1 // Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
9 // PartitionRoot::Alloc() / PartitionRootGeneric::Alloc() and PartitionFree() /
10 // PartitionRootGeneric::Free() are approximately analagous to malloc() and
11 // free().
12 //
13 // The main difference is that a PartitionRoot / PartitionRootGeneric object
14 // must be supplied to these functions, representing a specific "heap partition"
15 // that will be used to satisfy the allocation. Different partitions are
16 // guaranteed to exist in separate address spaces, including being separate from
17 // the main system heap. If the contained objects are all freed, physical memory
18 // is returned to the system but the address space remains reserved.
19 // See PartitionAlloc.md for other security properties PartitionAlloc provides.
20 //
22 // SizeSpecificPartitionAllocator / PartitionAllocatorGeneric classes. To
23 // minimize the instruction count to the fullest extent possible, the
24 // PartitionRoot is really just a header adjacent to other data areas provided
25 // by the allocator class.
26 //
27 // The PartitionRoot::Alloc() variant of the API has the following caveats:
28 // - Allocations and frees against a single partition must be single threaded.
29 // - Allocations must not exceed a max size, chosen at compile-time via a
30 // templated parameter to PartitionAllocator.
31 // - Allocation sizes must be aligned to the system pointer size.
32 // - Allocations are bucketed exactly according to size.
33 //
34 // And for PartitionRootGeneric::Alloc():
35 // - Multi-threaded use against a single partition is ok; locking is handled.
36 // - Allocations of any arbitrary size can be handled (subject to a limit of
37 // INT_MAX bytes for security reasons).
38 // - Bucketing is by approximate size, for example an allocation of 4000 bytes
39 // might be placed into a 4096-byte bucket. Bucket sizes are chosen to try and
40 // keep worst-case waste to ~10%.
41 //
42 // The allocators are designed to be extremely fast, thanks to the following
43 // properties and design:
44 // - Just two single (reasonably predicatable) branches in the hot / fast path
45 //   for both allocating and (significantly) freeing.
46 // - A minimal number of operations in the hot / fast path, with the slow paths
47 //   in separate functions, leading to the possibility of inlining.
48 // - Each partition page (which is usually multiple physical pages) has a
49 //   metadata structure which allows fast mapping of free() address to an
50 //   underlying bucket.
51 // - Supports a lock-free API for fast performance in single-threaded cases.
52 // - The freelist for a given bucket is split across a number of partition
53 //   pages, enabling various simple tricks to try and minimize fragmentation.
54 // - Fine-grained bucket sizes leading to less waste and better packing.
55 //
56 // The following security properties could be investigated in the future:
57 // - Per-object bucketing (instead of per-size) is mostly available at the API,
58 // but not used yet.
59 // - No randomness of freelist entries or bucket position.
60 // - Better checking for wild pointers in free().
61 // - Better freelist masking function to guarantee fault on 32-bit.
63 #include <limits.h>
64 #include <string.h>
66 #include "build/build_config.h"
67 #include "third_party/base/allocator/partition_allocator/page_allocator.h"
68 #include "third_party/base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_alloc_constants.h"
69 #include "third_party/base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_bucket.h"
70 #include "third_party/base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_cookie.h"
71 #include "third_party/base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_page.h"
72 #include "third_party/base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_root_base.h"
73 #include "third_party/base/allocator/partition_allocator/spin_lock.h"
74 #include "third_party/base/base_export.h"
75 #include "third_party/base/bits.h"
76 #include "third_party/base/compiler_specific.h"
77 #include "third_party/base/logging.h"
78 #include "third_party/base/stl_util.h"
79 #include "third_party/base/sys_byteorder.h"
82 #include <stdlib.h>
83 #endif
85 // We use this to make MEMORY_TOOL_REPLACES_ALLOCATOR behave the same for max
86 // size as other alloc code.
