2# Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
4# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6# You may obtain a copy of the License at
8#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14# limitations under the License.
17import logging
18import os
19import re
20import signal
21import sys
22import threading
23import time
25from vts.proto import VtsReportMessage_pb2 as ReportMsg
26from vts.runners.host import asserts
27from vts.runners.host import const
28from vts.runners.host import errors
29from vts.runners.host import keys
30from vts.runners.host import logger
31from vts.runners.host import records
32from vts.runners.host import signals
33from vts.runners.host import utils
34from vts.utils.python.controllers import adb
35from vts.utils.python.controllers import android_device
36from vts.utils.python.controllers.adb import AdbError
37from vts.utils.python.common import cmd_utils
38from vts.utils.python.common import filter_utils
39from vts.utils.python.common import list_utils
40from vts.utils.python.common import timeout_utils
41from vts.utils.python.coverage import coverage_utils
42from vts.utils.python.coverage import sancov_utils
43from vts.utils.python.instrumentation import test_framework_instrumentation as tfi
44from vts.utils.python.io import file_util
45from vts.utils.python.precondition import precondition_utils
46from vts.utils.python.profiling import profiling_utils
47from vts.utils.python.reporting import log_uploading_utils
48from vts.utils.python.systrace import systrace_utils
49from vts.utils.python.web import feature_utils
50from vts.utils.python.web import web_utils
53# Macro strings for test result reporting
54TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE = "[Test Case] %s %s"
56STR_TEST = "test"
57STR_GENERATE = "generate"
60_REPORT_MESSAGE_FILE_NAME = "report_proto.msg"
61_BUG_REPORT_FILE_PREFIX = "bugreport_"
64_LOGCAT_FILE_PREFIX = "logcat_"
66_ANDROID_DEVICES = '_android_devices'
67_REASON_TO_SKIP_ALL_TESTS = '_reason_to_skip_all_tests'
69# the name of a system property which tells whether to stop properly configured
70# native servers where properly configured means a server's init.rc is
71# configured to stop when that property's value is 1.
72SYSPROP_VTS_NATIVE_SERVER = "vts.native_server.on"
75    'radio',
76    'events',
77    'main',
78    'system',
79    'crash'
83class BaseTestClass(object):
84    """Base class for all test classes to inherit from.
86    This class gets all the controller objects from test_runner and executes
87    the test cases requested within itself.
89    Most attributes of this class are set at runtime based on the configuration
90    provided.
92    Attributes:
93        android_devices: A list of AndroidDevice object, representing android
94                         devices.
95        test_module_name: A string representing the test module name.
96        tests: A list of strings, each representing a test case name.
97        log: A logger object used for logging.
98        results: A records.TestResult object for aggregating test results from
99                 the execution of test cases.
100        _current_record: A records.TestResultRecord object for the test case
101                         currently being executed. If no test is running, this
102                         should be None.
103        _interrupted: Whether the test execution has been interrupted.
104        _interrupt_lock: The threading.Lock object that protects _interrupted.
105        _timer: The threading.Timer object that interrupts main thread when
106                timeout.
107        timeout: A float, the timeout, in seconds, configured for this object.
108        include_filer: A list of string, each representing a test case name to
109                       include.
110        exclude_filer: A list of string, each representing a test case name to
111                       exclude. Has no effect if include_filer is not empty.
112        abi_name: String, name of abi in use
113        abi_bitness: String, bitness of abi in use
114        web: WebFeature, object storing web feature util for test run
115        coverage: CoverageFeature, object storing coverage feature util for test run
116        sancov: SancovFeature, object storing sancov feature util for test run
117        start_time_sec: int, time value in seconds when the module execution starts.
118        start_vts_agents: whether to start vts agents when registering new
119                          android devices.
120        profiling: ProfilingFeature, object storing profiling feature util for test run
121        _bug_report_on_failure: bool, whether to catch bug report at the end
122                                of failed test cases. Default is False
123        _logcat_on_failure: bool, whether to dump logcat at the end
124                                of failed test cases. Default is True
125        _is_final_run: bool, whether the current test run is the final run during retry.
126        test_filter: Filter object to filter test names.
127        _test_filter_retry: Filter object for retry filtering.
128        max_retry_count: int, max number of retries.
129    """
130    _current_record = None
131    start_vts_agents = True
133    def __init__(self, configs):
134        self.start_time_sec = time.time()
135        self.tests = []
136        # Set all the controller objects and params.
137        for name, value in configs.items():
138            setattr(self, name, value)
139        self.results = records.TestResult()
140        self.log = logger.LoggerProxy()
142        # Timeout
143        self._interrupted = False
144        self._interrupt_lock = threading.Lock()
145        self._timer = None
147        timeout_milli = self.getUserParam(keys.ConfigKeys.KEY_TEST_TIMEOUT, 0)
148        self.timeout = timeout_milli / 1000 if timeout_milli > 0 else _DEFAULT_TEST_TIMEOUT_SECS
150        # Setup test filters
151        # TODO(yuexima): remove include_filter and exclude_filter from class attributes
152        # after confirming all modules no longer have reference to them
153        self.include_filter = self.getUserParam(
154            [
155                keys.ConfigKeys.KEY_TEST_SUITE,
156                keys.ConfigKeys.KEY_INCLUDE_FILTER
157            ],
158            default_value=[])
159        self.exclude_filter = self.getUserParam(
160            [
161                keys.ConfigKeys.KEY_TEST_SUITE,
162                keys.ConfigKeys.KEY_EXCLUDE_FILTER
163            ],
164            default_value=[])
166        self.test_module_name = self.getUserParam(
167            keys.ConfigKeys.KEY_TESTBED_NAME,
168            warn_if_not_found=True,
169            default_value=self.__class__.__name__)
171        self.updateTestFilter()
173        logging.debug('Test filter: %s' % self.test_filter)
175        # TODO: get abi information differently for multi-device support.
