1 // Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 /*
6  * automatically generated by bindgen 0.49.2.
7  * From chromeos-linux v5.4 include/linux/kvm.h
8  * $ cd /path/to/kernel/v5.4/
9  * $ make headers_install ARCH=x86 INSTALL_HDR_PATH=x86_v5_4_headers
10  * $ cd x86_v5_4_headers
11  * $ bindgen --with-derive-default -o bindings.rs include/linux/kvm.h -- -Iinclude
12  */
14 #[repr(C)]
15 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
16 pub struct __BindgenBitfieldUnit<Storage, Align>
17 where
18     Storage: AsRef<[u8]> + AsMut<[u8]>,
19 {
20     storage: Storage,
21     align: [Align; 0],
22 }
23 impl<Storage, Align> __BindgenBitfieldUnit<Storage, Align>
24 where
25     Storage: AsRef<[u8]> + AsMut<[u8]>,
26 {
27     #[inline]
new(storage: Storage) -> Self28     pub fn new(storage: Storage) -> Self {
29         Self { storage, align: [] }
30     }
31     #[inline]
get_bit(&self, index: usize) -> bool32     pub fn get_bit(&self, index: usize) -> bool {
33         debug_assert!(index / 8 < self.storage.as_ref().len());
34         let byte_index = index / 8;
35         let byte = self.storage.as_ref()[byte_index];
36         let bit_index = if cfg!(target_endian = "big") {
37             7 - (index % 8)
38         } else {
39             index % 8
40         };
41         let mask = 1 << bit_index;
42         byte & mask == mask
43     }
44     #[inline]
set_bit(&mut self, index: usize, val: bool)45     pub fn set_bit(&mut self, index: usize, val: bool) {
46         debug_assert!(index / 8 < self.storage.as_ref().len());
47         let byte_index = index / 8;
48         let byte = &mut self.storage.as_mut()[byte_index];
49         let bit_index = if cfg!(target_endian = "big") {
50             7 - (index % 8)
51         } else {
52             index % 8
53         };
54         let mask = 1 << bit_index;
55         if val {
56             *byte |= mask;
57         } else {
58             *byte &= !mask;
59         }
60     }
61     #[inline]
get(&self, bit_offset: usize, bit_width: u8) -> u6462     pub fn get(&self, bit_offset: usize, bit_width: u8) -> u64 {
63         debug_assert!(bit_width <= 64);
64         debug_assert!(bit_offset / 8 < self.storage.as_ref().len());
65         debug_assert!((bit_offset + (bit_width as usize)) / 8 <= self.storage.as_ref().len());
66         let mut val = 0;
67         for i in 0..(bit_width as usize) {
68             if self.get_bit(i + bit_offset) {
69                 let index = if cfg!(target_endian = "big") {
70                     bit_width as usize - 1 - i
71                 } else {
72                     i
73                 };
74                 val |= 1 << index;
75             }
76         }
77         val
78     }
79     #[inline]
set(&mut self, bit_offset: usize, bit_width: u8, val: u64)80     pub fn set(&mut self, bit_offset: usize, bit_width: u8, val: u64) {
81         debug_assert!(bit_width <= 64);
82         debug_assert!(bit_offset / 8 < self.storage.as_ref().len());
83         debug_assert!((bit_offset + (bit_width as usize)) / 8 <= self.storage.as_ref().len());
84         for i in 0..(bit_width as usize) {
85             let mask = 1 << i;
86             let val_bit_is_set = val & mask == mask;
87             let index = if cfg!(target_endian = "big") {
88                 bit_width as usize - 1 - i
89             } else {
90                 i
91             };
92             self.set_bit(index + bit_offset, val_bit_is_set);
93         }
94     }
95 }
96 #[repr(C)]
97 #[derive(Default)]
98 pub struct __IncompleteArrayField<T>(::std::marker::PhantomData<T>, [T; 0]);
99 impl<T> __IncompleteArrayField<T> {
100     #[inline]
new() -> Self101     pub fn new() -> Self {
102         __IncompleteArrayField(::std::marker::PhantomData, [])
103     }
104     #[inline]
as_ptr(&self) -> *const T105     pub unsafe fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const T {
106         ::std::mem::transmute(self)
107     }
108     #[inline]
as_mut_ptr(&mut self) -> *mut T109     pub unsafe fn as_mut_ptr(&mut self) -> *mut T {
110         ::std::mem::transmute(self)
111     }
112     #[inline]
as_slice(&self, len: usize) -> &[T]113     pub unsafe fn as_slice(&self, len: usize) -> &[T] {
114         ::std::slice::from_raw_parts(self.as_ptr(), len)
115     }
116     #[inline]
as_mut_slice(&mut self, len: usize) -> &mut [T]117     pub unsafe fn as_mut_slice(&mut self, len: usize) -> &mut [T] {
118         ::std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(self.as_mut_ptr(), len)
119     }
120 }
121 impl<T> ::std::fmt::Debug for __IncompleteArrayField<T> {
fmt(&self, fmt: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::std::fmt::Result122     fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::std::fmt::Result {
123         fmt.write_str("__IncompleteArrayField")
124     }
125 }
126 impl<T> ::std::clone::Clone for __IncompleteArrayField<T> {
127     #[inline]
clone(&self) -> Self128     fn clone(&self) -> Self {
129         Self::new()
130     }
131 }
132 #[repr(C)]
133 pub struct __BindgenUnionField<T>(::std::marker::PhantomData<T>);
134 impl<T> __BindgenUnionField<T> {
135     #[inline]
new() -> Self136     pub fn new() -> Self {
137         __BindgenUnionField(::std::marker::PhantomData)
138     }
139     #[inline]
as_ref(&self) -> &T140     pub unsafe fn as_ref(&self) -> &T {
141         ::std::mem::transmute(self)
142     }
143     #[inline]
as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T144     pub unsafe fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
145         ::std::mem::transmute(self)
146     }
147 }
148 impl<T> ::std::default::Default for __BindgenUnionField<T> {
149     #[inline]
default() -> Self150     fn default() -> Self {
151         Self::new()
152     }
153 }
154 impl<T> ::std::clone::Clone for __BindgenUnionField<T> {
155     #[inline]
clone(&self) -> Self156     fn clone(&self) -> Self {
157         Self::new()
158     }
159 }
160 impl<T> ::std::marker::Copy for __BindgenUnionField<T> {}
161 impl<T> ::std::fmt::Debug for __BindgenUnionField<T> {
fmt(&self, fmt: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::std::fmt::Result162     fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::std::fmt::Result {
163         fmt.write_str("__BindgenUnionField")
164     }
165 }
166 impl<T> ::std::hash::Hash for __BindgenUnionField<T> {
hash<H: ::std::hash::Hasher>(&self, _state: &mut H)167     fn hash<H: ::std::hash::Hasher>(&self, _state: &mut H) {}
168 }
169 impl<T> ::std::cmp::PartialEq for __BindgenUnionField<T> {
eq(&self, _other: &__BindgenUnionField<T>) -> bool170     fn eq(&self, _other: &__BindgenUnionField<T>) -> bool {
171         true
172     }
173 }
174 impl<T> ::std::cmp::Eq for __BindgenUnionField<T> {}
175 pub const __BITS_PER_LONG: u32 = 64;
176 pub const __FD_SETSIZE: u32 = 1024;
177 pub const _IOC_NRBITS: u32 = 8;
178 pub const _IOC_TYPEBITS: u32 = 8;
179 pub const _IOC_SIZEBITS: u32 = 14;
180 pub const _IOC_DIRBITS: u32 = 2;
181 pub const _IOC_NRMASK: u32 = 255;
182 pub const _IOC_TYPEMASK: u32 = 255;
183 pub const _IOC_SIZEMASK: u32 = 16383;
184 pub const _IOC_DIRMASK: u32 = 3;
185 pub const _IOC_NRSHIFT: u32 = 0;
186 pub const _IOC_TYPESHIFT: u32 = 8;
187 pub const _IOC_SIZESHIFT: u32 = 16;
188 pub const _IOC_DIRSHIFT: u32 = 30;
189 pub const _IOC_NONE: u32 = 0;
190 pub const _IOC_WRITE: u32 = 1;
191 pub const _IOC_READ: u32 = 2;
192 pub const IOC_IN: u32 = 1073741824;
193 pub const IOC_OUT: u32 = 2147483648;
194 pub const IOC_INOUT: u32 = 3221225472;
195 pub const IOCSIZE_MASK: u32 = 1073676288;
196 pub const IOCSIZE_SHIFT: u32 = 16;
197 pub const KVM_PIO_PAGE_OFFSET: u32 = 1;
198 pub const KVM_COALESCED_MMIO_PAGE_OFFSET: u32 = 2;
199 pub const DE_VECTOR: u32 = 0;
200 pub const DB_VECTOR: u32 = 1;
201 pub const BP_VECTOR: u32 = 3;
202 pub const OF_VECTOR: u32 = 4;
203 pub const BR_VECTOR: u32 = 5;
204 pub const UD_VECTOR: u32 = 6;
205 pub const NM_VECTOR: u32 = 7;
206 pub const DF_VECTOR: u32 = 8;
207 pub const TS_VECTOR: u32 = 10;
208 pub const NP_VECTOR: u32 = 11;
209 pub const SS_VECTOR: u32 = 12;
210 pub const GP_VECTOR: u32 = 13;
211 pub const PF_VECTOR: u32 = 14;
212 pub const MF_VECTOR: u32 = 16;
213 pub const AC_VECTOR: u32 = 17;
214 pub const MC_VECTOR: u32 = 18;
215 pub const XM_VECTOR: u32 = 19;
216 pub const VE_VECTOR: u32 = 20;
217 pub const KVM_NR_INTERRUPTS: u32 = 256;
218 pub const KVM_IOAPIC_NUM_PINS: u32 = 24;
219 pub const KVM_IRQCHIP_PIC_MASTER: u32 = 0;
220 pub const KVM_IRQCHIP_PIC_SLAVE: u32 = 1;
221 pub const KVM_IRQCHIP_IOAPIC: u32 = 2;
222 pub const KVM_NR_IRQCHIPS: u32 = 3;
223 pub const KVM_RUN_X86_SMM: u32 = 1;
224 pub const KVM_APIC_REG_SIZE: u32 = 1024;
225 pub const KVM_CPUID_FLAG_SIGNIFCANT_INDEX: u32 = 1;
226 pub const KVM_CPUID_FLAG_STATEFUL_FUNC: u32 = 2;
227 pub const KVM_CPUID_FLAG_STATE_READ_NEXT: u32 = 4;
228 pub const KVM_GUESTDBG_USE_SW_BP: u32 = 65536;
229 pub const KVM_GUESTDBG_USE_HW_BP: u32 = 131072;
230 pub const KVM_GUESTDBG_INJECT_DB: u32 = 262144;
231 pub const KVM_GUESTDBG_INJECT_BP: u32 = 524288;
232 pub const KVM_PIT_FLAGS_HPET_LEGACY: u32 = 1;
233 pub const KVM_VCPUEVENT_VALID_NMI_PENDING: u32 = 1;
234 pub const KVM_VCPUEVENT_VALID_SIPI_VECTOR: u32 = 2;
235 pub const KVM_VCPUEVENT_VALID_SHADOW: u32 = 4;
236 pub const KVM_VCPUEVENT_VALID_SMM: u32 = 8;
237 pub const KVM_VCPUEVENT_VALID_PAYLOAD: u32 = 16;
238 pub const KVM_X86_SHADOW_INT_MOV_SS: u32 = 1;
239 pub const KVM_X86_SHADOW_INT_STI: u32 = 2;
240 pub const KVM_MAX_XCRS: u32 = 16;
241 pub const KVM_SYNC_X86_REGS: u32 = 1;
242 pub const KVM_SYNC_X86_SREGS: u32 = 2;
243 pub const KVM_SYNC_X86_EVENTS: u32 = 4;
244 pub const KVM_SYNC_X86_VALID_FIELDS: u32 = 7;
245 pub const KVM_X86_QUIRK_LINT0_REENABLED: u32 = 1;
246 pub const KVM_X86_QUIRK_CD_NW_CLEARED: u32 = 2;
247 pub const KVM_X86_QUIRK_LAPIC_MMIO_HOLE: u32 = 4;
248 pub const KVM_X86_QUIRK_OUT_7E_INC_RIP: u32 = 8;
249 pub const KVM_X86_QUIRK_MISC_ENABLE_NO_MWAIT: u32 = 16;
250 pub const KVM_STATE_NESTED_FORMAT_VMX: u32 = 0;
251 pub const KVM_STATE_NESTED_FORMAT_SVM: u32 = 1;
252 pub const KVM_STATE_NESTED_GUEST_MODE: u32 = 1;
253 pub const KVM_STATE_NESTED_RUN_PENDING: u32 = 2;
254 pub const KVM_STATE_NESTED_EVMCS: u32 = 4;
255 pub const KVM_STATE_NESTED_SMM_GUEST_MODE: u32 = 1;
256 pub const KVM_STATE_NESTED_SMM_VMXON: u32 = 2;
257 pub const KVM_STATE_NESTED_VMX_VMCS_SIZE: u32 = 4096;
258 pub const KVM_PMU_EVENT_ALLOW: u32 = 0;
259 pub const KVM_PMU_EVENT_DENY: u32 = 1;
260 pub const KVM_API_VERSION: u32 = 12;
261 pub const KVM_TRC_SHIFT: u32 = 16;
262 pub const KVM_TRC_ENTRYEXIT: u32 = 65536;
263 pub const KVM_TRC_HANDLER: u32 = 131072;
264 pub const KVM_TRC_VMENTRY: u32 = 65537;
265 pub const KVM_TRC_VMEXIT: u32 = 65538;
266 pub const KVM_TRC_PAGE_FAULT: u32 = 131073;
267 pub const KVM_TRC_HEAD_SIZE: u32 = 12;
268 pub const KVM_TRC_CYCLE_SIZE: u32 = 8;
269 pub const KVM_TRC_EXTRA_MAX: u32 = 7;
270 pub const KVM_TRC_INJ_VIRQ: u32 = 131074;
271 pub const KVM_TRC_REDELIVER_EVT: u32 = 131075;
272 pub const KVM_TRC_PEND_INTR: u32 = 131076;
273 pub const KVM_TRC_IO_READ: u32 = 131077;
274 pub const KVM_TRC_IO_WRITE: u32 = 131078;
275 pub const KVM_TRC_CR_READ: u32 = 131079;
276 pub const KVM_TRC_CR_WRITE: u32 = 131080;
277 pub const KVM_TRC_DR_READ: u32 = 131081;
278 pub const KVM_TRC_DR_WRITE: u32 = 131082;
279 pub const KVM_TRC_MSR_READ: u32 = 131083;
280 pub const KVM_TRC_MSR_WRITE: u32 = 131084;
281 pub const KVM_TRC_CPUID: u32 = 131085;
282 pub const KVM_TRC_INTR: u32 = 131086;
283 pub const KVM_TRC_NMI: u32 = 131087;
284 pub const KVM_TRC_VMMCALL: u32 = 131088;
285 pub const KVM_TRC_HLT: u32 = 131089;
286 pub const KVM_TRC_CLTS: u32 = 131090;
287 pub const KVM_TRC_LMSW: u32 = 131091;
288 pub const KVM_TRC_APIC_ACCESS: u32 = 131092;
289 pub const KVM_TRC_TDP_FAULT: u32 = 131093;
290 pub const KVM_TRC_GTLB_WRITE: u32 = 131094;
291 pub const KVM_TRC_STLB_WRITE: u32 = 131095;
292 pub const KVM_TRC_STLB_INVAL: u32 = 131096;
293 pub const KVM_TRC_PPC_INSTR: u32 = 131097;
294 pub const KVM_MEM_LOG_DIRTY_PAGES: u32 = 1;
295 pub const KVM_MEM_READONLY: u32 = 2;
296 pub const KVM_PIT_SPEAKER_DUMMY: u32 = 1;
297 pub const KVM_S390_CMMA_PEEK: u32 = 1;
298 pub const KVM_EXIT_HYPERV_SYNIC: u32 = 1;
299 pub const KVM_EXIT_HYPERV_HCALL: u32 = 2;
300 pub const KVM_S390_GET_SKEYS_NONE: u32 = 1;
301 pub const KVM_S390_SKEYS_MAX: u32 = 1048576;
302 pub const KVM_EXIT_UNKNOWN: u32 = 0;
303 pub const KVM_EXIT_EXCEPTION: u32 = 1;
304 pub const KVM_EXIT_IO: u32 = 2;
305 pub const KVM_EXIT_HYPERCALL: u32 = 3;
306 pub const KVM_EXIT_DEBUG: u32 = 4;
307 pub const KVM_EXIT_HLT: u32 = 5;
308 pub const KVM_EXIT_MMIO: u32 = 6;
309 pub const KVM_EXIT_IRQ_WINDOW_OPEN: u32 = 7;
310 pub const KVM_EXIT_SHUTDOWN: u32 = 8;
311 pub const KVM_EXIT_FAIL_ENTRY: u32 = 9;
312 pub const KVM_EXIT_INTR: u32 = 10;
313 pub const KVM_EXIT_SET_TPR: u32 = 11;
314 pub const KVM_EXIT_TPR_ACCESS: u32 = 12;
315 pub const KVM_EXIT_S390_SIEIC: u32 = 13;
316 pub const KVM_EXIT_S390_RESET: u32 = 14;
317 pub const KVM_EXIT_DCR: u32 = 15;
318 pub const KVM_EXIT_NMI: u32 = 16;
319 pub const KVM_EXIT_INTERNAL_ERROR: u32 = 17;
320 pub const KVM_EXIT_OSI: u32 = 18;
321 pub const KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL: u32 = 19;
322 pub const KVM_EXIT_S390_UCONTROL: u32 = 20;
323 pub const KVM_EXIT_WATCHDOG: u32 = 21;
324 pub const KVM_EXIT_S390_TSCH: u32 = 22;
325 pub const KVM_EXIT_EPR: u32 = 23;
326 pub const KVM_EXIT_SYSTEM_EVENT: u32 = 24;
327 pub const KVM_EXIT_S390_STSI: u32 = 25;
328 pub const KVM_EXIT_IOAPIC_EOI: u32 = 26;
329 pub const KVM_EXIT_HYPERV: u32 = 27;
330 pub const KVM_INTERNAL_ERROR_EMULATION: u32 = 1;
331 pub const KVM_INTERNAL_ERROR_SIMUL_EX: u32 = 2;
332 pub const KVM_INTERNAL_ERROR_DELIVERY_EV: u32 = 3;
334 pub const KVM_EXIT_IO_IN: u32 = 0;
335 pub const KVM_EXIT_IO_OUT: u32 = 1;
336 pub const KVM_S390_RESET_POR: u32 = 1;
337 pub const KVM_S390_RESET_CLEAR: u32 = 2;
338 pub const KVM_S390_RESET_SUBSYSTEM: u32 = 4;
339 pub const KVM_S390_RESET_CPU_INIT: u32 = 8;
340 pub const KVM_S390_RESET_IPL: u32 = 16;
341 pub const KVM_SYSTEM_EVENT_SHUTDOWN: u32 = 1;
342 pub const KVM_SYSTEM_EVENT_RESET: u32 = 2;
343 pub const KVM_SYSTEM_EVENT_CRASH: u32 = 3;
344 pub const SYNC_REGS_SIZE_BYTES: u32 = 2048;
345 pub const KVM_S390_MEMOP_LOGICAL_READ: u32 = 0;
346 pub const KVM_S390_MEMOP_LOGICAL_WRITE: u32 = 1;
347 pub const KVM_S390_MEMOP_F_CHECK_ONLY: u32 = 1;
348 pub const KVM_S390_MEMOP_F_INJECT_EXCEPTION: u32 = 2;
349 pub const KVM_MP_STATE_RUNNABLE: u32 = 0;
350 pub const KVM_MP_STATE_UNINITIALIZED: u32 = 1;
351 pub const KVM_MP_STATE_INIT_RECEIVED: u32 = 2;
352 pub const KVM_MP_STATE_HALTED: u32 = 3;
353 pub const KVM_MP_STATE_SIPI_RECEIVED: u32 = 4;
354 pub const KVM_MP_STATE_STOPPED: u32 = 5;
355 pub const KVM_MP_STATE_CHECK_STOP: u32 = 6;
356 pub const KVM_MP_STATE_OPERATING: u32 = 7;
357 pub const KVM_MP_STATE_LOAD: u32 = 8;
358 pub const KVM_S390_SIGP_STOP: u32 = 4294836224;
359 pub const KVM_S390_PROGRAM_INT: u32 = 4294836225;
360 pub const KVM_S390_SIGP_SET_PREFIX: u32 = 4294836226;
361 pub const KVM_S390_RESTART: u32 = 4294836227;
362 pub const KVM_S390_INT_PFAULT_INIT: u32 = 4294836228;
363 pub const KVM_S390_INT_PFAULT_DONE: u32 = 4294836229;
364 pub const KVM_S390_MCHK: u32 = 4294840320;
365 pub const KVM_S390_INT_CLOCK_COMP: u32 = 4294905860;
366 pub const KVM_S390_INT_CPU_TIMER: u32 = 4294905861;
367 pub const KVM_S390_INT_VIRTIO: u32 = 4294911491;
368 pub const KVM_S390_INT_SERVICE: u32 = 4294910977;
369 pub const KVM_S390_INT_EMERGENCY: u32 = 4294906369;
370 pub const KVM_S390_INT_EXTERNAL_CALL: u32 = 4294906370;
371 pub const KVM_S390_INT_IO_MIN: u32 = 0;
372 pub const KVM_S390_INT_IO_MAX: u32 = 4294836223;
373 pub const KVM_S390_INT_IO_AI_MASK: u32 = 67108864;
374 pub const KVM_S390_PGM_FLAGS_ILC_VALID: u32 = 1;
375 pub const KVM_S390_PGM_FLAGS_ILC_0: u32 = 2;
376 pub const KVM_S390_PGM_FLAGS_ILC_1: u32 = 4;
377 pub const KVM_S390_PGM_FLAGS_ILC_MASK: u32 = 6;
378 pub const KVM_S390_PGM_FLAGS_NO_REWIND: u32 = 8;
379 pub const KVM_S390_STOP_FLAG_STORE_STATUS: u32 = 1;
380 pub const KVM_GUESTDBG_ENABLE: u32 = 1;
381 pub const KVM_GUESTDBG_SINGLESTEP: u32 = 2;
382 pub const KVM_X86_DISABLE_EXITS_MWAIT: u32 = 1;
383 pub const KVM_X86_DISABLE_EXITS_HLT: u32 = 2;
384 pub const KVM_X86_DISABLE_EXITS_PAUSE: u32 = 4;
385 pub const KVM_X86_DISABLE_EXITS_CSTATE: u32 = 8;
386 pub const KVM_X86_DISABLE_VALID_EXITS: u32 = 15;
387 pub const KVM_PPC_PVINFO_FLAGS_EV_IDLE: u32 = 1;
388 pub const KVM_PPC_PAGE_SIZES_MAX_SZ: u32 = 8;
389 pub const KVM_PPC_PAGE_SIZES_REAL: u32 = 1;
390 pub const KVM_PPC_1T_SEGMENTS: u32 = 2;
391 pub const KVM_PPC_NO_HASH: u32 = 4;
392 pub const KVMIO: u32 = 174;
393 pub const KVM_VM_S390_UCONTROL: u32 = 1;
394 pub const KVM_VM_PPC_HV: u32 = 1;
395 pub const KVM_VM_PPC_PR: u32 = 2;
396 pub const KVM_VM_MIPS_AUTO: u32 = 0;
397 pub const KVM_VM_MIPS_VZ: u32 = 1;
398 pub const KVM_VM_MIPS_TE: u32 = 2;
399 pub const KVM_S390_SIE_PAGE_OFFSET: u32 = 1;
400 pub const KVM_VM_TYPE_ARM_IPA_SIZE_MASK: u32 = 255;
401 pub const KVM_CAP_IRQCHIP: u32 = 0;
402 pub const KVM_CAP_HLT: u32 = 1;
403 pub const KVM_CAP_MMU_SHADOW_CACHE_CONTROL: u32 = 2;
404 pub const KVM_CAP_USER_MEMORY: u32 = 3;
405 pub const KVM_CAP_SET_TSS_ADDR: u32 = 4;
406 pub const KVM_CAP_VAPIC: u32 = 6;
407 pub const KVM_CAP_EXT_CPUID: u32 = 7;
408 pub const KVM_CAP_CLOCKSOURCE: u32 = 8;
409 pub const KVM_CAP_NR_VCPUS: u32 = 9;
410 pub const KVM_CAP_NR_MEMSLOTS: u32 = 10;
411 pub const KVM_CAP_PIT: u32 = 11;
412 pub const KVM_CAP_NOP_IO_DELAY: u32 = 12;
413 pub const KVM_CAP_PV_MMU: u32 = 13;
414 pub const KVM_CAP_MP_STATE: u32 = 14;
415 pub const KVM_CAP_COALESCED_MMIO: u32 = 15;
416 pub const KVM_CAP_SYNC_MMU: u32 = 16;
417 pub const KVM_CAP_IOMMU: u32 = 18;
418 pub const KVM_CAP_DESTROY_MEMORY_REGION_WORKS: u32 = 21;
419 pub const KVM_CAP_USER_NMI: u32 = 22;
420 pub const KVM_CAP_SET_GUEST_DEBUG: u32 = 23;
421 pub const KVM_CAP_REINJECT_CONTROL: u32 = 24;
422 pub const KVM_CAP_IRQ_ROUTING: u32 = 25;
423 pub const KVM_CAP_IRQ_INJECT_STATUS: u32 = 26;
424 pub const KVM_CAP_ASSIGN_DEV_IRQ: u32 = 29;
425 pub const KVM_CAP_JOIN_MEMORY_REGIONS_WORKS: u32 = 30;
426 pub const KVM_CAP_MCE: u32 = 31;
427 pub const KVM_CAP_IRQFD: u32 = 32;
428 pub const KVM_CAP_PIT2: u32 = 33;
429 pub const KVM_CAP_SET_BOOT_CPU_ID: u32 = 34;
430 pub const KVM_CAP_PIT_STATE2: u32 = 35;
431 pub const KVM_CAP_IOEVENTFD: u32 = 36;
432 pub const KVM_CAP_SET_IDENTITY_MAP_ADDR: u32 = 37;
433 pub const KVM_CAP_XEN_HVM: u32 = 38;
434 pub const KVM_CAP_ADJUST_CLOCK: u32 = 39;
435 pub const KVM_CAP_INTERNAL_ERROR_DATA: u32 = 40;
436 pub const KVM_CAP_VCPU_EVENTS: u32 = 41;
437 pub const KVM_CAP_S390_PSW: u32 = 42;
438 pub const KVM_CAP_PPC_SEGSTATE: u32 = 43;
439 pub const KVM_CAP_HYPERV: u32 = 44;
440 pub const KVM_CAP_HYPERV_VAPIC: u32 = 45;
441 pub const KVM_CAP_HYPERV_SPIN: u32 = 46;
442 pub const KVM_CAP_PCI_SEGMENT: u32 = 47;
443 pub const KVM_CAP_PPC_PAIRED_SINGLES: u32 = 48;
444 pub const KVM_CAP_INTR_SHADOW: u32 = 49;
445 pub const KVM_CAP_DEBUGREGS: u32 = 50;
446 pub const KVM_CAP_X86_ROBUST_SINGLESTEP: u32 = 51;
447 pub const KVM_CAP_PPC_OSI: u32 = 52;
448 pub const KVM_CAP_PPC_UNSET_IRQ: u32 = 53;
449 pub const KVM_CAP_ENABLE_CAP: u32 = 54;
450 pub const KVM_CAP_XSAVE: u32 = 55;
451 pub const KVM_CAP_XCRS: u32 = 56;
452 pub const KVM_CAP_PPC_GET_PVINFO: u32 = 57;
453 pub const KVM_CAP_PPC_IRQ_LEVEL: u32 = 58;
454 pub const KVM_CAP_ASYNC_PF: u32 = 59;
455 pub const KVM_CAP_TSC_CONTROL: u32 = 60;
456 pub const KVM_CAP_GET_TSC_KHZ: u32 = 61;
457 pub const KVM_CAP_PPC_BOOKE_SREGS: u32 = 62;
458 pub const KVM_CAP_SPAPR_TCE: u32 = 63;
459 pub const KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT: u32 = 64;
460 pub const KVM_CAP_PPC_RMA: u32 = 65;
461 pub const KVM_CAP_MAX_VCPUS: u32 = 66;
462 pub const KVM_CAP_PPC_HIOR: u32 = 67;
463 pub const KVM_CAP_PPC_PAPR: u32 = 68;
464 pub const KVM_CAP_SW_TLB: u32 = 69;
465 pub const KVM_CAP_ONE_REG: u32 = 70;
466 pub const KVM_CAP_S390_GMAP: u32 = 71;
467 pub const KVM_CAP_TSC_DEADLINE_TIMER: u32 = 72;
468 pub const KVM_CAP_S390_UCONTROL: u32 = 73;
469 pub const KVM_CAP_SYNC_REGS: u32 = 74;
470 pub const KVM_CAP_PCI_2_3: u32 = 75;
471 pub const KVM_CAP_KVMCLOCK_CTRL: u32 = 76;
472 pub const KVM_CAP_SIGNAL_MSI: u32 = 77;
473 pub const KVM_CAP_PPC_GET_SMMU_INFO: u32 = 78;
474 pub const KVM_CAP_S390_COW: u32 = 79;
475 pub const KVM_CAP_PPC_ALLOC_HTAB: u32 = 80;
476 pub const KVM_CAP_READONLY_MEM: u32 = 81;
477 pub const KVM_CAP_IRQFD_RESAMPLE: u32 = 82;
478 pub const KVM_CAP_PPC_BOOKE_WATCHDOG: u32 = 83;
479 pub const KVM_CAP_PPC_HTAB_FD: u32 = 84;
480 pub const KVM_CAP_S390_CSS_SUPPORT: u32 = 85;
481 pub const KVM_CAP_PPC_EPR: u32 = 86;
482 pub const KVM_CAP_ARM_PSCI: u32 = 87;
483 pub const KVM_CAP_ARM_SET_DEVICE_ADDR: u32 = 88;
484 pub const KVM_CAP_DEVICE_CTRL: u32 = 89;
485 pub const KVM_CAP_IRQ_MPIC: u32 = 90;
486 pub const KVM_CAP_PPC_RTAS: u32 = 91;
487 pub const KVM_CAP_IRQ_XICS: u32 = 92;
488 pub const KVM_CAP_ARM_EL1_32BIT: u32 = 93;
489 pub const KVM_CAP_SPAPR_MULTITCE: u32 = 94;
490 pub const KVM_CAP_EXT_EMUL_CPUID: u32 = 95;
491 pub const KVM_CAP_HYPERV_TIME: u32 = 96;
492 pub const KVM_CAP_IOAPIC_POLARITY_IGNORED: u32 = 97;
493 pub const KVM_CAP_ENABLE_CAP_VM: u32 = 98;
494 pub const KVM_CAP_S390_IRQCHIP: u32 = 99;
495 pub const KVM_CAP_IOEVENTFD_NO_LENGTH: u32 = 100;
496 pub const KVM_CAP_VM_ATTRIBUTES: u32 = 101;
497 pub const KVM_CAP_ARM_PSCI_0_2: u32 = 102;
498 pub const KVM_CAP_PPC_FIXUP_HCALL: u32 = 103;
499 pub const KVM_CAP_PPC_ENABLE_HCALL: u32 = 104;
500 pub const KVM_CAP_CHECK_EXTENSION_VM: u32 = 105;
501 pub const KVM_CAP_S390_USER_SIGP: u32 = 106;
502 pub const KVM_CAP_S390_VECTOR_REGISTERS: u32 = 107;
503 pub const KVM_CAP_S390_MEM_OP: u32 = 108;
504 pub const KVM_CAP_S390_USER_STSI: u32 = 109;
505 pub const KVM_CAP_S390_SKEYS: u32 = 110;
506 pub const KVM_CAP_MIPS_FPU: u32 = 111;
507 pub const KVM_CAP_MIPS_MSA: u32 = 112;
508 pub const KVM_CAP_S390_INJECT_IRQ: u32 = 113;
509 pub const KVM_CAP_S390_IRQ_STATE: u32 = 114;
510 pub const KVM_CAP_PPC_HWRNG: u32 = 115;
511 pub const KVM_CAP_DISABLE_QUIRKS: u32 = 116;
512 pub const KVM_CAP_X86_SMM: u32 = 117;
513 pub const KVM_CAP_MULTI_ADDRESS_SPACE: u32 = 118;
514 pub const KVM_CAP_GUEST_DEBUG_HW_BPS: u32 = 119;
515 pub const KVM_CAP_GUEST_DEBUG_HW_WPS: u32 = 120;
516 pub const KVM_CAP_SPLIT_IRQCHIP: u32 = 121;
517 pub const KVM_CAP_IOEVENTFD_ANY_LENGTH: u32 = 122;
518 pub const KVM_CAP_HYPERV_SYNIC: u32 = 123;
519 pub const KVM_CAP_S390_RI: u32 = 124;
520 pub const KVM_CAP_SPAPR_TCE_64: u32 = 125;
521 pub const KVM_CAP_ARM_PMU_V3: u32 = 126;
522 pub const KVM_CAP_VCPU_ATTRIBUTES: u32 = 127;
523 pub const KVM_CAP_MAX_VCPU_ID: u32 = 128;
524 pub const KVM_CAP_X2APIC_API: u32 = 129;
525 pub const KVM_CAP_S390_USER_INSTR0: u32 = 130;
526 pub const KVM_CAP_MSI_DEVID: u32 = 131;
527 pub const KVM_CAP_PPC_HTM: u32 = 132;
528 pub const KVM_CAP_SPAPR_RESIZE_HPT: u32 = 133;
529 pub const KVM_CAP_PPC_MMU_RADIX: u32 = 134;
530 pub const KVM_CAP_PPC_MMU_HASH_V3: u32 = 135;
531 pub const KVM_CAP_IMMEDIATE_EXIT: u32 = 136;
532 pub const KVM_CAP_MIPS_VZ: u32 = 137;
533 pub const KVM_CAP_MIPS_TE: u32 = 138;
534 pub const KVM_CAP_MIPS_64BIT: u32 = 139;
535 pub const KVM_CAP_S390_GS: u32 = 140;
536 pub const KVM_CAP_S390_AIS: u32 = 141;
537 pub const KVM_CAP_SPAPR_TCE_VFIO: u32 = 142;
538 pub const KVM_CAP_X86_DISABLE_EXITS: u32 = 143;
539 pub const KVM_CAP_ARM_USER_IRQ: u32 = 144;
540 pub const KVM_CAP_S390_CMMA_MIGRATION: u32 = 145;
541 pub const KVM_CAP_PPC_FWNMI: u32 = 146;
542 pub const KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT_POSSIBLE: u32 = 147;
543 pub const KVM_CAP_HYPERV_SYNIC2: u32 = 148;
544 pub const KVM_CAP_HYPERV_VP_INDEX: u32 = 149;
545 pub const KVM_CAP_S390_AIS_MIGRATION: u32 = 150;
546 pub const KVM_CAP_PPC_GET_CPU_CHAR: u32 = 151;
547 pub const KVM_CAP_S390_BPB: u32 = 152;
548 pub const KVM_CAP_GET_MSR_FEATURES: u32 = 153;
549 pub const KVM_CAP_HYPERV_EVENTFD: u32 = 154;
550 pub const KVM_CAP_HYPERV_TLBFLUSH: u32 = 155;
551 pub const KVM_CAP_S390_HPAGE_1M: u32 = 156;
552 pub const KVM_CAP_NESTED_STATE: u32 = 157;
553 pub const KVM_CAP_ARM_INJECT_SERROR_ESR: u32 = 158;
554 pub const KVM_CAP_MSR_PLATFORM_INFO: u32 = 159;
555 pub const KVM_CAP_PPC_NESTED_HV: u32 = 160;
556 pub const KVM_CAP_HYPERV_SEND_IPI: u32 = 161;
557 pub const KVM_CAP_COALESCED_PIO: u32 = 162;
558 pub const KVM_CAP_HYPERV_ENLIGHTENED_VMCS: u32 = 163;
559 pub const KVM_CAP_EXCEPTION_PAYLOAD: u32 = 164;
560 pub const KVM_CAP_ARM_VM_IPA_SIZE: u32 = 165;
561 pub const KVM_CAP_MANUAL_DIRTY_LOG_PROTECT: u32 = 166;
562 pub const KVM_CAP_HYPERV_CPUID: u32 = 167;
563 pub const KVM_CAP_MANUAL_DIRTY_LOG_PROTECT2: u32 = 168;
564 pub const KVM_CAP_PPC_IRQ_XIVE: u32 = 169;
565 pub const KVM_CAP_ARM_SVE: u32 = 170;
566 pub const KVM_CAP_ARM_PTRAUTH_ADDRESS: u32 = 171;
567 pub const KVM_CAP_ARM_PTRAUTH_GENERIC: u32 = 172;
568 pub const KVM_CAP_PMU_EVENT_FILTER: u32 = 173;
569 pub const KVM_CAP_ARM_IRQ_LINE_LAYOUT_2: u32 = 174;
570 pub const KVM_CAP_HYPERV_DIRECT_TLBFLUSH: u32 = 175;
571 // TODO(qwandor): Update this once the pKVM patches are merged upstream with a stable capability ID.
