1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
20 #include <stddef.h>
21 #include <stdint.h>
23 #include <functional>
24 #include <memory>
25 #include <string>
26 #include <vector>
28 #include "perfetto/base/compiler.h"
29 #include "perfetto/base/export.h"
30 #include "perfetto/base/logging.h"
31 #include "perfetto/tracing/backend_type.h"
32 #include "perfetto/tracing/core/forward_decls.h"
33 #include "perfetto/tracing/internal/in_process_tracing_backend.h"
34 #include "perfetto/tracing/internal/system_tracing_backend.h"
35 #include "perfetto/tracing/tracing_policy.h"
37 namespace perfetto {
39 namespace internal {
40 class TracingMuxerImpl;
41 }
43 class TracingBackend;
44 class Platform;
45 class TracingSession;  // Declared below.
47 struct TracingError {
48   enum ErrorCode : uint32_t {
49     // Peer disconnection.
50     kDisconnected = 1,
52     // The Start() method failed. This is typically because errors in the passed
53     // TraceConfig. More details are available in |message|.
54     kTracingFailed = 2,
55   };
57   ErrorCode code;
58   std::string message;
TracingErrorTracingError60   TracingError(ErrorCode cd, std::string msg)
61       : code(cd), message(std::move(msg)) {
62     PERFETTO_CHECK(!message.empty());
63   }
64 };
66 using LogLev = ::perfetto::base::LogLev;
67 using LogMessageCallbackArgs = ::perfetto::base::LogMessageCallbackArgs;
68 using LogMessageCallback = ::perfetto::base::LogMessageCallback;
70 struct TracingInitArgs {
71   uint32_t backends = 0;                     // One or more BackendTypes.
72   TracingBackend* custom_backend = nullptr;  // [Optional].
74   // [Optional] Platform implementation. It allows the embedder to take control
75   // of platform-specific bits like thread creation and TLS slot handling. If
76   // not set it will use Platform::GetDefaultPlatform().
77   Platform* platform = nullptr;
79   // [Optional] Tune the size of the shared memory buffer between the current
80   // process and the service backend(s). This is a trade-off between memory
81   // footprint and the ability to sustain bursts of trace writes (see comments
82   // in shared_memory_abi.h).
83   // If set, the value must be a multiple of 4KB. The value can be ignored if
84   // larger than kMaxShmSize (32MB) or not a multiple of 4KB.
85   uint32_t shmem_size_hint_kb = 0;
87   // [Optional] Specifies the preferred size of each page in the shmem buffer.
88   // This is a trade-off between IPC overhead and fragmentation/efficiency of
89   // the shmem buffer in presence of multiple writer threads.
90   // Must be one of [4, 8, 16, 32].
91   uint32_t shmem_page_size_hint_kb = 0;
93   // [Optional] The length of the period during which shared-memory-buffer
94   // chunks that have been filled with data are accumulated (batched) on the
95   // producer side, before the service is notified of them over an out-of-band
96   // IPC call. If, while this period lasts, the shared memory buffer gets too
97   // full, the IPC call will be sent immediately. The value of this parameter is
98   // a trade-off between IPC traffic overhead and the ability to sustain bursts
99   // of trace writes. The higher the value, the more chunks will be batched and
100   // the less buffer space will be available to hide the latency of the service,
101   // and vice versa. For more details, see the SetBatchCommitsDuration method in
102   // shared_memory_arbiter.h.
103   //
104   // Note: With the default value of 0ms, batching still happens but with a zero
105   // delay, i.e. commits will be sent to the service at the next opportunity.
106   uint32_t shmem_batch_commits_duration_ms = 0;
108   // [Optional] If set, the policy object is notified when certain SDK events
109   // occur and may apply policy decisions, such as denying connections. The
110   // embedder is responsible for ensuring the object remains alive for the
111   // lifetime of the process.
112   TracingPolicy* tracing_policy = nullptr;
114   // [Optional] If set, log messages generated by perfetto are passed to this
115   // callback instead of being logged directly.
116   LogMessageCallback log_message_callback = nullptr;
118  protected:
119   friend class Tracing;
120   friend class internal::TracingMuxerImpl;
122   // Used only by the DCHECK in tracing.cc, to check that the config is the
123   // same in case of re-initialization.
124   bool operator==(const TracingInitArgs& other) const {
125     return std::tie(backends, custom_backend, platform, shmem_size_hint_kb,
126                     shmem_page_size_hint_kb, in_process_backend_factory_,
127                     system_backend_factory_, dcheck_is_on_) ==
128            std::tie(other.backends, other.custom_backend, other.platform,
129                     other.shmem_size_hint_kb, other.shmem_page_size_hint_kb,
130                     other.in_process_backend_factory_,
131                     other.system_backend_factory_, other.dcheck_is_on_);
132   }
134   using BackendFactoryFunction = TracingBackend* (*)();
135   BackendFactoryFunction in_process_backend_factory_ = nullptr;
136   BackendFactoryFunction system_backend_factory_ = nullptr;
137   bool dcheck_is_on_ = PERFETTO_DCHECK_IS_ON();
138 };
140 // The entry-point for using perfetto.
