1 /*
2  *  Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3  *
4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9  */
14 #include <stdio.h>
16 #include <list>
17 #include <memory>
18 #include <string>
19 #include <vector>
21 #include "api/function_view.h"
22 #include "modules/audio_processing/aec3/echo_canceller3.h"
23 #include "modules/audio_processing/agc/agc_manager_direct.h"
24 #include "modules/audio_processing/agc/gain_control.h"
25 #include "modules/audio_processing/audio_buffer.h"
26 #include "modules/audio_processing/echo_control_mobile_impl.h"
27 #include "modules/audio_processing/gain_control_impl.h"
28 #include "modules/audio_processing/gain_controller2.h"
29 #include "modules/audio_processing/high_pass_filter.h"
30 #include "modules/audio_processing/include/aec_dump.h"
31 #include "modules/audio_processing/include/audio_frame_proxies.h"
32 #include "modules/audio_processing/include/audio_processing.h"
33 #include "modules/audio_processing/include/audio_processing_statistics.h"
34 #include "modules/audio_processing/level_estimator.h"
35 #include "modules/audio_processing/ns/noise_suppressor.h"
36 #include "modules/audio_processing/optionally_built_submodule_creators.h"
37 #include "modules/audio_processing/render_queue_item_verifier.h"
38 #include "modules/audio_processing/residual_echo_detector.h"
39 #include "modules/audio_processing/rms_level.h"
40 #include "modules/audio_processing/transient/transient_suppressor.h"
41 #include "modules/audio_processing/voice_detection.h"
42 #include "rtc_base/gtest_prod_util.h"
43 #include "rtc_base/ignore_wundef.h"
44 #include "rtc_base/swap_queue.h"
45 #include "rtc_base/synchronization/mutex.h"
46 #include "rtc_base/thread_annotations.h"
48 namespace webrtc {
50 class ApmDataDumper;
51 class AudioConverter;
53 class AudioProcessingImpl : public AudioProcessing {
54  public:
55   // Methods forcing APM to run in a single-threaded manner.
56   // Acquires both the render and capture locks.
57   explicit AudioProcessingImpl(const webrtc::Config& config);
58   // AudioProcessingImpl takes ownership of capture post processor.
59   AudioProcessingImpl(const webrtc::Config& config,
60                       std::unique_ptr<CustomProcessing> capture_post_processor,
61                       std::unique_ptr<CustomProcessing> render_pre_processor,
62                       std::unique_ptr<EchoControlFactory> echo_control_factory,
63                       rtc::scoped_refptr<EchoDetector> echo_detector,
64                       std::unique_ptr<CustomAudioAnalyzer> capture_analyzer);
65   ~AudioProcessingImpl() override;
66   int Initialize() override;
67   int Initialize(int capture_input_sample_rate_hz,
68                  int capture_output_sample_rate_hz,
69                  int render_sample_rate_hz,
70                  ChannelLayout capture_input_layout,
71                  ChannelLayout capture_output_layout,
72                  ChannelLayout render_input_layout) override;
73   int Initialize(const ProcessingConfig& processing_config) override;
74   void ApplyConfig(const AudioProcessing::Config& config) override;
75   void SetExtraOptions(const webrtc::Config& config) override;
76   bool CreateAndAttachAecDump(const std::string& file_name,
77                               int64_t max_log_size_bytes,
78                               rtc::TaskQueue* worker_queue) override;
79   bool CreateAndAttachAecDump(FILE* handle,
80                               int64_t max_log_size_bytes,
81                               rtc::TaskQueue* worker_queue) override;
82   // TODO(webrtc:5298) Deprecated variant.
83   void AttachAecDump(std::unique_ptr<AecDump> aec_dump) override;
84   void DetachAecDump() override;
85   void SetRuntimeSetting(RuntimeSetting setting) override;
87   // Capture-side exclusive methods possibly running APM in a
88   // multi-threaded manner. Acquire the capture lock.
89   int ProcessStream(const int16_t* const src,
90                     const StreamConfig& input_config,
91                     const StreamConfig& output_config,
92                     int16_t* const dest) override;
93   int ProcessStream(const float* const* src,
94                     const StreamConfig& input_config,
95                     const StreamConfig& output_config,
96                     float* const* dest) override;
97   bool GetLinearAecOutput(
98       rtc::ArrayView<std::array<float, 160>> linear_output) const override;
99   void set_output_will_be_muted(bool muted) override;
100   int set_stream_delay_ms(int delay) override;
101   void set_stream_key_pressed(bool key_pressed) override;
102   void set_stream_analog_level(int level) override;
103   int recommended_stream_analog_level() const
104       RTC_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(mutex_capture_) override;
106   // Render-side exclusive methods possibly running APM in a
107   // multi-threaded manner. Acquire the render lock.
