1 //! Macros for defining extra assertions that should only be checked in testing
2 //! and/or CI when the `testing_only_extra_assertions` feature is enabled.
4 /// Simple macro that forwards to assert! when using
5 /// testing_only_extra_assertions.
6 #[macro_export]
7 macro_rules! extra_assert {
8     ( $cond:expr ) => {
9         if cfg!(feature = "testing_only_extra_assertions") {
10             assert!($cond);
11         }
12     };
13     ( $cond:expr , $( $arg:tt )+ ) => {
14         if cfg!(feature = "testing_only_extra_assertions") {
15             assert!($cond, $( $arg )* )
16         }
17     };
18 }
20 /// Simple macro that forwards to assert_eq! when using
21 /// testing_only_extra_assertions.
22 #[macro_export]
23 macro_rules! extra_assert_eq {
24     ( $lhs:expr , $rhs:expr ) => {
25         if cfg!(feature = "testing_only_extra_assertions") {
26             assert_eq!($lhs, $rhs);
27         }
28     };
29     ( $lhs:expr , $rhs:expr , $( $arg:tt )+ ) => {
30         if cfg!(feature = "testing_only_extra_assertions") {
31             assert!($lhs, $rhs, $( $arg )* );
32         }
33     };
34 }