1# Lint as: python2, python3
2# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
3# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
4# found in the LICENSE file.
6# Expects to be run in an environment with sudo and no interactive password
7# prompt, such as within the Chromium OS development chroot.
9import ast
10import logging
11import os
12import re
13import six
14import six.moves.xmlrpc_client
15import six.moves.http_client
16import time
18from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
19from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import lsbrelease_utils
20from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import seven
21from autotest_lib.server import utils as server_utils
22from autotest_lib.server.cros.servo import firmware_programmer
23from autotest_lib.server.cros.faft.utils.config import Config as FAFTConfig
26# Regex to match XMLRPC errors due to a servod control not existing.
27# Servod uses both 'No control %s' and 'No control named %s' in exceptions.
28NO_CONTROL_RE = re.compile(r'No control(?: named)? (?P<name>\w*\.?\w*)')
30# Please see servo/drv/pty_driver.py for error messages to match.
32# This common prefix can apply to all subtypes of console errors.
33# The first portion is an optional qualifier of the type
34# of error that occurred. Each error is or'd.
35CONSOLE_COMMON_RE = (r'((Timeout waiting for response|'
36                     r'Known error [\w\'\".\s]+). )?'
37                     # The second portion is an optional name for the console
38                     # source
39                     r'(\w+\: )?')
41# Regex to match XMLRPC errors due to a console being unresponsive.
42NO_CONSOLE_OUTPUT_RE = re.compile(r'%sNo data was sent from the pty\.' %
43                                  CONSOLE_COMMON_RE)
46# Regex to match XMLRPC errors due to a console control failing, but the
47# underlying Console being responsive.
48CONSOLE_MISMATCH_RE = re.compile(r'%sThere was output:' % CONSOLE_COMMON_RE)
51# The minimum voltage on the charger port on servo v4 that is expected. This is
52# to query whether a charger is plugged into servo v4 and thus pd control
53# capabilities can be used.
57class ControlUnavailableError(error.TestFail):
58    """Custom error class to indicate a control is unavailable on servod."""
59    pass
62class ConsoleError(error.TestFail):
63    """Common error class for servod console-back control failures."""
64    pass
67class UnresponsiveConsoleError(ConsoleError):
68    """Error for: A console control fails for lack of console output."""
69    pass
72class ResponsiveConsoleError(ConsoleError):
73    """Error for: A console control fails but console is responsive."""
74    pass
77class ServodBadResponse(six.moves.http_client.BadStatusLine):
78    """Indicates a bad HTTP response from servod"""
80    def __init__(self, when, line):
81        """
83        @param when: Description of the operation being performed (get/set)
84        @param line: The line that came from the server, often an empty string.
85        """
86        super(ServodBadResponse, self).__init__(line)
87        self.when = when
89    def __str__(self):
90        """String representation of the exception"""
91        return '%s -- StatusLine=%s' % (self.when, self.line)
94class ServodEmptyResponse(ServodBadResponse):
95    """Indicates an empty response from servod, possibly because it exited."""
96    pass
99class ServodConnectionError(seven.SOCKET_ERRORS[0]):
100    """Indicates socket errors seen during communication with servod"""
102    def __init__(self, when, errno, strerror, filename):
103        """Instance initializer
105        The filename is used to add details to the exception message:
106        [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer: "<Servo 'ipaddr:9999'>"
108        @param when: Description of the operation being performed at the time
109        @param errno: errno value, such as ECONNRESET
110        @param strerror: OS-provided description ("connection reset by peer")
111        @param filename: Something to report as a path, such as a socket address
112        """
113        # [Errno 104] [Setting ctrl:val] Connection reset by peer: <Servo...
114        self.when = when
115        super(ServodConnectionError, self).__init__(errno, strerror, filename)
117    def __str__(self):
118        """String representation of the exception"""
119        return '%s -- [Errno %d] %s: %r' % (self.when, self.errno,
120                                            self.strerror, self.filename)
123# TODO: once in python 3, inherit from AbstractContextManager
124class _WrapServoErrors(object):
125    """
126    Wrap an operation, replacing BadStatusLine and socket.error with
127    servo-specific versions, and extracting exception info from xmlrplib.Fault.
129    @param servo_name: The servo object, used to add the servo name to errors.
130                       See the ServodConnectionError docstring.
131    @param description:  String to use when describing what was being done
132    @raise ServodBadStatusLine: if exception is a httplib.BadStatusLine
133    @raise ServodSocketError: if exception is a socket.error
134    @raise ControlUnavailableError: if Fault matches NO_CONTROL_RE
135    @raise UnresponsiveConsoleError: if Fault matches NO_CONSOLE_OUTPUT_RE
136    @raise ResponsiveConsoleError: if Fault matches CONSOLE_MISMATCH_RE
137    """
139    def __init__(self, servo, description):
140        self.servo_name = str(servo)
141        self.description = description
143    @staticmethod
144    def _get_xmlrpclib_exception(xmlexc):
145        """Get meaningful exception string from xmlrpc.
147        Args:
148            xmlexc: xmlrpclib.Fault object
150        xmlrpclib.Fault.faultString has the following format:
152        <type 'exception type'>:'actual error message'
154        Parse and return the real exception from the servod side instead of the
155        less meaningful one like,
156           <Fault 1: "<type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>:'tca6416' object has no
157           attribute 'hw_driver'">
159        Returns:
160            string of underlying exception raised in servod.
161        """
162        return re.sub('^.*>:', '', xmlexc.faultString)
164    @staticmethod
165    def _log_exception(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
166        """Log exception information"""
167        if exc_val is not None:
168            logging.debug(
169                    'Wrapped exception:', exc_info=(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb))
171    def __enter__(self):
172        """Enter the context"""
173        return self
175    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
176        """Exit the context, handling the exception if there was one"""
177        try:
178            if isinstance(exc_val, six.moves.http_client.BadStatusLine):
179                self._log_exception(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
180                if exc_val.line in ('', "''"):
181                    err = ServodEmptyResponse(self.description, exc_val.line)
182                else:
183                    err = ServodBadResponse(self.description, exc_val.line)
184                six.reraise(err.__class__, err, exc_tb)
186            if isinstance(exc_val, seven.SOCKET_ERRORS):
187                self._log_exception(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
188                err = ServodConnectionError(self.description, exc_val.args[0],
189                                            exc_val.args[1], self.servo_name)
190                six.reraise(err.__class__, err, exc_tb)
192            if isinstance(exc_val, six.moves.xmlrpc_client.Fault):
193                err_str = self._get_xmlrpclib_exception(exc_val)
194                err_msg = '%s :: %s' % (self.description, err_str)
195                unknown_ctrl = re.search(NO_CONTROL_RE, err_str)
196                if not unknown_ctrl:
197                    # Log the full text for errors, except unavailable controls.
198                    self._log_exception(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
199                    logging.debug(err_msg)
200                if unknown_ctrl:
201                    # The error message for unavailable controls is huge, since
202                    # it reports all known controls.  Don't log the full text.
203                    unknown_ctrl_name = unknown_ctrl.group('name')
204                    logging.debug('%s :: No control named %r',
205                                  self.description, unknown_ctrl_name)
206                    err = ControlUnavailableError(
207                            'No control named %r' % unknown_ctrl_name)
208                elif re.search(NO_CONSOLE_OUTPUT_RE, err_str):
209                    err = UnresponsiveConsoleError(
210                            'Console not printing output. %s.' %
211                            self.description)
212                elif re.search(CONSOLE_MISMATCH_RE, err_str):
213                    err = ResponsiveConsoleError(
214                            'Control failed but console alive. %s.' %
215                            self.description)
216                else:
217                    err = error.TestFail(err_msg)
218                six.reraise(err.__class__, err, exc_tb)
219        finally:
220            del exc_tb
223def _extract_image_from_tarball(tarball, dest_dir, image_candidates, timeout):
224    """Try extracting the image_candidates from the tarball.
226    @param tarball: The path of the tarball.
227    @param dest_path: The path of the destination.
228    @param image_candidates: A tuple of the paths of image candidates.
229    @param timeout: Time to wait in seconds before timing out.
231    @return: The first path from the image candidates, which succeeds, or None
232             if all the image candidates fail.