87 #define CHECK_MAX_SIZE_OR_RETURN_NULLPTR(size, flags) \
88   if (size > kGenericMaxDirectMapped) {               \
89     if (flags & PartitionAllocReturnNull) {           \
90       return nullptr;                                 \
91     }                                                 \
92     CHECK(false);                                     \
93   }
95 namespace pdfium {
96 namespace base {
98 class PartitionStatsDumper;
100 enum PartitionPurgeFlags {
101   // Decommitting the ring list of empty pages is reasonably fast.
102   PartitionPurgeDecommitEmptyPages = 1 << 0,
103   // Discarding unused system pages is slower, because it involves walking all
104   // freelists in all active partition pages of all buckets >= system page
105   // size. It often frees a similar amount of memory to decommitting the empty
106   // pages, though.
107   PartitionPurgeDiscardUnusedSystemPages = 1 << 1,
108 };
110 // Never instantiate a PartitionRoot directly, instead use PartitionAlloc.
111 struct BASE_EXPORT PartitionRoot : public internal::PartitionRootBase {
112   PartitionRoot();
113   ~PartitionRoot() override;
114   // This references the buckets OFF the edge of this struct. All uses of
115   // PartitionRoot must have the bucket array come right after.
116   //
117   // The PartitionAlloc templated class ensures the following is correct.
bucketsPartitionRoot118   ALWAYS_INLINE internal::PartitionBucket* buckets() {
119     return reinterpret_cast<internal::PartitionBucket*>(this + 1);
120   }
bucketsPartitionRoot121   ALWAYS_INLINE const internal::PartitionBucket* buckets() const {
122     return reinterpret_cast<const internal::PartitionBucket*>(this + 1);
123   }
125   void Init(size_t bucket_count, size_t maximum_allocation);
127   ALWAYS_INLINE void* Alloc(size_t size, const char* type_name);
128   ALWAYS_INLINE void* AllocFlags(int flags, size_t size, const char* type_name);
130   void PurgeMemory(int flags) override;
132   void DumpStats(const char* partition_name,
133                  bool is_light_dump,
134                  PartitionStatsDumper* dumper);
135 };
137 // Never instantiate a PartitionRootGeneric directly, instead use
138 // PartitionAllocatorGeneric.
139 struct BASE_EXPORT PartitionRootGeneric : public internal::PartitionRootBase {
140   PartitionRootGeneric();
141   ~PartitionRootGeneric() override;
142   subtle::SpinLock lock;
143   // Some pre-computed constants.
144   size_t order_index_shifts[kBitsPerSizeT + 1] = {};
145   size_t order_sub_index_masks[kBitsPerSizeT + 1] = {};
146   // The bucket lookup table lets us map a size_t to a bucket quickly.
147   // The trailing +1 caters for the overflow case for very large allocation
148   // sizes.  It is one flat array instead of a 2D array because in the 2D
149   // world, we'd need to index array[blah][max+1] which risks undefined
150   // behavior.
151   internal::PartitionBucket*
152       bucket_lookups[((kBitsPerSizeT + 1) * kGenericNumBucketsPerOrder) + 1] =
153           {};
154   internal::PartitionBucket buckets[kGenericNumBuckets] = {};
156   // Public API.
157   void Init();
159   ALWAYS_INLINE void* Alloc(size_t size, const char* type_name);
160   ALWAYS_INLINE void* AllocFlags(int flags, size_t size, const char* type_name);
161   ALWAYS_INLINE void Free(void* ptr);
163   NOINLINE void* Realloc(void* ptr, size_t new_size, const char* type_name);
164   // Overload that may return nullptr if reallocation isn't possible. In this
165   // case, |ptr| remains valid.
166   NOINLINE void* TryRealloc(void* ptr, size_t new_size, const char* type_name);
168   ALWAYS_INLINE size_t ActualSize(size_t size);
170   void PurgeMemory(int flags) override;
172   void DumpStats(const char* partition_name,
173                  bool is_light_dump,
174                  PartitionStatsDumper* partition_stats_dumper);
175 };
177 // Struct used to retrieve total memory usage of a partition. Used by
178 // PartitionStatsDumper implementation.
