1# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5import contextlib
6import logging
7import os
8import random
9import re
10from xml.etree import ElementTree
12from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import utils as common_utils
13from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
14from autotest_lib.server.cros import lockfile
19def lock(filename):
20    """Prevents other autotest/tradefed instances from accessing cache.
22    @param filename: The file to be locked.
23    """
24    filelock = lockfile.FileLock(filename)
25    # It is tempting just to call filelock.acquire(3600). But the implementation
26    # has very poor temporal granularity (timeout/10), which is unsuitable for
27    # our needs. See /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/lockfile/
28    attempts = 0
29    while not filelock.i_am_locking():
30        try:
31            attempts += 1
32            logging.info('Waiting for cache lock...')
33            # We must not use a random integer as the filelock implementations
34            # may underflow an integer division.
35            filelock.acquire(random.uniform(0.0, pow(2.0, attempts)))
36        except (lockfile.AlreadyLocked, lockfile.LockTimeout):
37            # Our goal is to wait long enough to be sure something very bad
38            # happened to the locking thread. 11 attempts is between 15 and
39            # 30 minutes.
40            if attempts > 11:
41                # Normally we should aqcuire the lock immediately. Once we
42                # wait on the order of 10 minutes either the dev server IO is
43                # overloaded or a lock didn't get cleaned up. Take one for the
44                # team, break the lock and report a failure. This should fix
45                # the lock for following tests. If the failure affects more than
46                # one job look for a deadlock or dev server overload.
47                age = filelock.age_of_lock()
48                logging.error('Permanent lock failure. Lock age = %d.', age)
49                # Breaking a lock is a destructive operation that causes
50                # abort of locking jobs, cleanup and redowloading of cache
51                # contents. When the error was due to overloaded server,
52                # it cause even more cascade of lock errors. Wait 4 hours
53                # before breaking the lock. Tasks inside the critical section
54                # is about downloading a few gigabytes of files. Taking 4 hours
55                # strongly implies the job had went wrong.
56                if age > 4 * 60 * 60:
57                    logging.error('Trying to break lock.')
58                    filelock.break_lock()
59                raise error.TestFail('Error: permanent cache lock failure.')
60        else:
61            logging.info('Acquired cache lock after %d attempts.', attempts)
62    try:
63        yield
64    finally:
65        filelock.release()
66        logging.info('Released cache lock.')
70def adb_keepalive(targets, extra_paths):
71    """A context manager that keeps the adb connection alive.
73    AdbKeepalive will spin off a new process that will continuously poll for
74    adb's connected state, and will attempt to reconnect if it ever goes down.
75    This is the only way we can currently recover safely from (intentional)
76    reboots.
78    @param target: the hostname and port of the DUT.
79    @param extra_paths: any additional components to the PATH environment
80                        variable.
81    """
82    from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import adb_keepalive as module
83    # |__file__| returns the absolute path of the compiled bytecode of the
84    # module. We want to run the original .py file, so we need to change the
85    # extension back.
86    script_filename = module.__file__.replace('.pyc', '.py')
87    jobs = [common_utils.BgJob(
88        [script_filename, target],
89        nickname='adb_keepalive',
90        stderr_level=logging.DEBUG,
91        stdout_tee=common_utils.TEE_TO_LOGS,
92        stderr_tee=common_utils.TEE_TO_LOGS,
93        extra_paths=extra_paths) for target in targets]
95    try:
96        yield
97    finally:
98        # The adb_keepalive.py script runs forever until SIGTERM is sent.
99        for job in jobs:
100            common_utils.nuke_subprocess(job.sp)
101        common_utils.join_bg_jobs(jobs)
104def parse_tradefed_testresults_xml(test_result_xml_path, waivers=None):
105    """ Check the result from tradefed through test_results.xml
106    @param waivers: a set() of tests which are permitted to fail.
107    """
108    waived_count = dict()
109    failed_tests = set()
110    try:
111        root = ElementTree.parse(test_result_xml_path)
112        for module in root.iter('Module'):
113            module_name = module.get('name')
114            for testcase in module.iter('TestCase'):
115                testcase_name = testcase.get('name')
116                for test in testcase.iter('Test'):
117                    test_case = test.get('name')
118                    test_res = test.get('result')
119                    test_name = '%s#%s' % (testcase_name, test_case)
121                    if test_res == "fail":
122                        test_fail = test.find('Failure')
123                        failed_message = test_fail.get('message')
124                        failed_stacktrace = test_fail.find('StackTrace').text
126                        if waivers and test_name in waivers:
127                            waived_count[test_name] = (
128                                waived_count.get(test_name, 0) + 1)
129                        else:
130                            failed_tests.add(test_name)
132        # Check for test completion.
133        for summary in root.iter('Summary'):
134            modules_done = summary.get('modules_done')
135            modules_total = summary.get('modules_total')
137        if failed_tests:
138            logging.error('Failed (but not waived) tests:\n%s',
139                          '\n'.join(sorted(failed_tests)))
141        waived = []
142        for testname, fail_count in waived_count.items():
143            waived += [testname] * fail_count
144            logging.info('Waived failure for %s %d time(s)',
145                         testname, fail_count)
146        logging.info('>> Total waived = %s', waived)
147        return waived, True
149    except Exception as e:
150        logging.warning(
151            'Exception raised in '
152            '|tradefed_utils.parse_tradefed_result_xml|: {'
153            '0}'.format(e))
155def parse_tradefed_result(result, waivers=None):
156    """Check the result from the tradefed output.
158    @param result: The result stdout string from the tradefed command.