108   int ProcessReverseStream(const int16_t* const src,
109                            const StreamConfig& input_config,
110                            const StreamConfig& output_config,
111                            int16_t* const dest) override;
112   int AnalyzeReverseStream(const float* const* data,
113                            const StreamConfig& reverse_config) override;
114   int ProcessReverseStream(const float* const* src,
115                            const StreamConfig& input_config,
116                            const StreamConfig& output_config,
117                            float* const* dest) override;
119   // Methods only accessed from APM submodules or
120   // from AudioProcessing tests in a single-threaded manner.
121   // Hence there is no need for locks in these.
122   int proc_sample_rate_hz() const override;
123   int proc_split_sample_rate_hz() const override;
124   size_t num_input_channels() const override;
125   size_t num_proc_channels() const override;
126   size_t num_output_channels() const override;
127   size_t num_reverse_channels() const override;
128   int stream_delay_ms() const override;
GetStatistics(bool has_remote_tracks)130   AudioProcessingStats GetStatistics(bool has_remote_tracks) override {
131     return GetStatistics();
132   }
GetStatistics()133   AudioProcessingStats GetStatistics() override {
134     return stats_reporter_.GetStatistics();
135   }
137   // TODO(peah): Remove MutateConfig once the new API allows that.
138   void MutateConfig(rtc::FunctionView<void(AudioProcessing::Config*)> mutator);
139   AudioProcessing::Config GetConfig() const override;
141  protected:
142   // Overridden in a mock.
143   virtual int InitializeLocked()
144       RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_render_, mutex_capture_);
146  private:
147   // TODO(peah): These friend classes should be removed as soon as the new
148   // parameter setting scheme allows.
149   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ApmConfiguration, DefaultBehavior);
150   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ApmConfiguration, ValidConfigBehavior);
151   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ApmConfiguration, InValidConfigBehavior);
152   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ApmWithSubmodulesExcludedTest,
153                            ToggleTransientSuppressor);
154   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ApmWithSubmodulesExcludedTest,
155                            ReinitializeTransientSuppressor);
156   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ApmWithSubmodulesExcludedTest,
157                            BitexactWithDisabledModules);
159   int recommended_stream_analog_level_locked() const
160       RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_capture_);
162   void OverrideSubmoduleCreationForTesting(
163       const ApmSubmoduleCreationOverrides& overrides);
165   // Class providing thread-safe message pipe functionality for
166   // |runtime_settings_|.
167   class RuntimeSettingEnqueuer {
168    public:
169     explicit RuntimeSettingEnqueuer(
170         SwapQueue<RuntimeSetting>* runtime_settings);
171     ~RuntimeSettingEnqueuer();
172     void Enqueue(RuntimeSetting setting);
174    private:
175     SwapQueue<RuntimeSetting>& runtime_settings_;
176   };
178   std::unique_ptr<ApmDataDumper> data_dumper_;
179   static int instance_count_;
180   const bool use_setup_specific_default_aec3_config_;
182   SwapQueue<RuntimeSetting> capture_runtime_settings_;
183   SwapQueue<RuntimeSetting> render_runtime_settings_;
185   RuntimeSettingEnqueuer capture_runtime_settings_enqueuer_;
186   RuntimeSettingEnqueuer render_runtime_settings_enqueuer_;
188   // EchoControl factory.
189   std::unique_ptr<EchoControlFactory> echo_control_factory_;
191   class SubmoduleStates {
192    public:
193     SubmoduleStates(bool capture_post_processor_enabled,
194                     bool render_pre_processor_enabled,
195                     bool capture_analyzer_enabled);
196     // Updates the submodule state and returns true if it has changed.