233    """
235    # Create the firmware_name subdirectory if it doesn't exist
236    if not os.path.exists(dest_dir):
237        os.mkdir(dest_dir)
239    # Generate a list of all tarball files
240    stdout = server_utils.system_output('tar tf %s' % tarball,
241                                        timeout=timeout,
242                                        ignore_status=True)
243    tarball_files = stdout.splitlines()
245    # Check if image candidates are in the list of tarball files
246    for image in image_candidates:
247        if image in tarball_files:
248            # Extract and return the first image candidate found
249            tar_cmd = 'tar xf %s -C %s %s' % (tarball, dest_dir, image)
250            status = server_utils.system(tar_cmd,
251                                         timeout=timeout,
252                                         ignore_status=True)
253            if status == 0:
254                return image
255    return None
258class _PowerStateController(object):
260    """Class to provide board-specific power operations.
262    This class is responsible for "power on" and "power off"
263    operations that can operate without making assumptions in
264    advance about board state.  It offers an interface that
265    abstracts out the different sequences required for different
266    board types.
268    """
269    # Constants acceptable to be passed for the `rec_mode` parameter
270    # to power_on().
271    #
272    # REC_ON:  Boot the DUT in recovery mode, i.e. boot from USB or
273    #   SD card.
274    # REC_OFF:  Boot in normal mode, i.e. boot from internal storage.
276    REC_ON = 'rec'
277    REC_OFF = 'on'
278    REC_ON_FORCE_MRC = 'rec_force_mrc'
280    # Delay in seconds needed between asserting and de-asserting
281    # warm reset.
282    _RESET_HOLD_TIME = 0.5
285    def __init__(self, servo):
286        """Initialize the power state control.
288        @param servo Servo object providing the underlying `set` and `get`
289                     methods for the target controls.
291        """
292        self._servo = servo
293        self.supported = self._servo.has_control('power_state')
294        self.last_rec_mode = self.REC_OFF
295        if not self.supported:
296            logging.info('Servo setup does not support power-state operations. '
297                         'All power-state calls will lead to error.TestFail')
299    def _check_supported(self):
300        """Throw an error if dts mode control is not supported."""
301        if not self.supported:
302            raise error.TestFail('power_state controls not supported')
304    def reset(self):
305        """Force the DUT to reset.
307        The DUT is guaranteed to be on at the end of this call,
308        regardless of its previous state, provided that there is
309        working OS software. This also guarantees that the EC has
310        been restarted.
312        """
313        self._check_supported()
314        self._servo.set_nocheck('power_state', 'reset')
316    def cr50_reset(self):
317        """Force the DUT to reset.
319        The DUT is guaranteed to be on at the end of this call,
320        regardless of its previous state, provided that there is
321        working OS software. This also guarantees that the EC has
322        been restarted. Works only for ccd connections.
324        """
325        self._check_supported()
326        self._servo.set_nocheck('power_state', 'cr50_reset')
328    def warm_reset(self):
329        """Apply warm reset to the DUT.
331        This asserts, then de-asserts the 'warm_reset' signal.
332        Generally, this causes the board to restart.
334        """
335        # TODO: warm_reset support has added to power_state.py. Once it
336        # available to labstation remove fallback method.
337        self._check_supported()
338        try:
339            self._servo.set_nocheck('power_state', 'warm_reset')
340        except error.TestFail as err:
341            logging.info("Fallback to warm_reset control method")
342            self._servo.set_get_all(['warm_reset:on',
343                                 'sleep:%.4f' % self._RESET_HOLD_TIME,
344                                 'warm_reset:off'])
346    def power_off(self):
347        """Force the DUT to power off.
349        The DUT is guaranteed to be off at the end of this call,
350        regardless of its previous state, provided that there is
351        working EC and boot firmware.  There is no requirement for
352        working OS software.
354        """
355        self._check_supported()
356        self._servo.set_nocheck('power_state', 'off')
358    def power_on(self, rec_mode=REC_OFF):
359        """Force the DUT to power on.
361        Prior to calling this function, the DUT must be powered off,
362        e.g. with a call to `power_off()`.
364        At power on, recovery mode is set as specified by the
365        corresponding argument.  When booting with recovery mode on, it
366        is the caller's responsibility to unplug/plug in a bootable
367        external storage device.
369        If the DUT requires a delay after powering on but before
370        processing inputs such as USB stick insertion, the delay is
371        handled by this method; the caller is not responsible for such
372        delays.
374        @param rec_mode Setting of recovery mode to be applied at
375                        power on. default: REC_OFF aka 'off'
377        """
378        self._check_supported()
379        self._servo.set_nocheck('power_state', rec_mode)
380        self.last_rec_mode = rec_mode
382    def retry_power_on(self):
383        """Retry powering on the DUT.
385        After power_on(...) the system might not come up reliably, although
386        the reasons aren't known yet. This function retries turning on the
387        system again, trying to bring it in the last state that power_on()
388        attempted to reach.
389        """
390        self._check_supported()
391        self._servo.set_nocheck('power_state', self.last_rec_mode)
394class _Uart(object):
395    """Class to capture UART streams of CPU, EC, Cr50, etc."""
396    _UartToCapture = (
397        'cpu',
398        'cr50',
399        'ec',
400        'servo_micro',
401        'servo_v4',
402        'usbpd',
403        'ccd_cr50.ec',
404        'ccd_cr50.cpu',
405        'ccd_cr50.cr50'
406    )
409    def __init__(self, servo):
410        self._servo = servo
411        self._streams = []
412        self.logs_dir = None
414    def _start_stop_capture(self, uart, start):
415        """Helper function to start/stop capturing on specified UART.
417        @param uart:  The UART name to start/stop capturing.
418        @param start:  True to start capturing, otherwise stop.
420        @returns True if the operation completes successfully.
421                 False if the UART capturing is not supported or failed due to
422                 an error.
423        """
424        logging.debug('%s capturing %s UART.', 'Start' if start else 'Stop',
425                      uart)
426        uart_cmd = '%s_uart_capture' % uart
427        target_level = 'on' if start else 'off'
428        level = None
429        if self._servo.has_control(uart_cmd):
430            # Do our own implementation of set() here as not_applicable
431            # should also count as a valid control.
432            logging.debug('Trying to set %s to %s.', uart_cmd, target_level)
433            try:
434                self._servo.set_nocheck(uart_cmd, target_level)
435                level = self._servo.get(uart_cmd)
436            except error.TestFail as e:
437                # Any sort of test failure here should not stop the test. This
438                # is just to capture more output. Log and move on.
439                logging.warning('Failed to set %s to %s. %s. Ignoring.',
440                                uart_cmd, target_level, str(e))
441            if level == target_level:
442                logging.debug('Managed to set %s to %s.', uart_cmd, level)
443            else:
444                logging.debug('Failed to set %s to %s. Got %s.', uart_cmd,
445                              target_level, level)
446        return level == target_level
448    def start_capture(self):
449        """Start capturing UART streams."""
450        for uart in self._UartToCapture:
451            if self._start_stop_capture(uart, True):
452                self._streams.append(uart)
454    def get_logfile(self, uart):
455        """Return the path to the uart logfile or none if logs_dir isn't set."""
456        if not self.logs_dir:
457            return None
458        return os.path.join(self.logs_dir, '%s_uart.txt' % uart)
460    def dump(self):
461        """Dump UART streams to log files accordingly."""
462        if not self.logs_dir:
463            return
465        for uart in self._streams:
466            logfile_fullname = self.get_logfile(uart)
467            stream = '%s_uart_stream' % uart
468            try:
469                content = self._servo.get(stream)
470            except Exception as err:
471                logging.warn('Failed to get UART log for %s: %s', stream, err)
472                continue
474            if content == 'not_applicable':
475                logging.warn('%s is not applicable', stream)
476                continue
478            # The UART stream may contain non-printable characters, and servo
479            # returns it in string representation. We use `ast.leteral_eval`
480            # to revert it back.
481            with open(logfile_fullname, 'a') as fd:
482                try:
483                    fd.write(ast.literal_eval(content))
484                except ValueError:
485                    logging.exception('Invalid value for %s: %r', stream,
486                                      content)
488    def stop_capture(self):
489        """Stop capturing UART streams."""