141 class PERFETTO_EXPORT Tracing {
142  public:
143   // Initializes Perfetto with the given backends in the calling process and/or
144   // with a user-provided backend. No-op if called more than once.
Initialize(const TracingInitArgs & args)145   static inline void Initialize(const TracingInitArgs& args)
147     TracingInitArgs args_copy(args);
148     // This code is inlined to allow dead-code elimination for unused backends.
149     // This saves ~200 KB when not using the in-process backend (b/148198993).
150     // The logic behind it is the following:
151     // Nothing other than the code below references the two GetInstance()
152     // methods. From a linker-graph viewpoint, those GetInstance() pull in many
153     // other pieces of the codebase (e.g. InProcessTracingBackend pulls the
154     // whole TracingServiceImpl, SystemTracingBackend pulls the whole //ipc
155     // layer). Due to the inline, the compiler can see through the code and
156     // realize that some branches are always not taken. When that happens, no
157     // reference to the backends' GetInstance() is emitted and that allows the
158     // linker GC to get rid of the entire set of dependencies.
159     if (args.backends & kInProcessBackend) {
160       args_copy.in_process_backend_factory_ =
161           &internal::InProcessTracingBackend::GetInstance;
162     }
163     if (args.backends & kSystemBackend) {
164       args_copy.system_backend_factory_ =
165           &internal::SystemTracingBackend::GetInstance;
166     }
167     InitializeInternal(args_copy);
168   }
170   // Checks if tracing has been initialized by calling |Initialize|.
171   static bool IsInitialized();
173   // Start a new tracing session using the given tracing backend. Use
174   // |kUnspecifiedBackend| to select an available backend automatically.
175   // For the moment this can be used only when initializing tracing in
176   // kInProcess mode. For the system mode use the 'bin/perfetto' cmdline client.
177   static std::unique_ptr<TracingSession> NewTrace(
178       BackendType = kUnspecifiedBackend);
180  private:
181   static void InitializeInternal(const TracingInitArgs&);
183   Tracing() = delete;
184 };
186 class PERFETTO_EXPORT TracingSession {
187  public:
188   virtual ~TracingSession();
190   // Configure the session passing the trace config.
191   // If a writable file handle is given through |fd|, the trace will
192   // automatically written to that file. Otherwise you should call ReadTrace()
193   // to retrieve the trace data. This call does not take ownership of |fd|.
194   // TODO(primiano): add an error callback.
195   virtual void Setup(const TraceConfig&, int fd = -1) = 0;
197   // Enable tracing asynchronously. Use SetOnStartCallback() to get a
198   // notification when the session has fully started.
199   virtual void Start() = 0;
201   // Enable tracing and block until tracing has started. Note that if data
202   // sources are registered after this call was initiated, the call may return
203   // before the additional data sources have started. Also, if other producers
204   // (e.g., with system-wide tracing) have registered data sources without start
205   // notification support, this call may return before those data sources have
206   // started.
207   virtual void StartBlocking() = 0;
209   // This callback will be invoked when all data sources have acknowledged that
210   // tracing has started. This callback will be invoked on an internal perfetto
211   // thread.
212   virtual void SetOnStartCallback(std::function<void()>) = 0;
214   // This callback can be used to get a notification when some error occured
215   // (e.g., peer disconnection). Error type will be passed as an argument. This
216   // callback will be invoked on an internal perfetto thread.
217   virtual void SetOnErrorCallback(std::function<void(TracingError)>) = 0;
219   // Issues a flush request, asking all data sources to ack the request, within
220   // the specified timeout. A "flush" is a fence to ensure visibility of data in
221   // the async tracing pipeline. It guarantees that all data written before the
222   // Flush() call will be visible in the trace buffer and hence by the
223   // ReadTrace() / ReadTraceBlocking() methods.
224   // Args:
225   //  callback: will be invoked on an internal perfetto thread when all data
226   //    sources have acked, or the timeout is reached. The bool argument
227   //    will be true if all data sources acked within the timeout, false if
228   //    the timeout was hit or some other error occurred (e.g. the tracing
229   //    session wasn't started or ended).
230   //  timeout_ms: how much time the service will wait for data source acks. If
231   //    0, the global timeout specified in the TraceConfig (flush_timeout_ms)
232   //    will be used. If flush_timeout_ms is also unspecified, a default value
233   //    of 5s will be used.
234   // Known issues:
235   //    Because flushing is still based on service-side scraping, the very last
236   //    trace packet for each data source thread will not be visible. Fixing
237   //    this requires either propagating the Flush() to the data sources or
238   //    changing the order of atomic operations in the service (b/162206162).
239   //    Until then, a workaround is to make sure to call
240   //    DataSource::Trace([](TraceContext ctx) { ctx.Flush(); }) just before
241   //    stopping, on each thread where DataSource::Trace has been previously
242   //    called.