176        # Set other optional parameters
177        self.abi_name = self.getUserParam(
178            keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_ABI_NAME, default_value=None)
179        self.abi_bitness = self.getUserParam(
180            keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_ABI_BITNESS, default_value=None)
181        self.skip_on_32bit_abi = self.getUserParam(
182            keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_SKIP_ON_32BIT_ABI, default_value=False)
183        self.skip_on_64bit_abi = self.getUserParam(
184            keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_SKIP_ON_64BIT_ABI, default_value=False)
185        self.run_32bit_on_64bit_abi = self.getUserParam(
186            keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_RUN_32BIT_ON_64BIT_ABI, default_value=False)
187        self.max_retry_count = self.getUserParam(
188            keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_MAX_RETRY_COUNT, default_value=0)
190        self.web = web_utils.WebFeature(self.user_params)
191        self.coverage = coverage_utils.CoverageFeature(
192            self.user_params, web=self.web)
193        self.sancov = sancov_utils.SancovFeature(
194            self.user_params, web=self.web)
195        self.profiling = profiling_utils.ProfilingFeature(
196            self.user_params, web=self.web)
197        self.systrace = systrace_utils.SystraceFeature(
198            self.user_params, web=self.web)
199        self.log_uploading = log_uploading_utils.LogUploadingFeature(
200            self.user_params, web=self.web)
201        self.collect_tests_only = self.getUserParam(
202            keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_COLLECT_TESTS_ONLY, default_value=False)
203        self.run_as_vts_self_test = self.getUserParam(
204            keys.ConfigKeys.RUN_AS_VTS_SELFTEST, default_value=False)
205        self.run_as_compliance_test = self.getUserParam(
206            keys.ConfigKeys.RUN_AS_COMPLIANCE_TEST, default_value=False)
207        self._bug_report_on_failure = self.getUserParam(
208            keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_BUG_REPORT_ON_FAILURE, default_value=False)
209        self._logcat_on_failure = self.getUserParam(
210            keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_LOGCAT_ON_FAILURE, default_value=True)
211        self._test_filter_retry = None
213    @property
214    def android_devices(self):
215        """Returns a list of AndroidDevice objects"""
216        if not hasattr(self, _ANDROID_DEVICES):
217            event = tfi.Begin('base_test registering android_device. '
218                              'Start agents: %s' % self.start_vts_agents,
219                              tfi.categories.FRAMEWORK_SETUP)
220            setattr(self, _ANDROID_DEVICES,
221                    self.registerController(android_device,
222                                            start_services=self.start_vts_agents))
223            event.End()
225            for device in getattr(self, _ANDROID_DEVICES):
226                device.shell_default_nohup = self.getUserParam(
227                    keys.ConfigKeys.SHELL_DEFAULT_NOHUP, default_value=True)
228        return getattr(self, _ANDROID_DEVICES)
230    @android_devices.setter
231    def android_devices(self, devices):
232        """Set the list of AndroidDevice objects"""
233        setattr(self, _ANDROID_DEVICES, devices)
235    def __enter__(self):
236        return self
238    def __exit__(self, *args):
239        self._exec_func(self.cleanUp)
241    def updateTestFilter(self):
242        """Updates test filter using include and exclude filters."""
243        self.include_filter = list_utils.ExpandItemDelimiters(
244            list_utils.ItemsToStr(self.include_filter), ',')
245        self.exclude_filter = list_utils.ExpandItemDelimiters(
246            list_utils.ItemsToStr(self.exclude_filter), ',')
248        exclude_over_include = self.getUserParam(
249            keys.ConfigKeys.KEY_EXCLUDE_OVER_INCLUDE, default_value=None)
251        self.test_filter = filter_utils.Filter(
252            self.include_filter,
253            self.exclude_filter,
254            enable_regex=True,
255            exclude_over_include=exclude_over_include,
256            enable_negative_pattern=True,
257            enable_module_name_prefix_matching=True,
258            module_name=self.test_module_name,
259            expand_bitness=True)
261    def unpack_userparams(self, req_param_names=[], opt_param_names=[], **kwargs):
262        """Wrapper for test cases using ACTS runner API."""
263        return self.getUserParams(req_param_names, opt_param_names, **kwargs)
265    def getUserParams(self, req_param_names=[], opt_param_names=[], **kwargs):
266        """Unpacks user defined parameters in test config into individual
267        variables.
269        Instead of accessing the user param with self.user_params["xxx"], the
270        variable can be directly accessed with self.xxx.
272        A missing required param will raise an exception. If an optional param
273        is missing, an INFO line will be logged.
275        Args:
276            req_param_names: A list of names of the required user params.
277            opt_param_names: A list of names of the optional user params.
278            **kwargs: Arguments that provide default values.
279                e.g. getUserParams(required_list, opt_list, arg_a="hello")
280                     self.arg_a will be "hello" unless it is specified again in
281                     required_list or opt_list.
283        Raises:
284            BaseTestError is raised if a required user params is missing from
285            test config.
286        """
287        for k, v in kwargs.items():
288            setattr(self, k, v)
289        for name in req_param_names:
290            if name not in self.user_params:
291                raise errors.BaseTestError(("Missing required user param '%s' "
292                                            "in test configuration.") % name)
293            setattr(self, name, self.user_params[name])
294        for name in opt_param_names:
295            if name not in self.user_params:
296                logging.debug(("Missing optional user param '%s' in "
297                              "configuration, continue."), name)
298            else:
299                setattr(self, name, self.user_params[name])
301    def getUserParam(self,
302                     param_name,
303                     error_if_not_found=False,
304                     warn_if_not_found=False,
305                     default_value=None,
306                     to_str=False):
307        """Get the value of a single user parameter.
309        This method returns the value of specified user parameter.
311        Note: unlike getUserParams(), this method will not automatically set
312              attribute using the parameter name and value.
314        Args:
315            param_name: string or list of string, denoting user parameter names. If provided
316                        a single string, self.user_params["<param_name>"] will be accessed.
317                        If provided multiple strings,
318                        self.user_params["<param_name1>"]["<param_name2>"]["<param_name3>"]...
319                        will be accessed.
320            error_if_not_found: bool, whether to raise error if parameter not
321                                exists. Default: False
322            warn_if_not_found: bool, log a warning message if parameter value
323                               not found. Default: False
324            default_value: object, default value to return if not found.
325                           If error_if_not_found is true, this parameter has no
326                           effect. Default: None
327            to_str: boolean, whether to convert the result object to string if
328                    not None.
329                    Note, strings passing in from java json config are often
330                    unicode.
332        Returns:
333            object, value of the specified parameter name chain if exists;
334            <default_value> otherwise.
335        """
337        def ToStr(return_value):
338            """Check to_str option and convert to string if not None"""
339            if to_str and return_value is not None:
340                return str(return_value)
341            return return_value
343        if not param_name:
344            if error_if_not_found:
345                raise errors.BaseTestError("empty param_name provided")
346            logging.error("empty param_name")
347            return ToStr(default_value)
349        if not isinstance(param_name, list):
350            param_name = [param_name]
352        curr_obj = self.user_params
353        for param in param_name:
354            if param not in curr_obj:
355                msg = ("Missing user param '%s' in test configuration.\n"
356                       "User params: %s") % (param_name, self.user_params)
357                if error_if_not_found:
358                    raise errors.BaseTestError(msg)
359                elif warn_if_not_found:
360                    logging.warn(msg)
361                return ToStr(default_value)
362            curr_obj = curr_obj[param]
364        return ToStr(curr_obj)
366    def _getUserConfig(self,
367                       config_type,
368                       key,
369                       default_value=None,
370                       error_if_not_found=False,
371                       warn_if_not_found=False,
372                       to_str=False):
373        """Get the value of a user config given the key.
375        This method returns the value of specified user config type.
377        Args:
378            config_type: string, type of user config
379            key: string, key of the value string in string config map.
380            default_value: object, default value to return if not found.