490        for uart in self._UartToCapture:
491            try:
492                self._start_stop_capture(uart, False)
493            except Exception as err:
494                logging.warn('Failed to stop UART logging for %s: %s', uart,
495                             err)
498class Servo(object):
500    """Manages control of a Servo board.
502    Servo is a board developed by hardware group to aide in the debug and
503    control of various partner devices. Servo's features include the simulation
504    of pressing the power button, closing the lid, and pressing Ctrl-d. This
505    class manages setting up and communicating with a servo demon (servod)
506    process. It provides both high-level functions for common servo tasks and
507    low-level functions for directly setting and reading gpios.
509    """
511    # Power button press delays in seconds.
512    #
513    # The EC specification says that 8.0 seconds should be enough
514    # for the long power press.  However, some platforms need a bit
515    # more time.  Empirical testing has found these requirements:
516    #   Alex: 8.2 seconds
517    #   ZGB:  8.5 seconds
518    # The actual value is set to the largest known necessary value.
519    #
520    # TODO(jrbarnette) Being generous is the right thing to do for
521    # existing platforms, but if this code is to be used for
522    # qualification of new hardware, we should be less generous.
523    SHORT_DELAY = 0.1
525    # Maximum number of times to re-read power button on release.
526    GET_RETRY_MAX = 10
528    # Delays to deal with DUT state transitions.
529    SLEEP_DELAY = 6
530    BOOT_DELAY = 10
532    # Default minimum time interval between 'press' and 'release'
533    # keyboard events.
536    # Time to toggle recovery switch on and off.
537    REC_TOGGLE_DELAY = 0.1
539    # Time to toggle development switch on and off.
540    DEV_TOGGLE_DELAY = 0.1
542    # Time between an usb disk plugged-in and detected in the system.
545    # Time to wait before timing out on servo initialization.
548    # Time to wait before timing out when extracting firmware images.
549    #
550    # This was increased from 60 seconds to support boards with very
551    # large (>500MB) firmware archives taking longer than expected to
552    # extract firmware on the lab host machines (b/149419503).
555    # The VBUS voltage threshold used to detect if VBUS is supplied
556    VBUS_THRESHOLD = 3000.0
558    def __init__(self, servo_host, servo_serial=None):
559        """Sets up the servo communication infrastructure.
561        @param servo_host: A ServoHost object representing
562                           the host running servod.
563        @type servo_host: autotest_lib.server.hosts.servo_host.ServoHost
564        @param servo_serial: Serial number of the servo board.
565        """
566        # TODO(fdeng): crbug.com/298379
567        # We should move servo_host object out of servo object
568        # to minimize the dependencies on the rest of Autotest.
569        self._servo_host = servo_host
570        self._servo_serial = servo_serial
571        self._servo_type = self.get_servo_version()
572        self._power_state = _PowerStateController(self)
573        self._uart = _Uart(self)
574        self._programmer = None
575        self._prev_log_inode = None
576        self._prev_log_size = 0
577        self._ccd_watchdog_disabled = False
579    def __str__(self):
580        """Description of this object and address, for use in errors"""
581        return "<%s '%s:%s'>" % (
582                type(self).__name__,
583                self._servo_host.hostname,
584                self._servo_host.servo_port)
586    @property
587    def _server(self):
588        with _WrapServoErrors(
589                servo=self, description='get_servod_server_proxy()'):
590            return self._servo_host.get_servod_server_proxy()
592    @property
593    def servo_serial(self):
594        """Returns the serial number of the servo board."""
595        return self._servo_serial
597    def get_power_state_controller(self):
598        """Return the power state controller for this Servo.
600        The power state controller provides board-independent
601        interfaces for reset, power-on, power-off operations.
603        """
604        return self._power_state
607    def initialize_dut(self, cold_reset=False, enable_main=True):
608        """Initializes a dut for testing purposes.
610        This sets various servo signals back to default values
611        appropriate for the target board.  By default, if the DUT
612        is already on, it stays on.  If the DUT is powered off
613        before initialization, its state afterward is unspecified.
615        Rationale:  Basic initialization of servo sets the lid open,
616        when there is a lid.  This operation won't affect powered on
617        units; however, setting the lid open may power on a unit
618        that's off, depending on the board type and previous state
619        of the device.
621        If `cold_reset` is a true value, the DUT and its EC will be
622        reset, and the DUT rebooted in normal mode.
624        @param cold_reset If True, cold reset the device after
625                          initialization.
626        @param enable_main If True, make sure the main servo device has
627                           control of the dut.
629        """
630        if enable_main:
631            self.enable_main_servo_device()
633        with _WrapServoErrors(
634                servo=self, description='initialize_dut()->hwinit()'):
635            self._server.hwinit()
636        if self.has_control('usb_mux_oe1'):
637            self.set('usb_mux_oe1', 'on')
638            self.switch_usbkey('off')
639        else:
640            logging.warning('Servod command \'usb_mux_oe1\' is not available. '
641                            'Any USB drive related servo routines will fail.')
642        # Create a record of SBU voltages if this is running support servo (v4,
643        # v4p1).
644        # TODO(coconutruben): eventually, replace this with a metric to track
645        # SBU voltages wrt servo-hw/dut-hw
646        if self.has_control('servo_v4_sbu1_mv'):
647            # Attempt to take a reading of sbu1 and sbu2 multiple times to
648            # account for situations where the two lines exchange hi/lo roles
649            # frequently.
650            for i in range(10):
651                try:
652                    sbu1 = int(self.get('servo_v4_sbu1_mv'))
653                    sbu2 = int(self.get('servo_v4_sbu2_mv'))
654                    logging.info('attempt %d sbu1 %d sbu2 %d', i, sbu1, sbu2)
655                except error.TestFail as e:
656                    # This is a nice to have but if reading this fails, it
657                    # shouldn't interfere with the test.
658                    logging.exception(e)
659        self._uart.start_capture()
660        if cold_reset:
661            if not self._power_state.supported:
662                logging.info('Cold-reset for DUT requested, but servo '
663                             'setup does not support power_state. Skipping.')
664            else:
665                self._power_state.reset()
666        with _WrapServoErrors(
667                servo=self, description='initialize_dut()->get_version()'):
668            version = self._server.get_version()
669        logging.debug('Servo initialized, version is %s', version)
672    def is_localhost(self):
673        """Is the servod hosted locally?
675        Returns:
676          True if local hosted; otherwise, False.
677        """
678        return self._servo_host.is_localhost()
681    def get_os_version(self):
682        """Returns the chromeos release version."""
683        lsb_release_content = self.system_output('cat /etc/lsb-release',
684                                                 ignore_status=True)
685        return lsbrelease_utils.get_chromeos_release_builder_path(
686                    lsb_release_content=lsb_release_content)
689    def get_servod_version(self):
690        """Returns the servod version."""
691        # TODO: use system_output once servod --sversion prints to stdout
692        try:
693            result = self._servo_host.run('servod --sversion 2>&1')
694        except error.AutoservRunError as e:
695            if 'command execution error' in str(e):
696                # Fall back to version if sversion is not supported yet.
697                result = self._servo_host.run('servod --version 2>&1')
698                return result.stdout.strip() or result.stderr.strip()
699            # An actually unexpected error occurred, just raise.
700            raise e
701        sversion = result.stdout or result.stderr
702        # The sversion output contains 3 lines:
703        # servod v1.0.816-ff8e966 // the extended version with git hash
704        # 2020-04-08 01:10:29 // the time of the latest commit
705        # chromeos-ci-legacy-us-central1-b-x32-55-u8zc // builder information
706        # For debugging purposes, we mainly care about the version, and the
707        # timestamp.
708        return ' '.join(sversion.split()[1:4])
710    def power_long_press(self):
711        """Simulate a long power button press."""
712        # After a long power press, the EC may ignore the next power
713        # button press (at least on Alex).  To guarantee that this
714        # won't happen, we need to allow the EC one second to
715        # collect itself.
716        # long_press is defined as 8.5s in servod
717        self.set_nocheck('power_key', 'long_press')
720    def power_normal_press(self):
721        """Simulate a normal power button press."""
722        # press is defined as 1.2s in servod
723        self.set_nocheck('power_key', 'press')
726    def power_short_press(self):
727        """Simulate a short power button press."""
