1 /*
2  *  Copyright 2009 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
3  *
4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9  */
11 #include "p2p/base/p2p_transport_channel.h"
13 #include <list>
14 #include <memory>
15 #include <utility>
17 #include "p2p/base/basic_ice_controller.h"
18 #include "p2p/base/connection.h"
19 #include "p2p/base/fake_port_allocator.h"
20 #include "p2p/base/ice_transport_internal.h"
21 #include "p2p/base/mock_async_resolver.h"
22 #include "p2p/base/packet_transport_internal.h"
23 #include "p2p/base/test_stun_server.h"
24 #include "p2p/base/test_turn_server.h"
25 #include "p2p/client/basic_port_allocator.h"
26 #include "rtc_base/checks.h"
27 #include "rtc_base/dscp.h"
28 #include "rtc_base/fake_clock.h"
29 #include "rtc_base/fake_mdns_responder.h"
30 #include "rtc_base/fake_network.h"
31 #include "rtc_base/firewall_socket_server.h"
32 #include "rtc_base/gunit.h"
33 #include "rtc_base/helpers.h"
34 #include "rtc_base/logging.h"
35 #include "rtc_base/mdns_responder_interface.h"
36 #include "rtc_base/nat_server.h"
37 #include "rtc_base/nat_socket_factory.h"
38 #include "rtc_base/proxy_server.h"
39 #include "rtc_base/socket_address.h"
40 #include "rtc_base/ssl_adapter.h"
41 #include "rtc_base/thread.h"
42 #include "rtc_base/virtual_socket_server.h"
43 #include "system_wrappers/include/metrics.h"
44 #include "test/field_trial.h"
46 namespace {
48 using rtc::SocketAddress;
49 using ::testing::_;
50 using ::testing::Assign;
51 using ::testing::Contains;
52 using ::testing::DoAll;
53 using ::testing::InSequence;
54 using ::testing::InvokeWithoutArgs;
55 using ::testing::NiceMock;
56 using ::testing::Return;
57 using ::testing::SetArgPointee;
58 using ::testing::SizeIs;
60 // Default timeout for tests in this file.
61 // Should be large enough for slow buildbots to run the tests reliably.
62 static const int kDefaultTimeout = 10000;
63 static const int kMediumTimeout = 3000;
64 static const int kShortTimeout = 1000;
66 static const int kOnlyLocalPorts = cricket::PORTALLOCATOR_DISABLE_STUN |
67                                    cricket::PORTALLOCATOR_DISABLE_RELAY |
68                                    cricket::PORTALLOCATOR_DISABLE_TCP;
69 static const int LOW_RTT = 20;
70 // Addresses on the public internet.
71 static const SocketAddress kPublicAddrs[2] = {SocketAddress("", 0),
72                                               SocketAddress("", 0)};
73 // IPv6 Addresses on the public internet.
74 static const SocketAddress kIPv6PublicAddrs[2] = {
75     SocketAddress("2400:4030:1:2c00:be30:abcd:efab:cdef", 0),
76     SocketAddress("2600:0:1000:1b03:2e41:38ff:fea6:f2a4", 0)};
77 // For configuring multihomed clients.
78 static const SocketAddress kAlternateAddrs[2] = {
79     SocketAddress("", 0), SocketAddress("", 0)};
80 static const SocketAddress kIPv6AlternateAddrs[2] = {
81     SocketAddress("2401:4030:1:2c00:be30:abcd:efab:cdef", 0),
82     SocketAddress("2601:0:1000:1b03:2e41:38ff:fea6:f2a4", 0)};
83 // Addresses for HTTP proxy servers.
84 static const SocketAddress kHttpsProxyAddrs[2] = {
85     SocketAddress("", 443), SocketAddress("", 443)};
86 // Addresses for SOCKS proxy servers.
87 static const SocketAddress kSocksProxyAddrs[2] = {
88     SocketAddress("", 1080), SocketAddress("", 1080)};
89 // Internal addresses for NAT boxes.
90 static const SocketAddress kNatAddrs[2] = {SocketAddress("", 0),
91                                            SocketAddress("", 0)};
92 // Private addresses inside the NAT private networks.
93 static const SocketAddress kPrivateAddrs[2] = {
94     SocketAddress("", 0), SocketAddress("", 0)};
95 // For cascaded NATs, the internal addresses of the inner NAT boxes.
96 static const SocketAddress kCascadedNatAddrs[2] = {
97     SocketAddress("", 0), SocketAddress("", 0)};
98 // For cascaded NATs, private addresses inside the inner private networks.
99 static const SocketAddress kCascadedPrivateAddrs[2] = {
100     SocketAddress("", 0), SocketAddress("", 0)};
101 // The address of the public STUN server.
102 static const SocketAddress kStunAddr("", cricket::STUN_SERVER_PORT);
103 // The addresses for the public turn server.
104 static const SocketAddress kTurnUdpIntAddr("",
105                                            cricket::STUN_SERVER_PORT);
106 static const SocketAddress kTurnTcpIntAddr("",
107                                            cricket::STUN_SERVER_PORT + 1);
108 static const SocketAddress kTurnUdpExtAddr("", 0);
109 static const cricket::RelayCredentials kRelayCredentials("test", "test");
111 // Based on ICE_UFRAG_LENGTH
112 const char* kIceUfrag[4] = {"UF00", "UF01", "UF02", "UF03"};
113 // Based on ICE_PWD_LENGTH
114 const char* kIcePwd[4] = {
115     "TESTICEPWD00000000000000", "TESTICEPWD00000000000001",
116     "TESTICEPWD00000000000002", "TESTICEPWD00000000000003"};
117 const cricket::IceParameters kIceParams[4] = {
118     {kIceUfrag[0], kIcePwd[0], false},
119     {kIceUfrag[1], kIcePwd[1], false},
120     {kIceUfrag[2], kIcePwd[2], false},
121     {kIceUfrag[3], kIcePwd[3], false}};
123 const uint64_t kLowTiebreaker = 11111;
124 const uint64_t kHighTiebreaker = 22222;
CreateIceConfig(int receiving_timeout,cricket::ContinualGatheringPolicy continual_gathering_policy,absl::optional<int> backup_ping_interval=absl::nullopt)128 cricket::IceConfig CreateIceConfig(
129     int receiving_timeout,
130     cricket::ContinualGatheringPolicy continual_gathering_policy,
131     absl::optional<int> backup_ping_interval = absl::nullopt) {
132   cricket::IceConfig config;
133   config.receiving_timeout = receiving_timeout;
134   config.continual_gathering_policy = continual_gathering_policy;
135   config.backup_connection_ping_interval = backup_ping_interval;
136   return config;
137 }
CreateUdpCandidate(const std::string & type,const std::string & ip,int port,int priority,const std::string & ufrag="")139 cricket::Candidate CreateUdpCandidate(const std::string& type,
140                                       const std::string& ip,
141                                       int port,
142                                       int priority,
143                                       const std::string& ufrag = "") {
144   cricket::Candidate c;
145   c.set_address(rtc::SocketAddress(ip, port));
146   c.set_component(cricket::ICE_CANDIDATE_COMPONENT_DEFAULT);
147   c.set_protocol(cricket::UDP_PROTOCOL_NAME);
148   c.set_priority(priority);
149   c.set_username(ufrag);
150   c.set_type(type);
151   return c;
152 }
CreateBasicPortAllocator(rtc::NetworkManager * network_manager,const cricket::ServerAddresses & stun_servers,const rtc::SocketAddress & turn_server_udp,const rtc::SocketAddress & turn_server_tcp)154 cricket::BasicPortAllocator* CreateBasicPortAllocator(
155     rtc::NetworkManager* network_manager,
156     const cricket::ServerAddresses& stun_servers,
157     const rtc::SocketAddress& turn_server_udp,
158     const rtc::SocketAddress& turn_server_tcp) {
159   cricket::RelayServerConfig turn_server;
160   turn_server.credentials = kRelayCredentials;
161   if (!turn_server_udp.IsNil()) {
162     turn_server.ports.push_back(
163         cricket::ProtocolAddress(turn_server_udp, cricket::PROTO_UDP));
164   }
165   if (!turn_server_tcp.IsNil()) {
166     turn_server.ports.push_back(
167         cricket::ProtocolAddress(turn_server_tcp, cricket::PROTO_TCP));
168   }
169   std::vector<cricket::RelayServerConfig> turn_servers(1, turn_server);
171   cricket::BasicPortAllocator* allocator =
172       new cricket::BasicPortAllocator(network_manager);
173   allocator->Initialize();
174   allocator->SetConfiguration(stun_servers, turn_servers, 0, webrtc::NO_PRUNE);
175   return allocator;
176 }
178 class MockIceControllerFactory : public cricket::IceControllerFactoryInterface {
179  public:
180   ~MockIceControllerFactory() override = default;
Create(const cricket::IceControllerFactoryArgs & args)181   std::unique_ptr<cricket::IceControllerInterface> Create(
182       const cricket::IceControllerFactoryArgs& args) override {
183     RecordIceControllerCreated();
184     return std::make_unique<cricket::BasicIceController>(args);
185   }
187   MOCK_METHOD(void, RecordIceControllerCreated, ());
188 };
190 }  // namespace
192 namespace cricket {
194 // This test simulates 2 P2P endpoints that want to establish connectivity
195 // with each other over various network topologies and conditions, which can be
196 // specified in each individial test.
197 // A virtual network (via VirtualSocketServer) along with virtual firewalls and
198 // NATs (via Firewall/NATSocketServer) are used to simulate the various network
199 // conditions. We can configure the IP addresses of the endpoints,
200 // block various types of connectivity, or add arbitrary levels of NAT.
201 // We also run a STUN server and a relay server on the virtual network to allow
202 // our typical P2P mechanisms to do their thing.
203 // For each case, we expect the P2P stack to eventually settle on a specific
204 // form of connectivity to the other side. The test checks that the P2P
205 // negotiation successfully establishes connectivity within a certain time,
206 // and that the result is what we expect.
207 // Note that this class is a base class for use by other tests, who will provide
208 // specialized test behavior.
209 class P2PTransportChannelTestBase : public ::testing::Test,
210                                     public rtc::MessageHandler,
211                                     public sigslot::has_slots<> {
212  public:
P2PTransportChannelTestBase()213   P2PTransportChannelTestBase()
214       : vss_(new rtc::VirtualSocketServer()),
215         nss_(new rtc::NATSocketServer(vss_.get())),
216         ss_(new rtc::FirewallSocketServer(nss_.get())),
217         main_(ss_.get()),
218         stun_server_(TestStunServer::Create(&main_, kStunAddr)),
219         turn_server_(&main_, kTurnUdpIntAddr, kTurnUdpExtAddr),
220         socks_server1_(ss_.get(),
221                        kSocksProxyAddrs[0],
222                        ss_.get(),
223                        kSocksProxyAddrs[0]),
224         socks_server2_(ss_.get(),
225                        kSocksProxyAddrs[1],
226                        ss_.get(),
227                        kSocksProxyAddrs[1]),
228         force_relay_(false) {
229     ep1_.role_ = ICEROLE_CONTROLLING;
230     ep2_.role_ = ICEROLE_CONTROLLED;
232     ServerAddresses stun_servers;
233     stun_servers.insert(kStunAddr);
234     ep1_.allocator_.reset(
235         CreateBasicPortAllocator(&ep1_.network_manager_, stun_servers,
236                                  kTurnUdpIntAddr, rtc::SocketAddress()));
237     ep2_.allocator_.reset(
238         CreateBasicPortAllocator(&ep2_.network_manager_, stun_servers,
239                                  kTurnUdpIntAddr, rtc::SocketAddress()));
240     webrtc::metrics::Reset();
241   }
243  protected:
244   enum Config {
245     OPEN,                         // Open to the Internet
246     NAT_FULL_CONE,                // NAT, no filtering
247     NAT_ADDR_RESTRICTED,          // NAT, must send to an addr to recv
248     NAT_PORT_RESTRICTED,          // NAT, must send to an addr+port to recv
249     NAT_SYMMETRIC,                // NAT, endpoint-dependent bindings
250     NAT_DOUBLE_CONE,              // Double NAT, both cone
251     NAT_SYMMETRIC_THEN_CONE,      // Double NAT, symmetric outer, cone inner
252     BLOCK_UDP,                    // Firewall, UDP in/out blocked
253     BLOCK_UDP_AND_INCOMING_TCP,   // Firewall, UDP in/out and TCP in blocked
254     BLOCK_ALL_BUT_OUTGOING_HTTP,  // Firewall, only TCP out on 80/443
255     PROXY_HTTPS,                  // All traffic through HTTPS proxy
256     PROXY_SOCKS,                  // All traffic through SOCKS proxy
258   };
260   struct Result {
Resultcricket::P2PTransportChannelTestBase::Result261     Result(const std::string& controlling_type,
262            const std::string& controlling_protocol,
263            const std::string& controlled_type,
264            const std::string& controlled_protocol,
265            int wait)
266         : controlling_type(controlling_type),
267           controlling_protocol(controlling_protocol),
268           controlled_type(controlled_type),
269           controlled_protocol(controlled_protocol),
270           connect_wait(wait) {}
272     // The expected candidate type and protocol of the controlling ICE agent.