572 pub const KVM_CAP_ARM_PROTECTED_VM: u32 = 0xffbadab1;
574 pub const KVM_CAP_ARM_PROTECTED_VM_FLAGS_INFO: u32 = 1;
575 pub const KVM_IRQ_ROUTING_IRQCHIP: u32 = 1;
576 pub const KVM_IRQ_ROUTING_MSI: u32 = 2;
577 pub const KVM_IRQ_ROUTING_S390_ADAPTER: u32 = 3;
578 pub const KVM_IRQ_ROUTING_HV_SINT: u32 = 4;
579 pub const KVM_IRQFD_FLAG_DEASSIGN: u32 = 1;
580 pub const KVM_IRQFD_FLAG_RESAMPLE: u32 = 2;
581 pub const KVM_CLOCK_TSC_STABLE: u32 = 2;
582 pub const KVM_MMU_FSL_BOOKE_NOHV: u32 = 0;
583 pub const KVM_MMU_FSL_BOOKE_HV: u32 = 1;
584 pub const KVM_REG_ARCH_MASK: i64 = -72057594037927936;
585 pub const KVM_REG_GENERIC: u32 = 0;
586 pub const KVM_REG_PPC: u64 = 1152921504606846976;
587 pub const KVM_REG_X86: u64 = 2305843009213693952;
588 pub const KVM_REG_IA64: u64 = 3458764513820540928;
589 pub const KVM_REG_ARM: u64 = 4611686018427387904;
590 pub const KVM_REG_S390: u64 = 5764607523034234880;
591 pub const KVM_REG_ARM64: u64 = 6917529027641081856;
592 pub const KVM_REG_MIPS: u64 = 8070450532247928832;
593 pub const KVM_REG_RISCV: i64 = -9223372036854775808;
594 pub const KVM_REG_SIZE_SHIFT: u32 = 52;
595 pub const KVM_REG_SIZE_MASK: u64 = 67553994410557440;
596 pub const KVM_REG_SIZE_U8: u32 = 0;
597 pub const KVM_REG_SIZE_U16: u64 = 4503599627370496;
598 pub const KVM_REG_SIZE_U32: u64 = 9007199254740992;
599 pub const KVM_REG_SIZE_U64: u64 = 13510798882111488;
600 pub const KVM_REG_SIZE_U128: u64 = 18014398509481984;
601 pub const KVM_REG_SIZE_U256: u64 = 22517998136852480;
602 pub const KVM_REG_SIZE_U512: u64 = 27021597764222976;
603 pub const KVM_REG_SIZE_U1024: u64 = 31525197391593472;
604 pub const KVM_REG_SIZE_U2048: u64 = 36028797018963968;
605 pub const KVM_MSI_VALID_DEVID: u32 = 1;
606 pub const KVM_CREATE_DEVICE_TEST: u32 = 1;
607 pub const KVM_DEV_VFIO_GROUP: u32 = 1;
608 pub const KVM_DEV_VFIO_GROUP_ADD: u32 = 1;
609 pub const KVM_DEV_VFIO_GROUP_DEL: u32 = 2;
610 pub const KVM_DEV_VFIO_GROUP_SET_SPAPR_TCE: u32 = 3;
611 pub const KVM_S390_STORE_STATUS_NOADDR: i32 = -1;
612 pub const KVM_S390_STORE_STATUS_PREFIXED: i32 = -2;
613 pub const KVM_DEV_ASSIGN_ENABLE_IOMMU: u32 = 1;
614 pub const KVM_DEV_ASSIGN_PCI_2_3: u32 = 2;
615 pub const KVM_DEV_ASSIGN_MASK_INTX: u32 = 4;
616 pub const KVM_DEV_IRQ_HOST_INTX: u32 = 1;
617 pub const KVM_DEV_IRQ_HOST_MSI: u32 = 2;
618 pub const KVM_DEV_IRQ_HOST_MSIX: u32 = 4;
619 pub const KVM_DEV_IRQ_GUEST_INTX: u32 = 256;
620 pub const KVM_DEV_IRQ_GUEST_MSI: u32 = 512;
621 pub const KVM_DEV_IRQ_GUEST_MSIX: u32 = 1024;
622 pub const KVM_DEV_IRQ_HOST_MASK: u32 = 255;
623 pub const KVM_DEV_IRQ_GUEST_MASK: u32 = 65280;
624 pub const KVM_MAX_MSIX_PER_DEV: u32 = 256;
625 pub const KVM_X2APIC_API_USE_32BIT_IDS: u32 = 1;
627 pub const KVM_ARM_DEV_EL1_VTIMER: u32 = 1;
628 pub const KVM_ARM_DEV_EL1_PTIMER: u32 = 2;
629 pub const KVM_ARM_DEV_PMU: u32 = 4;
630 pub const KVM_HYPERV_CONN_ID_MASK: u32 = 16777215;
631 pub const KVM_HYPERV_EVENTFD_DEASSIGN: u32 = 1;
632 pub type __s8 = ::std::os::raw::c_schar;
633 pub type __u8 = ::std::os::raw::c_uchar;
634 pub type __s16 = ::std::os::raw::c_short;
635 pub type __u16 = ::std::os::raw::c_ushort;
636 pub type __s32 = ::std::os::raw::c_int;
637 pub type __u32 = ::std::os::raw::c_uint;
638 pub type __s64 = ::std::os::raw::c_longlong;
639 pub type __u64 = ::std::os::raw::c_ulonglong;
640 #[repr(C)]
641 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
642 pub struct __kernel_fd_set {
643     pub fds_bits: [::std::os::raw::c_ulong; 16usize],
644 }
645 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout___kernel_fd_set()646 fn bindgen_test_layout___kernel_fd_set() {
647     assert_eq!(
648         ::std::mem::size_of::<__kernel_fd_set>(),
649         128usize,
650         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(__kernel_fd_set))
651     );
652     assert_eq!(
653         ::std::mem::align_of::<__kernel_fd_set>(),
654         8usize,
655         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(__kernel_fd_set))
656     );
657     assert_eq!(
658         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<__kernel_fd_set>())).fds_bits as *const _ as usize },
659         0usize,
660         concat!(
661             "Offset of field: ",
662             stringify!(__kernel_fd_set),
663             "::",
664             stringify!(fds_bits)
665         )
666     );
667 }
668 pub type __kernel_sighandler_t =
669     ::std::option::Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(arg1: ::std::os::raw::c_int)>;
670 pub type __kernel_key_t = ::std::os::raw::c_int;
671 pub type __kernel_mqd_t = ::std::os::raw::c_int;
672 pub type __kernel_old_uid_t = ::std::os::raw::c_ushort;
673 pub type __kernel_old_gid_t = ::std::os::raw::c_ushort;
674 pub type __kernel_old_dev_t = ::std::os::raw::c_ulong;
675 pub type __kernel_long_t = ::std::os::raw::c_long;
676 pub type __kernel_ulong_t = ::std::os::raw::c_ulong;
677 pub type __kernel_ino_t = __kernel_ulong_t;
678 pub type __kernel_mode_t = ::std::os::raw::c_uint;
679 pub type __kernel_pid_t = ::std::os::raw::c_int;
680 pub type __kernel_ipc_pid_t = ::std::os::raw::c_int;
681 pub type __kernel_uid_t = ::std::os::raw::c_uint;
682 pub type __kernel_gid_t = ::std::os::raw::c_uint;
683 pub type __kernel_suseconds_t = __kernel_long_t;
684 pub type __kernel_daddr_t = ::std::os::raw::c_int;
685 pub type __kernel_uid32_t = ::std::os::raw::c_uint;
686 pub type __kernel_gid32_t = ::std::os::raw::c_uint;
687 pub type __kernel_size_t = __kernel_ulong_t;
688 pub type __kernel_ssize_t = __kernel_long_t;
689 pub type __kernel_ptrdiff_t = __kernel_long_t;
690 #[repr(C)]
691 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
692 pub struct __kernel_fsid_t {
693     pub val: [::std::os::raw::c_int; 2usize],
694 }
695 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout___kernel_fsid_t()696 fn bindgen_test_layout___kernel_fsid_t() {
697     assert_eq!(
698         ::std::mem::size_of::<__kernel_fsid_t>(),
699         8usize,
700         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(__kernel_fsid_t))
701     );
702     assert_eq!(
703         ::std::mem::align_of::<__kernel_fsid_t>(),
704         4usize,
705         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(__kernel_fsid_t))
706     );
707     assert_eq!(
708         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<__kernel_fsid_t>())).val as *const _ as usize },
709         0usize,
710         concat!(
711             "Offset of field: ",
712             stringify!(__kernel_fsid_t),
713             "::",
714             stringify!(val)
715         )
716     );
717 }
718 pub type __kernel_off_t = __kernel_long_t;
719 pub type __kernel_loff_t = ::std::os::raw::c_longlong;
720 pub type __kernel_time_t = __kernel_long_t;
721 pub type __kernel_time64_t = ::std::os::raw::c_longlong;
722 pub type __kernel_clock_t = __kernel_long_t;
723 pub type __kernel_timer_t = ::std::os::raw::c_int;
724 pub type __kernel_clockid_t = ::std::os::raw::c_int;
725 pub type __kernel_caddr_t = *mut ::std::os::raw::c_char;
726 pub type __kernel_uid16_t = ::std::os::raw::c_ushort;
727 pub type __kernel_gid16_t = ::std::os::raw::c_ushort;
728 pub type __le16 = __u16;
729 pub type __be16 = __u16;
730 pub type __le32 = __u32;
731 pub type __be32 = __u32;
732 pub type __le64 = __u64;
733 pub type __be64 = __u64;
734 pub type __sum16 = __u16;
735 pub type __wsum = __u32;
736 pub type __poll_t = ::std::os::raw::c_uint;
737 #[repr(C)]
738 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
739 pub struct kvm_memory_alias {
740     pub slot: __u32,
741     pub flags: __u32,
742     pub guest_phys_addr: __u64,
743     pub memory_size: __u64,
744     pub target_phys_addr: __u64,
745 }
746 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_memory_alias()747 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_memory_alias() {
748     assert_eq!(
749         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_memory_alias>(),
750         32usize,
751         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_memory_alias))
752     );
753     assert_eq!(
754         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_memory_alias>(),
755         8usize,
756         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_memory_alias))
757     );
758     assert_eq!(
759         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_memory_alias>())).slot as *const _ as usize },
760         0usize,
761         concat!(
762             "Offset of field: ",
763             stringify!(kvm_memory_alias),
764             "::",
765             stringify!(slot)
766         )
767     );
768     assert_eq!(
769         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_memory_alias>())).flags as *const _ as usize },
770         4usize,
771         concat!(
772             "Offset of field: ",
773             stringify!(kvm_memory_alias),
774             "::",
775             stringify!(flags)
776         )
777     );
778     assert_eq!(
779         unsafe {
780             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_memory_alias>())).guest_phys_addr as *const _ as usize
781         },
782         8usize,
783         concat!(
784             "Offset of field: ",
785             stringify!(kvm_memory_alias),
786             "::",
787             stringify!(guest_phys_addr)
788         )
789     );
790     assert_eq!(
791         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_memory_alias>())).memory_size as *const _ as usize },
792         16usize,
793         concat!(
794             "Offset of field: ",
795             stringify!(kvm_memory_alias),
796             "::",
797             stringify!(memory_size)
798         )
799     );
800     assert_eq!(
801         unsafe {
802             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_memory_alias>())).target_phys_addr as *const _ as usize
803         },
804         24usize,
805         concat!(
806             "Offset of field: ",
807             stringify!(kvm_memory_alias),
808             "::",
809             stringify!(target_phys_addr)
810         )
811     );
812 }
813 #[repr(C)]
814 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
815 pub struct kvm_pic_state {
816     pub last_irr: __u8,
817     pub irr: __u8,
818     pub imr: __u8,
819     pub isr: __u8,
820     pub priority_add: __u8,
821     pub irq_base: __u8,
822     pub read_reg_select: __u8,
823     pub poll: __u8,
824     pub special_mask: __u8,
825     pub init_state: __u8,
826     pub auto_eoi: __u8,
827     pub rotate_on_auto_eoi: __u8,
828     pub special_fully_nested_mode: __u8,
829     pub init4: __u8,
830     pub elcr: __u8,
831     pub elcr_mask: __u8,
832 }
833 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_pic_state()834 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_pic_state() {
835     assert_eq!(
836         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_pic_state>(),
837         16usize,
838         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_pic_state))
839     );
840     assert_eq!(
841         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_pic_state>(),
842         1usize,
843         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_pic_state))
844     );
845     assert_eq!(
846         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pic_state>())).last_irr as *const _ as usize },
847         0usize,
848         concat!(
849             "Offset of field: ",
850             stringify!(kvm_pic_state),
851             "::",
852             stringify!(last_irr)
853         )
854     );
855     assert_eq!(
856         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pic_state>())).irr as *const _ as usize },
857         1usize,
858         concat!(
859             "Offset of field: ",
860             stringify!(kvm_pic_state),
861             "::",
862             stringify!(irr)
863         )
864     );
865     assert_eq!(
866         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pic_state>())).imr as *const _ as usize },
867         2usize,
868         concat!(
869             "Offset of field: ",
870             stringify!(kvm_pic_state),
871             "::",
872             stringify!(imr)
873         )
874     );
875     assert_eq!(
876         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pic_state>())).isr as *const _ as usize },
877         3usize,
878         concat!(
879             "Offset of field: ",
880             stringify!(kvm_pic_state),
881             "::",
882             stringify!(isr)
883         )
884     );
885     assert_eq!(
886         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pic_state>())).priority_add as *const _ as usize },
887         4usize,
888         concat!(
889             "Offset of field: ",
890             stringify!(kvm_pic_state),
891             "::",
892             stringify!(priority_add)
893         )
894     );
895     assert_eq!(
896         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pic_state>())).irq_base as *const _ as usize },
897         5usize,
898         concat!(
899             "Offset of field: ",
900             stringify!(kvm_pic_state),
901             "::",
902             stringify!(irq_base)
903         )
904     );
905     assert_eq!(
906         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pic_state>())).read_reg_select as *const _ as usize },
907         6usize,
908         concat!(
909             "Offset of field: ",
910             stringify!(kvm_pic_state),
911             "::",
912             stringify!(read_reg_select)
913         )
914     );
915     assert_eq!(
916         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pic_state>())).poll as *const _ as usize },
917         7usize,
918         concat!(
919             "Offset of field: ",
920             stringify!(kvm_pic_state),
921             "::",
922             stringify!(poll)
923         )
924     );
925     assert_eq!(
926         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pic_state>())).special_mask as *const _ as usize },
927         8usize,
928         concat!(
929             "Offset of field: ",
930             stringify!(kvm_pic_state),
931             "::",
932             stringify!(special_mask)
933         )
934     );
935     assert_eq!(
936         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pic_state>())).init_state as *const _ as usize },
937         9usize,
938         concat!(
939             "Offset of field: ",
940             stringify!(kvm_pic_state),
941             "::",
942             stringify!(init_state)
943         )
944     );
945     assert_eq!(
946         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pic_state>())).auto_eoi as *const _ as usize },
947         10usize,
948         concat!(
949             "Offset of field: ",
950             stringify!(kvm_pic_state),
951             "::",
952             stringify!(auto_eoi)
953         )
954     );
955     assert_eq!(
956         unsafe {
957             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pic_state>())).rotate_on_auto_eoi as *const _ as usize
958         },
959         11usize,
960         concat!(
961             "Offset of field: ",
962             stringify!(kvm_pic_state),
963             "::",
964             stringify!(rotate_on_auto_eoi)
965         )
966     );
967     assert_eq!(
968         unsafe {
969             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pic_state>())).special_fully_nested_mode as *const _ as usize
970         },
971         12usize,
972         concat!(
973             "Offset of field: ",
974             stringify!(kvm_pic_state),
975             "::",
976             stringify!(special_fully_nested_mode)
977         )
978     );
979     assert_eq!(
980         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pic_state>())).init4 as *const _ as usize },
981         13usize,
982         concat!(
983             "Offset of field: ",
984             stringify!(kvm_pic_state),
985             "::",
986             stringify!(init4)
987         )
988     );
989     assert_eq!(
990         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pic_state>())).elcr as *const _ as usize },
991         14usize,
992         concat!(
993             "Offset of field: ",
994             stringify!(kvm_pic_state),
995             "::",
996             stringify!(elcr)
997         )
998     );
999     assert_eq!(
1000         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pic_state>())).elcr_mask as *const _ as usize },
1001         15usize,
1002         concat!(
1003             "Offset of field: ",
1004             stringify!(kvm_pic_state),
1005             "::",
1006             stringify!(elcr_mask)
1007         )
1008     );
1009 }
1010 #[repr(C)]
1011 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
1012 pub struct kvm_ioapic_state {
1013     pub base_address: __u64,
1014     pub ioregsel: __u32,
1015     pub id: __u32,
1016     pub irr: __u32,
1017     pub pad: __u32,
1018     pub redirtbl: [kvm_ioapic_state__bindgen_ty_1; 24usize],
1019 }
1020 #[repr(C)]
1021 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
1022 pub union kvm_ioapic_state__bindgen_ty_1 {
1023     pub bits: __u64,
1024     pub fields: kvm_ioapic_state__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1,
1025     _bindgen_union_align: u64,
1026 }
1027 #[repr(C)]
1028 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
1029 pub struct kvm_ioapic_state__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1 {
1030     pub vector: __u8,
1031     pub _bitfield_1: __BindgenBitfieldUnit<[u8; 2usize], u8>,
1032     pub reserved: [__u8; 4usize],
1033     pub dest_id: __u8,
1034 }
1035 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_ioapic_state__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1()1036 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_ioapic_state__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1() {
1037     assert_eq!(
1038         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_ioapic_state__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1>(),
1039         8usize,
1040         concat!(
1041             "Size of: ",
1042             stringify!(kvm_ioapic_state__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1)
1043         )
1044     );
1045     assert_eq!(
1046         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_ioapic_state__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1>(),
1047         1usize,
1048         concat!(
1049             "Alignment of ",
1050             stringify!(kvm_ioapic_state__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1)
1051         )
1052     );
1053     assert_eq!(
1054         unsafe {
1055             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_ioapic_state__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1>())).vector
1056                 as *const _ as usize
1057         },
1058         0usize,
1059         concat!(
1060             "Offset of field: ",
1061             stringify!(kvm_ioapic_state__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1),
1062             "::",
1063             stringify!(vector)
1064         )
1065     );
1066     assert_eq!(
1067         unsafe {
1068             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_ioapic_state__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1>())).reserved
1069                 as *const _ as usize
1070         },
1071         3usize,
1072         concat!(
1073             "Offset of field: ",
1074             stringify!(kvm_ioapic_state__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1),
1075             "::",
1076             stringify!(reserved)
1077         )
1078     );
1079     assert_eq!(
1080         unsafe {
1081             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_ioapic_state__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1>())).dest_id
1082                 as *const _ as usize
1083         },
1084         7usize,
1085         concat!(
1086             "Offset of field: ",
1087             stringify!(kvm_ioapic_state__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1),
1088             "::",
1089             stringify!(dest_id)
1090         )
1091     );
1092 }
1093 impl kvm_ioapic_state__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1 {
1094     #[inline]
delivery_mode(&self) -> __u81095     pub fn delivery_mode(&self) -> __u8 {
1096         unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(self._bitfield_1.get(0usize, 3u8) as u8) }
1097     }
1098     #[inline]
set_delivery_mode(&mut self, val: __u8)1099     pub fn set_delivery_mode(&mut self, val: __u8) {
1100         unsafe {
1101             let val: u8 = ::std::mem::transmute(val);
1102             self._bitfield_1.set(0usize, 3u8, val as u64)
1103         }
1104     }
1105     #[inline]
dest_mode(&self) -> __u81106     pub fn dest_mode(&self) -> __u8 {
1107         unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(self._bitfield_1.get(3usize, 1u8) as u8) }
1108     }
1109     #[inline]
set_dest_mode(&mut self, val: __u8)1110     pub fn set_dest_mode(&mut self, val: __u8) {
1111         unsafe {
1112             let val: u8 = ::std::mem::transmute(val);
1113             self._bitfield_1.set(3usize, 1u8, val as u64)
1114         }
1115     }
1116     #[inline]
delivery_status(&self) -> __u81117     pub fn delivery_status(&self) -> __u8 {
1118         unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(self._bitfield_1.get(4usize, 1u8) as u8) }
1119     }
1120     #[inline]
set_delivery_status(&mut self, val: __u8)1121     pub fn set_delivery_status(&mut self, val: __u8) {
1122         unsafe {
1123             let val: u8 = ::std::mem::transmute(val);
1124             self._bitfield_1.set(4usize, 1u8, val as u64)
1125         }
1126     }
1127     #[inline]
polarity(&self) -> __u81128     pub fn polarity(&self) -> __u8 {
1129         unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(self._bitfield_1.get(5usize, 1u8) as u8) }
1130     }
1131     #[inline]
set_polarity(&mut self, val: __u8)1132     pub fn set_polarity(&mut self, val: __u8) {
1133         unsafe {
1134             let val: u8 = ::std::mem::transmute(val);
1135             self._bitfield_1.set(5usize, 1u8, val as u64)
1136         }
1137     }
1138     #[inline]
remote_irr(&self) -> __u81139     pub fn remote_irr(&self) -> __u8 {
1140         unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(self._bitfield_1.get(6usize, 1u8) as u8) }
1141     }
1142     #[inline]
set_remote_irr(&mut self, val: __u8)1143     pub fn set_remote_irr(&mut self, val: __u8) {
1144         unsafe {
1145             let val: u8 = ::std::mem::transmute(val);
1146             self._bitfield_1.set(6usize, 1u8, val as u64)
1147         }
1148     }
1149     #[inline]
trig_mode(&self) -> __u81150     pub fn trig_mode(&self) -> __u8 {
1151         unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(self._bitfield_1.get(7usize, 1u8) as u8) }
1152     }
1153     #[inline]
set_trig_mode(&mut self, val: __u8)1154     pub fn set_trig_mode(&mut self, val: __u8) {
1155         unsafe {
1156             let val: u8 = ::std::mem::transmute(val);
1157             self._bitfield_1.set(7usize, 1u8, val as u64)
1158         }
1159     }
1160     #[inline]
mask(&self) -> __u81161     pub fn mask(&self) -> __u8 {
1162         unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(self._bitfield_1.get(8usize, 1u8) as u8) }
1163     }
1164     #[inline]
set_mask(&mut self, val: __u8)1165     pub fn set_mask(&mut self, val: __u8) {
1166         unsafe {
1167             let val: u8 = ::std::mem::transmute(val);
1168             self._bitfield_1.set(8usize, 1u8, val as u64)
1169         }
1170     }
1171     #[inline]
reserve(&self) -> __u81172     pub fn reserve(&self) -> __u8 {
1173         unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(self._bitfield_1.get(9usize, 7u8) as u8) }
1174     }
1175     #[inline]
set_reserve(&mut self, val: __u8)1176     pub fn set_reserve(&mut self, val: __u8) {
1177         unsafe {
1178             let val: u8 = ::std::mem::transmute(val);
1179             self._bitfield_1.set(9usize, 7u8, val as u64)
1180         }
1181     }
1182     #[inline]
new_bitfield_1( delivery_mode: __u8, dest_mode: __u8, delivery_status: __u8, polarity: __u8, remote_irr: __u8, trig_mode: __u8, mask: __u8, reserve: __u8, ) -> __BindgenBitfieldUnit<[u8; 2usize], u8>1183     pub fn new_bitfield_1(
1184         delivery_mode: __u8,
1185         dest_mode: __u8,
1186         delivery_status: __u8,
1187         polarity: __u8,
1188         remote_irr: __u8,
1189         trig_mode: __u8,
1190         mask: __u8,
1191         reserve: __u8,
1192     ) -> __BindgenBitfieldUnit<[u8; 2usize], u8> {
1193         let mut __bindgen_bitfield_unit: __BindgenBitfieldUnit<[u8; 2usize], u8> =
1194             Default::default();
1195         __bindgen_bitfield_unit.set(0usize, 3u8, {
1196             let delivery_mode: u8 = unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(delivery_mode) };
1197             delivery_mode as u64
1198         });
1199         __bindgen_bitfield_unit.set(3usize, 1u8, {
1200             let dest_mode: u8 = unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(dest_mode) };
1201             dest_mode as u64
1202         });
1203         __bindgen_bitfield_unit.set(4usize, 1u8, {
1204             let delivery_status: u8 = unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(delivery_status) };
1205             delivery_status as u64
1206         });
1207         __bindgen_bitfield_unit.set(5usize, 1u8, {
1208             let polarity: u8 = unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(polarity) };
1209             polarity as u64
1210         });
1211         __bindgen_bitfield_unit.set(6usize, 1u8, {
1212             let remote_irr: u8 = unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(remote_irr) };
1213             remote_irr as u64
1214         });
1215         __bindgen_bitfield_unit.set(7usize, 1u8, {
1216             let trig_mode: u8 = unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(trig_mode) };
1217             trig_mode as u64
1218         });
1219         __bindgen_bitfield_unit.set(8usize, 1u8, {
1220             let mask: u8 = unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(mask) };
1221             mask as u64
1222         });
1223         __bindgen_bitfield_unit.set(9usize, 7u8, {
1224             let reserve: u8 = unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(reserve) };
1225             reserve as u64
1226         });
1227         __bindgen_bitfield_unit
1228     }
1229 }
1230 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_ioapic_state__bindgen_ty_1()1231 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_ioapic_state__bindgen_ty_1() {
1232     assert_eq!(
1233         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_ioapic_state__bindgen_ty_1>(),
1234         8usize,
1235         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_ioapic_state__bindgen_ty_1))
1236     );
1237     assert_eq!(
1238         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_ioapic_state__bindgen_ty_1>(),
1239         8usize,
1240         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_ioapic_state__bindgen_ty_1))
1241     );
1242     assert_eq!(
1243         unsafe {
1244             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_ioapic_state__bindgen_ty_1>())).bits as *const _ as usize
1245         },
1246         0usize,
1247         concat!(
1248             "Offset of field: ",
1249             stringify!(kvm_ioapic_state__bindgen_ty_1),
1250             "::",
1251             stringify!(bits)
1252         )
1253     );
1254     assert_eq!(
1255         unsafe {
1256             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_ioapic_state__bindgen_ty_1>())).fields as *const _ as usize
1257         },
1258         0usize,
1259         concat!(
1260             "Offset of field: ",
1261             stringify!(kvm_ioapic_state__bindgen_ty_1),
1262             "::",
1263             stringify!(fields)
1264         )
1265     );
1266 }
1267 impl Default for kvm_ioapic_state__bindgen_ty_1 {
default() -> Self1268     fn default() -> Self {
1269         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
1270     }
1271 }
1272 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_ioapic_state()1273 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_ioapic_state() {
1274     assert_eq!(
1275         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_ioapic_state>(),
1276         216usize,
1277         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_ioapic_state))
1278     );
1279     assert_eq!(
1280         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_ioapic_state>(),
1281         8usize,
1282         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_ioapic_state))
1283     );
1284     assert_eq!(
1285         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_ioapic_state>())).base_address as *const _ as usize },
1286         0usize,
1287         concat!(
1288             "Offset of field: ",
1289             stringify!(kvm_ioapic_state),
1290             "::",
1291             stringify!(base_address)
1292         )
1293     );
1294     assert_eq!(
1295         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_ioapic_state>())).ioregsel as *const _ as usize },
1296         8usize,
1297         concat!(
1298             "Offset of field: ",
1299             stringify!(kvm_ioapic_state),
1300             "::",
1301             stringify!(ioregsel)
1302         )
1303     );
1304     assert_eq!(
1305         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_ioapic_state>())).id as *const _ as usize },
1306         12usize,
1307         concat!(
1308             "Offset of field: ",
1309             stringify!(kvm_ioapic_state),
1310             "::",
1311             stringify!(id)
1312         )
1313     );
1314     assert_eq!(
1315         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_ioapic_state>())).irr as *const _ as usize },
1316         16usize,
1317         concat!(
1318             "Offset of field: ",
1319             stringify!(kvm_ioapic_state),
1320             "::",
1321             stringify!(irr)
1322         )
1323     );
1324     assert_eq!(
1325         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_ioapic_state>())).pad as *const _ as usize },
1326         20usize,
1327         concat!(
1328             "Offset of field: ",
1329             stringify!(kvm_ioapic_state),
1330             "::",
1331             stringify!(pad)
1332         )
1333     );
1334     assert_eq!(
1335         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_ioapic_state>())).redirtbl as *const _ as usize },
1336         24usize,
1337         concat!(
1338             "Offset of field: ",
1339             stringify!(kvm_ioapic_state),
1340             "::",
1341             stringify!(redirtbl)
1342         )
1343     );
1344 }
1345 impl Default for kvm_ioapic_state {
default() -> Self1346     fn default() -> Self {
1347         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
1348     }
1349 }
1350 #[repr(C)]
1351 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
1352 pub struct kvm_regs {
1353     pub rax: __u64,
1354     pub rbx: __u64,
1355     pub rcx: __u64,
1356     pub rdx: __u64,
1357     pub rsi: __u64,
1358     pub rdi: __u64,
1359     pub rsp: __u64,
1360     pub rbp: __u64,
1361     pub r8: __u64,
1362     pub r9: __u64,
1363     pub r10: __u64,
1364     pub r11: __u64,
1365     pub r12: __u64,
1366     pub r13: __u64,
1367     pub r14: __u64,
1368     pub r15: __u64,
1369     pub rip: __u64,
1370     pub rflags: __u64,
1371 }
1372 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_regs()1373 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_regs() {
1374     assert_eq!(
1375         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_regs>(),
1376         144usize,
1377         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_regs))
1378     );
1379     assert_eq!(
1380         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_regs>(),
1381         8usize,
1382         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_regs))
1383     );
1384     assert_eq!(
1385         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_regs>())).rax as *const _ as usize },
1386         0usize,
1387         concat!(
1388             "Offset of field: ",
1389             stringify!(kvm_regs),
1390             "::",
1391             stringify!(rax)
1392         )
1393     );
1394     assert_eq!(
1395         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_regs>())).rbx as *const _ as usize },
1396         8usize,
1397         concat!(
1398             "Offset of field: ",
1399             stringify!(kvm_regs),
1400             "::",
1401             stringify!(rbx)
1402         )
1403     );
1404     assert_eq!(
1405         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_regs>())).rcx as *const _ as usize },
1406         16usize,
1407         concat!(
1408             "Offset of field: ",
1409             stringify!(kvm_regs),
1410             "::",
1411             stringify!(rcx)
1412         )
1413     );
1414     assert_eq!(
1415         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_regs>())).rdx as *const _ as usize },
1416         24usize,
1417         concat!(
1418             "Offset of field: ",
1419             stringify!(kvm_regs),
1420             "::",
1421             stringify!(rdx)
1422         )
1423     );
1424     assert_eq!(
1425         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_regs>())).rsi as *const _ as usize },
1426         32usize,
1427         concat!(
1428             "Offset of field: ",
1429             stringify!(kvm_regs),
1430             "::",
1431             stringify!(rsi)
1432         )
1433     );
1434     assert_eq!(
1435         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_regs>())).rdi as *const _ as usize },
1436         40usize,
1437         concat!(
1438             "Offset of field: ",
1439             stringify!(kvm_regs),
1440             "::",
1441             stringify!(rdi)
1442         )
1443     );
1444     assert_eq!(
1445         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_regs>())).rsp as *const _ as usize },
1446         48usize,
1447         concat!(
1448             "Offset of field: ",
1449             stringify!(kvm_regs),
1450             "::",
1451             stringify!(rsp)
1452         )
1453     );
1454     assert_eq!(
1455         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_regs>())).rbp as *const _ as usize },
1456         56usize,
1457         concat!(
1458             "Offset of field: ",
1459             stringify!(kvm_regs),
1460             "::",
1461             stringify!(rbp)
1462         )
1463     );
1464     assert_eq!(
1465         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_regs>())).r8 as *const _ as usize },
1466         64usize,
1467         concat!(
1468             "Offset of field: ",
1469             stringify!(kvm_regs),
1470             "::",
1471             stringify!(r8)
1472         )
1473     );
1474     assert_eq!(
1475         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_regs>())).r9 as *const _ as usize },
1476         72usize,
1477         concat!(
1478             "Offset of field: ",
1479             stringify!(kvm_regs),
1480             "::",
1481             stringify!(r9)
1482         )
1483     );
1484     assert_eq!(
1485         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_regs>())).r10 as *const _ as usize },
1486         80usize,
1487         concat!(
1488             "Offset of field: ",
1489             stringify!(kvm_regs),
1490             "::",
1491             stringify!(r10)
1492         )
1493     );
1494     assert_eq!(
1495         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_regs>())).r11 as *const _ as usize },
1496         88usize,
1497         concat!(
1498             "Offset of field: ",
1499             stringify!(kvm_regs),
1500             "::",
1501             stringify!(r11)
1502         )
1503     );
1504     assert_eq!(
1505         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_regs>())).r12 as *const _ as usize },
1506         96usize,
1507         concat!(
1508             "Offset of field: ",
1509             stringify!(kvm_regs),
1510             "::",
1511             stringify!(r12)
1512         )
1513     );
1514     assert_eq!(
1515         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_regs>())).r13 as *const _ as usize },
1516         104usize,
1517         concat!(
1518             "Offset of field: ",
1519             stringify!(kvm_regs),
1520             "::",
1521             stringify!(r13)
1522         )
1523     );
1524     assert_eq!(
1525         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_regs>())).r14 as *const _ as usize },
1526         112usize,
1527         concat!(
1528             "Offset of field: ",
1529             stringify!(kvm_regs),
1530             "::",
1531             stringify!(r14)
1532         )
1533     );
1534     assert_eq!(
1535         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_regs>())).r15 as *const _ as usize },
1536         120usize,
1537         concat!(
1538             "Offset of field: ",
1539             stringify!(kvm_regs),
1540             "::",
1541             stringify!(r15)
1542         )
1543     );
1544     assert_eq!(
1545         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_regs>())).rip as *const _ as usize },
1546         128usize,
1547         concat!(
1548             "Offset of field: ",
1549             stringify!(kvm_regs),
1550             "::",
1551             stringify!(rip)
1552         )
1553     );
1554     assert_eq!(
1555         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_regs>())).rflags as *const _ as usize },
1556         136usize,
1557         concat!(
1558             "Offset of field: ",
1559             stringify!(kvm_regs),
1560             "::",
1561             stringify!(rflags)
1562         )
1563     );
1564 }
1565 #[repr(C)]
1566 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
1567 pub struct kvm_lapic_state {
1568     pub regs: [::std::os::raw::c_char; 1024usize],
1569 }
1570 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_lapic_state()1571 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_lapic_state() {
1572     assert_eq!(
1573         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_lapic_state>(),
1574         1024usize,
1575         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_lapic_state))
1576     );
1577     assert_eq!(
1578         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_lapic_state>(),
1579         1usize,
1580         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_lapic_state))
1581     );
1582     assert_eq!(
1583         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_lapic_state>())).regs as *const _ as usize },
1584         0usize,
1585         concat!(
1586             "Offset of field: ",
1587             stringify!(kvm_lapic_state),
1588             "::",
1589             stringify!(regs)
1590         )
1591     );
1592 }
1593 impl Default for kvm_lapic_state {
default() -> Self1594     fn default() -> Self {
1595         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
1596     }
1597 }
1598 #[repr(C)]
1599 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
1600 pub struct kvm_segment {
1601     pub base: __u64,
1602     pub limit: __u32,
1603     pub selector: __u16,
1604     pub type_: __u8,
1605     pub present: __u8,
1606     pub dpl: __u8,
1607     pub db: __u8,
1608     pub s: __u8,
1609     pub l: __u8,
1610     pub g: __u8,
1611     pub avl: __u8,
1612     pub unusable: __u8,
1613     pub padding: __u8,
1614 }
1615 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_segment()1616 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_segment() {
1617     assert_eq!(
1618         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_segment>(),
1619         24usize,
1620         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_segment))
1621     );
1622     assert_eq!(
1623         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_segment>(),
1624         8usize,
1625         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_segment))
1626     );
1627     assert_eq!(
1628         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_segment>())).base as *const _ as usize },
1629         0usize,
1630         concat!(
1631             "Offset of field: ",
1632             stringify!(kvm_segment),
1633             "::",
1634             stringify!(base)
1635         )
1636     );
1637     assert_eq!(
1638         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_segment>())).limit as *const _ as usize },
1639         8usize,
1640         concat!(
1641             "Offset of field: ",
1642             stringify!(kvm_segment),
1643             "::",
1644             stringify!(limit)
1645         )
1646     );
1647     assert_eq!(
1648         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_segment>())).selector as *const _ as usize },
1649         12usize,
1650         concat!(
1651             "Offset of field: ",
1652             stringify!(kvm_segment),
1653             "::",
1654             stringify!(selector)
1655         )
1656     );
1657     assert_eq!(
1658         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_segment>())).type_ as *const _ as usize },
1659         14usize,
1660         concat!(
1661             "Offset of field: ",
1662             stringify!(kvm_segment),
1663             "::",
1664             stringify!(type_)
1665         )
1666     );
1667     assert_eq!(
1668         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_segment>())).present as *const _ as usize },
1669         15usize,
1670         concat!(
1671             "Offset of field: ",
1672             stringify!(kvm_segment),
1673             "::",
1674             stringify!(present)
1675         )
1676     );
1677     assert_eq!(
1678         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_segment>())).dpl as *const _ as usize },
1679         16usize,
1680         concat!(
1681             "Offset of field: ",
1682             stringify!(kvm_segment),
1683             "::",
1684             stringify!(dpl)
1685         )
1686     );
1687     assert_eq!(
1688         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_segment>())).db as *const _ as usize },
1689         17usize,
1690         concat!(
1691             "Offset of field: ",
1692             stringify!(kvm_segment),
1693             "::",
1694             stringify!(db)
1695         )
1696     );
1697     assert_eq!(
1698         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_segment>())).s as *const _ as usize },
1699         18usize,
1700         concat!(
1701             "Offset of field: ",
1702             stringify!(kvm_segment),
1703             "::",
1704             stringify!(s)
1705         )
1706     );
1707     assert_eq!(
1708         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_segment>())).l as *const _ as usize },
1709         19usize,
1710         concat!(
1711             "Offset of field: ",
1712             stringify!(kvm_segment),
1713             "::",
1714             stringify!(l)
1715         )
1716     );
1717     assert_eq!(
1718         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_segment>())).g as *const _ as usize },
1719         20usize,
1720         concat!(
1721             "Offset of field: ",
1722             stringify!(kvm_segment),
1723             "::",
1724             stringify!(g)
1725         )
1726     );
1727     assert_eq!(
1728         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_segment>())).avl as *const _ as usize },
1729         21usize,
1730         concat!(
1731             "Offset of field: ",
1732             stringify!(kvm_segment),
1733             "::",
1734             stringify!(avl)
1735         )
1736     );
1737     assert_eq!(
1738         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_segment>())).unusable as *const _ as usize },
1739         22usize,
1740         concat!(
1741             "Offset of field: ",
1742             stringify!(kvm_segment),
1743             "::",
1744             stringify!(unusable)
1745         )
1746     );
1747     assert_eq!(
1748         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_segment>())).padding as *const _ as usize },
1749         23usize,
1750         concat!(
1751             "Offset of field: ",
1752             stringify!(kvm_segment),
1753             "::",
1754             stringify!(padding)
1755         )
1756     );
1757 }
1758 #[repr(C)]
1759 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
1760 pub struct kvm_dtable {
1761     pub base: __u64,
1762     pub limit: __u16,
1763     pub padding: [__u16; 3usize],
1764 }
1765 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_dtable()1766 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_dtable() {
1767     assert_eq!(
1768         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_dtable>(),
1769         16usize,
1770         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_dtable))
1771     );
1772     assert_eq!(
1773         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_dtable>(),
1774         8usize,
1775         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_dtable))
1776     );
1777     assert_eq!(
1778         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_dtable>())).base as *const _ as usize },
1779         0usize,
1780         concat!(
1781             "Offset of field: ",
1782             stringify!(kvm_dtable),
1783             "::",
1784             stringify!(base)
1785         )
1786     );
1787     assert_eq!(
1788         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_dtable>())).limit as *const _ as usize },
1789         8usize,
1790         concat!(
1791             "Offset of field: ",
1792             stringify!(kvm_dtable),
1793             "::",
1794             stringify!(limit)
1795         )
1796     );
1797     assert_eq!(
1798         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_dtable>())).padding as *const _ as usize },
1799         10usize,
1800         concat!(
1801             "Offset of field: ",
1802             stringify!(kvm_dtable),
1803             "::",
1804             stringify!(padding)
1805         )
1806     );
1807 }
1808 #[repr(C)]
1809 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
1810 pub struct kvm_sregs {
1811     pub cs: kvm_segment,
1812     pub ds: kvm_segment,
1813     pub es: kvm_segment,
1814     pub fs: kvm_segment,
1815     pub gs: kvm_segment,
1816     pub ss: kvm_segment,
1817     pub tr: kvm_segment,
1818     pub ldt: kvm_segment,
1819     pub gdt: kvm_dtable,
1820     pub idt: kvm_dtable,
1821     pub cr0: __u64,
1822     pub cr2: __u64,
1823     pub cr3: __u64,
1824     pub cr4: __u64,
1825     pub cr8: __u64,
1826     pub efer: __u64,
1827     pub apic_base: __u64,
1828     pub interrupt_bitmap: [__u64; 4usize],
1829 }
1830 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_sregs()1831 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_sregs() {
1832     assert_eq!(
1833         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_sregs>(),
1834         312usize,
1835         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_sregs))
1836     );
1837     assert_eq!(
1838         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_sregs>(),
1839         8usize,
1840         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_sregs))
1841     );
1842     assert_eq!(
1843         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sregs>())).cs as *const _ as usize },
1844         0usize,
1845         concat!(
1846             "Offset of field: ",
1847             stringify!(kvm_sregs),
1848             "::",
1849             stringify!(cs)
1850         )
1851     );
1852     assert_eq!(
1853         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sregs>())).ds as *const _ as usize },
1854         24usize,
1855         concat!(
1856             "Offset of field: ",
1857             stringify!(kvm_sregs),
1858             "::",
1859             stringify!(ds)
1860         )
1861     );
1862     assert_eq!(
1863         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sregs>())).es as *const _ as usize },
1864         48usize,
1865         concat!(
1866             "Offset of field: ",
1867             stringify!(kvm_sregs),
1868             "::",
1869             stringify!(es)
1870         )
1871     );
1872     assert_eq!(
1873         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sregs>())).fs as *const _ as usize },
1874         72usize,
1875         concat!(
1876             "Offset of field: ",
1877             stringify!(kvm_sregs),
1878             "::",
1879             stringify!(fs)
1880         )
1881     );
1882     assert_eq!(
1883         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sregs>())).gs as *const _ as usize },
1884         96usize,
1885         concat!(
1886             "Offset of field: ",
1887             stringify!(kvm_sregs),
1888             "::",
1889             stringify!(gs)
1890         )
1891     );
1892     assert_eq!(
1893         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sregs>())).ss as *const _ as usize },
1894         120usize,
1895         concat!(
1896             "Offset of field: ",
1897             stringify!(kvm_sregs),
1898             "::",
1899             stringify!(ss)
1900         )
1901     );
1902     assert_eq!(
1903         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sregs>())).tr as *const _ as usize },
1904         144usize,
1905         concat!(
1906             "Offset of field: ",
1907             stringify!(kvm_sregs),
1908             "::",