728        # tab is defined as 0.2s in servod
729        self.set_nocheck('power_key', 'tab')
732    def power_key(self, press_secs='tab'):
733        """Simulate a power button press.
735        @param press_secs: int, float, str; time to press key in seconds or
736                           known shorthand: 'tab' 'press' 'long_press'
737        """
738        self.set_nocheck('power_key', press_secs)
741    def pwr_button(self, action='press'):
742        """Simulate a power button press.
744        @param action: str; could be press or could be release.
745        """
746        self.set_nocheck('pwr_button', action)
749    def lid_open(self):
750        """Simulate opening the lid and raise exception if all attempts fail"""
751        self.set('lid_open', 'yes')
754    def lid_close(self):
755        """Simulate closing the lid and raise exception if all attempts fail
757        Waits 6 seconds to ensure the device is fully asleep before returning.
758        """
759        self.set('lid_open', 'no')
760        time.sleep(Servo.SLEEP_DELAY)
763    def vbus_power_get(self):
764        """Get current vbus_power."""
765        return self.get('vbus_power')
768    def volume_up(self, timeout=300):
769        """Simulate pushing the volume down button.
771        @param timeout: Timeout for setting the volume.
772        """
773        self.set_get_all(['volume_up:yes',
774                          'sleep:%.4f' % self.SERVO_KEY_PRESS_DELAY,
775                          'volume_up:no'])
776        # we need to wait for commands to take effect before moving on
777        time_left = float(timeout)
778        while time_left > 0.0:
779            value = self.get('volume_up')
780            if value == 'no':
781                return
782            time.sleep(self.SHORT_DELAY)
783            time_left = time_left - self.SHORT_DELAY
784        raise error.TestFail("Failed setting volume_up to no")
786    def volume_down(self, timeout=300):
787        """Simulate pushing the volume down button.
789        @param timeout: Timeout for setting the volume.
790        """
791        self.set_get_all(['volume_down:yes',
792                          'sleep:%.4f' % self.SERVO_KEY_PRESS_DELAY,
793                          'volume_down:no'])
794        # we need to wait for commands to take effect before moving on
795        time_left = float(timeout)
796        while time_left > 0.0:
797            value = self.get('volume_down')
798            if value == 'no':
799                return
800            time.sleep(self.SHORT_DELAY)
801            time_left = time_left - self.SHORT_DELAY
802        raise error.TestFail("Failed setting volume_down to no")
804    def arrow_up(self, press_secs='tab'):
805        """Simulate arrow up key presses.
807        @param press_secs: int, float, str; time to press key in seconds or
808                           known shorthand: 'tab' 'press' 'long_press'.
809        """
810        # TODO: Remove this check after a lab update to include CL:1913684
811        if not self.has_control('arrow_up'):
812            logging.warning('Control arrow_up ignored. '
813                            'Please update hdctools')
814            return
815        self.set_nocheck('arrow_up', press_secs)
817    def arrow_down(self, press_secs='tab'):
818        """Simulate arrow down key presses.
820        @param press_secs: int, float, str; time to press key in seconds or
821                           known shorthand: 'tab' 'press' 'long_press'.
822        """
823        # TODO: Remove this check after a lab update to include CL:1913684
824        if not self.has_control('arrow_down'):
825            logging.warning('Control arrow_down ignored. '
826                            'Please update hdctools')
827            return
828        self.set_nocheck('arrow_down', press_secs)
830    def ctrl_d(self, press_secs='tab'):
831        """Simulate Ctrl-d simultaneous button presses.
833        @param press_secs: int, float, str; time to press key in seconds or
834                           known shorthand: 'tab' 'press' 'long_press'
835        """
836        self.set_nocheck('ctrl_d', press_secs)
839    def ctrl_s(self, press_secs='tab'):
840        """Simulate Ctrl-s simultaneous button presses.
842        @param press_secs: int, float, str; time to press key in seconds or
843                           known shorthand: 'tab' 'press' 'long_press'
844        """
845        self.set_nocheck('ctrl_s', press_secs)
848    def ctrl_u(self, press_secs='tab'):
849        """Simulate Ctrl-u simultaneous button presses.
851        @param press_secs: int, float, str; time to press key in seconds or
852                           known shorthand: 'tab' 'press' 'long_press'
853        """
854        self.set_nocheck('ctrl_u', press_secs)
857    def ctrl_enter(self, press_secs='tab'):
858        """Simulate Ctrl-enter simultaneous button presses.
860        @param press_secs: int, float, str; time to press key in seconds or
861                           known shorthand: 'tab' 'press' 'long_press'
862        """
863        self.set_nocheck('ctrl_enter', press_secs)
866    def ctrl_key(self, press_secs='tab'):
867        """Simulate Enter key button press.
869        @param press_secs: int, float, str; time to press key in seconds or
870                           known shorthand: 'tab' 'press' 'long_press'
871        """
872        self.set_nocheck('ctrl_key', press_secs)
875    def enter_key(self, press_secs='tab'):
876        """Simulate Enter key button press.
878        @param press_secs: int, float, str; time to press key in seconds or
879                           known shorthand: 'tab' 'press' 'long_press'
880        """
881        self.set_nocheck('enter_key', press_secs)
884    def refresh_key(self, press_secs='tab'):
885        """Simulate Refresh key (F3) button press.
887        @param press_secs: int, float, str; time to press key in seconds or
888                           known shorthand: 'tab' 'press' 'long_press'
889        """
890        self.set_nocheck('refresh_key', press_secs)
893    def ctrl_refresh_key(self, press_secs='tab'):
894        """Simulate Ctrl and Refresh (F3) simultaneous press.
896        This key combination is an alternative of Space key.
898        @param press_secs: int, float, str; time to press key in seconds or
899                           known shorthand: 'tab' 'press' 'long_press'
900        """
901        self.set_nocheck('ctrl_refresh_key', press_secs)
904    def imaginary_key(self, press_secs='tab'):
905        """Simulate imaginary key button press.
907        Maps to a key that doesn't physically exist.
909        @param press_secs: int, float, str; time to press key in seconds or
910                           known shorthand: 'tab' 'press' 'long_press'
911        """
912        self.set_nocheck('imaginary_key', press_secs)
915    def sysrq_x(self, press_secs='tab'):
916        """Simulate Alt VolumeUp X simulataneous press.
918        This key combination is the kernel system request (sysrq) X.
920        @param press_secs: int, float, str; time to press key in seconds or
921                           known shorthand: 'tab' 'press' 'long_press'
922        """
923        self.set_nocheck('sysrq_x', press_secs)
926    def toggle_recovery_switch(self):
927        """Toggle recovery switch on and off."""
928        self.enable_recovery_mode()
929        time.sleep(self.REC_TOGGLE_DELAY)
930        self.disable_recovery_mode()
933    def enable_recovery_mode(self):
934        """Enable recovery mode on device."""
935        self.set('rec_mode', 'on')
938    def disable_recovery_mode(self):
939        """Disable recovery mode on device."""
940        self.set('rec_mode', 'off')
943    def toggle_development_switch(self):
944        """Toggle development switch on and off."""
945        self.enable_development_mode()
946        time.sleep(self.DEV_TOGGLE_DELAY)
947        self.disable_development_mode()
950    def enable_development_mode(self):
951        """Enable development mode on device."""
952        self.set('dev_mode', 'on')
955    def disable_development_mode(self):
956        """Disable development mode on device."""
957        self.set('dev_mode', 'off')
959    def boot_devmode(self):
960        """Boot a dev-mode device that is powered off."""
961        self.power_short_press()
962        self.pass_devmode()
965    def pass_devmode(self):
966        """Pass through boot screens in dev-mode."""
967        time.sleep(Servo.BOOT_DELAY)
968        self.ctrl_d()
969        time.sleep(Servo.BOOT_DELAY)
972    def get_board(self):
973        """Get the board connected to servod."""
974        with _WrapServoErrors(servo=self, description='get_board()'):
975            return self._server.get_board()
978    def get_base_board(self):
979        """Get the board of the base connected to servod."""
980        try:
981            with _WrapServoErrors(servo=self, description='get_base_board()'):
982                return self._server.get_base_board()
983        except six.moves.xmlrpc_client.Fault as e:
984            # TODO(waihong): Remove the following compatibility check when
985            # the new versions of hdctools are deployed.
