1# ProGuard -- shrinking, optimization, and obfuscation of Java class files.
2# Copyright (c) 2002-2014 Eric Lafortune (eric@graphics.cornell.edu)
5# Tab names.
7proGuardTab     = ProGuard
8inputOutputTab  = Input/Output
9shrinkingTab    = Shrinking
10obfuscationTab  = Obfuscation
11optimizationTab = Optimization
12informationTab  = Information
13processTab      = Process
14reTraceTab      = ReTrace
17# Splash text.
19developed       = Developed by Eric Lafortune
20shrinking       = Shrinking
21optimization    = Optimization
22obfuscation     = Obfuscation
23preverification = Preverification
26# Panel titles.
28welcome                       = Welcome to ProGuard, version 5.1
29options                       = Options
30keepAdditional                = Keep additional classes and class members
31keepNamesAdditional           = Keep additional class names and class member names
32assumeNoSideEffectsAdditional = Assume no side effects for additional methods
33whyAreYouKeeping              = Why are you keeping
34preverificationAndTargeting   = Preverification and targeting
35consistencyAndCorrectness     = Consistency and correctness
36processingConsole             = Processing console
37reTraceSettings               = ReTrace settings
38deobfuscatedStackTrace        = De-obfuscated stack trace
40keepAdditionalTip = \
41  If required, keep additional classes, fields, and methods as entry points.
42keepNamesAdditionalTip = \
43  If required, keep the names of additional classes, fields, and methods.
44assumeNoSideEffectsAdditionalTip = \
45  <html>Optionally specify additional methods that don't have any side effects.<br>\
46  <i>Only add entries if you know what you're doing!</i></html>
47whyAreYouKeepingTip = \
48  Ask ProGuard why it is keeping certain classes, fields, or methods.
51# Info texts.
53proGuardInfo = \
54  <html>ProGuard is a free class file shrinker, optimizer, obfuscator, and preverifier.\
55  <p>\
56  With this GUI, you can create, load, modify, and save ProGuard configurations.\
57  <br>\
58  You can then process your code right away, or you can run ProGuard from the \
59  command line using your saved configuration.\
60  <p>\
61  With the ReTrace part of this GUI you can de-obfuscate your stack traces.\
62  <p>\
63  ProGuard and ReTrace are written and maintained by Eric Lafortune.\
64  <p>\
65  Official site at Sourceforge: \
66  <a href="http://proguard.sourceforge.net/\">http://proguard.sourceforge.net/</a>\
67  <br>\
68  Professional support by Saikoa: \
69  <a href="http://www.saikoa.com/\">http://www.saikoa.com/</a>\
70  <p>\
71  Distributed under the GNU General Public License.\
72  <br>\
73  Copyright &copy; 2002-2014.</html>
75processingInfo = \
76  You can now start processing your code, \
77  or you can run ProGuard from the command line using your saved configuration.
79reTraceInfo = \
80  If you had ProGuard write out a mapping file, \
81  you can de-obfuscate your obfuscated stack traces with ReTrace!\
82  \n\n\
83  You can load an obfuscated stack trace from a file, \
84  or you can paste it straight into the text area above.
87# Titles and labels corresponding to common ProGuard options.