1909             stringify!(tr)
1910         )
1911     );
1912     assert_eq!(
1913         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sregs>())).ldt as *const _ as usize },
1914         168usize,
1915         concat!(
1916             "Offset of field: ",
1917             stringify!(kvm_sregs),
1918             "::",
1919             stringify!(ldt)
1920         )
1921     );
1922     assert_eq!(
1923         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sregs>())).gdt as *const _ as usize },
1924         192usize,
1925         concat!(
1926             "Offset of field: ",
1927             stringify!(kvm_sregs),
1928             "::",
1929             stringify!(gdt)
1930         )
1931     );
1932     assert_eq!(
1933         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sregs>())).idt as *const _ as usize },
1934         208usize,
1935         concat!(
1936             "Offset of field: ",
1937             stringify!(kvm_sregs),
1938             "::",
1939             stringify!(idt)
1940         )
1941     );
1942     assert_eq!(
1943         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sregs>())).cr0 as *const _ as usize },
1944         224usize,
1945         concat!(
1946             "Offset of field: ",
1947             stringify!(kvm_sregs),
1948             "::",
1949             stringify!(cr0)
1950         )
1951     );
1952     assert_eq!(
1953         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sregs>())).cr2 as *const _ as usize },
1954         232usize,
1955         concat!(
1956             "Offset of field: ",
1957             stringify!(kvm_sregs),
1958             "::",
1959             stringify!(cr2)
1960         )
1961     );
1962     assert_eq!(
1963         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sregs>())).cr3 as *const _ as usize },
1964         240usize,
1965         concat!(
1966             "Offset of field: ",
1967             stringify!(kvm_sregs),
1968             "::",
1969             stringify!(cr3)
1970         )
1971     );
1972     assert_eq!(
1973         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sregs>())).cr4 as *const _ as usize },
1974         248usize,
1975         concat!(
1976             "Offset of field: ",
1977             stringify!(kvm_sregs),
1978             "::",
1979             stringify!(cr4)
1980         )
1981     );
1982     assert_eq!(
1983         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sregs>())).cr8 as *const _ as usize },
1984         256usize,
1985         concat!(
1986             "Offset of field: ",
1987             stringify!(kvm_sregs),
1988             "::",
1989             stringify!(cr8)
1990         )
1991     );
1992     assert_eq!(
1993         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sregs>())).efer as *const _ as usize },
1994         264usize,
1995         concat!(
1996             "Offset of field: ",
1997             stringify!(kvm_sregs),
1998             "::",
1999             stringify!(efer)
2000         )
2001     );
2002     assert_eq!(
2003         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sregs>())).apic_base as *const _ as usize },
2004         272usize,
2005         concat!(
2006             "Offset of field: ",
2007             stringify!(kvm_sregs),
2008             "::",
2009             stringify!(apic_base)
2010         )
2011     );
2012     assert_eq!(
2013         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sregs>())).interrupt_bitmap as *const _ as usize },
2014         280usize,
2015         concat!(
2016             "Offset of field: ",
2017             stringify!(kvm_sregs),
2018             "::",
2019             stringify!(interrupt_bitmap)
2020         )
2021     );
2022 }
2023 #[repr(C)]
2024 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
2025 pub struct kvm_fpu {
2026     pub fpr: [[__u8; 16usize]; 8usize],
2027     pub fcw: __u16,
2028     pub fsw: __u16,
2029     pub ftwx: __u8,
2030     pub pad1: __u8,
2031     pub last_opcode: __u16,
2032     pub last_ip: __u64,
2033     pub last_dp: __u64,
2034     pub xmm: [[__u8; 16usize]; 16usize],
2035     pub mxcsr: __u32,
2036     pub pad2: __u32,
2037 }
2038 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_fpu()2039 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_fpu() {
2040     assert_eq!(
2041         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_fpu>(),
2042         416usize,
2043         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_fpu))
2044     );
2045     assert_eq!(
2046         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_fpu>(),
2047         8usize,
2048         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_fpu))
2049     );
2050     assert_eq!(
2051         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_fpu>())).fpr as *const _ as usize },
2052         0usize,
2053         concat!(
2054             "Offset of field: ",
2055             stringify!(kvm_fpu),
2056             "::",
2057             stringify!(fpr)
2058         )
2059     );
2060     assert_eq!(
2061         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_fpu>())).fcw as *const _ as usize },
2062         128usize,
2063         concat!(
2064             "Offset of field: ",
2065             stringify!(kvm_fpu),
2066             "::",
2067             stringify!(fcw)
2068         )
2069     );
2070     assert_eq!(
2071         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_fpu>())).fsw as *const _ as usize },
2072         130usize,
2073         concat!(
2074             "Offset of field: ",
2075             stringify!(kvm_fpu),
2076             "::",
2077             stringify!(fsw)
2078         )
2079     );
2080     assert_eq!(
2081         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_fpu>())).ftwx as *const _ as usize },
2082         132usize,
2083         concat!(
2084             "Offset of field: ",
2085             stringify!(kvm_fpu),
2086             "::",
2087             stringify!(ftwx)
2088         )
2089     );
2090     assert_eq!(
2091         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_fpu>())).pad1 as *const _ as usize },
2092         133usize,
2093         concat!(
2094             "Offset of field: ",
2095             stringify!(kvm_fpu),
2096             "::",
2097             stringify!(pad1)
2098         )
2099     );
2100     assert_eq!(
2101         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_fpu>())).last_opcode as *const _ as usize },
2102         134usize,
2103         concat!(
2104             "Offset of field: ",
2105             stringify!(kvm_fpu),
2106             "::",
2107             stringify!(last_opcode)
2108         )
2109     );
2110     assert_eq!(
2111         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_fpu>())).last_ip as *const _ as usize },
2112         136usize,
2113         concat!(
2114             "Offset of field: ",
2115             stringify!(kvm_fpu),
2116             "::",
2117             stringify!(last_ip)
2118         )
2119     );
2120     assert_eq!(
2121         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_fpu>())).last_dp as *const _ as usize },
2122         144usize,
2123         concat!(
2124             "Offset of field: ",
2125             stringify!(kvm_fpu),
2126             "::",
2127             stringify!(last_dp)
2128         )
2129     );
2130     assert_eq!(
2131         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_fpu>())).xmm as *const _ as usize },
2132         152usize,
2133         concat!(
2134             "Offset of field: ",
2135             stringify!(kvm_fpu),
2136             "::",
2137             stringify!(xmm)
2138         )
2139     );
2140     assert_eq!(
2141         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_fpu>())).mxcsr as *const _ as usize },
2142         408usize,
2143         concat!(
2144             "Offset of field: ",
2145             stringify!(kvm_fpu),
2146             "::",
2147             stringify!(mxcsr)
2148         )
2149     );
2150     assert_eq!(
2151         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_fpu>())).pad2 as *const _ as usize },
2152         412usize,
2153         concat!(
2154             "Offset of field: ",
2155             stringify!(kvm_fpu),
2156             "::",
2157             stringify!(pad2)
2158         )
2159     );
2160 }
2161 #[repr(C)]
2162 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
2163 pub struct kvm_msr_entry {
2164     pub index: __u32,
2165     pub reserved: __u32,
2166     pub data: __u64,
2167 }
2168 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_msr_entry()2169 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_msr_entry() {
2170     assert_eq!(
2171         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_msr_entry>(),
2172         16usize,
2173         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_msr_entry))
2174     );
2175     assert_eq!(
2176         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_msr_entry>(),
2177         8usize,
2178         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_msr_entry))
2179     );
2180     assert_eq!(
2181         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_msr_entry>())).index as *const _ as usize },
2182         0usize,
2183         concat!(
2184             "Offset of field: ",
2185             stringify!(kvm_msr_entry),
2186             "::",
2187             stringify!(index)
2188         )
2189     );
2190     assert_eq!(
2191         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_msr_entry>())).reserved as *const _ as usize },
2192         4usize,
2193         concat!(
2194             "Offset of field: ",
2195             stringify!(kvm_msr_entry),
2196             "::",
2197             stringify!(reserved)
2198         )
2199     );
2200     assert_eq!(
2201         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_msr_entry>())).data as *const _ as usize },
2202         8usize,
2203         concat!(
2204             "Offset of field: ",
2205             stringify!(kvm_msr_entry),
2206             "::",
2207             stringify!(data)
2208         )
2209     );
2210 }
2211 #[repr(C)]
2212 #[derive(Debug, Default)]
2213 pub struct kvm_msrs {
2214     pub nmsrs: __u32,
2215     pub pad: __u32,
2216     pub entries: __IncompleteArrayField<kvm_msr_entry>,
2217 }
2218 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_msrs()2219 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_msrs() {
2220     assert_eq!(
2221         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_msrs>(),
2222         8usize,
2223         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_msrs))
2224     );
2225     assert_eq!(
2226         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_msrs>(),
2227         8usize,
2228         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_msrs))
2229     );
2230     assert_eq!(
2231         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_msrs>())).nmsrs as *const _ as usize },
2232         0usize,
2233         concat!(
2234             "Offset of field: ",
2235             stringify!(kvm_msrs),
2236             "::",
2237             stringify!(nmsrs)
2238         )
2239     );
2240     assert_eq!(
2241         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_msrs>())).pad as *const _ as usize },
2242         4usize,
2243         concat!(
2244             "Offset of field: ",
2245             stringify!(kvm_msrs),
2246             "::",
2247             stringify!(pad)
2248         )
2249     );
2250     assert_eq!(
2251         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_msrs>())).entries as *const _ as usize },
2252         8usize,
2253         concat!(
2254             "Offset of field: ",
2255             stringify!(kvm_msrs),
2256             "::",
2257             stringify!(entries)
2258         )
2259     );
2260 }
2261 #[repr(C)]
2262 #[derive(Debug, Default)]
2263 pub struct kvm_msr_list {
2264     pub nmsrs: __u32,
2265     pub indices: __IncompleteArrayField<__u32>,
2266 }
2267 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_msr_list()2268 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_msr_list() {
2269     assert_eq!(
2270         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_msr_list>(),
2271         4usize,
2272         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_msr_list))
2273     );
2274     assert_eq!(
2275         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_msr_list>(),
2276         4usize,
2277         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_msr_list))
2278     );
2279     assert_eq!(
2280         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_msr_list>())).nmsrs as *const _ as usize },
2281         0usize,
2282         concat!(
2283             "Offset of field: ",
2284             stringify!(kvm_msr_list),
2285             "::",
2286             stringify!(nmsrs)
2287         )
2288     );
2289     assert_eq!(
2290         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_msr_list>())).indices as *const _ as usize },
2291         4usize,
2292         concat!(
2293             "Offset of field: ",
2294             stringify!(kvm_msr_list),
2295             "::",
2296             stringify!(indices)
2297         )
2298     );
2299 }
2300 #[repr(C)]
2301 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
2302 pub struct kvm_cpuid_entry {
2303     pub function: __u32,
2304     pub eax: __u32,
2305     pub ebx: __u32,
2306     pub ecx: __u32,
2307     pub edx: __u32,
2308     pub padding: __u32,
2309 }
2310 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_cpuid_entry()2311 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_cpuid_entry() {
2312     assert_eq!(
2313         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_cpuid_entry>(),
2314         24usize,
2315         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_cpuid_entry))
2316     );
2317     assert_eq!(
2318         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_cpuid_entry>(),
2319         4usize,
2320         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_cpuid_entry))
2321     );
2322     assert_eq!(
2323         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_cpuid_entry>())).function as *const _ as usize },
2324         0usize,
2325         concat!(
2326             "Offset of field: ",
2327             stringify!(kvm_cpuid_entry),
2328             "::",
2329             stringify!(function)
2330         )
2331     );
2332     assert_eq!(
2333         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_cpuid_entry>())).eax as *const _ as usize },
2334         4usize,
2335         concat!(
2336             "Offset of field: ",
2337             stringify!(kvm_cpuid_entry),
2338             "::",
2339             stringify!(eax)
2340         )
2341     );
2342     assert_eq!(
2343         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_cpuid_entry>())).ebx as *const _ as usize },
2344         8usize,
2345         concat!(
2346             "Offset of field: ",
2347             stringify!(kvm_cpuid_entry),
2348             "::",
2349             stringify!(ebx)
2350         )
2351     );
2352     assert_eq!(
2353         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_cpuid_entry>())).ecx as *const _ as usize },
2354         12usize,
2355         concat!(
2356             "Offset of field: ",
2357             stringify!(kvm_cpuid_entry),
2358             "::",
2359             stringify!(ecx)
2360         )
2361     );
2362     assert_eq!(
2363         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_cpuid_entry>())).edx as *const _ as usize },
2364         16usize,
2365         concat!(
2366             "Offset of field: ",
2367             stringify!(kvm_cpuid_entry),
2368             "::",
2369             stringify!(edx)
2370         )
2371     );
2372     assert_eq!(
2373         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_cpuid_entry>())).padding as *const _ as usize },
2374         20usize,
2375         concat!(
2376             "Offset of field: ",
2377             stringify!(kvm_cpuid_entry),
2378             "::",
2379             stringify!(padding)
2380         )
2381     );
2382 }
2383 #[repr(C)]
2384 #[derive(Debug, Default)]
2385 pub struct kvm_cpuid {
2386     pub nent: __u32,
2387     pub padding: __u32,
2388     pub entries: __IncompleteArrayField<kvm_cpuid_entry>,
2389 }
2390 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_cpuid()2391 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_cpuid() {
2392     assert_eq!(
2393         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_cpuid>(),
2394         8usize,
2395         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_cpuid))
2396     );
2397     assert_eq!(
2398         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_cpuid>(),
2399         4usize,
2400         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_cpuid))
2401     );
2402     assert_eq!(
2403         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_cpuid>())).nent as *const _ as usize },
2404         0usize,
2405         concat!(
2406             "Offset of field: ",
2407             stringify!(kvm_cpuid),
2408             "::",
2409             stringify!(nent)
2410         )
2411     );
2412     assert_eq!(
2413         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_cpuid>())).padding as *const _ as usize },
2414         4usize,
2415         concat!(
2416             "Offset of field: ",
2417             stringify!(kvm_cpuid),
2418             "::",
2419             stringify!(padding)
2420         )
2421     );
2422     assert_eq!(
2423         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_cpuid>())).entries as *const _ as usize },
2424         8usize,
2425         concat!(
2426             "Offset of field: ",
2427             stringify!(kvm_cpuid),
2428             "::",
2429             stringify!(entries)
2430         )
2431     );
2432 }
2433 #[repr(C)]
2434 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
2435 pub struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 {
2436     pub function: __u32,
2437     pub index: __u32,
2438     pub flags: __u32,
2439     pub eax: __u32,
2440     pub ebx: __u32,
2441     pub ecx: __u32,
2442     pub edx: __u32,
2443     pub padding: [__u32; 3usize],
2444 }
2445 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_cpuid_entry2()2446 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_cpuid_entry2() {
2447     assert_eq!(
2448         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_cpuid_entry2>(),
2449         40usize,
2450         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_cpuid_entry2))
2451     );
2452     assert_eq!(
2453         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_cpuid_entry2>(),
2454         4usize,
2455         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_cpuid_entry2))
2456     );
2457     assert_eq!(
2458         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_cpuid_entry2>())).function as *const _ as usize },
2459         0usize,
2460         concat!(
2461             "Offset of field: ",
2462             stringify!(kvm_cpuid_entry2),
2463             "::",
2464             stringify!(function)
2465         )
2466     );
2467     assert_eq!(
2468         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_cpuid_entry2>())).index as *const _ as usize },
2469         4usize,
2470         concat!(
2471             "Offset of field: ",
2472             stringify!(kvm_cpuid_entry2),
2473             "::",
2474             stringify!(index)
2475         )
2476     );
2477     assert_eq!(
2478         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_cpuid_entry2>())).flags as *const _ as usize },
2479         8usize,
2480         concat!(
2481             "Offset of field: ",
2482             stringify!(kvm_cpuid_entry2),
2483             "::",
2484             stringify!(flags)
2485         )
2486     );
2487     assert_eq!(
2488         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_cpuid_entry2>())).eax as *const _ as usize },
2489         12usize,
2490         concat!(
2491             "Offset of field: ",
2492             stringify!(kvm_cpuid_entry2),
2493             "::",
2494             stringify!(eax)
2495         )
2496     );
2497     assert_eq!(
2498         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_cpuid_entry2>())).ebx as *const _ as usize },
2499         16usize,
2500         concat!(
2501             "Offset of field: ",
2502             stringify!(kvm_cpuid_entry2),
2503             "::",
2504             stringify!(ebx)
2505         )
2506     );
2507     assert_eq!(
2508         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_cpuid_entry2>())).ecx as *const _ as usize },
2509         20usize,
2510         concat!(
2511             "Offset of field: ",
2512             stringify!(kvm_cpuid_entry2),
2513             "::",
2514             stringify!(ecx)
2515         )
2516     );
2517     assert_eq!(
2518         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_cpuid_entry2>())).edx as *const _ as usize },
2519         24usize,
2520         concat!(
2521             "Offset of field: ",
2522             stringify!(kvm_cpuid_entry2),
2523             "::",
2524             stringify!(edx)
2525         )
2526     );
2527     assert_eq!(
2528         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_cpuid_entry2>())).padding as *const _ as usize },
2529         28usize,
2530         concat!(
2531             "Offset of field: ",
2532             stringify!(kvm_cpuid_entry2),
2533             "::",
2534             stringify!(padding)
2535         )
2536     );
2537 }
2538 #[repr(C)]
2539 #[derive(Debug, Default)]
2540 pub struct kvm_cpuid2 {
2541     pub nent: __u32,
2542     pub padding: __u32,
2543     pub entries: __IncompleteArrayField<kvm_cpuid_entry2>,
2544 }
2545 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_cpuid2()2546 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_cpuid2() {
2547     assert_eq!(
2548         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_cpuid2>(),
2549         8usize,
2550         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_cpuid2))
2551     );
2552     assert_eq!(
2553         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_cpuid2>(),
2554         4usize,
2555         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_cpuid2))
2556     );
2557     assert_eq!(
2558         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_cpuid2>())).nent as *const _ as usize },
2559         0usize,
2560         concat!(
2561             "Offset of field: ",
2562             stringify!(kvm_cpuid2),
2563             "::",
2564             stringify!(nent)
2565         )
2566     );
2567     assert_eq!(
2568         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_cpuid2>())).padding as *const _ as usize },
2569         4usize,
2570         concat!(
2571             "Offset of field: ",
2572             stringify!(kvm_cpuid2),
2573             "::",
2574             stringify!(padding)
2575         )
2576     );
2577     assert_eq!(
2578         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_cpuid2>())).entries as *const _ as usize },
2579         8usize,
2580         concat!(
2581             "Offset of field: ",
2582             stringify!(kvm_cpuid2),
2583             "::",
2584             stringify!(entries)
2585         )
2586     );
2587 }
2588 #[repr(C)]
2589 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
2590 pub struct kvm_pit_channel_state {
2591     pub count: __u32,
2592     pub latched_count: __u16,
2593     pub count_latched: __u8,
2594     pub status_latched: __u8,
2595     pub status: __u8,
2596     pub read_state: __u8,
2597     pub write_state: __u8,
2598     pub write_latch: __u8,
2599     pub rw_mode: __u8,
2600     pub mode: __u8,
2601     pub bcd: __u8,
2602     pub gate: __u8,
2603     pub count_load_time: __s64,
2604 }
2605 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_pit_channel_state()2606 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_pit_channel_state() {
2607     assert_eq!(
2608         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_pit_channel_state>(),
2609         24usize,
2610         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_pit_channel_state))
2611     );
2612     assert_eq!(
2613         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_pit_channel_state>(),
2614         8usize,
2615         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_pit_channel_state))
2616     );
2617     assert_eq!(
2618         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pit_channel_state>())).count as *const _ as usize },
2619         0usize,
2620         concat!(
2621             "Offset of field: ",
2622             stringify!(kvm_pit_channel_state),
2623             "::",
2624             stringify!(count)
2625         )
2626     );
2627     assert_eq!(
2628         unsafe {
2629             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pit_channel_state>())).latched_count as *const _ as usize
2630         },
2631         4usize,
2632         concat!(
2633             "Offset of field: ",
2634             stringify!(kvm_pit_channel_state),
2635             "::",
2636             stringify!(latched_count)
2637         )
2638     );
2639     assert_eq!(
2640         unsafe {
2641             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pit_channel_state>())).count_latched as *const _ as usize
2642         },
2643         6usize,
2644         concat!(
2645             "Offset of field: ",
2646             stringify!(kvm_pit_channel_state),
2647             "::",
2648             stringify!(count_latched)
2649         )
2650     );
2651     assert_eq!(
2652         unsafe {
2653             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pit_channel_state>())).status_latched as *const _ as usize
2654         },
2655         7usize,
2656         concat!(
2657             "Offset of field: ",
2658             stringify!(kvm_pit_channel_state),
2659             "::",
2660             stringify!(status_latched)
2661         )
2662     );
2663     assert_eq!(
2664         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pit_channel_state>())).status as *const _ as usize },
2665         8usize,
2666         concat!(
2667             "Offset of field: ",
2668             stringify!(kvm_pit_channel_state),
2669             "::",
2670             stringify!(status)
2671         )
2672     );
2673     assert_eq!(
2674         unsafe {
2675             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pit_channel_state>())).read_state as *const _ as usize
2676         },
2677         9usize,
2678         concat!(
2679             "Offset of field: ",
2680             stringify!(kvm_pit_channel_state),
2681             "::",
2682             stringify!(read_state)
2683         )
2684     );
2685     assert_eq!(
2686         unsafe {
2687             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pit_channel_state>())).write_state as *const _ as usize
2688         },
2689         10usize,
2690         concat!(
2691             "Offset of field: ",
2692             stringify!(kvm_pit_channel_state),
2693             "::",
2694             stringify!(write_state)
2695         )
2696     );
2697     assert_eq!(
2698         unsafe {
2699             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pit_channel_state>())).write_latch as *const _ as usize
2700         },
2701         11usize,
2702         concat!(
2703             "Offset of field: ",
2704             stringify!(kvm_pit_channel_state),
2705             "::",
2706             stringify!(write_latch)
2707         )
2708     );
2709     assert_eq!(
2710         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pit_channel_state>())).rw_mode as *const _ as usize },
2711         12usize,
2712         concat!(
2713             "Offset of field: ",
2714             stringify!(kvm_pit_channel_state),
2715             "::",
2716             stringify!(rw_mode)
2717         )
2718     );
2719     assert_eq!(
2720         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pit_channel_state>())).mode as *const _ as usize },
2721         13usize,
2722         concat!(
2723             "Offset of field: ",
2724             stringify!(kvm_pit_channel_state),
2725             "::",
2726             stringify!(mode)
2727         )
2728     );
2729     assert_eq!(
2730         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pit_channel_state>())).bcd as *const _ as usize },
2731         14usize,
2732         concat!(
2733             "Offset of field: ",
2734             stringify!(kvm_pit_channel_state),
2735             "::",
2736             stringify!(bcd)
2737         )
2738     );
2739     assert_eq!(
2740         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pit_channel_state>())).gate as *const _ as usize },
2741         15usize,
2742         concat!(
2743             "Offset of field: ",
2744             stringify!(kvm_pit_channel_state),
2745             "::",
2746             stringify!(gate)
2747         )
2748     );
2749     assert_eq!(
2750         unsafe {
2751             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pit_channel_state>())).count_load_time as *const _ as usize
2752         },
2753         16usize,
2754         concat!(
2755             "Offset of field: ",
2756             stringify!(kvm_pit_channel_state),
2757             "::",
2758             stringify!(count_load_time)
2759         )
2760     );
2761 }
2762 #[repr(C)]
2763 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
2764 pub struct kvm_debug_exit_arch {
2765     pub exception: __u32,
2766     pub pad: __u32,
2767     pub pc: __u64,
2768     pub dr6: __u64,
2769     pub dr7: __u64,
2770 }
2771 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_debug_exit_arch()2772 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_debug_exit_arch() {
2773     assert_eq!(
2774         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_debug_exit_arch>(),
2775         32usize,
2776         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_debug_exit_arch))
2777     );
2778     assert_eq!(
2779         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_debug_exit_arch>(),
2780         8usize,
2781         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_debug_exit_arch))
2782     );
2783     assert_eq!(
2784         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_debug_exit_arch>())).exception as *const _ as usize },
2785         0usize,
2786         concat!(
2787             "Offset of field: ",
2788             stringify!(kvm_debug_exit_arch),
2789             "::",
2790             stringify!(exception)
2791         )
2792     );
2793     assert_eq!(
2794         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_debug_exit_arch>())).pad as *const _ as usize },
2795         4usize,
2796         concat!(
2797             "Offset of field: ",
2798             stringify!(kvm_debug_exit_arch),
2799             "::",
2800             stringify!(pad)
2801         )
2802     );
2803     assert_eq!(
2804         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_debug_exit_arch>())).pc as *const _ as usize },
2805         8usize,
2806         concat!(
2807             "Offset of field: ",
2808             stringify!(kvm_debug_exit_arch),
2809             "::",
2810             stringify!(pc)
2811         )
2812     );
2813     assert_eq!(
2814         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_debug_exit_arch>())).dr6 as *const _ as usize },
2815         16usize,
2816         concat!(
2817             "Offset of field: ",
2818             stringify!(kvm_debug_exit_arch),
2819             "::",
2820             stringify!(dr6)
2821         )
2822     );
2823     assert_eq!(
2824         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_debug_exit_arch>())).dr7 as *const _ as usize },
2825         24usize,
2826         concat!(
2827             "Offset of field: ",
2828             stringify!(kvm_debug_exit_arch),
2829             "::",
2830             stringify!(dr7)
2831         )
2832     );
2833 }
2834 #[repr(C)]
2835 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
2836 pub struct kvm_guest_debug_arch {
2837     pub debugreg: [__u64; 8usize],
2838 }
2839 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_guest_debug_arch()2840 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_guest_debug_arch() {
2841     assert_eq!(
2842         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_guest_debug_arch>(),
2843         64usize,
2844         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_guest_debug_arch))
2845     );
2846     assert_eq!(
2847         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_guest_debug_arch>(),
2848         8usize,
2849         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_guest_debug_arch))
2850     );
2851     assert_eq!(
2852         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_guest_debug_arch>())).debugreg as *const _ as usize },
2853         0usize,
2854         concat!(
2855             "Offset of field: ",
2856             stringify!(kvm_guest_debug_arch),
2857             "::",
2858             stringify!(debugreg)
2859         )
2860     );
2861 }
2862 #[repr(C)]
2863 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
2864 pub struct kvm_pit_state {
2865     pub channels: [kvm_pit_channel_state; 3usize],
2866 }
2867 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_pit_state()2868 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_pit_state() {
2869     assert_eq!(
2870         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_pit_state>(),
2871         72usize,
2872         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_pit_state))
2873     );
2874     assert_eq!(
2875         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_pit_state>(),
2876         8usize,
2877         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_pit_state))
2878     );
2879     assert_eq!(
2880         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pit_state>())).channels as *const _ as usize },
2881         0usize,
2882         concat!(
2883             "Offset of field: ",
2884             stringify!(kvm_pit_state),
2885             "::",
2886             stringify!(channels)
2887         )
2888     );
2889 }
2890 #[repr(C)]
2891 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
2892 pub struct kvm_pit_state2 {
2893     pub channels: [kvm_pit_channel_state; 3usize],
2894     pub flags: __u32,
2895     pub reserved: [__u32; 9usize],
2896 }
2897 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_pit_state2()2898 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_pit_state2() {
2899     assert_eq!(
2900         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_pit_state2>(),
2901         112usize,
2902         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_pit_state2))
2903     );
2904     assert_eq!(
2905         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_pit_state2>(),
2906         8usize,
2907         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_pit_state2))
2908     );
2909     assert_eq!(
2910         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pit_state2>())).channels as *const _ as usize },
2911         0usize,
2912         concat!(
2913             "Offset of field: ",
2914             stringify!(kvm_pit_state2),
2915             "::",
2916             stringify!(channels)
2917         )
2918     );
2919     assert_eq!(
2920         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pit_state2>())).flags as *const _ as usize },
2921         72usize,
2922         concat!(
2923             "Offset of field: ",
2924             stringify!(kvm_pit_state2),
2925             "::",
2926             stringify!(flags)
2927         )
2928     );
2929     assert_eq!(
2930         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pit_state2>())).reserved as *const _ as usize },
2931         76usize,
2932         concat!(
2933             "Offset of field: ",
2934             stringify!(kvm_pit_state2),
2935             "::",
2936             stringify!(reserved)
2937         )
2938     );
2939 }
2940 #[repr(C)]
2941 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
2942 pub struct kvm_reinject_control {
2943     pub pit_reinject: __u8,
2944     pub reserved: [__u8; 31usize],
2945 }
2946 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_reinject_control()2947 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_reinject_control() {
2948     assert_eq!(
2949         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_reinject_control>(),
2950         32usize,
2951         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_reinject_control))
2952     );
2953     assert_eq!(
2954         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_reinject_control>(),
2955         1usize,
2956         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_reinject_control))
2957     );
2958     assert_eq!(
2959         unsafe {
2960             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_reinject_control>())).pit_reinject as *const _ as usize
2961         },
2962         0usize,
2963         concat!(
2964             "Offset of field: ",
2965             stringify!(kvm_reinject_control),
2966             "::",
2967             stringify!(pit_reinject)
2968         )
2969     );
2970     assert_eq!(
2971         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_reinject_control>())).reserved as *const _ as usize },
2972         1usize,
2973         concat!(
2974             "Offset of field: ",
2975             stringify!(kvm_reinject_control),
2976             "::",
2977             stringify!(reserved)
2978         )
2979     );
2980 }
2981 #[repr(C)]
2982 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
2983 pub struct kvm_vcpu_events {
2984     pub exception: kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_1,
2985     pub interrupt: kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_2,
2986     pub nmi: kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_3,
2987     pub sipi_vector: __u32,
2988     pub flags: __u32,
2989     pub smi: kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_4,
2990     pub reserved: [__u8; 27usize],
2991     pub exception_has_payload: __u8,
2992     pub exception_payload: __u64,
2993 }
2994 #[repr(C)]
2995 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
2996 pub struct kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_1 {
2997     pub injected: __u8,
2998     pub nr: __u8,
2999     pub has_error_code: __u8,
3000     pub pending: __u8,
3001     pub error_code: __u32,
3002 }
3003 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_1()3004 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_1() {
3005     assert_eq!(
3006         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_1>(),
3007         8usize,
3008         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_1))
3009     );
3010     assert_eq!(
3011         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_1>(),
3012         4usize,
3013         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_1))
3014     );
3015     assert_eq!(
3016         unsafe {
3017             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_1>())).injected as *const _ as usize
3018         },
3019         0usize,
3020         concat!(
3021             "Offset of field: ",
3022             stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_1),
3023             "::",
3024             stringify!(injected)
3025         )
3026     );
3027     assert_eq!(
3028         unsafe {
3029             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_1>())).nr as *const _ as usize
3030         },
3031         1usize,
3032         concat!(
3033             "Offset of field: ",
3034             stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_1),
3035             "::",
3036             stringify!(nr)
3037         )
3038     );
3039     assert_eq!(
3040         unsafe {
3041             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_1>())).has_error_code as *const _
3042                 as usize
3043         },
3044         2usize,
3045         concat!(
3046             "Offset of field: ",
3047             stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_1),
3048             "::",
3049             stringify!(has_error_code)
3050         )
3051     );
3052     assert_eq!(
3053         unsafe {
3054             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_1>())).pending as *const _ as usize
3055         },
3056         3usize,
3057         concat!(
3058             "Offset of field: ",
3059             stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_1),
3060             "::",
3061             stringify!(pending)
3062         )
3063     );
3064     assert_eq!(
3065         unsafe {
3066             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_1>())).error_code as *const _
3067                 as usize
3068         },
3069         4usize,
3070         concat!(
3071             "Offset of field: ",
3072             stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_1),
3073             "::",
3074             stringify!(error_code)
3075         )
3076     );
3077 }
3078 #[repr(C)]
3079 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
3080 pub struct kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_2 {
3081     pub injected: __u8,
3082     pub nr: __u8,
3083     pub soft: __u8,
3084     pub shadow: __u8,
3085 }
3086 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_2()3087 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_2() {
3088     assert_eq!(
3089         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_2>(),
3090         4usize,
3091         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_2))
3092     );
3093     assert_eq!(
3094         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_2>(),
3095         1usize,
3096         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_2))
3097     );
3098     assert_eq!(
3099         unsafe {
3100             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_2>())).injected as *const _ as usize
3101         },
3102         0usize,
3103         concat!(
3104             "Offset of field: ",
3105             stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_2),
3106             "::",
3107             stringify!(injected)
3108         )
3109     );
3110     assert_eq!(
3111         unsafe {
3112             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_2>())).nr as *const _ as usize
3113         },
3114         1usize,
3115         concat!(
3116             "Offset of field: ",
3117             stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_2),
3118             "::",
3119             stringify!(nr)
3120         )
3121     );
3122     assert_eq!(
3123         unsafe {
3124             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_2>())).soft as *const _ as usize
3125         },
3126         2usize,
3127         concat!(
3128             "Offset of field: ",
3129             stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_2),
3130             "::",
3131             stringify!(soft)
3132         )
3133     );
3134     assert_eq!(
3135         unsafe {
3136             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_2>())).shadow as *const _ as usize
3137         },
3138         3usize,
3139         concat!(
3140             "Offset of field: ",
3141             stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_2),
3142             "::",
3143             stringify!(shadow)
3144         )
3145     );
3146 }
3147 #[repr(C)]
3148 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
3149 pub struct kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_3 {
3150     pub injected: __u8,
3151     pub pending: __u8,
3152     pub masked: __u8,
3153     pub pad: __u8,
3154 }
3155 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_3()3156 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_3() {
3157     assert_eq!(
3158         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_3>(),
3159         4usize,
3160         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_3))
3161     );
3162     assert_eq!(
3163         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_3>(),
3164         1usize,
3165         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_3))
3166     );
3167     assert_eq!(
3168         unsafe {
3169             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_3>())).injected as *const _ as usize
3170         },
3171         0usize,
3172         concat!(
3173             "Offset of field: ",
3174             stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_3),
3175             "::",
3176             stringify!(injected)
3177         )
3178     );
3179     assert_eq!(
3180         unsafe {
3181             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_3>())).pending as *const _ as usize
3182         },
3183         1usize,
3184         concat!(
3185             "Offset of field: ",
3186             stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_3),
3187             "::",
3188             stringify!(pending)
3189         )
3190     );
3191     assert_eq!(
3192         unsafe {
3193             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_3>())).masked as *const _ as usize
3194         },
3195         2usize,
3196         concat!(
3197             "Offset of field: ",
3198             stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_3),
3199             "::",
3200             stringify!(masked)
3201         )
3202     );
3203     assert_eq!(
3204         unsafe {
3205             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_3>())).pad as *const _ as usize
3206         },
3207         3usize,
3208         concat!(
3209             "Offset of field: ",
3210             stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_3),
3211             "::",
3212             stringify!(pad)
3213         )
3214     );
3215 }
3216 #[repr(C)]
3217 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
3218 pub struct kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_4 {
3219     pub smm: __u8,
3220     pub pending: __u8,
3221     pub smm_inside_nmi: __u8,
3222     pub latched_init: __u8,
3223 }
3224 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_4()3225 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_4() {
3226     assert_eq!(
3227         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_4>(),
3228         4usize,
3229         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_4))
3230     );
3231     assert_eq!(
3232         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_4>(),
3233         1usize,
3234         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_4))
3235     );
3236     assert_eq!(
3237         unsafe {
3238             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_4>())).smm as *const _ as usize
3239         },
3240         0usize,
3241         concat!(
3242             "Offset of field: ",
3243             stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_4),
3244             "::",
3245             stringify!(smm)
3246         )
3247     );
3248     assert_eq!(
3249         unsafe {
3250             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_4>())).pending as *const _ as usize
3251         },
3252         1usize,
3253         concat!(
3254             "Offset of field: ",
3255             stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_4),
3256             "::",
3257             stringify!(pending)
3258         )
3259     );
3260     assert_eq!(
3261         unsafe {
3262             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_4>())).smm_inside_nmi as *const _
3263                 as usize
3264         },
3265         2usize,
3266         concat!(
3267             "Offset of field: ",
3268             stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_4),
3269             "::",
3270             stringify!(smm_inside_nmi)
3271         )
3272     );
3273     assert_eq!(
3274         unsafe {
3275             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_4>())).latched_init as *const _
3276                 as usize
3277         },
3278         3usize,
3279         concat!(
3280             "Offset of field: ",
3281             stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events__bindgen_ty_4),
3282             "::",
3283             stringify!(latched_init)
3284         )
3285     );
3286 }
3287 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_vcpu_events()3288 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_vcpu_events() {
3289     assert_eq!(
3290         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_vcpu_events>(),
3291         64usize,
3292         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events))
3293     );
3294     assert_eq!(
3295         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_vcpu_events>(),
3296         8usize,
3297         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events))
3298     );
3299     assert_eq!(
3300         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_vcpu_events>())).exception as *const _ as usize },
3301         0usize,
3302         concat!(
3303             "Offset of field: ",
3304             stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events),
3305             "::",
3306             stringify!(exception)
3307         )
3308     );
3309     assert_eq!(
3310         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_vcpu_events>())).interrupt as *const _ as usize },
3311         8usize,
3312         concat!(
3313             "Offset of field: ",