273     std::string controlling_type;
274     std::string controlling_protocol;
275     // The expected candidate type and protocol of the controlled ICE agent.
276     std::string controlled_type;
277     std::string controlled_protocol;
278     // How long to wait before the correct candidate pair is selected.
279     int connect_wait;
280   };
282   struct ChannelData {
CheckDatacricket::P2PTransportChannelTestBase::ChannelData283     bool CheckData(const char* data, int len) {
284       bool ret = false;
285       if (!ch_packets_.empty()) {
286         std::string packet = ch_packets_.front();
287         ret = (packet == std::string(data, len));
288         ch_packets_.pop_front();
289       }
290       return ret;
291     }
293     std::string name_;  // TODO(?) - Currently not used.
294     std::list<std::string> ch_packets_;
295     std::unique_ptr<P2PTransportChannel> ch_;
296   };
298   struct CandidatesData : public rtc::MessageData {
CandidatesDatacricket::P2PTransportChannelTestBase::CandidatesData299     CandidatesData(IceTransportInternal* ch, const Candidate& c)
300         : channel(ch), candidates(1, c) {}
CandidatesDatacricket::P2PTransportChannelTestBase::CandidatesData301     CandidatesData(IceTransportInternal* ch, const std::vector<Candidate>& cc)
302         : channel(ch), candidates(cc) {}
303     IceTransportInternal* channel;
304     Candidates candidates;
305   };
307   struct Endpoint : public sigslot::has_slots<> {
Endpointcricket::P2PTransportChannelTestBase::Endpoint308     Endpoint()
309         : role_(ICEROLE_UNKNOWN),
310           tiebreaker_(0),
311           role_conflict_(false),
312           save_candidates_(false) {}
HasTransportcricket::P2PTransportChannelTestBase::Endpoint313     bool HasTransport(const rtc::PacketTransportInternal* transport) {
314       return (transport == cd1_.ch_.get() || transport == cd2_.ch_.get());
315     }
GetChannelDatacricket::P2PTransportChannelTestBase::Endpoint316     ChannelData* GetChannelData(rtc::PacketTransportInternal* transport) {
317       if (!HasTransport(transport))
318         return NULL;
319       if (cd1_.ch_.get() == transport)
320         return &cd1_;
321       else
322         return &cd2_;
323     }
SetIceRolecricket::P2PTransportChannelTestBase::Endpoint325     void SetIceRole(IceRole role) { role_ = role; }
ice_rolecricket::P2PTransportChannelTestBase::Endpoint326     IceRole ice_role() { return role_; }
SetIceTiebreakercricket::P2PTransportChannelTestBase::Endpoint327     void SetIceTiebreaker(uint64_t tiebreaker) { tiebreaker_ = tiebreaker; }
GetIceTiebreakercricket::P2PTransportChannelTestBase::Endpoint328     uint64_t GetIceTiebreaker() { return tiebreaker_; }
OnRoleConflictcricket::P2PTransportChannelTestBase::Endpoint329     void OnRoleConflict(bool role_conflict) { role_conflict_ = role_conflict; }
role_conflictcricket::P2PTransportChannelTestBase::Endpoint330     bool role_conflict() { return role_conflict_; }
SetAllocationStepDelaycricket::P2PTransportChannelTestBase::Endpoint331     void SetAllocationStepDelay(uint32_t delay) {
332       allocator_->set_step_delay(delay);
333     }
SetAllowTcpListencricket::P2PTransportChannelTestBase::Endpoint334     void SetAllowTcpListen(bool allow_tcp_listen) {
335       allocator_->set_allow_tcp_listen(allow_tcp_listen);
336     }
OnIceRegatheringcricket::P2PTransportChannelTestBase::Endpoint338     void OnIceRegathering(PortAllocatorSession*, IceRegatheringReason reason) {
339       ++ice_regathering_counter_[reason];
340     }
GetIceRegatheringCountForReasoncricket::P2PTransportChannelTestBase::Endpoint342     int GetIceRegatheringCountForReason(IceRegatheringReason reason) {
343       return ice_regathering_counter_[reason];
344     }
346     rtc::FakeNetworkManager network_manager_;
347     std::unique_ptr<BasicPortAllocator> allocator_;
348     webrtc::AsyncResolverFactory* async_resolver_factory_;
349     ChannelData cd1_;
350     ChannelData cd2_;
351     IceRole role_;
352     uint64_t tiebreaker_;
353     bool role_conflict_;
354     bool save_candidates_;
355     std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CandidatesData>> saved_candidates_;
356     bool ready_to_send_ = false;
357     std::map<IceRegatheringReason, int> ice_regathering_counter_;
358   };
GetChannelData(rtc::PacketTransportInternal * transport)360   ChannelData* GetChannelData(rtc::PacketTransportInternal* transport) {
361     if (ep1_.HasTransport(transport))
362       return ep1_.GetChannelData(transport);
363     else
364       return ep2_.GetChannelData(transport);
365   }
IceParamsWithRenomination(const IceParameters & ice,bool renomination)367   IceParameters IceParamsWithRenomination(const IceParameters& ice,
368                                           bool renomination) {
369     IceParameters new_ice = ice;
370     new_ice.renomination = renomination;
371     return new_ice;
372   }
CreateChannels(const IceConfig & ep1_config,const IceConfig & ep2_config,bool renomination=false)374   void CreateChannels(const IceConfig& ep1_config,
375                       const IceConfig& ep2_config,
376                       bool renomination = false) {
377     IceParameters ice_ep1_cd1_ch =
378         IceParamsWithRenomination(kIceParams[0], renomination);
379     IceParameters ice_ep2_cd1_ch =
380         IceParamsWithRenomination(kIceParams[1], renomination);
381     ep1_.cd1_.ch_.reset(CreateChannel(0, ICE_CANDIDATE_COMPONENT_DEFAULT,
382                                       ice_ep1_cd1_ch, ice_ep2_cd1_ch));
383     ep2_.cd1_.ch_.reset(CreateChannel(1, ICE_CANDIDATE_COMPONENT_DEFAULT,
384                                       ice_ep2_cd1_ch, ice_ep1_cd1_ch));
385     ep1_.cd1_.ch_->SetIceConfig(ep1_config);
386     ep2_.cd1_.ch_->SetIceConfig(ep2_config);
387     ep1_.cd1_.ch_->MaybeStartGathering();
388     ep2_.cd1_.ch_->MaybeStartGathering();
389     ep1_.cd1_.ch_->allocator_session()->SignalIceRegathering.connect(
390         &ep1_, &Endpoint::OnIceRegathering);
391     ep2_.cd1_.ch_->allocator_session()->SignalIceRegathering.connect(
392         &ep2_, &Endpoint::OnIceRegathering);
393   }
CreateChannels()395   void CreateChannels() {
396     IceConfig default_config;
397     CreateChannels(default_config, default_config, false);
398   }
CreateChannel(int endpoint,int component,const IceParameters & local_ice,const IceParameters & remote_ice)400   P2PTransportChannel* CreateChannel(int endpoint,
401                                      int component,
402                                      const IceParameters& local_ice,
403                                      const IceParameters& remote_ice) {
404     P2PTransportChannel* channel = new P2PTransportChannel(
405         "test content name", component, GetAllocator(endpoint),
406         GetEndpoint(endpoint)->async_resolver_factory_);
407     channel->SignalReadyToSend.connect(
408         this, &P2PTransportChannelTestBase::OnReadyToSend);
409     channel->SignalCandidateGathered.connect(
410         this, &P2PTransportChannelTestBase::OnCandidateGathered);
411     channel->SignalCandidatesRemoved.connect(
412         this, &P2PTransportChannelTestBase::OnCandidatesRemoved);
413     channel->SignalReadPacket.connect(
414         this, &P2PTransportChannelTestBase::OnReadPacket);
415     channel->SignalRoleConflict.connect(
416         this, &P2PTransportChannelTestBase::OnRoleConflict);
417     channel->SignalNetworkRouteChanged.connect(
418         this, &P2PTransportChannelTestBase::OnNetworkRouteChanged);
419     channel->SignalSentPacket.connect(
420         this, &P2PTransportChannelTestBase::OnSentPacket);
421     channel->SetIceParameters(local_ice);
422     if (remote_ice_parameter_source_ == FROM_SETICEPARAMETERS) {
423       channel->SetRemoteIceParameters(remote_ice);
424     }
425     channel->SetIceRole(GetEndpoint(endpoint)->ice_role());
426     channel->SetIceTiebreaker(GetEndpoint(endpoint)->GetIceTiebreaker());
427     return channel;
428   }
DestroyChannels()430   void DestroyChannels() {
431     main_.Clear(this);
432     ep1_.cd1_.ch_.reset();
433     ep2_.cd1_.ch_.reset();
434     ep1_.cd2_.ch_.reset();
435     ep2_.cd2_.ch_.reset();
436   }
ep1_ch1()437   P2PTransportChannel* ep1_ch1() { return ep1_.cd1_.ch_.get(); }
ep1_ch2()438   P2PTransportChannel* ep1_ch2() { return ep1_.cd2_.ch_.get(); }
ep2_ch1()439   P2PTransportChannel* ep2_ch1() { return ep2_.cd1_.ch_.get(); }
ep2_ch2()440   P2PTransportChannel* ep2_ch2() { return ep2_.cd2_.ch_.get(); }
test_turn_server()442   TestTurnServer* test_turn_server() { return &turn_server_; }
virtual_socket_server()443   rtc::VirtualSocketServer* virtual_socket_server() { return vss_.get(); }
445   // Common results.