89programJars = Program jars, aars, wars, ears, zips, apks, and directories
90libraryJars = Library jars, aars, wars, ears, zips, apks, and directories
92shrink                           = Shrink
93printUsage                       = Print usage
95optimize                         = Optimize
96allowAccessModification          = Allow access modification
97mergeInterfacesAggressively      = Merge interfaces aggressively
98optimizations                    = Optimizations
99optimizationPasses               = Optimization passes
101obfuscate                        = Obfuscate
102printMapping                     = Print mapping
103applyMapping                     = Apply mapping
104obfuscationDictionary            = Obfuscation dictionary
105classObfuscationDictionary       = Class obfuscation dictionary
106packageObfuscationDictionary     = Package obfuscation dictionary
107overloadAggressively             = Overload aggressively
108useUniqueClassMemberNames        = Use unique class member names
109keepPackageNames                 = Keep package names
110flattenPackageHierarchy          = Flatten package hierarchy
111repackageClasses                 = Repackage classes
112useMixedCaseClassNames           = Use mixed-case class names
113keepAttributes                   = Keep attributes
114keepParameterNames               = Keep parameter names
115renameSourceFileAttribute        = Rename SourceFile attribute
116adaptClassStrings                = Adapt class strings
117adaptResourceFileNames           = Adapt resource file names
118adaptResourceFileContents        = Adapt resource file contents
120preverify                        = Preverify
121microEdition                     = Micro Edition
123verbose                          = Verbose
124note                             = Note potential mistakes in the configuration
125warn                             = Warn about possibly erroneous input
126ignoreWarnings                   = Ignore warnings about possibly erroneous input
127skipNonPublicLibraryClasses      = Skip non-public library classes
128skipNonPublicLibraryClassMembers = Skip non-public library class members
129keepDirectories                  = Keep directories
130forceProcessing                  = Force processing
131target                           = Target
132targets                          = 1.0,1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6,1.7,1.8
133printSeeds                       = Print seeds
134printConfiguration               = Print configuration
135dump                             = Print class files
137mappingFile                      = Mapping file
138obfuscatedStackTrace             = Obfuscated stack trace
140programJarsTip = \
141  <html>The input jars (aars, wars, ears, zips, apks, directories), followed by<br>\
142  their corresponding output jars (wars, ears, zips, apks, directories).</html>
143libraryJarsTip = \
144  <html>The library jars (aars, wars, ears, zips, directories), on which the program jars depend.<br>\
145  The library jars are required for processing, but they are not copied to the output.</html>
147shrinkTip = \
148  Remove unused classes, fields, and methods from the output.
149printUsageTip = \
150  Print out the list of unused classes, fields, and methods.
152optimizeTip = \
153  Optimize the bytecode of the processed classes.
154allowAccessModificationTip = \
155  Allow the optimization step to modify the access modifiers of classes, fields, and methods.
156mergeInterfacesAggressivelyTip = \
157  <html>Allow interfaces to be merged, even if their implementations don't implement all<br>\
158  interface methods.  This is not allowed in the Java language, but it is allowed in bytecode.</html>
159optimizationsTip = \
160  Specify the types of optimizations to be performed.
161optimizationsFilterTip = \
162  A filter for the names of the optimizations to be performed.
163optimizationsSelectTip = \
164  Select from the currently available optimizations...
165optimizationPassesTip = \
166  Specify the number of optimization passes to be performed.
168obfuscateTip = \
169  Obfuscate the names of the processed classes, fields, and methods.
170printMappingTip = \
171  Print out the obfuscation mapping of original names to obfuscated names.
172applyMappingTip = \
173  Apply the given mapping of original names to obfuscated names.
174obfuscationDictionaryTip = \
175  Use the words in the given file for obfuscating field names and method names.
176classObfuscationDictionaryTip = \
177  Use the words in the given file for obfuscating class names.
178packageObfuscationDictionaryTip = \
179  Use the words in the given file for obfuscating package names.
180overloadAggressivelyTip = \
181  <html>Allow fields and methods to get the same obfuscated names, even if only their types or<br>\
182  return types differ. This is not allowed in the Java language, but it is allowed in bytecode.</html>
183useUniqueClassMemberNamesTip = \
184  <html>Make sure fields and methods get the same obfuscation mapping across classes, even<br>\
185  if they are unrelated. This is advisable if the output is to be obfuscated incrementally.</html>
186keepPackageNamesTip = \
187  Keep the specified package names from being obfuscated.
188packageNamesTip = \
189  <html>An optional comma-separated list of package names,<br>\
190  e.g. <code>myapplication,mylibrary.**</code><br>\
191  Possible wildcards:\
192  <ul>\
193  <li><code>?</code> for any single character, except the package separator.\
194  <li><code>*</code> for any number of any characters, except the package separator.\
195  <li><code>**</code> for any number of any characters.\
196  </ul>\
197  The negator <code>!</code> is also supported.</html>
198flattenPackageHierarchyTip = \
199  Move all packages that are renamed into the given parent package.
200repackageClassesTip = \
201  Move all classes that are renamed into the given package.
202packageTip = \
203  The optional package name.
204useMixedCaseClassNamesTip = \
205  <html>Generate mixed-case obfucated class names. This will complicate unpacking<br>\
206  the resulting jars on case-insensitive file systems, should that be necessary.</html>
