:
361            ServiceAccountCredentials, a credentials object created from
362            the keyfile.
364        Raises:
365            NotImplementedError if pyOpenSSL is not installed / not the
366            active crypto library.
367        """
368        private_key_pkcs12 = file_buffer.read()
369        return cls._from_p12_keyfile_contents(
370            service_account_email, private_key_pkcs12,
371            private_key_password=private_key_password, scopes=scopes,
372            token_uri=token_uri, revoke_uri=revoke_uri)
374    def _generate_assertion(self):
375        """Generate the assertion that will be used in the request."""
376        now = int(time.time())
377        payload = {
378            'aud': self.token_uri,
379            'scope': self._scopes,
380            'iat': now,
381            'exp': now + self.MAX_TOKEN_LIFETIME_SECS,
382            'iss': self._service_account_email,
383        }
384        payload.update(self._kwargs)
385        return crypt.make_signed_jwt(self._signer, payload,
386                                     key_id=self._private_key_id)
388    def sign_blob(self, blob):
389        """Cryptographically sign a blob (of bytes).
391        Implements abstract method
392        :meth:`oauth2client.client.AssertionCredentials.sign_blob`.
394        Args:
395            blob: bytes, Message to be signed.
397        Returns:
398            tuple, A pair of the private key ID used to sign the blob and
399            the signed contents.
400        """
401        return self._private_key_id, self._signer.sign(blob)
403    @property
404    def service_account_email(self):
405        """Get the email for the current service account.
407        Returns:
408            string, The email associated with the service account.
409        """
410        return self._service_account_email
412    @property
413    def serialization_data(self):
414        # NOTE: This is only useful for JSON keyfile.
415        return {
416            'type': 'service_account',
417            'client_email': self._service_account_email,
418            'private_key_id': self._private_key_id,
419            'private_key': self._private_key_pkcs8_pem,
420            'client_id': self.client_id,
421        }
423    @classmethod
424    def from_json(cls, json_data):
425        """Deserialize a JSON-serialized instance.
427        Inverse to :meth:`to_json`.
429        Args:
430            json_data: dict or string, Serialized JSON (as a string or an
431                       already parsed dictionary) representing a credential.
433        Returns:
434            ServiceAccountCredentials from the serialized data.
435        """
436        if not isinstance(json_data, dict):
437            json_data = json.loads(_helpers._from_bytes(json_data))
439        private_key_pkcs8_pem = None
440        pkcs12_val = json_data.get(_PKCS12_KEY)
441        password = None
442        if pkcs12_val is None:
443            private_key_pkcs8_pem = json_data['_private_key_pkcs8_pem']
444            signer = crypt.Signer.from_string(private_key_pkcs8_pem)
445        else:
446            # NOTE: This assumes that private_key_pkcs8_pem is not also
447            #       in the serialized data. This would be very incorrect
448            #       state.
449            pkcs12_val = base64.b64decode(pkcs12_val)
450            password = json_data['_private_key_password']
451            signer = crypt.Signer.from_string(pkcs12_val, password)
453        credentials = cls(
454            json_data['_service_account_email'],
455            signer,
456            scopes=json_data['_scopes'],
457            private_key_id=json_data['_private_key_id'],
458            client_id=json_data['client_id'],
459            user_agent=json_data['_user_agent'],
460            **json_data['_kwargs']
461        )
462        if private_key_pkcs8_pem is not None:
463            credentials._private_key_pkcs8_pem = private_key_pkcs8_pem
464        if pkcs12_val is not None:
465            credentials._private_key_pkcs12 = pkcs12_val
466        if password is not None:
467            credentials._private_key_password = password
468        credentials.invalid = json_data['invalid']
469        credentials.access_token = json_data['access_token']
470        credentials.token_uri = json_data['token_uri']
471        credentials.revoke_uri = json_data['revoke_uri']
472        token_expiry = json_data.get('token_expiry', None)
473        if token_expiry is not None:
474            credentials.token_expiry = datetime.datetime.strptime(
475                token_expiry, client.EXPIRY_FORMAT)
476        return credentials
478    def create_scoped_required(self):
479        return not self._scopes
481    def create_scoped(self, scopes):
482        result = self.__class__(self._service_account_email,
483                                self._signer,
484                                scopes=scopes,
485                                private_key_id=self._private_key_id,
486                                client_id=self.client_id,
487                                user_agent=self._user_agent,
488                                **self._kwargs)
489        result.token_uri = self.token_uri
490        result.revoke_uri = self.revoke_uri
491        result._private_key_pkcs8_pem = self._private_key_pkcs8_pem
492        result._private_key_pkcs12 = self._private_key_pkcs12
493        result._private_key_password = self._private_key_password
494        return result
496    def create_with_claims(self, claims):
497        """Create credentials that specify additional claims.
499        Args:
500            claims: dict, key-value pairs for claims.
502        Returns:
503            ServiceAccountCredentials, a copy of the current service account
504            credentials with updated claims to use when obtaining access
505            tokens.
506        """
507        new_kwargs = dict(self._kwargs)
508        new_kwargs.update(claims)
509        result = self.__class__(self._service_account_email,
510                                self._signer,
511                                scopes=self._scopes,
512                                private_key_id=self._private_key_id,
513                                client_id=self.client_id,
514                                user_agent=self._user_agent,
515                                **new_kwargs)
516        result.token_uri = self.token_uri
517        result.revoke_uri = self.revoke_uri
518        result._private_key_pkcs8_pem = self._private_key_pkcs8_pem
519        result._private_key_pkcs12 = self._private_key_pkcs12
520        result._private_key_password = self._private_key_password
521        return result
523    def create_delegated(self, sub):
524        """Create credentials that act as domain-wide delegation of authority.
