1 //! [![github]](https://github.com/dtolnay/paste) [![crates-io]](https://crates.io/crates/paste) [![docs-rs]](https://docs.rs/paste)
2 //!
3 //! [github]: https://img.shields.io/badge/github-8da0cb?style=for-the-badge&labelColor=555555&logo=github
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6 //!
7 //! <br>
8 //!
9 //! The nightly-only [`concat_idents!`] macro in the Rust standard library is
10 //! notoriously underpowered in that its concatenated identifiers can only refer to
11 //! existing items, they can never be used to define something new.
12 //!
13 //! [`concat_idents!`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/macro.concat_idents.html
14 //!
15 //! This crate provides a flexible way to paste together identifiers in a macro,
16 //! including using pasted identifiers to define new items.
17 //!
18 //! This approach works with any Rust compiler 1.31+.
19 //!
20 //! <br>
21 //!
22 //! # Pasting identifiers
23 //!
24 //! Within the `paste!` macro, identifiers inside `[<`...`>]` are pasted
25 //! together to form a single identifier.
26 //!
27 //! ```
28 //! use paste::paste;
29 //!
30 //! paste! {
31 //!     // Defines a const called `QRST`.
32 //!     const [<Q R S T>]: &str = "success!";
33 //! }
34 //!
35 //! fn main() {
36 //!     assert_eq!(
37 //!         paste! { [<Q R S T>].len() },
38 //!         8,
39 //!     );
40 //! }
41 //! ```
42 //!
43 //! <br><br>
44 //!
45 //! # More elaborate example
46 //!
47 //! The next example shows a macro that generates accessor methods for some
48 //! struct fields. It demonstrates how you might find it useful to bundle a
49 //! paste invocation inside of a macro\_rules macro.
50 //!
51 //! ```
52 //! use paste::paste;
53 //!
54 //! macro_rules! make_a_struct_and_getters {
55 //!     ($name:ident { $($field:ident),* }) => {
56 //!         // Define a struct. This expands to:
57 //!         //
58 //!         //     pub struct S {
59 //!         //         a: String,
60 //!         //         b: String,
61 //!         //         c: String,
62 //!         //     }
63 //!         pub struct $name {
64 //!             $(
65 //!                 $field: String,
66 //!             )*
67 //!         }
68 //!
69 //!         // Build an impl block with getters. This expands to:
70 //!         //
71 //!         //     impl S {
72 //!         //         pub fn get_a(&self) -> &str { &self.a }
73 //!         //         pub fn get_b(&self) -> &str { &self.b }
74 //!         //         pub fn get_c(&self) -> &str { &self.c }
75 //!         //     }
76 //!         paste! {
77 //!             impl $name {
78 //!                 $(
79 //!                     pub fn [<get_ $field>](&self) -> &str {
80 //!                         &self.$field
81 //!                     }
82 //!                 )*
83 //!             }
84 //!         }
85 //!     }
86 //! }
87 //!
88 //! make_a_struct_and_getters!(S { a, b, c });
89 //!
90 //! fn call_some_getters(s: &S) -> bool {
91 //!     s.get_a() == s.get_b() && s.get_c().is_empty()
92 //! }
93 //! #
94 //! # fn main() {}
95 //! ```
96 //!
97 //! <br><br>
98 //!
99 //! # Case conversion
100 //!
101 //! Use `$var:lower` or `$var:upper` in the segment list to convert an
102 //! interpolated segment to lower- or uppercase as part of the paste. For
103 //! example, `[<ld_ $reg:lower _expr>]` would paste to `ld_bc_expr` if invoked
104 //! with $reg=`Bc`.
105 //!
106 //! Use `$var:snake` to convert CamelCase input to snake\_case.
107 //! Use `$var:camel` to convert snake\_case to CamelCase.
108 //! These compose, so for example `$var:snake:upper` would give you SCREAMING\_CASE.
109 //!
110 //! The precise Unicode conversions are as defined by [`str::to_lowercase`] and
111 //! [`str::to_uppercase`].
112 //!
113 //! [`str::to_lowercase`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/primitive.str.html#method.to_lowercase
114 //! [`str::to_uppercase`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/primitive.str.html#method.to_uppercase
115 //!
116 //! <br>
117 //!
118 //! # Pasting documentation strings
119 //!
120 //! Within the `paste!` macro, arguments to a #\[doc ...\] attribute are
121 //! implicitly concatenated together to form a coherent documentation string.
122 //!
123 //! ```
124 //! use paste::paste;
125 //!
126 //! macro_rules! method_new {
127 //!     ($ret:ident) => {
128 //!         paste! {
129 //!             #[doc = "Create a new `" $ret "` object."]
130 //!             pub fn new() -> $ret { todo!() }
131 //!         }
132 //!     };
133 //! }
134 //!
135 //! pub struct Paste {}
136 //!