207keepAttributesTip = \
208  Keep the specified optional class file attributes.
209attributesTip = \
210  <html>An optional comma-separated list of class file attributes.\
211  <ul>\
212  <li>"Exceptions,Innerclasses, Signature" are necessary if the output is to be used as a library.\
213  <li>"Deprecated" is optional if the output is to be used as a library.\
214  <li>"LocalVariable*Table" can be useful for debugging.\
215  <li>"Sourcefile,LineNumberTable" are necessary for generating stack traces.\
216  <li>"*Annotations*" is necessary for preserving annotations.\
217  </ul>\
218  The wildcard <code>*</code> and the negator <code>!</code> are allowed.</html>
219keepParameterNamesTip = \
220  <html>Keep parameter names and types in "LocalVariable*Table" attributes<br>\
221  in methods that are not obfuscated.</html>
222renameSourceFileAttributeTip = \
223  <html>Put the given string in the "SourceFile" attribute of the processed class files.<br>\
224  It will appear as the file name of the classes in stack traces.</html>
225sourceFileAttributeTip = \
226  The replacement "SourceFile" string.
227adaptClassStringsTip = \
228  <html>Adapt string constants in the specified classes, based<br>\
229  on the obfuscated names of corresponding classes.</html>
230adaptResourceFileNamesTip = \
231  <html>Rename the specified resource files, based on the<br>\
232  obfuscated names of the corresponding class files.</html>
233adaptResourceFileContentsTip = \
234  <html>Adapt the contents of the specified resource files, based<br>\
235  on the obfuscated names of the processed classes.</html>
236fileNameFilterTip = \
237  <html>A filter on file names,<br>\
238  e.g. <code>mydirectory1/**,mydirectory2/**</code><br>\
239  Possible wildcards:\
240  <ul>\
241  <li><code>?</code> for any single character, except the directory separator.\
242  <li><code>*</code> for any number of any characters, except the directory separator.\
243  <li><code>**</code> for any number of any characters.\
244  </ul>\
245  The negator <code>!</code> is also supported.</html>
247preverifyTip = \
248  Preverify the processed classes, for Java Micro Edition or for Java 6.
249microEditionTip = \
250  Target Java Micro Edition.
252verboseTip = \
253  Print out verbose messages while processing.
254noteTip = \
255  Print out notes about special or unusual input.
256noteFilterTip = \
257  A filter matching classes for which no notes should be printed.
258warnTip = \
259  <html>Print out warnings about possibly erroneous input.<br>\
260  <i>Only unset this option if you know what you're doing!</i></html>
261warnFilterTip = \
262  A filter matching classes for which no warnings should be printed.
263ignoreWarningsTip = \
264  <html>Ignore any warnings about possibly erroneous input.<br>\
265  <i>Only set this option if you know what you're doing!</i></html>
266skipNonPublicLibraryClassesTip = \
267  <html>Skip reading non-public library classes, for efficiency.<br>\
268  You may have to unset this option if ProGuard complains about missing classes.</html>
269skipNonPublicLibraryClassMembersTip = \
270  <html>Skip reading non-public library fields and methods, for efficiency.<br>\
271  You may have to unset this option if ProGuard complains about missing class members.</html>
272keepDirectoriesTip = \
273  Keep the specified directories in the output jars, wars, ears, zips, apks, or directories.
274directoriesTip = \
275  <html>A filter on directory names,<br>\
276  e.g. <code>mydirectory1,mydirectory2/**</code><br>\
277  Possible wildcards:\
278  <ul>\
279  <li><code>?</code> for any single character, except the directory separator.\
280  <li><code>*</code> for any number of any characters, except the directory separator.\
281  <li><code>**</code> for any number of any characters.\
282  </ul>\
283  The negator <code>!</code> is also supported.</html>
284forceProcessingTip = \
285  Always process the input, even if the output seems up to date.
286targetTip = \
287  Target the specified version of Java.
288printSeedsTip = \
289  Print out the list of kept classes, fields, and methods.
290printConfigurationTip = \
291  Print out the configuration.
292dumpTip = \
293  Print out the internal structure of the processed class files.
295mappingFileTip = \
296  The file containing the mapping of original names to obfuscated names.
297obfuscatedStackTraceTip = \
298  A stack trace produced by previously obfuscated code.
301# Titles and labels corresponding to ProGuard keep options.