526        Use the ``sub`` parameter as the subject to delegate on behalf of
527        that user.
529        For example::
531          >>> account_sub = 'foo@email.com'
532          >>> delegate_creds = creds.create_delegated(account_sub)
534        Args:
535            sub: string, An email address that this service account will
536                 act on behalf of (via domain-wide delegation).
538        Returns:
539            ServiceAccountCredentials, a copy of the current service account
540            updated to act on behalf of ``sub``.
541        """
542        return self.create_with_claims({'sub': sub})
545def _datetime_to_secs(utc_time):
546    # TODO(issue 298): use time_delta.total_seconds()
547    # time_delta.total_seconds() not supported in Python 2.6
548    epoch = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)
549    time_delta = utc_time - epoch
550    return time_delta.days * 86400 + time_delta.seconds
553class _JWTAccessCredentials(ServiceAccountCredentials):
554    """Self signed JWT credentials.
556    Makes an assertion to server using a self signed JWT from service account
557    credentials.  These credentials do NOT use OAuth 2.0 and instead
558    authenticate directly.
559    """
561    """Max lifetime of the token (one hour, in seconds)."""
563    def __init__(self,
564                 service_account_email,
565                 signer,
566                 scopes=None,
567                 private_key_id=None,
568                 client_id=None,
569                 user_agent=None,
570                 token_uri=oauth2client.GOOGLE_TOKEN_URI,
571                 revoke_uri=oauth2client.GOOGLE_REVOKE_URI,
572                 additional_claims=None):
573        if additional_claims is None:
574            additional_claims = {}
575        super(_JWTAccessCredentials, self).__init__(
576            service_account_email,
577            signer,
578            private_key_id=private_key_id,
579            client_id=client_id,
580            user_agent=user_agent,
581            token_uri=token_uri,
582            revoke_uri=revoke_uri,
583            **additional_claims)
585    def authorize(self, http):
586        """Authorize an httplib2.Http instance with a JWT assertion.
588        Unless specified, the 'aud' of the assertion will be the base
589        uri of the request.
591        Args:
592            http: An instance of ``httplib2.Http`` or something that acts
593                  like it.
594        Returns:
595            A modified instance of http that was passed in.
596        Example::
597            h = httplib2.Http()
598            h = credentials.authorize(h)
599        """
600        transport.wrap_http_for_jwt_access(self, http)
601        return http
603    def get_access_token(self, http=None, additional_claims=None):
604        """Create a signed jwt.
606        Args:
607            http: unused
608            additional_claims: dict, additional claims to add to
609                the payload of the JWT.
610        Returns:
611            An AccessTokenInfo with the signed jwt
612        """
613        if additional_claims is None:
614            if self.access_token is None or self.access_token_expired:
615                self.refresh(None)
616            return client.AccessTokenInfo(
617              access_token=self.access_token, expires_in=self._expires_in())
618        else:
619            # Create a 1 time token
620            token, unused_expiry = self._create_token(additional_claims)
621            return client.AccessTokenInfo(
622              access_token=token, expires_in=self._MAX_TOKEN_LIFETIME_SECS)
624    def revoke(self, http):
625        """Cannot revoke JWTAccessCredentials tokens."""
626        pass
628    def create_scoped_required(self):
629        # JWTAccessCredentials are unscoped by definition
630        return True
632    def create_scoped(self, scopes, token_uri=oauth2client.GOOGLE_TOKEN_URI,
633                      revoke_uri=oauth2client.GOOGLE_REVOKE_URI):
634        # Returns an OAuth2 credentials with the given scope
635        result = ServiceAccountCredentials(self._service_account_email,
636                                           self._signer,
637                                           scopes=scopes,
638                                           private_key_id=self._private_key_id,
639                                           client_id=self.client_id,
640                                           user_agent=self._user_agent,
641                                           token_uri=token_uri,
642                                           revoke_uri=revoke_uri,
643                                           **self._kwargs)
644        if self._private_key_pkcs8_pem is not None:
645            result._private_key_pkcs8_pem = self._private_key_pkcs8_pem
646        if self._private_key_pkcs12 is not None:
647            result._private_key_pkcs12 = self._private_key_pkcs12
648        if self._private_key_password is not None:
649            result._private_key_password = self._private_key_password
650        return result
652    def refresh(self, http):
653        self._refresh(None)
655    def _refresh(self, http_request):
656        self.access_token, self.token_expiry = self._create_token()
658    def _create_token(self, additional_claims=None):
659        now = client._UTCNOW()
660        lifetime = datetime.timedelta(seconds=self._MAX_TOKEN_LIFETIME_SECS)
661        expiry = now + lifetime
662        payload = {
663            'iat': _datetime_to_secs(now),
664            'exp': _datetime_to_secs(expiry),
665            'iss': self._service_account_email,
666            'sub': self._service_account_email
667        }
668        payload.update(self._kwargs)
669        if additional_claims is not None:
670            payload.update(additional_claims)
671        jwt = crypt.make_signed_jwt(self._signer, payload,
672                                    key_id=self._private_key_id)
673        return jwt.decode('ascii'), expiry