381                           If error_if_not_found is true, this parameter has no
382                           effect. Default: None
383            error_if_not_found: bool, whether to raise error if parameter not
384                                exists. Default: False
385            warn_if_not_found: bool, log a warning message if parameter value
386                               not found. Default: False
387            to_str: boolean, whether to apply str() method to result value
388                    if result is not None.
389                    Note, strings passing in from java json config are ofen
390                    unicode.
392        Returns:
393            Value in config matching the given key and type if exists;
394            <default_value> otherwise.
395        """
396        dic = self.getUserParam(config_type,
397                                error_if_not_found=False,
398                                warn_if_not_found=False,
399                                default_value=None,
400                                to_str=False)
402        if dic is None or key not in dic:
403            msg = ("Config key %s not found in user config type %s.\n"
404                   "User params: %s") % (key, config_type, self.user_params)
405            if error_if_not_found:
406                raise errors.BaseTestError(msg)
407            elif warn_if_not_found:
408                logging.warn(msg)
410            return default_value
412        return dic[key] if not to_str else str(dic[key])
414    def getUserConfigStr(self, key, **kwargs):
415        """Get the value of a user config string given the key.
417        See _getUserConfig method for more details.
418        """
419        kwargs["to_str"] = True
420        return self._getUserConfig(keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_USER_CONFIG_STR,
421                                   key,
422                                   **kwargs)
424    def getUserConfigInt(self, key, **kwargs):
425        """Get the value of a user config int given the key.
427        See _getUserConfig method for more details.
428        """
429        return self._getUserConfig(keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_USER_CONFIG_INT,
430                                   key,
431                                   **kwargs)
433    def getUserConfigBool(self, key, **kwargs):
434        """Get the value of a user config bool given the key.
436        See _getUserConfig method for more details.
437        """
438        return self._getUserConfig(keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_USER_CONFIG_BOOL,
439                                   key,
440                                   **kwargs)
442    def _setUpClass(self):
443        """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of setUpClass
444        is called.
445        """
446        event = tfi.Begin('_setUpClass method for test class',
447                          tfi.categories.TEST_CLASS_SETUP)
448        timeout = self.timeout - time.time() + self.start_time_sec
449        if timeout < 0:
450            timeout = 1
451        self.resetTimeout(timeout)
452        if not precondition_utils.MeetFirstApiLevelPrecondition(self):
453            self.skipAllTests("The device's first API level doesn't meet the "
454                              "precondition.")
455        for device in self.android_devices:
456            if not precondition_utils.CheckFeaturePrecondition(self, device):
457                self.skipAllTests("Precondition feature check fail.")
459        if (self.getUserParam(
460                keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_DISABLE_FRAMEWORK, default_value=False) or
461                # @Deprecated Legacy configuration option name.
462                self.getUserParam(
463                    keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_BINARY_TEST_DISABLE_FRAMEWORK,
464                    default_value=False)):
465            stop_native_server = (
466                self.getUserParam(
467                    keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_STOP_NATIVE_SERVERS,
468                    default_value=False) or
469                # @Deprecated Legacy configuration option name.
470                self.getUserParam(
471                    keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_BINARY_TEST_STOP_NATIVE_SERVERS,
472                    default_value=False))
473            # Disable the framework if requested.
474            for device in self.android_devices:
475                device.stop(stop_native_server)
476        else:
477            # Enable the framework if requested.
478            for device in self.android_devices:
479                device.start()
481        # Wait for the native service process to stop.
482        native_server_process_names = self.getUserParam(
483                    keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_NATIVE_SERVER_PROCESS_NAME,
484                    default_value=[])
485        for device in self.android_devices:
486            device.waitForProcessStop(native_server_process_names)
489        event_sub = tfi.Begin('setUpClass method from test script',
490                              tfi.categories.TEST_CLASS_SETUP,
491                              enable_logging=False)
492        result = self.setUpClass()
493        event_sub.End()
494        event.End()
495        return result
497    def setUpClass(self):
498        """Setup function that will be called before executing any test case in
499        the test class.
501        To signal setup failure, return False or raise an exception. If
502        exceptions were raised, the stack trace would appear in log, but the
503        exceptions would not propagate to upper levels.
505        Implementation is optional.
506        """
507        pass
509    def _tearDownClass(self):
510        """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of tearDownClass
511        is called.
512        """
513        event = tfi.Begin('_tearDownClass method for test class',
514                          tfi.categories.TEST_CLASS_TEARDOWN)
515        self.cancelTimeout()
517        event_sub = tfi.Begin('tearDownClass method from test script',
518                              tfi.categories.TEST_CLASS_TEARDOWN,
519                              enable_logging=False)
521        @timeout_utils.timeout(TIMEOUT_SECS_TEARDOWN_CLASS,
522                               message='tearDownClass method timed out.',
523                               no_exception=True)
524        def _executeTearDownClass(baseTest):
525            baseTest._exec_func(baseTest.tearDownClass)
526        _executeTearDownClass(self)
528        event_sub.End()
530        if self.web.enabled:
531            if self.results.class_errors:
532                # Create a result to make the module shown as failure.
533                self.web.AddTestReport("setup_class")
534                self.web.SetTestResult(ReportMsg.TEST_CASE_RESULT_FAIL)
536            # Attach log destination urls to proto message so the urls will be
537            # recorded and uploaded to dashboard. The actual log uploading is postponed
538            # after generating report message to prevent failure due to timeout of log uploading.
539            self.log_uploading.UploadLogs(dryrun=True)
541            message_b = self.web.GenerateReportMessage(self.results.requested,
542                                                       self.results.executed)
543        else:
544            message_b = ''
546        report_proto_path = os.path.join(logging.log_path,
547                                         _REPORT_MESSAGE_FILE_NAME)
549        if message_b:
550            logging.debug('Result proto message path: %s', report_proto_path)
552        with open(report_proto_path, "wb") as f:
553            f.write(message_b)
555        if self.log_uploading.enabled:
556            @timeout_utils.timeout(TIMEOUT_SECS_LOG_UPLOADING,
557                                   message='_tearDownClass method in base_test timed out.',
558                                   no_exception=True)
559            def _executeLogUpload(_log_uploading):
560                _log_uploading.UploadLogs()
562            event_upload = tfi.Begin('Log upload',
563                                     tfi.categories.RESULT_PROCESSING)
564            _executeLogUpload(self.log_uploading)
565            event_upload.End()
567        event.End()
569    def tearDownClass(self):
570        """Teardown function that will be called after all the selected test
571        cases in the test class have been executed.
573        Implementation is optional.
574        """
575        pass
577    def interrupt(self):
578        """Interrupts test execution and terminates process."""
579        with self._interrupt_lock:
580            if self._interrupted:
581                logging.warning("Cannot interrupt more than once.")
582                return
583            self._interrupted = True
584        logging.info("Test timed out, interrupt")
585        utils.stop_current_process(TIMEOUT_SECS_TEARDOWN_CLASS)
587    def cancelTimeout(self):
588        """Cancels main thread timer."""
