1// This file is type-checked by the Typescript definitions. It is not actually executed.
2// Test it by running `npm run dtslint` in the parent directory.
3import {
4    CanvasKitInit,
5    AnimatedImage,
6    Canvas,
7    CanvasKit,
8    ColorFilter,
9    Font,
10    FontMgr,
11    Image,
12    ImageFilter,
13    ImageInfo,
14    MaskFilter,
15    Paint,
16    Paragraph,
17    Path,
18    PathEffect,
19    Shader,
20    SkPicture,
21    TextBlob,
22    Typeface,
23    Vertices,
24} from "canvaskit-wasm";
26CanvasKitInit({locateFile: (file: string) => '/node_modules/canvaskit/bin/' + file}).then((CK: CanvasKit) => {
27    animatedImageTests(CK);
28    canvasTests(CK);
29    canvas2DTests(CK);
30    colorFilterTests(CK);
31    colorTests(CK);
32    contourMeasureTests(CK);
33    imageFilterTests(CK);
34    imageTests(CK);
35    fontTests(CK);
36    fontMgrTests(CK);
37    globalTests(CK);
38    mallocTests(CK);
39    maskFilterTests(CK);
40    matrixTests(CK);
41    paintTests(CK);
42    paragraphTests(CK);
43    paragraphBuilderTests(CK);
44    particlesTests(CK);
45    pathEffectTests(CK);
46    pathTests(CK);
47    pictureTests(CK);
48    rectangleTests(CK);
49    runtimeEffectTests(CK);
50    skottieTests(CK);
51    shaderTests(CK);
52    surfaceTests(CK);
53    textBlobTests(CK);
54    vectorTests(CK);
55    verticesTests(CK);
58function animatedImageTests(CK: CanvasKit) {
59    const buff = new ArrayBuffer(10);
60    const img = CK.MakeAnimatedImageFromEncoded(buff); // $ExpectType AnimatedImage | null
61    if (!img) return;
62    const n = img.decodeNextFrame(); // $ExpectType number
63    const f = img.getFrameCount(); // $ExpectType number
64    const r = img.getRepetitionCount(); // $ExpectType number
65    const h = img.height(); // $ExpectType number
66    const still = img.makeImageAtCurrentFrame(); // $ExpectType Image | null
67    img.reset();
68    const w = img.width(); // $ExpectType number
71// In an effort to keep these type-checking tests easy to read and understand, we can "inject"
72// types instead of actually having to create them from scratch. To inject them, we define them
73// as an optional parameter and then have a null check to make sure that optional-ness does not
74// cause errors.
75function canvasTests(CK: CanvasKit, canvas?: Canvas, paint?: Paint, path?: Path,
76                     img?: Image, aImg?: AnimatedImage, para?: Paragraph,
77                     skp?: SkPicture, font?: Font, textBlob?: TextBlob, verts?: Vertices,
78                     imageInfo?: ImageInfo, imgFilter?: ImageFilter) {
79    if (!canvas || !paint || !path || !img || !aImg || !para || !skp || !font ||
80        !textBlob || !verts || !imageInfo || !imgFilter) {
81        return;
82    }
83    const someColor = [0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6]; // Making sure arrays are accepted as colors.
84    const someRect = [4, 3, 2, 1]; // Making sure arrays are accepted as rects.
85    // Making sure arrays are accepted as rrects.
86    const someRRect = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12];
87    const someMatrix = CK.Malloc(Float32Array, 16); // Make sure matrixes can be malloc'd.
89    canvas.clear(CK.RED);
90    canvas.clipPath(path, CK.ClipOp.Intersect, false);
91    canvas.clipRect(someRect, CK.ClipOp.Intersect, true);
92    canvas.clipRRect(CK.RRectXY(someRect, 10, 20), CK.ClipOp.Difference, true);
93    canvas.concat([1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]);
94    canvas.concat(someMatrix);
95    canvas.drawArc(someRect, 0, 90, true, paint);
96    canvas.drawAtlas(img, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], [8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1], paint);
97    canvas.drawAtlas(img, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], [8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1], paint,
98                     CK.BlendMode.Darken,
99                     [CK.ColorAsInt(100, 110, 120), CK.ColorAsInt(130, 140, 150)]);
100    canvas.drawAtlas(img, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], [8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1], paint,
101                     null, null, {B: 0, C: 0.5});
102    canvas.drawAtlas(img, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], [8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1], paint,
103                     null, null, {filter: CK.FilterMode.Linear, mipmap: CK.MipmapMode.Nearest});
104       canvas.drawCircle(20, 20, 20, paint);
105    canvas.drawColor(someColor);
106    canvas.drawColor(someColor, CK.BlendMode.ColorDodge);
107    canvas.drawColorComponents(0.2, 1.0, -0.02, 0.5);
108    canvas.drawColorComponents(0.2, 1.0, -0.02, 0.5, CK.BlendMode.ColorDodge);
109    canvas.drawColorInt(CK.ColorAsInt(100, 110, 120));
110    canvas.drawColorInt(CK.ColorAsInt(100, 110, 120), CK.BlendMode.ColorDodge);
111    canvas.drawDRRect(someRRect, CK.RRectXY(someRect, 10, 20), paint);
112    canvas.drawImage(img, 0, -43);
113    canvas.drawImage(img, 0, -43, paint);
114    canvas.drawImageAtCurrentFrame(aImg, 0, -43);