303keepTitle = Keep
305keep                   = Keep classes and class members
306keepClassMembers       = Keep class members only
307keepClassesWithMembers = Keep classes and class members, if members are present
309alsoKeepTitle = Also keep
311keepDescriptorClasses  = Keep descriptor classes
313allowTitle = Allow
315allowShrinking    = Allow shrinking
316allowOptimization = Allow optimization
317allowObfuscation  = Allow obfuscation
319keepTitleTip = Keep the specified classes and/or their fields and methods.
321keepTip = \
322  <html>Keep the specified classes, fields, and methods as entry points.<br>\
323  This is the most common option.</html>
324keepClassMembersTip = \
325  Only keep the specified fields and methods as entry points.
326keepClassesWithMembersTip = \
327  <html>Keep the specified classes, fields, and methods,<br>\
328  on the condition that the fields and methods are present.</html>
330alsoKeepTitleTip = \
331  <html>Optionally keeping more classes.<br>\
332  <i>These are advanced options.</i></html>
334keepDescriptorClassesTip = \
335  <html>Automatically keep the classes in the descriptors of matching<br>\
336  fields and methods. Mostly useful for keeping their names.</html>
338allowTitleTip = \
339  <html>Optionally relax keeping the specified classes, fields, and methods.<br>\
340  <i>These are advanced options.</i></html>
342allowShrinkingTip = \
343  Remove the specified classes, fields, and methods anyway, if they are not used.
344allowOptimizationTip = \
345  <html>Optimize the specified classes, fields, and methods as entry points anyway.<br>\
346  <i>Only set this option if you know what you're doing!</i></html>
347allowObfuscationTip = \
348  <html>Obfuscate the names of the specified classes, fields, and methods anyway.<br>\
349  <i>Only set this option if you know what you're doing!</i></html>
352# Further keep titles and labels.
354specifyClasses = Specify classes and class members...
355specifyFields  = Specify fields...
356specifyMethods = Specify methods...
358comments                    = Comments
359access                      = Access
360required                    = Required
361not                         = Not
362dontCare                    = Don't care
363annotation                  = Annotation
364class                       = Class
365extendsImplementsAnnotation = Extends/implements class with annotation
366extendsImplementsClass      = Extends/implements class
367classMembers                = Class members
369extensionsOf = Extensions of
370specificationNumber = Specification #
372fieldType     = Field type
373returnType    = Return type
374name          = Name
375argumentTypes = Argument types
377commentsTip = \
378  Optionally add a comment for this option in the configuration file.
379accessTip = \
380  <html>Optionally place constraints on the access modifiers of this element.<br>\
381  E.g. only match public elements.</html>
382requiredTip = \
383  The access modifier has to be set.
384notTip = \
385  The access modifier must not be set.
386dontCareTip = \
387  The access modifier is irrelevant.
388annotationTip = \
389  <html>Optionally require the given annotation to be present on this element.<br>\
390  E.g. only match elements that have an annotation <code>myPackage.MyAnnotation</code>.<br>\
391  <i>This is an advanced option.</i></html>
392classTip = \
393  The name of the class or interface.
394extendsImplementsAnnotationTip = \
395  <html>Optionally require the given annotation to be present on the<br>\
396  extended or implemented class or interface.<br>\
397  E.g. only match classes that extend a class that has an annotation<br>\
398  <code>myPackage.MyAnnotation</code>.<br>\
399  <i>This is an advanced option.</i></html>
400extendsImplementsClassTip = \
401  <html>Optionally require the class to implement or extend the given class or interface.<br>\
402  E.g. only match classes that implement an interface <code>myPackage.MyInterface</code>.</html>
403classMembersTip = \
404  <html>Optionally keep fields and methods as entry points in the matching class or classes.<br>\
405  E.g. keep all public '<code>get*</code>' methods as entry points.</html>
407fieldTypeTip     = The field type.
408returnTypeTip    = The method return type, if any.
409nameTip          = The name.
410argumentTypesTip = The method argument types, if any.
