1# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
7#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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14# ==============================================================================
15"""Utilities for manipulating the loss collections."""
17from __future__ import absolute_import
18from __future__ import division
19from __future__ import print_function
21from tensorflow.python.eager import context
22from tensorflow.python.framework import constant_op
23from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes
24from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
25from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
26from tensorflow.python.ops import check_ops
27from tensorflow.python.ops import confusion_matrix
28from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_ops
29from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
30from tensorflow.python.util import tf_contextlib
31from tensorflow.python.util.tf_export import tf_export
34def squeeze_or_expand_dimensions(y_pred, y_true=None, sample_weight=None):
35  """Squeeze or expand last dimension if needed.
37  1. Squeezes last dim of `y_pred` or `y_true` if their rank differs by 1
38  (using `confusion_matrix.remove_squeezable_dimensions`).
39  2. Squeezes or expands last dim of `sample_weight` if its rank differs by 1
40  from the new rank of `y_pred`.
41  If `sample_weight` is scalar, it is kept scalar.
43  This will use static shape if available. Otherwise, it will add graph
44  operations, which could result in a performance hit.
46  Args:
47    y_pred: Predicted values, a `Tensor` of arbitrary dimensions.
48    y_true: Optional label `Tensor` whose dimensions match `y_pred`.
49    sample_weight: Optional weight scalar or `Tensor` whose dimensions match
50      `y_pred`.
52  Returns:
53    Tuple of `y_pred`, `y_true` and `sample_weight`. Each of them possibly has
54    the last dimension squeezed,
55    `sample_weight` could be extended by one dimension.
56    If `sample_weight` is None, (y_pred, y_true) is returned.
57  """
58  y_pred_shape = y_pred.shape
59  y_pred_rank = y_pred_shape.ndims
60  if y_true is not None:
62    # If sparse matrix is provided as `y_true`, the last dimension in `y_pred`
63    # may be > 1. Eg: y_true = [0, 1, 2] (shape=(3,)),
64    # y_pred = [[.9, .05, .05], [.5, .89, .6], [.05, .01, .94]] (shape=(3, 3))
65    # In this case, we should not try to remove squeezable dimension.
66    y_true_shape = y_true.shape
67    y_true_rank = y_true_shape.ndims
68    if (y_true_rank is not None) and (y_pred_rank is not None):
69      # Use static rank for `y_true` and `y_pred`.
70      if (y_pred_rank - y_true_rank != 1) or y_pred_shape[-1] == 1:
71        y_true, y_pred = confusion_matrix.remove_squeezable_dimensions(
72            y_true, y_pred)
73    else:
74      # Use dynamic rank.
75      rank_diff = array_ops.rank(y_pred) - array_ops.rank(y_true)
76      squeeze_dims = lambda: confusion_matrix.remove_squeezable_dimensions(  # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda
77          y_true, y_pred)
78      is_last_dim_1 = math_ops.equal(1, array_ops.shape(y_pred)[-1])
79      maybe_squeeze_dims = lambda: control_flow_ops.cond(  # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda
80          is_last_dim_1, squeeze_dims, lambda: (y_true, y_pred))
81      y_true, y_pred = control_flow_ops.cond(
82          math_ops.equal(1, rank_diff), maybe_squeeze_dims, squeeze_dims)
84  if sample_weight is None:
85    return y_pred, y_true
87  weights_shape = sample_weight.shape
88  weights_rank = weights_shape.ndims
89  if weights_rank == 0:  # If weights is scalar, do nothing.
90    return y_pred, y_true, sample_weight
92  if (y_pred_rank is not None) and (weights_rank is not None):
93    # Use static rank.
94    if weights_rank - y_pred_rank == 1:
95      sample_weight = array_ops.squeeze(sample_weight, [-1])
96    elif y_pred_rank - weights_rank == 1:
97      sample_weight = array_ops.expand_dims(sample_weight, [-1])
98    return y_pred, y_true, sample_weight
100  # Use dynamic rank.
101  weights_rank_tensor = array_ops.rank(sample_weight)
102  rank_diff = weights_rank_tensor - array_ops.rank(y_pred)
103  maybe_squeeze_weights = lambda: array_ops.squeeze(sample_weight, [-1])
105  def _maybe_expand_weights():
106    expand_weights = lambda: array_ops.expand_dims(sample_weight, [-1])
107    return control_flow_ops.cond(
108        math_ops.equal(rank_diff, -1), expand_weights, lambda: sample_weight)
110  def _maybe_adjust_weights():
111    return control_flow_ops.cond(
112        math_ops.equal(rank_diff, 1), maybe_squeeze_weights,
113        _maybe_expand_weights)
115  # squeeze or expand last dim of `sample_weight` if its rank differs by 1
116  # from the new rank of `y_pred`.