3314             stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events),
3315             "::",
3316             stringify!(interrupt)
3317         )
3318     );
3319     assert_eq!(
3320         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_vcpu_events>())).nmi as *const _ as usize },
3321         12usize,
3322         concat!(
3323             "Offset of field: ",
3324             stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events),
3325             "::",
3326             stringify!(nmi)
3327         )
3328     );
3329     assert_eq!(
3330         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_vcpu_events>())).sipi_vector as *const _ as usize },
3331         16usize,
3332         concat!(
3333             "Offset of field: ",
3334             stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events),
3335             "::",
3336             stringify!(sipi_vector)
3337         )
3338     );
3339     assert_eq!(
3340         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_vcpu_events>())).flags as *const _ as usize },
3341         20usize,
3342         concat!(
3343             "Offset of field: ",
3344             stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events),
3345             "::",
3346             stringify!(flags)
3347         )
3348     );
3349     assert_eq!(
3350         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_vcpu_events>())).smi as *const _ as usize },
3351         24usize,
3352         concat!(
3353             "Offset of field: ",
3354             stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events),
3355             "::",
3356             stringify!(smi)
3357         )
3358     );
3359     assert_eq!(
3360         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_vcpu_events>())).reserved as *const _ as usize },
3361         28usize,
3362         concat!(
3363             "Offset of field: ",
3364             stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events),
3365             "::",
3366             stringify!(reserved)
3367         )
3368     );
3369     assert_eq!(
3370         unsafe {
3371             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_vcpu_events>())).exception_has_payload as *const _ as usize
3372         },
3373         55usize,
3374         concat!(
3375             "Offset of field: ",
3376             stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events),
3377             "::",
3378             stringify!(exception_has_payload)
3379         )
3380     );
3381     assert_eq!(
3382         unsafe {
3383             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_vcpu_events>())).exception_payload as *const _ as usize
3384         },
3385         56usize,
3386         concat!(
3387             "Offset of field: ",
3388             stringify!(kvm_vcpu_events),
3389             "::",
3390             stringify!(exception_payload)
3391         )
3392     );
3393 }
3394 #[repr(C)]
3395 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
3396 pub struct kvm_debugregs {
3397     pub db: [__u64; 4usize],
3398     pub dr6: __u64,
3399     pub dr7: __u64,
3400     pub flags: __u64,
3401     pub reserved: [__u64; 9usize],
3402 }
3403 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_debugregs()3404 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_debugregs() {
3405     assert_eq!(
3406         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_debugregs>(),
3407         128usize,
3408         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_debugregs))
3409     );
3410     assert_eq!(
3411         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_debugregs>(),
3412         8usize,
3413         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_debugregs))
3414     );
3415     assert_eq!(
3416         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_debugregs>())).db as *const _ as usize },
3417         0usize,
3418         concat!(
3419             "Offset of field: ",
3420             stringify!(kvm_debugregs),
3421             "::",
3422             stringify!(db)
3423         )
3424     );
3425     assert_eq!(
3426         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_debugregs>())).dr6 as *const _ as usize },
3427         32usize,
3428         concat!(
3429             "Offset of field: ",
3430             stringify!(kvm_debugregs),
3431             "::",
3432             stringify!(dr6)
3433         )
3434     );
3435     assert_eq!(
3436         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_debugregs>())).dr7 as *const _ as usize },
3437         40usize,
3438         concat!(
3439             "Offset of field: ",
3440             stringify!(kvm_debugregs),
3441             "::",
3442             stringify!(dr7)
3443         )
3444     );
3445     assert_eq!(
3446         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_debugregs>())).flags as *const _ as usize },
3447         48usize,
3448         concat!(
3449             "Offset of field: ",
3450             stringify!(kvm_debugregs),
3451             "::",
3452             stringify!(flags)
3453         )
3454     );
3455     assert_eq!(
3456         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_debugregs>())).reserved as *const _ as usize },
3457         56usize,
3458         concat!(
3459             "Offset of field: ",
3460             stringify!(kvm_debugregs),
3461             "::",
3462             stringify!(reserved)
3463         )
3464     );
3465 }
3466 #[repr(C)]
3467 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
3468 pub struct kvm_xsave {
3469     pub region: [__u32; 1024usize],
3470 }
3471 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_xsave()3472 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_xsave() {
3473     assert_eq!(
3474         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_xsave>(),
3475         4096usize,
3476         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_xsave))
3477     );
3478     assert_eq!(
3479         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_xsave>(),
3480         4usize,
3481         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_xsave))
3482     );
3483     assert_eq!(
3484         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_xsave>())).region as *const _ as usize },
3485         0usize,
3486         concat!(
3487             "Offset of field: ",
3488             stringify!(kvm_xsave),
3489             "::",
3490             stringify!(region)
3491         )
3492     );
3493 }
3494 impl Default for kvm_xsave {
default() -> Self3495     fn default() -> Self {
3496         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
3497     }
3498 }
3499 #[repr(C)]
3500 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
3501 pub struct kvm_xcr {
3502     pub xcr: __u32,
3503     pub reserved: __u32,
3504     pub value: __u64,
3505 }
3506 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_xcr()3507 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_xcr() {
3508     assert_eq!(
3509         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_xcr>(),
3510         16usize,
3511         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_xcr))
3512     );
3513     assert_eq!(
3514         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_xcr>(),
3515         8usize,
3516         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_xcr))
3517     );
3518     assert_eq!(
3519         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_xcr>())).xcr as *const _ as usize },
3520         0usize,
3521         concat!(
3522             "Offset of field: ",
3523             stringify!(kvm_xcr),
3524             "::",
3525             stringify!(xcr)
3526         )
3527     );
3528     assert_eq!(
3529         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_xcr>())).reserved as *const _ as usize },
3530         4usize,
3531         concat!(
3532             "Offset of field: ",
3533             stringify!(kvm_xcr),
3534             "::",
3535             stringify!(reserved)
3536         )
3537     );
3538     assert_eq!(
3539         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_xcr>())).value as *const _ as usize },
3540         8usize,
3541         concat!(
3542             "Offset of field: ",
3543             stringify!(kvm_xcr),
3544             "::",
3545             stringify!(value)
3546         )
3547     );
3548 }
3549 #[repr(C)]
3550 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
3551 pub struct kvm_xcrs {
3552     pub nr_xcrs: __u32,
3553     pub flags: __u32,
3554     pub xcrs: [kvm_xcr; 16usize],
3555     pub padding: [__u64; 16usize],
3556 }
3557 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_xcrs()3558 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_xcrs() {
3559     assert_eq!(
3560         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_xcrs>(),
3561         392usize,
3562         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_xcrs))
3563     );
3564     assert_eq!(
3565         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_xcrs>(),
3566         8usize,
3567         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_xcrs))
3568     );
3569     assert_eq!(
3570         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_xcrs>())).nr_xcrs as *const _ as usize },
3571         0usize,
3572         concat!(
3573             "Offset of field: ",
3574             stringify!(kvm_xcrs),
3575             "::",
3576             stringify!(nr_xcrs)
3577         )
3578     );
3579     assert_eq!(
3580         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_xcrs>())).flags as *const _ as usize },
3581         4usize,
3582         concat!(
3583             "Offset of field: ",
3584             stringify!(kvm_xcrs),
3585             "::",
3586             stringify!(flags)
3587         )
3588     );
3589     assert_eq!(
3590         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_xcrs>())).xcrs as *const _ as usize },
3591         8usize,
3592         concat!(
3593             "Offset of field: ",
3594             stringify!(kvm_xcrs),
3595             "::",
3596             stringify!(xcrs)
3597         )
3598     );
3599     assert_eq!(
3600         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_xcrs>())).padding as *const _ as usize },
3601         264usize,
3602         concat!(
3603             "Offset of field: ",
3604             stringify!(kvm_xcrs),
3605             "::",
3606             stringify!(padding)
3607         )
3608     );
3609 }
3610 #[repr(C)]
3611 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
3612 pub struct kvm_sync_regs {
3613     pub regs: kvm_regs,
3614     pub sregs: kvm_sregs,
3615     pub events: kvm_vcpu_events,
3616 }
3617 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_sync_regs()3618 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_sync_regs() {
3619     assert_eq!(
3620         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_sync_regs>(),
3621         520usize,
3622         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_sync_regs))
3623     );
3624     assert_eq!(
3625         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_sync_regs>(),
3626         8usize,
3627         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_sync_regs))
3628     );
3629     assert_eq!(
3630         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sync_regs>())).regs as *const _ as usize },
3631         0usize,
3632         concat!(
3633             "Offset of field: ",
3634             stringify!(kvm_sync_regs),
3635             "::",
3636             stringify!(regs)
3637         )
3638     );
3639     assert_eq!(
3640         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sync_regs>())).sregs as *const _ as usize },
3641         144usize,
3642         concat!(
3643             "Offset of field: ",
3644             stringify!(kvm_sync_regs),
3645             "::",
3646             stringify!(sregs)
3647         )
3648     );
3649     assert_eq!(
3650         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sync_regs>())).events as *const _ as usize },
3651         456usize,
3652         concat!(
3653             "Offset of field: ",
3654             stringify!(kvm_sync_regs),
3655             "::",
3656             stringify!(events)
3657         )
3658     );
3659 }
3660 #[repr(C)]
3661 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
3662 pub struct kvm_vmx_nested_state_data {
3663     pub vmcs12: [__u8; 4096usize],
3664     pub shadow_vmcs12: [__u8; 4096usize],
3665 }
3666 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_vmx_nested_state_data()3667 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_vmx_nested_state_data() {
3668     assert_eq!(
3669         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_vmx_nested_state_data>(),
3670         8192usize,
3671         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_vmx_nested_state_data))
3672     );
3673     assert_eq!(
3674         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_vmx_nested_state_data>(),
3675         1usize,
3676         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_vmx_nested_state_data))
3677     );
3678     assert_eq!(
3679         unsafe {
3680             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_vmx_nested_state_data>())).vmcs12 as *const _ as usize
3681         },
3682         0usize,
3683         concat!(
3684             "Offset of field: ",
3685             stringify!(kvm_vmx_nested_state_data),
3686             "::",
3687             stringify!(vmcs12)
3688         )
3689     );
3690     assert_eq!(
3691         unsafe {
3692             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_vmx_nested_state_data>())).shadow_vmcs12 as *const _ as usize
3693         },
3694         4096usize,
3695         concat!(
3696             "Offset of field: ",
3697             stringify!(kvm_vmx_nested_state_data),
3698             "::",
3699             stringify!(shadow_vmcs12)
3700         )
3701     );
3702 }
3703 impl Default for kvm_vmx_nested_state_data {
default() -> Self3704     fn default() -> Self {
3705         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
3706     }
3707 }
3708 #[repr(C)]
3709 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
3710 pub struct kvm_vmx_nested_state_hdr {
3711     pub vmxon_pa: __u64,
3712     pub vmcs12_pa: __u64,
3713     pub smm: kvm_vmx_nested_state_hdr__bindgen_ty_1,
3714 }
3715 #[repr(C)]
3716 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
3717 pub struct kvm_vmx_nested_state_hdr__bindgen_ty_1 {
3718     pub flags: __u16,
3719 }
3720 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_vmx_nested_state_hdr__bindgen_ty_1()3721 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_vmx_nested_state_hdr__bindgen_ty_1() {
3722     assert_eq!(
3723         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_vmx_nested_state_hdr__bindgen_ty_1>(),
3724         2usize,
3725         concat!(
3726             "Size of: ",
3727             stringify!(kvm_vmx_nested_state_hdr__bindgen_ty_1)
3728         )
3729     );
3730     assert_eq!(
3731         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_vmx_nested_state_hdr__bindgen_ty_1>(),
3732         2usize,
3733         concat!(
3734             "Alignment of ",
3735             stringify!(kvm_vmx_nested_state_hdr__bindgen_ty_1)
3736         )
3737     );
3738     assert_eq!(
3739         unsafe {
3740             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_vmx_nested_state_hdr__bindgen_ty_1>())).flags as *const _
3741                 as usize
3742         },
3743         0usize,
3744         concat!(
3745             "Offset of field: ",
3746             stringify!(kvm_vmx_nested_state_hdr__bindgen_ty_1),
3747             "::",
3748             stringify!(flags)
3749         )
3750     );
3751 }
3752 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_vmx_nested_state_hdr()3753 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_vmx_nested_state_hdr() {
3754     assert_eq!(
3755         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_vmx_nested_state_hdr>(),
3756         24usize,
3757         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_vmx_nested_state_hdr))
3758     );
3759     assert_eq!(
3760         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_vmx_nested_state_hdr>(),
3761         8usize,
3762         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_vmx_nested_state_hdr))
3763     );
3764     assert_eq!(
3765         unsafe {
3766             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_vmx_nested_state_hdr>())).vmxon_pa as *const _ as usize
3767         },
3768         0usize,
3769         concat!(
3770             "Offset of field: ",
3771             stringify!(kvm_vmx_nested_state_hdr),
3772             "::",
3773             stringify!(vmxon_pa)
3774         )
3775     );
3776     assert_eq!(
3777         unsafe {
3778             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_vmx_nested_state_hdr>())).vmcs12_pa as *const _ as usize
3779         },
3780         8usize,
3781         concat!(
3782             "Offset of field: ",
3783             stringify!(kvm_vmx_nested_state_hdr),
3784             "::",
3785             stringify!(vmcs12_pa)
3786         )
3787     );
3788     assert_eq!(
3789         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_vmx_nested_state_hdr>())).smm as *const _ as usize },
3790         16usize,
3791         concat!(
3792             "Offset of field: ",
3793             stringify!(kvm_vmx_nested_state_hdr),
3794             "::",
3795             stringify!(smm)
3796         )
3797     );
3798 }
3799 #[repr(C)]
3800 pub struct kvm_nested_state {
3801     pub flags: __u16,
3802     pub format: __u16,
3803     pub size: __u32,
3804     pub hdr: kvm_nested_state__bindgen_ty_1,
3805     pub data: kvm_nested_state__bindgen_ty_2,
3806 }
3807 #[repr(C)]
3808 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
3809 pub union kvm_nested_state__bindgen_ty_1 {
3810     pub vmx: kvm_vmx_nested_state_hdr,
3811     pub pad: [__u8; 120usize],
3812     _bindgen_union_align: [u64; 15usize],
3813 }
3814 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_nested_state__bindgen_ty_1()3815 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_nested_state__bindgen_ty_1() {
3816     assert_eq!(
3817         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_nested_state__bindgen_ty_1>(),
3818         120usize,
3819         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_nested_state__bindgen_ty_1))
3820     );
3821     assert_eq!(
3822         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_nested_state__bindgen_ty_1>(),
3823         8usize,
3824         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_nested_state__bindgen_ty_1))
3825     );
3826     assert_eq!(
3827         unsafe {
3828             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_nested_state__bindgen_ty_1>())).vmx as *const _ as usize
3829         },
3830         0usize,
3831         concat!(
3832             "Offset of field: ",
3833             stringify!(kvm_nested_state__bindgen_ty_1),
3834             "::",
3835             stringify!(vmx)
3836         )
3837     );
3838     assert_eq!(
3839         unsafe {
3840             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_nested_state__bindgen_ty_1>())).pad as *const _ as usize
3841         },
3842         0usize,
3843         concat!(
3844             "Offset of field: ",
3845             stringify!(kvm_nested_state__bindgen_ty_1),
3846             "::",
3847             stringify!(pad)
3848         )
3849     );
3850 }
3851 impl Default for kvm_nested_state__bindgen_ty_1 {
default() -> Self3852     fn default() -> Self {
3853         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
3854     }
3855 }
3856 #[repr(C)]
3857 pub struct kvm_nested_state__bindgen_ty_2 {
3858     pub vmx: __BindgenUnionField<[kvm_vmx_nested_state_data; 0usize]>,
3859     pub bindgen_union_field: [u8; 0usize],
3860 }
3861 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_nested_state__bindgen_ty_2()3862 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_nested_state__bindgen_ty_2() {
3863     assert_eq!(
3864         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_nested_state__bindgen_ty_2>(),
3865         0usize,
3866         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_nested_state__bindgen_ty_2))
3867     );
3868     assert_eq!(
3869         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_nested_state__bindgen_ty_2>(),
3870         1usize,
3871         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_nested_state__bindgen_ty_2))
3872     );
3873     assert_eq!(
3874         unsafe {
3875             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_nested_state__bindgen_ty_2>())).vmx as *const _ as usize
3876         },
3877         0usize,
3878         concat!(
3879             "Offset of field: ",
3880             stringify!(kvm_nested_state__bindgen_ty_2),
3881             "::",
3882             stringify!(vmx)
3883         )
3884     );
3885 }
3886 impl Default for kvm_nested_state__bindgen_ty_2 {
default() -> Self3887     fn default() -> Self {
3888         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
3889     }
3890 }
3891 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_nested_state()3892 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_nested_state() {
3893     assert_eq!(
3894         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_nested_state>(),
3895         128usize,
3896         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_nested_state))
3897     );
3898     assert_eq!(
3899         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_nested_state>(),
3900         8usize,
3901         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_nested_state))
3902     );
3903     assert_eq!(
3904         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_nested_state>())).flags as *const _ as usize },
3905         0usize,
3906         concat!(
3907             "Offset of field: ",
3908             stringify!(kvm_nested_state),
3909             "::",
3910             stringify!(flags)
3911         )
3912     );
3913     assert_eq!(
3914         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_nested_state>())).format as *const _ as usize },
3915         2usize,
3916         concat!(
3917             "Offset of field: ",
3918             stringify!(kvm_nested_state),
3919             "::",
3920             stringify!(format)
3921         )
3922     );
3923     assert_eq!(
3924         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_nested_state>())).size as *const _ as usize },
3925         4usize,
3926         concat!(
3927             "Offset of field: ",
3928             stringify!(kvm_nested_state),
3929             "::",
3930             stringify!(size)
3931         )
3932     );
3933     assert_eq!(
3934         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_nested_state>())).hdr as *const _ as usize },
3935         8usize,
3936         concat!(
3937             "Offset of field: ",
3938             stringify!(kvm_nested_state),
3939             "::",
3940             stringify!(hdr)
3941         )
3942     );
3943     assert_eq!(
3944         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_nested_state>())).data as *const _ as usize },
3945         128usize,
3946         concat!(
3947             "Offset of field: ",
3948             stringify!(kvm_nested_state),
3949             "::",
3950             stringify!(data)
3951         )
3952     );
3953 }
3954 impl Default for kvm_nested_state {
default() -> Self3955     fn default() -> Self {
3956         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
3957     }
3958 }
3959 #[repr(C)]
3960 #[derive(Debug, Default)]
3961 pub struct kvm_pmu_event_filter {
3962     pub action: __u32,
3963     pub nevents: __u32,
3964     pub fixed_counter_bitmap: __u32,
3965     pub flags: __u32,
3966     pub pad: [__u32; 4usize],
3967     pub events: __IncompleteArrayField<__u64>,
3968 }
3969 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_pmu_event_filter()3970 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_pmu_event_filter() {
3971     assert_eq!(
3972         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_pmu_event_filter>(),
3973         32usize,
3974         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_pmu_event_filter))
3975     );
3976     assert_eq!(
3977         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_pmu_event_filter>(),
3978         8usize,
3979         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_pmu_event_filter))
3980     );
3981     assert_eq!(
3982         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pmu_event_filter>())).action as *const _ as usize },
3983         0usize,
3984         concat!(
3985             "Offset of field: ",
3986             stringify!(kvm_pmu_event_filter),
3987             "::",
3988             stringify!(action)
3989         )
3990     );
3991     assert_eq!(
3992         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pmu_event_filter>())).nevents as *const _ as usize },
3993         4usize,
3994         concat!(
3995             "Offset of field: ",
3996             stringify!(kvm_pmu_event_filter),
3997             "::",
3998             stringify!(nevents)
3999         )
4000     );
4001     assert_eq!(
4002         unsafe {
4003             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pmu_event_filter>())).fixed_counter_bitmap as *const _
4004                 as usize
4005         },
4006         8usize,
4007         concat!(
4008             "Offset of field: ",
4009             stringify!(kvm_pmu_event_filter),
4010             "::",
4011             stringify!(fixed_counter_bitmap)
4012         )
4013     );
4014     assert_eq!(
4015         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pmu_event_filter>())).flags as *const _ as usize },
4016         12usize,
4017         concat!(
4018             "Offset of field: ",
4019             stringify!(kvm_pmu_event_filter),
4020             "::",
4021             stringify!(flags)
4022         )
4023     );
4024     assert_eq!(
4025         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pmu_event_filter>())).pad as *const _ as usize },
4026         16usize,
4027         concat!(
4028             "Offset of field: ",
4029             stringify!(kvm_pmu_event_filter),
4030             "::",
4031             stringify!(pad)
4032         )
4033     );
4034     assert_eq!(
4035         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pmu_event_filter>())).events as *const _ as usize },
4036         32usize,
4037         concat!(
4038             "Offset of field: ",
4039             stringify!(kvm_pmu_event_filter),
4040             "::",
4041             stringify!(events)
4042         )
4043     );
4044 }
4045 #[repr(C)]
4046 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
4047 pub struct kvm_user_trace_setup {
4048     pub buf_size: __u32,
4049     pub buf_nr: __u32,
4050 }
4051 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_user_trace_setup()4052 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_user_trace_setup() {
4053     assert_eq!(
4054         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_user_trace_setup>(),
4055         8usize,
4056         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_user_trace_setup))
4057     );
4058     assert_eq!(
4059         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_user_trace_setup>(),
4060         4usize,
4061         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_user_trace_setup))
4062     );
4063     assert_eq!(
4064         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_user_trace_setup>())).buf_size as *const _ as usize },
4065         0usize,
4066         concat!(
4067             "Offset of field: ",
4068             stringify!(kvm_user_trace_setup),
4069             "::",
4070             stringify!(buf_size)
4071         )
4072     );
4073     assert_eq!(
4074         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_user_trace_setup>())).buf_nr as *const _ as usize },
4075         4usize,
4076         concat!(
4077             "Offset of field: ",
4078             stringify!(kvm_user_trace_setup),
4079             "::",
4080             stringify!(buf_nr)
4081         )
4082     );
4083 }
4084 #[repr(C)]
4085 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
4086 pub struct kvm_breakpoint {
4087     pub enabled: __u32,
4088     pub padding: __u32,
4089     pub address: __u64,
4090 }
4091 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_breakpoint()4092 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_breakpoint() {
4093     assert_eq!(
4094         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_breakpoint>(),
4095         16usize,
4096         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_breakpoint))
4097     );
4098     assert_eq!(
4099         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_breakpoint>(),
4100         8usize,
4101         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_breakpoint))
4102     );
4103     assert_eq!(
4104         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_breakpoint>())).enabled as *const _ as usize },
4105         0usize,
4106         concat!(
4107             "Offset of field: ",
4108             stringify!(kvm_breakpoint),
4109             "::",
4110             stringify!(enabled)
4111         )
4112     );
4113     assert_eq!(
4114         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_breakpoint>())).padding as *const _ as usize },
4115         4usize,
4116         concat!(
4117             "Offset of field: ",
4118             stringify!(kvm_breakpoint),
4119             "::",
4120             stringify!(padding)
4121         )
4122     );
4123     assert_eq!(
4124         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_breakpoint>())).address as *const _ as usize },
4125         8usize,
4126         concat!(
4127             "Offset of field: ",
4128             stringify!(kvm_breakpoint),
4129             "::",
4130             stringify!(address)
4131         )
4132     );
4133 }
4134 #[repr(C)]
4135 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
4136 pub struct kvm_debug_guest {
4137     pub enabled: __u32,
4138     pub pad: __u32,
4139     pub breakpoints: [kvm_breakpoint; 4usize],
4140     pub singlestep: __u32,
4141 }
4142 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_debug_guest()4143 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_debug_guest() {
4144     assert_eq!(
4145         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_debug_guest>(),
4146         80usize,
4147         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_debug_guest))
4148     );
4149     assert_eq!(
4150         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_debug_guest>(),
4151         8usize,
4152         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_debug_guest))
4153     );
4154     assert_eq!(
4155         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_debug_guest>())).enabled as *const _ as usize },
4156         0usize,
4157         concat!(
4158             "Offset of field: ",
4159             stringify!(kvm_debug_guest),
4160             "::",
4161             stringify!(enabled)
4162         )
4163     );
4164     assert_eq!(
4165         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_debug_guest>())).pad as *const _ as usize },
4166         4usize,
4167         concat!(
4168             "Offset of field: ",
4169             stringify!(kvm_debug_guest),
4170             "::",
4171             stringify!(pad)
4172         )
4173     );
4174     assert_eq!(
4175         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_debug_guest>())).breakpoints as *const _ as usize },
4176         8usize,
4177         concat!(
4178             "Offset of field: ",
4179             stringify!(kvm_debug_guest),
4180             "::",
4181             stringify!(breakpoints)
4182         )
4183     );
4184     assert_eq!(
4185         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_debug_guest>())).singlestep as *const _ as usize },
4186         72usize,
4187         concat!(
4188             "Offset of field: ",
4189             stringify!(kvm_debug_guest),
4190             "::",
4191             stringify!(singlestep)
4192         )
4193     );
4194 }
4195 #[repr(C)]
4196 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
4197 pub struct kvm_memory_region {
4198     pub slot: __u32,
4199     pub flags: __u32,
4200     pub guest_phys_addr: __u64,
4201     pub memory_size: __u64,
4202 }
4203 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_memory_region()4204 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_memory_region() {
4205     assert_eq!(
4206         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_memory_region>(),
4207         24usize,
4208         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_memory_region))
4209     );
4210     assert_eq!(
4211         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_memory_region>(),
4212         8usize,
4213         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_memory_region))
4214     );
4215     assert_eq!(
4216         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_memory_region>())).slot as *const _ as usize },
4217         0usize,
4218         concat!(
4219             "Offset of field: ",
4220             stringify!(kvm_memory_region),
4221             "::",
4222             stringify!(slot)
4223         )
4224     );
4225     assert_eq!(
4226         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_memory_region>())).flags as *const _ as usize },
4227         4usize,
4228         concat!(
4229             "Offset of field: ",
4230             stringify!(kvm_memory_region),
4231             "::",
4232             stringify!(flags)
4233         )
4234     );
4235     assert_eq!(
4236         unsafe {
4237             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_memory_region>())).guest_phys_addr as *const _ as usize
4238         },
4239         8usize,
4240         concat!(
4241             "Offset of field: ",
4242             stringify!(kvm_memory_region),
4243             "::",
4244             stringify!(guest_phys_addr)
4245         )
4246     );
4247     assert_eq!(
4248         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_memory_region>())).memory_size as *const _ as usize },
4249         16usize,
4250         concat!(
4251             "Offset of field: ",
4252             stringify!(kvm_memory_region),
4253             "::",
4254             stringify!(memory_size)
4255         )
4256     );
4257 }
4258 #[repr(C)]
4259 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
4260 pub struct kvm_userspace_memory_region {
4261     pub slot: __u32,
4262     pub flags: __u32,
4263     pub guest_phys_addr: __u64,
4264     pub memory_size: __u64,
4265     pub userspace_addr: __u64,
4266 }
4267 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_userspace_memory_region()4268 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_userspace_memory_region() {
4269     assert_eq!(
4270         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_userspace_memory_region>(),
4271         32usize,
4272         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_userspace_memory_region))
4273     );
4274     assert_eq!(
4275         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_userspace_memory_region>(),
4276         8usize,
4277         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_userspace_memory_region))
4278     );
4279     assert_eq!(
4280         unsafe {
4281             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_userspace_memory_region>())).slot as *const _ as usize
4282         },
4283         0usize,
4284         concat!(
4285             "Offset of field: ",
4286             stringify!(kvm_userspace_memory_region),
4287             "::",
4288             stringify!(slot)
4289         )
4290     );
4291     assert_eq!(
4292         unsafe {
4293             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_userspace_memory_region>())).flags as *const _ as usize
4294         },
4295         4usize,
4296         concat!(
4297             "Offset of field: ",
4298             stringify!(kvm_userspace_memory_region),
4299             "::",
4300             stringify!(flags)
4301         )
4302     );
4303     assert_eq!(
4304         unsafe {
4305             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_userspace_memory_region>())).guest_phys_addr as *const _
4306                 as usize
4307         },
4308         8usize,
4309         concat!(
4310             "Offset of field: ",
4311             stringify!(kvm_userspace_memory_region),
4312             "::",
4313             stringify!(guest_phys_addr)
4314         )
4315     );
4316     assert_eq!(
4317         unsafe {
4318             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_userspace_memory_region>())).memory_size as *const _ as usize
4319         },
4320         16usize,
4321         concat!(
4322             "Offset of field: ",
4323             stringify!(kvm_userspace_memory_region),
4324             "::",
4325             stringify!(memory_size)
4326         )
4327     );
4328     assert_eq!(
4329         unsafe {
4330             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_userspace_memory_region>())).userspace_addr as *const _
4331                 as usize
4332         },
4333         24usize,
4334         concat!(
4335             "Offset of field: ",
4336             stringify!(kvm_userspace_memory_region),
4337             "::",
4338             stringify!(userspace_addr)
4339         )
4340     );
4341 }
4342 #[repr(C)]
4343 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
4344 pub struct kvm_irq_level {
4345     pub __bindgen_anon_1: kvm_irq_level__bindgen_ty_1,
4346     pub level: __u32,
4347 }
4348 #[repr(C)]
4349 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
4350 pub union kvm_irq_level__bindgen_ty_1 {
4351     pub irq: __u32,
4352     pub status: __s32,
4353     _bindgen_union_align: u32,
4354 }
4355 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_irq_level__bindgen_ty_1()4356 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_irq_level__bindgen_ty_1() {
4357     assert_eq!(
4358         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_irq_level__bindgen_ty_1>(),
4359         4usize,
4360         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_irq_level__bindgen_ty_1))
4361     );
4362     assert_eq!(
4363         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_irq_level__bindgen_ty_1>(),
4364         4usize,
4365         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_irq_level__bindgen_ty_1))
4366     );
4367     assert_eq!(
4368         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irq_level__bindgen_ty_1>())).irq as *const _ as usize },
4369         0usize,
4370         concat!(
4371             "Offset of field: ",
4372             stringify!(kvm_irq_level__bindgen_ty_1),
4373             "::",
4374             stringify!(irq)
4375         )
4376     );
4377     assert_eq!(
4378         unsafe {
4379             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irq_level__bindgen_ty_1>())).status as *const _ as usize
4380         },
4381         0usize,
4382         concat!(
4383             "Offset of field: ",
4384             stringify!(kvm_irq_level__bindgen_ty_1),
4385             "::",
4386             stringify!(status)
4387         )
4388     );
4389 }
4390 impl Default for kvm_irq_level__bindgen_ty_1 {
default() -> Self4391     fn default() -> Self {
4392         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
4393     }
4394 }
4395 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_irq_level()4396 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_irq_level() {
4397     assert_eq!(
4398         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_irq_level>(),
4399         8usize,
4400         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_irq_level))
4401     );
4402     assert_eq!(
4403         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_irq_level>(),
4404         4usize,
4405         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_irq_level))
4406     );
4407     assert_eq!(
4408         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irq_level>())).level as *const _ as usize },
4409         4usize,
4410         concat!(
4411             "Offset of field: ",
4412             stringify!(kvm_irq_level),
4413             "::",
4414             stringify!(level)
4415         )
4416     );
4417 }
4418 impl Default for kvm_irq_level {
default() -> Self4419     fn default() -> Self {
4420         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
4421     }
4422 }
4423 #[repr(C)]
4424 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
4425 pub struct kvm_irqchip {
4426     pub chip_id: __u32,
4427     pub pad: __u32,
4428     pub chip: kvm_irqchip__bindgen_ty_1,
4429 }
4430 #[repr(C)]
4431 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
4432 pub union kvm_irqchip__bindgen_ty_1 {
4433     pub dummy: [::std::os::raw::c_char; 512usize],
4434     pub pic: kvm_pic_state,
4435     pub ioapic: kvm_ioapic_state,
4436     _bindgen_union_align: [u64; 64usize],
4437 }
4438 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_irqchip__bindgen_ty_1()4439 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_irqchip__bindgen_ty_1() {
4440     assert_eq!(
4441         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_irqchip__bindgen_ty_1>(),
4442         512usize,
4443         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_irqchip__bindgen_ty_1))
4444     );
4445     assert_eq!(
4446         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_irqchip__bindgen_ty_1>(),
4447         8usize,
4448         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_irqchip__bindgen_ty_1))
4449     );
4450     assert_eq!(
4451         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irqchip__bindgen_ty_1>())).dummy as *const _ as usize },
4452         0usize,
4453         concat!(
4454             "Offset of field: ",
4455             stringify!(kvm_irqchip__bindgen_ty_1),
4456             "::",
4457             stringify!(dummy)
4458         )
4459     );
4460     assert_eq!(
4461         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irqchip__bindgen_ty_1>())).pic as *const _ as usize },
4462         0usize,
4463         concat!(
4464             "Offset of field: ",
4465             stringify!(kvm_irqchip__bindgen_ty_1),
4466             "::",
4467             stringify!(pic)
4468         )
4469     );
4470     assert_eq!(
4471         unsafe {
4472             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irqchip__bindgen_ty_1>())).ioapic as *const _ as usize
4473         },
4474         0usize,
4475         concat!(
4476             "Offset of field: ",
4477             stringify!(kvm_irqchip__bindgen_ty_1),
4478             "::",
4479             stringify!(ioapic)
4480         )
4481     );
4482 }
4483 impl Default for kvm_irqchip__bindgen_ty_1 {
default() -> Self4484     fn default() -> Self {
4485         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
4486     }
4487 }
4488 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_irqchip()4489 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_irqchip() {
4490     assert_eq!(
4491         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_irqchip>(),
4492         520usize,
4493         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_irqchip))
4494     );
4495     assert_eq!(
4496         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_irqchip>(),
4497         8usize,
4498         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_irqchip))
4499     );
4500     assert_eq!(
4501         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irqchip>())).chip_id as *const _ as usize },
4502         0usize,
4503         concat!(
4504             "Offset of field: ",
4505             stringify!(kvm_irqchip),
4506             "::",
4507             stringify!(chip_id)
4508         )
4509     );
4510     assert_eq!(
4511         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irqchip>())).pad as *const _ as usize },
4512         4usize,
4513         concat!(
4514             "Offset of field: ",
4515             stringify!(kvm_irqchip),
4516             "::",
4517             stringify!(pad)
4518         )
4519     );
4520     assert_eq!(
4521         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irqchip>())).chip as *const _ as usize },
4522         8usize,
4523         concat!(
4524             "Offset of field: ",
4525             stringify!(kvm_irqchip),
4526             "::",
4527             stringify!(chip)
4528         )
4529     );
4530 }
4531 impl Default for kvm_irqchip {
default() -> Self4532     fn default() -> Self {
4533         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
4534     }
4535 }
4536 #[repr(C)]
4537 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
4538 pub struct kvm_pit_config {
4539     pub flags: __u32,
4540     pub pad: [__u32; 15usize],
4541 }
4542 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_pit_config()4543 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_pit_config() {
4544     assert_eq!(
4545         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_pit_config>(),
4546         64usize,
4547         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_pit_config))
4548     );
4549     assert_eq!(
4550         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_pit_config>(),
4551         4usize,
4552         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_pit_config))
4553     );
4554     assert_eq!(
4555         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pit_config>())).flags as *const _ as usize },
4556         0usize,
4557         concat!(
4558             "Offset of field: ",
4559             stringify!(kvm_pit_config),
4560             "::",
4561             stringify!(flags)
4562         )
4563     );
4564     assert_eq!(
4565         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_pit_config>())).pad as *const _ as usize },
4566         4usize,
4567         concat!(
4568             "Offset of field: ",
4569             stringify!(kvm_pit_config),
4570             "::",
4571             stringify!(pad)
4572         )
4573     );
4574 }
4575 #[repr(C)]
4576 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
4577 pub struct kvm_s390_skeys {
4578     pub start_gfn: __u64,
4579     pub count: __u64,
4580     pub skeydata_addr: __u64,
4581     pub flags: __u32,
4582     pub reserved: [__u32; 9usize],
4583 }
4584 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_skeys()4585 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_skeys() {
4586     assert_eq!(
4587         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_s390_skeys>(),
4588         64usize,
4589         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_s390_skeys))
4590     );
4591     assert_eq!(
4592         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_s390_skeys>(),
4593         8usize,
4594         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_s390_skeys))
4595     );
4596     assert_eq!(
4597         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_skeys>())).start_gfn as *const _ as usize },
4598         0usize,
4599         concat!(
4600             "Offset of field: ",
4601             stringify!(kvm_s390_skeys),
4602             "::",
4603             stringify!(start_gfn)
4604         )
4605     );
4606     assert_eq!(
4607         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_skeys>())).count as *const _ as usize },
4608         8usize,
4609         concat!(
4610             "Offset of field: ",
4611             stringify!(kvm_s390_skeys),
4612             "::",
4613             stringify!(count)
4614         )
4615     );
4616     assert_eq!(
4617         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_skeys>())).skeydata_addr as *const _ as usize },
4618         16usize,
4619         concat!(
4620             "Offset of field: ",
4621             stringify!(kvm_s390_skeys),
4622             "::",
4623             stringify!(skeydata_addr)
4624         )
4625     );
4626     assert_eq!(
4627         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_skeys>())).flags as *const _ as usize },
4628         24usize,
4629         concat!(
4630             "Offset of field: ",
4631             stringify!(kvm_s390_skeys),
4632             "::",
4633             stringify!(flags)
4634         )
4635     );
4636     assert_eq!(
4637         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_skeys>())).reserved as *const _ as usize },
4638         28usize,
4639         concat!(
4640             "Offset of field: ",
4641             stringify!(kvm_s390_skeys),
4642             "::",
4643             stringify!(reserved)
4644         )
4645     );
4646 }
4647 #[doc = " kvm_s390_cmma_log - Used for CMMA migration."]
4648 #[doc = ""]
4649 #[doc = " Used both for input and output."]
4650 #[doc = ""]
4651 #[doc = " @start_gfn: Guest page number to start from."]
4652 #[doc = " @count: Size of the result buffer."]
4653 #[doc = " @flags: Control operation mode via KVM_S390_CMMA_* flags"]
4654 #[doc = " @remaining: Used with KVM_S390_GET_CMMA_BITS. Indicates how many dirty"]
4655 #[doc = "             pages are still remaining."]
4656 #[doc = " @mask: Used with KVM_S390_SET_CMMA_BITS. Bitmap of bits to actually set"]
4657 #[doc = "        in the PGSTE."]
4658 #[doc = " @values: Pointer to the values buffer."]
4659 #[doc = ""]
4660 #[doc = " Used in KVM_S390_{G,S}ET_CMMA_BITS ioctls."]