446   static const Result kLocalUdpToLocalUdp;
447   static const Result kLocalUdpToStunUdp;
448   static const Result kLocalUdpToPrflxUdp;
449   static const Result kPrflxUdpToLocalUdp;
450   static const Result kStunUdpToLocalUdp;
451   static const Result kStunUdpToStunUdp;
452   static const Result kStunUdpToPrflxUdp;
453   static const Result kPrflxUdpToStunUdp;
454   static const Result kLocalUdpToRelayUdp;
455   static const Result kPrflxUdpToRelayUdp;
456   static const Result kRelayUdpToPrflxUdp;
457   static const Result kLocalTcpToLocalTcp;
458   static const Result kLocalTcpToPrflxTcp;
459   static const Result kPrflxTcpToLocalTcp;
nat()461   rtc::NATSocketServer* nat() { return nss_.get(); }
fw()462   rtc::FirewallSocketServer* fw() { return ss_.get(); }
GetEndpoint(int endpoint)464   Endpoint* GetEndpoint(int endpoint) {
465     if (endpoint == 0) {
466       return &ep1_;
467     } else if (endpoint == 1) {
468       return &ep2_;
469     } else {
470       return NULL;
471     }
472   }
GetAllocator(int endpoint)473   BasicPortAllocator* GetAllocator(int endpoint) {
474     return GetEndpoint(endpoint)->allocator_.get();
475   }
AddAddress(int endpoint,const SocketAddress & addr)476   void AddAddress(int endpoint, const SocketAddress& addr) {
477     GetEndpoint(endpoint)->network_manager_.AddInterface(addr);
478   }
AddAddress(int endpoint,const SocketAddress & addr,const std::string & ifname,rtc::AdapterType adapter_type)479   void AddAddress(int endpoint,
480                   const SocketAddress& addr,
481                   const std::string& ifname,
482                   rtc::AdapterType adapter_type) {
483     GetEndpoint(endpoint)->network_manager_.AddInterface(addr, ifname,
484                                                          adapter_type);
485   }
RemoveAddress(int endpoint,const SocketAddress & addr)486   void RemoveAddress(int endpoint, const SocketAddress& addr) {
487     GetEndpoint(endpoint)->network_manager_.RemoveInterface(addr);
488     fw()->AddRule(false, rtc::FP_ANY, rtc::FD_ANY, addr);
489   }
SetProxy(int endpoint,rtc::ProxyType type)490   void SetProxy(int endpoint, rtc::ProxyType type) {
491     rtc::ProxyInfo info;
492     info.type = type;
493     info.address = (type == rtc::PROXY_HTTPS) ? kHttpsProxyAddrs[endpoint]
494                                               : kSocksProxyAddrs[endpoint];
495     GetAllocator(endpoint)->set_proxy("unittest/1.0", info);
496   }
SetAllocatorFlags(int endpoint,int flags)497   void SetAllocatorFlags(int endpoint, int flags) {
498     GetAllocator(endpoint)->set_flags(flags);
499   }
SetIceRole(int endpoint,IceRole role)500   void SetIceRole(int endpoint, IceRole role) {
501     GetEndpoint(endpoint)->SetIceRole(role);
502   }
SetIceTiebreaker(int endpoint,uint64_t tiebreaker)503   void SetIceTiebreaker(int endpoint, uint64_t tiebreaker) {
504     GetEndpoint(endpoint)->SetIceTiebreaker(tiebreaker);
505   }
GetRoleConflict(int endpoint)506   bool GetRoleConflict(int endpoint) {
507     return GetEndpoint(endpoint)->role_conflict();
508   }
SetAllocationStepDelay(int endpoint,uint32_t delay)509   void SetAllocationStepDelay(int endpoint, uint32_t delay) {
510     return GetEndpoint(endpoint)->SetAllocationStepDelay(delay);
511   }
SetAllowTcpListen(int endpoint,bool allow_tcp_listen)512   void SetAllowTcpListen(int endpoint, bool allow_tcp_listen) {
513     return GetEndpoint(endpoint)->SetAllowTcpListen(allow_tcp_listen);
514   }
516   // Return true if the approprite parts of the expected Result, based
517   // on the local and remote candidate of ep1_ch1, match.  This can be
518   // used in an EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT.
CheckCandidate1(const Result & expected)519   bool CheckCandidate1(const Result& expected) {
520     const std::string& local_type = LocalCandidate(ep1_ch1())->type();
521     const std::string& local_protocol = LocalCandidate(ep1_ch1())->protocol();
522     const std::string& remote_type = RemoteCandidate(ep1_ch1())->type();
523     const std::string& remote_protocol = RemoteCandidate(ep1_ch1())->protocol();
524     return (local_protocol == expected.controlling_protocol &&
525             remote_protocol == expected.controlled_protocol &&
526             local_type == expected.controlling_type &&
527             remote_type == expected.controlled_type);
528   }
530   // EXPECT_EQ on the approprite parts of the expected Result, based
531   // on the local and remote candidate of ep1_ch1.  This is like
532   // CheckCandidate1, except that it will provide more detail about
533   // what didn't match.
ExpectCandidate1(const Result & expected)534   void ExpectCandidate1(const Result& expected) {
535     if (CheckCandidate1(expected)) {
536       return;
537     }
539     const std::string& local_type = LocalCandidate(ep1_ch1())->type();
540     const std::string& local_protocol = LocalCandidate(ep1_ch1())->protocol();
541     const std::string& remote_type = RemoteCandidate(ep1_ch1())->type();
542     const std::string& remote_protocol = RemoteCandidate(ep1_ch1())->protocol();
543     EXPECT_EQ(expected.controlling_type, local_type);
544     EXPECT_EQ(expected.controlled_type, remote_type);
545     EXPECT_EQ(expected.controlling_protocol, local_protocol);
546     EXPECT_EQ(expected.controlled_protocol, remote_protocol);
547   }
549   // Return true if the approprite parts of the expected Result, based
550   // on the local and remote candidate of ep2_ch1, match.  This can be
551   // used in an EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT.
CheckCandidate2(const Result & expected)552   bool CheckCandidate2(const Result& expected) {
553     const std::string& local_type = LocalCandidate(ep2_ch1())->type();
554     const std::string& local_protocol = LocalCandidate(ep2_ch1())->protocol();
555     const std::string& remote_type = RemoteCandidate(ep2_ch1())->type();
556     const std::string& remote_protocol = RemoteCandidate(ep2_ch1())->protocol();
557     return (local_protocol == expected.controlled_protocol &&
558             remote_protocol == expected.controlling_protocol &&
559             local_type == expected.controlled_type &&
560             remote_type == expected.controlling_type);
561   }
563   // EXPECT_EQ on the approprite parts of the expected Result, based
564   // on the local and remote candidate of ep2_ch1.  This is like
565   // CheckCandidate2, except that it will provide more detail about
566   // what didn't match.
ExpectCandidate2(const Result & expected)567   void ExpectCandidate2(const Result& expected) {
568     if (CheckCandidate2(expected)) {
569       return;
570     }
572     const std::string& local_type = LocalCandidate(ep2_ch1())->type();
573     const std::string& local_protocol = LocalCandidate(ep2_ch1())->protocol();
574     const std::string& remote_type = RemoteCandidate(ep2_ch1())->type();
575     const std::string& remote_protocol = RemoteCandidate(ep2_ch1())->protocol();
576     EXPECT_EQ(expected.controlled_type, local_type);
577     EXPECT_EQ(expected.controlling_type, remote_type);
578     EXPECT_EQ(expected.controlled_protocol, local_protocol);
579     EXPECT_EQ(expected.controlling_protocol, remote_protocol);
580   }
CheckCandidate(P2PTransportChannel * channel,SocketAddress from,SocketAddress to)582   static bool CheckCandidate(P2PTransportChannel* channel,
583                              SocketAddress from,
584                              SocketAddress to) {
585     auto local_candidate = LocalCandidate(channel);
586     auto remote_candidate = RemoteCandidate(channel);
587     return local_candidate != nullptr &&
588            local_candidate->address().EqualIPs(from) &&
589            remote_candidate != nullptr &&
590            remote_candidate->address().EqualIPs(to);
591   }
CheckCandidatePair(P2PTransportChannel * ch1,P2PTransportChannel * ch2,SocketAddress from,SocketAddress to)593   static bool CheckCandidatePair(P2PTransportChannel* ch1,
594                                  P2PTransportChannel* ch2,
595                                  SocketAddress from,
596                                  SocketAddress to) {
597     return CheckCandidate(ch1, from, to) && CheckCandidate(ch2, to, from);
598   }
CheckConnected(P2PTransportChannel * ch1,P2PTransportChannel * ch2)600   static bool CheckConnected(P2PTransportChannel* ch1,
601                              P2PTransportChannel* ch2) {
602     return ch1 != nullptr && ch1->receiving() && ch1->writable() &&
603            ch2 != nullptr && ch2->receiving() && ch2->writable();
604   }
CheckCandidatePairAndConnected(P2PTransportChannel * ch1,P2PTransportChannel * ch2,SocketAddress from,SocketAddress to)606   static bool CheckCandidatePairAndConnected(P2PTransportChannel* ch1,
607                                              P2PTransportChannel* ch2,
608                                              SocketAddress from,
609                                              SocketAddress to) {
610     return CheckConnected(ch1, ch2) && CheckCandidatePair(ch1, ch2, from, to);
611   }
Test(const Result & expected)613   virtual void Test(const Result& expected) {
614     rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
615     int64_t connect_start = rtc::TimeMillis();
616     int64_t connect_time;
618     // Create the channels and wait for them to connect.
619     CreateChannels();
620     EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(CheckConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1()),
621                                expected.connect_wait + kShortTimeout, clock);
622     connect_time = rtc::TimeMillis() - connect_start;
623     if (connect_time < expected.connect_wait) {
624       RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Connect time: " << connect_time << " ms";
625     } else {
626       RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Connect time: TIMEOUT (" << expected.connect_wait
627                        << " ms)";
628     }
630     // Allow a few turns of the crank for the selected connections to emerge.
631     // This may take up to 2 seconds.
632     if (ep1_ch1()->selected_connection() && ep2_ch1()->selected_connection()) {
633       int64_t converge_start = rtc::TimeMillis();
634       int64_t converge_time;
635       // Verifying local and remote channel selected connection information.
636       // This is done only for the RFC 5245 as controlled agent will use
637       // USE-CANDIDATE from controlling (ep1) agent. We can easily predict from
638       // EP1 result matrix.
640           CheckCandidate1(expected) && CheckCandidate2(expected),
641           kDefaultTimeout, clock);
642       // Also do EXPECT_EQ on each part so that failures are more verbose.
643       ExpectCandidate1(expected);
644       ExpectCandidate2(expected);
646       converge_time = rtc::TimeMillis() - converge_start;
647       int64_t converge_wait = 2000;
648       if (converge_time < converge_wait) {
649         RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Converge time: " << converge_time << " ms";
650       } else {
651         RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Converge time: TIMEOUT (" << converge_time
652                          << " ms)";
653       }
654     }
655     // Try sending some data to other end.
656     TestSendRecv(&clock);
658     // Destroy the channels, and wait for them to be fully cleaned up.
659     DestroyChannels();
660   }
TestSendRecv(rtc::ThreadProcessingFakeClock * clock)662   void TestSendRecv(rtc::ThreadProcessingFakeClock* clock) {
663     for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
664       const char* data = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890";
665       int len = static_cast<int>(strlen(data));
666       // local_channel1 <==> remote_channel1
667       EXPECT_EQ_SIMULATED_WAIT(len, SendData(ep1_ch1(), data, len),
668                                kMediumTimeout, *clock);
669       EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(CheckDataOnChannel(ep2_ch1(), data, len),
670                                  kMediumTimeout, *clock);
671       EXPECT_EQ_SIMULATED_WAIT(len, SendData(ep2_ch1(), data, len),
672                                kMediumTimeout, *clock);
673       EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(CheckDataOnChannel(ep1_ch1(), data, len),
674                                  kMediumTimeout, *clock);
675     }
676   }
678   // This test waits for the transport to become receiving and writable on both
679   // end points. Once they are, the end points set new local ice parameters and
680   // restart the ice gathering. Finally it waits for the transport to select a
681   // new connection using the newly generated ice candidates.
682   // Before calling this function the end points must be configured.
