1## This file is part of Scapy
2## See http://www.secdev.org/projects/scapy for more informations
3## Copyright (C) Philippe Biondi <phil@secdev.org>
4## This program is published under a GPLv2 license
7Packet class. Binding mechanism. fuzz() method.
10from __future__ import absolute_import
11from __future__ import print_function
12import re
13import time,itertools
14import copy
15import subprocess
17from scapy.fields import StrField, ConditionalField, Emph, PacketListField, BitField, \
18    MultiEnumField, EnumField, FlagsField
19from scapy.config import conf
20from scapy.compat import *
21from scapy.base_classes import BasePacket, Gen, SetGen, Packet_metaclass
22from scapy.volatile import VolatileValue
23from scapy.utils import import_hexcap,tex_escape,colgen,get_temp_file, \
24    ContextManagerSubprocess
25from scapy.error import Scapy_Exception, log_runtime
26from scapy.consts import PYX
27import scapy.modules.six as six
30    import pyx
31except ImportError:
32    pass
35class RawVal:
36    def __init__(self, val=""):
37        self.val = val
38    def __str__(self):
39        return str(self.val)
40    def __bytes__(self):
41        return raw(self.val)
42    def __repr__(self):
43        return "<RawVal [%r]>" % self.val
46class Packet(six.with_metaclass(Packet_metaclass, BasePacket)):
47    __slots__ = [
48        "time", "sent_time", "name", "default_fields",
49        "overload_fields", "overloaded_fields", "fields", "fieldtype",
50        "packetfields",
51        "original", "explicit", "raw_packet_cache",
52        "raw_packet_cache_fields", "_pkt", "post_transforms",
53        # then payload and underlayer
54        "payload", "underlayer",
55        "name",
56        # used for sr()
57        "_answered",
58        # used when sniffing
59        "direction", "sniffed_on"
60    ]
61    name = None
62    fields_desc = []
63    overload_fields = {}
64    payload_guess = []
65    show_indent = 1
66    show_summary = True
68    @classmethod
69    def from_hexcap(cls):
70        return cls(import_hexcap())
72    @classmethod
73    def upper_bonds(self):
74        for fval,upper in self.payload_guess:
75            print("%-20s  %s" % (upper.__name__, ", ".join("%-12s" % ("%s=%r"%i) for i in six.iteritems(fval))))
77    @classmethod
78    def lower_bonds(self):
79        for lower,fval in six.iteritems(self._overload_fields):
80            print("%-20s  %s" % (lower.__name__, ", ".join("%-12s" % ("%s=%r"%i) for i in six.iteritems(fval))))
82    def _unpickle(self, dlist):
83        """Used to unpack pickling"""
84        self.__init__(b"".join(dlist))
85        return self
87    def __reduce__(self):
88        """Used by pickling methods"""
89        return (self.__class__, (), (self.build(),))
91    def __reduce_ex__(self, proto):
92        """Used by pickling methods"""
93        return self.__reduce__()
95    def __getstate__(self):
96        """Mark object as pickable"""
97        return self.__reduce__()[2]
99    def __setstate__(self, state):
100        """Rebuild state using pickable methods"""
101        return self._unpickle(state)
103    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
104        """Used by copy.deepcopy"""
105        return self.copy()
107    def __init__(self, _pkt=b"", post_transform=None, _internal=0, _underlayer=None, **fields):
108        self.time  = time.time()
109        self.sent_time = None
110        self.name = (self.__class__.__name__
111                     if self._name is None else
112                     self._name)
113        self.default_fields = {}
114        self.overload_fields = self._overload_fields
115        self.overloaded_fields = {}
116        self.fields = {}
117        self.fieldtype = {}
118        self.packetfields = []
119        self.payload = NoPayload()
120        self.init_fields()
121        self.underlayer = _underlayer
122        self.original = _pkt
123        self.explicit = 0
124        self.raw_packet_cache = None
125        self.raw_packet_cache_fields = None
126        if _pkt:
127            self.dissect(_pkt)
128            if not _internal:
129                self.dissection_done(self)
130        for f, v in six.iteritems(fields):
131            self.fields[f] = self.get_field(f).any2i(self, v)
132        if isinstance(post_transform, list):
133            self.post_transforms = post_transform
134        elif post_transform is None:
135            self.post_transforms = []
136        else:
137            self.post_transforms = [post_transform]
139    def init_fields(self):
140        """
141        Initialize each fields of the fields_desc dict
142        """
143        self.do_init_fields(self.fields_desc)
145    def do_init_fields(self, flist):
146        """
147        Initialize each fields of the fields_desc dict
148        """
149        for f in flist:
150            self.default_fields[f.name] = copy.deepcopy(f.default)
151            self.fieldtype[f.name] = f
152            if f.holds_packets:
153                self.packetfields.append(f)
155    def dissection_done(self,pkt):
156        """DEV: will be called after a dissection is completed"""
157        self.post_dissection(pkt)
158        self.payload.dissection_done(pkt)
160    def post_dissection(self, pkt):
161        """DEV: is called after the dissection of the whole packet"""
162        pass
164    def get_field(self, fld):
165        """DEV: returns the field instance from the name of the field"""
166        return self.fieldtype[fld]
168    def add_payload(self, payload):
169        if payload is None:
170            return
171        elif not isinstance(self.payload, NoPayload):
172            self.payload.add_payload(payload)
173        else:
174            if isinstance(payload, Packet):
175                self.payload = payload
176                payload.add_underlayer(self)
177                for t in self.aliastypes:
178                    if t in payload.overload_fields:
179                        self.overloaded_fields = payload.overload_fields[t]
180                        break
181            elif isinstance(payload, bytes):
182                self.payload = conf.raw_layer(load=payload)
183            else:
184                raise TypeError("payload must be either 'Packet' or 'bytes', not [%s]" % repr(payload))
185    def remove_payload(self):
186        self.payload.remove_underlayer(self)
187        self.payload = NoPayload()
188        self.overloaded_fields = {}
189    def add_underlayer(self, underlayer):
190        self.underlayer = underlayer
191    def remove_underlayer(self,other):
192        self.underlayer = None
193    def copy(self):
194        """Returns a deep copy of the instance."""