115    canvas.drawImageAtCurrentFrame(aImg, 0, -43, paint);
116    canvas.drawImageCubic(img, 0, -43, 1 / 3, 1 / 4, null);
117    canvas.drawImageOptions(img, 0, -43, CK.FilterMode.Nearest, CK.MipmapMode.Nearest, paint);
118    canvas.drawImageNine(img, someRect, someRect, CK.FilterMode.Nearest);
119    canvas.drawImageNine(img, CK.XYWHiRect(10, 20, 40, 40), someRect, CK.FilterMode.Linear, paint);
120    canvas.drawImageRect(img, someRect, someRect, paint);
121    canvas.drawImageRect(img, CK.XYWHRect(90, 90, 40, 40), someRect, paint);
122    canvas.drawImageRect(img, someRect, someRect, paint, true);
123    canvas.drawImageRectCubic(img, someRect, someRect, 1 / 5, 1 / 6);
124    canvas.drawImageRectCubic(img, someRect, someRect, 1 / 5, 1 / 6, paint);
125    canvas.drawImageRectOptions(img, someRect, someRect, CK.FilterMode.Linear, CK.MipmapMode.None);
126    canvas.drawImageRectOptions(img, someRect, someRect, CK.FilterMode.Linear, CK.MipmapMode.None, paint);
127    canvas.drawLine(1, 2, 3, 4, paint);
128    canvas.drawOval(someRect, paint);
129    canvas.drawPaint(paint);
130    canvas.drawParagraph(para, 10, 7);
131    const cubics = [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6,
132        7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12];
133    const colors = [CK.RED, CK.BLUE, CK.GREEN, CK.WHITE];
134    const texs = [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4];
135    canvas.drawPatch(cubics, null, null, null, paint);
136    canvas.drawPatch(cubics, colors, null, CK.BlendMode.Clear, paint);
137    canvas.drawPatch(cubics, null, texs, null, paint);
138    canvas.drawPatch(cubics, colors, texs, CK.BlendMode.SrcOver, paint);
139    canvas.drawPath(path, paint);
140    canvas.drawPicture(skp);
141    canvas.drawPoints(CK.PointMode.Lines, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], paint);
142    canvas.drawRect(someRect, paint);
143    canvas.drawRect4f(5, 6, 7, 8, paint);
144    canvas.drawRRect(someRRect, paint);
145    canvas.drawShadow(path, [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], 7, someColor, CK.BLUE, 0);
146    const mallocedVector3 = CK.Malloc(Float32Array, 3);
147    canvas.drawShadow(path, mallocedVector3, mallocedVector3, 7, someColor, CK.BLUE, 0);
148    canvas.drawText('foo', 1, 2, paint, font);
149    canvas.drawTextBlob(textBlob, 10, 20, paint);
150    canvas.drawVertices(verts, CK.BlendMode.DstOut, paint);
151    const matrOne = canvas.findMarkedCTM('thing'); // $ExpectType Float32Array | null
152    const matrTwo = canvas.getLocalToDevice(); // $ExpectType Float32Array
153    const sc = canvas.getSaveCount(); // $ExpectType number
154    const matrThree = canvas.getTotalMatrix(); // $ExpectType number[]
155    const surface = canvas.makeSurface(imageInfo); // $ExpectType Surface | null
156    canvas.markCTM('more ctm');
157    const pixels = canvas.readPixels(85, 1000, {// $Uint8Array | Float32Array | null
158        width: 79,
159        height: 205,
160        colorType: CK.ColorType.RGBA_8888,
161        alphaType: CK.AlphaType.Unpremul,
162        colorSpace: CK.ColorSpace.SRGB,
163    });
164    const m = CK.Malloc(Uint8Array, 10);
165    img.readPixels(85, 1000, {
166        width: 79,
167        height: 205,
168        colorType: CK.ColorType.RGBA_8888,
169        alphaType: CK.AlphaType.Unpremul,
170        colorSpace: CK.ColorSpace.SRGB,
171    }, m, 4 * 85);
172    canvas.restore();
173    canvas.restoreToCount(2);
174    canvas.rotate(1, 2, 3);
175    const height = canvas.save(); // $ExpectType number
176    const h2 = canvas.saveLayer(); // $ExpectType number
177    const h3 = canvas.saveLayer(paint); // $ExpectType number
178    const h4 = canvas.saveLayer(paint, someRect);
179    const h5 = canvas.saveLayer(paint, someRect, imgFilter, CK.SaveLayerF16ColorType);
180    const h6 = canvas.saveLayer(paint, someRect, null, CK.SaveLayerInitWithPrevious);
181    canvas.scale(5, 10);
182    canvas.skew(10, 5);
183    canvas.translate(20, 30);
184    const ok = canvas.writePixels([1, 2, 3, 4], 1, 1, 10, 20); // $ExpectType boolean
185    const ok2 = canvas.writePixels([1, 2, 3, 4], 1, 1, 10, 20, CK.AlphaType.Premul,
186                                   CK.ColorType.Alpha_8, CK.ColorSpace.DISPLAY_P3);
189function canvas2DTests(CK: CanvasKit) {
190    const bytes = new ArrayBuffer(10);
192    const canvas = CK.MakeCanvas(100, 200);
193    const img = canvas.decodeImage(bytes);
194    const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
195    ctx!.lineTo(2, 4);
196    canvas.loadFont(bytes, {
197        family: 'BungeeNonSystem',
198        style: 'normal',
199        weight: '400',
200    });
201    const p2d = canvas.makePath2D();
202    p2d.quadraticCurveTo(1, 2, 3, 4);
203    const iData = new CK.ImageData(40, 50);
204    const imgStr = canvas.toDataURL();
207function colorTests(CK: CanvasKit) {
208    const colorOne = CK.Color(200, 200, 200, 0.8); // $ExpectType Float32Array
209    const colorTwo = CK.Color4f(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.7); // $ExpectType Float32Array