197     bool Update(bool high_pass_filter_enabled,
198                 bool mobile_echo_controller_enabled,
199                 bool residual_echo_detector_enabled,
200                 bool noise_suppressor_enabled,
201                 bool adaptive_gain_controller_enabled,
202                 bool gain_controller2_enabled,
203                 bool pre_amplifier_enabled,
204                 bool echo_controller_enabled,
205                 bool voice_detector_enabled,
206                 bool transient_suppressor_enabled);
207     bool CaptureMultiBandSubModulesActive() const;
208     bool CaptureMultiBandProcessingPresent() const;
209     bool CaptureMultiBandProcessingActive(bool ec_processing_active) const;
210     bool CaptureFullBandProcessingActive() const;
211     bool CaptureAnalyzerActive() const;
212     bool RenderMultiBandSubModulesActive() const;
213     bool RenderFullBandProcessingActive() const;
214     bool RenderMultiBandProcessingActive() const;
215     bool HighPassFilteringRequired() const;
217    private:
218     const bool capture_post_processor_enabled_ = false;
219     const bool render_pre_processor_enabled_ = false;
220     const bool capture_analyzer_enabled_ = false;
221     bool high_pass_filter_enabled_ = false;
222     bool mobile_echo_controller_enabled_ = false;
223     bool residual_echo_detector_enabled_ = false;
224     bool noise_suppressor_enabled_ = false;
225     bool adaptive_gain_controller_enabled_ = false;
226     bool gain_controller2_enabled_ = false;
227     bool pre_amplifier_enabled_ = false;
228     bool echo_controller_enabled_ = false;
229     bool voice_detector_enabled_ = false;
230     bool transient_suppressor_enabled_ = false;
231     bool first_update_ = true;
232   };
234   // Methods for modifying the formats struct that is used by both
235   // the render and capture threads. The check for whether modifications are
236   // needed is done while holding a single lock only, thereby avoiding that the
237   // capture thread blocks the render thread.
238   // Called by render: Holds the render lock when reading the format struct and
239   // acquires both locks if reinitialization is required.
240   int MaybeInitializeRender(const ProcessingConfig& processing_config)
241       RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_render_);
242   // Called by capture: Holds the capture lock when reading the format struct
243   // and acquires both locks if reinitialization is needed.
244   int MaybeInitializeCapture(const StreamConfig& input_config,
245                              const StreamConfig& output_config);
247   // Method for updating the state keeping track of the active submodules.
248   // Returns a bool indicating whether the state has changed.
249   bool UpdateActiveSubmoduleStates()
250       RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_capture_);
252   // Methods requiring APM running in a single-threaded manner, requiring both
253   // the render and capture lock to be acquired.
254   int InitializeLocked(const ProcessingConfig& config)
255       RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_render_, mutex_capture_);
256   void InitializeResidualEchoDetector()
257       RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_render_, mutex_capture_);
258   void InitializeEchoController()
259       RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_render_, mutex_capture_);
261   // Initializations of capture-only submodules, requiring the capture lock
262   // already acquired.
263   void InitializeHighPassFilter(bool forced_reset)
264       RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_capture_);
265   void InitializeVoiceDetector() RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_capture_);
266   void InitializeGainController1() RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_capture_);
267   void InitializeTransientSuppressor()
268       RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_capture_);
269   void InitializeGainController2() RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_capture_);
270   void InitializeNoiseSuppressor() RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_capture_);
271   void InitializePreAmplifier() RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_capture_);
272   void InitializePostProcessor() RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_capture_);
273   void InitializeAnalyzer() RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_capture_);
275   // Initializations of render-only submodules, requiring the render lock
276   // already acquired.
277   void InitializePreProcessor() RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_render_);
279   // Sample rate used for the fullband processing.
280   int proc_fullband_sample_rate_hz() const
281       RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_capture_);
283   // Empties and handles the respective RuntimeSetting queues.
284   void HandleCaptureRuntimeSettings()
285       RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_capture_);
286   void HandleRenderRuntimeSettings()
287       RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_render_);
289   void EmptyQueuedRenderAudio() RTC_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(mutex_capture_);
290   void EmptyQueuedRenderAudioLocked()
291       RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_capture_);
292   void AllocateRenderQueue()
293       RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_render_, mutex_capture_);
294   void QueueBandedRenderAudio(AudioBuffer* audio)
295       RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_render_);
296   void QueueNonbandedRenderAudio(AudioBuffer* audio)
297       RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_render_);
299   // Capture-side exclusive methods possibly running APM in a multi-threaded
300   // manner that are called with the render lock already acquired.
301   int ProcessCaptureStreamLocked() RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_capture_);
303   // Render-side exclusive methods possibly running APM in a multi-threaded
304   // manner that are called with the render lock already acquired.
305   // TODO(ekm): Remove once all clients updated to new interface.
306   int AnalyzeReverseStreamLocked(const float* const* src,
307                                  const StreamConfig& input_config,
308                                  const StreamConfig& output_config)
309       RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_render_);
310   int ProcessRenderStreamLocked() RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_render_);
312   // Collects configuration settings from public and private
313   // submodules to be saved as an audioproc::Config message on the
314   // AecDump if it is attached.  If not |forced|, only writes the current
315   // config if it is different from the last saved one; if |forced|,
316   // writes the config regardless of the last saved.