195        clone = self.__class__()
196        clone.fields = self.copy_fields_dict(self.fields)
197        clone.default_fields = self.copy_fields_dict(self.default_fields)
198        clone.overloaded_fields = self.overloaded_fields.copy()
199        clone.underlayer = self.underlayer
200        clone.explicit = self.explicit
201        clone.raw_packet_cache = self.raw_packet_cache
202        clone.raw_packet_cache_fields = self.copy_fields_dict(
203            self.raw_packet_cache_fields
204        )
205        clone.post_transforms = self.post_transforms[:]
206        clone.payload = self.payload.copy()
207        clone.payload.add_underlayer(clone)
208        clone.time = self.time
209        return clone
211    def getfieldval(self, attr):
212        if attr in self.fields:
213            return self.fields[attr]
214        if attr in self.overloaded_fields:
215            return self.overloaded_fields[attr]
216        if attr in self.default_fields:
217            return self.default_fields[attr]
218        return self.payload.getfieldval(attr)
220    def getfield_and_val(self, attr):
221        if attr in self.fields:
222            return self.get_field(attr),self.fields[attr]
223        if attr in self.overloaded_fields:
224            return self.get_field(attr),self.overloaded_fields[attr]
225        if attr in self.default_fields:
226            return self.get_field(attr),self.default_fields[attr]
228    def __getattr__(self, attr):
229        try:
230            fld, v = self.getfield_and_val(attr)
231        except TypeError:
232            return self.payload.__getattr__(attr)
233        if fld is not None:
234            return fld.i2h(self, v)
235        return v
237    def setfieldval(self, attr, val):
238        if attr in self.default_fields:
239            fld = self.get_field(attr)
240            if fld is None:
241                any2i = lambda x,y: y
242            else:
243                any2i = fld.any2i
244            self.fields[attr] = any2i(self, val)
245            self.explicit = 0
246            self.raw_packet_cache = None
247            self.raw_packet_cache_fields = None
248        elif attr == "payload":
249            self.remove_payload()
250            self.add_payload(val)
251        else:
252            self.payload.setfieldval(attr,val)
254    def __setattr__(self, attr, val):
255        if attr in self.__all_slots__:
256            return object.__setattr__(self, attr, val)
257        try:
258            return self.setfieldval(attr,val)
259        except AttributeError:
260            pass
261        return object.__setattr__(self, attr, val)
263    def delfieldval(self, attr):
264        if attr in self.fields:
265            del(self.fields[attr])
266            self.explicit = 0 # in case a default value must be explicited
267            self.raw_packet_cache = None
268            self.raw_packet_cache_fields = None
269        elif attr in self.default_fields:
270            pass
271        elif attr == "payload":
272            self.remove_payload()
273        else:
274            self.payload.delfieldval(attr)
276    def __delattr__(self, attr):
277        if attr == "payload":
278            return self.remove_payload()
279        if attr in self.__all_slots__:
280            return object.__delattr__(self, attr)
281        try:
282            return self.delfieldval(attr)
283        except AttributeError:
284            pass
285        return object.__delattr__(self, attr)
287    def _superdir(self):
288        """
289        Return a list of slots and methods, including those from subclasses.
290        """
291        attrs = set()
292        cls = self.__class__
293        if hasattr(cls, '__all_slots__'):
294            attrs.update(cls.__all_slots__)
295        for bcls in cls.__mro__:
296            if hasattr(bcls, '__dict__'):
297                attrs.update(bcls.__dict__)
298        return attrs
300    def __dir__(self):
301        """
302        Add fields to tab completion list.
303        """
304        return sorted(itertools.chain(self._superdir(), self.default_fields))
306    def __repr__(self):
307        s = ""
308        ct = conf.color_theme
309        for f in self.fields_desc:
310            if isinstance(f, ConditionalField) and not f._evalcond(self):
311                continue
312            if f.name in self.fields:
313                val = f.i2repr(self, self.fields[f.name])
314            elif f.name in self.overloaded_fields:
315                val =  f.i2repr(self, self.overloaded_fields[f.name])
316            else:
317                continue
318            if isinstance(f, Emph) or f in conf.emph:
319                ncol = ct.emph_field_name
320                vcol = ct.emph_field_value
321            else:
322                ncol = ct.field_name
323                vcol = ct.field_value
326            s += " %s%s%s" % (ncol(f.name),
327                              ct.punct("="),
328                              vcol(val))
329        return "%s%s %s %s%s%s"% (ct.punct("<"),
330                                  ct.layer_name(self.__class__.__name__),
331                                  s,
332                                  ct.punct("|"),
333                                  repr(self.payload),
334                                  ct.punct(">"))
335    def __str__(self):
336        return str(self.build())
337    def __bytes__(self):
338        return self.build()
339    def __div__(self, other):
340        if isinstance(other, Packet):
341            cloneA = self.copy()
342            cloneB = other.copy()
343            cloneA.add_payload(cloneB)
344            return cloneA
345        elif isinstance(other, (bytes, str)):
346            return self/conf.raw_layer(load=other)
347        else:
348            return other.__rdiv__(self)
349    __truediv__ = __div__
350    def __rdiv__(self, other):
351        if isinstance(other, (bytes, str)):
352            return conf.raw_layer(load=other)/self
353        else:
354            raise TypeError
355    __rtruediv__ = __rdiv__
356    def __mul__(self, other):
357        if isinstance(other, int):
358            return  [self]*other
359        else:
360            raise TypeError
361    def __rmul__(self,other):
362        return self.__mul__(other)
364    def __nonzero__(self):
365        return True
366    __bool__ = __nonzero__
367    def __len__(self):
368        return len(self.__bytes__())
369    def copy_field_value(self, fieldname, value):
370        return self.get_field(fieldname).do_copy(value)
371    def copy_fields_dict(self, fields):
372        if fields is None:
373            return None
374        return {fname: self.copy_field_value(fname, fval)
375                for fname, fval in six.iteritems(fields)}
376    def self_build(self, field_pos_list=None):
377        """
378        Create the default layer regarding fields_desc dict
380        :param field_pos_list:
381        """
382        if self.raw_packet_cache is not None:
383            for fname, fval in six.iteritems(self.raw_packet_cache_fields):
384                if self.getfieldval(fname) != fval:
385                    self.raw_packet_cache = None
386                    self.raw_packet_cache_fields = None
387                    break
388            if self.raw_packet_cache is not None:
389                return self.raw_packet_cache
390        p=b""
391        for f in self.fields_desc:
392            val = self.getfieldval(f.name)
393            if isinstance(val, RawVal):
394                sval = raw(val)
395                p += sval
396                if field_pos_list is not None:
397                    field_pos_list.append( (f.name, sval.encode("string_escape"), len(p), len(sval) ) )
398            else:
399                p = f.addfield(self, p, val)
400        return p
402    def do_build_payload(self):
403        """
404        Create the default version of the payload layer
406        :return: a string of payload layer
407        """
408        return self.payload.do_build()
410    def do_build(self):
411        """
412        Create the default version of the layer
414        :return: a string of the packet with the payload
415        """
416        if not self.explicit:
417            self = next(iter(self))
418        pkt = self.self_build()
419        for t in self.post_transforms:
420            pkt = t(pkt)
421        pay = self.do_build_payload()
422        if self.raw_packet_cache is None:
423            return self.post_build(pkt, pay)
424        else:
425            return pkt + pay
427    def build_padding(self):
428        return self.payload.build_padding()
430    def build(self):
431        """
432        Create the current layer
434        :return: string of the packet with the payload
435        """
436        p = self.do_build()
437        p += self.build_padding()
438        p = self.build_done(p)
439        return p
441    def post_build(self, pkt, pay):
442        """