210    const colorThree = CK.ColorAsInt(240, 230, 220); // $ExpectType number
211    const colorFour = CK.parseColorString('#887766'); // $ExpectType Float32Array
212    const colors = CK.computeTonalColors({ // $ExpectType TonalColorsOutput
213        ambient: colorOne,
214        spot: [0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8],
215    });
217    // Deprecated Color functions
218    const [r, g, b, a] = CK.getColorComponents(colorTwo);
219    const alphaChanged = CK.multiplyByAlpha(colorOne, 0.1);
222function colorFilterTests(CK: CanvasKit) {
223    const cf = CK.ColorFilter; // less typing
224    const filterOne = cf.MakeBlend(CK.CYAN, CK.BlendMode.ColorBurn); // $ExpectType ColorFilter
225    const filterTwo = cf.MakeLinearToSRGBGamma(); // $ExpectType ColorFilter
226    const filterThree = cf.MakeSRGBToLinearGamma(); // $ExpectType ColorFilter
227    const filterFour = cf.MakeCompose(filterOne, filterTwo); // $ExpectType ColorFilter
228    const filterFive = cf.MakeLerp(0.7, filterThree, filterFour); // $ExpectType ColorFilter
230    const r = CK.ColorMatrix.rotated(0, .707, -.707);  // $ExpectType Float32Array
231    const b = CK.ColorMatrix.rotated(2, .5, .866);
232    const s = CK.ColorMatrix.scaled(0.9, 1.5, 0.8, 0.8);
233    let cm = CK.ColorMatrix.concat(r, s);
234    cm = CK.ColorMatrix.concat(cm, b);
235    CK.ColorMatrix.postTranslate(cm, 20, 0, -10, 0);
237    const filterSix = CK.ColorFilter.MakeMatrix(cm); // $ExpectType ColorFilter
240function contourMeasureTests(CK: CanvasKit, path?: Path) {
241    if (!path) return;
242    const iter = new CK.ContourMeasureIter(path, true, 2); // $ExpectType ContourMeasureIter
243    const contour = iter.next(); // $ExpectType ContourMeasure | null
244    if (!contour) return;
245    const pt = contour.getPosTan(2); // $ExpectType Float32Array
246    contour.getPosTan(2, pt);
247    const segment = contour.getSegment(0, 20, true); // $ExpectType Path
248    const closed = contour.isClosed(); // $ExpectType boolean
249    const length = contour.length(); // $ExpectType number
252function imageTests(CK: CanvasKit, imgElement?: HTMLImageElement) {
253    if (!imgElement) return;
254    const buff = new ArrayBuffer(10);
255    const img = CK.MakeImageFromEncoded(buff); // $ExpectType Image | null
256    const img2 = CK.MakeImageFromCanvasImageSource(imgElement); // $ExpectType Image
257    const img3 = CK.MakeImage({ // $ExpectType Image | null
258      width: 1,
259      height: 1,
260      alphaType: CK.AlphaType.Premul,
261      colorType: CK.ColorType.RGBA_8888,
262      colorSpace: CK.ColorSpace.SRGB
263    }, Uint8Array.of(255, 0, 0, 250), 4);
264    if (!img) return;
265    const dOne = img.encodeToBytes(); // $ExpectType Uint8Array | null
266    const dTwo = img.encodeToBytes(CK.ImageFormat.JPEG, 97);
267    const h = img.height();
268    const w = img.width();
269    const s1 = img.makeShaderCubic(CK.TileMode.Decal, CK.TileMode.Repeat, 1 / 3, 1 / 3); // $ExpectType Shader
270    const mm = img.makeCopyWithDefaultMipmaps(); // $ExpectType Image
271    const s2 = mm.makeShaderOptions(CK.TileMode.Decal, CK.TileMode.Repeat, // $ExpectType Shader
272        CK.FilterMode.Nearest, CK.MipmapMode.Linear,
273        CK.Matrix.identity());
274    const pixels = img.readPixels(85, 1000, { // $ExpectType Float32Array | Uint8Array | null
275        width: 79,
276        height: 205,
277        colorType: CK.ColorType.RGBA_8888,
278        alphaType: CK.AlphaType.Unpremul,
279        colorSpace: CK.ColorSpace.SRGB,
280    });
281    const m = CK.Malloc(Uint8Array, 10);
282    img.readPixels(85, 1000, {
283        width: 79,
284        height: 205,
285        colorType: CK.ColorType.RGBA_8888,
286        alphaType: CK.AlphaType.Unpremul,
287        colorSpace: CK.ColorSpace.SRGB,
288    }, m, 4 * 85);
289    const ii = img.getImageInfo(); // $ExpectType PartialImageInfo
290    const cs = img.getColorSpace(); // $ExpectType ColorSpace
291    cs.delete();
292    img.delete();
295function imageFilterTests(CK: CanvasKit, colorFilter?: ColorFilter) {
296    if (!colorFilter) return;
297    const imgf = CK.ImageFilter; // less typing
298    const filter = imgf.MakeBlur(2, 4, CK.TileMode.Mirror, null); // $ExpectType ImageFilter
299    const filter1 = imgf.MakeBlur(2, 4, CK.TileMode.Decal, filter); // $ExpectType ImageFilter
300    const filter2 = imgf.MakeColorFilter(colorFilter, null); // $ExpectType ImageFilter
301    const filter3 = imgf.MakeColorFilter(colorFilter, filter); // $ExpectType ImageFilter
302    const filter4 = imgf.MakeCompose(null, filter2); // $ExpectType ImageFilter
303    const filter5 = imgf.MakeCompose(filter3, null); // $ExpectType ImageFilter
304    const filter6 = imgf.MakeCompose(filter4, filter2); // $ExpectType ImageFilter
305    const filter7 = imgf.MakeMatrixTransform(CK.Matrix.scaled(2, 3, 10, 10),
306                                             CK.FilterQuality.High, null);
307    const filter8 = imgf.MakeMatrixTransform(CK.M44.identity(),
308                                             CK.FilterQuality.None, filter6);