137 //! method_new!(Paste);  // expands to #[doc = "Create a new `Paste` object"]
138 //! ```
140 #![allow(
141     clippy::doc_markdown,
142     clippy::module_name_repetitions,
143     clippy::needless_doctest_main,
144     clippy::too_many_lines
145 )]
147 extern crate proc_macro;
149 mod attr;
150 mod error;
151 mod segment;
153 use crate::attr::expand_attr;
154 use crate::error::{Error, Result};
155 use crate::segment::Segment;
156 use proc_macro::{Delimiter, Group, Ident, Punct, Spacing, Span, TokenStream, TokenTree};
157 use std::iter;
158 use std::panic;
160 #[proc_macro]
paste(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream161 pub fn paste(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
162     let mut contains_paste = false;
163     let flatten_single_interpolation = true;
164     match expand(input, &mut contains_paste, flatten_single_interpolation) {
165         Ok(expanded) => expanded,
166         Err(err) => err.to_compile_error(),
167     }
168 }
170 #[doc(hidden)]
171 #[proc_macro]
item(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream172 pub fn item(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
173     paste(input)
174 }
176 #[doc(hidden)]
177 #[proc_macro]
expr(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream178 pub fn expr(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
179     paste(input)
180 }
expand( input: TokenStream, contains_paste: &mut bool, flatten_single_interpolation: bool, ) -> Result<TokenStream>182 fn expand(
183     input: TokenStream,
184     contains_paste: &mut bool,
185     flatten_single_interpolation: bool,
186 ) -> Result<TokenStream> {
187     let mut expanded = TokenStream::new();
188     let mut lookbehind = Lookbehind::Other;
189     let mut prev_none_group = None::<Group>;
190     let mut tokens = input.into_iter().peekable();
191     loop {
192         let token = tokens.next();
193         if let Some(group) = prev_none_group.take() {
194             if match (&token, tokens.peek()) {
195                 (Some(TokenTree::Punct(fst)), Some(TokenTree::Punct(snd))) => {
196                     fst.as_char() == ':' && snd.as_char() == ':' && fst.spacing() == Spacing::Joint
197                 }
198                 _ => false,
199             } {
200                 expanded.extend(group.stream());
201                 *contains_paste = true;
202             } else {
203                 expanded.extend(iter::once(TokenTree::Group(group)));
204             }
205         }
206         match token {
207             Some(TokenTree::Group(group)) => {
208                 let delimiter = group.delimiter();
209                 let content = group.stream();
210                 let span = group.span();
211                 if delimiter == Delimiter::Bracket && is_paste_operation(&content) {
212                     let segments = parse_bracket_as_segments(content, span)?;
213                     let pasted = segment::paste(&segments)?;
214                     let tokens = pasted_to_tokens(pasted, span)?;
215                     expanded.extend(tokens);
216                     *contains_paste = true;
217                 } else if flatten_single_interpolation
218                     && delimiter == Delimiter::None
219                     && is_single_interpolation_group(&content)
220                 {
221                     expanded.extend(content);
222                     *contains_paste = true;
223                 } else {
224                     let mut group_contains_paste = false;
225                     let is_attribute = delimiter == Delimiter::Bracket
226                         && (lookbehind == Lookbehind::Pound || lookbehind == Lookbehind::PoundBang);
227                     let mut nested = expand(
228                         content,
229                         &mut group_contains_paste,
230                         flatten_single_interpolation && !is_attribute,
231                     )?;
232                     if is_attribute {
233                         nested = expand_attr(nested, span, &mut group_contains_paste)?