443        DEV: called right after the current layer is build.
445        :param str pkt: the current packet (build by self_buil function)
446        :param str pay: the packet payload (build by do_build_payload function)
447        :return: a string of the packet with the payload
448        """
449        return pkt+pay
451    def build_done(self, p):
452        return self.payload.build_done(p)
454    def do_build_ps(self):
455        p = b""
456        pl = []
457        q = b""
458        for f in self.fields_desc:
459            if isinstance(f, ConditionalField) and not f._evalcond(self):
460                continue
461            p = f.addfield(self, p, self.getfieldval(f.name) )
462            if isinstance(p, bytes):
463                r = p[len(q):]
464                q = p
465            else:
466                r = b""
467            pl.append( (f, f.i2repr(self,self.getfieldval(f.name)), r) )
469        pkt,lst = self.payload.build_ps(internal=1)
470        p += pkt
471        lst.append( (self, pl) )
473        return p,lst
475    def build_ps(self,internal=0):
476        p,lst = self.do_build_ps()
477#        if not internal:
478#            pkt = self
479#            while pkt.haslayer(conf.padding_layer):
480#                pkt = pkt.getlayer(conf.padding_layer)
481#                lst.append( (pkt, [ ("loakjkjd", pkt.load, pkt.load) ] ) )
482#                p += pkt.load
483#                pkt = pkt.payload
484        return p,lst
487    def psdump(self, filename=None, **kargs):
488        """
489        psdump(filename=None, layer_shift=0, rebuild=1)
491        Creates an EPS file describing a packet. If filename is not provided a
492        temporary file is created and gs is called.
494        :param filename: the file's filename
495        """
496        canvas = self.canvas_dump(**kargs)
497        if filename is None:
498            fname = get_temp_file(autoext=".eps")
499            canvas.writeEPSfile(fname)
500            with ContextManagerSubprocess("psdump()", conf.prog.psreader):
501                subprocess.Popen([conf.prog.psreader, fname])
502        else:
503            canvas.writeEPSfile(filename)
505    def pdfdump(self, filename=None, **kargs):
506        """
507        pdfdump(filename=None, layer_shift=0, rebuild=1)
509        Creates a PDF file describing a packet. If filename is not provided a
510        temporary file is created and xpdf is called.
512        :param filename: the file's filename
513        """
514        canvas = self.canvas_dump(**kargs)
515        if filename is None:
516            fname = get_temp_file(autoext=".pdf")
517            canvas.writePDFfile(fname)
518            with ContextManagerSubprocess("pdfdump()", conf.prog.pdfreader):
519                subprocess.Popen([conf.prog.pdfreader, fname])
520        else:
521            canvas.writePDFfile(filename)
524    def canvas_dump(self, layer_shift=0, rebuild=1):
525        if PYX == 0:
526            raise ImportError("PyX and its depedencies must be installed")
527        canvas = pyx.canvas.canvas()
528        if rebuild:
529            p,t = self.__class__(raw(self)).build_ps()
530        else:
531            p,t = self.build_ps()
532        YTXT=len(t)
533        for n,l in t:
534            YTXT += len(l)
535        YTXT = float(YTXT)
536        YDUMP=YTXT
538        XSTART = 1
539        XDSTART = 10
540        y = 0.0
541        yd = 0.0
542        xd = 0
543        XMUL= 0.55
544        YMUL = 0.4
546        backcolor=colgen(0.6, 0.8, 1.0, trans=pyx.color.rgb)
547        forecolor=colgen(0.2, 0.5, 0.8, trans=pyx.color.rgb)
548#        backcolor=makecol(0.376, 0.729, 0.525, 1.0)
551        def hexstr(x):
552            s = []
553            for c in x:
554                s.append("%02x" % orb(c))
555            return " ".join(s)
558        def make_dump_txt(x,y,txt):
559            return pyx.text.text(XDSTART+x*XMUL, (YDUMP-y)*YMUL, r"\tt{%s}"%hexstr(txt), [pyx.text.size.Large])
561        def make_box(o):
562            return pyx.box.rect(o.left(), o.bottom(), o.width(), o.height(), relcenter=(0.5,0.5))
564        def make_frame(lst):
565            if len(lst) == 1:
566                b = lst[0].bbox()
567                b.enlarge(pyx.unit.u_pt)
568                return b.path()
569            else:
570                fb = lst[0].bbox()
571                fb.enlarge(pyx.unit.u_pt)
572                lb = lst[-1].bbox()
573                lb.enlarge(pyx.unit.u_pt)
574                if len(lst) == 2 and fb.left() > lb.right():
575                    return pyx.path.path(pyx.path.moveto(fb.right(), fb.top()),
576                                         pyx.path.lineto(fb.left(), fb.top()),
577                                         pyx.path.lineto(fb.left(), fb.bottom()),
578                                         pyx.path.lineto(fb.right(), fb.bottom()),
579                                         pyx.path.moveto(lb.left(), lb.top()),
580                                         pyx.path.lineto(lb.right(), lb.top()),
581                                         pyx.path.lineto(lb.right(), lb.bottom()),
582                                         pyx.path.lineto(lb.left(), lb.bottom()))
583                else:
584                    # XXX
585                    gb = lst[1].bbox()
586                    if gb != lb:
587                        gb.enlarge(pyx.unit.u_pt)
588                    kb = lst[-2].bbox()
589                    if kb != gb and kb != lb:
590                        kb.enlarge(pyx.unit.u_pt)
591                    return pyx.path.path(pyx.path.moveto(fb.left(), fb.top()),
592                                         pyx.path.lineto(fb.right(), fb.top()),
593                                         pyx.path.lineto(fb.right(), kb.bottom()),
594                                         pyx.path.lineto(lb.right(), kb.bottom()),
595                                         pyx.path.lineto(lb.right(), lb.bottom()),
596                                         pyx.path.lineto(lb.left(), lb.bottom()),
597                                         pyx.path.lineto(lb.left(), gb.top()),
598                                         pyx.path.lineto(fb.left(), gb.top()),
599                                         pyx.path.closepath(),)
602        def make_dump(s, shift=0, y=0, col=None, bkcol=None, larg=16):
603            c = pyx.canvas.canvas()
604            tlist = []
605            while s:
606                dmp,s = s[:larg-shift],s[larg-shift:]
607                txt = make_dump_txt(shift, y, dmp)
608                tlist.append(txt)
609                shift += len(dmp)
610                if shift >= 16:
611                    shift = 0
612                    y += 1
613            if col is None:
614                col = pyx.color.rgb.red
615            if bkcol is None:
616                col = pyx.color.rgb.white
617            c.stroke(make_frame(tlist),[col,pyx.deco.filled([bkcol]),pyx.style.linewidth.Thick])
618            for txt in tlist:
619                c.insert(txt)
620            return c, tlist[-1].bbox(), shift, y
623        last_shift,last_y=0,0.0
624        while t:
625            bkcol = next(backcolor)
626            proto,fields = t.pop()
627            y += 0.5
628            pt = pyx.text.text(XSTART, (YTXT-y)*YMUL, r"\font\cmssfont=cmss10\cmssfont{%s}" % proto.name, [ pyx.text.size.Large])
629            y += 1
630            ptbb=pt.bbox()
631            ptbb.enlarge(pyx.unit.u_pt*2)
632            canvas.stroke(ptbb.path(),[pyx.color.rgb.black, pyx.deco.filled([bkcol])])
633            canvas.insert(pt)
634            for fname, fval, fdump in fields:
635                col = next(forecolor)
636                ft = pyx.text.text(XSTART, (YTXT-y)*YMUL, r"\font\cmssfont=cmss10\cmssfont{%s}" % tex_escape(fname.name))
637                if isinstance(fval, str):
638                    if len(fval) > 18:
639                        fval = fval[:18]+"[...]"