311function fontTests(CK: CanvasKit, face?: Typeface, paint?: Paint) {
312    if (!face || !paint) return;
313    const font = new CK.Font(); // $ExpectType Font
314    const f2 = new CK.Font(face); // $ExpectType Font
315    const f3 = new CK.Font(null); // $ExpectType Font
316    const f4 = new CK.Font(face, 20); // $ExpectType Font
317    const f5 = new CK.Font(null, 20); // $ExpectType Font
318    const f6 = new CK.Font(null, 20, 2, 3); // $ExpectType Font
319    const f7 = new CK.Font(face, 20, 4, 5); // $ExpectType Font
321    const glyphMalloc = CK.MallocGlyphIDs(20);
322    const someGlyphs = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
324    const glyphBounds = font.getGlyphBounds(glyphMalloc, paint); // $ExpectType Float32Array
325    font.getGlyphBounds(someGlyphs, null, glyphBounds);
327    const ids = font.getGlyphIDs('abcd');
328    font.getGlyphIDs('efgh', 4, ids);
330    const widths = font.getGlyphWidths(glyphMalloc, paint);
331    font.getGlyphWidths(someGlyphs, null, widths);
333    font.getScaleX();
334    font.getSize();
335    font.getSkewX();
336    font.getTypeface();
337    font.setEdging(CK.FontEdging.Alias);
338    font.setEmbeddedBitmaps(true);
339    font.setHinting(CK.FontHinting.Slight);
340    font.setLinearMetrics(true);
341    font.setScaleX(5);
342    font.setSize(15);
343    font.setSkewX(2);
344    font.setSubpixel(true);
345    font.setTypeface(null);
346    font.setTypeface(face);
349function fontMgrTests(CK: CanvasKit) {
350    const fm = CK.FontMgr.RefDefault(); // $ExpectType FontMgr
352    const buff1 = new ArrayBuffer(10);
353    const buff2 = new ArrayBuffer(20);
355    const fm2 = CK.FontMgr.FromData(buff1, buff2);
356    fm.countFamilies();
357    fm.getFamilyName(0);
359    const tf = fm.makeTypefaceFromData(buff1); // $ExpectType Typeface
362function globalTests(CK: CanvasKit, path?: Path) {
363    if (!path) {
364        return;
365    }
366    const ctx = CK.currentContext();
367    CK.setCurrentContext(ctx);
368    CK.deleteContext(ctx);
369    const n = CK.getDecodeCacheLimitBytes();
370    const u = CK.getDecodeCacheUsedBytes();
371    CK.setDecodeCacheLimitBytes(1000);
372    const matr = CK.Matrix.rotated(Math.PI / 6);
373    const p = CK.getShadowLocalBounds(matr, path, [0, 0, 1], [500, 500, 20], 20,
374        CK.ShadowDirectionalLight | CK.ShadowGeometricOnly | CK.ShadowDirectionalLight);
375    const mallocedVector3 = CK.Malloc(Float32Array, 3);
376    const q = CK.getShadowLocalBounds(matr, path, mallocedVector3, mallocedVector3, 20,
377    CK.ShadowDirectionalLight | CK.ShadowGeometricOnly | CK.ShadowDirectionalLight);
380function paintTests(CK: CanvasKit, colorFilter?: ColorFilter, imageFilter?: ImageFilter,
381                    maskFilter?: MaskFilter, pathEffect?: PathEffect, shader?: Shader) {
382    if (!colorFilter || !colorFilter || !imageFilter || !maskFilter || !pathEffect || !shader) {
383        return;
384    }
385    const paint = new CK.Paint(); // $ExpectType Paint
386    const newPaint = paint.copy(); // $ExpectType Paint
387    const bm = paint.getBlendMode();
388    const color = paint.getColor(); // $ExpectType Float32Array
389    const sc = paint.getStrokeCap();
390    const sj = paint.getStrokeJoin();
391    const limit = paint.getStrokeMiter(); // $ExpectType number
392    const width = paint.getStrokeWidth(); // $ExpectType number
393    paint.setAlphaf(0.8);
394    paint.setAntiAlias(true);
395    paint.setBlendMode(bm);
396    paint.setColor(CK.RED);
397    paint.setColor([0, 0, 1.2, 0.5], CK.ColorSpace.DISPLAY_P3);
398    paint.setColorComponents(0, 0, 0.9, 1.0);
399    paint.setColorComponents(0, 0, 1.2, 0.5, CK.ColorSpace.DISPLAY_P3);
400    paint.setColorFilter(colorFilter);
401    paint.setColorInt(CK.ColorAsInt(20, 30, 40));
402    paint.setColorInt(CK.ColorAsInt(20, 30, 40), CK.ColorSpace.SRGB);
403    paint.setImageFilter(imageFilter);
404    paint.setMaskFilter(maskFilter);
405    paint.setPathEffect(pathEffect);
406    paint.setShader(shader);
407    paint.setStrokeCap(CK.StrokeCap.Round);
408    paint.setStrokeJoin(CK.StrokeJoin.Miter);
409    paint.setStrokeMiter(10);
410    paint.setStrokeWidth(20);
411    paint.setStyle(CK.PaintStyle.Fill);
412    paint.delete();
415function pathTests(CK: CanvasKit) {
416    const path = new CK.Path();  // $ExpectType Path
417    const p2 = CK.Path.MakeFromCmds([ // $ExpectType Path | null
418        [CK.MOVE_VERB, 0, 10],
419        [CK.LINE_VERB, 30, 40],
420        [CK.QUAD_VERB, 20, 50, 45, 60],
421    ]);
422    const verbs = CK.Malloc(Uint8Array, 10);
423    const points = CK.Malloc(Float32Array, 10);
424    const p3 = CK.Path.MakeFromVerbsPointsWeights(verbs, [1, 2, 3, 4]); // $ExpectType Path
425    const p4 = CK.Path.MakeFromVerbsPointsWeights([CK.CONIC_VERB], points, [2.3]);
426    const p5 = CK.Path.MakeFromOp(p4, p2!, CK.PathOp.ReverseDifference); // $ExpectType Path | null
427    const p6 = CK.Path.MakeFromSVGString('M 205,5 L 795,5 z'); // $ExpectType Path | null
429    const someRect = CK.LTRBRect(10, 20, 30, 40);
430    // Making sure arrays are accepted as rrects.