234                     }
235                     let group = if group_contains_paste {
236                         let mut group = Group::new(delimiter, nested);
237                         group.set_span(span);
238                         *contains_paste = true;
239                         group
240                     } else {
241                         group.clone()
242                     };
243                     if delimiter != Delimiter::None {
244                         expanded.extend(iter::once(TokenTree::Group(group)));
245                     } else if lookbehind == Lookbehind::DoubleColon {
246                         expanded.extend(group.stream());
247                         *contains_paste = true;
248                     } else {
249                         prev_none_group = Some(group);
250                     }
251                 }
252                 lookbehind = Lookbehind::Other;
253             }
254             Some(TokenTree::Punct(punct)) => {
255                 lookbehind = match punct.as_char() {
256                     ':' if lookbehind == Lookbehind::JointColon => Lookbehind::DoubleColon,
257                     ':' if punct.spacing() == Spacing::Joint => Lookbehind::JointColon,
258                     '#' => Lookbehind::Pound,
259                     '!' if lookbehind == Lookbehind::Pound => Lookbehind::PoundBang,
260                     _ => Lookbehind::Other,
261                 };
262                 expanded.extend(iter::once(TokenTree::Punct(punct)));
263             }
264             Some(other) => {
265                 lookbehind = Lookbehind::Other;
266                 expanded.extend(iter::once(other));
267             }
268             None => return Ok(expanded),
269         }
270     }
271 }
273 #[derive(PartialEq)]
274 enum Lookbehind {
275     JointColon,
276     DoubleColon,
277     Pound,
278     PoundBang,
279     Other,
280 }
282 // https://github.com/dtolnay/paste/issues/26
is_single_interpolation_group(input: &TokenStream) -> bool283 fn is_single_interpolation_group(input: &TokenStream) -> bool {
284     #[derive(PartialEq)]
285     enum State {
286         Init,
287         Ident,
288         Literal,
289         Apostrophe,
290         Lifetime,
291         Colon1,
292         Colon2,
293     }
295     let mut state = State::Init;
296     for tt in input.clone() {
297         state = match (state, &tt) {
298             (State::Init, TokenTree::Ident(_)) => State::Ident,
299             (State::Init, TokenTree::Literal(_)) => State::Literal,
300             (State::Init, TokenTree::Punct(punct)) if punct.as_char() == '\'' => State::Apostrophe,
301             (State::Apostrophe, TokenTree::Ident(_)) => State::Lifetime,
302             (State::Ident, TokenTree::Punct(punct))
303                 if punct.as_char() == ':' && punct.spacing() == Spacing::Joint =>
304             {
305                 State::Colon1
306             }
307             (State::Colon1, TokenTree::Punct(punct))
308                 if punct.as_char() == ':' && punct.spacing() == Spacing::Alone =>
309             {
310                 State::Colon2
311             }
312             (State::Colon2, TokenTree::Ident(_)) => State::Ident,
313             _ => return false,
314         };
315     }
317     state == State::Ident || state == State::Literal || state == State::Lifetime
318 }
is_paste_operation(input: &TokenStream) -> bool320 fn is_paste_operation(input: &TokenStream) -> bool {
321     let mut tokens = input.clone().into_iter();
323     match &tokens.next() {
324         Some(TokenTree::Punct(punct)) if punct.as_char() == '<' => {}
325         _ => return false,
326     }
328     let mut has_token = false;
329     loop {
330         match &tokens.next() {
331             Some(TokenTree::Punct(punct)) if punct.as_char() == '>' => {
332                 return has_token && tokens.next().is_none();
333             }
334             Some(_) => has_token = true,
335             None => return false,
336         }
337     }
338 }
parse_bracket_as_segments(input: TokenStream, scope: Span) -> Result<Vec<Segment>>340 fn parse_bracket_as_segments(input: TokenStream, scope: Span) -> Result<Vec<Segment>> {
341     let mut tokens = input.into_iter().peekable();
343     match &tokens.next() {
344         Some(TokenTree::Punct(punct)) if punct.as_char() == '<' => {}
345         Some(wrong) => return Err(Error::new(wrong.span(), "expected `<`")),
346         None => return Err(Error::new(scope, "expected `[< ... >]`")),
347     }
349     let mut segments = segment::parse(&mut tokens)?;
351     match &tokens.next() {
352         Some(TokenTree::Punct(punct)) if punct.as_char() == '>' => {}
353         Some(wrong) => return Err(Error::new(wrong.span(), "expected `>`")),
354         None => return Err(Error::new(scope, "expected `[< ... >]`")),
355     }
357     if let Some(unexpected) = tokens.next() {
358         return Err(Error::new(
359             unexpected.span(),
360             "unexpected input, expected `[< ... >]`",
361         ));
362     }
364     for segment in &mut segments {
365         if let Segment::String(string) = segment {
366             if string.value.contains(&['#', '\\', '.', '+'][..]) {
367                 return Err(Error::new(string.span, "unsupported literal"));
368             }
369             string.value = string
370                 .value
371                 .replace('"', "")
372                 .replace('\'', "")
373                 .replace('-', "_");
374         }
375     }
377     Ok(segments)
378 }
pasted_to_tokens(mut pasted: String, span: Span) -> Result<TokenStream>380 fn pasted_to_tokens(mut pasted: String, span: Span) -> Result<TokenStream> {
381     let mut tokens = TokenStream::new();
383     if pasted.starts_with('\'') {
384         let mut apostrophe = TokenTree::Punct(Punct::new('\'', Spacing::Joint));
385         apostrophe.set_span(span);
386         tokens.extend(iter::once(apostrophe));
387         pasted.remove(0);
388     }
390     let ident = match panic::catch_unwind(|| Ident::new(&pasted, span)) {
391         Ok(ident) => TokenTree::Ident(ident),
392         Err(_) => {
393             return Err(Error::new(
394                 span,
395                 &format!("`{:?}` is not a valid identifier", pasted),
396             ));
397         }
398     };
400     tokens.extend(iter::once(ident));
401     Ok(tokens)
402 }