179 struct PartitionMemoryStats {
180   size_t total_mmapped_bytes;    // Total bytes mmaped from the system.
181   size_t total_committed_bytes;  // Total size of commmitted pages.
182   size_t total_resident_bytes;   // Total bytes provisioned by the partition.
183   size_t total_active_bytes;     // Total active bytes in the partition.
184   size_t total_decommittable_bytes;  // Total bytes that could be decommitted.
185   size_t total_discardable_bytes;    // Total bytes that could be discarded.
186 };
188 // Struct used to retrieve memory statistics about a partition bucket. Used by
189 // PartitionStatsDumper implementation.
190 struct PartitionBucketMemoryStats {
191   bool is_valid;       // Used to check if the stats is valid.
192   bool is_direct_map;  // True if this is a direct mapping; size will not be
193                        // unique.
194   uint32_t bucket_slot_size;     // The size of the slot in bytes.
195   uint32_t allocated_page_size;  // Total size the partition page allocated from
196                                  // the system.
197   uint32_t active_bytes;         // Total active bytes used in the bucket.
198   uint32_t resident_bytes;       // Total bytes provisioned in the bucket.
199   uint32_t decommittable_bytes;  // Total bytes that could be decommitted.
200   uint32_t discardable_bytes;    // Total bytes that could be discarded.
201   uint32_t num_full_pages;       // Number of pages with all slots allocated.
202   uint32_t num_active_pages;     // Number of pages that have at least one
203                                  // provisioned slot.
204   uint32_t num_empty_pages;      // Number of pages that are empty
205                                  // but not decommitted.
206   uint32_t num_decommitted_pages;  // Number of pages that are empty
207                                    // and decommitted.
208 };
210 // Interface that is passed to PartitionDumpStats and
211 // PartitionDumpStatsGeneric for using the memory statistics.
212 class BASE_EXPORT PartitionStatsDumper {
213  public:
214   // Called to dump total memory used by partition, once per partition.
215   virtual void PartitionDumpTotals(const char* partition_name,
216                                    const PartitionMemoryStats*) = 0;
218   // Called to dump stats about buckets, for each bucket.
219   virtual void PartitionsDumpBucketStats(const char* partition_name,
220                                          const PartitionBucketMemoryStats*) = 0;
221 };
223 BASE_EXPORT void PartitionAllocGlobalInit(void (*oom_handling_function)());
225 // PartitionAlloc supports setting hooks to observe allocations/frees as they
226 // occur as well as 'override' hooks that allow overriding those operations.
227 class BASE_EXPORT PartitionAllocHooks {
228  public:
229   // Log allocation and free events.
230   typedef void AllocationObserverHook(void* address,
231                                       size_t size,
232                                       const char* type_name);
233   typedef void FreeObserverHook(void* address);
235   // If it returns true, the allocation has been overridden with the pointer in
236   // *out.
237   typedef bool AllocationOverrideHook(void** out,
238                                       int flags,
239                                       size_t size,
240                                       const char* type_name);
241   // If it returns true, then the allocation was overridden and has been freed.
242   typedef bool FreeOverrideHook(void* address);
243   // If it returns true, the underlying allocation is overridden and *out holds
244   // the size of the underlying allocation.
245   typedef bool ReallocOverrideHook(size_t* out, void* address);
247   // To unhook, call Set*Hooks with nullptrs.
248   static void SetObserverHooks(AllocationObserverHook* alloc_hook,
249                                FreeObserverHook* free_hook);
250   static void SetOverrideHooks(AllocationOverrideHook* alloc_hook,
251                                FreeOverrideHook* free_hook,
252                                ReallocOverrideHook realloc_hook);
254   // Helper method to check whether hooks are enabled. This is an optimization
255   // so that if a function needs to call observer and override hooks in two
256   // different places this value can be cached and only loaded once.