4661 #[repr(C)]
4662 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
4663 pub struct kvm_s390_cmma_log {
4664     pub start_gfn: __u64,
4665     pub count: __u32,
4666     pub flags: __u32,
4667     pub __bindgen_anon_1: kvm_s390_cmma_log__bindgen_ty_1,
4668     pub values: __u64,
4669 }
4670 #[repr(C)]
4671 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
4672 pub union kvm_s390_cmma_log__bindgen_ty_1 {
4673     pub remaining: __u64,
4674     pub mask: __u64,
4675     _bindgen_union_align: u64,
4676 }
4677 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_cmma_log__bindgen_ty_1()4678 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_cmma_log__bindgen_ty_1() {
4679     assert_eq!(
4680         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_s390_cmma_log__bindgen_ty_1>(),
4681         8usize,
4682         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_s390_cmma_log__bindgen_ty_1))
4683     );
4684     assert_eq!(
4685         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_s390_cmma_log__bindgen_ty_1>(),
4686         8usize,
4687         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_s390_cmma_log__bindgen_ty_1))
4688     );
4689     assert_eq!(
4690         unsafe {
4691             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_cmma_log__bindgen_ty_1>())).remaining as *const _
4692                 as usize
4693         },
4694         0usize,
4695         concat!(
4696             "Offset of field: ",
4697             stringify!(kvm_s390_cmma_log__bindgen_ty_1),
4698             "::",
4699             stringify!(remaining)
4700         )
4701     );
4702     assert_eq!(
4703         unsafe {
4704             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_cmma_log__bindgen_ty_1>())).mask as *const _ as usize
4705         },
4706         0usize,
4707         concat!(
4708             "Offset of field: ",
4709             stringify!(kvm_s390_cmma_log__bindgen_ty_1),
4710             "::",
4711             stringify!(mask)
4712         )
4713     );
4714 }
4715 impl Default for kvm_s390_cmma_log__bindgen_ty_1 {
default() -> Self4716     fn default() -> Self {
4717         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
4718     }
4719 }
4720 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_cmma_log()4721 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_cmma_log() {
4722     assert_eq!(
4723         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_s390_cmma_log>(),
4724         32usize,
4725         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_s390_cmma_log))
4726     );
4727     assert_eq!(
4728         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_s390_cmma_log>(),
4729         8usize,
4730         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_s390_cmma_log))
4731     );
4732     assert_eq!(
4733         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_cmma_log>())).start_gfn as *const _ as usize },
4734         0usize,
4735         concat!(
4736             "Offset of field: ",
4737             stringify!(kvm_s390_cmma_log),
4738             "::",
4739             stringify!(start_gfn)
4740         )
4741     );
4742     assert_eq!(
4743         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_cmma_log>())).count as *const _ as usize },
4744         8usize,
4745         concat!(
4746             "Offset of field: ",
4747             stringify!(kvm_s390_cmma_log),
4748             "::",
4749             stringify!(count)
4750         )
4751     );
4752     assert_eq!(
4753         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_cmma_log>())).flags as *const _ as usize },
4754         12usize,
4755         concat!(
4756             "Offset of field: ",
4757             stringify!(kvm_s390_cmma_log),
4758             "::",
4759             stringify!(flags)
4760         )
4761     );
4762     assert_eq!(
4763         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_cmma_log>())).values as *const _ as usize },
4764         24usize,
4765         concat!(
4766             "Offset of field: ",
4767             stringify!(kvm_s390_cmma_log),
4768             "::",
4769             stringify!(values)
4770         )
4771     );
4772 }
4773 impl Default for kvm_s390_cmma_log {
default() -> Self4774     fn default() -> Self {
4775         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
4776     }
4777 }
4778 #[repr(C)]
4779 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
4780 pub struct kvm_hyperv_exit {
4781     pub type_: __u32,
4782     pub pad1: __u32,
4783     pub u: kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1,
4784 }
4785 #[repr(C)]
4786 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
4787 pub union kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1 {
4788     pub synic: kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1,
4789     pub hcall: kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_2,
4790     _bindgen_union_align: [u64; 4usize],
4791 }
4792 #[repr(C)]
4793 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
4794 pub struct kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1 {
4795     pub msr: __u32,
4796     pub pad2: __u32,
4797     pub control: __u64,
4798     pub evt_page: __u64,
4799     pub msg_page: __u64,
4800 }
4801 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1()4802 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1() {
4803     assert_eq!(
4804         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1>(),
4805         32usize,
4806         concat!(
4807             "Size of: ",
4808             stringify!(kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1)
4809         )
4810     );
4811     assert_eq!(
4812         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1>(),
4813         8usize,
4814         concat!(
4815             "Alignment of ",
4816             stringify!(kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1)
4817         )
4818     );
4819     assert_eq!(
4820         unsafe {
4821             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1>())).msr as *const _
4822                 as usize
4823         },
4824         0usize,
4825         concat!(
4826             "Offset of field: ",
4827             stringify!(kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1),
4828             "::",
4829             stringify!(msr)
4830         )
4831     );
4832     assert_eq!(
4833         unsafe {
4834             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1>())).pad2 as *const _
4835                 as usize
4836         },
4837         4usize,
4838         concat!(
4839             "Offset of field: ",
4840             stringify!(kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1),
4841             "::",
4842             stringify!(pad2)
4843         )
4844     );
4845     assert_eq!(
4846         unsafe {
4847             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1>())).control
4848                 as *const _ as usize
4849         },
4850         8usize,
4851         concat!(
4852             "Offset of field: ",
4853             stringify!(kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1),
4854             "::",
4855             stringify!(control)
4856         )
4857     );
4858     assert_eq!(
4859         unsafe {
4860             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1>())).evt_page
4861                 as *const _ as usize
4862         },
4863         16usize,
4864         concat!(
4865             "Offset of field: ",
4866             stringify!(kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1),
4867             "::",
4868             stringify!(evt_page)
4869         )
4870     );
4871     assert_eq!(
4872         unsafe {
4873             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1>())).msg_page
4874                 as *const _ as usize
4875         },
4876         24usize,
4877         concat!(
4878             "Offset of field: ",
4879             stringify!(kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1),
4880             "::",
4881             stringify!(msg_page)
4882         )
4883     );
4884 }
4885 #[repr(C)]
4886 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
4887 pub struct kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_2 {
4888     pub input: __u64,
4889     pub result: __u64,
4890     pub params: [__u64; 2usize],
4891 }
4892 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_2()4893 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_2() {
4894     assert_eq!(
4895         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_2>(),
4896         32usize,
4897         concat!(
4898             "Size of: ",
4899             stringify!(kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_2)
4900         )
4901     );
4902     assert_eq!(
4903         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_2>(),
4904         8usize,
4905         concat!(
4906             "Alignment of ",
4907             stringify!(kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_2)
4908         )
4909     );
4910     assert_eq!(
4911         unsafe {
4912             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_2>())).input
4913                 as *const _ as usize
4914         },
4915         0usize,
4916         concat!(
4917             "Offset of field: ",
4918             stringify!(kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_2),
4919             "::",
4920             stringify!(input)
4921         )
4922     );
4923     assert_eq!(
4924         unsafe {
4925             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_2>())).result
4926                 as *const _ as usize
4927         },
4928         8usize,
4929         concat!(
4930             "Offset of field: ",
4931             stringify!(kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_2),
4932             "::",
4933             stringify!(result)
4934         )
4935     );
4936     assert_eq!(
4937         unsafe {
4938             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_2>())).params
4939                 as *const _ as usize
4940         },
4941         16usize,
4942         concat!(
4943             "Offset of field: ",
4944             stringify!(kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_2),
4945             "::",
4946             stringify!(params)
4947         )
4948     );
4949 }
4950 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1()4951 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1() {
4952     assert_eq!(
4953         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1>(),
4954         32usize,
4955         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1))
4956     );
4957     assert_eq!(
4958         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1>(),
4959         8usize,
4960         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1))
4961     );
4962     assert_eq!(
4963         unsafe {
4964             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1>())).synic as *const _ as usize
4965         },
4966         0usize,
4967         concat!(
4968             "Offset of field: ",
4969             stringify!(kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1),
4970             "::",
4971             stringify!(synic)
4972         )
4973     );
4974     assert_eq!(
4975         unsafe {
4976             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1>())).hcall as *const _ as usize
4977         },
4978         0usize,
4979         concat!(
4980             "Offset of field: ",
4981             stringify!(kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1),
4982             "::",
4983             stringify!(hcall)
4984         )
4985     );
4986 }
4987 impl Default for kvm_hyperv_exit__bindgen_ty_1 {
default() -> Self4988     fn default() -> Self {
4989         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
4990     }
4991 }
4992 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_hyperv_exit()4993 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_hyperv_exit() {
4994     assert_eq!(
4995         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_hyperv_exit>(),
4996         40usize,
4997         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_hyperv_exit))
4998     );
4999     assert_eq!(
5000         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_hyperv_exit>(),
5001         8usize,
5002         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_hyperv_exit))
5003     );
5004     assert_eq!(
5005         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_hyperv_exit>())).type_ as *const _ as usize },
5006         0usize,
5007         concat!(
5008             "Offset of field: ",
5009             stringify!(kvm_hyperv_exit),
5010             "::",
5011             stringify!(type_)
5012         )
5013     );
5014     assert_eq!(
5015         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_hyperv_exit>())).pad1 as *const _ as usize },
5016         4usize,
5017         concat!(
5018             "Offset of field: ",
5019             stringify!(kvm_hyperv_exit),
5020             "::",
5021             stringify!(pad1)
5022         )
5023     );
5024     assert_eq!(
5025         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_hyperv_exit>())).u as *const _ as usize },
5026         8usize,
5027         concat!(
5028             "Offset of field: ",
5029             stringify!(kvm_hyperv_exit),
5030             "::",
5031             stringify!(u)
5032         )
5033     );
5034 }
5035 impl Default for kvm_hyperv_exit {
default() -> Self5036     fn default() -> Self {
5037         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
5038     }
5039 }
5040 #[repr(C)]
5041 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
5042 pub struct kvm_run {
5043     pub request_interrupt_window: __u8,
5044     pub immediate_exit: __u8,
5045     pub padding1: [__u8; 6usize],
5046     pub exit_reason: __u32,
5047     pub ready_for_interrupt_injection: __u8,
5048     pub if_flag: __u8,
5049     pub flags: __u16,
5050     pub cr8: __u64,
5051     pub apic_base: __u64,
5052     pub __bindgen_anon_1: kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1,
5053     pub kvm_valid_regs: __u64,
5054     pub kvm_dirty_regs: __u64,
5055     pub s: kvm_run__bindgen_ty_2,
5056 }
5057 #[repr(C)]
5058 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
5059 pub union kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1 {
5060     pub hw: kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1,
5061     pub fail_entry: kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_2,
5062     pub ex: kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_3,
5063     pub io: kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_4,
5064     pub debug: kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_5,
5065     pub mmio: kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_6,
5066     pub hypercall: kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_7,
5067     pub tpr_access: kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_8,
5068     pub s390_sieic: kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_9,
5069     pub s390_reset_flags: __u64,
5070     pub s390_ucontrol: kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_10,
5071     pub dcr: kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_11,
5072     pub internal: kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_12,
5073     pub osi: kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_13,
5074     pub papr_hcall: kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_14,
5075     pub s390_tsch: kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_15,
5076     pub epr: kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_16,
5077     pub system_event: kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_17,
5078     pub s390_stsi: kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_18,
5079     pub eoi: kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_19,
5080     pub hyperv: kvm_hyperv_exit,
5081     pub padding: [::std::os::raw::c_char; 256usize],
5082     _bindgen_union_align: [u64; 32usize],
5083 }
5084 #[repr(C)]
5085 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
5086 pub struct kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1 {
5087     pub hardware_exit_reason: __u64,
5088 }
5089 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1()5090 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1() {
5091     assert_eq!(
5092         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1>(),
5093         8usize,
5094         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1))
5095     );
5096     assert_eq!(
5097         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1>(),
5098         8usize,
5099         concat!(
5100             "Alignment of ",
5101             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1)
5102         )
5103     );
5104     assert_eq!(
5105         unsafe {
5106             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1>())).hardware_exit_reason
5107                 as *const _ as usize
5108         },
5109         0usize,
5110         concat!(
5111             "Offset of field: ",
5112             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1),
5113             "::",
5114             stringify!(hardware_exit_reason)
5115         )
5116     );
5117 }
5118 #[repr(C)]
5119 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
5120 pub struct kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_2 {
5121     pub hardware_entry_failure_reason: __u64,
5122 }
5123 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_2()5124 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_2() {
5125     assert_eq!(
5126         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_2>(),
5127         8usize,
5128         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_2))
5129     );
5130     assert_eq!(
5131         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_2>(),
5132         8usize,
5133         concat!(
5134             "Alignment of ",
5135             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_2)
5136         )
5137     );
5138     assert_eq!(
5139         unsafe {
5140             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_2>()))
5141                 .hardware_entry_failure_reason as *const _ as usize
5142         },
5143         0usize,
5144         concat!(
5145             "Offset of field: ",
5146             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_2),
5147             "::",
5148             stringify!(hardware_entry_failure_reason)
5149         )
5150     );
5151 }
5152 #[repr(C)]
5153 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
5154 pub struct kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_3 {
5155     pub exception: __u32,
5156     pub error_code: __u32,
5157 }
5158 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_3()5159 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_3() {
5160     assert_eq!(
5161         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_3>(),
5162         8usize,
5163         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_3))
5164     );
5165     assert_eq!(
5166         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_3>(),
5167         4usize,
5168         concat!(
5169             "Alignment of ",
5170             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_3)
5171         )
5172     );
5173     assert_eq!(
5174         unsafe {
5175             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_3>())).exception as *const _
5176                 as usize
5177         },
5178         0usize,
5179         concat!(
5180             "Offset of field: ",
5181             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_3),
5182             "::",
5183             stringify!(exception)
5184         )
5185     );
5186     assert_eq!(
5187         unsafe {
5188             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_3>())).error_code as *const _
5189                 as usize
5190         },
5191         4usize,
5192         concat!(
5193             "Offset of field: ",
5194             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_3),
5195             "::",
5196             stringify!(error_code)
5197         )
5198     );
5199 }
5200 #[repr(C)]
5201 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
5202 pub struct kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_4 {
5203     pub direction: __u8,
5204     pub size: __u8,
5205     pub port: __u16,
5206     pub count: __u32,
5207     pub data_offset: __u64,
5208 }
5209 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_4()5210 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_4() {
5211     assert_eq!(
5212         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_4>(),
5213         16usize,
5214         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_4))
5215     );
5216     assert_eq!(
5217         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_4>(),
5218         8usize,
5219         concat!(
5220             "Alignment of ",
5221             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_4)
5222         )
5223     );
5224     assert_eq!(
5225         unsafe {
5226             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_4>())).direction as *const _
5227                 as usize
5228         },
5229         0usize,
5230         concat!(
5231             "Offset of field: ",
5232             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_4),
5233             "::",
5234             stringify!(direction)
5235         )
5236     );
5237     assert_eq!(
5238         unsafe {
5239             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_4>())).size as *const _
5240                 as usize
5241         },
5242         1usize,
5243         concat!(
5244             "Offset of field: ",
5245             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_4),
5246             "::",
5247             stringify!(size)
5248         )
5249     );
5250     assert_eq!(
5251         unsafe {
5252             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_4>())).port as *const _
5253                 as usize
5254         },
5255         2usize,
5256         concat!(
5257             "Offset of field: ",
5258             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_4),
5259             "::",
5260             stringify!(port)
5261         )
5262     );
5263     assert_eq!(
5264         unsafe {
5265             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_4>())).count as *const _
5266                 as usize
5267         },
5268         4usize,
5269         concat!(
5270             "Offset of field: ",
5271             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_4),
5272             "::",
5273             stringify!(count)
5274         )
5275     );
5276     assert_eq!(
5277         unsafe {
5278             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_4>())).data_offset as *const _
5279                 as usize
5280         },
5281         8usize,
5282         concat!(
5283             "Offset of field: ",
5284             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_4),
5285             "::",
5286             stringify!(data_offset)
5287         )
5288     );
5289 }
5290 #[repr(C)]
5291 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
5292 pub struct kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_5 {
5293     pub arch: kvm_debug_exit_arch,
5294 }
5295 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_5()5296 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_5() {
5297     assert_eq!(
5298         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_5>(),
5299         32usize,
5300         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_5))
5301     );
5302     assert_eq!(
5303         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_5>(),
5304         8usize,
5305         concat!(
5306             "Alignment of ",
5307             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_5)
5308         )
5309     );
5310     assert_eq!(
5311         unsafe {
5312             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_5>())).arch as *const _
5313                 as usize
5314         },
5315         0usize,
5316         concat!(
5317             "Offset of field: ",
5318             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_5),
5319             "::",
5320             stringify!(arch)
5321         )
5322     );
5323 }
5324 #[repr(C)]
5325 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
5326 pub struct kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_6 {
5327     pub phys_addr: __u64,
5328     pub data: [__u8; 8usize],
5329     pub len: __u32,
5330     pub is_write: __u8,
5331 }
5332 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_6()5333 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_6() {
5334     assert_eq!(
5335         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_6>(),
5336         24usize,
5337         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_6))
5338     );
5339     assert_eq!(
5340         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_6>(),
5341         8usize,
5342         concat!(
5343             "Alignment of ",
5344             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_6)
5345         )
5346     );
5347     assert_eq!(
5348         unsafe {
5349             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_6>())).phys_addr as *const _
5350                 as usize
5351         },
5352         0usize,
5353         concat!(
5354             "Offset of field: ",
5355             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_6),
5356             "::",
5357             stringify!(phys_addr)
5358         )
5359     );
5360     assert_eq!(
5361         unsafe {
5362             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_6>())).data as *const _
5363                 as usize
5364         },
5365         8usize,
5366         concat!(
5367             "Offset of field: ",
5368             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_6),
5369             "::",
5370             stringify!(data)
5371         )
5372     );
5373     assert_eq!(
5374         unsafe {
5375             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_6>())).len as *const _ as usize
5376         },
5377         16usize,
5378         concat!(
5379             "Offset of field: ",
5380             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_6),
5381             "::",
5382             stringify!(len)
5383         )
5384     );
5385     assert_eq!(
5386         unsafe {
5387             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_6>())).is_write as *const _
5388                 as usize
5389         },
5390         20usize,
5391         concat!(
5392             "Offset of field: ",
5393             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_6),
5394             "::",
5395             stringify!(is_write)
5396         )
5397     );
5398 }
5399 #[repr(C)]
5400 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
5401 pub struct kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_7 {
5402     pub nr: __u64,
5403     pub args: [__u64; 6usize],
5404     pub ret: __u64,
5405     pub longmode: __u32,
5406     pub pad: __u32,
5407 }
5408 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_7()5409 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_7() {
5410     assert_eq!(
5411         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_7>(),
5412         72usize,
5413         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_7))
5414     );
5415     assert_eq!(
5416         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_7>(),
5417         8usize,
5418         concat!(
5419             "Alignment of ",
5420             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_7)
5421         )
5422     );
5423     assert_eq!(
5424         unsafe {
5425             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_7>())).nr as *const _ as usize
5426         },
5427         0usize,
5428         concat!(
5429             "Offset of field: ",
5430             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_7),
5431             "::",
5432             stringify!(nr)
5433         )
5434     );
5435     assert_eq!(
5436         unsafe {
5437             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_7>())).args as *const _
5438                 as usize
5439         },
5440         8usize,
5441         concat!(
5442             "Offset of field: ",
5443             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_7),
5444             "::",
5445             stringify!(args)
5446         )
5447     );
5448     assert_eq!(
5449         unsafe {
5450             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_7>())).ret as *const _ as usize
5451         },
5452         56usize,
5453         concat!(
5454             "Offset of field: ",
5455             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_7),
5456             "::",
5457             stringify!(ret)
5458         )
5459     );
5460     assert_eq!(
5461         unsafe {
5462             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_7>())).longmode as *const _
5463                 as usize
5464         },
5465         64usize,
5466         concat!(
5467             "Offset of field: ",
5468             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_7),
5469             "::",
5470             stringify!(longmode)
5471         )
5472     );
5473     assert_eq!(
5474         unsafe {
5475             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_7>())).pad as *const _ as usize
5476         },
5477         68usize,
5478         concat!(
5479             "Offset of field: ",
5480             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_7),
5481             "::",
5482             stringify!(pad)
5483         )
5484     );
5485 }
5486 #[repr(C)]
5487 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
5488 pub struct kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_8 {
5489     pub rip: __u64,
5490     pub is_write: __u32,
5491     pub pad: __u32,
5492 }
5493 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_8()5494 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_8() {
5495     assert_eq!(
5496         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_8>(),
5497         16usize,
5498         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_8))
5499     );
5500     assert_eq!(
5501         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_8>(),
5502         8usize,
5503         concat!(
5504             "Alignment of ",
5505             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_8)
5506         )
5507     );
5508     assert_eq!(
5509         unsafe {
5510             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_8>())).rip as *const _ as usize
5511         },
5512         0usize,
5513         concat!(
5514             "Offset of field: ",
5515             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_8),
5516             "::",
5517             stringify!(rip)
5518         )
5519     );
5520     assert_eq!(
5521         unsafe {
5522             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_8>())).is_write as *const _
5523                 as usize
5524         },
5525         8usize,
5526         concat!(
5527             "Offset of field: ",
5528             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_8),
5529             "::",
5530             stringify!(is_write)
5531         )
5532     );
5533     assert_eq!(
5534         unsafe {
5535             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_8>())).pad as *const _ as usize
5536         },
5537         12usize,
5538         concat!(
5539             "Offset of field: ",
5540             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_8),
5541             "::",
5542             stringify!(pad)
5543         )
5544     );
5545 }
5546 #[repr(C)]
5547 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
5548 pub struct kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_9 {
5549     pub icptcode: __u8,
5550     pub ipa: __u16,
5551     pub ipb: __u32,
5552 }
5553 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_9()5554 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_9() {
5555     assert_eq!(
5556         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_9>(),
5557         8usize,
5558         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_9))
5559     );
5560     assert_eq!(
5561         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_9>(),
5562         4usize,
5563         concat!(
5564             "Alignment of ",
5565             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_9)
5566         )
5567     );
5568     assert_eq!(
5569         unsafe {
5570             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_9>())).icptcode as *const _
5571                 as usize
5572         },
5573         0usize,
5574         concat!(
5575             "Offset of field: ",
5576             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_9),
5577             "::",
5578             stringify!(icptcode)
5579         )
5580     );
5581     assert_eq!(
5582         unsafe {
5583             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_9>())).ipa as *const _ as usize
5584         },
5585         2usize,
5586         concat!(
5587             "Offset of field: ",
5588             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_9),
5589             "::",
5590             stringify!(ipa)
5591         )
5592     );
5593     assert_eq!(
5594         unsafe {
5595             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_9>())).ipb as *const _ as usize
5596         },
5597         4usize,
5598         concat!(
5599             "Offset of field: ",
5600             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_9),
5601             "::",
5602             stringify!(ipb)
5603         )
5604     );
5605 }
5606 #[repr(C)]
5607 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
5608 pub struct kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_10 {
5609     pub trans_exc_code: __u64,
5610     pub pgm_code: __u32,
5611 }
5612 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_10()5613 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_10() {
5614     assert_eq!(
5615         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_10>(),
5616         16usize,
5617         concat!(
5618             "Size of: ",
5619             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_10)
5620         )
5621     );
5622     assert_eq!(
5623         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_10>(),
5624         8usize,
5625         concat!(
5626             "Alignment of ",
5627             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_10)
5628         )
5629     );
5630     assert_eq!(
5631         unsafe {
5632             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_10>())).trans_exc_code
5633                 as *const _ as usize
5634         },
5635         0usize,
5636         concat!(
5637             "Offset of field: ",
5638             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_10),
5639             "::",
5640             stringify!(trans_exc_code)
5641         )
5642     );
5643     assert_eq!(
5644         unsafe {
5645             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_10>())).pgm_code as *const _
5646                 as usize
5647         },
5648         8usize,
5649         concat!(
5650             "Offset of field: ",
5651             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_10),
5652             "::",
5653             stringify!(pgm_code)
5654         )
5655     );
5656 }
5657 #[repr(C)]
5658 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
5659 pub struct kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_11 {
5660     pub dcrn: __u32,
5661     pub data: __u32,
5662     pub is_write: __u8,
5663 }
5664 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_11()5665 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_11() {
5666     assert_eq!(
5667         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_11>(),
5668         12usize,
5669         concat!(
5670             "Size of: ",
5671             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_11)
5672         )
5673     );
5674     assert_eq!(
5675         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_11>(),
5676         4usize,
5677         concat!(
5678             "Alignment of ",
5679             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_11)
5680         )
5681     );
5682     assert_eq!(
5683         unsafe {
5684             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_11>())).dcrn as *const _
5685                 as usize
5686         },
5687         0usize,
5688         concat!(
5689             "Offset of field: ",
5690             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_11),
5691             "::",
5692             stringify!(dcrn)
5693         )
5694     );
5695     assert_eq!(
5696         unsafe {
5697             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_11>())).data as *const _
5698                 as usize
5699         },
5700         4usize,
5701         concat!(
5702             "Offset of field: ",
5703             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_11),
5704             "::",
5705             stringify!(data)
5706         )
5707     );
5708     assert_eq!(
5709         unsafe {
5710             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_11>())).is_write as *const _
5711                 as usize
5712         },
5713         8usize,
5714         concat!(
5715             "Offset of field: ",
5716             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_11),
5717             "::",
5718             stringify!(is_write)
5719         )
5720     );
5721 }
5722 #[repr(C)]
5723 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
5724 pub struct kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_12 {
5725     pub suberror: __u32,
5726     pub ndata: __u32,
5727     pub data: [__u64; 16usize],
5728 }
5729 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_12()5730 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_12() {
5731     assert_eq!(
5732         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_12>(),
5733         136usize,
5734         concat!(
5735             "Size of: ",
5736             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_12)
5737         )
5738     );
5739     assert_eq!(
5740         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_12>(),
5741         8usize,
5742         concat!(
5743             "Alignment of ",
5744             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_12)
5745         )
5746     );
5747     assert_eq!(
5748         unsafe {
5749             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_12>())).suberror as *const _
5750                 as usize
5751         },
5752         0usize,
5753         concat!(
5754             "Offset of field: ",
5755             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_12),
5756             "::",
5757             stringify!(suberror)
5758         )
5759     );
5760     assert_eq!(
5761         unsafe {
5762             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_12>())).ndata as *const _
5763                 as usize
5764         },
5765         4usize,
5766         concat!(
5767             "Offset of field: ",
5768             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_12),
5769             "::",
5770             stringify!(ndata)
5771         )
5772     );
5773     assert_eq!(
5774         unsafe {
5775             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_12>())).data as *const _
5776                 as usize
5777         },
5778         8usize,
5779         concat!(
5780             "Offset of field: ",
5781             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_12),
5782             "::",
5783             stringify!(data)
5784         )
5785     );
5786 }
5787 #[repr(C)]
5788 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
5789 pub struct kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_13 {
5790     pub gprs: [__u64; 32usize],
5791 }
5792 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_13()5793 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_13() {
5794     assert_eq!(
5795         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_13>(),
5796         256usize,
5797         concat!(
5798             "Size of: ",
5799             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_13)
5800         )
5801     );
5802     assert_eq!(
5803         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_13>(),
5804         8usize,
5805         concat!(
5806             "Alignment of ",
5807             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_13)
5808         )
5809     );
5810     assert_eq!(
5811         unsafe {
5812             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_13>())).gprs as *const _
5813                 as usize
5814         },
5815         0usize,
5816         concat!(
5817             "Offset of field: ",
5818             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_13),
5819             "::",
5820             stringify!(gprs)
5821         )
5822     );
5823 }
5824 #[repr(C)]
5825 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
5826 pub struct kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_14 {
5827     pub nr: __u64,
5828     pub ret: __u64,
5829     pub args: [__u64; 9usize],
5830 }
5831 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_14()5832 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_14() {
5833     assert_eq!(
5834         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_14>(),
5835         88usize,
5836         concat!(
5837             "Size of: ",
5838             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_14)
5839         )
5840     );
5841     assert_eq!(
5842         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_14>(),
5843         8usize,
5844         concat!(
5845             "Alignment of ",
5846             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_14)
5847         )
5848     );
5849     assert_eq!(
5850         unsafe {
5851             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_14>())).nr as *const _ as usize
5852         },
5853         0usize,
5854         concat!(
5855             "Offset of field: ",
5856             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_14),
5857             "::",
5858             stringify!(nr)
5859         )
5860     );
5861     assert_eq!(
5862         unsafe {
5863             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_14>())).ret as *const _
5864                 as usize
5865         },
5866         8usize,
5867         concat!(
5868             "Offset of field: ",
5869             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_14),
5870             "::",
5871             stringify!(ret)
5872         )
5873     );
5874     assert_eq!(
5875         unsafe {
5876             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_14>())).args as *const _
5877                 as usize
5878         },
5879         16usize,
5880         concat!(
5881             "Offset of field: ",
5882             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_14),
5883             "::",
5884             stringify!(args)
5885         )
5886     );
5887 }
5888 #[repr(C)]
5889 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
5890 pub struct kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_15 {
5891     pub subchannel_id: __u16,
5892     pub subchannel_nr: __u16,
5893     pub io_int_parm: __u32,
5894     pub io_int_word: __u32,
5895     pub ipb: __u32,
5896     pub dequeued: __u8,
5897 }
5898 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_15()5899 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_15() {
5900     assert_eq!(
5901         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_15>(),
5902         20usize,
5903         concat!(
5904             "Size of: ",
5905             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_15)
5906         )
5907     );
5908     assert_eq!(
5909         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_15>(),
5910         4usize,
5911         concat!(
5912             "Alignment of ",
5913             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_15)
5914         )
5915     );
5916     assert_eq!(
5917         unsafe {
5918             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_15>())).subchannel_id
5919                 as *const _ as usize
5920         },
5921         0usize,
5922         concat!(
5923             "Offset of field: ",
5924             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_15),
5925             "::",
5926             stringify!(subchannel_id)
5927         )
5928     );
5929     assert_eq!(
5930         unsafe {
5931             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_15>())).subchannel_nr
5932                 as *const _ as usize
5933         },
5934         2usize,
5935         concat!(
5936             "Offset of field: ",
5937             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_15),
5938             "::",
5939             stringify!(subchannel_nr)
5940         )
5941     );
5942     assert_eq!(
5943         unsafe {
5944             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_15>())).io_int_parm as *const _
5945                 as usize
5946         },
5947         4usize,
5948         concat!(
5949             "Offset of field: ",
5950             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_15),
5951             "::",
5952             stringify!(io_int_parm)
5953         )
5954     );
5955     assert_eq!(
5956         unsafe {
5957             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_15>())).io_int_word as *const _
5958                 as usize
5959         },
5960         8usize,
5961         concat!(
5962             "Offset of field: ",
5963             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_15),
5964             "::",
5965             stringify!(io_int_word)
5966         )
5967     );
5968     assert_eq!(
5969         unsafe {
5970             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_15>())).ipb as *const _
5971                 as usize
5972         },
5973         12usize,
5974         concat!(
5975             "Offset of field: ",
5976             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_15),
5977             "::",
5978             stringify!(ipb)
5979         )
5980     );
5981     assert_eq!(
5982         unsafe {
5983             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_15>())).dequeued as *const _
5984                 as usize
5985         },
5986         16usize,
5987         concat!(
5988             "Offset of field: ",
5989             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_15),
5990             "::",
5991             stringify!(dequeued)
5992         )
5993     );
5994 }
5995 #[repr(C)]
5996 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
5997 pub struct kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_16 {
5998     pub epr: __u32,
5999 }
6000 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_16()6001 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_16() {
6002     assert_eq!(
6003         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_16>(),
6004         4usize,
6005         concat!(
6006             "Size of: ",
6007             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_16)
6008         )
6009     );
6010     assert_eq!(
6011         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_16>(),
6012         4usize,
6013         concat!(
6014             "Alignment of ",
6015             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_16)
6016         )
6017     );
6018     assert_eq!(
6019         unsafe {
6020             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_16>())).epr as *const _
6021                 as usize
6022         },
6023         0usize,
6024         concat!(
6025             "Offset of field: ",
6026             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_16),
6027             "::",
6028             stringify!(epr)
6029         )
6030     );
6031 }
6032 #[repr(C)]
6033 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
6034 pub struct kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_17 {
6035     pub type_: __u32,
6036     pub flags: __u64,
6037 }
6038 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_17()6039 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_17() {
6040     assert_eq!(
6041         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_17>(),
6042         16usize,
6043         concat!(
6044             "Size of: ",
6045             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_17)
6046         )
6047     );
6048     assert_eq!(
6049         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_17>(),
6050         8usize,
6051         concat!(
6052             "Alignment of ",
6053             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_17)
6054         )
6055     );
6056     assert_eq!(
6057         unsafe {
6058             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_17>())).type_ as *const _
6059                 as usize
6060         },
6061         0usize,
6062         concat!(
6063             "Offset of field: ",
6064             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_17),
6065             "::",
6066             stringify!(type_)
6067         )
6068     );
6069     assert_eq!(
6070         unsafe {
6071             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_17>())).flags as *const _
6072                 as usize
6073         },
6074         8usize,
6075         concat!(
6076             "Offset of field: ",
6077             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_17),
6078             "::",
6079             stringify!(flags)
6080         )
6081     );
6082 }
6083 #[repr(C)]
6084 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
6085 pub struct kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_18 {
6086     pub addr: __u64,
6087     pub ar: __u8,
6088     pub reserved: __u8,
6089     pub fc: __u8,
6090     pub sel1: __u8,
6091     pub sel2: __u16,
6092 }
6093 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_18()6094 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_18() {
6095     assert_eq!(
6096         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_18>(),
6097         16usize,
6098         concat!(
6099             "Size of: ",
6100             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_18)
6101         )
6102     );
6103     assert_eq!(
6104         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_18>(),
6105         8usize,
6106         concat!(
6107             "Alignment of ",
6108             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_18)
6109         )
6110     );
6111     assert_eq!(
6112         unsafe {
6113             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_18>())).addr as *const _
6114                 as usize
6115         },
6116         0usize,
6117         concat!(
6118             "Offset of field: ",
6119             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_18),
6120             "::",
6121             stringify!(addr)
6122         )
6123     );
6124     assert_eq!(
6125         unsafe {
6126             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_18>())).ar as *const _ as usize
6127         },
6128         8usize,
6129         concat!(
6130             "Offset of field: ",
6131             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_18),
6132             "::",
6133             stringify!(ar)
6134         )
6135     );
6136     assert_eq!(
6137         unsafe {
6138             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_18>())).reserved as *const _
6139                 as usize
6140         },
6141         9usize,
6142         concat!(
6143             "Offset of field: ",
6144             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_18),
6145             "::",
6146             stringify!(reserved)
6147         )
6148     );
6149     assert_eq!(
6150         unsafe {
6151             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_18>())).fc as *const _ as usize
6152         },
6153         10usize,
6154         concat!(
6155             "Offset of field: ",
6156             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_18),
6157             "::",
6158             stringify!(fc)
6159         )
6160     );
6161     assert_eq!(
6162         unsafe {
6163             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_18>())).sel1 as *const _
6164                 as usize
6165         },
6166         11usize,
6167         concat!(
6168             "Offset of field: ",
6169             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_18),
6170             "::",
6171             stringify!(sel1)
6172         )
6173     );
6174     assert_eq!(
6175         unsafe {
6176             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_18>())).sel2 as *const _
6177                 as usize
6178         },
6179         12usize,
6180         concat!(
6181             "Offset of field: ",
6182             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_18),
6183             "::",
6184             stringify!(sel2)
6185         )
6186     );
6187 }
6188 #[repr(C)]
6189 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
6190 pub struct kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_19 {
6191     pub vector: __u8,
6192 }
6193 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_19()6194 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_19() {
6195     assert_eq!(
6196         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_19>(),
6197         1usize,
6198         concat!(
6199             "Size of: ",
6200             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_19)
6201         )
6202     );
6203     assert_eq!(
6204         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_19>(),
6205         1usize,
6206         concat!(
6207             "Alignment of ",
6208             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_19)
6209         )
6210     );
6211     assert_eq!(
6212         unsafe {
6213             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_19>())).vector as *const _
6214                 as usize
6215         },
6216         0usize,
6217         concat!(
6218             "Offset of field: ",
6219             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_19),
6220             "::",
6221             stringify!(vector)
6222         )
6223     );
6224 }
6225 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1()6226 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1() {
6227     assert_eq!(
6228         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1>(),
6229         256usize,
6230         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1))
6231     );
6232     assert_eq!(
6233         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1>(),
6234         8usize,
6235         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1))
6236     );
6237     assert_eq!(
6238         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1>())).hw as *const _ as usize },
6239         0usize,
6240         concat!(
6241             "Offset of field: ",
6242             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1),
6243             "::",
6244             stringify!(hw)
6245         )
6246     );
6247     assert_eq!(
6248         unsafe {
6249             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1>())).fail_entry as *const _ as usize
6250         },
6251         0usize,
6252         concat!(
6253             "Offset of field: ",
6254             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1),
6255             "::",
6256             stringify!(fail_entry)
6257         )
6258     );
6259     assert_eq!(
6260         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1>())).ex as *const _ as usize },
6261         0usize,
6262         concat!(
6263             "Offset of field: ",
6264             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1),
6265             "::",
6266             stringify!(ex)
6267         )
6268     );
6269     assert_eq!(
6270         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1>())).io as *const _ as usize },
6271         0usize,
6272         concat!(
6273             "Offset of field: ",
6274             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1),
6275             "::",
6276             stringify!(io)
6277         )
6278     );
6279     assert_eq!(
6280         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1>())).debug as *const _ as usize },
6281         0usize,
6282         concat!(
6283             "Offset of field: ",
6284             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1),
6285             "::",
6286             stringify!(debug)
6287         )
6288     );
6289     assert_eq!(
6290         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1>())).mmio as *const _ as usize },
6291         0usize,
6292         concat!(
6293             "Offset of field: ",
6294             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1),
6295             "::",