986            if 'not supported' in str(e):
987                logging.warning('The servod is too old that get_base_board '
988                                'not supported.')
989                return ''
990            raise
992    def get_ec_board(self):
993        """Get the board name from EC."""
994        if self.has_control('active_v4_device'):
995            # If servo v4 is allowing dual_v4 devices, then choose the
996            # active device.
997            active_device = self.get('active_v4_device')
998            if active_device == self.get_main_servo_device():
999                active_device = ''
1000        else:
1001            active_device = ''
1002        return self.get('ec_board', prefix=active_device)
1004    def get_ec_active_copy(self):
1005        """Get the active copy of the EC image."""
1006        return self.get('ec_active_copy')
1008    def has_control(self, ctrl_name, prefix=''):
1009        """Query servod server to determine if |ctrl_name| is a valid control.
1011        @param ctrl_name Name of the control.
1012        @param prefix: prefix to route control to correct servo device.
1014        @returns: true if |ctrl_name| is a known control, false otherwise.
1015        """
1016        ctrl_name = self._build_ctrl_name(ctrl_name, prefix)
1017        try:
1018            # If the control exists, doc() will work.
1019            with _WrapServoErrors(
1020                    servo=self,
1021                    description='has_control(%s)->doc()' % ctrl_name):
1022                self._server.doc(ctrl_name)
1023            return True
1024        except ControlUnavailableError:
1025            return False
1027    def _build_ctrl_name(self, ctrl_name, prefix):
1028        """Helper to build the control name if a prefix is used.
1030        @param ctrl_name Name of the control.
1031        @param prefix: prefix to route control to correct servo device.
1033        @returns: [|prefix|.]ctrl_name depending on whether prefix is non-empty.
1034        """
1035        assert ctrl_name
1036        if prefix:
1037            return '%s.%s' % (prefix, ctrl_name)
1038        return ctrl_name
1040    def get(self, ctrl_name, prefix=''):
1041        """Get the value of a gpio from Servod.
1043        @param ctrl_name Name of the control.
1044        @param prefix: prefix to route control to correct servo device.
1046        @returns: server response to |ctrl_name| request.
1048        @raise ControlUnavailableError: if |ctrl_name| not a known control.
1049        @raise error.TestFail: for all other failures doing get().
1050        """
1051        ctrl_name = self._build_ctrl_name(ctrl_name, prefix)
1052        with _WrapServoErrors(
1053                servo=self, description='Getting %s' % ctrl_name):
1054            return self._server.get(ctrl_name)
1056    def set(self, ctrl_name, ctrl_value, prefix=''):
1057        """Set and check the value of a gpio using Servod.
1059        @param ctrl_name: Name of the control.
1060        @param ctrl_value: New setting for the control.
1061        @param prefix: prefix to route control to correct servo device.
1062        @raise error.TestFail: if the control value fails to change.
1063        """
1064        ctrl_name = self._build_ctrl_name(ctrl_name, prefix)
1065        self.set_nocheck(ctrl_name, ctrl_value)
1066        retry_count = Servo.GET_RETRY_MAX
1067        actual_value = self.get(ctrl_name)
1068        while ctrl_value != actual_value and retry_count:
1069            logging.warning("%s != %s, retry %d", ctrl_name, ctrl_value,
1070                            retry_count)
1071            retry_count -= 1
1072            time.sleep(Servo.SHORT_DELAY)
1073            actual_value = self.get(ctrl_name)
1075        if ctrl_value != actual_value:
1076            raise error.TestFail(
1077                    'Servo failed to set %s to %s. Got %s.'
1078                    % (ctrl_name, ctrl_value, actual_value))
1080    def set_nocheck(self, ctrl_name, ctrl_value, prefix=''):
1081        """Set the value of a gpio using Servod.
1083        @param ctrl_name Name of the control.
1084        @param ctrl_value New setting for the control.
1085        @param prefix: prefix to route control to correct servo device.
1087        @raise ControlUnavailableError: if |ctrl_name| not a known control.
1088        @raise error.TestFail: for all other failures doing set().
1089        """
1090        ctrl_name = self._build_ctrl_name(ctrl_name, prefix)
1091        # The real danger here is to pass a None value through the xmlrpc.
1092        assert ctrl_value is not None
1093        description = 'Setting %s to %r' % (ctrl_name, ctrl_value)
1094        logging.debug('%s', description)
1095        with _WrapServoErrors(servo=self, description=description):
1096            self._server.set(ctrl_name, ctrl_value)
1098    def set_get_all(self, controls):
1099        """Set &| get one or more control values.
1101        @param controls: list of strings, controls to set &| get.
1103        @raise: error.TestError in case error occurs setting/getting values.
1104        """
1105        description = 'Set/get all: %s' % str(controls)
1106        logging.debug('%s', description)
1107        with _WrapServoErrors(servo=self, description=description):
1108            return self._server.set_get_all(controls)
1111    def probe_host_usb_dev(self):
1112        """Probe the USB disk device plugged-in the servo from the host side.
1114        It uses servod to discover if there is a usb device attached to it.
1116        @return: String of USB disk path (e.g. '/dev/sdb') or None.
1117        """
1118        # Set up Servo's usb mux.
1119        return self.get('image_usbkey_dev') or None
1122    def image_to_servo_usb(self, image_path=None,
1123                           make_image_noninteractive=False,
1124                           power_off_dut=True):
1125        """Install an image to the USB key plugged into the servo.
1127        This method may copy any image to the servo USB key including a
1128        recovery image or a test image.  These images are frequently used
1129        for test purposes such as restoring a corrupted image or conducting
1130        an upgrade of ec/fw/kernel as part of a test of a specific image part.
1132        @param image_path: Path on the host to the recovery image.
1133        @param make_image_noninteractive: Make the recovery image
1134                                   noninteractive, therefore the DUT
1135                                   will reboot automatically after
1136                                   installation.
1137        @param power_off_dut: To put the DUT in power off mode.
1138        """
1139        # We're about to start plugging/unplugging the USB key.  We
1140        # don't know the state of the DUT, or what it might choose
1141        # to do to the device after hotplug.  To avoid surprises,
1142        # force the DUT to be off.
1143        if power_off_dut:
1144            self._power_state.power_off()
1146        if image_path:
1147            logging.info('Searching for usb device and copying image to it. '
1148                         'Please wait a few minutes...')
1149            # The servod control automatically sets up the host in the host
1150            # direction.
1151            try:
1152                self.set_nocheck('download_image_to_usb_dev', image_path)
1153            except error.TestFail as e:
1154                logging.error('Failed to transfer requested image to USB. %s.'
1155                              'Please take a look at Servo Logs.', str(e))
1156                raise error.AutotestError('Download image to usb failed.')
1157            if make_image_noninteractive:
1158                logging.info('Making image noninteractive')
1159                try:
1160                    dev = self.probe_host_usb_dev()
1161                    if not dev:
1162                        # This is fine but also should never happen: if we
1163                        # successfully download an image but somehow cannot
1164                        # find the stick again, it needs to be investigated.
1165                        raise error.TestFail('No image usb key detected '
1166                                             'after successful download. '
1167                                             'Please investigate.')
1168                    # The modification has to happen on partition 1.
1169                    dev_partition = '%s1' % dev
1170                    self.set_nocheck('make_usb_dev_image_noninteractive',
1171                                     dev_partition)
1172                except error.TestFail as e:
1173                    logging.error('Failed to make image noninteractive. %s.'
1174                                  'Please take a look at Servo Logs.',
1175                                  str(e))
1177    def boot_in_recovery_mode(self, snk_mode=False):
1178        """Boot host DUT in recovery mode.
1180        @param snk_mode: If True, switch servo_v4 role to 'snk' mode before
1181                         boot DUT into recovery mode.
1182        """
1183        # This call has a built-in delay to ensure that we wait a timeout
1184        # for the stick to enumerate and settle on the DUT side.
1185        self.switch_usbkey('dut')
1186        # Switch servo_v4 mode to snk as the DUT won't able to see usb drive
1187        # in recovery mode if the servo is in src mode(see crbug.com/1129165).
1188        if snk_mode:
1189            logging.info('Setting servo_v4 role to snk mode in order to make'
1190                         ' the DUT can see usb drive while in recovery mode.')