589        if hasattr(signal, "SIGALRM"):
590            signal.alarm(0)
591        else:
592            with self._interrupt_lock:
593                if self._interrupted:
594                    logging.warning("Test execution has been interrupted. "
595                                    "Cannot cancel or reset timeout.")
596                    return
598            if self._timer:
599                self._timer.cancel()
601    def resetTimeout(self, timeout):
602        """Restarts the timer that will interrupt the main thread.
604        This class starts the timer before setUpClass. As the timeout depends
605        on number of generated tests, the subclass can restart the timer.
607        Args:
608            timeout: A float, wait time in seconds before interrupt.
609        """
610        logging.debug("Start timer with timeout=%ssec.", timeout)
611        if hasattr(signal, "SIGALRM"):
612            signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, utils._timeout_handler)
613            signal.alarm(int(timeout))
614        else:
615            self.cancelTimeout()
617            self._timer = threading.Timer(timeout, self.interrupt)
618            self._timer.daemon = True
619            self._timer.start()
621    def _testEntry(self, test_record):
622        """Internal function to be called upon entry of a test case.
624        Args:
625            test_record: The TestResultRecord object for the test case going to
626                         be executed.
627        """
628        self._current_record = test_record
629        if self.web.enabled:
630            self.web.AddTestReport(test_record.test_name)
632    def _setUp(self, test_name):
633        """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of setUp is
634        called.
635        """
636        event = tfi.Begin('_setUp method for test case',
637                          tfi.categories.TEST_CASE_SETUP,)
638        if not self.Heal(passive=True):
639            msg = 'Framework self diagnose didn\'t pass for %s. Marking test as fail.' % test_name
640            logging.error(msg)
641            event.Remove(msg)
642            asserts.fail(msg)
644        if self.systrace.enabled:
645            self.systrace.StartSystrace()
647        event_sub = tfi.Begin('_setUp method from test script',
648                              tfi.categories.TEST_CASE_SETUP,
649                              enable_logging=False)
650        result = self.setUp()
651        event_sub.End()
652        event.End()
654    def setUp(self):
655        """Setup function that will be called every time before executing each
656        test case in the test class.
658        To signal setup failure, return False or raise an exception. If
659        exceptions were raised, the stack trace would appear in log, but the
660        exceptions would not propagate to upper levels.
662        Implementation is optional.
663        """
665    def _testExit(self):
666        """Internal function to be called upon exit of a test."""
667        self._current_record = None
669    def _tearDown(self, test_name):
670        """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of tearDown
671        is called.
672        """
673        event = tfi.Begin('_tearDown method from base_test',
674                          tfi.categories.TEST_CASE_TEARDOWN)
675        if self.systrace.enabled:
676            self._exec_func(self.systrace.ProcessAndUploadSystrace, test_name)
677        event_sub = tfi.Begin('_tearDown method from test script',
678                              tfi.categories.TEST_CASE_TEARDOWN,
679                              enable_logging=False)
680        self._exec_func(self.tearDown)
681        event_sub.End()
682        event.End()
684    def tearDown(self):
685        """Teardown function that will be called every time a test case has
686        been executed.
688        Implementation is optional.
689        """
691    def _onFail(self):
692        """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of onFail is
693        called.
694        """
695        record = self._current_record
696        logging.error(record.details)
697        begin_time = logger.epochToLogLineTimestamp(record.begin_time)
698        logging.error(RESULT_LINE_TEMPLATE, self.results.progressStr,
699                      record.test_name, record.result)
700        if self.web.enabled:
701            self.web.SetTestResult(ReportMsg.TEST_CASE_RESULT_FAIL)
703        event = tfi.Begin('_onFail method from BaseTest',
704                          tfi.categories.FAILED_TEST_CASE_PROCESSING,
705                          enable_logging=False)
706        self.onFail(record.test_name, begin_time)
707        if self._bug_report_on_failure:
708            self.DumpBugReport(record.test_name)
709        if self._logcat_on_failure:
710            self.DumpLogcat(record.test_name)
711        event.End()
713    def onFail(self, test_name, begin_time):
714        """A function that is executed upon a test case failure.
716        User implementation is optional.
718        Args:
719            test_name: Name of the test that triggered this function.
720            begin_time: Logline format timestamp taken when the test started.
721        """
723    def _onPass(self):
724        """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of onPass is
725        called.
726        """
727        record = self._current_record
728        begin_time = logger.epochToLogLineTimestamp(record.begin_time)
729        msg = record.details
730        if msg:
731            logging.debug(msg)
732        logging.info(RESULT_LINE_TEMPLATE, self.results.progressStr,
733                     record.test_name, record.result)
734        if self.web.enabled:
735            self.web.SetTestResult(ReportMsg.TEST_CASE_RESULT_PASS)
736        self.onPass(record.test_name, begin_time)
738    def onPass(self, test_name, begin_time):
739        """A function that is executed upon a test case passing.
741        Implementation is optional.
743        Args:
744            test_name: Name of the test that triggered this function.
745            begin_time: Logline format timestamp taken when the test started.
746        """
748    def _onSkip(self):
749        """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of onSkip is
750        called.
751        """
752        record = self._current_record
753        begin_time = logger.epochToLogLineTimestamp(record.begin_time)
754        logging.info(RESULT_LINE_TEMPLATE, self.results.progressStr,
755                     record.test_name, record.result)
756        logging.debug("Reason to skip: %s", record.details)
757        if self.web.enabled:
758            self.web.SetTestResult(ReportMsg.TEST_CASE_RESULT_SKIP)
759        self.onSkip(record.test_name, begin_time)
761    def onSkip(self, test_name, begin_time):
762        """A function that is executed upon a test case being skipped.
764        Implementation is optional.
766        Args:
767            test_name: Name of the test that triggered this function.
768            begin_time: Logline format timestamp taken when the test started.
769        """
771    def _onSilent(self):
772        """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of onSilent is
773        called.
774        """
775        record = self._current_record
776        begin_time = logger.epochToLogLineTimestamp(record.begin_time)
777        if self.web.enabled:
778            self.web.SetTestResult(None)
779        self.onSilent(record.test_name, begin_time)
781    def onSilent(self, test_name, begin_time):
782        """A function that is executed upon a test case being marked as silent.
784        Implementation is optional.
786        Args:
787            test_name: Name of the test that triggered this function.
788            begin_time: Logline format timestamp taken when the test started.
789        """
791    def _onException(self):
792        """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of onException
793        is called.