317   void WriteAecDumpConfigMessage(bool forced)
318       RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_capture_);
320   // Notifies attached AecDump of current configuration and capture data.
321   void RecordUnprocessedCaptureStream(const float* const* capture_stream)
322       RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_capture_);
324   void RecordUnprocessedCaptureStream(const int16_t* const data,
325                                       const StreamConfig& config)
326       RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_capture_);
328   // Notifies attached AecDump of current configuration and
329   // processed capture data and issues a capture stream recording
330   // request.
331   void RecordProcessedCaptureStream(
332       const float* const* processed_capture_stream)
333       RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_capture_);
335   void RecordProcessedCaptureStream(const int16_t* const data,
336                                     const StreamConfig& config)
337       RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_capture_);
339   // Notifies attached AecDump about current state (delay, drift, etc).
340   void RecordAudioProcessingState()
341       RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_capture_);
343   // AecDump instance used for optionally logging APM config, input
344   // and output to file in the AEC-dump format defined in debug.proto.
345   std::unique_ptr<AecDump> aec_dump_;
347   // Hold the last config written with AecDump for avoiding writing
348   // the same config twice.
349   InternalAPMConfig apm_config_for_aec_dump_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(mutex_capture_);
351   // Critical sections.
352   mutable Mutex mutex_render_ RTC_ACQUIRED_BEFORE(mutex_capture_);
353   mutable Mutex mutex_capture_;
355   // Struct containing the Config specifying the behavior of APM.
356   AudioProcessing::Config config_;
358   // Overrides for testing the exclusion of some submodules from the build.
359   ApmSubmoduleCreationOverrides submodule_creation_overrides_
360       RTC_GUARDED_BY(mutex_capture_);
362   // Class containing information about what submodules are active.
363   SubmoduleStates submodule_states_;
365   // Struct containing the pointers to the submodules.
366   struct Submodules {
SubmodulesSubmodules367     Submodules(std::unique_ptr<CustomProcessing> capture_post_processor,
368                std::unique_ptr<CustomProcessing> render_pre_processor,
369                rtc::scoped_refptr<EchoDetector> echo_detector,
370                std::unique_ptr<CustomAudioAnalyzer> capture_analyzer)
371         : echo_detector(std::move(echo_detector)),
372           capture_post_processor(std::move(capture_post_processor)),
373           render_pre_processor(std::move(render_pre_processor)),
374           capture_analyzer(std::move(capture_analyzer)) {}
375     // Accessed internally from capture or during initialization.
376     std::unique_ptr<AgcManagerDirect> agc_manager;
377     std::unique_ptr<GainControlImpl> gain_control;
378     std::unique_ptr<GainController2> gain_controller2;
379     std::unique_ptr<HighPassFilter> high_pass_filter;
380     rtc::scoped_refptr<EchoDetector> echo_detector;
381     std::unique_ptr<EchoControl> echo_controller;
382     std::unique_ptr<EchoControlMobileImpl> echo_control_mobile;
383     std::unique_ptr<NoiseSuppressor> noise_suppressor;
384     std::unique_ptr<TransientSuppressor> transient_suppressor;
385     std::unique_ptr<CustomProcessing> capture_post_processor;
386     std::unique_ptr<CustomProcessing> render_pre_processor;
387     std::unique_ptr<GainApplier> pre_amplifier;
388     std::unique_ptr<CustomAudioAnalyzer> capture_analyzer;
389     std::unique_ptr<LevelEstimator> output_level_estimator;
390     std::unique_ptr<VoiceDetection> voice_detector;
391   } submodules_;
393   // State that is written to while holding both the render and capture locks
394   // but can be read without any lock being held.
395   // As this is only accessed internally of APM, and all internal methods in APM
396   // either are holding the render or capture locks, this construct is safe as
397   // it is not possible to read the variables while writing them.
398   struct ApmFormatState {
ApmFormatStateApmFormatState399     ApmFormatState()
400         :  // Format of processing streams at input/output call sites.
401           api_format({{{kSampleRate16kHz, 1, false},
402                        {kSampleRate16kHz, 1, false},
403                        {kSampleRate16kHz, 1, false},
404                        {kSampleRate16kHz, 1, false}}}),
405           render_processing_format(kSampleRate16kHz, 1) {}
406     ProcessingConfig api_format;
407     StreamConfig render_processing_format;
408   } formats_;
410   // APM constants.