117  sample_weight = control_flow_ops.cond(
118      math_ops.equal(weights_rank_tensor, 0), lambda: sample_weight,
119      _maybe_adjust_weights)
120  return y_pred, y_true, sample_weight
123def scale_losses_by_sample_weight(losses, sample_weight):
124  """Scales loss values by the given sample weights.
126  `sample_weight` dimensions are updated to match with the dimension of `losses`
127  if possible by using squeeze/expand/broadcast.
129  Args:
130    losses: Loss tensor.
131    sample_weight: Sample weights tensor.
133  Returns:
134    `losses` scaled by `sample_weight` with dtype float32.
135  """
136  # TODO(psv): Handle the casting here in a better way, eg. if losses is float64
137  # we do not want to lose precision.
138  losses = math_ops.cast(losses, dtypes.float32)
139  sample_weight = math_ops.cast(sample_weight, dtypes.float32)
141  # Update dimensions of `sample_weight` to match with `losses` if possible.
142  losses, _, sample_weight = squeeze_or_expand_dimensions(
143      losses, None, sample_weight)
144  return math_ops.multiply(losses, sample_weight)
148def check_per_example_loss_rank(per_example_loss):
149  """Context manager that checks that the rank of per_example_loss is at least 1.
151  Args:
152    per_example_loss: Per example loss tensor.
154  Yields:
155    A context manager.
156  """
157  loss_rank = per_example_loss.shape.rank
158  if loss_rank is not None:
159    # Handle static rank.
160    if loss_rank == 0:
161      raise ValueError(
162          "Invalid value passed for `per_example_loss`. Expected a tensor with "
163          "at least rank 1, received: {}".format(per_example_loss))
164    yield
165  else:
166    # Handle dynamic rank.
167    with ops.control_dependencies([
168        check_ops.assert_greater_equal(
169            array_ops.rank(per_example_loss),
170            math_ops.cast(1, dtype=dtypes.int32),
171            message="Invalid value passed for `per_example_loss`. Expected a "
172            "tensor with at least rank 1.")
173    ]):
174      yield
178def add_loss(loss, loss_collection=ops.GraphKeys.LOSSES):
179  """Adds a externally defined loss to the collection of losses.
181  Args:
182    loss: A loss `Tensor`.
183    loss_collection: Optional collection to add the loss to.
184  """
185  # Since we have no way of figuring out when a training iteration starts or
186  # ends, holding on to a loss when executing eagerly is indistinguishable from
187  # leaking memory. We instead leave the collection empty.
188  if loss_collection and not context.executing_eagerly():
189    ops.add_to_collection(loss_collection, loss)
193def get_losses(scope=None, loss_collection=ops.GraphKeys.LOSSES):
194  """Gets the list of losses from the loss_collection.
196  Args:
197    scope: An optional scope name for filtering the losses to return.
198    loss_collection: Optional losses collection.
200  Returns:
201    a list of loss tensors.
202  """
203  return ops.get_collection(loss_collection, scope)
207def get_regularization_losses(scope=None):
208  """Gets the list of regularization losses.
210  Args:
211    scope: An optional scope name for filtering the losses to return.
213  Returns:
214    A list of regularization losses as Tensors.
215  """
216  return ops.get_collection(ops.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES, scope)
220def get_regularization_loss(scope=None, name="total_regularization_loss"):
221  """Gets the total regularization loss.
223  Args:
224    scope: An optional scope name for filtering the losses to return.
225    name: The name of the returned tensor.
227  Returns:
228    A scalar regularization loss.
229  """
230  losses = get_regularization_losses(scope)
231  if losses:
232    return math_ops.add_n(losses, name=name)
233  else:
234    return constant_op.constant(0.0)
238def get_total_loss(add_regularization_losses=True,
239                   name="total_loss",
240                   scope=None):
241  """Returns a tensor whose value represents the total loss.
243  In particular, this adds any losses you have added with `tf.add_loss()` to
244  any regularization losses that have been added by regularization parameters
245  on layers constructors e.g. `tf.layers`. Be very sure to use this if you
246  are constructing a loss_op manually. Otherwise regularization arguments
247  on `tf.layers` methods will not function.
249  Args:
250    add_regularization_losses: A boolean indicating whether or not to use the
251      regularization losses in the sum.
252    name: The name of the returned tensor.
253    scope: An optional scope name for filtering the losses to return. Note that
254      this filters the losses added with `tf.add_loss()` as well as the
255      regularization losses to that scope.
257  Returns:
258    A `Tensor` whose value represents the total loss.
260  Raises:
261    ValueError: if `losses` is not iterable.
262  """
263  losses = get_losses(scope=scope)
264  if add_regularization_losses:
265    losses += get_regularization_losses(scope=scope)
266  return math_ops.add_n(losses, name=name)