AreHooksEnabled()257   static bool AreHooksEnabled() {
258     return hooks_enabled_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
259   }
261   static void AllocationObserverHookIfEnabled(void* address,
262                                               size_t size,
263                                               const char* type_name);
264   static bool AllocationOverrideHookIfEnabled(void** out,
265                                               int flags,
266                                               size_t size,
267                                               const char* type_name);
269   static void FreeObserverHookIfEnabled(void* address);
270   static bool FreeOverrideHookIfEnabled(void* address);
272   static void ReallocObserverHookIfEnabled(void* old_address,
273                                            void* new_address,
274                                            size_t size,
275                                            const char* type_name);
276   static bool ReallocOverrideHookIfEnabled(size_t* out, void* address);
278  private:
279   // Single bool that is used to indicate whether observer or allocation hooks
280   // are set to reduce the numbers of loads required to check whether hooking is
281   // enabled.
282   static std::atomic<bool> hooks_enabled_;
284   // Lock used to synchronize Set*Hooks calls.
285   static subtle::SpinLock set_hooks_lock_;
287   static std::atomic<AllocationObserverHook*> allocation_observer_hook_;
288   static std::atomic<FreeObserverHook*> free_observer_hook_;
290   static std::atomic<AllocationOverrideHook*> allocation_override_hook_;
291   static std::atomic<FreeOverrideHook*> free_override_hook_;
292   static std::atomic<ReallocOverrideHook*> realloc_override_hook_;
293 };
Alloc(size_t size,const char * type_name)295 ALWAYS_INLINE void* PartitionRoot::Alloc(size_t size, const char* type_name) {
296   return AllocFlags(0, size, type_name);
297 }
AllocFlags(int flags,size_t size,const char * type_name)299 ALWAYS_INLINE void* PartitionRoot::AllocFlags(int flags,
300                                               size_t size,
301                                               const char* type_name) {
304   void* result = malloc(size);
305   CHECK(result);
306   return result;
307 #else
308   DCHECK(max_allocation == 0 || size <= max_allocation);
309   void* result;
310   const bool hooks_enabled = PartitionAllocHooks::AreHooksEnabled();
311   if (UNLIKELY(hooks_enabled)) {
312     if (PartitionAllocHooks::AllocationOverrideHookIfEnabled(&result, flags,
313                                                              size, type_name)) {
314       PartitionAllocHooks::AllocationObserverHookIfEnabled(result, size,
315                                                            type_name);
316       return result;
317     }
318   }
319   size_t requested_size = size;
320   size = internal::PartitionCookieSizeAdjustAdd(size);
321   DCHECK(initialized);
322   size_t index = size >> kBucketShift;
323   DCHECK(index < num_buckets);
324   DCHECK(size == index << kBucketShift);
325   internal::PartitionBucket* bucket = &buckets()[index];
326   result = AllocFromBucket(bucket, flags, size);
327   if (UNLIKELY(hooks_enabled)) {
328     PartitionAllocHooks::AllocationObserverHookIfEnabled(result, requested_size,
329                                                          type_name);
330   }
331   return result;
332 #endif  // defined(MEMORY_TOOL_REPLACES_ALLOCATOR)
333 }
PartitionAllocSupportsGetSize()335 ALWAYS_INLINE bool PartitionAllocSupportsGetSize() {
337   return false;
338 #else
339   return true;
340 #endif
341 }
PartitionAllocGetSize(void * ptr)343 ALWAYS_INLINE size_t PartitionAllocGetSize(void* ptr) {
344   // No need to lock here. Only |ptr| being freed by another thread could
345   // cause trouble, and the caller is responsible for that not happening.
346   DCHECK(PartitionAllocSupportsGetSize());
347   ptr = internal::PartitionCookieFreePointerAdjust(ptr);
348   internal::PartitionPage* page = internal::PartitionPage::FromPointer(ptr);
349   // TODO(palmer): See if we can afford to make this a CHECK.