411   const struct ApmConstants {
ApmConstantsApmConstants412     ApmConstants(bool multi_channel_render_support,
413                  bool multi_channel_capture_support,
414                  bool enforce_split_band_hpf)
415         : multi_channel_render_support(multi_channel_render_support),
416           multi_channel_capture_support(multi_channel_capture_support),
417           enforce_split_band_hpf(enforce_split_band_hpf) {}
418     bool multi_channel_render_support;
419     bool multi_channel_capture_support;
420     bool enforce_split_band_hpf;
421   } constants_;
423   struct ApmCaptureState {
424     ApmCaptureState();
425     ~ApmCaptureState();
426     bool was_stream_delay_set;
427     bool output_will_be_muted;
428     bool key_pressed;
429     std::unique_ptr<AudioBuffer> capture_audio;
430     std::unique_ptr<AudioBuffer> capture_fullband_audio;
431     std::unique_ptr<AudioBuffer> linear_aec_output;
432     // Only the rate and samples fields of capture_processing_format_ are used
433     // because the capture processing number of channels is mutable and is
434     // tracked by the capture_audio_.
435     StreamConfig capture_processing_format;
436     int split_rate;
437     bool echo_path_gain_change;
438     int prev_analog_mic_level;
439     float prev_pre_amp_gain;
440     int playout_volume;
441     int prev_playout_volume;
442     AudioProcessingStats stats;
443     struct KeyboardInfo {
444       void Extract(const float* const* data, const StreamConfig& stream_config);
445       size_t num_keyboard_frames = 0;
446       const float* keyboard_data = nullptr;
447     } keyboard_info;
448     int cached_stream_analog_level_ = 0;
449   } capture_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(mutex_capture_);
451   struct ApmCaptureNonLockedState {
ApmCaptureNonLockedStateApmCaptureNonLockedState452     ApmCaptureNonLockedState()
453         : capture_processing_format(kSampleRate16kHz),
454           split_rate(kSampleRate16kHz),
455           stream_delay_ms(0) {}
456     // Only the rate and samples fields of capture_processing_format_ are used
457     // because the forward processing number of channels is mutable and is
458     // tracked by the capture_audio_.
459     StreamConfig capture_processing_format;
460     int split_rate;
461     int stream_delay_ms;
462     bool echo_controller_enabled = false;
463   } capture_nonlocked_;
465   struct ApmRenderState {
466     ApmRenderState();
467     ~ApmRenderState();
468     std::unique_ptr<AudioConverter> render_converter;
469     std::unique_ptr<AudioBuffer> render_audio;
470   } render_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(mutex_render_);
472   // Class for statistics reporting. The class is thread-safe and no lock is
473   // needed when accessing it.
474   class ApmStatsReporter {
475    public:
476     ApmStatsReporter();
477     ~ApmStatsReporter();
479     // Returns the most recently reported statistics.
480     AudioProcessingStats GetStatistics();
482     // Update the cached statistics.
483     void UpdateStatistics(const AudioProcessingStats& new_stats);
485    private:
486     Mutex mutex_stats_;
487     AudioProcessingStats cached_stats_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(mutex_stats_);
488     SwapQueue<AudioProcessingStats> stats_message_queue_;
489   } stats_reporter_;
491   std::vector<int16_t> aecm_render_queue_buffer_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(mutex_render_);
492   std::vector<int16_t> aecm_capture_queue_buffer_
493       RTC_GUARDED_BY(mutex_capture_);
495   size_t agc_render_queue_element_max_size_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(mutex_render_)
496       RTC_GUARDED_BY(mutex_capture_) = 0;
497   std::vector<int16_t> agc_render_queue_buffer_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(mutex_render_);
498   std::vector<int16_t> agc_capture_queue_buffer_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(mutex_capture_);
500   size_t red_render_queue_element_max_size_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(mutex_render_)
501       RTC_GUARDED_BY(mutex_capture_) = 0;
502   std::vector<float> red_render_queue_buffer_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(mutex_render_);
503   std::vector<float> red_capture_queue_buffer_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(mutex_capture_);
505   RmsLevel capture_input_rms_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(mutex_capture_);
506   RmsLevel capture_output_rms_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(mutex_capture_);
507   int capture_rms_interval_counter_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(mutex_capture_) = 0;
509   // Lock protection not needed.
510   std::unique_ptr<
511       SwapQueue<std::vector<int16_t>, RenderQueueItemVerifier<int16_t>>>
512       aecm_render_signal_queue_;
513   std::unique_ptr<
514       SwapQueue<std::vector<int16_t>, RenderQueueItemVerifier<int16_t>>>
515       agc_render_signal_queue_;
516   std::unique_ptr<SwapQueue<std::vector<float>, RenderQueueItemVerifier<float>>>
517       red_render_signal_queue_;
518 };
520 }  // namespace webrtc