431    const someRRect = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12];
433    path.addArc(someRect, 0, 270);
434    path.addOval(someRect);
435    path.addOval(someRect, true, 3);
436    path.addPath(p2);
437    path.addPoly([20, 20,  40, 40,  20, 40], true);
438    path.addRect(someRect);
439    path.addRect(someRect, true);
440    path.addRRect(someRRect);
441    path.addRRect(someRRect, true);
442    path.addVerbsPointsWeights(verbs, [1, 2, 3, 4]);
443    path.addVerbsPointsWeights([CK.CONIC_VERB], points, [2.3]);
444    path.arc(0, 0, 10, 0, Math.PI / 2);
445    path.arc(0, 0, 10, 0, Math.PI / 2, true);
446    path.arcToOval(someRect, 15, 60, true);
447    path.arcToRotated(2, 4, 90, false, true, 0, 20);
448    path.arcToTangent(20, 20, 40, 50, 2);
449    path.close();
450    let bounds = path.computeTightBounds(); // $ExpectType Float32Array
451    path.computeTightBounds(bounds);
452    path.conicTo(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
453    let ok = path.contains(10, 20); // $ExpectType boolean
454    const pCopy = path.copy(); // $ExpectType Path
455    const count = path.countPoints(); // $ExpectType number
456    path.cubicTo(10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10);
457    ok = path.dash(8, 4, 1);
458    ok = path.equals(pCopy);
459    bounds = path.getBounds(); // $ExpectType Float32Array
460    path.getBounds(bounds);
461    const ft = path.getFillType();
462    const pt = path.getPoint(7); // $ExpectType Float32Array
463    path.getPoint(8, pt);
464    ok = path.isEmpty();
465    ok = path.isVolatile();
466    path.lineTo(10, -20);
467    path.moveTo(-20, -30);
468    path.offset(100, 100);
469    ok = path.op(p2!, CK.PathOp.Difference);
470    path.quadTo(10, 20, 30, 40);
471    path.rArcTo(10, 10, 90, false, true, 2, 4);
472    path.rConicTo(-1, 2, 4, 9, 3);
473    path.rCubicTo(20, 30, 40, 50, 2, 1);
474    path.reset();
475    path.rewind();
476    path.rLineTo(20, 30);
477    path.rMoveTo(40, 80);
478    path.rQuadTo(1, 2, 3, 4);
479    path.setFillType(CK.FillType.EvenOdd);
480    path.setIsVolatile(true);
481    ok = path.simplify();
482    path.stroke();
483    path.stroke({});
484    path.stroke({
485        width: 20,
486        miter_limit: 9,
487        precision: 0.5,
488        cap: CK.StrokeCap.Butt,
489        join: CK.StrokeJoin.Miter,
490    });
491    const cmds = path.toCmds(); // $ExpectType PathCommand[]
492    const str = path.toSVGString(); // $ExpectType string
493    path.transform(CK.Matrix.identity());
494    path.transform(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1);
495    path.trim(0.1, 0.7, false);
498function paragraphTests(CK: CanvasKit, p?: Paragraph) {
499    if (!p) return;
500    const a = p.didExceedMaxLines(); // $ExpectType boolean
501    const b = p.getAlphabeticBaseline(); // $ExpectType number
502    const c = p.getGlyphPositionAtCoordinate(10, 3); // $ExpectType PositionWithAffinity
503    const d = p.getHeight(); // $ExpectType number
504    const e = p.getIdeographicBaseline(); // $ExpectType number
505    const f = p.getLongestLine(); // $ExpectType number
506    const g = p.getMaxIntrinsicWidth(); // $ExpectType number
507    const h = p.getMaxWidth(); // $ExpectType number
508    const i = p.getMinIntrinsicWidth(); // $ExpectType number
509    const j = p.getRectsForPlaceholders(); // $ExpectType Float32Array
510    const k = p.getRectsForRange(2, 10, CK.RectHeightStyle.Max,  // $ExpectType Float32Array
511        CK.RectWidthStyle.Tight);
512    const l = p.getWordBoundary(10); // $ExpectType URange
513    p.layout(300);
514    const m = p.getLineMetrics(); // $ExpectType LineMetrics[]
515    const n = CK.GlyphRunFlags.IsWhiteSpace === 1;
518function paragraphBuilderTests(CK: CanvasKit, fontMgr?: FontMgr, paint?: Paint) {
519    if (!fontMgr || !paint) return;
520    const paraStyle = new CK.ParagraphStyle({ // $ExpectType ParagraphStyle
521        textStyle: {
522            color: CK.BLACK,
523            fontFamilies: ['Noto Serif'],
524            fontSize: 20,
525        },
526        textAlign: CK.TextAlign.Center,
527        maxLines: 8,
528        ellipsis: '.._.',
529        strutStyle: {
530            strutEnabled: true,
531            fontFamilies: ['Roboto'],
532            fontSize: 28,
533            heightMultiplier: 1.5,
534            forceStrutHeight: true,
535        },
536        disableHinting: true,
537        heightMultiplier: 2.5,
538        textDirection: CK.TextDirection.LTR,
539        textHeightBehavior: CK.TextHeightBehavior.DisableFirstAscent
540    });
541    const blueText = new CK.TextStyle({ // $ExpectType TextStyle
542        backgroundColor: CK.Color(234, 208, 232), // light pink
543        color: CK.Color(48, 37, 199),
544        fontFamilies: ['Noto Serif'],
545        decoration: CK.LineThroughDecoration,
546        decorationThickness: 1.5, // multiplier based on font size
547        fontSize: 24,
548        fontFeatures: [{name: 'smcp', value: 1}],
549        shadows: [{color: CK.BLACK, blurRadius: 15},
550                  {color: CK.RED, blurRadius: 5, offset: [10, 10]}],
551    });
553    const builder = CK.ParagraphBuilder.Make(paraStyle, fontMgr); // $ExpectType ParagraphBuilder