6296             stringify!(mmio)
6297         )
6298     );
6299     assert_eq!(
6300         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1>())).hypercall as *const _ as usize },
6301         0usize,
6302         concat!(
6303             "Offset of field: ",
6304             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1),
6305             "::",
6306             stringify!(hypercall)
6307         )
6308     );
6309     assert_eq!(
6310         unsafe {
6311             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1>())).tpr_access as *const _ as usize
6312         },
6313         0usize,
6314         concat!(
6315             "Offset of field: ",
6316             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1),
6317             "::",
6318             stringify!(tpr_access)
6319         )
6320     );
6321     assert_eq!(
6322         unsafe {
6323             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1>())).s390_sieic as *const _ as usize
6324         },
6325         0usize,
6326         concat!(
6327             "Offset of field: ",
6328             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1),
6329             "::",
6330             stringify!(s390_sieic)
6331         )
6332     );
6333     assert_eq!(
6334         unsafe {
6335             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1>())).s390_reset_flags as *const _ as usize
6336         },
6337         0usize,
6338         concat!(
6339             "Offset of field: ",
6340             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1),
6341             "::",
6342             stringify!(s390_reset_flags)
6343         )
6344     );
6345     assert_eq!(
6346         unsafe {
6347             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1>())).s390_ucontrol as *const _ as usize
6348         },
6349         0usize,
6350         concat!(
6351             "Offset of field: ",
6352             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1),
6353             "::",
6354             stringify!(s390_ucontrol)
6355         )
6356     );
6357     assert_eq!(
6358         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1>())).dcr as *const _ as usize },
6359         0usize,
6360         concat!(
6361             "Offset of field: ",
6362             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1),
6363             "::",
6364             stringify!(dcr)
6365         )
6366     );
6367     assert_eq!(
6368         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1>())).internal as *const _ as usize },
6369         0usize,
6370         concat!(
6371             "Offset of field: ",
6372             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1),
6373             "::",
6374             stringify!(internal)
6375         )
6376     );
6377     assert_eq!(
6378         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1>())).osi as *const _ as usize },
6379         0usize,
6380         concat!(
6381             "Offset of field: ",
6382             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1),
6383             "::",
6384             stringify!(osi)
6385         )
6386     );
6387     assert_eq!(
6388         unsafe {
6389             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1>())).papr_hcall as *const _ as usize
6390         },
6391         0usize,
6392         concat!(
6393             "Offset of field: ",
6394             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1),
6395             "::",
6396             stringify!(papr_hcall)
6397         )
6398     );
6399     assert_eq!(
6400         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1>())).s390_tsch as *const _ as usize },
6401         0usize,
6402         concat!(
6403             "Offset of field: ",
6404             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1),
6405             "::",
6406             stringify!(s390_tsch)
6407         )
6408     );
6409     assert_eq!(
6410         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1>())).epr as *const _ as usize },
6411         0usize,
6412         concat!(
6413             "Offset of field: ",
6414             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1),
6415             "::",
6416             stringify!(epr)
6417         )
6418     );
6419     assert_eq!(
6420         unsafe {
6421             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1>())).system_event as *const _ as usize
6422         },
6423         0usize,
6424         concat!(
6425             "Offset of field: ",
6426             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1),
6427             "::",
6428             stringify!(system_event)
6429         )
6430     );
6431     assert_eq!(
6432         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1>())).s390_stsi as *const _ as usize },
6433         0usize,
6434         concat!(
6435             "Offset of field: ",
6436             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1),
6437             "::",
6438             stringify!(s390_stsi)
6439         )
6440     );
6441     assert_eq!(
6442         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1>())).eoi as *const _ as usize },
6443         0usize,
6444         concat!(
6445             "Offset of field: ",
6446             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1),
6447             "::",
6448             stringify!(eoi)
6449         )
6450     );
6451     assert_eq!(
6452         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1>())).hyperv as *const _ as usize },
6453         0usize,
6454         concat!(
6455             "Offset of field: ",
6456             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1),
6457             "::",
6458             stringify!(hyperv)
6459         )
6460     );
6461     assert_eq!(
6462         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1>())).padding as *const _ as usize },
6463         0usize,
6464         concat!(
6465             "Offset of field: ",
6466             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1),
6467             "::",
6468             stringify!(padding)
6469         )
6470     );
6471 }
6472 impl Default for kvm_run__bindgen_ty_1 {
default() -> Self6473     fn default() -> Self {
6474         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
6475     }
6476 }
6477 #[repr(C)]
6478 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
6479 pub union kvm_run__bindgen_ty_2 {
6480     pub regs: kvm_sync_regs,
6481     pub padding: [::std::os::raw::c_char; 2048usize],
6482     _bindgen_union_align: [u64; 256usize],
6483 }
6484 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_2()6485 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run__bindgen_ty_2() {
6486     assert_eq!(
6487         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_2>(),
6488         2048usize,
6489         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_2))
6490     );
6491     assert_eq!(
6492         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_2>(),
6493         8usize,
6494         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_2))
6495     );
6496     assert_eq!(
6497         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_2>())).regs as *const _ as usize },
6498         0usize,
6499         concat!(
6500             "Offset of field: ",
6501             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_2),
6502             "::",
6503             stringify!(regs)
6504         )
6505     );
6506     assert_eq!(
6507         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run__bindgen_ty_2>())).padding as *const _ as usize },
6508         0usize,
6509         concat!(
6510             "Offset of field: ",
6511             stringify!(kvm_run__bindgen_ty_2),
6512             "::",
6513             stringify!(padding)
6514         )
6515     );
6516 }
6517 impl Default for kvm_run__bindgen_ty_2 {
default() -> Self6518     fn default() -> Self {
6519         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
6520     }
6521 }
6522 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run()6523 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_run() {
6524     assert_eq!(
6525         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_run>(),
6526         2352usize,
6527         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_run))
6528     );
6529     assert_eq!(
6530         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_run>(),
6531         8usize,
6532         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_run))
6533     );
6534     assert_eq!(
6535         unsafe {
6536             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run>())).request_interrupt_window as *const _ as usize
6537         },
6538         0usize,
6539         concat!(
6540             "Offset of field: ",
6541             stringify!(kvm_run),
6542             "::",
6543             stringify!(request_interrupt_window)
6544         )
6545     );
6546     assert_eq!(
6547         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run>())).immediate_exit as *const _ as usize },
6548         1usize,
6549         concat!(
6550             "Offset of field: ",
6551             stringify!(kvm_run),
6552             "::",
6553             stringify!(immediate_exit)
6554         )
6555     );
6556     assert_eq!(
6557         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run>())).padding1 as *const _ as usize },
6558         2usize,
6559         concat!(
6560             "Offset of field: ",
6561             stringify!(kvm_run),
6562             "::",
6563             stringify!(padding1)
6564         )
6565     );
6566     assert_eq!(
6567         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run>())).exit_reason as *const _ as usize },
6568         8usize,
6569         concat!(
6570             "Offset of field: ",
6571             stringify!(kvm_run),
6572             "::",
6573             stringify!(exit_reason)
6574         )
6575     );
6576     assert_eq!(
6577         unsafe {
6578             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run>())).ready_for_interrupt_injection as *const _ as usize
6579         },
6580         12usize,
6581         concat!(
6582             "Offset of field: ",
6583             stringify!(kvm_run),
6584             "::",
6585             stringify!(ready_for_interrupt_injection)
6586         )
6587     );
6588     assert_eq!(
6589         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run>())).if_flag as *const _ as usize },
6590         13usize,
6591         concat!(
6592             "Offset of field: ",
6593             stringify!(kvm_run),
6594             "::",
6595             stringify!(if_flag)
6596         )
6597     );
6598     assert_eq!(
6599         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run>())).flags as *const _ as usize },
6600         14usize,
6601         concat!(
6602             "Offset of field: ",
6603             stringify!(kvm_run),
6604             "::",
6605             stringify!(flags)
6606         )
6607     );
6608     assert_eq!(
6609         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run>())).cr8 as *const _ as usize },
6610         16usize,
6611         concat!(
6612             "Offset of field: ",
6613             stringify!(kvm_run),
6614             "::",
6615             stringify!(cr8)
6616         )
6617     );
6618     assert_eq!(
6619         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run>())).apic_base as *const _ as usize },
6620         24usize,
6621         concat!(
6622             "Offset of field: ",
6623             stringify!(kvm_run),
6624             "::",
6625             stringify!(apic_base)
6626         )
6627     );
6628     assert_eq!(
6629         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run>())).kvm_valid_regs as *const _ as usize },
6630         288usize,
6631         concat!(
6632             "Offset of field: ",
6633             stringify!(kvm_run),
6634             "::",
6635             stringify!(kvm_valid_regs)
6636         )
6637     );
6638     assert_eq!(
6639         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run>())).kvm_dirty_regs as *const _ as usize },
6640         296usize,
6641         concat!(
6642             "Offset of field: ",
6643             stringify!(kvm_run),
6644             "::",
6645             stringify!(kvm_dirty_regs)
6646         )
6647     );
6648     assert_eq!(
6649         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_run>())).s as *const _ as usize },
6650         304usize,
6651         concat!(
6652             "Offset of field: ",
6653             stringify!(kvm_run),
6654             "::",
6655             stringify!(s)
6656         )
6657     );
6658 }
6659 impl Default for kvm_run {
default() -> Self6660     fn default() -> Self {
6661         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
6662     }
6663 }
6664 #[repr(C)]
6665 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
6666 pub struct kvm_coalesced_mmio_zone {
6667     pub addr: __u64,
6668     pub size: __u32,
6669     pub __bindgen_anon_1: kvm_coalesced_mmio_zone__bindgen_ty_1,
6670 }
6671 #[repr(C)]
6672 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
6673 pub union kvm_coalesced_mmio_zone__bindgen_ty_1 {
6674     pub pad: __u32,
6675     pub pio: __u32,
6676     _bindgen_union_align: u32,
6677 }
6678 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_coalesced_mmio_zone__bindgen_ty_1()6679 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_coalesced_mmio_zone__bindgen_ty_1() {
6680     assert_eq!(
6681         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_coalesced_mmio_zone__bindgen_ty_1>(),
6682         4usize,
6683         concat!(
6684             "Size of: ",
6685             stringify!(kvm_coalesced_mmio_zone__bindgen_ty_1)
6686         )
6687     );
6688     assert_eq!(
6689         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_coalesced_mmio_zone__bindgen_ty_1>(),
6690         4usize,
6691         concat!(
6692             "Alignment of ",
6693             stringify!(kvm_coalesced_mmio_zone__bindgen_ty_1)
6694         )
6695     );
6696     assert_eq!(
6697         unsafe {
6698             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_coalesced_mmio_zone__bindgen_ty_1>())).pad as *const _
6699                 as usize
6700         },
6701         0usize,
6702         concat!(
6703             "Offset of field: ",
6704             stringify!(kvm_coalesced_mmio_zone__bindgen_ty_1),
6705             "::",
6706             stringify!(pad)
6707         )
6708     );
6709     assert_eq!(
6710         unsafe {
6711             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_coalesced_mmio_zone__bindgen_ty_1>())).pio as *const _
6712                 as usize
6713         },
6714         0usize,
6715         concat!(
6716             "Offset of field: ",
6717             stringify!(kvm_coalesced_mmio_zone__bindgen_ty_1),
6718             "::",
6719             stringify!(pio)
6720         )
6721     );
6722 }
6723 impl Default for kvm_coalesced_mmio_zone__bindgen_ty_1 {
default() -> Self6724     fn default() -> Self {
6725         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
6726     }
6727 }
6728 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_coalesced_mmio_zone()6729 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_coalesced_mmio_zone() {
6730     assert_eq!(
6731         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_coalesced_mmio_zone>(),
6732         16usize,
6733         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_coalesced_mmio_zone))
6734     );
6735     assert_eq!(
6736         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_coalesced_mmio_zone>(),
6737         8usize,
6738         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_coalesced_mmio_zone))
6739     );
6740     assert_eq!(
6741         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_coalesced_mmio_zone>())).addr as *const _ as usize },
6742         0usize,
6743         concat!(
6744             "Offset of field: ",
6745             stringify!(kvm_coalesced_mmio_zone),
6746             "::",
6747             stringify!(addr)
6748         )
6749     );
6750     assert_eq!(
6751         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_coalesced_mmio_zone>())).size as *const _ as usize },
6752         8usize,
6753         concat!(
6754             "Offset of field: ",
6755             stringify!(kvm_coalesced_mmio_zone),
6756             "::",
6757             stringify!(size)
6758         )
6759     );
6760 }
6761 impl Default for kvm_coalesced_mmio_zone {
default() -> Self6762     fn default() -> Self {
6763         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
6764     }
6765 }
6766 #[repr(C)]
6767 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
6768 pub struct kvm_coalesced_mmio {
6769     pub phys_addr: __u64,
6770     pub len: __u32,
6771     pub __bindgen_anon_1: kvm_coalesced_mmio__bindgen_ty_1,
6772     pub data: [__u8; 8usize],
6773 }
6774 #[repr(C)]
6775 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
6776 pub union kvm_coalesced_mmio__bindgen_ty_1 {
6777     pub pad: __u32,
6778     pub pio: __u32,
6779     _bindgen_union_align: u32,
6780 }
6781 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_coalesced_mmio__bindgen_ty_1()6782 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_coalesced_mmio__bindgen_ty_1() {
6783     assert_eq!(
6784         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_coalesced_mmio__bindgen_ty_1>(),
6785         4usize,
6786         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_coalesced_mmio__bindgen_ty_1))
6787     );
6788     assert_eq!(
6789         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_coalesced_mmio__bindgen_ty_1>(),
6790         4usize,
6791         concat!(
6792             "Alignment of ",
6793             stringify!(kvm_coalesced_mmio__bindgen_ty_1)
6794         )
6795     );
6796     assert_eq!(
6797         unsafe {
6798             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_coalesced_mmio__bindgen_ty_1>())).pad as *const _ as usize
6799         },
6800         0usize,
6801         concat!(
6802             "Offset of field: ",
6803             stringify!(kvm_coalesced_mmio__bindgen_ty_1),
6804             "::",
6805             stringify!(pad)
6806         )
6807     );
6808     assert_eq!(
6809         unsafe {
6810             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_coalesced_mmio__bindgen_ty_1>())).pio as *const _ as usize
6811         },
6812         0usize,
6813         concat!(
6814             "Offset of field: ",
6815             stringify!(kvm_coalesced_mmio__bindgen_ty_1),
6816             "::",
6817             stringify!(pio)
6818         )
6819     );
6820 }
6821 impl Default for kvm_coalesced_mmio__bindgen_ty_1 {
default() -> Self6822     fn default() -> Self {
6823         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
6824     }
6825 }
6826 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_coalesced_mmio()6827 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_coalesced_mmio() {
6828     assert_eq!(
6829         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_coalesced_mmio>(),
6830         24usize,
6831         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_coalesced_mmio))
6832     );
6833     assert_eq!(
6834         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_coalesced_mmio>(),
6835         8usize,
6836         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_coalesced_mmio))
6837     );
6838     assert_eq!(
6839         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_coalesced_mmio>())).phys_addr as *const _ as usize },
6840         0usize,
6841         concat!(
6842             "Offset of field: ",
6843             stringify!(kvm_coalesced_mmio),
6844             "::",
6845             stringify!(phys_addr)
6846         )
6847     );
6848     assert_eq!(
6849         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_coalesced_mmio>())).len as *const _ as usize },
6850         8usize,
6851         concat!(
6852             "Offset of field: ",
6853             stringify!(kvm_coalesced_mmio),
6854             "::",
6855             stringify!(len)
6856         )
6857     );
6858     assert_eq!(
6859         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_coalesced_mmio>())).data as *const _ as usize },
6860         16usize,
6861         concat!(
6862             "Offset of field: ",
6863             stringify!(kvm_coalesced_mmio),
6864             "::",
6865             stringify!(data)
6866         )
6867     );
6868 }
6869 impl Default for kvm_coalesced_mmio {
default() -> Self6870     fn default() -> Self {
6871         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
6872     }
6873 }
6874 #[repr(C)]
6875 pub struct kvm_coalesced_mmio_ring {
6876     pub first: __u32,
6877     pub last: __u32,
6878     pub coalesced_mmio: __IncompleteArrayField<kvm_coalesced_mmio>,
6879 }
6880 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_coalesced_mmio_ring()6881 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_coalesced_mmio_ring() {
6882     assert_eq!(
6883         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_coalesced_mmio_ring>(),
6884         8usize,
6885         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_coalesced_mmio_ring))
6886     );
6887     assert_eq!(
6888         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_coalesced_mmio_ring>(),
6889         8usize,
6890         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_coalesced_mmio_ring))
6891     );
6892     assert_eq!(
6893         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_coalesced_mmio_ring>())).first as *const _ as usize },
6894         0usize,
6895         concat!(
6896             "Offset of field: ",
6897             stringify!(kvm_coalesced_mmio_ring),
6898             "::",
6899             stringify!(first)
6900         )
6901     );
6902     assert_eq!(
6903         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_coalesced_mmio_ring>())).last as *const _ as usize },
6904         4usize,
6905         concat!(
6906             "Offset of field: ",
6907             stringify!(kvm_coalesced_mmio_ring),
6908             "::",
6909             stringify!(last)
6910         )
6911     );
6912     assert_eq!(
6913         unsafe {
6914             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_coalesced_mmio_ring>())).coalesced_mmio as *const _ as usize
6915         },
6916         8usize,
6917         concat!(
6918             "Offset of field: ",
6919             stringify!(kvm_coalesced_mmio_ring),
6920             "::",
6921             stringify!(coalesced_mmio)
6922         )
6923     );
6924 }
6925 impl Default for kvm_coalesced_mmio_ring {
default() -> Self6926     fn default() -> Self {
6927         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
6928     }
6929 }
6930 #[repr(C)]
6931 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
6932 pub struct kvm_translation {
6933     pub linear_address: __u64,
6934     pub physical_address: __u64,
6935     pub valid: __u8,
6936     pub writeable: __u8,
6937     pub usermode: __u8,
6938     pub pad: [__u8; 5usize],
6939 }
6940 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_translation()6941 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_translation() {
6942     assert_eq!(
6943         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_translation>(),
6944         24usize,
6945         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_translation))
6946     );
6947     assert_eq!(
6948         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_translation>(),
6949         8usize,
6950         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_translation))
6951     );
6952     assert_eq!(
6953         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_translation>())).linear_address as *const _ as usize },
6954         0usize,
6955         concat!(
6956             "Offset of field: ",
6957             stringify!(kvm_translation),
6958             "::",
6959             stringify!(linear_address)
6960         )
6961     );
6962     assert_eq!(
6963         unsafe {
6964             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_translation>())).physical_address as *const _ as usize
6965         },
6966         8usize,
6967         concat!(
6968             "Offset of field: ",
6969             stringify!(kvm_translation),
6970             "::",
6971             stringify!(physical_address)
6972         )
6973     );
6974     assert_eq!(
6975         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_translation>())).valid as *const _ as usize },
6976         16usize,
6977         concat!(
6978             "Offset of field: ",
6979             stringify!(kvm_translation),
6980             "::",
6981             stringify!(valid)
6982         )
6983     );
6984     assert_eq!(
6985         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_translation>())).writeable as *const _ as usize },
6986         17usize,
6987         concat!(
6988             "Offset of field: ",
6989             stringify!(kvm_translation),
6990             "::",
6991             stringify!(writeable)
6992         )
6993     );
6994     assert_eq!(
6995         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_translation>())).usermode as *const _ as usize },
6996         18usize,
6997         concat!(
6998             "Offset of field: ",
6999             stringify!(kvm_translation),
7000             "::",
7001             stringify!(usermode)
7002         )
7003     );
7004     assert_eq!(
7005         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_translation>())).pad as *const _ as usize },
7006         19usize,
7007         concat!(
7008             "Offset of field: ",
7009             stringify!(kvm_translation),
7010             "::",
7011             stringify!(pad)
7012         )
7013     );
7014 }
7015 #[repr(C)]
7016 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
7017 pub struct kvm_s390_mem_op {
7018     pub gaddr: __u64,
7019     pub flags: __u64,
7020     pub size: __u32,
7021     pub op: __u32,
7022     pub buf: __u64,
7023     pub ar: __u8,
7024     pub reserved: [__u8; 31usize],
7025 }
7026 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_mem_op()7027 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_mem_op() {
7028     assert_eq!(
7029         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_s390_mem_op>(),
7030         64usize,
7031         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_s390_mem_op))
7032     );
7033     assert_eq!(
7034         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_s390_mem_op>(),
7035         8usize,
7036         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_s390_mem_op))
7037     );
7038     assert_eq!(
7039         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_mem_op>())).gaddr as *const _ as usize },
7040         0usize,
7041         concat!(
7042             "Offset of field: ",
7043             stringify!(kvm_s390_mem_op),
7044             "::",
7045             stringify!(gaddr)
7046         )
7047     );
7048     assert_eq!(
7049         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_mem_op>())).flags as *const _ as usize },
7050         8usize,
7051         concat!(
7052             "Offset of field: ",
7053             stringify!(kvm_s390_mem_op),
7054             "::",
7055             stringify!(flags)
7056         )
7057     );
7058     assert_eq!(
7059         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_mem_op>())).size as *const _ as usize },
7060         16usize,
7061         concat!(
7062             "Offset of field: ",
7063             stringify!(kvm_s390_mem_op),
7064             "::",
7065             stringify!(size)
7066         )
7067     );
7068     assert_eq!(
7069         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_mem_op>())).op as *const _ as usize },
7070         20usize,
7071         concat!(
7072             "Offset of field: ",
7073             stringify!(kvm_s390_mem_op),
7074             "::",
7075             stringify!(op)
7076         )
7077     );
7078     assert_eq!(
7079         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_mem_op>())).buf as *const _ as usize },
7080         24usize,
7081         concat!(
7082             "Offset of field: ",
7083             stringify!(kvm_s390_mem_op),
7084             "::",
7085             stringify!(buf)
7086         )
7087     );
7088     assert_eq!(
7089         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_mem_op>())).ar as *const _ as usize },
7090         32usize,
7091         concat!(
7092             "Offset of field: ",
7093             stringify!(kvm_s390_mem_op),
7094             "::",
7095             stringify!(ar)
7096         )
7097     );
7098     assert_eq!(
7099         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_mem_op>())).reserved as *const _ as usize },
7100         33usize,
7101         concat!(
7102             "Offset of field: ",
7103             stringify!(kvm_s390_mem_op),
7104             "::",
7105             stringify!(reserved)
7106         )
7107     );
7108 }
7109 #[repr(C)]
7110 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
7111 pub struct kvm_interrupt {
7112     pub irq: __u32,
7113 }
7114 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_interrupt()7115 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_interrupt() {
7116     assert_eq!(
7117         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_interrupt>(),
7118         4usize,
7119         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_interrupt))
7120     );
7121     assert_eq!(
7122         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_interrupt>(),
7123         4usize,
7124         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_interrupt))
7125     );
7126     assert_eq!(
7127         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_interrupt>())).irq as *const _ as usize },
7128         0usize,
7129         concat!(
7130             "Offset of field: ",
7131             stringify!(kvm_interrupt),
7132             "::",
7133             stringify!(irq)
7134         )
7135     );
7136 }
7137 #[repr(C)]
7138 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
7139 pub struct kvm_dirty_log {
7140     pub slot: __u32,
7141     pub padding1: __u32,
7142     pub __bindgen_anon_1: kvm_dirty_log__bindgen_ty_1,
7143 }
7144 #[repr(C)]
7145 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
7146 pub union kvm_dirty_log__bindgen_ty_1 {
7147     pub dirty_bitmap: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
7148     pub padding2: __u64,
7149     _bindgen_union_align: u64,
7150 }
7151 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_dirty_log__bindgen_ty_1()7152 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_dirty_log__bindgen_ty_1() {
7153     assert_eq!(
7154         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_dirty_log__bindgen_ty_1>(),
7155         8usize,
7156         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_dirty_log__bindgen_ty_1))
7157     );
7158     assert_eq!(
7159         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_dirty_log__bindgen_ty_1>(),
7160         8usize,
7161         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_dirty_log__bindgen_ty_1))
7162     );
7163     assert_eq!(
7164         unsafe {
7165             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_dirty_log__bindgen_ty_1>())).dirty_bitmap as *const _
7166                 as usize
7167         },
7168         0usize,
7169         concat!(
7170             "Offset of field: ",
7171             stringify!(kvm_dirty_log__bindgen_ty_1),
7172             "::",
7173             stringify!(dirty_bitmap)
7174         )
7175     );
7176     assert_eq!(
7177         unsafe {
7178             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_dirty_log__bindgen_ty_1>())).padding2 as *const _ as usize
7179         },
7180         0usize,
7181         concat!(
7182             "Offset of field: ",
7183             stringify!(kvm_dirty_log__bindgen_ty_1),
7184             "::",
7185             stringify!(padding2)
7186         )
7187     );
7188 }
7189 impl Default for kvm_dirty_log__bindgen_ty_1 {
default() -> Self7190     fn default() -> Self {
7191         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
7192     }
7193 }
7194 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_dirty_log()7195 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_dirty_log() {
7196     assert_eq!(
7197         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_dirty_log>(),
7198         16usize,
7199         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_dirty_log))
7200     );
7201     assert_eq!(
7202         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_dirty_log>(),
7203         8usize,
7204         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_dirty_log))
7205     );
7206     assert_eq!(
7207         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_dirty_log>())).slot as *const _ as usize },
7208         0usize,
7209         concat!(
7210             "Offset of field: ",
7211             stringify!(kvm_dirty_log),
7212             "::",
7213             stringify!(slot)
7214         )
7215     );
7216     assert_eq!(
7217         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_dirty_log>())).padding1 as *const _ as usize },
7218         4usize,
7219         concat!(
7220             "Offset of field: ",
7221             stringify!(kvm_dirty_log),
7222             "::",
7223             stringify!(padding1)
7224         )
7225     );
7226 }
7227 impl Default for kvm_dirty_log {
default() -> Self7228     fn default() -> Self {
7229         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
7230     }
7231 }
7232 #[repr(C)]
7233 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
7234 pub struct kvm_clear_dirty_log {
7235     pub slot: __u32,
7236     pub num_pages: __u32,
7237     pub first_page: __u64,
7238     pub __bindgen_anon_1: kvm_clear_dirty_log__bindgen_ty_1,
7239 }
7240 #[repr(C)]
7241 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
7242 pub union kvm_clear_dirty_log__bindgen_ty_1 {
7243     pub dirty_bitmap: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
7244     pub padding2: __u64,
7245     _bindgen_union_align: u64,
7246 }
7247 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_clear_dirty_log__bindgen_ty_1()7248 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_clear_dirty_log__bindgen_ty_1() {
7249     assert_eq!(
7250         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_clear_dirty_log__bindgen_ty_1>(),
7251         8usize,
7252         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_clear_dirty_log__bindgen_ty_1))
7253     );
7254     assert_eq!(
7255         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_clear_dirty_log__bindgen_ty_1>(),
7256         8usize,
7257         concat!(
7258             "Alignment of ",
7259             stringify!(kvm_clear_dirty_log__bindgen_ty_1)
7260         )
7261     );
7262     assert_eq!(
7263         unsafe {
7264             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_clear_dirty_log__bindgen_ty_1>())).dirty_bitmap as *const _
7265                 as usize
7266         },
7267         0usize,
7268         concat!(
7269             "Offset of field: ",
7270             stringify!(kvm_clear_dirty_log__bindgen_ty_1),
7271             "::",
7272             stringify!(dirty_bitmap)
7273         )
7274     );
7275     assert_eq!(
7276         unsafe {
7277             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_clear_dirty_log__bindgen_ty_1>())).padding2 as *const _
7278                 as usize
7279         },
7280         0usize,
7281         concat!(
7282             "Offset of field: ",
7283             stringify!(kvm_clear_dirty_log__bindgen_ty_1),
7284             "::",
7285             stringify!(padding2)
7286         )
7287     );
7288 }
7289 impl Default for kvm_clear_dirty_log__bindgen_ty_1 {
default() -> Self7290     fn default() -> Self {
7291         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
7292     }
7293 }
7294 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_clear_dirty_log()7295 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_clear_dirty_log() {
7296     assert_eq!(
7297         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_clear_dirty_log>(),
7298         24usize,
7299         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_clear_dirty_log))
7300     );
7301     assert_eq!(
7302         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_clear_dirty_log>(),
7303         8usize,
7304         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_clear_dirty_log))
7305     );
7306     assert_eq!(
7307         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_clear_dirty_log>())).slot as *const _ as usize },
7308         0usize,
7309         concat!(
7310             "Offset of field: ",
7311             stringify!(kvm_clear_dirty_log),
7312             "::",
7313             stringify!(slot)
7314         )
7315     );
7316     assert_eq!(
7317         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_clear_dirty_log>())).num_pages as *const _ as usize },
7318         4usize,
7319         concat!(
7320             "Offset of field: ",
7321             stringify!(kvm_clear_dirty_log),
7322             "::",
7323             stringify!(num_pages)
7324         )
7325     );
7326     assert_eq!(
7327         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_clear_dirty_log>())).first_page as *const _ as usize },
7328         8usize,
7329         concat!(
7330             "Offset of field: ",
7331             stringify!(kvm_clear_dirty_log),
7332             "::",
7333             stringify!(first_page)
7334         )
7335     );
7336 }
7337 impl Default for kvm_clear_dirty_log {
default() -> Self7338     fn default() -> Self {
7339         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
7340     }
7341 }
7342 #[repr(C)]
7343 #[derive(Debug, Default)]
7344 pub struct kvm_signal_mask {
7345     pub len: __u32,
7346     pub sigset: __IncompleteArrayField<__u8>,
7347 }
7348 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_signal_mask()7349 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_signal_mask() {
7350     assert_eq!(
7351         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_signal_mask>(),
7352         4usize,
7353         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_signal_mask))
7354     );
7355     assert_eq!(
7356         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_signal_mask>(),
7357         4usize,
7358         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_signal_mask))
7359     );
7360     assert_eq!(
7361         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_signal_mask>())).len as *const _ as usize },
7362         0usize,
7363         concat!(
7364             "Offset of field: ",
7365             stringify!(kvm_signal_mask),
7366             "::",
7367             stringify!(len)
7368         )
7369     );
7370     assert_eq!(
7371         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_signal_mask>())).sigset as *const _ as usize },
7372         4usize,
7373         concat!(
7374             "Offset of field: ",
7375             stringify!(kvm_signal_mask),
7376             "::",
7377             stringify!(sigset)
7378         )
7379     );
7380 }
7381 #[repr(C)]
7382 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
7383 pub struct kvm_tpr_access_ctl {
7384     pub enabled: __u32,
7385     pub flags: __u32,
7386     pub reserved: [__u32; 8usize],
7387 }
7388 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_tpr_access_ctl()7389 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_tpr_access_ctl() {
7390     assert_eq!(
7391         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_tpr_access_ctl>(),
7392         40usize,
7393         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_tpr_access_ctl))
7394     );
7395     assert_eq!(
7396         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_tpr_access_ctl>(),
7397         4usize,
7398         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_tpr_access_ctl))
7399     );
7400     assert_eq!(
7401         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_tpr_access_ctl>())).enabled as *const _ as usize },
7402         0usize,
7403         concat!(
7404             "Offset of field: ",
7405             stringify!(kvm_tpr_access_ctl),
7406             "::",
7407             stringify!(enabled)
7408         )
7409     );
7410     assert_eq!(
7411         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_tpr_access_ctl>())).flags as *const _ as usize },
7412         4usize,
7413         concat!(
7414             "Offset of field: ",
7415             stringify!(kvm_tpr_access_ctl),
7416             "::",
7417             stringify!(flags)
7418         )
7419     );
7420     assert_eq!(
7421         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_tpr_access_ctl>())).reserved as *const _ as usize },
7422         8usize,
7423         concat!(
7424             "Offset of field: ",
7425             stringify!(kvm_tpr_access_ctl),
7426             "::",
7427             stringify!(reserved)
7428         )
7429     );
7430 }
7431 #[repr(C)]
7432 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
7433 pub struct kvm_vapic_addr {
7434     pub vapic_addr: __u64,
7435 }
7436 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_vapic_addr()7437 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_vapic_addr() {
7438     assert_eq!(
7439         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_vapic_addr>(),
7440         8usize,
7441         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_vapic_addr))
7442     );
7443     assert_eq!(
7444         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_vapic_addr>(),
7445         8usize,
7446         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_vapic_addr))
7447     );
7448     assert_eq!(
7449         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_vapic_addr>())).vapic_addr as *const _ as usize },
7450         0usize,
7451         concat!(
7452             "Offset of field: ",
7453             stringify!(kvm_vapic_addr),
7454             "::",
7455             stringify!(vapic_addr)
7456         )
7457     );
7458 }
7459 #[repr(C)]
7460 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
7461 pub struct kvm_mp_state {
7462     pub mp_state: __u32,
7463 }
7464 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_mp_state()7465 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_mp_state() {
7466     assert_eq!(
7467         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_mp_state>(),
7468         4usize,
7469         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_mp_state))
7470     );
7471     assert_eq!(
7472         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_mp_state>(),
7473         4usize,
7474         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_mp_state))
7475     );
7476     assert_eq!(
7477         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_mp_state>())).mp_state as *const _ as usize },
7478         0usize,
7479         concat!(
7480             "Offset of field: ",
7481             stringify!(kvm_mp_state),
7482             "::",
7483             stringify!(mp_state)
7484         )
7485     );
7486 }
7487 #[repr(C)]
7488 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
7489 pub struct kvm_s390_psw {
7490     pub mask: __u64,
7491     pub addr: __u64,
7492 }
7493 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_psw()7494 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_psw() {
7495     assert_eq!(
7496         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_s390_psw>(),
7497         16usize,
7498         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_s390_psw))
7499     );
7500     assert_eq!(
7501         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_s390_psw>(),
7502         8usize,
7503         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_s390_psw))
7504     );
7505     assert_eq!(
7506         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_psw>())).mask as *const _ as usize },
7507         0usize,
7508         concat!(
7509             "Offset of field: ",
7510             stringify!(kvm_s390_psw),
7511             "::",
7512             stringify!(mask)
7513         )
7514     );
7515     assert_eq!(
7516         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_psw>())).addr as *const _ as usize },
7517         8usize,
7518         concat!(
7519             "Offset of field: ",
7520             stringify!(kvm_s390_psw),
7521             "::",
7522             stringify!(addr)
7523         )
7524     );
7525 }
7526 #[repr(C)]
7527 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
7528 pub struct kvm_s390_interrupt {
7529     pub type_: __u32,
7530     pub parm: __u32,
7531     pub parm64: __u64,
7532 }
7533 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_interrupt()7534 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_interrupt() {
7535     assert_eq!(
7536         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_s390_interrupt>(),
7537         16usize,
7538         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_s390_interrupt))
7539     );
7540     assert_eq!(
7541         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_s390_interrupt>(),
7542         8usize,
7543         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_s390_interrupt))
7544     );
7545     assert_eq!(
7546         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_interrupt>())).type_ as *const _ as usize },
7547         0usize,
7548         concat!(
7549             "Offset of field: ",
7550             stringify!(kvm_s390_interrupt),
7551             "::",
7552             stringify!(type_)
7553         )
7554     );
7555     assert_eq!(
7556         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_interrupt>())).parm as *const _ as usize },
7557         4usize,
7558         concat!(
7559             "Offset of field: ",
7560             stringify!(kvm_s390_interrupt),
7561             "::",
7562             stringify!(parm)
7563         )
7564     );
7565     assert_eq!(
7566         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_interrupt>())).parm64 as *const _ as usize },
7567         8usize,
7568         concat!(
7569             "Offset of field: ",
7570             stringify!(kvm_s390_interrupt),
7571             "::",
7572             stringify!(parm64)
7573         )
7574     );
7575 }
7576 #[repr(C)]
7577 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
7578 pub struct kvm_s390_io_info {
7579     pub subchannel_id: __u16,
7580     pub subchannel_nr: __u16,
7581     pub io_int_parm: __u32,
7582     pub io_int_word: __u32,
7583 }
7584 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_io_info()7585 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_io_info() {
7586     assert_eq!(
7587         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_s390_io_info>(),
7588         12usize,
7589         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_s390_io_info))
7590     );
7591     assert_eq!(
7592         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_s390_io_info>(),
7593         4usize,
7594         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_s390_io_info))
7595     );
7596     assert_eq!(
7597         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_io_info>())).subchannel_id as *const _ as usize },
7598         0usize,
7599         concat!(
7600             "Offset of field: ",
7601             stringify!(kvm_s390_io_info),
7602             "::",
7603             stringify!(subchannel_id)
7604         )
7605     );
7606     assert_eq!(
7607         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_io_info>())).subchannel_nr as *const _ as usize },
7608         2usize,
7609         concat!(
7610             "Offset of field: ",
7611             stringify!(kvm_s390_io_info),
7612             "::",
7613             stringify!(subchannel_nr)
7614         )
7615     );
7616     assert_eq!(
7617         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_io_info>())).io_int_parm as *const _ as usize },
7618         4usize,
7619         concat!(
7620             "Offset of field: ",
7621             stringify!(kvm_s390_io_info),
7622             "::",
7623             stringify!(io_int_parm)
7624         )
7625     );
7626     assert_eq!(
7627         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_io_info>())).io_int_word as *const _ as usize },
7628         8usize,
7629         concat!(
7630             "Offset of field: ",
7631             stringify!(kvm_s390_io_info),
7632             "::",
7633             stringify!(io_int_word)
7634         )
7635     );
7636 }
7637 #[repr(C)]
7638 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
7639 pub struct kvm_s390_ext_info {
7640     pub ext_params: __u32,
7641     pub pad: __u32,
7642     pub ext_params2: __u64,
7643 }
7644 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_ext_info()7645 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_ext_info() {
7646     assert_eq!(
7647         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_s390_ext_info>(),
7648         16usize,
7649         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_s390_ext_info))
7650     );
7651     assert_eq!(
7652         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_s390_ext_info>(),
7653         8usize,
7654         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_s390_ext_info))
7655     );
7656     assert_eq!(
7657         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_ext_info>())).ext_params as *const _ as usize },
7658         0usize,
7659         concat!(
7660             "Offset of field: ",
7661             stringify!(kvm_s390_ext_info),
7662             "::",
7663             stringify!(ext_params)
7664         )
7665     );
7666     assert_eq!(
7667         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_ext_info>())).pad as *const _ as usize },
7668         4usize,
7669         concat!(
7670             "Offset of field: ",
7671             stringify!(kvm_s390_ext_info),
7672             "::",
7673             stringify!(pad)
7674         )
7675     );
7676     assert_eq!(
7677         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_ext_info>())).ext_params2 as *const _ as usize },
7678         8usize,
7679         concat!(
7680             "Offset of field: ",
7681             stringify!(kvm_s390_ext_info),
7682             "::",
7683             stringify!(ext_params2)
7684         )
7685     );
7686 }
7687 #[repr(C)]
7688 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
7689 pub struct kvm_s390_pgm_info {
7690     pub trans_exc_code: __u64,
7691     pub mon_code: __u64,
7692     pub per_address: __u64,
7693     pub data_exc_code: __u32,
7694     pub code: __u16,
7695     pub mon_class_nr: __u16,
7696     pub per_code: __u8,
7697     pub per_atmid: __u8,
7698     pub exc_access_id: __u8,
7699     pub per_access_id: __u8,
7700     pub op_access_id: __u8,
7701     pub flags: __u8,
7702     pub pad: [__u8; 2usize],
7703 }
7704 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_pgm_info()7705 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_pgm_info() {
7706     assert_eq!(
7707         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_s390_pgm_info>(),
7708         40usize,
7709         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_s390_pgm_info))
7710     );
7711     assert_eq!(
7712         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_s390_pgm_info>(),
7713         8usize,
7714         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_s390_pgm_info))
7715     );
7716     assert_eq!(
7717         unsafe {
7718             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_pgm_info>())).trans_exc_code as *const _ as usize
7719         },
7720         0usize,
7721         concat!(
7722             "Offset of field: ",
7723             stringify!(kvm_s390_pgm_info),
7724             "::",
7725             stringify!(trans_exc_code)
7726         )
7727     );
7728     assert_eq!(
7729         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_pgm_info>())).mon_code as *const _ as usize },
7730         8usize,
7731         concat!(
7732             "Offset of field: ",
7733             stringify!(kvm_s390_pgm_info),
7734             "::",
7735             stringify!(mon_code)
7736         )
7737     );
7738     assert_eq!(
7739         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_pgm_info>())).per_address as *const _ as usize },
7740         16usize,
7741         concat!(
7742             "Offset of field: ",
7743             stringify!(kvm_s390_pgm_info),
7744             "::",
7745             stringify!(per_address)
7746         )
7747     );
7748     assert_eq!(
7749         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_pgm_info>())).data_exc_code as *const _ as usize },
7750         24usize,
7751         concat!(
7752             "Offset of field: ",
7753             stringify!(kvm_s390_pgm_info),
7754             "::",
7755             stringify!(data_exc_code)
7756         )
7757     );
7758     assert_eq!(
7759         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_pgm_info>())).code as *const _ as usize },
7760         28usize,
7761         concat!(
7762             "Offset of field: ",
7763             stringify!(kvm_s390_pgm_info),
7764             "::",
7765             stringify!(code)
7766         )
7767     );
7768     assert_eq!(
7769         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_pgm_info>())).mon_class_nr as *const _ as usize },
7770         30usize,
7771         concat!(
7772             "Offset of field: ",
7773             stringify!(kvm_s390_pgm_info),
7774             "::",
7775             stringify!(mon_class_nr)
7776         )
7777     );
7778     assert_eq!(
7779         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_pgm_info>())).per_code as *const _ as usize },
7780         32usize,
7781         concat!(
7782             "Offset of field: ",
7783             stringify!(kvm_s390_pgm_info),
7784             "::",
7785             stringify!(per_code)
7786         )
7787     );
7788     assert_eq!(
7789         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_pgm_info>())).per_atmid as *const _ as usize },
7790         33usize,
7791         concat!(
7792             "Offset of field: ",
7793             stringify!(kvm_s390_pgm_info),
7794             "::",
7795             stringify!(per_atmid)
7796         )
7797     );
7798     assert_eq!(
7799         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_pgm_info>())).exc_access_id as *const _ as usize },
7800         34usize,
7801         concat!(
7802             "Offset of field: ",
7803             stringify!(kvm_s390_pgm_info),
7804             "::",
7805             stringify!(exc_access_id)
7806         )
7807     );
7808     assert_eq!(
7809         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_pgm_info>())).per_access_id as *const _ as usize },
7810         35usize,
7811         concat!(
7812             "Offset of field: ",
7813             stringify!(kvm_s390_pgm_info),
7814             "::",
7815             stringify!(per_access_id)
7816         )
7817     );
7818     assert_eq!(
7819         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_pgm_info>())).op_access_id as *const _ as usize },
7820         36usize,
7821         concat!(
7822             "Offset of field: ",
7823             stringify!(kvm_s390_pgm_info),
7824             "::",
7825             stringify!(op_access_id)
7826         )
7827     );
7828     assert_eq!(
7829         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_pgm_info>())).flags as *const _ as usize },
7830         37usize,
7831         concat!(
7832             "Offset of field: ",
7833             stringify!(kvm_s390_pgm_info),
7834             "::",
7835             stringify!(flags)
7836         )
7837     );
7838     assert_eq!(
7839         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_pgm_info>())).pad as *const _ as usize },
7840         38usize,
7841         concat!(
7842             "Offset of field: ",
7843             stringify!(kvm_s390_pgm_info),
7844             "::",
7845             stringify!(pad)
7846         )
7847     );
7848 }
7849 #[repr(C)]
7850 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
7851 pub struct kvm_s390_prefix_info {
7852     pub address: __u32,
7853 }
7854 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_prefix_info()7855 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_prefix_info() {
7856     assert_eq!(
7857         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_s390_prefix_info>(),
7858         4usize,
7859         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_s390_prefix_info))
7860     );
7861     assert_eq!(
7862         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_s390_prefix_info>(),
7863         4usize,
7864         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_s390_prefix_info))
7865     );
7866     assert_eq!(
7867         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_prefix_info>())).address as *const _ as usize },
7868         0usize,
7869         concat!(
7870             "Offset of field: ",
7871             stringify!(kvm_s390_prefix_info),
7872             "::",
7873             stringify!(address)
7874         )
7875     );
7876 }
7877 #[repr(C)]
7878 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