1191            self.set_servo_v4_role('snk')
1193        try:
1194            self._power_state.power_on(rec_mode=self._power_state.REC_ON)
1195        except error.TestFail as e:
1196            self.set_servo_v4_role('src')
1197            logging.error('Failed to boot DUT in recovery mode. %s.', str(e))
1198            raise error.AutotestError('Failed to boot DUT in recovery mode.')
1200    def install_recovery_image(self,
1201                               image_path=None,
1202                               make_image_noninteractive=False,
1203                               snk_mode=False):
1204        """Install the recovery image specified by the path onto the DUT.
1206        This method uses google recovery mode to install a recovery image
1207        onto a DUT through the use of a USB stick that is mounted on a servo
1208        board specified by the usb_dev.  If no image path is specified
1209        we use the recovery image already on the usb image.
1211        This method will switch servo_v4 role to 'snk' mode in order to make
1212        the DUT can see the usb drive plugged on servo, the caller should
1213        set servo_v4 role back to 'src' mode one the DUT exit recovery mode.
1215        @param image_path: Path on the host to the recovery image.
1216        @param make_image_noninteractive: Make the recovery image
1217                noninteractive, therefore the DUT will reboot automatically
1218                after installation.
1219        @param snk_mode: If True, switch servo_v4 role to 'snk' mode before
1220                         boot DUT into recovery mode.
1221        """
1222        self.image_to_servo_usb(image_path, make_image_noninteractive)
1223        # Give the DUT some time to power_off if we skip
1224        # download image to usb. (crbug.com/982993)
1225        if not image_path:
1226            time.sleep(10)
1227        self.boot_in_recovery_mode(snk_mode=snk_mode)
1230    def _scp_image(self, image_path):
1231        """Copy image to the servo host.
1233        When programming a firmware image on the DUT, the image must be
1234        located on the host to which the servo device is connected. Sometimes
1235        servo is controlled by a remote host, in this case the image needs to
1236        be transferred to the remote host. This adds the servod port number, to
1237        make sure tests for different DUTs don't trample on each other's files.
1238        Along with the firmware image, any subsidiary files in the same
1239        directory shall be copied to the host as well.
1241        @param image_path: a string, name of the firmware image file to be
1242               transferred.
1243        @return: a string, full path name of the copied file on the remote.
1244        """
1245        src_path = os.path.dirname(image_path)
1246        dest_path = os.path.join('/tmp', 'dut_%d' % self._servo_host.servo_port)
1247        logging.info('Copying %s to %s', src_path, dest_path)
1248        # Copy a directory, src_path to dest_path. send_file() will create a
1249        # directory named basename(src_path) under dest_path, and copy all files
1250        # in src_path to the destination.
1251        self._servo_host.send_file(src_path, dest_path, delete_dest=True)
1253        # Make a image path of the destination.
1254        # e.g. /tmp/dut_9999/EC/ec.bin
1255        rv = os.path.join(dest_path, os.path.basename(src_path))
1256        return os.path.join(rv, os.path.basename(image_path))
1259    def system(self, command, timeout=3600):
1260        """Execute the passed in command on the servod host.
1262        @param command Command to be executed.
1263        @param timeout Maximum number of seconds of runtime allowed. Default to
1264                       1 hour.
1265        """
1266        logging.info('Will execute on servo host: %s', command)
1267        self._servo_host.run(command, timeout=timeout)
1270    def system_output(self, command, timeout=3600,
1271                      ignore_status=False, args=()):
1272        """Execute the passed in command on the servod host, return stdout.
1274        @param command a string, the command to execute
1275        @param timeout an int, max number of seconds to wait til command
1276               execution completes. Default to 1 hour.
1277        @param ignore_status a Boolean, if true - ignore command's nonzero exit
1278               status, otherwise an exception will be thrown
1279        @param args a tuple of strings, each becoming a separate command line
1280               parameter for the command
1281        @return command's stdout as a string.
1282        """
1283        return self._servo_host.run(command, timeout=timeout,
1284                                    ignore_status=ignore_status,
1285                                    args=args).stdout.strip()
1288    def get_servo_version(self, active=False):
1289        """Get the version of the servo, e.g., servo_v2 or servo_v3.
1291        @param active: Only return the servo type with the active device.
1292        @return: The version of the servo.
1294        """
1295        with _WrapServoErrors(
1296                servo=self, description='get_servo_version()->get_version()'):
1297            servo_type = self._server.get_version()
1298        if '_and_' not in servo_type or not active:
1299            return servo_type
1301        # If servo v4 is using ccd and servo micro, modify the servo type to
1302        # reflect the active device.
1303        active_device = self.get('active_v4_device')
1304        if active_device in servo_type:
1305            logging.info('%s is active', active_device)
1306            return 'servo_v4_with_' + active_device
1308        logging.warn("%s is active even though it's not in servo type",
1309                     active_device)
1310        return servo_type
1313    def get_servo_type(self):
1314        return self._servo_type
1317    def get_main_servo_device(self):
1318        """Return the main servo device"""
1319        return self._servo_type.split('_with_')[-1].split('_and_')[0]
1322    def enable_main_servo_device(self):
1323        """Make sure the main device has control of the dut."""
1324        if not self.has_control('active_v4_device'):
1325            return
1326        self.set('active_v4_device', self.get_main_servo_device())
1329    def main_device_is_ccd(self):
1330        """Whether the main servo device (no prefixes) is a ccd device."""
1331        with _WrapServoErrors(
1332                servo=self, description='main_device_is_ccd()->get_version()'):
1333            servo = self._server.get_version()
1334        return 'ccd_cr50' in servo and 'servo_micro' not in servo
1337    def main_device_is_flex(self):
1338        """Whether the main servo device (no prefixes) is a legacy device."""
1339        return not self.main_device_is_ccd()
1342    def main_device_is_active(self):
1343        """Return whether the main device is the active device.
1345        This is only relevant for a dual setup with ccd and legacy on the same
1346        DUT. The main device is the servo that has no prefix on its controls.
1347        This helper answers the question whether that device is also the
1348        active device or not.
1349        """
1350        # TODO(coconutruben): The current implementation of the dual setup only
1351        # ever has legacy as the main device. Therefore, it suffices to ask
1352        # whether the active device is ccd.
1353        if not self.dts_mode_is_valid():
1354            # Use dts support as a proxy to whether the servo setup could
1355            # support a dual role. Only those setups now support legacy and ccd.
1356            return True
1357        active_device = self.get('active_v4_device')
1358        return 'ccd_cr50' not in active_device
1360    def _initialize_programmer(self, rw_only=False):
1361        """Initialize the firmware programmer.
1363        @param rw_only: True to initialize a programmer which only
1364                        programs the RW portions.
1365        """
1366        if self._programmer:
1367            return
1368        # Initialize firmware programmer
1369        if self._servo_type.startswith('servo_v2'):
1370            self._programmer = firmware_programmer.ProgrammerV2(self)
1371            self._programmer_rw = firmware_programmer.ProgrammerV2RwOnly(self)
1372        # Both servo v3 and v4 use the same programming methods so just leverage
1373        # ProgrammerV3 for servo v4 as well.
1374        elif (self._servo_type.startswith('servo_v3') or
1375              self._servo_type.startswith('servo_v4')):
1376            self._programmer = firmware_programmer.ProgrammerV3(self)
1377            self._programmer_rw = firmware_programmer.ProgrammerV3RwOnly(self)
1378        else:
1379            raise error.TestError(
1380                    'No firmware programmer for servo version: %s' %
1381                    self._servo_type)
1384    def program_bios(self, image, rw_only=False, copy_image=True):
1385        """Program bios on DUT with given image.
1387        @param image: a string, file name of the BIOS image to program
1388                      on the DUT.
1389        @param rw_only: True to only program the RW portion of BIOS.
1390        @param copy_image: True indicates we need scp the image to servohost
1391                           while False means the image file is already on
1392                           servohost.
1394        """
1395        self._initialize_programmer()
1396        # We don't need scp if test runs locally.
1397        if copy_image and not self.is_localhost():
1398            image = self._scp_image(image)
1399        if rw_only:
1400            self._programmer_rw.program_bios(image)
1401        else:
1402            self._programmer.program_bios(image)
1405    def program_ec(self, image, rw_only=False, copy_image=True):
1406        """Program ec on DUT with given image.