640                else:
641                    fval=""
642                vt = pyx.text.text(XSTART+3, (YTXT-y)*YMUL, r"\font\cmssfont=cmss10\cmssfont{%s}" % tex_escape(fval))
643                y += 1.0
644                if fdump:
645                    dt,target,last_shift,last_y = make_dump(fdump, last_shift, last_y, col, bkcol)
647                    dtb = dt.bbox()
648                    dtb=target
649                    vtb = vt.bbox()
650                    bxvt = make_box(vtb)
651                    bxdt = make_box(dtb)
652                    dtb.enlarge(pyx.unit.u_pt)
653                    try:
654                        if yd < 0:
655                            cnx = pyx.connector.curve(bxvt,bxdt,absangle1=0, absangle2=-90)
656                        else:
657                            cnx = pyx.connector.curve(bxvt,bxdt,absangle1=0, absangle2=90)
658                    except:
659                        pass
660                    else:
661                        canvas.stroke(cnx,[pyx.style.linewidth.thin,pyx.deco.earrow.small,col])
663                    canvas.insert(dt)
665                canvas.insert(ft)
666                canvas.insert(vt)
667            last_y += layer_shift
669        return canvas
673    def extract_padding(self, s):
674        """
675        DEV: to be overloaded to extract current layer's padding.
677        :param str s: the current layer
678        :return: a couple of strings (actual layer, padding)
679        """
680        return s,None
682    def post_dissect(self, s):
683        """DEV: is called right after the current layer has been dissected"""
684        return s
686    def pre_dissect(self, s):
687        """DEV: is called right before the current layer is dissected"""
688        return s
690    def do_dissect(self, s):
691        s = raw(s)
692        _raw = s
693        self.raw_packet_cache_fields = {}
694        for f in self.fields_desc:
695            if not s:
696                break
697            s, fval = f.getfield(self, s)
698            # We need to track fields with mutable values to discard
699            # .raw_packet_cache when needed.
700            if f.islist or f.holds_packets or f.ismutable:
701                self.raw_packet_cache_fields[f.name] = f.do_copy(fval)
702            self.fields[f.name] = fval
703        assert(_raw.endswith(raw(s)))
704        self.raw_packet_cache = _raw[:-len(s)] if s else _raw
705        self.explicit = 1
706        return s
708    def do_dissect_payload(self, s):
709        """
710        Perform the dissection of the layer's payload
712        :param str s: the raw layer
713        """
714        if s:
715            cls = self.guess_payload_class(s)
716            try:
717                p = cls(s, _internal=1, _underlayer=self)
718            except KeyboardInterrupt:
719                raise
720            except:
721                if conf.debug_dissector:
722                    if isinstance(cls,type) and issubclass(cls,Packet):
723                        log_runtime.error("%s dissector failed" % cls.__name__)
724                    else:
725                        log_runtime.error("%s.guess_payload_class() returned [%s]" % (self.__class__.__name__,repr(cls)))
726                    if cls is not None:
727                        raise
728                p = conf.raw_layer(s, _internal=1, _underlayer=self)
729            self.add_payload(p)
731    def dissect(self, s):
732        s = self.pre_dissect(s)
734        s = self.do_dissect(s)
736        s = self.post_dissect(s)
738        payl,pad = self.extract_padding(s)
739        self.do_dissect_payload(payl)
740        if pad and conf.padding:
741            self.add_payload(conf.padding_layer(pad))
744    def guess_payload_class(self, payload):
745        """
746        DEV: Guesses the next payload class from layer bonds.
747        Can be overloaded to use a different mechanism.
749        :param str payload: the layer's payload
750        :return: the payload class
751        """
752        for t in self.aliastypes:
753            for fval, cls in t.payload_guess:
754                ok = 1
755                for k, v in six.iteritems(fval):
756                    if not hasattr(self, k) or v != self.getfieldval(k):
757                        ok = 0
758                        break
759                if ok:
760                    return cls
761        return self.default_payload_class(payload)
763    def default_payload_class(self, payload):
764        """
765        DEV: Returns the default payload class if nothing has been found by the
766        guess_payload_class() method.
768        :param str payload: the layer's payload
769        :return: the default payload class define inside the configuration file
770        """
771        return conf.raw_layer
773    def hide_defaults(self):
774        """Removes fields' values that are the same as default values."""