350   DCHECK(internal::PartitionRootBase::IsValidPage(page));
351   size_t size = page->bucket->slot_size;
352   return internal::PartitionCookieSizeAdjustSubtract(size);
353 }
PartitionFree(void * ptr)355 ALWAYS_INLINE void PartitionFree(void* ptr) {
357   free(ptr);
358 #else
359   // TODO(palmer): Check ptr alignment before continuing. Shall we do the check
360   // inside PartitionCookieFreePointerAdjust?
361   if (PartitionAllocHooks::AreHooksEnabled()) {
362     PartitionAllocHooks::FreeObserverHookIfEnabled(ptr);
363     if (PartitionAllocHooks::FreeOverrideHookIfEnabled(ptr))
364       return;
365   }
367   ptr = internal::PartitionCookieFreePointerAdjust(ptr);
368   internal::PartitionPage* page = internal::PartitionPage::FromPointer(ptr);
369   // TODO(palmer): See if we can afford to make this a CHECK.
370   DCHECK(internal::PartitionRootBase::IsValidPage(page));
371   page->Free(ptr);
372 #endif
373 }
PartitionGenericSizeToBucket(PartitionRootGeneric * root,size_t size)375 ALWAYS_INLINE internal::PartitionBucket* PartitionGenericSizeToBucket(
376     PartitionRootGeneric* root,
377     size_t size) {
378   size_t order = kBitsPerSizeT - bits::CountLeadingZeroBitsSizeT(size);
379   // The order index is simply the next few bits after the most significant bit.
380   size_t order_index = (size >> root->order_index_shifts[order]) &
381                        (kGenericNumBucketsPerOrder - 1);
382   // And if the remaining bits are non-zero we must bump the bucket up.
383   size_t sub_order_index = size & root->order_sub_index_masks[order];
384   internal::PartitionBucket* bucket =
385       root->bucket_lookups[(order << kGenericNumBucketsPerOrderBits) +
386                            order_index + !!sub_order_index];
387   CHECK(bucket);
388   DCHECK(!bucket->slot_size || bucket->slot_size >= size);
389   DCHECK(!(bucket->slot_size % kGenericSmallestBucket));
390   return bucket;
391 }
PartitionAllocGenericFlags(PartitionRootGeneric * root,int flags,size_t size,const char * type_name)393 ALWAYS_INLINE void* PartitionAllocGenericFlags(PartitionRootGeneric* root,
394                                                int flags,
395                                                size_t size,
396                                                const char* type_name) {
397   DCHECK(flags < PartitionAllocLastFlag << 1);
401   const bool zero_fill = flags & PartitionAllocZeroFill;
402   void* result = zero_fill ? calloc(1, size) : malloc(size);
403   CHECK(result || flags & PartitionAllocReturnNull);
404   return result;
405 #else
406   DCHECK(root->initialized);
407   // Only SizeSpecificPartitionAllocator should use max_allocation.