1408        @param image: a string, file name of the EC image to program
1409                      on the DUT.
1410        @param rw_only: True to only program the RW portion of EC.
1411        @param copy_image: True indicates we need scp the image to servohost
1412                           while False means the image file is already on
1413                           servohost.
1414        """
1415        self._initialize_programmer()
1416        # We don't need scp if test runs locally.
1417        if copy_image and not self.is_localhost():
1418            image = self._scp_image(image)
1419        if rw_only:
1420            self._programmer_rw.program_ec(image)
1421        else:
1422            self._programmer.program_ec(image)
1425    def extract_ec_image(self, board, model, tarball_path):
1426        """Helper function to extract EC image from downloaded tarball.
1428        @param board: The DUT board name.
1429        @param model: The DUT model name.
1430        @param tarball_path: The path of the downloaded build tarball.
1432        @return: Path to extracted EC image.
1433        """
1435        # Ignore extracting EC image and re-programming if not a Chrome EC
1436        chrome_ec = FAFTConfig(board).chrome_ec
1437        if not chrome_ec:
1438            logging.warn('Not a Chrome EC, ignore re-programming it')
1439            return None
1441        # Try to retrieve firmware build target from the version reported
1442        # by the EC. If this doesn't work, we assume the firmware build
1443        # target is the same as the model name.
1444        try:
1445            fw_target = self.get_ec_board()
1446        except Exception as err:
1447            logging.warn('Failed to get ec_board value; ignoring')
1448            fw_target = model
1449            pass
1451        # Array of candidates for EC image
1452        ec_image_candidates = [
1453                'ec.bin',
1454                '%s/ec.bin' % fw_target,
1455                '%s/ec.bin' % board
1456        ]
1458        # Extract EC image from tarball
1459        dest_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(tarball_path), 'EC')
1460        ec_image = _extract_image_from_tarball(tarball_path,
1461                                               dest_dir,
1462                                               ec_image_candidates,
1463                                               self.EXTRACT_TIMEOUT_SECS)
1465        # Check if EC image was found and return path or raise error
1466        if ec_image:
1467            # Extract subsidiary binaries for EC
1468            # Find a monitor binary for NPCX_UUT chip type, if any.
1469            mon_candidates = [candidate.replace('ec.bin', 'npcx_monitor.bin')
1470                              for candidate in ec_image_candidates]
1471            _extract_image_from_tarball(tarball_path, dest_dir, mon_candidates,
1472                                        self.EXTRACT_TIMEOUT_SECS)
1474            return os.path.join(dest_dir, ec_image)
1475        else:
1476            raise error.TestError('Failed to extract EC image from %s' %
1477                                  tarball_path)
1480    def extract_bios_image(self, board, model, tarball_path):
1481        """Helper function to extract BIOS image from downloaded tarball.
1483        @param board: The DUT board name.
1484        @param model: The DUT model name.
1485        @param tarball_path: The path of the downloaded build tarball.
1487        @return: Path to extracted BIOS image.
1488        """
1490        # Try to retrieve firmware build target from the version reported
1491        # by the EC. If this doesn't work, we assume the firmware build
1492        # target is the same as the model name.
1493        try:
1494            fw_target = self.get_ec_board()
1495        except Exception as err:
1496            logging.warn('Failed to get ec_board value; ignoring')
1497            fw_target = model
1498            pass
1500        # Array of candidates for BIOS image
1501        bios_image_candidates = [
1502                'image.bin',
1503                'image-%s.bin' % fw_target,
1504                'image-%s.bin' % board
1505        ]
1507        # Extract BIOS image from tarball
1508        dest_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(tarball_path), 'BIOS')
1509        bios_image = _extract_image_from_tarball(tarball_path,
1510                                                 dest_dir,
1511                                                 bios_image_candidates,
1512                                                 self.EXTRACT_TIMEOUT_SECS)
1514        # Check if BIOS image was found and return path or raise error
1515        if bios_image:
1516            return os.path.join(dest_dir, bios_image)
1517        else:
1518            raise error.TestError('Failed to extract BIOS image from %s' %
1519                                  tarball_path)
1522    def switch_usbkey(self, usb_state):
1523        """Connect USB flash stick to either host or DUT, or turn USB port off.
1525        This function switches the servo multiplexer to provide electrical
1526        connection between the USB port J3 and either host or DUT side. It
1527        can also be used to turn the USB port off.
1529        @param usb_state: A string, one of 'dut', 'host', or 'off'.
1530                          'dut' and 'host' indicate which side the
1531                          USB flash device is required to be connected to.
1532                          'off' indicates turning the USB port off.
1534        @raise: error.TestError in case the parameter is not 'dut'
1535                'host', or 'off'.
1536        """
1537        if self.get_usbkey_state() == usb_state:
1538            return
1540        if usb_state == 'off':
1541            self.set_nocheck('image_usbkey_pwr', 'off')
1542            return
1543        elif usb_state == 'host':
1544            mux_direction = 'servo_sees_usbkey'
1545        elif usb_state == 'dut':
1546            mux_direction = 'dut_sees_usbkey'
1547        else:
1548            raise error.TestError('Unknown USB state request: %s' % usb_state)
1549        # On the servod side, this control will ensure that
1550        # - the port is power cycled if it is changing directions
1551        # - the port ends up in a powered state after this call
1552        # - if facing the host side, the call only returns once a usb block
1553        #   device is detected, or after a generous timeout (10s)
1554        self.set('image_usbkey_direction', mux_direction)
1555        # As servod makes no guarantees when switching to the dut side,
1556        # add a detection delay here when facing the dut.
1557        if mux_direction == 'dut_sees_usbkey':
1558            time.sleep(self.USB_DETECTION_DELAY)
1560    def get_usbkey_state(self):
1561        """Get which side USB is connected to or 'off' if usb power is off.
1563        @return: A string, one of 'dut', 'host', or 'off'.
1564        """
1565        pwr = self.get('image_usbkey_pwr')
1566        if pwr == 'off':
1567            return pwr
1568        direction = self.get('image_usbkey_direction')
1569        if direction == 'servo_sees_usbkey':
1570            return 'host'
1571        if direction == 'dut_sees_usbkey':
1572            return 'dut'
1573        raise error.TestFail('image_usbkey_direction set an unknown mux '
1574                             'direction: %s' % direction)
1576    def set_servo_v4_role(self, role):
1577        """Set the power role of servo v4, either 'src' or 'snk'.
1579        It does nothing if not a servo v4.
1581        @param role: Power role for DUT port on servo v4, either 'src' or 'snk'.
1582        """
1583        if not self._servo_type.startswith('servo_v4'):
1584            logging.debug('Not a servo v4, unable to set role to %s.', role)
1585            return
1587        if not self.has_control('servo_v4_role'):
1588            logging.debug(
1589                    'Servo does not has servo_v4_role control, unable'
1590                    ' to set role to %s.', role)
1591            return
1593        value = self.get('servo_v4_role')
1594        if value != role:
1595            self.set_nocheck('servo_v4_role', role)
1596        else:
1597            logging.debug('Already in the role: %s.', role)
1599    def get_servo_v4_role(self):
1600        """Get the power role of servo v4, either 'src' or 'snk'.
1602        It returns None if not a servo v4.
1603        """
1604        if not self._servo_type.startswith('servo_v4'):
1605            logging.debug('Not a servo v4, unable to get role')
1606            return None
1608        if not self.has_control('servo_v4_role'):
1609            logging.debug(
1610                    'Servo does not has servo_v4_role control, unable'
1611                    ' to get the role.')
1612            return None
1614        return self.get('servo_v4_role')
1616    def set_servo_v4_pd_comm(self, en):
1617        """Set the PD communication of servo v4, either 'on' or 'off'.
1619        It does nothing if not a servo v4.
1621        @param en: a string of 'on' or 'off' for PD communication.
1622        """
1623        if self._servo_type.startswith('servo_v4'):
1624            self.set_nocheck('servo_v4_pd_comm', en)
1625        else:
1626            logging.debug('Not a servo v4, unable to set PD comm to %s.', en)
1628    def supports_built_in_pd_control(self):
1629        """Return whether the servo type supports pd charging and control."""
1630        if 'servo_v4' not in self._servo_type:
1631            # Only servo v4 supports this feature.