TestHandleIceUfragPasswordChanged()683   void TestHandleIceUfragPasswordChanged() {
684     rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
685     ep1_ch1()->SetRemoteIceParameters(kIceParams[1]);
686     ep2_ch1()->SetRemoteIceParameters(kIceParams[0]);
687     EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(CheckConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1()),
688                                kMediumTimeout, clock);
690     const Candidate* old_local_candidate1 = LocalCandidate(ep1_ch1());
691     const Candidate* old_local_candidate2 = LocalCandidate(ep2_ch1());
692     const Candidate* old_remote_candidate1 = RemoteCandidate(ep1_ch1());
693     const Candidate* old_remote_candidate2 = RemoteCandidate(ep2_ch1());
695     ep1_ch1()->SetIceParameters(kIceParams[2]);
696     ep1_ch1()->SetRemoteIceParameters(kIceParams[3]);
697     ep1_ch1()->MaybeStartGathering();
698     ep2_ch1()->SetIceParameters(kIceParams[3]);
700     ep2_ch1()->SetRemoteIceParameters(kIceParams[2]);
701     ep2_ch1()->MaybeStartGathering();
703     EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(LocalCandidate(ep1_ch1())->generation() !=
704                                    old_local_candidate1->generation(),
705                                kMediumTimeout, clock);
706     EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(LocalCandidate(ep2_ch1())->generation() !=
707                                    old_local_candidate2->generation(),
708                                kMediumTimeout, clock);
709     EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(RemoteCandidate(ep1_ch1())->generation() !=
710                                    old_remote_candidate1->generation(),
711                                kMediumTimeout, clock);
712     EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(RemoteCandidate(ep2_ch1())->generation() !=
713                                    old_remote_candidate2->generation(),
714                                kMediumTimeout, clock);
715     EXPECT_EQ(1u, RemoteCandidate(ep2_ch1())->generation());
716     EXPECT_EQ(1u, RemoteCandidate(ep1_ch1())->generation());
717   }
TestSignalRoleConflict()719   void TestSignalRoleConflict() {
720     rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
721     // Default EP1 is in controlling state.
722     SetIceTiebreaker(0, kLowTiebreaker);
724     SetIceRole(1, ICEROLE_CONTROLLING);
725     SetIceTiebreaker(1, kHighTiebreaker);
727     // Creating channels with both channels role set to CONTROLLING.
728     CreateChannels();
729     // Since both the channels initiated with controlling state and channel2
730     // has higher tiebreaker value, channel1 should receive SignalRoleConflict.
731     EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(GetRoleConflict(0), kShortTimeout, clock);
732     EXPECT_FALSE(GetRoleConflict(1));
734     EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(CheckConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1()),
735                                kShortTimeout, clock);
737     EXPECT_TRUE(ep1_ch1()->selected_connection() &&
738                 ep2_ch1()->selected_connection());
740     TestSendRecv(&clock);
741     DestroyChannels();
742   }
TestPacketInfoIsSet(rtc::PacketInfo info)744   void TestPacketInfoIsSet(rtc::PacketInfo info) {
745     EXPECT_NE(info.packet_type, rtc::PacketType::kUnknown);
746     EXPECT_NE(info.protocol, rtc::PacketInfoProtocolType::kUnknown);
747     EXPECT_TRUE(info.network_id.has_value());
748   }
OnReadyToSend(rtc::PacketTransportInternal * transport)750   void OnReadyToSend(rtc::PacketTransportInternal* transport) {
751     GetEndpoint(transport)->ready_to_send_ = true;
752   }
754   // We pass the candidates directly to the other side.
OnCandidateGathered(IceTransportInternal * ch,const Candidate & c)755   void OnCandidateGathered(IceTransportInternal* ch, const Candidate& c) {
756     if (force_relay_ && c.type() != RELAY_PORT_TYPE)
757       return;
759     if (GetEndpoint(ch)->save_candidates_) {
760       GetEndpoint(ch)->saved_candidates_.push_back(
761           std::unique_ptr<CandidatesData>(new CandidatesData(ch, c)));
762     } else {
763       main_.Post(RTC_FROM_HERE, this, MSG_ADD_CANDIDATES,
764                  new CandidatesData(ch, c));
765     }
766   }
OnNetworkRouteChanged(absl::optional<rtc::NetworkRoute> network_route)768   void OnNetworkRouteChanged(absl::optional<rtc::NetworkRoute> network_route) {
769     // If the |network_route| is unset, don't count. This is used in the case
770     // when the network on remote side is down, the signal will be fired with an
771     // unset network route and it shouldn't trigger a connection switch.
772     if (network_route) {
773       ++selected_candidate_pair_switches_;
774     }
775   }
reset_selected_candidate_pair_switches()777   int reset_selected_candidate_pair_switches() {
778     int switches = selected_candidate_pair_switches_;
779     selected_candidate_pair_switches_ = 0;
780     return switches;
781   }
PauseCandidates(int endpoint)783   void PauseCandidates(int endpoint) {
784     GetEndpoint(endpoint)->save_candidates_ = true;
785   }
OnCandidatesRemoved(IceTransportInternal * ch,const std::vector<Candidate> & candidates)787   void OnCandidatesRemoved(IceTransportInternal* ch,
788                            const std::vector<Candidate>& candidates) {
789     // Candidate removals are not paused.
790     CandidatesData* candidates_data = new CandidatesData(ch, candidates);
791     main_.Post(RTC_FROM_HERE, this, MSG_REMOVE_CANDIDATES, candidates_data);
792   }
794   // Tcp candidate verification has to be done when they are generated.
VerifySavedTcpCandidates(int endpoint,const std::string & tcptype)795   void VerifySavedTcpCandidates(int endpoint, const std::string& tcptype) {
796     for (auto& data : GetEndpoint(endpoint)->saved_candidates_) {
797       for (auto& candidate : data->candidates) {
798         EXPECT_EQ(candidate.protocol(), TCP_PROTOCOL_NAME);
799         EXPECT_EQ(candidate.tcptype(), tcptype);
800         if (candidate.tcptype() == TCPTYPE_ACTIVE_STR) {
801           EXPECT_EQ(candidate.address().port(), DISCARD_PORT);
802         } else if (candidate.tcptype() == TCPTYPE_PASSIVE_STR) {
803           EXPECT_NE(candidate.address().port(), DISCARD_PORT);
804         } else {
805           FAIL() << "Unknown tcptype: " << candidate.tcptype();
806         }
807       }
808     }
809   }
ResumeCandidates(int endpoint)811   void ResumeCandidates(int endpoint) {
812     Endpoint* ed = GetEndpoint(endpoint);
813     for (auto& candidate : ed->saved_candidates_) {
814       main_.Post(RTC_FROM_HERE, this, MSG_ADD_CANDIDATES, candidate.release());
815     }
816     ed->saved_candidates_.clear();
817     ed->save_candidates_ = false;
818   }
OnMessage(rtc::Message * msg)820   void OnMessage(rtc::Message* msg) {
821     switch (msg->message_id) {
822       case MSG_ADD_CANDIDATES: {
823         std::unique_ptr<CandidatesData> data(
824             static_cast<CandidatesData*>(msg->pdata));
825         P2PTransportChannel* rch = GetRemoteChannel(data->channel);
826         if (!rch) {
827           return;
828         }
829         for (auto& c : data->candidates) {
830           if (remote_ice_parameter_source_ != FROM_CANDIDATE) {
831             c.set_username("");
832             c.set_password("");
833           }
834           RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Candidate(" << data->channel->component() << "->"
835                            << rch->component() << "): " << c.ToString();
836           rch->AddRemoteCandidate(c);
837         }
838         break;
839       }
840       case MSG_REMOVE_CANDIDATES: {
841         std::unique_ptr<CandidatesData> data(
842             static_cast<CandidatesData*>(msg->pdata));
843         P2PTransportChannel* rch = GetRemoteChannel(data->channel);
844         if (!rch) {
845           return;
846         }
847         for (Candidate& c : data->candidates) {
848           RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Removed remote candidate " << c.ToString();
849           rch->RemoveRemoteCandidate(c);
850         }
851         break;
852       }
853     }
854   }
OnReadPacket(rtc::PacketTransportInternal * transport,const char * data,size_t len,const int64_t &,int flags)856   void OnReadPacket(rtc::PacketTransportInternal* transport,
857                     const char* data,
858                     size_t len,
859                     const int64_t& /* packet_time_us */,
860                     int flags) {
861     std::list<std::string>& packets = GetPacketList(transport);
862     packets.push_front(std::string(data, len));
863   }
OnRoleConflict(IceTransportInternal * channel)865   void OnRoleConflict(IceTransportInternal* channel) {
866     GetEndpoint(channel)->OnRoleConflict(true);
867     IceRole new_role = GetEndpoint(channel)->ice_role() == ICEROLE_CONTROLLING
868                            ? ICEROLE_CONTROLLED
869                            : ICEROLE_CONTROLLING;
870     channel->SetIceRole(new_role);
871   }
OnSentPacket(rtc::PacketTransportInternal * transport,const rtc::SentPacket & packet)873   void OnSentPacket(rtc::PacketTransportInternal* transport,
874                     const rtc::SentPacket& packet) {
875     TestPacketInfoIsSet(packet.info);
876   }
SendData(IceTransportInternal * channel,const char * data,size_t len)878   int SendData(IceTransportInternal* channel, const char* data, size_t len) {
879     rtc::PacketOptions options;
880     return channel->SendPacket(data, len, options, 0);
881   }
CheckDataOnChannel(IceTransportInternal * channel,const char * data,int len)882   bool CheckDataOnChannel(IceTransportInternal* channel,
883                           const char* data,
884                           int len) {
885     return GetChannelData(channel)->CheckData(data, len);
886   }
LocalCandidate(P2PTransportChannel * ch)887   static const Candidate* LocalCandidate(P2PTransportChannel* ch) {
888     return (ch && ch->selected_connection())
889                ? &ch->selected_connection()->local_candidate()
890                : NULL;
891   }
RemoteCandidate(P2PTransportChannel * ch)892   static const Candidate* RemoteCandidate(P2PTransportChannel* ch) {
893     return (ch && ch->selected_connection())
894                ? &ch->selected_connection()->remote_candidate()
895                : NULL;
896   }
GetEndpoint(rtc::PacketTransportInternal * transport)897   Endpoint* GetEndpoint(rtc::PacketTransportInternal* transport) {
898     if (ep1_.HasTransport(transport)) {
899       return &ep1_;
900     } else if (ep2_.HasTransport(transport)) {
901       return &ep2_;
902     } else {
903       return NULL;
904     }
905   }
GetRemoteChannel(IceTransportInternal * ch)906   P2PTransportChannel* GetRemoteChannel(IceTransportInternal* ch) {
907     if (ch == ep1_ch1())
908       return ep2_ch1();
909     else if (ch == ep1_ch2())
910       return ep2_ch2();
911     else if (ch == ep2_ch1())
912       return ep1_ch1();
913     else if (ch == ep2_ch2())
914       return ep1_ch2();
915     else
916       return NULL;
917   }
GetPacketList(rtc::PacketTransportInternal * transport)918   std::list<std::string>& GetPacketList(
919       rtc::PacketTransportInternal* transport) {
920     return GetChannelData(transport)->ch_packets_;
921   }
923   enum RemoteIceParameterSource { FROM_CANDIDATE, FROM_SETICEPARAMETERS };
925   // How does the test pass ICE parameters to the P2PTransportChannel?
926   // On the candidate itself, or through SetRemoteIceParameters?
927   // Goes through the candidate itself by default.
set_remote_ice_parameter_source(RemoteIceParameterSource source)928   void set_remote_ice_parameter_source(RemoteIceParameterSource source) {
929     remote_ice_parameter_source_ = source;
930   }
set_force_relay(bool relay)932   void set_force_relay(bool relay) { force_relay_ = relay; }
ConnectSignalNominated(Connection * conn)934   void ConnectSignalNominated(Connection* conn) {
935     conn->SignalNominated.connect(this,
936                                   &P2PTransportChannelTestBase::OnNominated);
937   }
OnNominated(Connection * conn)939   void OnNominated(Connection* conn) { nominated_ = true; }
nominated()940   bool nominated() { return nominated_; }
942  private:
943   std::unique_ptr<rtc::VirtualSocketServer> vss_;
944   std::unique_ptr<rtc::NATSocketServer> nss_;
945   std::unique_ptr<rtc::FirewallSocketServer> ss_;
946   rtc::AutoSocketServerThread main_;
947   std::unique_ptr<TestStunServer> stun_server_;
948   TestTurnServer turn_server_;
949   rtc::SocksProxyServer socks_server1_;
950   rtc::SocksProxyServer socks_server2_;
951   Endpoint ep1_;
952   Endpoint ep2_;
953   RemoteIceParameterSource remote_ice_parameter_source_ = FROM_CANDIDATE;
954   bool force_relay_;
955   int selected_candidate_pair_switches_ = 0;
957   bool nominated_ = false;
958 };
960 // The tests have only a few outcomes, which we predefine.