412classNameTip = \
413  <html>The class name, e.g. <code>myPackage.MyClass</code><br>\
414  Possible wildcards:\
415  <ul>\
416  <li><code>?</code> for any single character, except the package separator.\
417  <li><code>*</code> for any number of any characters, except the package separator.\
418  <li><code>**</code> for any number of any characters.\
419  </ul></html>
420classNamesTip = \
421  <html>A regular expression to further constrain the class names,<br>\
422  e.g. <code>myPackage1.MyClass,myPackage2.**</code><br>\
423  Possible wildcards:\
424  <ul>\
425  <li><code>?</code> for any single character, except the package separator.\
426  <li><code>*</code> for any number of any characters, except the package separator.\
427  <li><code>**</code> for any number of any characters.\
428  </ul>\
429  The negator <code>!</code> is also supported.</html>
430typeTip = \
431  <html>The type, e.g. <code>int</code>, or <code>java.lang.String[]</code><br>\
432  Possible wildcards:\
433  <ul>\
434  <li><code>%</code> for any primitive type.\
435  <li><code>?</code> for any single character, except the package separator.\
436  <li><code>*</code> for any number of any characters, except the package separator.\
437  <li><code>**</code> for any number of any characters.\
438  <li><code>***</code> (or empty) for any type.\
439  </ul></html>
440fieldNameTip = \
441  <html>The field name, e.g. <code>myField</code><br>\
442  Possible wildcards:\
443  <ul>\
444  <li><code>?</code> for any single character.\
445  <li><code>*</code> for any number of any characters.\
446  </ul></html>
447methodNameTip = \
448  <html>The method name, e.g. <code>myMethod</code><br>\
449  Possible wildcards:\
450  <ul>\
451  <li><code>?</code> for any single character.\
452  <li><code>*</code> for any number of any characters.\
453  </ul></html>
454argumentTypes2Tip = \
455  <html>The comma-separated list of argument types,<br>\
456  e.g. <code>java.lang.String[],int,boolean</code><br>\
457  Possible wildcards:\
458  <ul>\
459  <li><code>%</code> for any primitive type.\
460  <li><code>?</code> for any single character, except the package separator.\
461  <li><code>*</code> for any number of any characters, except the package separator.\
462  <li><code>**</code> for any number of any characters.\
463  <li><code>***</code> for any type.\
464  <li><code>...</code> for any number of any arguments.\
465  </ul></html>
468# Titles and labels corresponding to optimization options.
470selectOptimizations = Select optimizations...
472field  = Field
473method = Method
474code   = Code
476class_marking_finalTip = \
477  Mark classes as final, whenever possible.
478class_merging_verticalTip = \
479  Merge classes vertically in the class hierarchy, whenever possible.
480class_merging_horizontalTip = \
481  Merge classes horizontally in the class hierarchy, whenever possible.
482field_removal_writeonlyTip = \
483  Remove write-only fields.
484field_marking_privateTip = \
485  Mark fields as private, whenever possible.
486field_propagation_valueTip = \
487  Propagate the values of fields across methods.
488method_marking_privateTip = \
489  Mark methods as private, whenever possible (devirtualization).
490method_marking_staticTip = \
491  Mark methods as static, whenever possible (devirtualization).
492method_marking_finalTip = \
493  Mark methods as final, whenever possible.
494method_removal_parameterTip = \
495  Remove unused method parameters.
496method_propagation_parameterTip = \
497  Propagate the values of method parameters from method invocations to \
498  the invoked methods.
499method_propagation_returnvalueTip = \
500  Propagate the values of method return values from methods to their \
501  invocations.
502method_inlining_shortTip = \
503  Inline short methods.
504method_inlining_uniqueTip = \
505  Inline methods that are only called once.
506method_inlining_tailrecursionTip = \
507  Simplify tail recursion calls, whenever possible.
508code_mergingTip = \
509  Merge identical blocks of code by modifying branch targets.
510code_simplification_variableTip = \
511  Perform peephole optimizations for variable loading and storing.
512code_simplification_arithmeticTip = \
513  Perform peephole optimizations for arithmetic instructions.
514code_simplification_castTip = \
515  Perform peephole optimizations for casting operations.
516code_simplification_fieldTip = \
517  Perform peephole optimizations for field loading and storing.
518code_simplification_branchTip = \
519  Perform peephole optimizations for branch instructions.
520code_simplification_stringTip = \
521  Perform peephole optimizations for constant strings.
522code_simplification_advancedTip = \
523  Simplify code based on control flow analysis and data flow analysis.
524code_removal_advancedTip = \
525  Remove dead code based on control flow analysis and data flow analysis.
526code_removal_simpleTip = \
527  Remove dead code based on a simple control flow analysis.
528code_removal_variableTip = \
529  Remove unused variables from the local variable frame.
530code_removal_exceptionTip = \
531  Remove exceptions with empty try blocks.
532code_allocation_variableTip = \
533  Optimize variable allocation on the local variable frame.
537# File selection titles.