1632            logging.info('%r type does not support pd control.',
1633                         self._servo_type)
1634            return False
1635        # On servo v4, it still needs to be the type-c version.
1636        if not self.get('servo_v4_type') == 'type-c':
1637            logging.info('PD controls require a type-c servo v4.')
1638            return False
1639        # Lastly, one cannot really do anything without a plugged in charger.
1640        chg_port_mv = self.get('ppchg5_mv')
1641        if chg_port_mv < V4_CHG_ATTACHED_MIN_VOLTAGE_MV:
1642            logging.warn('It appears that no charger is plugged into servo v4. '
1643                         'Charger port voltage: %dmV', chg_port_mv)
1644            return False
1645        logging.info('Charger port voltage: %dmV', chg_port_mv)
1646        return True
1648    def dts_mode_is_valid(self):
1649        """Return whether servo setup supports dts mode control for cr50."""
1650        if 'servo_v4' not in self._servo_type:
1651            # Only servo v4 supports this feature.
1652            logging.debug('%r type does not support dts mode control.',
1653                          self._servo_type)
1654            return False
1655        # On servo v4, it still needs ot be the type-c version.
1656        if not 'type-c' == self.get('servo_v4_type'):
1657            logging.info('DTS controls require a type-c servo v4.')
1658            return False
1659        return True
1661    def dts_mode_is_safe(self):
1662        """Return whether servo setup supports dts mode without losing access.
1664        DTS mode control exists but the main device might go through ccd.
1665        In that case, it's only safe to control dts mode if the main device
1666        is legacy as otherwise the connection to the main device cuts out.
1667        """
1668        return self.dts_mode_is_valid() and self.main_device_is_flex()
1670    def get_dts_mode(self):
1671        """Return servo dts mode.
1673        @returns: on/off whether dts is on or off
1674        """
1675        if not self.dts_mode_is_valid():
1676            logging.info('Not a valid servo setup. Unable to get dts mode.')
1677            return
1678        return self.get('servo_v4_dts_mode')
1680    def ccd_watchdog_enable(self, enable):
1681        """Control the ccd watchdog."""
1682        if 'ccd' not in self._servo_type:
1683            return
1684        if self._ccd_watchdog_disabled and enable:
1685            logging.info('CCD watchdog disabled for test')
1686            return
1687        control = 'watchdog_add' if enable else 'watchdog_remove'
1688        self.set_nocheck(control, 'ccd')
1690    def disable_ccd_watchdog_for_test(self):
1691        """Prevent servo from enabling the watchdog."""
1692        self._ccd_watchdog_disabled = True
1693        self.ccd_watchdog_enable(False)
1695    def allow_ccd_watchdog_for_test(self):
1696        """Allow servo to enable the ccd watchdog."""
1697        self._ccd_watchdog_disabled = False
1698        self.ccd_watchdog_enable(True)
1700    def set_dts_mode(self, state):
1701        """Set servo dts mode to off or on.
1703        It does nothing if not a servo v4. Disable the ccd watchdog if we're
1704        disabling dts mode. CCD will disconnect. The watchdog only allows CCD
1705        to disconnect for 10 seconds until it kills servod. Disable the
1706        watchdog, so CCD can stay disconnected indefinitely.
1708        @param state: Set servo v4 dts mode 'off' or 'on'.
1709        """
1710        if not self.dts_mode_is_valid():
1711            logging.info('Not a valid servo setup. Unable to set dts mode %s.',
1712                         state)
1713            return
1715        enable_watchdog = state == 'on'
1717        if not enable_watchdog:
1718            self.ccd_watchdog_enable(False)
1720        self.set_nocheck('servo_v4_dts_mode', state)
1722        if enable_watchdog:
1723            self.ccd_watchdog_enable(True)
1726    def _get_servo_type_fw_version(self, servo_type, prefix=''):
1727        """Helper to handle fw retrieval for micro/v4 vs ccd.
1729        @param servo_type: one of 'servo_v4', 'servo_micro', 'ccd_cr50'
1730        @param prefix: whether the control has a prefix
1732        @returns: fw version for non-ccd devices, cr50 version for ccd device
1733        """
1734        if servo_type == 'ccd_cr50':
1735            # ccd_cr50 runs on cr50, so need to query the cr50 fw.
1736            servo_type = 'cr50'
1737        cmd = '%s_version' % servo_type
1738        try:
1739            return self.get(cmd, prefix=prefix)
1740        except error.TestFail:
1741            # Do not fail here, simply report the version as unknown.
1742            logging.warn('Unable to query %r to get servo fw version.', cmd)
1743            return 'unknown'
1746    def get_servo_fw_versions(self):
1747        """Retrieve a summary of attached servos and their firmware.
1749        Note: that only the Google firmware owned servos supports this e.g.
1750        micro, v4, etc. For anything else, the dictionary will have no entry.
1751        If no device is has Google owned firmware (e.g. v3) then the result
1752        is an empty dictionary.
1754        @returns: dict, a collection of each attached servo & their firmware.
1755        """
1756        def get_fw_version_tag(tag, dev):
1757            return '%s_version.%s' % (dev, tag)
1759        fw_versions = {}
1760        if 'servo_v4' not in self._servo_type:
1761            return {}
1762        v4_tag = get_fw_version_tag('support', 'servo_v4')
1763        fw_versions[v4_tag] = self._get_servo_type_fw_version('servo_v4')
1764        if 'with' in self._servo_type:
1765            dut_devs = self._servo_type.split('_with_')[1].split('_and_')
1766            main_tag = get_fw_version_tag('main', dut_devs[0])
1767            fw_versions[main_tag] = self._get_servo_type_fw_version(dut_devs[0])
1768            if len(dut_devs) == 2:
1769                # Right now, the only way for this to happen is for a dual setup
1770                # to exist where ccd is attached on top of servo micro. Thus, we
1771                # know that the prefix is ccd_cr50 and the type is ccd_cr50.
1772                # TODO(coconutruben): If the new servod is not deployed by
1773                # the time that there are more cases of '_and_' devices,
1774                # this needs to be reworked.
1775                dual_tag = get_fw_version_tag('ccd_flex_secondary', dut_devs[1])
1776                fw = self._get_servo_type_fw_version(dut_devs[1], 'ccd_cr50')
1777                fw_versions[dual_tag] = fw
1778        return fw_versions
1780    @property
1781    def uart_logs_dir(self):
1782        """Return the directory to save UART logs."""
1783        return self._uart.logs_dir if self._uart else ""
1786    @uart_logs_dir.setter
1787    def uart_logs_dir(self, logs_dir):
1788        """Set directory to save UART logs.
1790        @param logs_dir  String of directory name."""
1791        self._uart.logs_dir = logs_dir
1793    def get_uart_logfile(self, uart):
1794        """Return the path to the uart log file."""
1795        return self._uart.get_logfile(uart)
1797    def record_uart_capture(self, outdir=None):
1798        """Save uart stream output."""
1799        if outdir and not self.uart_logs_dir:
1800            self.uart_logs_dir = outdir
1801        self._uart.dump()
1803    def close(self, outdir=None):
1804        """Close the servo object."""
1805        # We want to ensure that servo_v4 is in src mode to avoid DUTs
1806        # left in discharge state after a task.
1807        try:
1808            self.set_servo_v4_role('src')
1809        except Exception as e:
1810            logging.info(
1811                    'Unexpected error while setting servo_v4 role'
1812                    ' to src; %s', e)
1814        self._uart.stop_capture()
1815        self.record_uart_capture(outdir)
1817    def ec_reboot(self):
1818        """Reboot Just the embedded controller."""
1819        self.set_nocheck('ec_uart_flush', 'off')
1820        self.set_nocheck('ec_uart_cmd', 'reboot')
1821        self.set_nocheck('ec_uart_flush', 'on')
1823    def get_vbus_voltage(self):
1824        """Get the voltage of VBUS'.
1826        @returns The voltage of VBUS, if vbus_voltage is supported.
1827                 None               , if vbus_voltage is not supported.
1828        """
1829        if not self.has_control('vbus_voltage'):
1830            logging.debug('Servo does not have vbus_voltage control,'
1831                          'unable to get vbus voltage')
1832            return None
1834        return self.get('vbus_voltage')