961 const P2PTransportChannelTestBase::Result
962     P2PTransportChannelTestBase::kLocalUdpToLocalUdp("local",
963                                                      "udp",
964                                                      "local",
965                                                      "udp",
966                                                      1000);
967 const P2PTransportChannelTestBase::Result
968     P2PTransportChannelTestBase::kLocalUdpToStunUdp("local",
969                                                     "udp",
970                                                     "stun",
971                                                     "udp",
972                                                     1000);
973 const P2PTransportChannelTestBase::Result
974     P2PTransportChannelTestBase::kLocalUdpToPrflxUdp("local",
975                                                      "udp",
976                                                      "prflx",
977                                                      "udp",
978                                                      1000);
979 const P2PTransportChannelTestBase::Result
980     P2PTransportChannelTestBase::kPrflxUdpToLocalUdp("prflx",
981                                                      "udp",
982                                                      "local",
983                                                      "udp",
984                                                      1000);
985 const P2PTransportChannelTestBase::Result
986     P2PTransportChannelTestBase::kStunUdpToLocalUdp("stun",
987                                                     "udp",
988                                                     "local",
989                                                     "udp",
990                                                     1000);
991 const P2PTransportChannelTestBase::Result
992     P2PTransportChannelTestBase::kStunUdpToStunUdp("stun",
993                                                    "udp",
994                                                    "stun",
995                                                    "udp",
996                                                    1000);
997 const P2PTransportChannelTestBase::Result
998     P2PTransportChannelTestBase::kStunUdpToPrflxUdp("stun",
999                                                     "udp",
1000                                                     "prflx",
1001                                                     "udp",
1002                                                     1000);
1003 const P2PTransportChannelTestBase::Result
1004     P2PTransportChannelTestBase::kPrflxUdpToStunUdp("prflx",
1005                                                     "udp",
1006                                                     "stun",
1007                                                     "udp",
1008                                                     1000);
1009 const P2PTransportChannelTestBase::Result
1010     P2PTransportChannelTestBase::kLocalUdpToRelayUdp("local",
1011                                                      "udp",
1012                                                      "relay",
1013                                                      "udp",
1014                                                      2000);
1015 const P2PTransportChannelTestBase::Result
1016     P2PTransportChannelTestBase::kPrflxUdpToRelayUdp("prflx",
1017                                                      "udp",
1018                                                      "relay",
1019                                                      "udp",
1020                                                      2000);
1021 const P2PTransportChannelTestBase::Result
1022     P2PTransportChannelTestBase::kRelayUdpToPrflxUdp("relay",
1023                                                      "udp",
1024                                                      "prflx",
1025                                                      "udp",
1026                                                      2000);
1027 const P2PTransportChannelTestBase::Result
1028     P2PTransportChannelTestBase::kLocalTcpToLocalTcp("local",
1029                                                      "tcp",
1030                                                      "local",
1031                                                      "tcp",
1032                                                      3000);
1033 const P2PTransportChannelTestBase::Result
1034     P2PTransportChannelTestBase::kLocalTcpToPrflxTcp("local",
1035                                                      "tcp",
1036                                                      "prflx",
1037                                                      "tcp",
1038                                                      3000);
1039 const P2PTransportChannelTestBase::Result
1040     P2PTransportChannelTestBase::kPrflxTcpToLocalTcp("prflx",
1041                                                      "tcp",
1042                                                      "local",
1043                                                      "tcp",
1044                                                      3000);
1046 // Test the matrix of all the connectivity types we expect to see in the wild.
1047 // Just test every combination of the configs in the Config enum.
1048 class P2PTransportChannelTest : public P2PTransportChannelTestBase {
1049  protected:
1050   static const Result* kMatrix[NUM_CONFIGS][NUM_CONFIGS];
ConfigureEndpoints(Config config1,Config config2,int allocator_flags1,int allocator_flags2)1051   void ConfigureEndpoints(Config config1,
1052                           Config config2,
1053                           int allocator_flags1,
1054                           int allocator_flags2) {
1055     ConfigureEndpoint(0, config1);
1056     SetAllocatorFlags(0, allocator_flags1);
1057     SetAllocationStepDelay(0, kMinimumStepDelay);
1058     ConfigureEndpoint(1, config2);
1059     SetAllocatorFlags(1, allocator_flags2);
1060     SetAllocationStepDelay(1, kMinimumStepDelay);
1062     set_remote_ice_parameter_source(FROM_SETICEPARAMETERS);
1063   }
ConfigureEndpoint(int endpoint,Config config)1064   void ConfigureEndpoint(int endpoint, Config config) {
1065     switch (config) {
1066       case OPEN:
1067         AddAddress(endpoint, kPublicAddrs[endpoint]);
1068         break;
1069       case NAT_FULL_CONE:
1070       case NAT_ADDR_RESTRICTED:
1071       case NAT_PORT_RESTRICTED:
1072       case NAT_SYMMETRIC:
1073         AddAddress(endpoint, kPrivateAddrs[endpoint]);
1074         // Add a single NAT of the desired type
1075         nat()
1076             ->AddTranslator(kPublicAddrs[endpoint], kNatAddrs[endpoint],
1077                             static_cast<rtc::NATType>(config - NAT_FULL_CONE))
1078             ->AddClient(kPrivateAddrs[endpoint]);
1079         break;
1080       case NAT_DOUBLE_CONE:
1081       case NAT_SYMMETRIC_THEN_CONE:
1082         AddAddress(endpoint, kCascadedPrivateAddrs[endpoint]);
1083         // Add a two cascaded NATs of the desired types
1084         nat()
1085             ->AddTranslator(kPublicAddrs[endpoint], kNatAddrs[endpoint],
1086                             (config == NAT_DOUBLE_CONE) ? rtc::NAT_OPEN_CONE
1087                                                         : rtc::NAT_SYMMETRIC)
1088             ->AddTranslator(kPrivateAddrs[endpoint],
1089                             kCascadedNatAddrs[endpoint], rtc::NAT_OPEN_CONE)
1090             ->AddClient(kCascadedPrivateAddrs[endpoint]);
1091         break;
1092       case BLOCK_UDP:
1095       case PROXY_HTTPS:
1096       case PROXY_SOCKS:
1097         AddAddress(endpoint, kPublicAddrs[endpoint]);
1098         // Block all UDP
1099         fw()->AddRule(false, rtc::FP_UDP, rtc::FD_ANY, kPublicAddrs[endpoint]);
1100         if (config == BLOCK_UDP_AND_INCOMING_TCP) {
1101           // Block TCP inbound to the endpoint
1102           fw()->AddRule(false, rtc::FP_TCP, SocketAddress(),
1103                         kPublicAddrs[endpoint]);
1104         } else if (config == BLOCK_ALL_BUT_OUTGOING_HTTP) {
1105           // Block all TCP to/from the endpoint except 80/443 out
1106           fw()->AddRule(true, rtc::FP_TCP, kPublicAddrs[endpoint],
1107                         SocketAddress(rtc::IPAddress(INADDR_ANY), 80));
1108           fw()->AddRule(true, rtc::FP_TCP, kPublicAddrs[endpoint],
1109                         SocketAddress(rtc::IPAddress(INADDR_ANY), 443));
1110           fw()->AddRule(false, rtc::FP_TCP, rtc::FD_ANY,
1111                         kPublicAddrs[endpoint]);
1112         } else if (config == PROXY_HTTPS) {
1113           // Block all TCP to/from the endpoint except to the proxy server
1114           fw()->AddRule(true, rtc::FP_TCP, kPublicAddrs[endpoint],
1115                         kHttpsProxyAddrs[endpoint]);
1116           fw()->AddRule(false, rtc::FP_TCP, rtc::FD_ANY,
1117                         kPublicAddrs[endpoint]);
1118           SetProxy(endpoint, rtc::PROXY_HTTPS);
1119         } else if (config == PROXY_SOCKS) {
1120           // Block all TCP to/from the endpoint except to the proxy server
1121           fw()->AddRule(true, rtc::FP_TCP, kPublicAddrs[endpoint],
1122                         kSocksProxyAddrs[endpoint]);
1123           fw()->AddRule(false, rtc::FP_TCP, rtc::FD_ANY,
1124                         kPublicAddrs[endpoint]);
1125           SetProxy(endpoint, rtc::PROXY_SOCKS5);
1126         }
1127         break;
1128       default:
1129         RTC_NOTREACHED();
1130         break;
1131     }
1132   }
1133 };
1135 // Shorthands for use in the test matrix.
1136 #define LULU &kLocalUdpToLocalUdp
1137 #define LUSU &kLocalUdpToStunUdp
1138 #define LUPU &kLocalUdpToPrflxUdp
1139 #define PULU &kPrflxUdpToLocalUdp
1140 #define SULU &kStunUdpToLocalUdp
1141 #define SUSU &kStunUdpToStunUdp
1142 #define SUPU &kStunUdpToPrflxUdp
1143 #define PUSU &kPrflxUdpToStunUdp
1144 #define LURU &kLocalUdpToRelayUdp
1145 #define PURU &kPrflxUdpToRelayUdp
1146 #define RUPU &kRelayUdpToPrflxUdp
1147 #define LTLT &kLocalTcpToLocalTcp
1148 #define LTPT &kLocalTcpToPrflxTcp
1149 #define PTLT &kPrflxTcpToLocalTcp
1150 // TODO(?): Enable these once TestRelayServer can accept external TCP.
1151 #define LTRT NULL
1152 #define LSRS NULL
1154 // Test matrix. Originator behavior defined by rows, receiever by columns.
1156 // TODO(?): Fix NULLs caused by lack of TCP support in NATSocket.
1157 // TODO(?): Fix NULLs caused by no HTTP proxy support.
1158 // TODO(?): Rearrange rows/columns from best to worst.
1159 const P2PTransportChannelTest::Result*
1160     P2PTransportChannelTest::kMatrix[NUM_CONFIGS][NUM_CONFIGS] = {
1161         //      OPEN  CONE  ADDR  PORT  SYMM  2CON  SCON  !UDP  !TCP  HTTP  PRXH
1162         //      PRXS
1164                 NULL, LTPT},
1165         /*CO*/
1167          LTRT},
1168         /*AD*/
1170          LTRT},
1171         /*PO*/
1173          LTRT},
1174         /*SY*/
1176          LTRT},
1177         /*2C*/
1179          LTRT},
1180         /*SC*/
1182          LTRT},
1183         /*!U*/
1185          LTRT},
1186         /*!T*/
1188          LTRT},
1189         /*HT*/
1191          LSRS},
1192         /*PR*/
1194          NULL},
1195         /*PR*/
1197          LTRT},
1198 };
1200 class P2PTransportChannelTestWithFieldTrials
1201     : public P2PTransportChannelTest,
1202       public ::testing::WithParamInterface<std::string> {
1203  public:
Test(const Result & expected)1204   void Test(const Result& expected) override {
1205     webrtc::test::ScopedFieldTrials field_trials(GetParam());
1206     P2PTransportChannelTest::Test(expected);
1207   }
1208 };
1210 // The actual tests that exercise all the various configurations.