775        for k, v in list(self.fields.items()):  # use list(): self.fields is modified in the loop
776            v = self.fields[k]
777            if k in self.default_fields:
778                if self.default_fields[k] == v:
779                    del self.fields[k]
780        self.payload.hide_defaults()
782    def clone_with(self, payload=None, **kargs):
783        pkt = self.__class__()
784        pkt.explicit = 1
785        pkt.fields = kargs
786        pkt.default_fields = self.copy_fields_dict(self.default_fields)
787        pkt.overloaded_fields = self.overloaded_fields.copy()
788        pkt.time = self.time
789        pkt.underlayer = self.underlayer
790        pkt.post_transforms = self.post_transforms
791        pkt.raw_packet_cache = self.raw_packet_cache
792        pkt.raw_packet_cache_fields = self.copy_fields_dict(
793            self.raw_packet_cache_fields
794        )
795        if payload is not None:
796            pkt.add_payload(payload)
797        return pkt
799    def __iter__(self):
800        def loop(todo, done, self=self):
801            if todo:
802                eltname = todo.pop()
803                elt = self.getfieldval(eltname)
804                if not isinstance(elt, Gen):
805                    if self.get_field(eltname).islist:
806                        elt = SetGen([elt])
807                    else:
808                        elt = SetGen(elt)
809                for e in elt:
810                    done[eltname]=e
811                    for x in loop(todo[:], done):
812                        yield x
813            else:
814                if isinstance(self.payload,NoPayload):
815                    payloads = [None]
816                else:
817                    payloads = self.payload
818                for payl in payloads:
819                    done2=done.copy()
820                    for k in done2:
821                        if isinstance(done2[k], VolatileValue):
822                            done2[k] = done2[k]._fix()
823                    pkt = self.clone_with(payload=payl, **done2)
824                    yield pkt
826        if self.explicit or self.raw_packet_cache is not None:
827            todo = []
828            done = self.fields
829        else:
830            todo = [k for (k,v) in itertools.chain(six.iteritems(self.default_fields),
831                                                   six.iteritems(self.overloaded_fields))
832                    if isinstance(v, VolatileValue)] + list(self.fields.keys())
833            done = {}
834        return loop(todo, done)
836    def __gt__(self, other):
837        """True if other is an answer from self (self ==> other)."""
838        if isinstance(other, Packet):
839            return other < self
840        elif isinstance(other, bytes):
841            return 1
842        else:
843            raise TypeError((self, other))
844    def __lt__(self, other):
845        """True if self is an answer from other (other ==> self)."""
846        if isinstance(other, Packet):
847            return self.answers(other)
848        elif isinstance(other, bytes):
849            return 1
850        else:
851            raise TypeError((self, other))
853    def __eq__(self, other):
854        if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
855            return False
856        for f in self.fields_desc:
857            if f not in other.fields_desc:
858                return False
859            if self.getfieldval(f.name) != other.getfieldval(f.name):
860                return False
861        return self.payload == other.payload
863    def __ne__(self, other):
864        return not self.__eq__(other)
866    def hashret(self):
867        """DEV: returns a string that has the same value for a request and its answer."""
868        return self.payload.hashret()
869    def answers(self, other):
870        """DEV: true if self is an answer from other"""
871        if other.__class__ == self.__class__:
872            return self.payload.answers(other.payload)
873        return 0
875    def haslayer(self, cls):
876        """true if self has a layer that is an instance of cls. Superseded by "cls in self" syntax."""
877        if self.__class__ == cls or self.__class__.__name__ == cls:
878            return 1
879        for f in self.packetfields:
880            fvalue_gen = self.getfieldval(f.name)
881            if fvalue_gen is None:
882                continue
883            if not f.islist:
884                fvalue_gen = SetGen(fvalue_gen,_iterpacket=0)
885            for fvalue in fvalue_gen:
886                if isinstance(fvalue, Packet):
887                    ret = fvalue.haslayer(cls)
888                    if ret:
889                        return ret
890        return self.payload.haslayer(cls)
892    def getlayer(self, cls, nb=1, _track=None, _subclass=False, **flt):
893        """Return the nb^th layer that is an instance of cls, matching flt
896        """
897        if _subclass:
898            match = lambda cls1, cls2: issubclass(cls1, cls2)
899        else:
900            match = lambda cls1, cls2: cls1 == cls2
901        if isinstance(cls, int):
902            nb = cls+1
903            cls = None
904        if isinstance(cls, str) and "." in cls:
905            ccls,fld = cls.split(".",1)
906        else:
907            ccls,fld = cls,None
908        if cls is None or match(self.__class__, cls) or self.__class__.__name__ == ccls:
909            if all(self.getfieldval(fldname) == fldvalue
910                   for fldname, fldvalue in six.iteritems(flt)):
911                if nb == 1:
912                    if fld is None:
913                        return self
914                    else:
915                        return self.getfieldval(fld)
916                else:
917                    nb -=1
918        for f in self.packetfields:
919            fvalue_gen = self.getfieldval(f.name)
920            if fvalue_gen is None:
921                continue
922            if not f.islist:
923                fvalue_gen = SetGen(fvalue_gen,_iterpacket=0)
924            for fvalue in fvalue_gen:
925                if isinstance(fvalue, Packet):
926                    track=[]
927                    ret = fvalue.getlayer(cls, nb=nb, _track=track,
928                                          _subclass=_subclass)
929                    if ret is not None:
930                        return ret
931                    nb = track[0]
932        return self.payload.getlayer(cls, nb=nb, _track=_track,
933                                     _subclass=_subclass, **flt)
935    def firstlayer(self):
936        q = self
937        while q.underlayer is not None:
938            q = q.underlayer
939        return q
941    def __getitem__(self, cls):
942        if isinstance(cls, slice):
943            lname = cls.start
944            if cls.stop:
945                ret = self.getlayer(cls.start, nb=cls.stop, **(cls.step or {}))
946            else:
947                ret = self.getlayer(cls.start, **(cls.step or {}))
948        else:
949            lname = cls
950            ret = self.getlayer(cls)
951        if ret is None:
952            if isinstance(lname, Packet_metaclass):
953                lname = lname.__name__
954            elif not isinstance(lname, bytes):
955                lname = repr(lname)
956            raise IndexError("Layer [%s] not found" % lname)
957        return ret
959    def __delitem__(self, cls):
960        del(self[cls].underlayer.payload)
962    def __setitem__(self, cls, val):
963        self[cls].underlayer.payload = val
965    def __contains__(self, cls):
966        """"cls in self" returns true if self has a layer which is an instance of cls."""
967        return self.haslayer(cls)
969    def route(self):
970        return (None,None,None)
972    def fragment(self, *args, **kargs):
973        return self.payload.fragment(*args, **kargs)
976    def display(self,*args,**kargs):  # Deprecated. Use show()
977        """Deprecated. Use show() method."""