794        """
795        record = self._current_record
796        logging.exception(record.details)
797        begin_time = logger.epochToLogLineTimestamp(record.begin_time)
798        if self.web.enabled:
799            self.web.SetTestResult(ReportMsg.TEST_CASE_RESULT_EXCEPTION)
801        event = tfi.Begin('_onFail method from BaseTest',
802                          tfi.categories.FAILED_TEST_CASE_PROCESSING,
803                          enable_logging=False)
804        self.onException(record.test_name, begin_time)
805        if self._bug_report_on_failure:
806            self.DumpBugReport(ecord.test_name)
807        if self._logcat_on_failure:
808            self.DumpLogcat(record.test_name)
809        event.End()
811    def onException(self, test_name, begin_time):
812        """A function that is executed upon an unhandled exception from a test
813        case.
815        Implementation is optional.
817        Args:
818            test_name: Name of the test that triggered this function.
819            begin_time: Logline format timestamp taken when the test started.
820        """
822    def _exec_procedure_func(self, func):
823        """Executes a procedure function like onPass, onFail etc.
825        This function will alternate the 'Result' of the test's record if
826        exceptions happened when executing the procedure function.
828        This will let signals.TestAbortAll through so abortAll works in all
829        procedure functions.
831        Args:
832            func: The procedure function to be executed.
833        """
834        record = self._current_record
836        if (func not in (self._onPass, self._onSilent, self._onSkip)
837            and not self._is_final_run):
838            logging.debug('Skipping test failure procedure function during retry')
839            logging.info(RESULT_LINE_TEMPLATE, self.results.progressStr,
840                         record.test_name, 'RETRY')
841            return
843        if record is None:
844            logging.error("Cannot execute %s. No record for current test.",
845                          func.__name__)
846            return
847        try:
848            func()
849        except signals.TestAbortAll as e:
850            raise signals.TestAbortAll, e, sys.exc_info()[2]
851        except Exception as e:
852            logging.exception("Exception happened when executing %s for %s.",
853                              func.__name__, record.test_name)
854            record.addError(func.__name__, e)
856    def addTableToResult(self, name, rows):
857        """Adds a table to current test record.
859        A subclass can call this method to add a table to _current_record when
860        running test cases.
862        Args:
863            name: String, the table name.
864            rows: A 2-dimensional list which contains the data.
865        """
866        self._current_record.addTable(name, rows)
868    def filterOneTest(self, test_name, test_filter=None):
869        """Check test filters for a test name.
871        The first layer of filter is user defined test filters:
872        if a include filter is not empty, only tests in include filter will
873        be executed regardless whether they are also in exclude filter. Else
874        if include filter is empty, only tests not in exclude filter will be
875        executed.
877        The second layer of filter is checking whether skipAllTests method is
878        called. If the flag is set, this method raises signals.TestSkip.
880        The third layer of filter is checking abi bitness:
881        if a test has a suffix indicating the intended architecture bitness,
882        and the current abi bitness information is available, non matching tests
883        will be skipped. By our convention, this function will look for bitness in suffix
884        formated as "32bit", "32Bit", "32BIT", or 64 bit equivalents.
886        This method assumes const.SUFFIX_32BIT and const.SUFFIX_64BIT are in lower cases.
888        Args:
889            test_name: string, name of a test
890            test_filter: Filter object, test filter
892        Raises:
893            signals.TestSilent if a test should not be executed
894            signals.TestSkip if a test should be logged but not be executed
895        """
896        if self._test_filter_retry and not self._test_filter_retry.Filter(test_name):
897            # TODO: TestSilent will remove test case from record,
898            #       TestSkip will record test skip with a reason.
899            #       skip during retry is neither of these, as the test should be skipped,
900            #       not being recorded and not being deleted.
901            #       Create a new signal type if callers outside this class wants to distinguish
902            #       between these skip types.
903            raise signals.TestSkip('Skipping completed tests in retry run attempt.')
905        self._filterOneTestThroughTestFilter(test_name, test_filter)
906        self._filterOneTestThroughAbiBitness(test_name)
908    def _filterOneTestThroughTestFilter(self, test_name, test_filter=None):
909        """Check test filter for the given test name.
911        Args:
912            test_name: string, name of a test
914        Raises:
915            signals.TestSilent if a test should not be executed
916            signals.TestSkip if a test should be logged but not be executed
917        """
918        if not test_filter:
919            test_filter = self.test_filter
921        if not test_filter.Filter(test_name):
922            raise signals.TestSilent("Test case '%s' did not pass filters.")
924        if self.isSkipAllTests():
925            raise signals.TestSkip(self.getSkipAllTestsReason())
927    def _filterOneTestThroughAbiBitness(self, test_name):
928        """Check test filter for the given test name.
930        Args:
931            test_name: string, name of a test
933        Raises:
934            signals.TestSilent if a test should not be executed
935        """
936        asserts.skipIf(
937            self.abi_bitness and
938            ((self.skip_on_32bit_abi is True) and self.abi_bitness == "32") or
939            ((self.skip_on_64bit_abi is True) and self.abi_bitness == "64") or
940            (test_name.lower().endswith(const.SUFFIX_32BIT) and
941             self.abi_bitness != "32") or
942            (test_name.lower().endswith(const.SUFFIX_64BIT) and
943             self.abi_bitness != "64" and not self.run_32bit_on_64bit_abi),
944            "Test case '{}' excluded as ABI bitness is {}.".format(
945                test_name, self.abi_bitness))
947    def execOneTest(self, test_name, test_func, args, **kwargs):
948        """Executes one test case and update test results.
950        Executes one test case, create a records.TestResultRecord object with
951        the execution information, and add the record to the test class's test
952        results.
954        Args:
955            test_name: Name of the test.
956            test_func: The test function.
957            args: A tuple of params.
958            kwargs: Extra kwargs.
959        """
960        if self._test_filter_retry and not self._test_filter_retry.Filter(test_name):
961            return
963        is_silenced = False
964        tr_record = records.TestResultRecord(test_name, self.test_module_name)
965        tr_record.testBegin()
966        logging.info(TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE, self.results.progressStr, test_name)
967        verdict = None
968        finished = False
969        try:
970            ret = self._testEntry(tr_record)
971            asserts.assertTrue(ret is not False,
972                               "Setup test entry for %s failed." % test_name)
973            self.filterOneTest(test_name)
974            if self.collect_tests_only:
975                asserts.explicitPass("Collect tests only.")
977            try:
978                ret = self._setUp(test_name)
979                asserts.assertTrue(ret is not False,
980                                   "Setup for %s failed." % test_name)
982                event_test = tfi.Begin("test function",
983                                       tfi.categories.TEST_CASE_EXECUTION)
984                if args or kwargs:
985                    verdict = test_func(*args, **kwargs)
986                else:
987                    verdict = test_func()
988                event_test.End()
989                finished = True
990            finally:
991                self._tearDown(test_name)
992        except (signals.TestFailure, AssertionError) as e:
993            tr_record.testFail(e)
994            self._exec_procedure_func(self._onFail)
995            finished = True
996        except signals.TestSkip as e:
997            # Test skipped.
998            tr_record.testSkip(e)
999            self._exec_procedure_func(self._onSkip)
1000            finished = True
1001        except signals.TestAbortClass as e:
1002            # Abort signals, pass along.
