1 /*
2  * Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
3  *
4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5  * found in the LICENSE file.
6  */
8 #ifndef SkSVGAttribute_DEFINED
9 #define SkSVGAttribute_DEFINED
11 #include "modules/svg/include/SkSVGTypes.h"
12 #include "src/core/SkTLazy.h"
14 class SkSVGRenderContext;
16 enum class SkSVGAttribute {
17     kClipRule,
18     kColor,
19     kColorInterpolation,
20     kColorInterpolationFilters,
21     kCx, // <circle>, <ellipse>, <radialGradient>: center x position
22     kCy, // <circle>, <ellipse>, <radialGradient>: center y position
23     kFill,
24     kFillOpacity,
25     kFillRule,
26     kFilter,
27     kFilterUnits,
28     kFontFamily,
29     kFontSize,
30     kFontStyle,
31     kFontWeight,
32     kFx, // <radialGradient>: focal point x position
33     kFy, // <radialGradient>: focal point y position
34     kGradientUnits,
35     kGradientTransform,
36     kHeight,
37     kHref,
38     kOpacity,
39     kPoints,
40     kPreserveAspectRatio,
41     kR,  // <circle>, <radialGradient>: radius
42     kRx, // <ellipse>,<rect>: horizontal (corner) radius
43     kRy, // <ellipse>,<rect>: vertical (corner) radius
44     kSpreadMethod,
45     kStroke,
46     kStrokeDashArray,
47     kStrokeDashOffset,
48     kStrokeOpacity,
49     kStrokeLineCap,
50     kStrokeLineJoin,
51     kStrokeMiterLimit,
52     kStrokeWidth,
53     kTransform,
54     kText,
55     kTextAnchor,
56     kViewBox,
57     kVisibility,
58     kWidth,
59     kX,
60     kX1, // <line>: first endpoint x
61     kX2, // <line>: second endpoint x
62     kY,
63     kY1, // <line>: first endpoint y
64     kY2, // <line>: second endpoint y
66     kUnknown,
67 };
69 struct SkSVGPresentationAttributes {
70     static SkSVGPresentationAttributes MakeInitial();
72     // TODO: SkSVGProperty adds an extra ptr per attribute; refactor to reduce overhead.
74     SkSVGProperty<SkSVGPaint     , true> fFill;
75     SkSVGProperty<SkSVGNumberType, true> fFillOpacity;
76     SkSVGProperty<SkSVGFillRule  , true> fFillRule;
77     SkSVGProperty<SkSVGFillRule  , true> fClipRule;
79     SkSVGProperty<SkSVGPaint     , true> fStroke;
80     SkSVGProperty<SkSVGDashArray , true> fStrokeDashArray;
81     SkSVGProperty<SkSVGLength    , true> fStrokeDashOffset;
82     SkSVGProperty<SkSVGLineCap   , true> fStrokeLineCap;
83     SkSVGProperty<SkSVGLineJoin  , true> fStrokeLineJoin;
84     SkSVGProperty<SkSVGNumberType, true> fStrokeMiterLimit;
85     SkSVGProperty<SkSVGNumberType, true> fStrokeOpacity;
86     SkSVGProperty<SkSVGLength    , true> fStrokeWidth;
88     SkSVGProperty<SkSVGVisibility, true> fVisibility;
90     SkSVGProperty<SkSVGColorType , true> fColor;
91     SkSVGProperty<SkSVGColorspace, true> fColorInterpolation;
92     SkSVGProperty<SkSVGColorspace, true> fColorInterpolationFilters;
94     SkSVGProperty<SkSVGFontFamily, true> fFontFamily;
95     SkSVGProperty<SkSVGFontStyle , true> fFontStyle;
96     SkSVGProperty<SkSVGFontSize  , true> fFontSize;
97     SkSVGProperty<SkSVGFontWeight, true> fFontWeight;
98     SkSVGProperty<SkSVGTextAnchor, true> fTextAnchor;
100     // uninherited
101     SkSVGProperty<SkSVGNumberType, false> fOpacity;
102     SkSVGProperty<SkSVGFuncIRI   , false> fClipPath;
103     SkSVGProperty<SkSVGDisplay   , false> fDisplay;
104     SkSVGProperty<SkSVGFuncIRI   , false> fMask;
105     SkSVGProperty<SkSVGFuncIRI   , false> fFilter;
106     SkSVGProperty<SkSVGColor     , false> fStopColor;
107     SkSVGProperty<SkSVGNumberType, false> fStopOpacity;
108     SkSVGProperty<SkSVGColor     , false> fFloodColor;
109     SkSVGProperty<SkSVGNumberType, false> fFloodOpacity;
110     SkSVGProperty<SkSVGColor     , false> fLightingColor;
111 };
113 #endif // SkSVGAttribute_DEFINED