539selectConfigurationFile         = Select a configuration file...
540saveConfigurationFile           = Save configuration...
541selectUsageFile                 = Select a usage output file...
542selectPrintMappingFile          = Select an output mapping file...
543selectApplyMappingFile          = Select an input mapping file...
544selectObfuscationDictionaryFile = Select an obfuscation dictionary...
545selectSeedsFile                 = Select a seeds output file...
546selectDumpFile                  = Select a class dump file...
547selectStackTraceFile            = Select a stack trace file...
549cantOpenConfigurationFile  = Can''t open the configuration file [{0}]
550cantParseConfigurationFile = Can''t parse the configuration file [{0}]
551cantSaveConfigurationFile  = Can''t save the configuration file [{0}]
552cantOpenStackTraceFile     = Can''t open the stack trace file [{0}]
554jarExtensions = *.jar, *.aar, *.war, *.ear, *.zip, *.apk, *.ap_ (archives and directories)
555proExtension  = *.pro (ProGuard configurations)
557addJars     = Add one or more jars or directories...
558chooseJars  = Choose different jars or directories...
559enterFilter = Optionally filter the file names contained in the selected entries.
561filters       = Filters
562nameFilter    = File name filter
563apkNameFilter = Apk name filter
564jarNameFilter = Jar name filter
565aarNameFilter = Aar name filter
566warNameFilter = War name filter
567earNameFilter = Ear name filter
568zipNameFilter = Zip name filter
570outputFileTip = The optional output file.
571inputFileTip  = The input file.
573nameFilterTip    = A filter on plain class file names and resource file names.
574apkNameFilterTip = A filter on apk file names.
575jarNameFilterTip = A filter on jar file names.
576aarNameFilterTip = A filter on aar file names.
577warNameFilterTip = A filter on war file names.
578earNameFilterTip = A filter on ear file names.
579zipNameFilterTip = A filter on zip file names.
582# Simple button texts.
584previous   = Previous
585next       = Next
586browse     = Browse...
587advanced   = Advanced options
588basic      = Basic options
589selectAll  = Select all
590selectNone = Select none
591ok         = Ok
592cancel     = Cancel
594add        = Add...
595addInput   = Add input...
596addOutput  = Add output...
597edit       = Edit...
598filter     = Filter...
599remove     = Remove
600moveUp     = Move up
601moveDown   = Move down
603moveToLibraries = Move to libraries
604moveToProgram   = Move to program
606addField  = Add field...
607addMethod = Add method...
609select = Select...
611loadConfiguration = Load configuration...
612viewConfiguration = View configuration
613saveConfiguration = Save configuration...
614loadStackTrace    = Load stack trace...
615process           = Process!
616reTrace           = ReTrace!
618advancedTip  = Toggle between showing basic options and advanced options.
620addInputTip  = Add an input jar, aar, war, ear, zip, apk, or directory.
621addOutputTip = Add an output jar, aar, war, ear, zip, apk, or directory.
622addTip       = Add an entry.
623editTip      = Edit the selected entries.
624filterTip    = Put filters on the contents of the selected entries.
625removeTip    = Remove the selected entries.
626moveUpTip    = Move the selected entries up in the list.
627moveDownTip  = Move the selected entries down in the list.
629moveToLibrariesTip = Move to selected entries to the libraries.
630moveToProgramTip   = Move to selected entries to the program.
632addFieldTip  = Add a field to the specification.
633addMethodTip = Add a method to the specification.
635loadConfigurationTip = Optionally load an initial configuration.
636viewConfigurationTip = View the current configuration.
637saveConfigurationTip = Save the current configuration.
638loadStackTraceTip    = Load a stack trace from a file.
639processTip           = Start processing, based on the current configuration.
640reTraceTip           = De-obfuscate the given stack trace.
643# Progress messages and error messages.
645warning         = Warning
646outOfMemory     = Out of memory
647outOfMemoryInfo = \n\
648  You should run the ProGuard GUI with a larger java heap size, \
649  with a command like\
650  \n\n\t\
651  java -Xms128m -Xmx192m -jar proguardgui.jar {0}\
652  \n\n\
653  or you can try running ProGuard from the command line. \
654  with a command like\
655  \n\n\t\
656  java -jar proguard.jar @{0}
657sampleConfigurationFileName = configuration.pro
658errorProcessing = Error during processing
659errorReTracing  = Error during retracing