978        self.show(*args,**kargs)
980    def _show_or_dump(self, dump=False, indent=3, lvl="", label_lvl="", first_call=True):
981        """
982        Internal method that shows or dumps a hierarchical view of a packet.
983        Called by show.
985        :param dump: determine if it prints or returns the string value
986        :param int indent: the size of indentation for each layer
987        :param str lvl: additional information about the layer lvl
988        :param str label_lvl: additional information about the layer fields
989        :param first_call: determine if the current function is the first
990        :return: return a hierarchical view if dump, else print it
991        """
993        if dump:
994            from scapy.themes import AnsiColorTheme
995            ct = AnsiColorTheme() # No color for dump output
996        else:
997            ct = conf.color_theme
998        s = "%s%s %s %s \n" % (label_lvl,
999                              ct.punct("###["),
1000                              ct.layer_name(self.name),
1001                              ct.punct("]###"))
1002        for f in self.fields_desc:
1003            if isinstance(f, ConditionalField) and not f._evalcond(self):
1004                continue
1005            if isinstance(f, Emph) or f in conf.emph:
1006                ncol = ct.emph_field_name
1007                vcol = ct.emph_field_value
1008            else:
1009                ncol = ct.field_name
1010                vcol = ct.field_value
1011            fvalue = self.getfieldval(f.name)
1012            if isinstance(fvalue, Packet) or (f.islist and f.holds_packets and isinstance(fvalue, list)):
1013                s += "%s  \\%-10s\\\n" % (label_lvl+lvl, ncol(f.name))
1014                fvalue_gen = SetGen(fvalue,_iterpacket=0)
1015                for fvalue in fvalue_gen:
1016                    s += fvalue._show_or_dump(dump=dump, indent=indent, label_lvl=label_lvl+lvl+"   |", first_call=False)
1017            else:
1018                begn = "%s  %-10s%s " % (label_lvl+lvl,
1019                                        ncol(f.name),
1020                                        ct.punct("="),)
1021                reprval = f.i2repr(self,fvalue)
1022                if isinstance(reprval, str):
1023                    reprval = reprval.replace("\n", "\n"+" "*(len(label_lvl)
1024                                                              +len(lvl)
1025                                                              +len(f.name)
1026                                                              +4))
1027                s += "%s%s\n" % (begn,vcol(reprval))
1028        if self.payload:
1029            s += self.payload._show_or_dump(dump=dump, indent=indent, lvl=lvl+(" "*indent*self.show_indent), label_lvl=label_lvl, first_call=False)
1031        if first_call and not dump:
1032            print(s)
1033        else:
1034            return s
1036    def show(self, dump=False, indent=3, lvl="", label_lvl=""):
1037        """
1038        Prints or returns (when "dump" is true) a hierarchical view of the
1039        packet.
1041        :param dump: determine if it prints or returns the string value
1042        :param int indent: the size of indentation for each layer
1043        :param str lvl: additional information about the layer lvl
1044        :param str label_lvl: additional information about the layer fields
1045        :return: return a hierarchical view if dump, else print it
1046        """
1047        return self._show_or_dump(dump, indent, lvl, label_lvl)
1049    def show2(self, dump=False, indent=3, lvl="", label_lvl=""):
1050        """
1051        Prints or returns (when "dump" is true) a hierarchical view of an
1052        assembled version of the packet, so that automatic fields are
1053        calculated (checksums, etc.)
1055        :param dump: determine if it prints or returns the string value
1056        :param int indent: the size of indentation for each layer
1057        :param str lvl: additional information about the layer lvl
1058        :param str label_lvl: additional information about the layer fields
1059        :return: return a hierarchical view if dump, else print it
1060        """
1061        return self.__class__(raw(self)).show(dump, indent, lvl, label_lvl)
1063    def sprintf(self, fmt, relax=1):
1064        """sprintf(format, [relax=1]) -> str
1065where format is a string that can include directives. A directive begins and
1066ends by % and has the following format %[fmt[r],][cls[:nb].]field%.
1068fmt is a classic printf directive, "r" can be appended for raw substitution
1069(ex: IP.flags=0x18 instead of SA), nb is the number of the layer we want
1070(ex: for IP/IP packets, IP:2.src is the src of the upper IP layer).
1071Special case : "%.time%" is the creation time.
1072Ex : p.sprintf("%.time% %-15s,IP.src% -> %-15s,IP.dst% %IP.chksum% "
1073               "%03xr,IP.proto% %r,TCP.flags%")
1075Moreover, the format string can include conditional statements. A conditional
1076statement looks like : {layer:string} where layer is a layer name, and string
1077is the string to insert in place of the condition if it is true, i.e. if layer
1078is present. If layer is preceded by a "!", the result is inverted. Conditions
1079can be imbricated. A valid statement can be :
1080  p.sprintf("This is a{TCP: TCP}{UDP: UDP}{ICMP:n ICMP} packet")
1081  p.sprintf("{IP:%IP.dst% {ICMP:%ICMP.type%}{TCP:%TCP.dport%}}")
1083A side effect is that, to obtain "{" and "}" characters, you must use
1084"%(" and "%)".
1087        escape = { "%": "%",
1088                   "(": "{",
1089                   ")": "}" }
1092        # Evaluate conditions
1093        while "{" in fmt:
1094            i = fmt.rindex("{")
1095            j = fmt[i+1:].index("}")
1096            cond = fmt[i+1:i+j+1]
1097            k = cond.find(":")
1098            if k < 0:
1099                raise Scapy_Exception("Bad condition in format string: [%s] (read sprintf doc!)"%cond)
1100            cond,format = cond[:k],cond[k+1:]
1101            res = False
1102            if cond[0] == "!":
1103                res = True
1104                cond = cond[1:]
1105            if self.haslayer(cond):
1106                res = not res
1107            if not res:
1108                format = ""
1109            fmt = fmt[:i]+format+fmt[i+j+2:]
1111        # Evaluate directives
1112        s = ""
1113        while "%" in fmt:
1114            i = fmt.index("%")
1115            s += fmt[:i]
1116            fmt = fmt[i+1:]
1117            if fmt and fmt[0] in escape:
1118                s += escape[fmt[0]]
1119                fmt = fmt[1:]
1120                continue
1121            try:
1122                i = fmt.index("%")
1123                sfclsfld = fmt[:i]
1124                fclsfld = sfclsfld.split(",")
1125                if len(fclsfld) == 1:
1126                    f = "s"
1127                    clsfld = fclsfld[0]
1128                elif len(fclsfld) == 2:
1129                    f,clsfld = fclsfld
1130                else:
1131                    raise Scapy_Exception
1132                if "." in clsfld:
1133                    cls,fld = clsfld.split(".")
1134                else:
1135                    cls = self.__class__.__name__
1136                    fld = clsfld
1137                num = 1
1138                if ":" in cls:
1139                    cls,num = cls.split(":")
1140                    num = int(num)
1141                fmt = fmt[i+1:]
1142            except:
1143                raise Scapy_Exception("Bad format string [%%%s%s]" % (fmt[:25], fmt[25:] and "..."))