7879 pub struct kvm_s390_extcall_info {
7880     pub code: __u16,
7881 }
7882 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_extcall_info()7883 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_extcall_info() {
7884     assert_eq!(
7885         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_s390_extcall_info>(),
7886         2usize,
7887         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_s390_extcall_info))
7888     );
7889     assert_eq!(
7890         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_s390_extcall_info>(),
7891         2usize,
7892         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_s390_extcall_info))
7893     );
7894     assert_eq!(
7895         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_extcall_info>())).code as *const _ as usize },
7896         0usize,
7897         concat!(
7898             "Offset of field: ",
7899             stringify!(kvm_s390_extcall_info),
7900             "::",
7901             stringify!(code)
7902         )
7903     );
7904 }
7905 #[repr(C)]
7906 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
7907 pub struct kvm_s390_emerg_info {
7908     pub code: __u16,
7909 }
7910 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_emerg_info()7911 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_emerg_info() {
7912     assert_eq!(
7913         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_s390_emerg_info>(),
7914         2usize,
7915         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_s390_emerg_info))
7916     );
7917     assert_eq!(
7918         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_s390_emerg_info>(),
7919         2usize,
7920         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_s390_emerg_info))
7921     );
7922     assert_eq!(
7923         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_emerg_info>())).code as *const _ as usize },
7924         0usize,
7925         concat!(
7926             "Offset of field: ",
7927             stringify!(kvm_s390_emerg_info),
7928             "::",
7929             stringify!(code)
7930         )
7931     );
7932 }
7933 #[repr(C)]
7934 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
7935 pub struct kvm_s390_stop_info {
7936     pub flags: __u32,
7937 }
7938 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_stop_info()7939 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_stop_info() {
7940     assert_eq!(
7941         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_s390_stop_info>(),
7942         4usize,
7943         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_s390_stop_info))
7944     );
7945     assert_eq!(
7946         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_s390_stop_info>(),
7947         4usize,
7948         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_s390_stop_info))
7949     );
7950     assert_eq!(
7951         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_stop_info>())).flags as *const _ as usize },
7952         0usize,
7953         concat!(
7954             "Offset of field: ",
7955             stringify!(kvm_s390_stop_info),
7956             "::",
7957             stringify!(flags)
7958         )
7959     );
7960 }
7961 #[repr(C)]
7962 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
7963 pub struct kvm_s390_mchk_info {
7964     pub cr14: __u64,
7965     pub mcic: __u64,
7966     pub failing_storage_address: __u64,
7967     pub ext_damage_code: __u32,
7968     pub pad: __u32,
7969     pub fixed_logout: [__u8; 16usize],
7970 }
7971 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_mchk_info()7972 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_mchk_info() {
7973     assert_eq!(
7974         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_s390_mchk_info>(),
7975         48usize,
7976         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_s390_mchk_info))
7977     );
7978     assert_eq!(
7979         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_s390_mchk_info>(),
7980         8usize,
7981         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_s390_mchk_info))
7982     );
7983     assert_eq!(
7984         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_mchk_info>())).cr14 as *const _ as usize },
7985         0usize,
7986         concat!(
7987             "Offset of field: ",
7988             stringify!(kvm_s390_mchk_info),
7989             "::",
7990             stringify!(cr14)
7991         )
7992     );
7993     assert_eq!(
7994         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_mchk_info>())).mcic as *const _ as usize },
7995         8usize,
7996         concat!(
7997             "Offset of field: ",
7998             stringify!(kvm_s390_mchk_info),
7999             "::",
8000             stringify!(mcic)
8001         )
8002     );
8003     assert_eq!(
8004         unsafe {
8005             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_mchk_info>())).failing_storage_address as *const _
8006                 as usize
8007         },
8008         16usize,
8009         concat!(
8010             "Offset of field: ",
8011             stringify!(kvm_s390_mchk_info),
8012             "::",
8013             stringify!(failing_storage_address)
8014         )
8015     );
8016     assert_eq!(
8017         unsafe {
8018             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_mchk_info>())).ext_damage_code as *const _ as usize
8019         },
8020         24usize,
8021         concat!(
8022             "Offset of field: ",
8023             stringify!(kvm_s390_mchk_info),
8024             "::",
8025             stringify!(ext_damage_code)
8026         )
8027     );
8028     assert_eq!(
8029         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_mchk_info>())).pad as *const _ as usize },
8030         28usize,
8031         concat!(
8032             "Offset of field: ",
8033             stringify!(kvm_s390_mchk_info),
8034             "::",
8035             stringify!(pad)
8036         )
8037     );
8038     assert_eq!(
8039         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_mchk_info>())).fixed_logout as *const _ as usize },
8040         32usize,
8041         concat!(
8042             "Offset of field: ",
8043             stringify!(kvm_s390_mchk_info),
8044             "::",
8045             stringify!(fixed_logout)
8046         )
8047     );
8048 }
8049 #[repr(C)]
8050 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
8051 pub struct kvm_s390_irq {
8052     pub type_: __u64,
8053     pub u: kvm_s390_irq__bindgen_ty_1,
8054 }
8055 #[repr(C)]
8056 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
8057 pub union kvm_s390_irq__bindgen_ty_1 {
8058     pub io: kvm_s390_io_info,
8059     pub ext: kvm_s390_ext_info,
8060     pub pgm: kvm_s390_pgm_info,
8061     pub emerg: kvm_s390_emerg_info,
8062     pub extcall: kvm_s390_extcall_info,
8063     pub prefix: kvm_s390_prefix_info,
8064     pub stop: kvm_s390_stop_info,
8065     pub mchk: kvm_s390_mchk_info,
8066     pub reserved: [::std::os::raw::c_char; 64usize],
8067     _bindgen_union_align: [u64; 8usize],
8068 }
8069 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_irq__bindgen_ty_1()8070 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_irq__bindgen_ty_1() {
8071     assert_eq!(
8072         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_s390_irq__bindgen_ty_1>(),
8073         64usize,
8074         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_s390_irq__bindgen_ty_1))
8075     );
8076     assert_eq!(
8077         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_s390_irq__bindgen_ty_1>(),
8078         8usize,
8079         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_s390_irq__bindgen_ty_1))
8080     );
8081     assert_eq!(
8082         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_irq__bindgen_ty_1>())).io as *const _ as usize },
8083         0usize,
8084         concat!(
8085             "Offset of field: ",
8086             stringify!(kvm_s390_irq__bindgen_ty_1),
8087             "::",
8088             stringify!(io)
8089         )
8090     );
8091     assert_eq!(
8092         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_irq__bindgen_ty_1>())).ext as *const _ as usize },
8093         0usize,
8094         concat!(
8095             "Offset of field: ",
8096             stringify!(kvm_s390_irq__bindgen_ty_1),
8097             "::",
8098             stringify!(ext)
8099         )
8100     );
8101     assert_eq!(
8102         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_irq__bindgen_ty_1>())).pgm as *const _ as usize },
8103         0usize,
8104         concat!(
8105             "Offset of field: ",
8106             stringify!(kvm_s390_irq__bindgen_ty_1),
8107             "::",
8108             stringify!(pgm)
8109         )
8110     );
8111     assert_eq!(
8112         unsafe {
8113             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_irq__bindgen_ty_1>())).emerg as *const _ as usize
8114         },
8115         0usize,
8116         concat!(
8117             "Offset of field: ",
8118             stringify!(kvm_s390_irq__bindgen_ty_1),
8119             "::",
8120             stringify!(emerg)
8121         )
8122     );
8123     assert_eq!(
8124         unsafe {
8125             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_irq__bindgen_ty_1>())).extcall as *const _ as usize
8126         },
8127         0usize,
8128         concat!(
8129             "Offset of field: ",
8130             stringify!(kvm_s390_irq__bindgen_ty_1),
8131             "::",
8132             stringify!(extcall)
8133         )
8134     );
8135     assert_eq!(
8136         unsafe {
8137             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_irq__bindgen_ty_1>())).prefix as *const _ as usize
8138         },
8139         0usize,
8140         concat!(
8141             "Offset of field: ",
8142             stringify!(kvm_s390_irq__bindgen_ty_1),
8143             "::",
8144             stringify!(prefix)
8145         )
8146     );
8147     assert_eq!(
8148         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_irq__bindgen_ty_1>())).stop as *const _ as usize },
8149         0usize,
8150         concat!(
8151             "Offset of field: ",
8152             stringify!(kvm_s390_irq__bindgen_ty_1),
8153             "::",
8154             stringify!(stop)
8155         )
8156     );
8157     assert_eq!(
8158         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_irq__bindgen_ty_1>())).mchk as *const _ as usize },
8159         0usize,
8160         concat!(
8161             "Offset of field: ",
8162             stringify!(kvm_s390_irq__bindgen_ty_1),
8163             "::",
8164             stringify!(mchk)
8165         )
8166     );
8167     assert_eq!(
8168         unsafe {
8169             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_irq__bindgen_ty_1>())).reserved as *const _ as usize
8170         },
8171         0usize,
8172         concat!(
8173             "Offset of field: ",
8174             stringify!(kvm_s390_irq__bindgen_ty_1),
8175             "::",
8176             stringify!(reserved)
8177         )
8178     );
8179 }
8180 impl Default for kvm_s390_irq__bindgen_ty_1 {
default() -> Self8181     fn default() -> Self {
8182         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
8183     }
8184 }
8185 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_irq()8186 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_irq() {
8187     assert_eq!(
8188         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_s390_irq>(),
8189         72usize,
8190         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_s390_irq))
8191     );
8192     assert_eq!(
8193         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_s390_irq>(),
8194         8usize,
8195         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_s390_irq))
8196     );
8197     assert_eq!(
8198         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_irq>())).type_ as *const _ as usize },
8199         0usize,
8200         concat!(
8201             "Offset of field: ",
8202             stringify!(kvm_s390_irq),
8203             "::",
8204             stringify!(type_)
8205         )
8206     );
8207     assert_eq!(
8208         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_irq>())).u as *const _ as usize },
8209         8usize,
8210         concat!(
8211             "Offset of field: ",
8212             stringify!(kvm_s390_irq),
8213             "::",
8214             stringify!(u)
8215         )
8216     );
8217 }
8218 impl Default for kvm_s390_irq {
default() -> Self8219     fn default() -> Self {
8220         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
8221     }
8222 }
8223 #[repr(C)]
8224 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
8225 pub struct kvm_s390_irq_state {
8226     pub buf: __u64,
8227     pub flags: __u32,
8228     pub len: __u32,
8229     pub reserved: [__u32; 4usize],
8230 }
8231 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_irq_state()8232 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_irq_state() {
8233     assert_eq!(
8234         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_s390_irq_state>(),
8235         32usize,
8236         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_s390_irq_state))
8237     );
8238     assert_eq!(
8239         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_s390_irq_state>(),
8240         8usize,
8241         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_s390_irq_state))
8242     );
8243     assert_eq!(
8244         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_irq_state>())).buf as *const _ as usize },
8245         0usize,
8246         concat!(
8247             "Offset of field: ",
8248             stringify!(kvm_s390_irq_state),
8249             "::",
8250             stringify!(buf)
8251         )
8252     );
8253     assert_eq!(
8254         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_irq_state>())).flags as *const _ as usize },
8255         8usize,
8256         concat!(
8257             "Offset of field: ",
8258             stringify!(kvm_s390_irq_state),
8259             "::",
8260             stringify!(flags)
8261         )
8262     );
8263     assert_eq!(
8264         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_irq_state>())).len as *const _ as usize },
8265         12usize,
8266         concat!(
8267             "Offset of field: ",
8268             stringify!(kvm_s390_irq_state),
8269             "::",
8270             stringify!(len)
8271         )
8272     );
8273     assert_eq!(
8274         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_irq_state>())).reserved as *const _ as usize },
8275         16usize,
8276         concat!(
8277             "Offset of field: ",
8278             stringify!(kvm_s390_irq_state),
8279             "::",
8280             stringify!(reserved)
8281         )
8282     );
8283 }
8284 #[repr(C)]
8285 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
8286 pub struct kvm_guest_debug {
8287     pub control: __u32,
8288     pub pad: __u32,
8289     pub arch: kvm_guest_debug_arch,
8290 }
8291 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_guest_debug()8292 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_guest_debug() {
8293     assert_eq!(
8294         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_guest_debug>(),
8295         72usize,
8296         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_guest_debug))
8297     );
8298     assert_eq!(
8299         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_guest_debug>(),
8300         8usize,
8301         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_guest_debug))
8302     );
8303     assert_eq!(
8304         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_guest_debug>())).control as *const _ as usize },
8305         0usize,
8306         concat!(
8307             "Offset of field: ",
8308             stringify!(kvm_guest_debug),
8309             "::",
8310             stringify!(control)
8311         )
8312     );
8313     assert_eq!(
8314         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_guest_debug>())).pad as *const _ as usize },
8315         4usize,
8316         concat!(
8317             "Offset of field: ",
8318             stringify!(kvm_guest_debug),
8319             "::",
8320             stringify!(pad)
8321         )
8322     );
8323     assert_eq!(
8324         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_guest_debug>())).arch as *const _ as usize },
8325         8usize,
8326         concat!(
8327             "Offset of field: ",
8328             stringify!(kvm_guest_debug),
8329             "::",
8330             stringify!(arch)
8331         )
8332     );
8333 }
8334 pub const kvm_ioeventfd_flag_nr_datamatch: _bindgen_ty_1 = 0;
8335 pub const kvm_ioeventfd_flag_nr_pio: _bindgen_ty_1 = 1;
8336 pub const kvm_ioeventfd_flag_nr_deassign: _bindgen_ty_1 = 2;
8337 pub const kvm_ioeventfd_flag_nr_virtio_ccw_notify: _bindgen_ty_1 = 3;
8338 pub const kvm_ioeventfd_flag_nr_fast_mmio: _bindgen_ty_1 = 4;
8339 pub const kvm_ioeventfd_flag_nr_max: _bindgen_ty_1 = 5;
8340 pub type _bindgen_ty_1 = u32;
8341 #[repr(C)]
8342 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
8343 pub struct kvm_ioeventfd {
8344     pub datamatch: __u64,
8345     pub addr: __u64,
8346     pub len: __u32,
8347     pub fd: __s32,
8348     pub flags: __u32,
8349     pub pad: [__u8; 36usize],
8350 }
8351 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_ioeventfd()8352 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_ioeventfd() {
8353     assert_eq!(
8354         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_ioeventfd>(),
8355         64usize,
8356         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_ioeventfd))
8357     );
8358     assert_eq!(
8359         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_ioeventfd>(),
8360         8usize,
8361         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_ioeventfd))
8362     );
8363     assert_eq!(
8364         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_ioeventfd>())).datamatch as *const _ as usize },
8365         0usize,
8366         concat!(
8367             "Offset of field: ",
8368             stringify!(kvm_ioeventfd),
8369             "::",
8370             stringify!(datamatch)
8371         )
8372     );
8373     assert_eq!(
8374         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_ioeventfd>())).addr as *const _ as usize },
8375         8usize,
8376         concat!(
8377             "Offset of field: ",
8378             stringify!(kvm_ioeventfd),
8379             "::",
8380             stringify!(addr)
8381         )
8382     );
8383     assert_eq!(
8384         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_ioeventfd>())).len as *const _ as usize },
8385         16usize,
8386         concat!(
8387             "Offset of field: ",
8388             stringify!(kvm_ioeventfd),
8389             "::",
8390             stringify!(len)
8391         )
8392     );
8393     assert_eq!(
8394         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_ioeventfd>())).fd as *const _ as usize },
8395         20usize,
8396         concat!(
8397             "Offset of field: ",
8398             stringify!(kvm_ioeventfd),
8399             "::",
8400             stringify!(fd)
8401         )
8402     );
8403     assert_eq!(
8404         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_ioeventfd>())).flags as *const _ as usize },
8405         24usize,
8406         concat!(
8407             "Offset of field: ",
8408             stringify!(kvm_ioeventfd),
8409             "::",
8410             stringify!(flags)
8411         )
8412     );
8413     assert_eq!(
8414         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_ioeventfd>())).pad as *const _ as usize },
8415         28usize,
8416         concat!(
8417             "Offset of field: ",
8418             stringify!(kvm_ioeventfd),
8419             "::",
8420             stringify!(pad)
8421         )
8422     );
8423 }
8424 impl Default for kvm_ioeventfd {
default() -> Self8425     fn default() -> Self {
8426         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
8427     }
8428 }
8429 #[repr(C)]
8430 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
8431 pub struct kvm_enable_cap {
8432     pub cap: __u32,
8433     pub flags: __u32,
8434     pub args: [__u64; 4usize],
8435     pub pad: [__u8; 64usize],
8436 }
8437 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_enable_cap()8438 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_enable_cap() {
8439     assert_eq!(
8440         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_enable_cap>(),
8441         104usize,
8442         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_enable_cap))
8443     );
8444     assert_eq!(
8445         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_enable_cap>(),
8446         8usize,
8447         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_enable_cap))
8448     );
8449     assert_eq!(
8450         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_enable_cap>())).cap as *const _ as usize },
8451         0usize,
8452         concat!(
8453             "Offset of field: ",
8454             stringify!(kvm_enable_cap),
8455             "::",
8456             stringify!(cap)
8457         )
8458     );
8459     assert_eq!(
8460         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_enable_cap>())).flags as *const _ as usize },
8461         4usize,
8462         concat!(
8463             "Offset of field: ",
8464             stringify!(kvm_enable_cap),
8465             "::",
8466             stringify!(flags)
8467         )
8468     );
8469     assert_eq!(
8470         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_enable_cap>())).args as *const _ as usize },
8471         8usize,
8472         concat!(
8473             "Offset of field: ",
8474             stringify!(kvm_enable_cap),
8475             "::",
8476             stringify!(args)
8477         )
8478     );
8479     assert_eq!(
8480         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_enable_cap>())).pad as *const _ as usize },
8481         40usize,
8482         concat!(
8483             "Offset of field: ",
8484             stringify!(kvm_enable_cap),
8485             "::",
8486             stringify!(pad)
8487         )
8488     );
8489 }
8490 impl Default for kvm_enable_cap {
default() -> Self8491     fn default() -> Self {
8492         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
8493     }
8494 }
8495 #[repr(C)]
8496 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
8497 pub struct kvm_ppc_pvinfo {
8498     pub flags: __u32,
8499     pub hcall: [__u32; 4usize],
8500     pub pad: [__u8; 108usize],
8501 }
8502 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_ppc_pvinfo()8503 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_ppc_pvinfo() {
8504     assert_eq!(
8505         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_ppc_pvinfo>(),
8506         128usize,
8507         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_ppc_pvinfo))
8508     );
8509     assert_eq!(
8510         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_ppc_pvinfo>(),
8511         4usize,
8512         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_ppc_pvinfo))
8513     );
8514     assert_eq!(
8515         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_ppc_pvinfo>())).flags as *const _ as usize },
8516         0usize,
8517         concat!(
8518             "Offset of field: ",
8519             stringify!(kvm_ppc_pvinfo),
8520             "::",
8521             stringify!(flags)
8522         )
8523     );
8524     assert_eq!(
8525         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_ppc_pvinfo>())).hcall as *const _ as usize },
8526         4usize,
8527         concat!(
8528             "Offset of field: ",
8529             stringify!(kvm_ppc_pvinfo),
8530             "::",
8531             stringify!(hcall)
8532         )
8533     );
8534     assert_eq!(
8535         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_ppc_pvinfo>())).pad as *const _ as usize },
8536         20usize,
8537         concat!(
8538             "Offset of field: ",
8539             stringify!(kvm_ppc_pvinfo),
8540             "::",
8541             stringify!(pad)
8542         )
8543     );
8544 }
8545 impl Default for kvm_ppc_pvinfo {
default() -> Self8546     fn default() -> Self {
8547         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
8548     }
8549 }
8550 #[repr(C)]
8551 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
8552 pub struct kvm_ppc_one_page_size {
8553     pub page_shift: __u32,
8554     pub pte_enc: __u32,
8555 }
8556 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_ppc_one_page_size()8557 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_ppc_one_page_size() {
8558     assert_eq!(
8559         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_ppc_one_page_size>(),
8560         8usize,
8561         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_ppc_one_page_size))
8562     );
8563     assert_eq!(
8564         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_ppc_one_page_size>(),
8565         4usize,
8566         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_ppc_one_page_size))
8567     );
8568     assert_eq!(
8569         unsafe {
8570             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_ppc_one_page_size>())).page_shift as *const _ as usize
8571         },
8572         0usize,
8573         concat!(
8574             "Offset of field: ",
8575             stringify!(kvm_ppc_one_page_size),
8576             "::",
8577             stringify!(page_shift)
8578         )
8579     );
8580     assert_eq!(
8581         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_ppc_one_page_size>())).pte_enc as *const _ as usize },
8582         4usize,
8583         concat!(
8584             "Offset of field: ",
8585             stringify!(kvm_ppc_one_page_size),
8586             "::",
8587             stringify!(pte_enc)
8588         )
8589     );
8590 }
8591 #[repr(C)]
8592 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
8593 pub struct kvm_ppc_one_seg_page_size {
8594     pub page_shift: __u32,
8595     pub slb_enc: __u32,
8596     pub enc: [kvm_ppc_one_page_size; 8usize],
8597 }
8598 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_ppc_one_seg_page_size()8599 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_ppc_one_seg_page_size() {
8600     assert_eq!(
8601         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_ppc_one_seg_page_size>(),
8602         72usize,
8603         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_ppc_one_seg_page_size))
8604     );
8605     assert_eq!(
8606         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_ppc_one_seg_page_size>(),
8607         4usize,
8608         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_ppc_one_seg_page_size))
8609     );
8610     assert_eq!(
8611         unsafe {
8612             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_ppc_one_seg_page_size>())).page_shift as *const _ as usize
8613         },
8614         0usize,
8615         concat!(
8616             "Offset of field: ",
8617             stringify!(kvm_ppc_one_seg_page_size),
8618             "::",
8619             stringify!(page_shift)
8620         )
8621     );
8622     assert_eq!(
8623         unsafe {
8624             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_ppc_one_seg_page_size>())).slb_enc as *const _ as usize
8625         },
8626         4usize,
8627         concat!(
8628             "Offset of field: ",
8629             stringify!(kvm_ppc_one_seg_page_size),
8630             "::",
8631             stringify!(slb_enc)
8632         )
8633     );
8634     assert_eq!(
8635         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_ppc_one_seg_page_size>())).enc as *const _ as usize },
8636         8usize,
8637         concat!(
8638             "Offset of field: ",
8639             stringify!(kvm_ppc_one_seg_page_size),
8640             "::",
8641             stringify!(enc)
8642         )
8643     );
8644 }
8645 #[repr(C)]
8646 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
8647 pub struct kvm_ppc_smmu_info {
8648     pub flags: __u64,
8649     pub slb_size: __u32,
8650     pub data_keys: __u16,
8651     pub instr_keys: __u16,
8652     pub sps: [kvm_ppc_one_seg_page_size; 8usize],
8653 }
8654 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_ppc_smmu_info()8655 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_ppc_smmu_info() {
8656     assert_eq!(
8657         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_ppc_smmu_info>(),
8658         592usize,
8659         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_ppc_smmu_info))
8660     );
8661     assert_eq!(
8662         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_ppc_smmu_info>(),
8663         8usize,
8664         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_ppc_smmu_info))
8665     );
8666     assert_eq!(
8667         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_ppc_smmu_info>())).flags as *const _ as usize },
8668         0usize,
8669         concat!(
8670             "Offset of field: ",
8671             stringify!(kvm_ppc_smmu_info),
8672             "::",
8673             stringify!(flags)
8674         )
8675     );
8676     assert_eq!(
8677         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_ppc_smmu_info>())).slb_size as *const _ as usize },
8678         8usize,
8679         concat!(
8680             "Offset of field: ",
8681             stringify!(kvm_ppc_smmu_info),
8682             "::",
8683             stringify!(slb_size)
8684         )
8685     );
8686     assert_eq!(
8687         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_ppc_smmu_info>())).data_keys as *const _ as usize },
8688         12usize,
8689         concat!(
8690             "Offset of field: ",
8691             stringify!(kvm_ppc_smmu_info),
8692             "::",
8693             stringify!(data_keys)
8694         )
8695     );
8696     assert_eq!(
8697         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_ppc_smmu_info>())).instr_keys as *const _ as usize },
8698         14usize,
8699         concat!(
8700             "Offset of field: ",
8701             stringify!(kvm_ppc_smmu_info),
8702             "::",
8703             stringify!(instr_keys)
8704         )
8705     );
8706     assert_eq!(
8707         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_ppc_smmu_info>())).sps as *const _ as usize },
8708         16usize,
8709         concat!(
8710             "Offset of field: ",
8711             stringify!(kvm_ppc_smmu_info),
8712             "::",
8713             stringify!(sps)
8714         )
8715     );
8716 }
8717 #[repr(C)]
8718 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
8719 pub struct kvm_ppc_resize_hpt {
8720     pub flags: __u64,
8721     pub shift: __u32,
8722     pub pad: __u32,
8723 }
8724 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_ppc_resize_hpt()8725 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_ppc_resize_hpt() {
8726     assert_eq!(
8727         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_ppc_resize_hpt>(),
8728         16usize,
8729         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_ppc_resize_hpt))
8730     );
8731     assert_eq!(
8732         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_ppc_resize_hpt>(),
8733         8usize,
8734         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_ppc_resize_hpt))
8735     );
8736     assert_eq!(
8737         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_ppc_resize_hpt>())).flags as *const _ as usize },
8738         0usize,
8739         concat!(
8740             "Offset of field: ",
8741             stringify!(kvm_ppc_resize_hpt),
8742             "::",
8743             stringify!(flags)
8744         )
8745     );
8746     assert_eq!(
8747         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_ppc_resize_hpt>())).shift as *const _ as usize },
8748         8usize,
8749         concat!(
8750             "Offset of field: ",
8751             stringify!(kvm_ppc_resize_hpt),
8752             "::",
8753             stringify!(shift)
8754         )
8755     );
8756     assert_eq!(
8757         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_ppc_resize_hpt>())).pad as *const _ as usize },
8758         12usize,
8759         concat!(
8760             "Offset of field: ",
8761             stringify!(kvm_ppc_resize_hpt),
8762             "::",
8763             stringify!(pad)
8764         )
8765     );
8766 }
8767 #[repr(C)]
8768 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
8769 pub struct kvm_irq_routing_irqchip {
8770     pub irqchip: __u32,
8771     pub pin: __u32,
8772 }
8773 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_irq_routing_irqchip()8774 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_irq_routing_irqchip() {
8775     assert_eq!(
8776         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_irq_routing_irqchip>(),
8777         8usize,
8778         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_irqchip))
8779     );
8780     assert_eq!(
8781         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_irq_routing_irqchip>(),
8782         4usize,
8783         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_irqchip))
8784     );
8785     assert_eq!(
8786         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irq_routing_irqchip>())).irqchip as *const _ as usize },
8787         0usize,
8788         concat!(
8789             "Offset of field: ",
8790             stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_irqchip),
8791             "::",
8792             stringify!(irqchip)
8793         )
8794     );
8795     assert_eq!(
8796         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irq_routing_irqchip>())).pin as *const _ as usize },
8797         4usize,
8798         concat!(
8799             "Offset of field: ",
8800             stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_irqchip),
8801             "::",
8802             stringify!(pin)
8803         )
8804     );
8805 }
8806 #[repr(C)]
8807 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
8808 pub struct kvm_irq_routing_msi {
8809     pub address_lo: __u32,
8810     pub address_hi: __u32,
8811     pub data: __u32,
8812     pub __bindgen_anon_1: kvm_irq_routing_msi__bindgen_ty_1,
8813 }
8814 #[repr(C)]
8815 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
8816 pub union kvm_irq_routing_msi__bindgen_ty_1 {
8817     pub pad: __u32,
8818     pub devid: __u32,
8819     _bindgen_union_align: u32,
8820 }
8821 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_irq_routing_msi__bindgen_ty_1()8822 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_irq_routing_msi__bindgen_ty_1() {
8823     assert_eq!(
8824         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_irq_routing_msi__bindgen_ty_1>(),
8825         4usize,
8826         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_msi__bindgen_ty_1))
8827     );
8828     assert_eq!(
8829         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_irq_routing_msi__bindgen_ty_1>(),
8830         4usize,
8831         concat!(
8832             "Alignment of ",
8833             stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_msi__bindgen_ty_1)
8834         )
8835     );
8836     assert_eq!(
8837         unsafe {
8838             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irq_routing_msi__bindgen_ty_1>())).pad as *const _ as usize
8839         },
8840         0usize,
8841         concat!(
8842             "Offset of field: ",
8843             stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_msi__bindgen_ty_1),
8844             "::",
8845             stringify!(pad)
8846         )
8847     );
8848     assert_eq!(
8849         unsafe {
8850             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irq_routing_msi__bindgen_ty_1>())).devid as *const _ as usize
8851         },
8852         0usize,
8853         concat!(
8854             "Offset of field: ",
8855             stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_msi__bindgen_ty_1),
8856             "::",
8857             stringify!(devid)
8858         )
8859     );
8860 }
8861 impl Default for kvm_irq_routing_msi__bindgen_ty_1 {
default() -> Self8862     fn default() -> Self {
8863         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
8864     }
8865 }
8866 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_irq_routing_msi()8867 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_irq_routing_msi() {
8868     assert_eq!(
8869         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_irq_routing_msi>(),
8870         16usize,
8871         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_msi))
8872     );
8873     assert_eq!(
8874         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_irq_routing_msi>(),
8875         4usize,
8876         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_msi))
8877     );
8878     assert_eq!(
8879         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irq_routing_msi>())).address_lo as *const _ as usize },
8880         0usize,
8881         concat!(
8882             "Offset of field: ",
8883             stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_msi),
8884             "::",
8885             stringify!(address_lo)
8886         )
8887     );
8888     assert_eq!(
8889         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irq_routing_msi>())).address_hi as *const _ as usize },
8890         4usize,
8891         concat!(
8892             "Offset of field: ",
8893             stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_msi),
8894             "::",
8895             stringify!(address_hi)
8896         )
8897     );
8898     assert_eq!(
8899         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irq_routing_msi>())).data as *const _ as usize },
8900         8usize,
8901         concat!(
8902             "Offset of field: ",
8903             stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_msi),
8904             "::",
8905             stringify!(data)
8906         )
8907     );
8908 }
8909 impl Default for kvm_irq_routing_msi {
default() -> Self8910     fn default() -> Self {
8911         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
8912     }
8913 }
8914 #[repr(C)]
8915 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
8916 pub struct kvm_irq_routing_s390_adapter {
8917     pub ind_addr: __u64,
8918     pub summary_addr: __u64,
8919     pub ind_offset: __u64,
8920     pub summary_offset: __u32,
8921     pub adapter_id: __u32,
8922 }
8923 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_irq_routing_s390_adapter()8924 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_irq_routing_s390_adapter() {
8925     assert_eq!(
8926         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_irq_routing_s390_adapter>(),
8927         32usize,
8928         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_s390_adapter))
8929     );
8930     assert_eq!(
8931         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_irq_routing_s390_adapter>(),
8932         8usize,
8933         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_s390_adapter))
8934     );
8935     assert_eq!(
8936         unsafe {
8937             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irq_routing_s390_adapter>())).ind_addr as *const _ as usize
8938         },
8939         0usize,
8940         concat!(
8941             "Offset of field: ",
8942             stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_s390_adapter),
8943             "::",
8944             stringify!(ind_addr)
8945         )
8946     );
8947     assert_eq!(
8948         unsafe {
8949             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irq_routing_s390_adapter>())).summary_addr as *const _
8950                 as usize
8951         },
8952         8usize,
8953         concat!(
8954             "Offset of field: ",
8955             stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_s390_adapter),
8956             "::",
8957             stringify!(summary_addr)
8958         )
8959     );
8960     assert_eq!(
8961         unsafe {
8962             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irq_routing_s390_adapter>())).ind_offset as *const _ as usize
8963         },
8964         16usize,
8965         concat!(
8966             "Offset of field: ",
8967             stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_s390_adapter),
8968             "::",
8969             stringify!(ind_offset)
8970         )
8971     );
8972     assert_eq!(
8973         unsafe {
8974             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irq_routing_s390_adapter>())).summary_offset as *const _
8975                 as usize
8976         },
8977         24usize,
8978         concat!(
8979             "Offset of field: ",
8980             stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_s390_adapter),
8981             "::",
8982             stringify!(summary_offset)
8983         )
8984     );
8985     assert_eq!(
8986         unsafe {
8987             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irq_routing_s390_adapter>())).adapter_id as *const _ as usize
8988         },
8989         28usize,
8990         concat!(
8991             "Offset of field: ",
8992             stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_s390_adapter),
8993             "::",
8994             stringify!(adapter_id)
8995         )
8996     );
8997 }
8998 #[repr(C)]
8999 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
9000 pub struct kvm_irq_routing_hv_sint {
9001     pub vcpu: __u32,
9002     pub sint: __u32,
9003 }
9004 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_irq_routing_hv_sint()9005 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_irq_routing_hv_sint() {
9006     assert_eq!(
9007         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_irq_routing_hv_sint>(),
9008         8usize,
9009         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_hv_sint))
9010     );
9011     assert_eq!(
9012         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_irq_routing_hv_sint>(),
9013         4usize,
9014         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_hv_sint))
9015     );
9016     assert_eq!(
9017         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irq_routing_hv_sint>())).vcpu as *const _ as usize },
9018         0usize,
9019         concat!(
9020             "Offset of field: ",
9021             stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_hv_sint),
9022             "::",
9023             stringify!(vcpu)
9024         )
9025     );
9026     assert_eq!(
9027         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irq_routing_hv_sint>())).sint as *const _ as usize },
9028         4usize,
9029         concat!(
9030             "Offset of field: ",
9031             stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_hv_sint),
9032             "::",
9033             stringify!(sint)
9034         )
9035     );
9036 }
9037 #[repr(C)]
9038 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
9039 pub struct kvm_irq_routing_entry {
9040     pub gsi: __u32,
9041     pub type_: __u32,
9042     pub flags: __u32,
9043     pub pad: __u32,
9044     pub u: kvm_irq_routing_entry__bindgen_ty_1,
9045 }
9046 #[repr(C)]
9047 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
9048 pub union kvm_irq_routing_entry__bindgen_ty_1 {
9049     pub irqchip: kvm_irq_routing_irqchip,
9050     pub msi: kvm_irq_routing_msi,
9051     pub adapter: kvm_irq_routing_s390_adapter,
9052     pub hv_sint: kvm_irq_routing_hv_sint,
9053     pub pad: [__u32; 8usize],
9054     _bindgen_union_align: [u64; 4usize],
9055 }
9056 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_irq_routing_entry__bindgen_ty_1()9057 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_irq_routing_entry__bindgen_ty_1() {
9058     assert_eq!(
9059         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_irq_routing_entry__bindgen_ty_1>(),
9060         32usize,
9061         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_entry__bindgen_ty_1))
9062     );
9063     assert_eq!(
9064         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_irq_routing_entry__bindgen_ty_1>(),
9065         8usize,
9066         concat!(
9067             "Alignment of ",
9068             stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_entry__bindgen_ty_1)
9069         )
9070     );
9071     assert_eq!(
9072         unsafe {
9073             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irq_routing_entry__bindgen_ty_1>())).irqchip as *const _
9074                 as usize
9075         },
9076         0usize,
9077         concat!(
9078             "Offset of field: ",
9079             stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_entry__bindgen_ty_1),
9080             "::",
9081             stringify!(irqchip)
9082         )
9083     );
9084     assert_eq!(
9085         unsafe {
9086             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irq_routing_entry__bindgen_ty_1>())).msi as *const _ as usize
9087         },
9088         0usize,
9089         concat!(
9090             "Offset of field: ",
9091             stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_entry__bindgen_ty_1),
9092             "::",
9093             stringify!(msi)
9094         )
9095     );
9096     assert_eq!(
9097         unsafe {
9098             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irq_routing_entry__bindgen_ty_1>())).adapter as *const _
9099                 as usize
9100         },
9101         0usize,
9102         concat!(
9103             "Offset of field: ",
9104             stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_entry__bindgen_ty_1),
9105             "::",
9106             stringify!(adapter)
9107         )
9108     );
9109     assert_eq!(
9110         unsafe {
9111             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irq_routing_entry__bindgen_ty_1>())).hv_sint as *const _
9112                 as usize
9113         },
9114         0usize,
9115         concat!(
9116             "Offset of field: ",
9117             stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_entry__bindgen_ty_1),
9118             "::",
9119             stringify!(hv_sint)
9120         )
9121     );
9122     assert_eq!(
9123         unsafe {
9124             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irq_routing_entry__bindgen_ty_1>())).pad as *const _ as usize
9125         },
9126         0usize,
9127         concat!(
9128             "Offset of field: ",
9129             stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_entry__bindgen_ty_1),
9130             "::",
9131             stringify!(pad)
9132         )
9133     );
9134 }
9135 impl Default for kvm_irq_routing_entry__bindgen_ty_1 {
default() -> Self9136     fn default() -> Self {
9137         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
9138     }
9139 }
9140 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_irq_routing_entry()9141 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_irq_routing_entry() {
9142     assert_eq!(
9143         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_irq_routing_entry>(),
9144         48usize,
9145         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_entry))
9146     );
9147     assert_eq!(
9148         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_irq_routing_entry>(),
9149         8usize,
9150         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_entry))
9151     );
9152     assert_eq!(
9153         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irq_routing_entry>())).gsi as *const _ as usize },
9154         0usize,
9155         concat!(
9156             "Offset of field: ",
9157             stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_entry),
9158             "::",
9159             stringify!(gsi)
9160         )
9161     );
9162     assert_eq!(
9163         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irq_routing_entry>())).type_ as *const _ as usize },
9164         4usize,
9165         concat!(
9166             "Offset of field: ",
9167             stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_entry),
9168             "::",
9169             stringify!(type_)
9170         )
9171     );
9172     assert_eq!(
9173         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irq_routing_entry>())).flags as *const _ as usize },
9174         8usize,
9175         concat!(
9176             "Offset of field: ",
9177             stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_entry),
9178             "::",
9179             stringify!(flags)
9180         )
9181     );
9182     assert_eq!(
9183         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irq_routing_entry>())).pad as *const _ as usize },
9184         12usize,
9185         concat!(
9186             "Offset of field: ",
9187             stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_entry),
9188             "::",
9189             stringify!(pad)
9190         )
9191     );
9192     assert_eq!(
9193         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irq_routing_entry>())).u as *const _ as usize },
9194         16usize,
9195         concat!(
9196             "Offset of field: ",
9197             stringify!(kvm_irq_routing_entry),
9198             "::",
9199             stringify!(u)
9200         )
9201     );
9202 }
9203 impl Default for kvm_irq_routing_entry {
default() -> Self9204     fn default() -> Self {
9205         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
9206     }
9207 }
9208 #[repr(C)]
9209 pub struct kvm_irq_routing {
9210     pub nr: __u32,
9211     pub flags: __u32,
9212     pub entries: __IncompleteArrayField<kvm_irq_routing_entry>,
9213 }
9214 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_irq_routing()9215 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_irq_routing() {
9216     assert_eq!(
9217         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_irq_routing>(),
9218         8usize,
9219         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_irq_routing))
9220     );
9221     assert_eq!(
9222         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_irq_routing>(),
9223         8usize,
9224         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_irq_routing))
9225     );
9226     assert_eq!(
9227         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irq_routing>())).nr as *const _ as usize },
9228         0usize,
9229         concat!(
9230             "Offset of field: ",
9231             stringify!(kvm_irq_routing),
9232             "::",
9233             stringify!(nr)
9234         )
9235     );
9236     assert_eq!(
9237         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irq_routing>())).flags as *const _ as usize },
9238         4usize,
9239         concat!(
9240             "Offset of field: ",
9241             stringify!(kvm_irq_routing),
9242             "::",
9243             stringify!(flags)
9244         )
9245     );
9246     assert_eq!(
9247         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irq_routing>())).entries as *const _ as usize },
9248         8usize,
9249         concat!(
9250             "Offset of field: ",
9251             stringify!(kvm_irq_routing),
9252             "::",
9253             stringify!(entries)
9254         )
9255     );
9256 }
9257 impl Default for kvm_irq_routing {
default() -> Self9258     fn default() -> Self {
9259         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
9260     }
9261 }
9262 #[repr(C)]
9263 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
9264 pub struct kvm_x86_mce {
9265     pub status: __u64,
9266     pub addr: __u64,
9267     pub misc: __u64,
9268     pub mcg_status: __u64,
9269     pub bank: __u8,
9270     pub pad1: [__u8; 7usize],
9271     pub pad2: [__u64; 3usize],
9272 }
9273 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_x86_mce()9274 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_x86_mce() {
9275     assert_eq!(
9276         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_x86_mce>(),
9277         64usize,
9278         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_x86_mce))
9279     );
9280     assert_eq!(
9281         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_x86_mce>(),
9282         8usize,
9283         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_x86_mce))
9284     );
9285     assert_eq!(
9286         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_x86_mce>())).status as *const _ as usize },
9287         0usize,
9288         concat!(
9289             "Offset of field: ",
9290             stringify!(kvm_x86_mce),
9291             "::",
9292             stringify!(status)
9293         )
9294     );
9295     assert_eq!(
9296         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_x86_mce>())).addr as *const _ as usize },
9297         8usize,
9298         concat!(
9299             "Offset of field: ",
9300             stringify!(kvm_x86_mce),
9301             "::",
9302             stringify!(addr)
9303         )
9304     );
9305     assert_eq!(
9306         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_x86_mce>())).misc as *const _ as usize },
9307         16usize,
9308         concat!(
9309             "Offset of field: ",
9310             stringify!(kvm_x86_mce),
9311             "::",
9312             stringify!(misc)
9313         )
9314     );
9315     assert_eq!(
9316         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_x86_mce>())).mcg_status as *const _ as usize },
9317         24usize,
9318         concat!(
9319             "Offset of field: ",
9320             stringify!(kvm_x86_mce),
9321             "::",
9322             stringify!(mcg_status)
9323         )
9324     );
9325     assert_eq!(
9326         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_x86_mce>())).bank as *const _ as usize },
9327         32usize,
9328         concat!(
9329             "Offset of field: ",
9330             stringify!(kvm_x86_mce),
9331             "::",
9332             stringify!(bank)
9333         )
9334     );
9335     assert_eq!(
9336         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_x86_mce>())).pad1 as *const _ as usize },
9337         33usize,
9338         concat!(
9339             "Offset of field: ",
9340             stringify!(kvm_x86_mce),
9341             "::",
9342             stringify!(pad1)
9343         )
9344     );
9345     assert_eq!(
9346         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_x86_mce>())).pad2 as *const _ as usize },
9347         40usize,
9348         concat!(
9349             "Offset of field: ",
9350             stringify!(kvm_x86_mce),
9351             "::",
9352             stringify!(pad2)
9353         )
9354     );
9355 }
9356 #[repr(C)]
9357 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
9358 pub struct kvm_xen_hvm_config {
9359     pub flags: __u32,
9360     pub msr: __u32,
9361     pub blob_addr_32: __u64,
9362     pub blob_addr_64: __u64,
9363     pub blob_size_32: __u8,
9364     pub blob_size_64: __u8,
9365     pub pad2: [__u8; 30usize],
9366 }
9367 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_xen_hvm_config()9368 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_xen_hvm_config() {
9369     assert_eq!(
9370         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_xen_hvm_config>(),
9371         56usize,
9372         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_xen_hvm_config))
9373     );
9374     assert_eq!(
9375         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_xen_hvm_config>(),
9376         8usize,
9377         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_xen_hvm_config))
9378     );
9379     assert_eq!(
9380         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_xen_hvm_config>())).flags as *const _ as usize },
9381         0usize,
9382         concat!(
9383             "Offset of field: ",
9384             stringify!(kvm_xen_hvm_config),
9385             "::",
9386             stringify!(flags)
9387         )
9388     );
9389     assert_eq!(
9390         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_xen_hvm_config>())).msr as *const _ as usize },
9391         4usize,
9392         concat!(
9393             "Offset of field: ",
9394             stringify!(kvm_xen_hvm_config),
9395             "::",
9396             stringify!(msr)
9397         )
9398     );
9399     assert_eq!(
9400         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_xen_hvm_config>())).blob_addr_32 as *const _ as usize },
9401         8usize,
9402         concat!(
9403             "Offset of field: ",
9404             stringify!(kvm_xen_hvm_config),
9405             "::",
9406             stringify!(blob_addr_32)
9407         )
9408     );
9409     assert_eq!(
9410         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_xen_hvm_config>())).blob_addr_64 as *const _ as usize },
9411         16usize,
9412         concat!(
9413             "Offset of field: ",
9414             stringify!(kvm_xen_hvm_config),
9415             "::",
9416             stringify!(blob_addr_64)
9417         )
9418     );
9419     assert_eq!(
9420         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_xen_hvm_config>())).blob_size_32 as *const _ as usize },
9421         24usize,
9422         concat!(
9423             "Offset of field: ",
9424             stringify!(kvm_xen_hvm_config),
9425             "::",
9426             stringify!(blob_size_32)
9427         )
9428     );
9429     assert_eq!(
9430         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_xen_hvm_config>())).blob_size_64 as *const _ as usize },