1211 // Test names are of the form P2PTransportChannelTest_TestOPENToNAT_FULL_CONE
1212 #define P2P_TEST_DECLARATION(x, y, z)                                 \
1213   TEST_P(P2PTransportChannelTestWithFieldTrials, z##Test##x##To##y) { \
1214     ConfigureEndpoints(x, y, PORTALLOCATOR_ENABLE_SHARED_SOCKET,      \
1215                        PORTALLOCATOR_ENABLE_SHARED_SOCKET);           \
1216     if (kMatrix[x][y] != NULL)                                        \
1217       Test(*kMatrix[x][y]);                                           \
1218     else                                                              \
1219       RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Not yet implemented";                   \
1220   }
1222 #define P2P_TEST(x, y) P2P_TEST_DECLARATION(x, y, /* empty argument */)
1224 #define P2P_TEST_SET(x)                    \
1225   P2P_TEST(x, OPEN)                        \
1226   P2P_TEST(x, NAT_FULL_CONE)               \
1227   P2P_TEST(x, NAT_ADDR_RESTRICTED)         \
1228   P2P_TEST(x, NAT_PORT_RESTRICTED)         \
1229   P2P_TEST(x, NAT_SYMMETRIC)               \
1230   P2P_TEST(x, NAT_DOUBLE_CONE)             \
1232   P2P_TEST(x, BLOCK_UDP)                   \
1235   P2P_TEST(x, PROXY_HTTPS)                 \
1252     P2PTransportChannelTestWithFieldTrials,
1253     P2PTransportChannelTestWithFieldTrials,
1254     // Each field-trial is ~144 tests (some return not-yet-implemented).
1255     testing::Values("", "WebRTC-IceFieldTrials/enable_goog_ping:true/"));
1257 // Test that we restart candidate allocation when local ufrag&pwd changed.
1258 // Standard Ice protocol is used.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,HandleUfragPwdChange)1259 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest, HandleUfragPwdChange) {
1260   ConfigureEndpoints(OPEN, OPEN, kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags,
1261                      kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags);
1262   CreateChannels();
1263   TestHandleIceUfragPasswordChanged();
1264   DestroyChannels();
1265 }
1267 // Same as above test, but with a symmetric NAT.
1268 // We should end up with relay<->prflx candidate pairs, with generation "1".
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,HandleUfragPwdChangeSymmetricNat)1269 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest, HandleUfragPwdChangeSymmetricNat) {
1270   ConfigureEndpoints(NAT_SYMMETRIC, NAT_SYMMETRIC, kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags,
1271                      kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags);
1272   CreateChannels();
1273   TestHandleIceUfragPasswordChanged();
1274   DestroyChannels();
1275 }
1277 // Test the operation of GetStats.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,GetStats)1278 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest, GetStats) {
1279   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
1280   ConfigureEndpoints(OPEN, OPEN, kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags,
1281                      kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags);
1282   CreateChannels();
1283   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(ep1_ch1()->receiving() && ep1_ch1()->writable() &&
1284                                  ep2_ch1()->receiving() &&
1285                                  ep2_ch1()->writable(),
1286                              kMediumTimeout, clock);
1287   // Sends and receives 10 packets.
1288   TestSendRecv(&clock);
1289   IceTransportStats ice_transport_stats;
1290   ASSERT_TRUE(ep1_ch1()->GetStats(&ice_transport_stats));
1291   ASSERT_GE(ice_transport_stats.connection_infos.size(), 1u);
1292   ASSERT_GE(ice_transport_stats.candidate_stats_list.size(), 1u);
1293   EXPECT_EQ(ice_transport_stats.selected_candidate_pair_changes, 1u);
1294   ConnectionInfo* best_conn_info = nullptr;
1295   for (ConnectionInfo& info : ice_transport_stats.connection_infos) {
1296     if (info.best_connection) {
1297       best_conn_info = &info;
1298       break;
1299     }
1300   }
1301   ASSERT_TRUE(best_conn_info != nullptr);
1302   EXPECT_TRUE(best_conn_info->new_connection);
1303   EXPECT_TRUE(best_conn_info->receiving);
1304   EXPECT_TRUE(best_conn_info->writable);
1305   EXPECT_FALSE(best_conn_info->timeout);
1306   EXPECT_EQ(10U, best_conn_info->sent_total_packets);
1307   EXPECT_EQ(0U, best_conn_info->sent_discarded_packets);
1308   EXPECT_EQ(10 * 36U, best_conn_info->sent_total_bytes);
1309   EXPECT_EQ(10 * 36U, best_conn_info->recv_total_bytes);
1310   EXPECT_EQ(10U, best_conn_info->packets_received);
1311   DestroyChannels();
1312 }
1314 // Tests that UMAs are recorded when ICE restarts while the channel
1315 // is disconnected.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,TestUMAIceRestartWhileDisconnected)1316 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest, TestUMAIceRestartWhileDisconnected) {
1317   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
1318   ConfigureEndpoints(OPEN, OPEN, kOnlyLocalPorts, kOnlyLocalPorts);
1320   CreateChannels();
1321   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(CheckConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1()),
1322                              kDefaultTimeout, clock);
1324   // Drop all packets so that both channels become not writable.
1325   fw()->AddRule(false, rtc::FP_ANY, rtc::FD_ANY, kPublicAddrs[0]);
1326   const int kWriteTimeoutDelay = 8000;
1327   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(!ep1_ch1()->writable() && !ep2_ch1()->writable(),
1328                              kWriteTimeoutDelay, clock);
1330   ep1_ch1()->SetIceParameters(kIceParams[2]);
1331   ep1_ch1()->SetRemoteIceParameters(kIceParams[3]);
1332   ep1_ch1()->MaybeStartGathering();
1333   EXPECT_METRIC_EQ(1, webrtc::metrics::NumEvents(
1334                           "WebRTC.PeerConnection.IceRestartState",
1335                           static_cast<int>(IceRestartState::DISCONNECTED)));
1337   ep2_ch1()->SetIceParameters(kIceParams[3]);
1338   ep2_ch1()->SetRemoteIceParameters(kIceParams[2]);
1339   ep2_ch1()->MaybeStartGathering();
1340   EXPECT_METRIC_EQ(2, webrtc::metrics::NumEvents(
1341                           "WebRTC.PeerConnection.IceRestartState",
1342                           static_cast<int>(IceRestartState::DISCONNECTED)));
1344   DestroyChannels();
1345 }
1347 // Tests that UMAs are recorded when ICE restarts while the channel
1348 // is connected.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,TestUMAIceRestartWhileConnected)1349 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest, TestUMAIceRestartWhileConnected) {
1350   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
1351   ConfigureEndpoints(OPEN, OPEN, kOnlyLocalPorts, kOnlyLocalPorts);
1353   CreateChannels();
1354   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(CheckConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1()),
1355                              kDefaultTimeout, clock);
1357   ep1_ch1()->SetIceParameters(kIceParams[2]);
1358   ep1_ch1()->SetRemoteIceParameters(kIceParams[3]);
1359   ep1_ch1()->MaybeStartGathering();
1360   EXPECT_METRIC_EQ(1, webrtc::metrics::NumEvents(
1361                           "WebRTC.PeerConnection.IceRestartState",
1362                           static_cast<int>(IceRestartState::CONNECTED)));
1364   ep2_ch1()->SetIceParameters(kIceParams[3]);
1365   ep2_ch1()->SetRemoteIceParameters(kIceParams[2]);
1366   ep2_ch1()->MaybeStartGathering();
1367   EXPECT_METRIC_EQ(2, webrtc::metrics::NumEvents(
1368                           "WebRTC.PeerConnection.IceRestartState",
1369                           static_cast<int>(IceRestartState::CONNECTED)));
1371   DestroyChannels();
1372 }
1374 // Tests that UMAs are recorded when ICE restarts while the channel
1375 // is connecting.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,TestUMAIceRestartWhileConnecting)1376 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest, TestUMAIceRestartWhileConnecting) {
1377   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
1378   ConfigureEndpoints(OPEN, OPEN, kOnlyLocalPorts, kOnlyLocalPorts);
1380   // Create the channels without waiting for them to become connected.
1381   CreateChannels();
1383   ep1_ch1()->SetIceParameters(kIceParams[2]);
1384   ep1_ch1()->SetRemoteIceParameters(kIceParams[3]);
1385   ep1_ch1()->MaybeStartGathering();
1386   EXPECT_METRIC_EQ(1, webrtc::metrics::NumEvents(
1387                           "WebRTC.PeerConnection.IceRestartState",
1388                           static_cast<int>(IceRestartState::CONNECTING)));
1390   ep2_ch1()->SetIceParameters(kIceParams[3]);
1391   ep2_ch1()->SetRemoteIceParameters(kIceParams[2]);
1392   ep2_ch1()->MaybeStartGathering();
1393   EXPECT_METRIC_EQ(2, webrtc::metrics::NumEvents(
1394                           "WebRTC.PeerConnection.IceRestartState",
1395                           static_cast<int>(IceRestartState::CONNECTING)));
1397   DestroyChannels();
1398 }
1400 // Tests that a UMA on ICE regathering is recorded when there is a network
1401 // change if and only if continual gathering is enabled.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,TestIceRegatheringReasonContinualGatheringByNetworkChange)1402 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,
1403        TestIceRegatheringReasonContinualGatheringByNetworkChange) {
1404   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
1405   ConfigureEndpoints(OPEN, OPEN, kOnlyLocalPorts, kOnlyLocalPorts);
1407   // ep1 gathers continually but ep2 does not.
1408   IceConfig continual_gathering_config =
1409       CreateIceConfig(1000, GATHER_CONTINUALLY);
1410   IceConfig default_config;
1411   CreateChannels(continual_gathering_config, default_config);
1413   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(CheckConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1()),
1414                              kDefaultTimeout, clock);
1416   // Adding address in ep1 will trigger continual gathering.
1417   AddAddress(0, kAlternateAddrs[0]);
1419                            GetEndpoint(0)->GetIceRegatheringCountForReason(
1420                                IceRegatheringReason::NETWORK_CHANGE),
1421                            kDefaultTimeout, clock);
1423   ep2_ch1()->SetIceParameters(kIceParams[3]);
1424   ep2_ch1()->SetRemoteIceParameters(kIceParams[2]);
1425   ep2_ch1()->MaybeStartGathering();
1427   AddAddress(1, kAlternateAddrs[1]);
1428   SIMULATED_WAIT(false, kDefaultTimeout, clock);
1429   // ep2 has not enabled continual gathering.
1430   EXPECT_EQ(0, GetEndpoint(1)->GetIceRegatheringCountForReason(
1431                    IceRegatheringReason::NETWORK_CHANGE));
1433   DestroyChannels();
1434 }
1436 // Tests that a UMA on ICE regathering is recorded when there is a network
1437 // failure if and only if continual gathering is enabled.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,TestIceRegatheringReasonContinualGatheringByNetworkFailure)1438 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,
1439        TestIceRegatheringReasonContinualGatheringByNetworkFailure) {
1440   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
1441   ConfigureEndpoints(OPEN, OPEN, kOnlyLocalPorts, kOnlyLocalPorts);
1443   // ep1 gathers continually but ep2 does not.
1444   IceConfig config1 = CreateIceConfig(1000, GATHER_CONTINUALLY);
1445   config1.regather_on_failed_networks_interval = 2000;
1446   IceConfig config2;
1447   config2.regather_on_failed_networks_interval = 2000;
1448   CreateChannels(config1, config2);
1450   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(CheckConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1()),
1451                              kDefaultTimeout, clock);
1453   fw()->AddRule(false, rtc::FP_ANY, rtc::FD_ANY, kPublicAddrs[0]);
1454   // Timeout value such that all connections are deleted.