555    builder.pushStyle(blueText);
556    builder.addText('VAVAVAVAVAVAVA\nVAVA\n');
557    builder.pop();
558    const paragraph = builder.build(); // $ExpectType Paragraph
560    const buf = new ArrayBuffer(10);
561    const fontSrc = CK.TypefaceFontProvider.Make(); // $ExpectType TypefaceFontProvider
562    fontSrc.registerFont(buf, 'sans-serif');
563    const builder2 = CK.ParagraphBuilder.MakeFromFontProvider(// $ExpectType ParagraphBuilder
564                                paraStyle, fontSrc);
565    builder2.pushPaintStyle(blueText, paint, paint);
566    builder2.addPlaceholder();
567    builder2.addPlaceholder(10, 20, CK.PlaceholderAlignment.Top, CK.TextBaseline.Ideographic, 3);
570function particlesTests(CK: CanvasKit, canvas?: Canvas) {
571    if (!canvas) return;
573    const par = CK.MakeParticles('some json'); // $ExpectType Particles
574    par.draw(canvas);
575    par.uniforms()[0] = 1.2;
576    const a = par.getUniform(1); // $ExpectType SkSLUniform
577    const b = par.getUniformCount(); // $ExpectType number
578    const c = par.getUniformFloatCount(); // $ExpectType number
579    const d = par.getUniformName(3); // $ExpectType string
580    par.uniforms()[2] = 4.5;
581    par.setPosition([3, 5]);
582    par.setRate(3);
583    par.start(0, true);
584    par.update(2);
586    const buff = new ArrayBuffer(10);
587    const par2 = CK.MakeParticles('other json', { // $ExpectType Particles
588        'flightAnim.gif': buff,
589    });
592function pathEffectTests(CK: CanvasKit) {
593    const pe1 = CK.PathEffect.MakeCorner(2); // $ExpectType PathEffect | null
594    const pe2 = CK.PathEffect.MakeDash([2, 4]); // $ExpectType PathEffect
595    const pe3 = CK.PathEffect.MakeDash([2, 4, 6, 8], 10); // $ExpectType PathEffect
596    const pe4 = CK.PathEffect.MakeDiscrete(10, 2, 0); // $ExpectType PathEffect
599function mallocTests(CK: CanvasKit) {
600    const mFoo = CK.Malloc(Float32Array, 5);
601    const mArray = mFoo.toTypedArray(); // $ExpectType TypedArray
602    mArray[3] = 1.7;
603    const mSubArray = mFoo.subarray(0, 2); // $ExpectType TypedArray
604    mSubArray[0] = 2;
605    CK.Free(mFoo);
608function maskFilterTests(CK: CanvasKit) {
609    const mf = CK.MaskFilter.MakeBlur(CK.BlurStyle.Solid, 8, false); // $ExpectType MaskFilter
612function matrixTests(CK: CanvasKit) {
613    const m33 = CK.Matrix; // less typing
614    const matrA = m33.identity(); // $ExpectType number[]
615    const matrB = m33.rotated(0.1); // $ExpectType number[]
616    const matrC = m33.rotated(0.1, 15, 20); // $ExpectType number[]
617    const matrD = m33.multiply(matrA, matrB); // $ExpectType number[]
618    const matrE = m33.multiply(matrA, matrB, matrC, matrB, matrA); // $ExpectType number[]
619    const matrF = m33.scaled(1, 2); // $ExpectType number[]
620    const matrG = m33.scaled(1, 2, 3, 4); // $ExpectType number[]
621    const matrH = m33.skewed(1, 2); // $ExpectType number[]
622    const matrI = m33.skewed(1, 2, 3, 4); // $ExpectType number[]
623    const matrJ = m33.translated(1, 2); // $ExpectType number[]
624    const matrK = m33.invert(matrJ);
626    const m44 = CK.M44;
627    const matr1 = m44.identity(); // $ExpectType number[]
628    const matr2 = m44.invert(matr1);
629    const matr3 = m44.lookat([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]); // $ExpectType number[]
630    const matr4 = m44.multiply(matr1, matr3); // $ExpectType number[]
631    const matr5 = m44.mustInvert(matr1); // $ExpectType number[]
632    const matr6 = m44.perspective(1, 8, 0.4); // $ExpectType number[]
633    const matr7 = m44.rc(matr6, 0, 3); // $ExpectType number
634    const matr8 = m44.rotated([2, 3, 4], -0.4); // $ExpectType number[]
635    const matr9 = m44.rotatedUnitSinCos([4, 3, 2], 0.9, 0.1); // $ExpectType number[]
636    const matr10 = m44.scaled([5, 5, 5]); // $ExpectType number[]
637    const matr11 = m44.setupCamera(CK.LTRBRect(1, 2, 3, 4), 0.4, {
638        eye: [0, 0, 1],
639        coa: [0, 0, 0],
640        up:  [0, 1, 0],
641        near: 0.2,
642        far: 4,
643        angle: Math.PI / 12,
644    });
645    const matr12 = m44.translated([3, 2, 1]); // $ExpectType number[]
646    const matr13 = m44.transpose([4, 5, 8]); // $ExpectType number[]
649function pictureTests(CK: CanvasKit) {
650    const recorder = new CK.PictureRecorder(); // $ExpectType PictureRecorder
651    const canvas = recorder.beginRecording(CK.LTRBRect(0, 0, 100, 100));  // $ExpectType Canvas
652    const pic = recorder.finishRecordingAsPicture(); // $ExpectType SkPicture
653    const bytes = pic.serialize(); // $ExpectType Uint8Array | null
654    const pic2 = CK.MakePicture(bytes!);
657function rectangleTests(CK: CanvasKit) {
658    const rectOne = CK.LTRBRect(5, 10, 20, 30); // $ExpectType Float32Array
659    const rectTwo = CK.XYWHRect(5, 10, 15, 20); // $ExpectType Float32Array
660    const iRectOne = CK.LTRBiRect(105, 110, 120, 130); // $ExpectType Int32Array
661    const iRectTwo = CK.XYWHiRect(105, 110, 15, 20); // $ExpectType Int32Array
662    const rrectOne = CK.RRectXY(rectOne, 3, 7);  // $ExpectType Float32Array
665function runtimeEffectTests(CK: CanvasKit) {
666    const rt = CK.RuntimeEffect.Make('not real sksl code'); // $ExpectType RuntimeEffect | null
