1 /*
2  * Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
3  *
4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5  * found in the LICENSE file.
6  */
8 #ifndef SKSL_LAYOUT
9 #define SKSL_LAYOUT
11 #include "include/private/SkSLString.h"
13 namespace SkSL {
15 /**
16  * Represents a layout block appearing before a variable declaration, as in:
17  *
18  * layout (location = 0) int x;
19  */
20 struct Layout {
21     enum Flag {
22         kOriginUpperLeft_Flag            = 1 <<  0,
23         kOverrideCoverage_Flag           = 1 <<  1,
24         kPushConstant_Flag               = 1 <<  2,
25         kBlendSupportAllEquations_Flag   = 1 <<  3,
26         kTracked_Flag                    = 1 <<  4,
27         kSRGBUnpremul_Flag               = 1 <<  5,
28         kKey_Flag                        = 1 <<  6,
30         // These flags indicate if the qualifier appeared, regardless of the accompanying value.
31         kLocation_Flag                   = 1 <<  7,
32         kOffset_Flag                     = 1 <<  8,
33         kBinding_Flag                    = 1 <<  9,
34         kIndex_Flag                      = 1 << 10,
35         kSet_Flag                        = 1 << 11,
36         kBuiltin_Flag                    = 1 << 12,
37         kInputAttachmentIndex_Flag       = 1 << 13,
38         kPrimitive_Flag                  = 1 << 14,
39         kMaxVertices_Flag                = 1 << 15,
40         kInvocations_Flag                = 1 << 16,
41         kWhen_Flag                       = 1 << 17,
42         kCType_Flag                      = 1 << 18,
43     };
45     enum Primitive {
46         kUnspecified_Primitive = -1,
47         kPoints_Primitive,
48         kLines_Primitive,
49         kLineStrip_Primitive,
50         kLinesAdjacency_Primitive,
51         kTriangles_Primitive,
52         kTriangleStrip_Primitive,
53         kTrianglesAdjacency_Primitive
54     };
56     enum class CType {
57         kDefault,
58         kBool,
59         kFloat,
60         kFloat2,
61         kFloat3,
62         kFloat4,
63         kInt32,
64         kSkRect,
65         kSkIRect,
66         kSkPMColor4f,
67         kSkPMColor,
68         kSkV4,
69         kSkPoint,
70         kSkIPoint,
71         kSkMatrix,
72         kSkM44,
73         kGrSurfaceProxyView,
74         kGrFragmentProcessor,
75     };
CTypeToStrLayout77     static const char* CTypeToStr(CType ctype) {
78         switch (ctype) {
79             case CType::kDefault:
80                 return nullptr;
81             case CType::kFloat:
82                 return "float";
83             case CType::kInt32:
84                 return "int32_t";
85             case CType::kSkRect:
86                 return "SkRect";
87             case CType::kSkIRect:
88                 return "SkIRect";
89             case CType::kSkPMColor4f:
90                 return "SkPMColor4f";
91             case CType::kSkPMColor:
92                 return "SkPMColor";
93             case CType::kSkV4:
94                 return "SkV4";
95             case CType::kSkPoint:
96                 return "SkPoint";
97             case CType::kSkIPoint:
98                 return "SkIPoint";
99             case CType::kSkMatrix:
100                 return "SkMatrix";
101             case CType::kSkM44:
102                 return "SkM44";
103             case CType::kGrSurfaceProxyView:
104                 return "GrSurfaceProxyView";
105             case CType::kGrFragmentProcessor:
106                 return "std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor>";
107             default:
108                 SkASSERT(false);
109                 return nullptr;
110         }
111     }
LayoutLayout113     Layout(int flags, int location, int offset, int binding, int index, int set, int builtin,
114            int inputAttachmentIndex, Primitive primitive, int maxVertices, int invocations,
115            StringFragment when, CType ctype)
116     : fFlags(flags)
117     , fLocation(location)
118     , fOffset(offset)
119     , fBinding(binding)
120     , fIndex(index)
121     , fSet(set)
122     , fBuiltin(builtin)
123     , fInputAttachmentIndex(inputAttachmentIndex)
124     , fPrimitive(primitive)
125     , fMaxVertices(maxVertices)
126     , fInvocations(invocations)
127     , fWhen(when)
128     , fCType(ctype) {}
LayoutLayout130     Layout()
131     : fFlags(0)
132     , fLocation(-1)
133     , fOffset(-1)
134     , fBinding(-1)
135     , fIndex(-1)
136     , fSet(-1)
137     , fBuiltin(-1)
138     , fInputAttachmentIndex(-1)
139     , fPrimitive(kUnspecified_Primitive)
140     , fMaxVertices(-1)
141     , fInvocations(-1)
142     , fCType(CType::kDefault) {}
builtinLayout144     static Layout builtin(int builtin) {
145         Layout result;
146         result.fBuiltin = builtin;
147         return result;
148     }
descriptionLayout150     String description() const {
151         String result;
152         auto separator = [firstSeparator = true]() mutable -> String {
153             if (firstSeparator) {