1455   const int kNetworkFailureTimeout = 35000;
1456   SIMULATED_WAIT(false, kNetworkFailureTimeout, clock);
1457   EXPECT_LE(1, GetEndpoint(0)->GetIceRegatheringCountForReason(
1458                    IceRegatheringReason::NETWORK_FAILURE));
1460       1, webrtc::metrics::NumEvents(
1461              "WebRTC.PeerConnection.IceRegatheringReason",
1462              static_cast<int>(IceRegatheringReason::NETWORK_FAILURE)));
1463   EXPECT_EQ(0, GetEndpoint(1)->GetIceRegatheringCountForReason(
1464                    IceRegatheringReason::NETWORK_FAILURE));
1466   DestroyChannels();
1467 }
1469 // Test that we properly create a connection on a STUN ping from unknown address
1470 // when the signaling is slow.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,PeerReflexiveCandidateBeforeSignaling)1471 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest, PeerReflexiveCandidateBeforeSignaling) {
1472   ConfigureEndpoints(OPEN, OPEN, kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags,
1473                      kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags);
1474   // Emulate no remote parameters coming in.
1475   set_remote_ice_parameter_source(FROM_CANDIDATE);
1476   CreateChannels();
1477   // Only have remote parameters come in for ep2, not ep1.
1478   ep2_ch1()->SetRemoteIceParameters(kIceParams[0]);
1480   // Pause sending ep2's candidates to ep1 until ep1 receives the peer reflexive
1481   // candidate.
1482   PauseCandidates(1);
1484   // Wait until the callee becomes writable to make sure that a ping request is
1485   // received by the caller before their remote ICE credentials are set.
1486   ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(ep2_ch1()->selected_connection() != nullptr, kMediumTimeout);
1487   // Add two sets of remote ICE credentials, so that the ones used by the
1488   // candidate will be generation 1 instead of 0.
1489   ep1_ch1()->SetRemoteIceParameters(kIceParams[3]);
1490   ep1_ch1()->SetRemoteIceParameters(kIceParams[1]);
1491   // The caller should have the selected connection connected to the peer
1492   // reflexive candidate.
1493   const Connection* selected_connection = nullptr;
1495       (selected_connection = ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()) != nullptr,
1496       kMediumTimeout);
1497   EXPECT_EQ(PRFLX_PORT_TYPE, selected_connection->remote_candidate().type());
1498   EXPECT_EQ(kIceUfrag[1], selected_connection->remote_candidate().username());
1499   EXPECT_EQ(kIcePwd[1], selected_connection->remote_candidate().password());
1500   EXPECT_EQ(1u, selected_connection->remote_candidate().generation());
1502   ResumeCandidates(1);
1503   // Verify ep1's selected connection is updated to use the 'local' candidate.
1505                  ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()->remote_candidate().type(),
1506                  kMediumTimeout);
1507   EXPECT_EQ(selected_connection, ep1_ch1()->selected_connection());
1508   DestroyChannels();
1509 }
1511 // Test that if we learn a prflx remote candidate, its address is concealed in
1512 // 1. the selected candidate pair accessed via the public API, and
1513 // 2. the candidate pair stats
1514 // until we learn the same address from signaling.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,PeerReflexiveRemoteCandidateIsSanitized)1515 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest, PeerReflexiveRemoteCandidateIsSanitized) {
1516   ConfigureEndpoints(OPEN, OPEN, kOnlyLocalPorts, kOnlyLocalPorts);
1517   // Emulate no remote parameters coming in.
1518   set_remote_ice_parameter_source(FROM_CANDIDATE);
1519   CreateChannels();
1520   // Only have remote parameters come in for ep2, not ep1.
1521   ep2_ch1()->SetRemoteIceParameters(kIceParams[0]);
1523   // Pause sending ep2's candidates to ep1 until ep1 receives the peer reflexive
1524   // candidate.
1525   PauseCandidates(1);
1527   ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(ep2_ch1()->selected_connection() != nullptr, kMediumTimeout);
1528   ep1_ch1()->SetRemoteIceParameters(kIceParams[1]);
1529   ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(ep1_ch1()->selected_connection() != nullptr, kMediumTimeout);
1531   // Check the selected candidate pair.
1532   auto pair_ep1 = ep1_ch1()->GetSelectedCandidatePair();
1533   ASSERT_TRUE(pair_ep1.has_value());
1534   EXPECT_EQ(PRFLX_PORT_TYPE, pair_ep1->remote_candidate().type());
1535   EXPECT_TRUE(pair_ep1->remote_candidate().address().ipaddr().IsNil());
1537   IceTransportStats ice_transport_stats;
1538   ep1_ch1()->GetStats(&ice_transport_stats);
1539   // Check the candidate pair stats.
1540   ASSERT_EQ(1u, ice_transport_stats.connection_infos.size());
1542             ice_transport_stats.connection_infos[0].remote_candidate.type());
1543   EXPECT_TRUE(ice_transport_stats.connection_infos[0]
1544                   .remote_candidate.address()
1545                   .ipaddr()
1546                   .IsNil());
1548   // Let ep1 receive the remote candidate to update its type from prflx to host.
1549   ResumeCandidates(1);
1551       ep1_ch1()->selected_connection() != nullptr &&
1552           ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()->remote_candidate().type() ==
1553               LOCAL_PORT_TYPE,
1554       kMediumTimeout);
1556   // We should be able to reveal the address after it is learnt via
1557   // AddIceCandidate.
1558   //
1559   // Check the selected candidate pair.
1560   auto updated_pair_ep1 = ep1_ch1()->GetSelectedCandidatePair();
1561   ASSERT_TRUE(updated_pair_ep1.has_value());
1562   EXPECT_EQ(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, updated_pair_ep1->remote_candidate().type());
1564       updated_pair_ep1->remote_candidate().address().EqualIPs(kPublicAddrs[1]));
1566   ep1_ch1()->GetStats(&ice_transport_stats);
1567   // Check the candidate pair stats.
1568   ASSERT_EQ(1u, ice_transport_stats.connection_infos.size());
1570             ice_transport_stats.connection_infos[0].remote_candidate.type());
1571   EXPECT_TRUE(ice_transport_stats.connection_infos[0]
1572                   .remote_candidate.address()
1573                   .EqualIPs(kPublicAddrs[1]));
1575   DestroyChannels();
1576 }
1578 // Test that we properly create a connection on a STUN ping from unknown address
1579 // when the signaling is slow and the end points are behind NAT.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,PeerReflexiveCandidateBeforeSignalingWithNAT)1580 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest, PeerReflexiveCandidateBeforeSignalingWithNAT) {
1581   ConfigureEndpoints(OPEN, NAT_SYMMETRIC, kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags,
1582                      kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags);
1583   // Emulate no remote parameters coming in.
1584   set_remote_ice_parameter_source(FROM_CANDIDATE);
1585   CreateChannels();
1586   // Only have remote parameters come in for ep2, not ep1.
1587   ep2_ch1()->SetRemoteIceParameters(kIceParams[0]);
1588   // Pause sending ep2's candidates to ep1 until ep1 receives the peer reflexive
1589   // candidate.
1590   PauseCandidates(1);
1592   // Wait until the callee becomes writable to make sure that a ping request is
1593   // received by the caller before their remote ICE credentials are set.
1594   ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(ep2_ch1()->selected_connection() != nullptr, kMediumTimeout);
1595   // Add two sets of remote ICE credentials, so that the ones used by the
1596   // candidate will be generation 1 instead of 0.
1597   ep1_ch1()->SetRemoteIceParameters(kIceParams[3]);
1598   ep1_ch1()->SetRemoteIceParameters(kIceParams[1]);
1600   // The caller's selected connection should be connected to the peer reflexive
1601   // candidate.
1602   const Connection* selected_connection = nullptr;
1604       (selected_connection = ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()) != nullptr,
1605       kMediumTimeout);
1606   EXPECT_EQ(PRFLX_PORT_TYPE, selected_connection->remote_candidate().type());
1607   EXPECT_EQ(kIceUfrag[1], selected_connection->remote_candidate().username());
1608   EXPECT_EQ(kIcePwd[1], selected_connection->remote_candidate().password());
1609   EXPECT_EQ(1u, selected_connection->remote_candidate().generation());
1611   ResumeCandidates(1);
1614                  ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()->remote_candidate().type(),
1615                  kMediumTimeout);
1616   EXPECT_EQ(selected_connection, ep1_ch1()->selected_connection());
1617   DestroyChannels();
1618 }
1620 // Test that we properly create a connection on a STUN ping from unknown address
1621 // when the signaling is slow, even if the new candidate is created due to the
1622 // remote peer doing an ICE restart, pairing this candidate across generations.
1623 //
1624 // Previously this wasn't working due to a bug where the peer reflexive
1625 // candidate was only updated for the newest generation candidate pairs, and
1626 // not older-generation candidate pairs created by pairing candidates across
1627 // generations. This resulted in the old-generation prflx candidate being
1628 // prioritized above new-generation candidate pairs.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,PeerReflexiveCandidateBeforeSignalingWithIceRestart)1629 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,
1630        PeerReflexiveCandidateBeforeSignalingWithIceRestart) {
1631   ConfigureEndpoints(OPEN, OPEN, kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags,
1632                      kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags);
1633   // Only gather relay candidates, so that when the prflx candidate arrives
1634   // it's prioritized above the current candidate pair.
1635   GetEndpoint(0)->allocator_->SetCandidateFilter(CF_RELAY);
1636   GetEndpoint(1)->allocator_->SetCandidateFilter(CF_RELAY);
1637   // Setting this allows us to control when SetRemoteIceParameters is called.
1638   set_remote_ice_parameter_source(FROM_CANDIDATE);
1639   CreateChannels();
1640   // Wait for the initial connection to be made.
1641   ep1_ch1()->SetRemoteIceParameters(kIceParams[1]);
1642   ep2_ch1()->SetRemoteIceParameters(kIceParams[0]);
1643   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(CheckConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1()), kDefaultTimeout);
1645   // Simulate an ICE restart on ep2, but don't signal the candidate or new
1646   // ICE parameters until after a prflx connection has been made.
1647   PauseCandidates(1);
1648   ep2_ch1()->SetIceParameters(kIceParams[3]);
1650   ep1_ch1()->SetRemoteIceParameters(kIceParams[3]);
1651   ep2_ch1()->MaybeStartGathering();
1653   // The caller should have the selected connection connected to the peer
1654   // reflexive candidate.
1656                  ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()->remote_candidate().type(),
1657                  kDefaultTimeout);
1658   const Connection* prflx_selected_connection =
1659       ep1_ch1()->selected_connection();
1661   // Now simulate the ICE restart on ep1.
1662   ep1_ch1()->SetIceParameters(kIceParams[2]);
1664   ep2_ch1()->SetRemoteIceParameters(kIceParams[2]);
1665   ep1_ch1()->MaybeStartGathering();
1667   // Finally send the candidates from ep2's ICE restart and verify that ep1 uses
1668   // their information to update the peer reflexive candidate.
1669   ResumeCandidates(1);
1672                  ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()->remote_candidate().type(),
1673                  kDefaultTimeout);
1674   EXPECT_EQ(prflx_selected_connection, ep1_ch1()->selected_connection());
1675   DestroyChannels();
1676 }
1678 // Test that if remote candidates don't have ufrag and pwd, we still work.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,RemoteCandidatesWithoutUfragPwd)1679 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest, RemoteCandidatesWithoutUfragPwd) {
1680   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
1681   set_remote_ice_parameter_source(FROM_SETICEPARAMETERS);
1682   ConfigureEndpoints(OPEN, OPEN, kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags,
1683                      kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags);
1684   CreateChannels();
1685   const Connection* selected_connection = NULL;
1686   // Wait until the callee's connections are created.
1688       (selected_connection = ep2_ch1()->selected_connection()) != NULL,
1689       kMediumTimeout, clock);
1690   // Wait to make sure the selected connection is not changed.