1003            tr_record.testFail(e)
1004            self._is_final_run = True
1005            finished = True
1006            raise signals.TestAbortClass, e, sys.exc_info()[2]
1007        except signals.TestAbortAll as e:
1008            # Abort signals, pass along.
1009            tr_record.testFail(e)
1010            self._is_final_run = True
1011            finished = True
1012            raise signals.TestAbortAll, e, sys.exc_info()[2]
1013        except utils.TimeoutError as e:
1014            logging.exception(e)
1015            # Mark current test case as failure and abort remaining tests.
1016            tr_record.testFail(e)
1017            self._is_final_run = True
1018            finished = True
1019            raise signals.TestAbortAll, e, sys.exc_info()[2]
1020        except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
1021            logging.error("Received KeyboardInterrupt signal")
1022            # Abort signals, pass along.
1023            tr_record.testFail(e)
1024            self._is_final_run = True
1025            finished = True
1026            raise
1027        except AdbError as e:
1028            logging.error(e)
1029            if not self.Heal():
1030                # Non-recoverable adb failure. Mark test failure and abort
1031                tr_record.testFail(e)
1032                self._is_final_run = True
1033                finished = True
1034                raise signals.TestAbortAll, e, sys.exc_info()[2]
1035            # error specific to the test case, mark test failure and continue with remaining test
1036            tr_record.testFail(e)
1037            self._exec_procedure_func(self._onFail)
1038            finished = True
1039        except signals.TestPass as e:
1040            # Explicit test pass.
1041            tr_record.testPass(e)
1042            self._exec_procedure_func(self._onPass)
1043            finished = True
1044        except signals.TestSilent as e:
1045            # Suppress test reporting.
1046            is_silenced = True
1047            self._exec_procedure_func(self._onSilent)
1048            self.results.removeRecord(tr_record)
1049            finished = True
1050        except Exception as e:
1051            # Exception happened during test.
1052            logging.exception(e)
1053            tr_record.testError(e)
1054            self._exec_procedure_func(self._onException)
1055            self._exec_procedure_func(self._onFail)
1056            finished = True
1057        else:
1058            # Keep supporting return False for now.
1059            # TODO(angli): Deprecate return False support.
1060            if verdict or (verdict is None):
1061                # Test passed.
1062                tr_record.testPass()
1063                self._exec_procedure_func(self._onPass)
1064                return
1065            # Test failed because it didn't return True.
1066            # This should be removed eventually.
1067            tr_record.testFail()
1068            self._exec_procedure_func(self._onFail)
1069            finished = True
1070        finally:
1071            if not finished:
1072                for device in self.android_devices:
1073                    # if shell has not been set up yet
1074                    if device.shell is not None:
1075                        device.shell.DisableShell()
1077                logging.error('Test timed out.')
1078                tr_record.testError()
1079                self._exec_procedure_func(self._onException)
1080                self._exec_procedure_func(self._onFail)
1082            if not is_silenced:
1083                self.results.addRecord(tr_record)
1084            self._testExit()
1086    def runGeneratedTests(self,
1087                          test_func,
1088                          settings,
1089                          args=None,
1090                          kwargs=None,
1091                          tag="",
1092                          name_func=None):
1093        """Runs generated test cases.
1095        Generated test cases are not written down as functions, but as a list
1096        of parameter sets. This way we reduce code repetition and improve
1097        test case scalability.
1099        Args:
1100            test_func: The common logic shared by all these generated test
1101                       cases. This function should take at least one argument,
1102                       which is a parameter set.
1103            settings: A list of strings representing parameter sets. These are
1104                      usually json strings that get loaded in the test_func.
1105            args: Iterable of additional position args to be passed to
1106                  test_func.
1107            kwargs: Dict of additional keyword args to be passed to test_func
1108            tag: Name of this group of generated test cases. Ignored if
1109                 name_func is provided and operates properly.
1110            name_func: A function that takes a test setting and generates a
1111                       proper test name. The test name should be shorter than
1112                       utils.MAX_FILENAME_LEN. Names over the limit will be
1113                       truncated.
1115        Returns:
1116            A list of settings that did not pass.
1117        """
1118        args = args or ()
1119        kwargs = kwargs or {}
1120        failed_settings = []
1122        def GenerateTestName(setting):
1123            test_name = "{} {}".format(tag, setting)
1124            if name_func:
1125                try:
1126                    test_name = name_func(setting, *args, **kwargs)
1127                except:
1128                    logging.exception(("Failed to get test name from "
1129                                       "test_func. Fall back to default %s"),
1130                                      test_name)
1132            if len(test_name) > utils.MAX_FILENAME_LEN:
1133                test_name = test_name[:utils.MAX_FILENAME_LEN]
1135            return test_name
1137        for setting in settings:
1138            test_name = GenerateTestName(setting)
1140            tr_record = records.TestResultRecord(test_name, self.test_module_name)
1141            self.results.requested.append(tr_record)
1143        for setting in settings:
1144            test_name = GenerateTestName(setting)
1145            previous_success_cnt = len(self.results.passed)
1147            event_exec = tfi.Begin('BaseTest execOneTest method for generated tests',
1148                                   enable_logging=False)
1149            self.execOneTest(test_name, test_func, (setting, ) + args, **kwargs)
1150            event_exec.End()
1151            if len(self.results.passed) - previous_success_cnt != 1:
1152                failed_settings.append(setting)
1154        return failed_settings
1156    def _exec_func(self, func, *args):
1157        """Executes a function with exception safeguard.
1159        This will let signals.TestAbortAll through so abortAll works in all
1160        procedure functions.
1162        Args:
1163            func: Function to be executed.
1164            args: Arguments to be passed to the function.
1166        Returns:
1167            Whatever the function returns, or False if non-caught exception
1168            occurred.
1169        """
1170        try:
1171            return func(*args)
1172        except signals.TestAbortAll as e:
1173            raise signals.TestAbortAll, e, sys.exc_info()[2]
1174        except:
1175            logging.exception("Exception happened when executing %s in %s.",
1176                              func.__name__, self.test_module_name)
1177            return False
1179    def _get_all_test_names(self):
1180        """Finds all the function names that match the test case naming
1181        convention in this class.
1183        Returns:
1184            A list of strings, each is a test case name.
1185        """
1186        test_names = []
1187        for name in dir(self):
1188            if name.startswith(STR_TEST) or name.startswith(STR_GENERATE):
1189                attr_func = getattr(self, name)
1190                if hasattr(attr_func, "__call__"):
1191                    test_names.append(name)
1192        return test_names
1194    def _get_test_funcs(self, test_names):
1195        """Obtain the actual functions of test cases based on test names.
1197        Args:
1198            test_names: A list of strings, each string is a test case name.
1200        Returns:
1201            A list of tuples of (string, function). String is the test case
1202            name, function is the actual test case function.