1144            else:
1145                if fld == "time":
1146                    val = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S.%%06i", time.localtime(self.time)) % int((self.time-int(self.time))*1000000)
1147                elif cls == self.__class__.__name__ and hasattr(self, fld):
1148                    if num > 1:
1149                        val = self.payload.sprintf("%%%s,%s:%s.%s%%" % (f,cls,num-1,fld), relax)
1150                        f = "s"
1151                    elif f[-1] == "r":  # Raw field value
1152                        val = getattr(self,fld)
1153                        f = f[:-1]
1154                        if not f:
1155                            f = "s"
1156                    else:
1157                        val = getattr(self,fld)
1158                        if fld in self.fieldtype:
1159                            val = self.fieldtype[fld].i2repr(self,val)
1160                else:
1161                    val = self.payload.sprintf("%%%s%%" % sfclsfld, relax)
1162                    f = "s"
1163                s += ("%"+f) % val
1165        s += fmt
1166        return s
1168    def mysummary(self):
1169        """DEV: can be overloaded to return a string that summarizes the layer.
1170           Only one mysummary() is used in a whole packet summary: the one of the upper layer,
1171           except if a mysummary() also returns (as a couple) a list of layers whose
1172           mysummary() must be called if they are present."""
1173        return ""
1175    def _do_summary(self):
1176        found, s, needed = self.payload._do_summary()
1177        ret = ""
1178        if not found or self.__class__ in needed:
1179            ret = self.mysummary()
1180            if isinstance(ret, tuple):
1181                ret,n = ret
1182                needed += n
1183        if ret or needed:
1184            found = 1
1185        if not ret:
1186            ret = self.__class__.__name__ if self.show_summary else ""
1187        if self.__class__ in conf.emph:
1188            impf = []
1189            for f in self.fields_desc:
1190                if f in conf.emph:
1191                    impf.append("%s=%s" % (f.name, f.i2repr(self, self.getfieldval(f.name))))
1192            ret = "%s [%s]" % (ret," ".join(impf))
1193        if ret and s:
1194            ret = "%s / %s" % (ret, s)
1195        else:
1196            ret = "%s%s" % (ret,s)
1197        return found,ret,needed
1199    def summary(self, intern=0):
1200        """Prints a one line summary of a packet."""
1201        found,s,needed = self._do_summary()
1202        return s
1205    def lastlayer(self,layer=None):
1206        """Returns the uppest layer of the packet"""
1207        return self.payload.lastlayer(self)
1209    def decode_payload_as(self,cls):
1210        """Reassembles the payload and decode it using another packet class"""
1211        s = raw(self.payload)
1212        self.payload = cls(s, _internal=1, _underlayer=self)
1213        pp = self
1214        while pp.underlayer is not None:
1215            pp = pp.underlayer
1216        self.payload.dissection_done(pp)
1218    def command(self):
1219        """Returns a string representing the command you have to type to obtain the same packet"""
1220        f = []
1221        for fn,fv in self.fields.items():
1222            fld = self.get_field(fn)
1223            if isinstance(fv, Packet):
1224                fv = fv.command()
1225            elif fld.islist and fld.holds_packets and isinstance(fv, list):
1226                fv = "[%s]" % ",".join( map(Packet.command, fv))
1227            elif isinstance(fld, FlagsField):
1228                fv = int(fv)
1229            else:
1230                fv = repr(fv)
1231            f.append("%s=%s" % (fn, fv))
1232        c = "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(f))
1233        pc = self.payload.command()
1234        if pc:
1235            c += "/"+pc
1236        return c
1238class NoPayload(Packet):
1239    def __new__(cls, *args, **kargs):
1240        singl = cls.__dict__.get("__singl__")
1241        if singl is None:
1242            cls.__singl__ = singl = Packet.__new__(cls)
1243            Packet.__init__(singl)
1244        return singl
1245    def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
1246        pass
1247    def dissection_done(self,pkt):
1248        return
1249    def add_payload(self, payload):
1250        raise Scapy_Exception("Can't add payload to NoPayload instance")
1251    def remove_payload(self):
1252        pass
1253    def add_underlayer(self,underlayer):
1254        pass
1255    def remove_underlayer(self,other):
1256        pass
1257    def copy(self):
1258        return self
1259    def __repr__(self):
1260        return ""
1261    def __str__(self):
1262        return ""
1263    def __bytes__(self):
1264        return b""
1265    def __nonzero__(self):
1266        return False
1267    __bool__ = __nonzero__
1268    def do_build(self):
1269        return b""
1270    def build(self):
1271        return b""
1272    def build_padding(self):
1273        return b""
1274    def build_done(self, p):
1275        return p
1276    def build_ps(self, internal=0):
1277        return b"",[]
1278    def getfieldval(self, attr):
1279        raise AttributeError(attr)
1280    def getfield_and_val(self, attr):
1281        raise AttributeError(attr)
1282    def setfieldval(self, attr, val):
1283        raise AttributeError(attr)
1284    def delfieldval(self, attr):
1285        raise AttributeError(attr)
1286    def hide_defaults(self):
1287        pass
1288    def __iter__(self):
1289        return iter([])
1290    def __eq__(self, other):
1291        if isinstance(other, NoPayload):
1292            return True
1293        return False
1294    def hashret(self):
1295        return b""
1296    def answers(self, other):
1297        return isinstance(other, NoPayload) or isinstance(other, conf.padding_layer)
1298    def haslayer(self, cls):
1299        return 0
1300    def getlayer(self, cls, nb=1, _track=None, **flt):
1301        if _track is not None:
1302            _track.append(nb)
1303        return None
1304    def fragment(self, *args, **kargs):
1305        raise Scapy_Exception("cannot fragment this packet")
1306    def show(self, indent=3, lvl="", label_lvl=""):
1307        pass
1308    def sprintf(self, fmt, relax):
1309        if relax:
1310            return "??"