9431         25usize,
9432         concat!(
9433             "Offset of field: ",
9434             stringify!(kvm_xen_hvm_config),
9435             "::",
9436             stringify!(blob_size_64)
9437         )
9438     );
9439     assert_eq!(
9440         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_xen_hvm_config>())).pad2 as *const _ as usize },
9441         26usize,
9442         concat!(
9443             "Offset of field: ",
9444             stringify!(kvm_xen_hvm_config),
9445             "::",
9446             stringify!(pad2)
9447         )
9448     );
9449 }
9450 #[repr(C)]
9451 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
9452 pub struct kvm_irqfd {
9453     pub fd: __u32,
9454     pub gsi: __u32,
9455     pub flags: __u32,
9456     pub resamplefd: __u32,
9457     pub pad: [__u8; 16usize],
9458 }
9459 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_irqfd()9460 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_irqfd() {
9461     assert_eq!(
9462         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_irqfd>(),
9463         32usize,
9464         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_irqfd))
9465     );
9466     assert_eq!(
9467         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_irqfd>(),
9468         4usize,
9469         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_irqfd))
9470     );
9471     assert_eq!(
9472         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irqfd>())).fd as *const _ as usize },
9473         0usize,
9474         concat!(
9475             "Offset of field: ",
9476             stringify!(kvm_irqfd),
9477             "::",
9478             stringify!(fd)
9479         )
9480     );
9481     assert_eq!(
9482         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irqfd>())).gsi as *const _ as usize },
9483         4usize,
9484         concat!(
9485             "Offset of field: ",
9486             stringify!(kvm_irqfd),
9487             "::",
9488             stringify!(gsi)
9489         )
9490     );
9491     assert_eq!(
9492         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irqfd>())).flags as *const _ as usize },
9493         8usize,
9494         concat!(
9495             "Offset of field: ",
9496             stringify!(kvm_irqfd),
9497             "::",
9498             stringify!(flags)
9499         )
9500     );
9501     assert_eq!(
9502         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irqfd>())).resamplefd as *const _ as usize },
9503         12usize,
9504         concat!(
9505             "Offset of field: ",
9506             stringify!(kvm_irqfd),
9507             "::",
9508             stringify!(resamplefd)
9509         )
9510     );
9511     assert_eq!(
9512         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_irqfd>())).pad as *const _ as usize },
9513         16usize,
9514         concat!(
9515             "Offset of field: ",
9516             stringify!(kvm_irqfd),
9517             "::",
9518             stringify!(pad)
9519         )
9520     );
9521 }
9522 #[repr(C)]
9523 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
9524 pub struct kvm_clock_data {
9525     pub clock: __u64,
9526     pub flags: __u32,
9527     pub pad: [__u32; 9usize],
9528 }
9529 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_clock_data()9530 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_clock_data() {
9531     assert_eq!(
9532         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_clock_data>(),
9533         48usize,
9534         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_clock_data))
9535     );
9536     assert_eq!(
9537         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_clock_data>(),
9538         8usize,
9539         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_clock_data))
9540     );
9541     assert_eq!(
9542         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_clock_data>())).clock as *const _ as usize },
9543         0usize,
9544         concat!(
9545             "Offset of field: ",
9546             stringify!(kvm_clock_data),
9547             "::",
9548             stringify!(clock)
9549         )
9550     );
9551     assert_eq!(
9552         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_clock_data>())).flags as *const _ as usize },
9553         8usize,
9554         concat!(
9555             "Offset of field: ",
9556             stringify!(kvm_clock_data),
9557             "::",
9558             stringify!(flags)
9559         )
9560     );
9561     assert_eq!(
9562         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_clock_data>())).pad as *const _ as usize },
9563         12usize,
9564         concat!(
9565             "Offset of field: ",
9566             stringify!(kvm_clock_data),
9567             "::",
9568             stringify!(pad)
9569         )
9570     );
9571 }
9572 #[repr(C)]
9573 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
9574 pub struct kvm_config_tlb {
9575     pub params: __u64,
9576     pub array: __u64,
9577     pub mmu_type: __u32,
9578     pub array_len: __u32,
9579 }
9580 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_config_tlb()9581 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_config_tlb() {
9582     assert_eq!(
9583         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_config_tlb>(),
9584         24usize,
9585         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_config_tlb))
9586     );
9587     assert_eq!(
9588         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_config_tlb>(),
9589         8usize,
9590         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_config_tlb))
9591     );
9592     assert_eq!(
9593         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_config_tlb>())).params as *const _ as usize },
9594         0usize,
9595         concat!(
9596             "Offset of field: ",
9597             stringify!(kvm_config_tlb),
9598             "::",
9599             stringify!(params)
9600         )
9601     );
9602     assert_eq!(
9603         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_config_tlb>())).array as *const _ as usize },
9604         8usize,
9605         concat!(
9606             "Offset of field: ",
9607             stringify!(kvm_config_tlb),
9608             "::",
9609             stringify!(array)
9610         )
9611     );
9612     assert_eq!(
9613         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_config_tlb>())).mmu_type as *const _ as usize },
9614         16usize,
9615         concat!(
9616             "Offset of field: ",
9617             stringify!(kvm_config_tlb),
9618             "::",
9619             stringify!(mmu_type)
9620         )
9621     );
9622     assert_eq!(
9623         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_config_tlb>())).array_len as *const _ as usize },
9624         20usize,
9625         concat!(
9626             "Offset of field: ",
9627             stringify!(kvm_config_tlb),
9628             "::",
9629             stringify!(array_len)
9630         )
9631     );
9632 }
9633 #[repr(C)]
9634 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
9635 pub struct kvm_dirty_tlb {
9636     pub bitmap: __u64,
9637     pub num_dirty: __u32,
9638 }
9639 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_dirty_tlb()9640 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_dirty_tlb() {
9641     assert_eq!(
9642         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_dirty_tlb>(),
9643         16usize,
9644         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_dirty_tlb))
9645     );
9646     assert_eq!(
9647         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_dirty_tlb>(),
9648         8usize,
9649         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_dirty_tlb))
9650     );
9651     assert_eq!(
9652         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_dirty_tlb>())).bitmap as *const _ as usize },
9653         0usize,
9654         concat!(
9655             "Offset of field: ",
9656             stringify!(kvm_dirty_tlb),
9657             "::",
9658             stringify!(bitmap)
9659         )
9660     );
9661     assert_eq!(
9662         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_dirty_tlb>())).num_dirty as *const _ as usize },
9663         8usize,
9664         concat!(
9665             "Offset of field: ",
9666             stringify!(kvm_dirty_tlb),
9667             "::",
9668             stringify!(num_dirty)
9669         )
9670     );
9671 }
9672 #[repr(C)]
9673 #[derive(Debug, Default)]
9674 pub struct kvm_reg_list {
9675     pub n: __u64,
9676     pub reg: __IncompleteArrayField<__u64>,
9677 }
9678 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_reg_list()9679 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_reg_list() {
9680     assert_eq!(
9681         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_reg_list>(),
9682         8usize,
9683         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_reg_list))
9684     );
9685     assert_eq!(
9686         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_reg_list>(),
9687         8usize,
9688         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_reg_list))
9689     );
9690     assert_eq!(
9691         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_reg_list>())).n as *const _ as usize },
9692         0usize,
9693         concat!(
9694             "Offset of field: ",
9695             stringify!(kvm_reg_list),
9696             "::",
9697             stringify!(n)
9698         )
9699     );
9700     assert_eq!(
9701         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_reg_list>())).reg as *const _ as usize },
9702         8usize,
9703         concat!(
9704             "Offset of field: ",
9705             stringify!(kvm_reg_list),
9706             "::",
9707             stringify!(reg)
9708         )
9709     );
9710 }
9711 #[repr(C)]
9712 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
9713 pub struct kvm_one_reg {
9714     pub id: __u64,
9715     pub addr: __u64,
9716 }
9717 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_one_reg()9718 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_one_reg() {
9719     assert_eq!(
9720         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_one_reg>(),
9721         16usize,
9722         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_one_reg))
9723     );
9724     assert_eq!(
9725         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_one_reg>(),
9726         8usize,
9727         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_one_reg))
9728     );
9729     assert_eq!(
9730         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_one_reg>())).id as *const _ as usize },
9731         0usize,
9732         concat!(
9733             "Offset of field: ",
9734             stringify!(kvm_one_reg),
9735             "::",
9736             stringify!(id)
9737         )
9738     );
9739     assert_eq!(
9740         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_one_reg>())).addr as *const _ as usize },
9741         8usize,
9742         concat!(
9743             "Offset of field: ",
9744             stringify!(kvm_one_reg),
9745             "::",
9746             stringify!(addr)
9747         )
9748     );
9749 }
9750 #[repr(C)]
9751 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
9752 pub struct kvm_msi {
9753     pub address_lo: __u32,
9754     pub address_hi: __u32,
9755     pub data: __u32,
9756     pub flags: __u32,
9757     pub devid: __u32,
9758     pub pad: [__u8; 12usize],
9759 }
9760 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_msi()9761 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_msi() {
9762     assert_eq!(
9763         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_msi>(),
9764         32usize,
9765         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_msi))
9766     );
9767     assert_eq!(
9768         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_msi>(),
9769         4usize,
9770         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_msi))
9771     );
9772     assert_eq!(
9773         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_msi>())).address_lo as *const _ as usize },
9774         0usize,
9775         concat!(
9776             "Offset of field: ",
9777             stringify!(kvm_msi),
9778             "::",
9779             stringify!(address_lo)
9780         )
9781     );
9782     assert_eq!(
9783         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_msi>())).address_hi as *const _ as usize },
9784         4usize,
9785         concat!(
9786             "Offset of field: ",
9787             stringify!(kvm_msi),
9788             "::",
9789             stringify!(address_hi)
9790         )
9791     );
9792     assert_eq!(
9793         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_msi>())).data as *const _ as usize },
9794         8usize,
9795         concat!(
9796             "Offset of field: ",
9797             stringify!(kvm_msi),
9798             "::",
9799             stringify!(data)
9800         )
9801     );
9802     assert_eq!(
9803         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_msi>())).flags as *const _ as usize },
9804         12usize,
9805         concat!(
9806             "Offset of field: ",
9807             stringify!(kvm_msi),
9808             "::",
9809             stringify!(flags)
9810         )
9811     );
9812     assert_eq!(
9813         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_msi>())).devid as *const _ as usize },
9814         16usize,
9815         concat!(
9816             "Offset of field: ",
9817             stringify!(kvm_msi),
9818             "::",
9819             stringify!(devid)
9820         )
9821     );
9822     assert_eq!(
9823         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_msi>())).pad as *const _ as usize },
9824         20usize,
9825         concat!(
9826             "Offset of field: ",
9827             stringify!(kvm_msi),
9828             "::",
9829             stringify!(pad)
9830         )
9831     );
9832 }
9833 #[repr(C)]
9834 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
9835 pub struct kvm_arm_device_addr {
9836     pub id: __u64,
9837     pub addr: __u64,
9838 }
9839 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_arm_device_addr()9840 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_arm_device_addr() {
9841     assert_eq!(
9842         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_arm_device_addr>(),
9843         16usize,
9844         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_arm_device_addr))
9845     );
9846     assert_eq!(
9847         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_arm_device_addr>(),
9848         8usize,
9849         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_arm_device_addr))
9850     );
9851     assert_eq!(
9852         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_arm_device_addr>())).id as *const _ as usize },
9853         0usize,
9854         concat!(
9855             "Offset of field: ",
9856             stringify!(kvm_arm_device_addr),
9857             "::",
9858             stringify!(id)
9859         )
9860     );
9861     assert_eq!(
9862         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_arm_device_addr>())).addr as *const _ as usize },
9863         8usize,
9864         concat!(
9865             "Offset of field: ",
9866             stringify!(kvm_arm_device_addr),
9867             "::",
9868             stringify!(addr)
9869         )
9870     );
9871 }
9872 #[repr(C)]
9873 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
9874 pub struct kvm_create_device {
9875     pub type_: __u32,
9876     pub fd: __u32,
9877     pub flags: __u32,
9878 }
9879 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_create_device()9880 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_create_device() {
9881     assert_eq!(
9882         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_create_device>(),
9883         12usize,
9884         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_create_device))
9885     );
9886     assert_eq!(
9887         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_create_device>(),
9888         4usize,
9889         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_create_device))
9890     );
9891     assert_eq!(
9892         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_create_device>())).type_ as *const _ as usize },
9893         0usize,
9894         concat!(
9895             "Offset of field: ",
9896             stringify!(kvm_create_device),
9897             "::",
9898             stringify!(type_)
9899         )
9900     );
9901     assert_eq!(
9902         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_create_device>())).fd as *const _ as usize },
9903         4usize,
9904         concat!(
9905             "Offset of field: ",
9906             stringify!(kvm_create_device),
9907             "::",
9908             stringify!(fd)
9909         )
9910     );
9911     assert_eq!(
9912         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_create_device>())).flags as *const _ as usize },
9913         8usize,
9914         concat!(
9915             "Offset of field: ",
9916             stringify!(kvm_create_device),
9917             "::",
9918             stringify!(flags)
9919         )
9920     );
9921 }
9922 #[repr(C)]
9923 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
9924 pub struct kvm_device_attr {
9925     pub flags: __u32,
9926     pub group: __u32,
9927     pub attr: __u64,
9928     pub addr: __u64,
9929 }
9930 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_device_attr()9931 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_device_attr() {
9932     assert_eq!(
9933         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_device_attr>(),
9934         24usize,
9935         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_device_attr))
9936     );
9937     assert_eq!(
9938         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_device_attr>(),
9939         8usize,
9940         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_device_attr))
9941     );
9942     assert_eq!(
9943         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_device_attr>())).flags as *const _ as usize },
9944         0usize,
9945         concat!(
9946             "Offset of field: ",
9947             stringify!(kvm_device_attr),
9948             "::",
9949             stringify!(flags)
9950         )
9951     );
9952     assert_eq!(
9953         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_device_attr>())).group as *const _ as usize },
9954         4usize,
9955         concat!(
9956             "Offset of field: ",
9957             stringify!(kvm_device_attr),
9958             "::",
9959             stringify!(group)
9960         )
9961     );
9962     assert_eq!(
9963         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_device_attr>())).attr as *const _ as usize },
9964         8usize,
9965         concat!(
9966             "Offset of field: ",
9967             stringify!(kvm_device_attr),
9968             "::",
9969             stringify!(attr)
9970         )
9971     );
9972     assert_eq!(
9973         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_device_attr>())).addr as *const _ as usize },
9974         16usize,
9975         concat!(
9976             "Offset of field: ",
9977             stringify!(kvm_device_attr),
9978             "::",
9979             stringify!(addr)
9980         )
9981     );
9982 }
9983 pub const kvm_device_type_KVM_DEV_TYPE_FSL_MPIC_20: kvm_device_type = 1;
9984 pub const kvm_device_type_KVM_DEV_TYPE_FSL_MPIC_42: kvm_device_type = 2;
9985 pub const kvm_device_type_KVM_DEV_TYPE_XICS: kvm_device_type = 3;
9986 pub const kvm_device_type_KVM_DEV_TYPE_VFIO: kvm_device_type = 4;
9987 pub const kvm_device_type_KVM_DEV_TYPE_ARM_VGIC_V2: kvm_device_type = 5;
9988 pub const kvm_device_type_KVM_DEV_TYPE_FLIC: kvm_device_type = 6;
9989 pub const kvm_device_type_KVM_DEV_TYPE_ARM_VGIC_V3: kvm_device_type = 7;
9990 pub const kvm_device_type_KVM_DEV_TYPE_ARM_VGIC_ITS: kvm_device_type = 8;
9991 pub const kvm_device_type_KVM_DEV_TYPE_XIVE: kvm_device_type = 9;
9992 pub const kvm_device_type_KVM_DEV_TYPE_MAX: kvm_device_type = 10;
9993 pub type kvm_device_type = u32;
9994 #[repr(C)]
9995 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
9996 pub struct kvm_vfio_spapr_tce {
9997     pub groupfd: __s32,
9998     pub tablefd: __s32,
9999 }
10000 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_vfio_spapr_tce()10001 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_vfio_spapr_tce() {
10002     assert_eq!(
10003         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_vfio_spapr_tce>(),
10004         8usize,
10005         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_vfio_spapr_tce))
10006     );
10007     assert_eq!(
10008         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_vfio_spapr_tce>(),
10009         4usize,
10010         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_vfio_spapr_tce))
10011     );
10012     assert_eq!(
10013         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_vfio_spapr_tce>())).groupfd as *const _ as usize },
10014         0usize,
10015         concat!(
10016             "Offset of field: ",
10017             stringify!(kvm_vfio_spapr_tce),
10018             "::",
10019             stringify!(groupfd)
10020         )
10021     );
10022     assert_eq!(
10023         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_vfio_spapr_tce>())).tablefd as *const _ as usize },
10024         4usize,
10025         concat!(
10026             "Offset of field: ",
10027             stringify!(kvm_vfio_spapr_tce),
10028             "::",
10029             stringify!(tablefd)
10030         )
10031     );
10032 }
10033 #[repr(C)]
10034 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
10035 pub struct kvm_s390_ucas_mapping {
10036     pub user_addr: __u64,
10037     pub vcpu_addr: __u64,
10038     pub length: __u64,
10039 }
10040 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_ucas_mapping()10041 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_s390_ucas_mapping() {
10042     assert_eq!(
10043         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_s390_ucas_mapping>(),
10044         24usize,
10045         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_s390_ucas_mapping))
10046     );
10047     assert_eq!(
10048         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_s390_ucas_mapping>(),
10049         8usize,
10050         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_s390_ucas_mapping))
10051     );
10052     assert_eq!(
10053         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_ucas_mapping>())).user_addr as *const _ as usize },
10054         0usize,
10055         concat!(
10056             "Offset of field: ",
10057             stringify!(kvm_s390_ucas_mapping),
10058             "::",
10059             stringify!(user_addr)
10060         )
10061     );
10062     assert_eq!(
10063         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_ucas_mapping>())).vcpu_addr as *const _ as usize },
10064         8usize,
10065         concat!(
10066             "Offset of field: ",
10067             stringify!(kvm_s390_ucas_mapping),
10068             "::",
10069             stringify!(vcpu_addr)
10070         )
10071     );
10072     assert_eq!(
10073         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_s390_ucas_mapping>())).length as *const _ as usize },
10074         16usize,
10075         concat!(
10076             "Offset of field: ",
10077             stringify!(kvm_s390_ucas_mapping),
10078             "::",
10079             stringify!(length)
10080         )
10081     );
10082 }
10083 #[repr(C)]
10084 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
10085 pub struct kvm_enc_region {
10086     pub addr: __u64,
10087     pub size: __u64,
10088 }
10089 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_enc_region()10090 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_enc_region() {
10091     assert_eq!(
10092         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_enc_region>(),
10093         16usize,
10094         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_enc_region))
10095     );
10096     assert_eq!(
10097         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_enc_region>(),
10098         8usize,
10099         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_enc_region))
10100     );
10101     assert_eq!(
10102         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_enc_region>())).addr as *const _ as usize },
10103         0usize,
10104         concat!(
10105             "Offset of field: ",
10106             stringify!(kvm_enc_region),
10107             "::",
10108             stringify!(addr)
10109         )
10110     );
10111     assert_eq!(
10112         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_enc_region>())).size as *const _ as usize },
10113         8usize,
10114         concat!(
10115             "Offset of field: ",
10116             stringify!(kvm_enc_region),
10117             "::",
10118             stringify!(size)
10119         )
10120     );
10121 }
10122 pub const sev_cmd_id_KVM_SEV_INIT: sev_cmd_id = 0;
10123 pub const sev_cmd_id_KVM_SEV_ES_INIT: sev_cmd_id = 1;
10124 pub const sev_cmd_id_KVM_SEV_LAUNCH_START: sev_cmd_id = 2;
10125 pub const sev_cmd_id_KVM_SEV_LAUNCH_UPDATE_DATA: sev_cmd_id = 3;
10126 pub const sev_cmd_id_KVM_SEV_LAUNCH_UPDATE_VMSA: sev_cmd_id = 4;
10127 pub const sev_cmd_id_KVM_SEV_LAUNCH_SECRET: sev_cmd_id = 5;
10128 pub const sev_cmd_id_KVM_SEV_LAUNCH_MEASURE: sev_cmd_id = 6;
10129 pub const sev_cmd_id_KVM_SEV_LAUNCH_FINISH: sev_cmd_id = 7;
10130 pub const sev_cmd_id_KVM_SEV_SEND_START: sev_cmd_id = 8;
10131 pub const sev_cmd_id_KVM_SEV_SEND_UPDATE_DATA: sev_cmd_id = 9;
10132 pub const sev_cmd_id_KVM_SEV_SEND_UPDATE_VMSA: sev_cmd_id = 10;
10133 pub const sev_cmd_id_KVM_SEV_SEND_FINISH: sev_cmd_id = 11;
10134 pub const sev_cmd_id_KVM_SEV_RECEIVE_START: sev_cmd_id = 12;
10135 pub const sev_cmd_id_KVM_SEV_RECEIVE_UPDATE_DATA: sev_cmd_id = 13;
10136 pub const sev_cmd_id_KVM_SEV_RECEIVE_UPDATE_VMSA: sev_cmd_id = 14;
10137 pub const sev_cmd_id_KVM_SEV_RECEIVE_FINISH: sev_cmd_id = 15;
10138 pub const sev_cmd_id_KVM_SEV_GUEST_STATUS: sev_cmd_id = 16;
10139 pub const sev_cmd_id_KVM_SEV_DBG_DECRYPT: sev_cmd_id = 17;
10140 pub const sev_cmd_id_KVM_SEV_DBG_ENCRYPT: sev_cmd_id = 18;
10141 pub const sev_cmd_id_KVM_SEV_CERT_EXPORT: sev_cmd_id = 19;
10142 pub const sev_cmd_id_KVM_SEV_NR_MAX: sev_cmd_id = 20;
10143 pub type sev_cmd_id = u32;
10144 #[repr(C)]
10145 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
10146 pub struct kvm_sev_cmd {
10147     pub id: __u32,
10148     pub data: __u64,
10149     pub error: __u32,
10150     pub sev_fd: __u32,
10151 }
10152 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_sev_cmd()10153 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_sev_cmd() {
10154     assert_eq!(
10155         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_sev_cmd>(),
10156         24usize,
10157         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_sev_cmd))
10158     );
10159     assert_eq!(
10160         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_sev_cmd>(),
10161         8usize,
10162         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_sev_cmd))
10163     );
10164     assert_eq!(
10165         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sev_cmd>())).id as *const _ as usize },
10166         0usize,
10167         concat!(
10168             "Offset of field: ",
10169             stringify!(kvm_sev_cmd),
10170             "::",
10171             stringify!(id)
10172         )
10173     );
10174     assert_eq!(
10175         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sev_cmd>())).data as *const _ as usize },
10176         8usize,
10177         concat!(
10178             "Offset of field: ",
10179             stringify!(kvm_sev_cmd),
10180             "::",
10181             stringify!(data)
10182         )
10183     );
10184     assert_eq!(
10185         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sev_cmd>())).error as *const _ as usize },
10186         16usize,
10187         concat!(
10188             "Offset of field: ",
10189             stringify!(kvm_sev_cmd),
10190             "::",
10191             stringify!(error)
10192         )
10193     );
10194     assert_eq!(
10195         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sev_cmd>())).sev_fd as *const _ as usize },
10196         20usize,
10197         concat!(
10198             "Offset of field: ",
10199             stringify!(kvm_sev_cmd),
10200             "::",
10201             stringify!(sev_fd)
10202         )
10203     );
10204 }
10205 #[repr(C)]
10206 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
10207 pub struct kvm_sev_launch_start {
10208     pub handle: __u32,
10209     pub policy: __u32,
10210     pub dh_uaddr: __u64,
10211     pub dh_len: __u32,
10212     pub session_uaddr: __u64,
10213     pub session_len: __u32,
10214 }
10215 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_sev_launch_start()10216 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_sev_launch_start() {
10217     assert_eq!(
10218         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_sev_launch_start>(),
10219         40usize,
10220         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_sev_launch_start))
10221     );
10222     assert_eq!(
10223         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_sev_launch_start>(),
10224         8usize,
10225         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_sev_launch_start))
10226     );
10227     assert_eq!(
10228         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sev_launch_start>())).handle as *const _ as usize },
10229         0usize,
10230         concat!(
10231             "Offset of field: ",
10232             stringify!(kvm_sev_launch_start),
10233             "::",
10234             stringify!(handle)
10235         )
10236     );
10237     assert_eq!(
10238         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sev_launch_start>())).policy as *const _ as usize },
10239         4usize,
10240         concat!(
10241             "Offset of field: ",
10242             stringify!(kvm_sev_launch_start),
10243             "::",
10244             stringify!(policy)
10245         )
10246     );
10247     assert_eq!(
10248         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sev_launch_start>())).dh_uaddr as *const _ as usize },
10249         8usize,
10250         concat!(
10251             "Offset of field: ",
10252             stringify!(kvm_sev_launch_start),
10253             "::",
10254             stringify!(dh_uaddr)
10255         )
10256     );
10257     assert_eq!(
10258         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sev_launch_start>())).dh_len as *const _ as usize },
10259         16usize,
10260         concat!(
10261             "Offset of field: ",
10262             stringify!(kvm_sev_launch_start),
10263             "::",
10264             stringify!(dh_len)
10265         )
10266     );
10267     assert_eq!(
10268         unsafe {
10269             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sev_launch_start>())).session_uaddr as *const _ as usize
10270         },
10271         24usize,
10272         concat!(
10273             "Offset of field: ",
10274             stringify!(kvm_sev_launch_start),
10275             "::",
10276             stringify!(session_uaddr)
10277         )
10278     );
10279     assert_eq!(
10280         unsafe {
10281             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sev_launch_start>())).session_len as *const _ as usize
10282         },
10283         32usize,
10284         concat!(
10285             "Offset of field: ",
10286             stringify!(kvm_sev_launch_start),
10287             "::",
10288             stringify!(session_len)
10289         )
10290     );
10291 }
10292 #[repr(C)]
10293 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
10294 pub struct kvm_sev_launch_update_data {
10295     pub uaddr: __u64,
10296     pub len: __u32,
10297 }
10298 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_sev_launch_update_data()10299 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_sev_launch_update_data() {
10300     assert_eq!(
10301         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_sev_launch_update_data>(),
10302         16usize,
10303         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_sev_launch_update_data))
10304     );
10305     assert_eq!(
10306         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_sev_launch_update_data>(),
10307         8usize,
10308         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_sev_launch_update_data))
10309     );
10310     assert_eq!(
10311         unsafe {
10312             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sev_launch_update_data>())).uaddr as *const _ as usize
10313         },
10314         0usize,
10315         concat!(
10316             "Offset of field: ",
10317             stringify!(kvm_sev_launch_update_data),
10318             "::",
10319             stringify!(uaddr)
10320         )
10321     );
10322     assert_eq!(
10323         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sev_launch_update_data>())).len as *const _ as usize },
10324         8usize,
10325         concat!(
10326             "Offset of field: ",
10327             stringify!(kvm_sev_launch_update_data),
10328             "::",
10329             stringify!(len)
10330         )
10331     );
10332 }
10333 #[repr(C)]
10334 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
10335 pub struct kvm_sev_launch_secret {
10336     pub hdr_uaddr: __u64,
10337     pub hdr_len: __u32,
10338     pub guest_uaddr: __u64,
10339     pub guest_len: __u32,
10340     pub trans_uaddr: __u64,
10341     pub trans_len: __u32,
10342 }
10343 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_sev_launch_secret()10344 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_sev_launch_secret() {
10345     assert_eq!(
10346         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_sev_launch_secret>(),
10347         48usize,
10348         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_sev_launch_secret))
10349     );
10350     assert_eq!(
10351         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_sev_launch_secret>(),
10352         8usize,
10353         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_sev_launch_secret))
10354     );
10355     assert_eq!(
10356         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sev_launch_secret>())).hdr_uaddr as *const _ as usize },
10357         0usize,
10358         concat!(
10359             "Offset of field: ",
10360             stringify!(kvm_sev_launch_secret),
10361             "::",
10362             stringify!(hdr_uaddr)
10363         )
10364     );
10365     assert_eq!(
10366         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sev_launch_secret>())).hdr_len as *const _ as usize },
10367         8usize,
10368         concat!(
10369             "Offset of field: ",
10370             stringify!(kvm_sev_launch_secret),
10371             "::",
10372             stringify!(hdr_len)
10373         )
10374     );
10375     assert_eq!(
10376         unsafe {
10377             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sev_launch_secret>())).guest_uaddr as *const _ as usize
10378         },
10379         16usize,
10380         concat!(
10381             "Offset of field: ",
10382             stringify!(kvm_sev_launch_secret),
10383             "::",
10384             stringify!(guest_uaddr)
10385         )
10386     );
10387     assert_eq!(
10388         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sev_launch_secret>())).guest_len as *const _ as usize },
10389         24usize,
10390         concat!(
10391             "Offset of field: ",
10392             stringify!(kvm_sev_launch_secret),
10393             "::",
10394             stringify!(guest_len)
10395         )
10396     );
10397     assert_eq!(
10398         unsafe {
10399             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sev_launch_secret>())).trans_uaddr as *const _ as usize
10400         },
10401         32usize,
10402         concat!(
10403             "Offset of field: ",
10404             stringify!(kvm_sev_launch_secret),
10405             "::",
10406             stringify!(trans_uaddr)
10407         )
10408     );
10409     assert_eq!(
10410         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sev_launch_secret>())).trans_len as *const _ as usize },
10411         40usize,
10412         concat!(
10413             "Offset of field: ",
10414             stringify!(kvm_sev_launch_secret),
10415             "::",
10416             stringify!(trans_len)
10417         )
10418     );
10419 }
10420 #[repr(C)]
10421 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
10422 pub struct kvm_sev_launch_measure {
10423     pub uaddr: __u64,
10424     pub len: __u32,
10425 }
10426 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_sev_launch_measure()10427 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_sev_launch_measure() {
10428     assert_eq!(
10429         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_sev_launch_measure>(),
10430         16usize,
10431         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_sev_launch_measure))
10432     );
10433     assert_eq!(
10434         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_sev_launch_measure>(),
10435         8usize,
10436         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_sev_launch_measure))
10437     );
10438     assert_eq!(
10439         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sev_launch_measure>())).uaddr as *const _ as usize },
10440         0usize,
10441         concat!(
10442             "Offset of field: ",
10443             stringify!(kvm_sev_launch_measure),
10444             "::",
10445             stringify!(uaddr)
10446         )
10447     );
10448     assert_eq!(
10449         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sev_launch_measure>())).len as *const _ as usize },
10450         8usize,
10451         concat!(
10452             "Offset of field: ",
10453             stringify!(kvm_sev_launch_measure),
10454             "::",
10455             stringify!(len)
10456         )
10457     );
10458 }
10459 #[repr(C)]
10460 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
10461 pub struct kvm_sev_guest_status {
10462     pub handle: __u32,
10463     pub policy: __u32,
10464     pub state: __u32,
10465 }
10466 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_sev_guest_status()10467 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_sev_guest_status() {
10468     assert_eq!(
10469         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_sev_guest_status>(),
10470         12usize,
10471         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_sev_guest_status))
10472     );
10473     assert_eq!(
10474         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_sev_guest_status>(),
10475         4usize,
10476         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_sev_guest_status))
10477     );
10478     assert_eq!(
10479         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sev_guest_status>())).handle as *const _ as usize },
10480         0usize,
10481         concat!(
10482             "Offset of field: ",
10483             stringify!(kvm_sev_guest_status),
10484             "::",
10485             stringify!(handle)
10486         )
10487     );
10488     assert_eq!(
10489         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sev_guest_status>())).policy as *const _ as usize },
10490         4usize,
10491         concat!(
10492             "Offset of field: ",
10493             stringify!(kvm_sev_guest_status),
10494             "::",
10495             stringify!(policy)
10496         )
10497     );
10498     assert_eq!(
10499         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sev_guest_status>())).state as *const _ as usize },
10500         8usize,
10501         concat!(
10502             "Offset of field: ",
10503             stringify!(kvm_sev_guest_status),
10504             "::",
10505             stringify!(state)
10506         )
10507     );
10508 }
10509 #[repr(C)]
10510 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
10511 pub struct kvm_sev_dbg {
10512     pub src_uaddr: __u64,
10513     pub dst_uaddr: __u64,
10514     pub len: __u32,
10515 }
10516 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_sev_dbg()10517 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_sev_dbg() {
10518     assert_eq!(
10519         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_sev_dbg>(),
10520         24usize,
10521         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_sev_dbg))
10522     );
10523     assert_eq!(
10524         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_sev_dbg>(),
10525         8usize,
10526         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_sev_dbg))
10527     );
10528     assert_eq!(
10529         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sev_dbg>())).src_uaddr as *const _ as usize },
10530         0usize,
10531         concat!(
10532             "Offset of field: ",
10533             stringify!(kvm_sev_dbg),
10534             "::",
10535             stringify!(src_uaddr)
10536         )
10537     );
10538     assert_eq!(
10539         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sev_dbg>())).dst_uaddr as *const _ as usize },
10540         8usize,
10541         concat!(
10542             "Offset of field: ",
10543             stringify!(kvm_sev_dbg),
10544             "::",
10545             stringify!(dst_uaddr)
10546         )
10547     );
10548     assert_eq!(
10549         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_sev_dbg>())).len as *const _ as usize },
10550         16usize,
10551         concat!(
10552             "Offset of field: ",
10553             stringify!(kvm_sev_dbg),
10554             "::",
10555             stringify!(len)
10556         )
10557     );
10558 }
10559 #[repr(C)]
10560 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
10561 pub struct kvm_assigned_pci_dev {
10562     pub assigned_dev_id: __u32,
10563     pub busnr: __u32,
10564     pub devfn: __u32,
10565     pub flags: __u32,
10566     pub segnr: __u32,
10567     pub __bindgen_anon_1: kvm_assigned_pci_dev__bindgen_ty_1,
10568 }
10569 #[repr(C)]
10570 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
10571 pub union kvm_assigned_pci_dev__bindgen_ty_1 {
10572     pub reserved: [__u32; 11usize],
10573     _bindgen_union_align: [u32; 11usize],
10574 }
10575 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_assigned_pci_dev__bindgen_ty_1()10576 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_assigned_pci_dev__bindgen_ty_1() {
10577     assert_eq!(
10578         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_assigned_pci_dev__bindgen_ty_1>(),
10579         44usize,
10580         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_assigned_pci_dev__bindgen_ty_1))
10581     );
10582     assert_eq!(
10583         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_assigned_pci_dev__bindgen_ty_1>(),
10584         4usize,
10585         concat!(
10586             "Alignment of ",
10587             stringify!(kvm_assigned_pci_dev__bindgen_ty_1)
10588         )
10589     );
10590     assert_eq!(
10591         unsafe {
10592             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_assigned_pci_dev__bindgen_ty_1>())).reserved as *const _
10593                 as usize
10594         },
10595         0usize,
10596         concat!(
10597             "Offset of field: ",
10598             stringify!(kvm_assigned_pci_dev__bindgen_ty_1),
10599             "::",
10600             stringify!(reserved)
10601         )
10602     );
10603 }
10604 impl Default for kvm_assigned_pci_dev__bindgen_ty_1 {
default() -> Self10605     fn default() -> Self {
10606         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
10607     }
10608 }
10609 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_assigned_pci_dev()10610 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_assigned_pci_dev() {
10611     assert_eq!(
10612         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_assigned_pci_dev>(),
10613         64usize,
10614         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_assigned_pci_dev))
10615     );
10616     assert_eq!(
10617         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_assigned_pci_dev>(),
10618         4usize,
10619         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_assigned_pci_dev))
10620     );
10621     assert_eq!(
10622         unsafe {
10623             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_assigned_pci_dev>())).assigned_dev_id as *const _ as usize
10624         },
10625         0usize,
10626         concat!(
10627             "Offset of field: ",
10628             stringify!(kvm_assigned_pci_dev),
10629             "::",
10630             stringify!(assigned_dev_id)
10631         )
10632     );
10633     assert_eq!(
10634         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_assigned_pci_dev>())).busnr as *const _ as usize },
10635         4usize,
10636         concat!(
10637             "Offset of field: ",
10638             stringify!(kvm_assigned_pci_dev),
10639             "::",
10640             stringify!(busnr)
10641         )
10642     );
10643     assert_eq!(
10644         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_assigned_pci_dev>())).devfn as *const _ as usize },
10645         8usize,
10646         concat!(
10647             "Offset of field: ",
10648             stringify!(kvm_assigned_pci_dev),
10649             "::",
10650             stringify!(devfn)
10651         )
10652     );
10653     assert_eq!(
10654         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_assigned_pci_dev>())).flags as *const _ as usize },
10655         12usize,
10656         concat!(
10657             "Offset of field: ",
10658             stringify!(kvm_assigned_pci_dev),
10659             "::",
10660             stringify!(flags)
10661         )
10662     );
10663     assert_eq!(
10664         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_assigned_pci_dev>())).segnr as *const _ as usize },
10665         16usize,
10666         concat!(
10667             "Offset of field: ",
10668             stringify!(kvm_assigned_pci_dev),
10669             "::",
10670             stringify!(segnr)
10671         )
10672     );
10673 }
10674 impl Default for kvm_assigned_pci_dev {
default() -> Self10675     fn default() -> Self {
10676         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
10677     }
10678 }
10679 #[repr(C)]
10680 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
10681 pub struct kvm_assigned_irq {
10682     pub assigned_dev_id: __u32,
10683     pub host_irq: __u32,
10684     pub guest_irq: __u32,
10685     pub flags: __u32,
10686     pub __bindgen_anon_1: kvm_assigned_irq__bindgen_ty_1,
10687 }
10688 #[repr(C)]
10689 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
10690 pub union kvm_assigned_irq__bindgen_ty_1 {
10691     pub reserved: [__u32; 12usize],
10692     _bindgen_union_align: [u32; 12usize],
10693 }
10694 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_assigned_irq__bindgen_ty_1()10695 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_assigned_irq__bindgen_ty_1() {
10696     assert_eq!(
10697         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_assigned_irq__bindgen_ty_1>(),
10698         48usize,
10699         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_assigned_irq__bindgen_ty_1))
10700     );
10701     assert_eq!(
10702         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_assigned_irq__bindgen_ty_1>(),
10703         4usize,
10704         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_assigned_irq__bindgen_ty_1))
10705     );
10706     assert_eq!(
10707         unsafe {
10708             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_assigned_irq__bindgen_ty_1>())).reserved as *const _ as usize
10709         },
10710         0usize,
10711         concat!(
10712             "Offset of field: ",
10713             stringify!(kvm_assigned_irq__bindgen_ty_1),
10714             "::",
10715             stringify!(reserved)
10716         )
10717     );
10718 }
10719 impl Default for kvm_assigned_irq__bindgen_ty_1 {
default() -> Self10720     fn default() -> Self {
10721         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
10722     }
10723 }
10724 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_assigned_irq()10725 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_assigned_irq() {
10726     assert_eq!(
10727         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_assigned_irq>(),
10728         64usize,
10729         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_assigned_irq))
10730     );
10731     assert_eq!(
10732         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_assigned_irq>(),
10733         4usize,
10734         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_assigned_irq))
10735     );
10736     assert_eq!(
10737         unsafe {
10738             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_assigned_irq>())).assigned_dev_id as *const _ as usize
10739         },
10740         0usize,
10741         concat!(
10742             "Offset of field: ",
10743             stringify!(kvm_assigned_irq),
10744             "::",
10745             stringify!(assigned_dev_id)
10746         )
10747     );
10748     assert_eq!(
10749         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_assigned_irq>())).host_irq as *const _ as usize },
10750         4usize,
10751         concat!(
10752             "Offset of field: ",
10753             stringify!(kvm_assigned_irq),
10754             "::",
10755             stringify!(host_irq)
10756         )
10757     );
10758     assert_eq!(
10759         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_assigned_irq>())).guest_irq as *const _ as usize },
10760         8usize,
10761         concat!(
10762             "Offset of field: ",
10763             stringify!(kvm_assigned_irq),
10764             "::",
10765             stringify!(guest_irq)
10766         )
10767     );
10768     assert_eq!(
10769         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_assigned_irq>())).flags as *const _ as usize },
10770         12usize,
10771         concat!(
10772             "Offset of field: ",
10773             stringify!(kvm_assigned_irq),
10774             "::",
10775             stringify!(flags)
10776         )
10777     );
10778 }
10779 impl Default for kvm_assigned_irq {
default() -> Self10780     fn default() -> Self {
10781         unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
10782     }
10783 }
10784 #[repr(C)]
10785 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
10786 pub struct kvm_assigned_msix_nr {
10787     pub assigned_dev_id: __u32,
10788     pub entry_nr: __u16,
10789     pub padding: __u16,
10790 }
10791 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_assigned_msix_nr()10792 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_assigned_msix_nr() {
10793     assert_eq!(
10794         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_assigned_msix_nr>(),
10795         8usize,
10796         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_assigned_msix_nr))
10797     );
10798     assert_eq!(
10799         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_assigned_msix_nr>(),
10800         4usize,
10801         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_assigned_msix_nr))
10802     );
10803     assert_eq!(
10804         unsafe {
10805             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_assigned_msix_nr>())).assigned_dev_id as *const _ as usize
10806         },
10807         0usize,
10808         concat!(
10809             "Offset of field: ",
10810             stringify!(kvm_assigned_msix_nr),
10811             "::",
10812             stringify!(assigned_dev_id)
10813         )
10814     );
10815     assert_eq!(
10816         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_assigned_msix_nr>())).entry_nr as *const _ as usize },
10817         4usize,
10818         concat!(
10819             "Offset of field: ",
10820             stringify!(kvm_assigned_msix_nr),
10821             "::",
10822             stringify!(entry_nr)
10823         )
10824     );
10825     assert_eq!(
10826         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_assigned_msix_nr>())).padding as *const _ as usize },
10827         6usize,
10828         concat!(
10829             "Offset of field: ",
10830             stringify!(kvm_assigned_msix_nr),
10831             "::",
10832             stringify!(padding)
10833         )
10834     );
10835 }
10836 #[repr(C)]
10837 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
10838 pub struct kvm_assigned_msix_entry {
10839     pub assigned_dev_id: __u32,
10840     pub gsi: __u32,
10841     pub entry: __u16,
10842     pub padding: [__u16; 3usize],
10843 }
10844 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_assigned_msix_entry()10845 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_assigned_msix_entry() {
10846     assert_eq!(
10847         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_assigned_msix_entry>(),
10848         16usize,
10849         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_assigned_msix_entry))
10850     );
10851     assert_eq!(
10852         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_assigned_msix_entry>(),
10853         4usize,
10854         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_assigned_msix_entry))
10855     );
10856     assert_eq!(
10857         unsafe {
10858             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_assigned_msix_entry>())).assigned_dev_id as *const _ as usize
10859         },
10860         0usize,
10861         concat!(
10862             "Offset of field: ",
10863             stringify!(kvm_assigned_msix_entry),
10864             "::",
10865             stringify!(assigned_dev_id)
10866         )
10867     );
10868     assert_eq!(
10869         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_assigned_msix_entry>())).gsi as *const _ as usize },
10870         4usize,
10871         concat!(
10872             "Offset of field: ",
10873             stringify!(kvm_assigned_msix_entry),
10874             "::",
10875             stringify!(gsi)
10876         )
10877     );
10878     assert_eq!(
10879         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_assigned_msix_entry>())).entry as *const _ as usize },
10880         8usize,
10881         concat!(
10882             "Offset of field: ",
10883             stringify!(kvm_assigned_msix_entry),
10884             "::",
10885             stringify!(entry)
10886         )
10887     );
10888     assert_eq!(
10889         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_assigned_msix_entry>())).padding as *const _ as usize },
10890         10usize,
10891         concat!(
10892             "Offset of field: ",
10893             stringify!(kvm_assigned_msix_entry),
10894             "::",
10895             stringify!(padding)
10896         )
10897     );
10898 }
10899 #[repr(C)]
10900 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
10901 pub struct kvm_hyperv_eventfd {
10902     pub conn_id: __u32,
10903     pub fd: __s32,
10904     pub flags: __u32,
10905     pub padding: [__u32; 3usize],
10906 }
10907 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_kvm_hyperv_eventfd()10908 fn bindgen_test_layout_kvm_hyperv_eventfd() {
10909     assert_eq!(
10910         ::std::mem::size_of::<kvm_hyperv_eventfd>(),
10911         24usize,
10912         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(kvm_hyperv_eventfd))
10913     );
10914     assert_eq!(
10915         ::std::mem::align_of::<kvm_hyperv_eventfd>(),
10916         4usize,
10917         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(kvm_hyperv_eventfd))
10918     );
10919     assert_eq!(
10920         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_hyperv_eventfd>())).conn_id as *const _ as usize },
10921         0usize,
10922         concat!(
10923             "Offset of field: ",
10924             stringify!(kvm_hyperv_eventfd),
10925             "::",
10926             stringify!(conn_id)
10927         )
10928     );
10929     assert_eq!(
10930         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_hyperv_eventfd>())).fd as *const _ as usize },
10931         4usize,
10932         concat!(
10933             "Offset of field: ",
10934             stringify!(kvm_hyperv_eventfd),
10935             "::",
10936             stringify!(fd)
10937         )
10938     );
10939     assert_eq!(
10940         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_hyperv_eventfd>())).flags as *const _ as usize },
10941         8usize,
10942         concat!(
10943             "Offset of field: ",
10944             stringify!(kvm_hyperv_eventfd),
10945             "::",
10946             stringify!(flags)
10947         )
10948     );
10949     assert_eq!(
10950         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<kvm_hyperv_eventfd>())).padding as *const _ as usize },
10951         12usize,
10952         concat!(
10953             "Offset of field: ",
10954             stringify!(kvm_hyperv_eventfd),
10955             "::",
10956             stringify!(padding)
10957         )
10958     );
10959 }