1204        Raises:
1205            errors.USERError is raised if the test name does not follow
1206            naming convention "test_*". This can only be caused by user input
1207            here.
1208        """
1209        test_funcs = []
1210        for test_name in test_names:
1211            if not hasattr(self, test_name):
1212                logging.warning("%s does not have test case %s.",
1213                                self.test_module_name, test_name)
1214            elif (test_name.startswith(STR_TEST) or
1215                  test_name.startswith(STR_GENERATE)):
1216                test_funcs.append((test_name, getattr(self, test_name)))
1217            else:
1218                msg = ("Test case name %s does not follow naming convention "
1219                       "test*, abort.") % test_name
1220                raise errors.USERError(msg)
1222        return test_funcs
1224    def getTests(self, test_names=None):
1225        """Get the test cases within a test class.
1227        Args:
1228            test_names: A list of string that are test case names requested in
1229                        cmd line.
1231        Returns:
1232            A list of tuples of (string, function). String is the test case
1233            name, function is the actual test case function.
1234        """
1235        if not test_names:
1236            if self.tests:
1237                # Specified by run list in class.
1238                test_names = list(self.tests)
1239            else:
1240                # No test case specified by user, execute all in the test class
1241                test_names = self._get_all_test_names()
1243        tests = self._get_test_funcs(test_names)
1244        return tests
1246    def _DiagnoseHost(self):
1247        """Runs diagnosis commands on host and logs the results."""
1248        commands = ['ps aux | grep adb',
1249                    'adb --version',
1250                    'adb devices']
1251        for cmd in commands:
1252            results = cmd_utils.ExecuteShellCommand(cmd)
1253            logging.debug('host diagnosis command %s', cmd)
1254            logging.debug('               output: %s', results[cmd_utils.STDOUT][0])
1256    def _DiagnoseDevice(self, device):
1257        """Runs diagnosis commands on device and logs the results."""
1258        commands = ['ps aux | grep vts',
1259                    'cat /proc/meminfo']
1260        for cmd in commands:
1261            results = device.adb.shell(cmd, no_except=True, timeout=adb.DEFAULT_ADB_SHORT_TIMEOUT)
1262            logging.debug('device diagnosis command %s', cmd)
1263            logging.debug('                 output: %s', results[const.STDOUT])
1265    def Heal(self, passive=False, timeout=900):
1266        """Performs a self healing.
1268        Includes self diagnosis that looks for any framework or device state errors.
1269        Includes self recovery that attempts to correct discovered errors.
1271        Args:
1272            passive: bool, whether to perform passive only self-check. A passive check means
1273                     only to check known status stored in memory. No command will be issued
1274                     to host or device - which makes the check fast.
1275            timeout: int, timeout in seconds.
1277        Returns:
1278            bool, True if everything is ok. Fales if some error is not recoverable.
1279        """
1280        start = time.time()
1282        if not passive:
1283            available_devices = android_device.list_adb_devices()
1284            self._DiagnoseHost()
1286            for device in self.android_devices:
1287                if device.serial not in available_devices:
1288                    device.log.warn(
1289                        "device become unavailable after tests. wait for device come back")
1290                    _timeout = timeout - time.time() + start
1291                    if _timeout < 0 or not device.waitForBootCompletion(timeout=_timeout):
1292                        device.log.error('failed to restore device %s')
1293                        return False
1294                    device.rootAdb()
1295                    device.stopServices()
1296                    device.startServices()
1297                    self._DiagnoseHost()
1298                else:
1299                    self._DiagnoseDevice(device)
1301        return all(map(lambda device: device.Heal(), self.android_devices))
1303    def runTestsWithRetry(self, tests):
1304        """Run tests with retry and collect test results.
1306        Args:
1307            tests: A list of tests to be run.
1308        """
1309        for count in range(self.max_retry_count + 1):
1310            if count:
1311                if not self.Heal():
1312                    logging.error('Self heal failed. '
1313                                  'Some error is not recoverable within time constraint.')
1314                    return
1316                include_filter = map(lambda item: item.test_name,
1317                                     self.results.getNonPassingRecords(skipped=False))
1318                self._test_filter_retry = filter_utils.Filter(include_filter=include_filter)
1319                logging.info('Automatically retrying %s test cases. Run attempt %s of %s',
1320                             len(include_filter),
1321                             count + 1,
1322                             self.max_retry_count + 1)
1323                msg = 'Retrying the following test cases: %s' % include_filter
1324                logging.debug(msg)
1326                path_retry_log = os.path.join(logging.log_path, 'retry_log.txt')
1327                with open(path_retry_log, 'a+') as f:
1328                    f.write(msg + '\n')
1330            self._is_final_run = count == self.max_retry_count
1332            try:
1333                self._runTests(tests)
1334            except Exception as e:
1335                if self._is_final_run:
1336                    raise e
1338            if self._is_final_run:
1339                break
1341    def _runTests(self, tests):
1342        """Run tests and collect test results.
1344        Args:
1345            tests: A list of tests to be run.
1346        """
1347        # Setup for the class with retry.
1348        for i in xrange(_SETUP_RETRY_NUMBER):
1349            setup_done = False
1350            caught_exception = None
1351            try:
1352                if self._setUpClass() is False:
1353                    raise signals.TestFailure(
1354                        "Failed to setup %s." % self.test_module_name)
1355                else:
1356                    setup_done = True
1357            except Exception as e:
1358                caught_exception = e
1359                logging.exception("Failed to setup %s.", self.test_module_name)
1360            finally:
1361                if setup_done:
1362                    break
1363                elif not caught_exception or i + 1 == _SETUP_RETRY_NUMBER:
1364                    self.results.failClass(self.test_module_name,
1365                                           caught_exception)
1366                    self._exec_func(self._tearDownClass)
1367                    self._is_final_run = True
1368                    return
1369                else:
1370                    # restart services before retry setup.
1371                    for device in self.android_devices:
1372                        logging.info("restarting service on device %s", device.serial)
1373                        device.stopServices()
1374                        device.startServices()
1376        class_error = None
1377        # Run tests in order.
1378        try:
1379            # Check if module is running in self test mode.
1380            if self.run_as_vts_self_test:
1381                logging.debug('setUpClass function was executed successfully.')
1382                self.results.passClass(self.test_module_name)
1383                return
1385            for test_name, test_func in tests:
1386                if test_name.startswith(STR_GENERATE):
1387                    logging.debug(
1388                        "Executing generated test trigger function '%s'",
1389                        test_name)
1390                    test_func()
1391                    logging.debug("Finished '%s'", test_name)
1392                else:
1393                    event_exec = tfi.Begin('BaseTest execOneTest method for individual tests',
1394                                           enable_logging=False)
1395                    self.execOneTest(test_name, test_func, None)
1396                    event_exec.End()
1397            if self.isSkipAllTests() and not self.results.executed:
1398                self.results.skipClass(
1399                    self.test_module_name,
1400                    "All test cases skipped; unable to find any test case.")