1311        else:
1312            raise Scapy_Exception("Format not found [%s]"%fmt)
1313    def _do_summary(self):
1314        return 0,"",[]
1315    def lastlayer(self,layer):
1316        return layer
1317    def command(self):
1318        return ""
1321## packet classes ##
1325class Raw(Packet):
1326    name = "Raw"
1327    fields_desc = [ StrField("load", "") ]
1328    def answers(self, other):
1329        return 1
1330#        s = raw(other)
1331#        t = self.load
1332#        l = min(len(s), len(t))
1333#        return  s[:l] == t[:l]
1334    def mysummary(self):
1335        cs = conf.raw_summary
1336        if cs:
1337            if callable(cs):
1338                return "Raw %s" % cs(self.load)
1339            else:
1340                return "Raw %r" % self.load
1341        return Packet.mysummary(self)
1343class Padding(Raw):
1344    name = "Padding"
1345    def self_build(self):
1346        return b""
1347    def build_padding(self):
1348        return (raw(self.load) if self.raw_packet_cache is None
1349                else self.raw_packet_cache) + self.payload.build_padding()
1351conf.raw_layer = Raw
1352conf.padding_layer = Padding
1353if conf.default_l2 is None:
1354    conf.default_l2 = Raw
1357## Bind layers ##
1361def bind_bottom_up(lower, upper, __fval=None, **fval):
1362    if __fval is not None:
1363        fval.update(__fval)
1364    lower.payload_guess = lower.payload_guess[:]
1365    lower.payload_guess.append((fval, upper))
1368def bind_top_down(lower, upper, __fval=None, **fval):
1369    if __fval is not None:
1370        fval.update(__fval)
1371    upper._overload_fields = upper._overload_fields.copy()
1372    upper._overload_fields[lower] = fval
1375def bind_layers(lower, upper, __fval=None, **fval):
1376    """Bind 2 layers on some specific fields' values"""
1377    if __fval is not None:
1378        fval.update(__fval)
1379    bind_top_down(lower, upper, **fval)
1380    bind_bottom_up(lower, upper, **fval)
1382def split_bottom_up(lower, upper, __fval=None, **fval):
1383    if __fval is not None:
1384        fval.update(__fval)
1385    def do_filter(xxx_todo_changeme,upper=upper,fval=fval):
1386        (f,u) = xxx_todo_changeme
1387        if u != upper:
1388            return True
1389        for k in fval:
1390            if k not in f or f[k] != fval[k]:
1391                return True
1392        return False
1393    lower.payload_guess = [x for x in lower.payload_guess if do_filter(x)]
1395def split_top_down(lower, upper, __fval=None, **fval):
1396    if __fval is not None:
1397        fval.update(__fval)
1398    if lower in upper._overload_fields:
1399        ofval = upper._overload_fields[lower]
1400        for k in fval:
1401            if k not in ofval or ofval[k] != fval[k]:
1402                return
1403        upper._overload_fields = upper._overload_fields.copy()
1404        del(upper._overload_fields[lower])
1407def split_layers(lower, upper, __fval=None, **fval):
1408    """Split 2 layers previously bound"""
1409    if __fval is not None:
1410        fval.update(__fval)
1411    split_bottom_up(lower, upper, **fval)
1412    split_top_down(lower, upper, **fval)
1416def ls(obj=None, case_sensitive=False, verbose=False):
1417    """List  available layers, or infos on a given layer class or name"""
1418    is_string = isinstance(obj, six.string_types)
1420    if obj is None or is_string:
1421        if obj is None:
1422            all_layers = sorted(conf.layers, key=lambda x: x.__name__)
1423        else:
1424            pattern = re.compile(obj, 0 if case_sensitive else re.I)
1425            all_layers = sorted((layer for layer in conf.layers
1426                                if (pattern.search(layer.__name__ or '')
1427                                    or pattern.search(layer.name or ''))),
1428                                key=lambda x: x.__name__)
1429        for layer in all_layers:
1430            print("%-10s : %s" % (layer.__name__, layer._name))
1432    else:
1433        is_pkt = isinstance(obj, Packet)
1434        if (isinstance(obj, type) and issubclass(obj, Packet)) or is_pkt:
1435            for f in obj.fields_desc:
1436                cur_fld = f
1437                attrs = []
1438                long_attrs = []
1439                while isinstance(cur_fld, (Emph, ConditionalField)):
1440                    if isinstance(cur_fld, ConditionalField):
1441                        attrs.append(cur_fld.__class__.__name__[:4])
1442                    cur_fld = cur_fld.fld
1443                if verbose and isinstance(cur_fld, EnumField) \
1444                   and hasattr(cur_fld, "i2s"):
1445                    if len(cur_fld.i2s) < 50:
1446                        long_attrs.extend(
1447                            "%s: %d" % (strval, numval)
1448                            for numval, strval in
1449                            sorted(six.iteritems(cur_fld.i2s))
1450                        )
1451                elif isinstance(cur_fld, MultiEnumField):
1452                    fld_depend = cur_fld.depends_on(obj.__class__
1453                                                    if is_pkt else obj)
1454                    attrs.append("Depends on %s" % fld_depend.name)
1455                    if verbose:
1456                        cur_i2s = cur_fld.i2s_multi.get(
1457                            cur_fld.depends_on(obj if is_pkt else obj()), {}
1458                        )
1459                        if len(cur_i2s) < 50:
1460                            long_attrs.extend(
1461                                "%s: %d" % (strval, numval)
1462                                for numval, strval in
1463                                sorted(six.iteritems(cur_i2s))
1464                            )
1465                elif verbose and isinstance(cur_fld, FlagsField):
1466                    names = cur_fld.names
1467                    long_attrs.append(", ".join(names))
1468                class_name = "%s (%s)" % (
1469                    cur_fld.__class__.__name__,
1470                    ", ".join(attrs)) if attrs else cur_fld.__class__.__name__
1471                if isinstance(cur_fld, BitField):
1472                    class_name += " (%d bit%s)" % (cur_fld.size,
1473                                                   "s" if cur_fld.size > 1
1474                                                   else "")
1475                print("%-10s : %-35s =" % (f.name, class_name), end=' ')
1476                if is_pkt:
1477                    print("%-15r" % (getattr(obj, f.name),), end=' ')
1478                print("(%r)" % (f.default,))
1479                for attr in long_attrs:
1480                    print("%-15s%s" % ("", attr))
1481            if is_pkt and not isinstance(obj.payload, NoPayload):
1482                print("--")
1483                ls(obj.payload)
1485        else:
1486            print("Not a packet class or name. Type 'ls()' to list packet classes.")
1491## Fuzzing ##
1495def fuzz(p, _inplace=0):
1496    """Transform a layer into a fuzzy layer by replacing some default values by random objects"""
1497    if not _inplace:
1498        p = p.copy()
1499    q = p
1500    while not isinstance(q, NoPayload):
1501        for f in q.fields_desc:
1502            if isinstance(f, PacketListField):
1503                for r in getattr(q, f.name):
1504                    print("fuzzing", repr(r))
1505                    fuzz(r, _inplace=1)
1506            elif f.default is not None:
1507                if not isinstance(f, ConditionalField) or f._evalcond(q):
1508                    rnd = f.randval()
1509                    if rnd is not None:
1510                        q.default_fields[f.name] = rnd
1511        q = q.payload
1512    return p