159    @param waivers: a set() of tests which are permitted to fail.
160    @return List of the waived tests.
161    """
162    # Regular expressions for start/end messages of each test-run chunk.
163    abi_re = r'arm\S*|x86\S*'
164    # TODO(kinaba): use the current running module name.
165    module_re = r'\S+'
166    start_re = re.compile(r'(?:Start|Continu)ing (%s) %s with'
167                          r' (\d+(?:,\d+)?) test' % (abi_re, module_re))
168    end_re = re.compile(r'(%s) %s (?:complet|fail)ed in .*\.'
169                        r' (\d+) passed, (\d+) failed, (\d+) not executed' %
170                        (abi_re, module_re))
171    fail_re = re.compile(r'I/ConsoleReporter.* (\S+) fail:')
172    inaccurate_re = re.compile(r'IMPORTANT: Some modules failed to run to '
173                                'completion, tests counts may be inaccurate')
174    abis = set()
175    waived_count = dict()
176    failed_tests = set()
177    accurate = True
178    for line in result.splitlines():
179        match = start_re.search(line)
180        if match:
181            abis = abis.union([match.group(1)])
182            continue
183        match = end_re.search(line)
184        if match:
185            abi = match.group(1)
186            if abi not in abis:
187                logging.error('Trunk end with %s abi but have not seen '
188                              'any trunk start with this abi.(%s)', abi, line)
189            continue
190        match = fail_re.search(line)
191        if match:
192            testname = match.group(1)
193            if waivers and testname in waivers:
194                waived_count[testname] = waived_count.get(testname, 0) + 1
195            else:
196                failed_tests.add(testname)
197            continue
198        # b/66899135, tradefed may reported inaccuratly with `list results`.
199        # Add warning if summary section shows that the result is inacurrate.
200        match = inaccurate_re.search(line)
201        if match:
202            accurate = False
204    logging.info('Total ABIs: %s', abis)
205    if failed_tests:
206        logging.error('Failed (but not waived) tests:\n%s',
207            '\n'.join(sorted(failed_tests)))
209    # TODO(dhaddock): Find a more robust way to apply waivers.
210    waived = []
211    for testname, fail_count in waived_count.items():
212        if fail_count > len(abis):
213            # This should be an error.TestFail, but unfortunately
214            # tradefed has a bug that emits "fail" twice when a
215            # test failed during teardown. It will anyway causes
216            # a test count inconsistency and visible on the dashboard.
217            logging.error('Found %d failures for %s but there are only %d '
218                          'abis: %s', fail_count, testname, len(abis), abis)
219            fail_count = len(abis)
220        waived += [testname] * fail_count
221        logging.info('Waived failure for %s %d time(s)', testname, fail_count)
222    logging.info('Total waived = %s', waived)
223    return waived, accurate
226# A similar implementation in Java can be found at
227# https://android.googlesource.com/platform/test/suite_harness/+/refs/heads/\
228# pie-cts-dev/common/util/src/com/android/compatibility/common/util/\
229# ResultHandler.java
230def get_test_result_xml_path(results_destination):
231    """Get the path of test_result.xml from the last session.
232    Raises:
233        Should never raise!
234    """
235    try:
236        last_result_path = None
237        for dir in os.listdir(results_destination):
238            result_dir = os.path.join(results_destination, dir)
239            result_path = os.path.join(result_dir, 'test_result.xml')
240            # We use the lexicographically largest path, because |dir| are
241            # of format YYYY.MM.DD_HH.MM.SS. The last session will always
242            # have the latest date which leads to the lexicographically
243            # largest path.
244            if last_result_path and last_result_path > result_path:
245                continue
246            # We need to check for `islink` as `isdir` returns true if
247            # |result_dir| is a symbolic link to a directory.
248            if not os.path.isdir(result_dir) or os.path.islink(result_dir):
249                continue
250            if not os.path.exists(result_path):
251                continue
252            last_result_path = result_path
253        return last_result_path
254    except Exception as e:
255        logging.warning(
256            'Exception raised in '
257            '|tradefed_utils.get_test_result_xml_path|: {'
258            '0}'.format(e))
261def get_perf_metrics_from_test_result_xml(result_path, resultsdir):
262    """Parse test_result.xml and each <Metric /> is mapped to a dict that
263    can be used as kwargs of |TradefedTest.output_perf_value|.
264    Raises:
265        Should never raise!
266    """
267    try:
268        root = ElementTree.parse(result_path)
269        for module in root.iter('Module'):
270            module_name = module.get('name')
271            for testcase in module.iter('TestCase'):
272                testcase_name = testcase.get('name')
273                for test in testcase.iter('Test'):
274                    test_name = test.get('name')
275                    for metric in test.iter('Metric'):
276                        score_type = metric.get('score_type')
277                        if score_type not in ['higher_better', 'lower_better']:
278                            logging.warning(
279                                'Unsupported score_type in %s/%s/%s',
280                                module_name, testcase_name, test_name)
281                            continue
282                        higher_is_better = (score_type == 'higher_better')
283                        units = metric.get('score_unit')
284                        yield dict(
285                            description=testcase_name + '#' + test_name,
286                            value=metric[0].text,
287                            units=units,
288                            higher_is_better=higher_is_better,
289                            resultsdir=os.path.join(resultsdir, 'tests',
290                                PERF_MODULE_NAME_PREFIX + module_name)
291                        )
292    except Exception as e:
293        logging.warning(
294            'Exception raised in '
295            '|tradefed_utils.get_perf_metrics_from_test_result_xml|: {'
296            '0}'.format(e))