154                 firstSeparator = false;
155                 return "";
156             } else {
157                 return ", ";
158             }};
159         if (fLocation >= 0) {
160             result += separator() + "location = " + to_string(fLocation);
161         }
162         if (fOffset >= 0) {
163             result += separator() + "offset = " + to_string(fOffset);
164         }
165         if (fBinding >= 0) {
166             result += separator() + "binding = " + to_string(fBinding);
167         }
168         if (fIndex >= 0) {
169             result += separator() + "index = " + to_string(fIndex);
170         }
171         if (fSet >= 0) {
172             result += separator() + "set = " + to_string(fSet);
173         }
174         if (fBuiltin >= 0) {
175             result += separator() + "builtin = " + to_string(fBuiltin);
176         }
177         if (fInputAttachmentIndex >= 0) {
178             result += separator() + "input_attachment_index = " + to_string(fInputAttachmentIndex);
179         }
180         if (fFlags & kOriginUpperLeft_Flag) {
181             result += separator() + "origin_upper_left";
182         }
183         if (fFlags & kOverrideCoverage_Flag) {
184             result += separator() + "override_coverage";
185         }
186         if (fFlags & kBlendSupportAllEquations_Flag) {
187             result += separator() + "blend_support_all_equations";
188         }
189         if (fFlags & kPushConstant_Flag) {
190             result += separator() + "push_constant";
191         }
192         if (fFlags & kTracked_Flag) {
193             result += separator() + "tracked";
194         }
195         if (fFlags & kSRGBUnpremul_Flag) {
196             result += separator() + "srgb_unpremul";
197         }
198         switch (fPrimitive) {
199             case kPoints_Primitive:
200                 result += separator() + "points";
201                 break;
202             case kLines_Primitive:
203                 result += separator() + "lines";
204                 break;
205             case kLineStrip_Primitive:
206                 result += separator() + "line_strip";
207                 break;
208             case kLinesAdjacency_Primitive:
209                 result += separator() + "lines_adjacency";
210                 break;
211             case kTriangles_Primitive:
212                 result += separator() + "triangles";
213                 break;
214             case kTriangleStrip_Primitive:
215                 result += separator() + "triangle_strip";
216                 break;
217             case kTrianglesAdjacency_Primitive:
218                 result += separator() + "triangles_adjacency";
219                 break;
220             case kUnspecified_Primitive:
221                 break;
222         }
223         if (fMaxVertices >= 0) {
224             result += separator() + "max_vertices = " + to_string(fMaxVertices);
225         }
226         if (fInvocations >= 0) {
227             result += separator() + "invocations = " + to_string(fInvocations);
228         }
229         if (fWhen.fLength) {
230             result += separator() + "when = " + fWhen;
231         }
232         if (result.size() > 0) {
233             result = "layout (" + result + ")";
234         }
235         if (fFlags & kKey_Flag) {
236             result += "/* key */ const";
237         }
238         return result;
239     }
241     bool operator==(const Layout& other) const {
242         return fFlags                == other.fFlags &&
243                fLocation             == other.fLocation &&
244                fOffset               == other.fOffset &&
245                fBinding              == other.fBinding &&
246                fIndex                == other.fIndex &&
247                fSet                  == other.fSet &&
248                fBuiltin              == other.fBuiltin &&
249                fInputAttachmentIndex == other.fInputAttachmentIndex &&
250                fPrimitive            == other.fPrimitive &&
251                fMaxVertices          == other.fMaxVertices &&
252                fInvocations          == other.fInvocations &&
253                fWhen                 == other.fWhen &&
254                fCType                == other.fCType;
255     }
257     bool operator!=(const Layout& other) const {
258         return !(*this == other);
259     }
261     int fFlags;
262     int fLocation;
263     int fOffset;
264     int fBinding;
265     int fIndex;
266     int fSet;
267     // builtin comes from SPIR-V and identifies which particular builtin value this object
268     // represents.
269     int fBuiltin;
270     // input_attachment_index comes from Vulkan/SPIR-V to connect a shader variable to the a
271     // corresponding attachment on the subpass in which the shader is being used.
272     int fInputAttachmentIndex;
273     Primitive fPrimitive;
274     int fMaxVertices;
275     int fInvocations;
276     StringFragment fWhen;
277     CType fCType;
278 };
280 }  // namespace SkSL
282 #endif