408   DCHECK(root->max_allocation == 0);
409   void* result;
410   const bool hooks_enabled = PartitionAllocHooks::AreHooksEnabled();
411   if (UNLIKELY(hooks_enabled)) {
412     if (PartitionAllocHooks::AllocationOverrideHookIfEnabled(&result, flags,
413                                                              size, type_name)) {
414       PartitionAllocHooks::AllocationObserverHookIfEnabled(result, size,
415                                                            type_name);
416       return result;
417     }
418   }
419   size_t requested_size = size;
420   size = internal::PartitionCookieSizeAdjustAdd(size);
421   internal::PartitionBucket* bucket = PartitionGenericSizeToBucket(root, size);
422   {
423     subtle::SpinLock::Guard guard(root->lock);
424     result = root->AllocFromBucket(bucket, flags, size);
425   }
426   if (UNLIKELY(hooks_enabled)) {
427     PartitionAllocHooks::AllocationObserverHookIfEnabled(result, requested_size,
428                                                          type_name);
429   }
431   return result;
432 #endif
433 }
Alloc(size_t size,const char * type_name)435 ALWAYS_INLINE void* PartitionRootGeneric::Alloc(size_t size,
436                                                 const char* type_name) {
437   return PartitionAllocGenericFlags(this, 0, size, type_name);
438 }
AllocFlags(int flags,size_t size,const char * type_name)440 ALWAYS_INLINE void* PartitionRootGeneric::AllocFlags(int flags,
441                                                      size_t size,
442                                                      const char* type_name) {
443   return PartitionAllocGenericFlags(this, flags, size, type_name);
444 }
Free(void * ptr)446 ALWAYS_INLINE void PartitionRootGeneric::Free(void* ptr) {
448   free(ptr);
449 #else
450   DCHECK(initialized);
452   if (UNLIKELY(!ptr))
453     return;
455   if (PartitionAllocHooks::AreHooksEnabled()) {
456     PartitionAllocHooks::FreeObserverHookIfEnabled(ptr);
457     if (PartitionAllocHooks::FreeOverrideHookIfEnabled(ptr))
458       return;
459   }
461   ptr = internal::PartitionCookieFreePointerAdjust(ptr);
462   internal::PartitionPage* page = internal::PartitionPage::FromPointer(ptr);
463   // TODO(palmer): See if we can afford to make this a CHECK.
464   DCHECK(IsValidPage(page));
465   {
466     subtle::SpinLock::Guard guard(lock);
467     page->Free(ptr);
468   }
469 #endif
470 }
472 BASE_EXPORT void* PartitionReallocGenericFlags(PartitionRootGeneric* root,
473                                                int flags,
474                                                void* ptr,
475                                                size_t new_size,
476                                                const char* type_name);
ActualSize(size_t size)478 ALWAYS_INLINE size_t PartitionRootGeneric::ActualSize(size_t size) {
480   return size;
481 #else
482   DCHECK(initialized);
483   size = internal::PartitionCookieSizeAdjustAdd(size);
484   internal::PartitionBucket* bucket = PartitionGenericSizeToBucket(this, size);
485   if (LIKELY(!bucket->is_direct_mapped())) {
486     size = bucket->slot_size;
487   } else if (size > kGenericMaxDirectMapped) {
488     // Too large to allocate => return the size unchanged.
489   } else {
490     size = internal::PartitionBucket::get_direct_map_size(size);
491   }
492   return internal::PartitionCookieSizeAdjustSubtract(size);
493 #endif
494 }
496 template <size_t N>
497 class SizeSpecificPartitionAllocator {
498  public:
SizeSpecificPartitionAllocator()499   SizeSpecificPartitionAllocator() {
500     memset(actual_buckets_, 0,
501            sizeof(internal::PartitionBucket) * pdfium::size(actual_buckets_));
502   }
503   ~SizeSpecificPartitionAllocator() = default;
504   static const size_t kMaxAllocation = N - kAllocationGranularity;
505   static const size_t kNumBuckets = N / kAllocationGranularity;
init()506   void init() { partition_root_.Init(kNumBuckets, kMaxAllocation); }
root()507   ALWAYS_INLINE PartitionRoot* root() { return &partition_root_; }
509  private:
510   PartitionRoot partition_root_;
511   internal::PartitionBucket actual_buckets_[kNumBuckets];
512 };
514 class BASE_EXPORT PartitionAllocatorGeneric {
515  public:
516   PartitionAllocatorGeneric();
517   ~PartitionAllocatorGeneric();
init()519   void init() { partition_root_.Init(); }
root()520   ALWAYS_INLINE PartitionRootGeneric* root() { return &partition_root_; }
522  private:
523   PartitionRootGeneric partition_root_;
524 };
526 }  // namespace base
527 }  // namespace pdfium