243   virtual void Flush(std::function<void(bool)>, uint32_t timeout_ms = 0) = 0;
245   // Blocking version of Flush(). Waits until all data sources have acked and
246   // returns the success/failure status.
247   bool FlushBlocking(uint32_t timeout_ms = 0);
249   // Disable tracing asynchronously.
250   // Use SetOnStopCallback() to get a notification when the tracing session is
251   // fully stopped and all data sources have acked.
252   virtual void Stop() = 0;
254   // Disable tracing and block until tracing has stopped.
255   virtual void StopBlocking() = 0;
257   // This callback will be invoked when tracing is disabled.
258   // This can happen either when explicitly calling TracingSession.Stop() or
259   // when the trace reaches its |duration_ms| time limit.
260   // This callback will be invoked on an internal perfetto thread.
261   virtual void SetOnStopCallback(std::function<void()>) = 0;
263   // Changes the TraceConfig for an active tracing session. The session must
264   // have been configured and started before. Note that the tracing service
265   // only supports changing a subset of TraceConfig fields,
266   // see ConsumerEndpoint::ChangeTraceConfig().
267   virtual void ChangeTraceConfig(const TraceConfig&) = 0;
269   // Struct passed as argument to the callback passed to ReadTrace().
270   // [data, size] is guaranteed to contain 1 or more full trace packets, which
271   // can be decoded using trace.proto. No partial or truncated packets are
272   // exposed. If the trace is empty this returns a zero-sized nullptr with
273   // |has_more| == true to signal EOF.
274   // This callback will be invoked on an internal perfetto thread.
275   struct ReadTraceCallbackArgs {
276     const char* data = nullptr;
277     size_t size = 0;
279     // When false, this will be the last invocation of the callback for this
280     // read cycle.
281     bool has_more = false;
282   };
284   // Reads back the trace data (raw protobuf-encoded bytes) asynchronously.
285   // Can be called at any point during the trace, typically but not necessarily,
286   // after stopping. If this is called before the end of the trace (i.e. before
287   // Stop() / StopBlocking()), in almost all cases you need to call
288   // Flush() / FlushBlocking() before Read(). This is to guarantee that tracing
289   // data in-flight in the data sources is committed into the tracing buffers
290   // before reading them.
291   // Reading the trace data is a destructive operation w.r.t. contents of the
292   // trace buffer and is not idempotent.
293   // A single ReadTrace() call can yield >1 callback invocations, until
294   // |has_more| is false.
295   using ReadTraceCallback = std::function<void(ReadTraceCallbackArgs)>;
296   virtual void ReadTrace(ReadTraceCallback) = 0;
298   // Synchronous version of ReadTrace(). It blocks the calling thread until all
299   // the trace contents are read. This is slow and inefficient (involves more
300   // copies) and is mainly intended for testing.
301   std::vector<char> ReadTraceBlocking();
303   // Struct passed as an argument to the callback for GetTraceStats(). Contains
304   // statistics about the tracing session.
305   struct GetTraceStatsCallbackArgs {
306     // Whether or not querying statistics succeeded.
307     bool success = false;
308     // Serialized TraceStats protobuf message. To decode:
309     //
310     //   perfetto::protos::gen::TraceStats trace_stats;
311     //   trace_stats.ParseFromArray(args.trace_stats_data.data(),
312     //                              args.trace_stats_data.size());
313     //
314     std::vector<uint8_t> trace_stats_data;
315   };
317   // Requests a snapshot of statistical data for this tracing session. Only one
318   // query may be active at a time. This callback will be invoked on an internal
319   // perfetto thread.
320   using GetTraceStatsCallback = std::function<void(GetTraceStatsCallbackArgs)>;
321   virtual void GetTraceStats(GetTraceStatsCallback) = 0;
323   // Synchronous version of GetTraceStats() for convenience.
324   GetTraceStatsCallbackArgs GetTraceStatsBlocking();
326   // Struct passed as an argument to the callback for QueryServiceState().
327   // Contains information about registered data sources.
328   struct QueryServiceStateCallbackArgs {
329     // Whether or not getting the service state succeeded.
330     bool success = false;
331     // Serialized TracingServiceState protobuf message. To decode:
332     //
333     //   perfetto::protos::gen::TracingServiceState state;
334     //   state.ParseFromArray(args.service_state_data.data(),
335     //                        args.service_state_data.size());
336     //
337     std::vector<uint8_t> service_state_data;
338   };
340   // Requests a snapshot of the tracing service state for this session. Only one
341   // request per session may be active at a time. This callback will be invoked
342   // on an internal perfetto thread.
343   using QueryServiceStateCallback =
344       std::function<void(QueryServiceStateCallbackArgs)>;
345   virtual void QueryServiceState(QueryServiceStateCallback) = 0;
347   // Synchronous version of QueryServiceState() for convenience.
348   QueryServiceStateCallbackArgs QueryServiceStateBlocking();
349 };
351 }  // namespace perfetto