1401        except signals.TestAbortClass as e:
1402            logging.error("Received TestAbortClass signal")
1403            class_error = e
1404            self._is_final_run = True
1405        except signals.TestAbortAll as e:
1406            logging.info("Received TestAbortAll signal")
1407            class_error = e
1408            self._is_final_run = True
1409            # Piggy-back test results on this exception object so we don't lose
1410            # results from this test class.
1411            setattr(e, "results", self.results)
1412            raise signals.TestAbortAll, e, sys.exc_info()[2]
1413        except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
1414            class_error = e
1415            self._is_final_run = True
1416            # Piggy-back test results on this exception object so we don't lose
1417            # results from this test class.
1418            setattr(e, "results", self.results)
1419            raise
1420        except Exception as e:
1421            # Exception happened during test.
1422            logging.exception(e)
1423            class_error = e
1424            raise e
1425        finally:
1426            if not self.results.getNonPassingRecords(skipped=False):
1427                self._is_final_run = True
1429            if class_error and self._is_final_run:
1430                self.results.failClass(self.test_module_name, class_error)
1432            self._exec_func(self._tearDownClass)
1434            if self._is_final_run:
1435                if self.web.enabled:
1436                    name, timestamp = self.web.GetTestModuleKeys()
1437                    self.results.setTestModuleKeys(name, timestamp)
1439                logging.info("Summary for test class %s: %s",
1440                             self.test_module_name, self.results.summary())
1442    def run(self, test_names=None):
1443        """Runs test cases within a test class by the order they appear in the
1444        execution list.
1446        One of these test cases lists will be executed, shown here in priority
1447        order:
1448        1. The test_names list, which is passed from cmd line. Invalid names
1449           are guarded by cmd line arg parsing.
1450        2. The self.tests list defined in test class. Invalid names are
1451           ignored.
1452        3. All function that matches test case naming convention in the test
1453           class.
1455        Args:
1456            test_names: A list of string that are test case names requested in
1457                cmd line.
1459        Returns:
1460            The test results object of this class.
1461        """
1462        logging.info("==========> %s <==========", self.test_module_name)
1463        # Devise the actual test cases to run in the test class.
1464        tests = self.getTests(test_names)
1466        if not self.run_as_vts_self_test:
1467            self.results.requested = [
1468                records.TestResultRecord(test_name, self.test_module_name)
1469                for test_name,_ in tests if test_name.startswith(STR_TEST)
1470            ]
1472        self.runTestsWithRetry(tests)
1473        return self.results
1475    def cleanUp(self):
1476        """A function that is executed upon completion of all tests cases
1477        selected in the test class.
1479        This function should clean up objects initialized in the constructor by
1480        user.
1481        """
1483    def DumpBugReport(self, prefix=''):
1484        """Get device bugreport through adb command.
1486        Args:
1487            prefix: string, file name prefix. Usually in format of
1488                    <test_module>-<test_case>
1489        """
1490        event = tfi.Begin('dump Bugreport',
1491                          tfi.categories.FAILED_TEST_CASE_PROCESSING)
1492        if prefix:
1493            prefix = re.sub('[^\w\-_\. ]', '_', prefix) + '_'
1495        parent_dir = os.path.join(logging.log_path, 'bugreport')
1497        if not file_util.Mkdir(parent_dir):
1498            logging.error('Failed to create bugreport output directory %s', parent_dir)
1499            return
1501        for device in self.android_devices:
1502            if device.fatal_error: continue
1503            file_name = (_BUG_REPORT_FILE_PREFIX
1504                         + prefix
1505                         + '_%s' % device.serial
1506                         + _BUG_REPORT_FILE_EXTENSION)
1508            file_path = os.path.join(parent_dir, file_name)
1510            logging.info('Dumping bugreport %s...' % file_path)
1511            device.adb.bugreport(file_path)
1512        event.End()
1514    def skipAllTestsIf(self, condition, msg):
1515        """Skip all test cases if the given condition is true.
1517        This method is usually called in setup functions when a precondition
1518        to the test module is not met.
1520        Args:
1521            condition: object that can be evaluated by bool(), a condition that
1522                       will trigger skipAllTests if evaluated to be True.
1523            msg: string, reason why tests are skipped. If set to None or empty
1524            string, a default message will be used (not recommended)
1525        """
1526        if condition:
1527            self.skipAllTests(msg)
1529    def skipAllTests(self, msg):
1530        """Skip all test cases.
1532        This method is usually called in setup functions when a precondition
1533        to the test module is not met.
1535        Args:
1536            msg: string, reason why tests are skipped. If set to None or empty
1537            string, a default message will be used (not recommended)
1538        """
1539        if not msg:
1540            msg = "No reason provided."
1542        setattr(self, _REASON_TO_SKIP_ALL_TESTS, msg)
1544    def isSkipAllTests(self):
1545        """Returns whether all tests are set to be skipped.
1547        Note: If all tests are being skipped not due to skipAllTests
1548              being called, or there is no tests defined, this method will
1549              still return False (since skipAllTests is not called.)
1551        Returns:
1552            bool, True if skipAllTests has been called; False otherwise.
1553        """
1554        return self.getSkipAllTestsReason() is not None
1556    def getSkipAllTestsReason(self):
1557        """Returns the reason why all tests are skipped.
1559        Note: If all tests are being skipped not due to skipAllTests
1560              being called, or there is no tests defined, this method will
1561              still return None (since skipAllTests is not called.)
1563        Returns:
1564            String, reason why tests are skipped. None if skipAllTests
1565            is not called.
1566        """
1567        return getattr(self, _REASON_TO_SKIP_ALL_TESTS, None)
1569    def DumpLogcat(self, prefix=''):
1570        """Dumps device logcat outputs to log directory.
1572        Args:
1573            prefix: string, file name prefix. Usually in format of
1574                    <test_module>-<test_case>
1575        """
1576        event = tfi.Begin('dump logcat',
1577                          tfi.categories.FAILED_TEST_CASE_PROCESSING)
1578        if prefix:
1579            prefix = re.sub('[^\w\-_\. ]', '_', prefix) + '_'
1581        parent_dir = os.path.join(logging.log_path, 'logcat')
1583        if not file_util.Mkdir(parent_dir):
1584            logging.error('Failed to create bugreport output directory %s', parent_dir)
1585            return
1587        for device in self.android_devices:
1588            if (not device.isAdbLogcatOn) or device.fatal_error:
1589                continue
1590            for buffer in LOGCAT_BUFFERS:
1591                file_name = (_LOGCAT_FILE_PREFIX
1592                             + prefix
1593                             + '_%s_' % buffer
1594                             + device.serial
1595                             + _LOGCAT_FILE_EXTENSION)
1597                file_path = os.path.join(parent_dir, file_name)
1599                logging.info('Dumping logcat %s...' % file_path)
1600                device.adb.logcat('-b', buffer, '-d', '>', file_path)
1601        event.End()