667    if (!rt) return;
668    const rt2 = CK.RuntimeEffect.Make('not real sksl code', (err) => {
669        console.log(err);
670    });
671    const someMatr = CK.Matrix.translated(2, 60);
672    const s1 = rt.makeShader([0, 1]); // $ExpectType Shader
673    const s2 = rt.makeShader([0, 1], true, someMatr); // $ExpectType Shader
674    const s3 = rt.makeShaderWithChildren([4, 5], true, [s1, s2]); // $ExpectType Shader
675    const s4 = rt.makeShaderWithChildren([4, 5], true, [s1, s2], someMatr); // $ExpectType Shader
676    const a = rt.getUniform(1); // $ExpectType SkSLUniform
677    const b = rt.getUniformCount(); // $ExpectType number
678    const c = rt.getUniformFloatCount(); // $ExpectType number
679    const d = rt.getUniformName(3); // $ExpectType string
682function skottieTests(CK: CanvasKit, canvas?: Canvas) {
683    if (!canvas) return;
685    const anim = CK.MakeAnimation('some json'); // $ExpectType SkottieAnimation
686    const a = anim.duration(); // $ExpectType number
687    const b = anim.fps(); // $ExpectType number
688    const c = anim.version(); // $ExpectType string
689    const d = anim.size(); // $ExpectType Float32Array
690    anim.size(d);
691    const rect = anim.seek(0.5);
692    anim.seek(0.6, rect);
693    const rect2 = anim.seekFrame(12.3);
694    anim.seekFrame(12.3, rect2);
695    anim.render(canvas);
696    anim.render(canvas, rect);
698    const buff = new ArrayBuffer(10);
699    const mAnim = CK.MakeManagedAnimation('other json', { // $ExpectType ManagedSkottieAnimation
700        'flightAnim.gif': buff,
701    });
702    mAnim.setColor('slider', CK.WHITE);
703    mAnim.setOpacity('slider', 0.8);
704    const e = mAnim.getMarkers();  // $ExpectType object[]
705    const f = mAnim.getColorProps();  // $ExpectType ColorProperty[]
706    const g = mAnim.getOpacityProps();  // $ExpectType OpacityProperty[]
707    const h = mAnim.getTextProps();  // $ExpectType TextProperty[]
709    const i = mAnim.setColor('foo', CK.RED);  // $ExpectType boolean
710    const j = mAnim.setOpacity('foo', 0.5);  // $ExpectType boolean
711    const k = mAnim.setText('foo', 'bar', 12);  // $ExpectType boolean
714function shaderTests(CK: CanvasKit) {
715    const s1 = CK.Shader.MakeColor([0.8, 0.2, 0.5, 0.9], // $ExpectType Shader
716                                 CK.ColorSpace.SRGB);
717    const s2 = CK.Shader.MakeBlend(CK.BlendMode.Src, s1, s1); // $ExpectType Shader
718    const s3 = CK.Shader.MakeLerp(0.3, s1, s2); // $ExpectType Shader
719    const s4 = CK.Shader.MakeLinearGradient(// $ExpectType Shader
720        [0, 0], [50, 100],
721        Float32Array.of(
722            0, 1, 0, 0.8,
723            1, 0, 0, 1,
724            0, 0, 1, 0.5,
725        ),
726        [0, 0.65, 1.0],
727        CK.TileMode.Mirror
728    );
729    const s5 = CK.Shader.MakeLinearGradient(// $ExpectType Shader
730        [0, 0], [50, 100],
731        Float32Array.of(
732            0, 1, 0, 0.8,
733            1, 0, 0, 1,
734            0, 0, 1, 0.5,
735        ),
736        null,
737        CK.TileMode.Clamp,
738        CK.Matrix.rotated(Math.PI / 4, 0, 100),
739        1,
740        CK.ColorSpace.SRGB,
741    );
742    const s6 = CK.Shader.MakeRadialGradient(// $ExpectType Shader
743        [0, 0], 50,
744        Float32Array.of(
745            0, 1, 0, 0.8,
746            1, 0, 0, 1,
747            0, 0, 1, 0.5,
748        ),
749        [0, 0.65, 1.0],
750        CK.TileMode.Decal,
751    );
752    const s7 = CK.Shader.MakeRadialGradient(// $ExpectType Shader
753        [0, 0], 50,
754        Float32Array.of(
755            0, 1, 0, 0.8,
756            1, 0, 0, 1,
757            0, 0, 1, 0.5,
758        ),
759        null,
760        CK.TileMode.Clamp,
761        CK.Matrix.skewed(3, -3),
762        1,
763        CK.ColorSpace.SRGB,
764    );
765    const s8 = CK.Shader.MakeTwoPointConicalGradient(// $ExpectType Shader
766        [0, 0], 20,
767        [50, 100], 60,
768        Float32Array.of(
769            0, 1, 0, 0.8,
770            1, 0, 0, 1,
771            0, 0, 1, 0.5,
772        ),
773        [0, 0.65, 1.0],
774        CK.TileMode.Mirror
775    );
776    const s9 = CK.Shader.MakeTwoPointConicalGradient(// $ExpectType Shader
777        [0, 0], 20,
778        [50, 100], 60,
779        Float32Array.of(
780            0, 1, 0, 0.8,
781            1, 0, 0, 1,
782            0, 0, 1, 0.5,
783        ),
784        [0, 0.65, 1.0],
785        CK.TileMode.Mirror,
786        CK.Matrix.rotated(Math.PI / 4, 0, 100),
787        1,
788        CK.ColorSpace.SRGB,
789    );
790    const s10 = CK.Shader.MakeSweepGradient(// $ExpectType Shader
791        0, 20,
792        Float32Array.of(
793            0, 1, 0, 0.8,
794            1, 0, 0, 1,
795            0, 0, 1, 0.5,
796        ),
797        [0, 0.65, 1.0],
798        CK.TileMode.Mirror
799    );
800    const s11 = CK.Shader.MakeSweepGradient(// $ExpectType Shader
801        0, 20,
802        Float32Array.of(
803            0, 1, 0, 0.8,
804            1, 0, 0, 1,
805            0, 0, 1, 0.5,
806        ),
807        null,
808        CK.TileMode.Mirror,
809        CK.Matrix.rotated(Math.PI / 4, 0, 100),
810        1,
811        15, 275, // start, end angle in degrees.
812        CK.ColorSpace.SRGB,
813    );
814    const s12 = CK.Shader.MakeFractalNoise(0.1, 0.05, 2, 0, 80, 80); // $ExpectType Shader
815    const s13 = CK.Shader.MakeTurbulence(0.1, 0.05, 2, 0, 80, 80); // $ExpectType Shader
818function surfaceTests(CK: CanvasKit) {
819    const canvasEl = document.querySelector('canvas') as HTMLCanvasElement;
820    const surfaceOne = CK.MakeCanvasSurface(canvasEl)!; // $ExpectType Surface
821    const surfaceTwo = CK.MakeCanvasSurface('my_canvas')!;
822    const surfaceThree = CK.MakeSWCanvasSurface(canvasEl)!; // $ExpectType Surface
823    const surfaceFour = CK.MakeSWCanvasSurface('my_canvas')!;
824    const surfaceFive = CK.MakeWebGLCanvasSurface(canvasEl, // $ExpectType Surface
825        CK.ColorSpace.SRGB, {
826        majorVersion: 2,
827        preferLowPowerToHighPerformance: 1,
828    })!;
829    const surfaceSix = CK.MakeWebGLCanvasSurface('my_canvas', CK.ColorSpace.DISPLAY_P3, {
830        enableExtensionsByDefault: 2,
831    })!;
832    const surfaceSeven = CK.MakeSurface(200, 200)!; // $ExpectType Surface
833    const m = CK.Malloc(Uint8Array, 5 * 5 * 4);
834    const surfaceEight = CK.MakeRasterDirectSurface({
835        width: 5,
836        height: 5,
837        colorType: CK.ColorType.RGBA_8888,
838        alphaType: CK.AlphaType.Premul,
839        colorSpace: CK.ColorSpace.SRGB,
840    }, m, 20);
842    surfaceOne.flush();
843    const canvas = surfaceTwo.getCanvas(); // $ExpectType Canvas
844    const ii = surfaceThree.imageInfo(); // $ExpectType ImageInfo
845    const h = surfaceFour.height(); // $ExpectType number
846    const w = surfaceFive.width(); // $ExpectType number
847    const subsurface = surfaceOne.makeSurface(ii); // $ExpectType Surface
848    const isGPU = subsurface.reportBackendTypeIsGPU(); // $ExpectType boolean
849    const count = surfaceThree.sampleCnt(); // $ExpectType number
850    const img = surfaceFour.makeImageSnapshot([0, 3, 2, 5]); // $ExpectType Image
851    const img2 = surfaceSix.makeImageSnapshot(); // $ExpectType Image
853    surfaceSeven.delete();
855    const ctx = CK.GetWebGLContext(canvasEl); // $ExpectType number
856    const grCtx = CK.MakeGrContext(ctx);
857    const surfaceNine = CK.MakeOnScreenGLSurface(grCtx, 100, 400, // $ExpectType Surface
858        CK.ColorSpace.ADOBE_RGB)!;
860    const rt = CK.MakeRenderTarget(grCtx, 100, 200); // $ExpectType Surface | null
861    const rt2 = CK.MakeRenderTarget(grCtx, { // $ExpectType Surface | null
862        width: 79,
863        height: 205,
864        colorType: CK.ColorType.RGBA_8888,
865        alphaType: CK.AlphaType.Premul,
866        colorSpace: CK.ColorSpace.SRGB,
867    });
870function textBlobTests(CK: CanvasKit, font?: Font, path?: Path) {
871    if (!font || !path) return;
872    const tb = CK.TextBlob; // less typing
873    const ids = font.getGlyphIDs('abc');
874    const mXforms = CK.Malloc(Float32Array, ids.length * 4);
876    const blob = tb.MakeFromGlyphs([5, 6, 7, 8], font); // $ExpectType TextBlob
877    const blob1 = tb.MakeFromGlyphs(ids, font); // $ExpectType TextBlob
878    const blob2 = tb.MakeFromRSXform('cdf', mXforms, font); // $ExpectType TextBlob
879    const blob3 = tb.MakeFromRSXform('c', [-1, 0, 2, 3], font); // $ExpectType TextBlob
880    const blob4 = tb.MakeFromRSXformGlyphs([3, 6], mXforms, font); // $ExpectType TextBlob
881    const blob5 = tb.MakeFromRSXformGlyphs(ids, [-1, 0, 2, 3], font); // $ExpectType TextBlob
882    const blob6 = tb.MakeFromText('xyz', font); // $ExpectType TextBlob
883    const blob7 = tb.MakeOnPath('tuv', path, font); // $ExpectType TextBlob
884    const blob8 = tb.MakeOnPath('tuv', path, font, 10); // $ExpectType TextBlob
887function vectorTests(CK: CanvasKit) {
888    const a = [1, 2, 3];
889    const b = [4, 5, 6];
891    const vec = CK.Vector; // less typing
892    const v1 = vec.add(a, b); // $ExpectType VectorN
893    const v2 = vec.cross(a, b); // $ExpectType Vector3
894    const n1 = vec.dist(a, b); // $ExpectType number
895    const n2 = vec.dot(a, b); // $ExpectType number
896    const n3 = vec.length(a); // $ExpectType number
897    const n4 = vec.lengthSquared(a); // $ExpectType number
898    const v3 = vec.mulScalar(a, 10); // $ExpectType VectorN
899    const v4 = vec.normalize(a); // $ExpectType VectorN
900    const v5 = vec.sub(a, b); // $ExpectType VectorN
903function verticesTests(CK: CanvasKit) {
904    const points = [
905         70, 170,   40, 90,  130, 150,  100, 50,
906        225, 150,  225, 60,  310, 180,  330, 100,
907    ];
908    const textureCoordinates = [
909          0, 240,    0, 0,   80, 240,   80, 0,
910        160, 240,  160, 0,  240, 240,  240, 0,
911    ];
912    const vertices = CK.MakeVertices(CK.VertexMode.TrianglesStrip, // $ExpectType Vertices
913        points, textureCoordinates);
915    const points2 = new Float32Array(points);
916    // 1d float color array
917    const colors = Float32Array.of(
918        1, 0, 0, 1, // red
919        0, 1, 0, 1, // green
920        0, 0, 1, 1, // blue
921        1, 0, 1, 1); // purple
922    const vertices2 = CK.MakeVertices(CK.VertexMode.TriangleFan,
923        points2, null, colors, null, true);
925    const rect = vertices.bounds(); // $ExpectType Float32Array
926    vertices.bounds(rect);
927    const id = vertices.uniqueID(); // $ExpectType number