1691   SIMULATED_WAIT(ep2_ch1()->selected_connection() != selected_connection,
1692                  kShortTimeout, clock);
1693   EXPECT_TRUE(ep2_ch1()->selected_connection() == selected_connection);
1694   DestroyChannels();
1695 }
1697 // Test that a host behind NAT cannot be reached when incoming_only
1698 // is set to true.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,IncomingOnlyBlocked)1699 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest, IncomingOnlyBlocked) {
1700   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
1701   ConfigureEndpoints(NAT_FULL_CONE, OPEN, kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags,
1702                      kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags);
1704   SetAllocatorFlags(0, kOnlyLocalPorts);
1705   CreateChannels();
1706   ep1_ch1()->set_incoming_only(true);
1708   // Pump for 1 second and verify that the channels are not connected.
1709   SIMULATED_WAIT(false, kShortTimeout, clock);
1711   EXPECT_FALSE(ep1_ch1()->receiving());
1712   EXPECT_FALSE(ep1_ch1()->writable());
1713   EXPECT_FALSE(ep2_ch1()->receiving());
1714   EXPECT_FALSE(ep2_ch1()->writable());
1716   DestroyChannels();
1717 }
1719 // Test that a peer behind NAT can connect to a peer that has
1720 // incoming_only flag set.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,IncomingOnlyOpen)1721 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest, IncomingOnlyOpen) {
1722   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
1723   ConfigureEndpoints(OPEN, NAT_FULL_CONE, kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags,
1724                      kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags);
1726   SetAllocatorFlags(0, kOnlyLocalPorts);
1727   CreateChannels();
1728   ep1_ch1()->set_incoming_only(true);
1730   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(CheckConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1()),
1731                              kMediumTimeout, clock);
1733   DestroyChannels();
1734 }
1736 // Test that two peers can connect when one can only make outgoing TCP
1737 // connections. This has been observed in some scenarios involving
1738 // VPNs/firewalls.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,CanOnlyMakeOutgoingTcpConnections)1739 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest, CanOnlyMakeOutgoingTcpConnections) {
1740   // The PORTALLOCATOR_ENABLE_ANY_ADDRESS_PORTS flag is required if the
1741   // application needs this use case to work, since the application must accept
1742   // the tradeoff that more candidates need to be allocated.
1743   //
1744   // TODO(deadbeef): Later, make this flag the default, and do more elegant
1745   // things to ensure extra candidates don't waste resources?
1746   ConfigureEndpoints(
1747       OPEN, OPEN,
1748       kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags | PORTALLOCATOR_ENABLE_ANY_ADDRESS_PORTS,
1749       kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags);
1750   // In order to simulate nothing working but outgoing TCP connections, prevent
1751   // the endpoint from binding to its interface's address as well as the
1752   // "any" addresses. It can then only make a connection by using "Connect()".
1753   fw()->SetUnbindableIps({rtc::GetAnyIP(AF_INET), rtc::GetAnyIP(AF_INET6),
1754                           kPublicAddrs[0].ipaddr()});
1755   CreateChannels();
1756   // Expect a "prflx" candidate on the side that can only make outgoing
1757   // connections, endpoint 0.
1758   Test(kPrflxTcpToLocalTcp);
1759   DestroyChannels();
1760 }
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,TestTcpConnectionsFromActiveToPassive)1762 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest, TestTcpConnectionsFromActiveToPassive) {
1763   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
1764   AddAddress(0, kPublicAddrs[0]);
1765   AddAddress(1, kPublicAddrs[1]);
1767   SetAllocationStepDelay(0, kMinimumStepDelay);
1768   SetAllocationStepDelay(1, kMinimumStepDelay);
1770   int kOnlyLocalTcpPorts = PORTALLOCATOR_DISABLE_UDP |
1771                            PORTALLOCATOR_DISABLE_STUN |
1772                            PORTALLOCATOR_DISABLE_RELAY;
1773   // Disable all protocols except TCP.
1774   SetAllocatorFlags(0, kOnlyLocalTcpPorts);
1775   SetAllocatorFlags(1, kOnlyLocalTcpPorts);
1777   SetAllowTcpListen(0, true);   // actpass.
1778   SetAllowTcpListen(1, false);  // active.
1780   // We want SetRemoteIceParameters to be called as it normally would.
1781   // Otherwise we won't know what parameters to use for the expected
1782   // prflx TCP candidates.
1783   set_remote_ice_parameter_source(FROM_SETICEPARAMETERS);
1785   // Pause candidate so we could verify the candidate properties.
1786   PauseCandidates(0);
1787   PauseCandidates(1);
1788   CreateChannels();
1790   // Verify tcp candidates.
1791   VerifySavedTcpCandidates(0, TCPTYPE_PASSIVE_STR);
1792   VerifySavedTcpCandidates(1, TCPTYPE_ACTIVE_STR);
1794   // Resume candidates.
1795   ResumeCandidates(0);
1796   ResumeCandidates(1);
1799       CheckCandidatePairAndConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1(), kPublicAddrs[0],
1800                                      kPublicAddrs[1]),
1801       kShortTimeout, clock);
1803   TestSendRecv(&clock);
1804   DestroyChannels();
1805 }
1807 // Test that tcptype is set on all candidates for a connection running over TCP.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,TestTcpConnectionTcptypeSet)1808 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest, TestTcpConnectionTcptypeSet) {
1809   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
1810   ConfigureEndpoints(BLOCK_UDP_AND_INCOMING_TCP, OPEN,
1812                      PORTALLOCATOR_ENABLE_SHARED_SOCKET);
1814   SetAllowTcpListen(0, false);  // active.
1815   SetAllowTcpListen(1, true);   // actpass.
1816   CreateChannels();
1818   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(CheckConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1()),
1819                              kMediumTimeout, clock);
1820   SIMULATED_WAIT(false, kDefaultTimeout, clock);
1822   EXPECT_EQ(RemoteCandidate(ep1_ch1())->tcptype(), "passive");
1823   EXPECT_EQ(LocalCandidate(ep1_ch1())->tcptype(), "active");
1824   EXPECT_EQ(RemoteCandidate(ep2_ch1())->tcptype(), "active");
1825   EXPECT_EQ(LocalCandidate(ep2_ch1())->tcptype(), "passive");
1827   DestroyChannels();
1828 }
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,TestIceRoleConflict)1830 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest, TestIceRoleConflict) {
1831   AddAddress(0, kPublicAddrs[0]);
1832   AddAddress(1, kPublicAddrs[1]);
1833   TestSignalRoleConflict();
1834 }
1836 // Tests that the ice configs (protocol, tiebreaker and role) can be passed
1837 // down to ports.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,TestIceConfigWillPassDownToPort)1838 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest, TestIceConfigWillPassDownToPort) {
1839   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
1840   AddAddress(0, kPublicAddrs[0]);
1841   AddAddress(1, kPublicAddrs[1]);
1843   // Give the first connection the higher tiebreaker so its role won't
1844   // change unless we tell it to.
1845   SetIceRole(0, ICEROLE_CONTROLLING);
1846   SetIceTiebreaker(0, kHighTiebreaker);
1847   SetIceRole(1, ICEROLE_CONTROLLING);
1848   SetIceTiebreaker(1, kLowTiebreaker);
1850   CreateChannels();
1852   EXPECT_EQ_SIMULATED_WAIT(2u, ep1_ch1()->ports().size(), kShortTimeout, clock);
1854   const std::vector<PortInterface*> ports_before = ep1_ch1()->ports();
1855   for (size_t i = 0; i < ports_before.size(); ++i) {
1856     EXPECT_EQ(ICEROLE_CONTROLLING, ports_before[i]->GetIceRole());
1857     EXPECT_EQ(kHighTiebreaker, ports_before[i]->IceTiebreaker());
1858   }
1860   ep1_ch1()->SetIceRole(ICEROLE_CONTROLLED);
1861   ep1_ch1()->SetIceTiebreaker(kLowTiebreaker);
1863   const std::vector<PortInterface*> ports_after = ep1_ch1()->ports();
1864   for (size_t i = 0; i < ports_after.size(); ++i) {
1865     EXPECT_EQ(ICEROLE_CONTROLLED, ports_before[i]->GetIceRole());
1866     // SetIceTiebreaker after ports have been created will fail. So expect the
1867     // original value.
1868     EXPECT_EQ(kHighTiebreaker, ports_before[i]->IceTiebreaker());
1869   }
1871   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(CheckConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1()),
1872                              kShortTimeout, clock);
1874   EXPECT_TRUE(ep1_ch1()->selected_connection() &&
1875               ep2_ch1()->selected_connection());
1877   TestSendRecv(&clock);
1878   DestroyChannels();
1879 }
1881 // Verify that we can set DSCP value and retrieve properly from P2PTC.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,TestDefaultDscpValue)1882 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest, TestDefaultDscpValue) {
1883   AddAddress(0, kPublicAddrs[0]);
1884   AddAddress(1, kPublicAddrs[1]);
1886   CreateChannels();
1887   EXPECT_EQ(rtc::DSCP_NO_CHANGE, GetEndpoint(0)->cd1_.ch_->DefaultDscpValue());
1888   EXPECT_EQ(rtc::DSCP_NO_CHANGE, GetEndpoint(1)->cd1_.ch_->DefaultDscpValue());
1889   GetEndpoint(0)->cd1_.ch_->SetOption(rtc::Socket::OPT_DSCP, rtc::DSCP_CS6);
1890   GetEndpoint(1)->cd1_.ch_->SetOption(rtc::Socket::OPT_DSCP, rtc::DSCP_CS6);
1891   EXPECT_EQ(rtc::DSCP_CS6, GetEndpoint(0)->cd1_.ch_->DefaultDscpValue());
1892   EXPECT_EQ(rtc::DSCP_CS6, GetEndpoint(1)->cd1_.ch_->DefaultDscpValue());
1893   GetEndpoint(0)->cd1_.ch_->SetOption(rtc::Socket::OPT_DSCP, rtc::DSCP_AF41);
1894   GetEndpoint(1)->cd1_.ch_->SetOption(rtc::Socket::OPT_DSCP, rtc::DSCP_AF41);
1895   EXPECT_EQ(rtc::DSCP_AF41, GetEndpoint(0)->cd1_.ch_->DefaultDscpValue());
1896   EXPECT_EQ(rtc::DSCP_AF41, GetEndpoint(1)->cd1_.ch_->DefaultDscpValue());
1897   DestroyChannels();
1898 }
1900 // Verify IPv6 connection is preferred over IPv4.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,TestIPv6Connections)1901 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest, TestIPv6Connections) {
1902   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
1903   AddAddress(0, kIPv6PublicAddrs[0]);
1904   AddAddress(0, kPublicAddrs[0]);
1905   AddAddress(1, kIPv6PublicAddrs[1]);
1906   AddAddress(1, kPublicAddrs[1]);
1908   SetAllocationStepDelay(0, kMinimumStepDelay);
1909   SetAllocationStepDelay(1, kMinimumStepDelay);
1911   // Enable IPv6
1912   SetAllocatorFlags(
1914   SetAllocatorFlags(
1917   CreateChannels();
1920       CheckCandidatePairAndConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1(), kIPv6PublicAddrs[0],
1921                                      kIPv6PublicAddrs[1]),
1922       kShortTimeout, clock);
1924   TestSendRecv(&clock);
1925   DestroyChannels();
1926 }
1928 // Testing forceful TURN connections.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,TestForceTurn)1929 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest, TestForceTurn) {
1930   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
1931   ConfigureEndpoints(
1933       kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags | PORTALLOCATOR_ENABLE_SHARED_SOCKET,
1934       kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags | PORTALLOCATOR_ENABLE_SHARED_SOCKET);
1935   set_force_relay(true);
1937   SetAllocationStepDelay(0, kMinimumStepDelay);
1938   SetAllocationStepDelay(1, kMinimumStepDelay);
1940   CreateChannels();
1942   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(CheckConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1()),
1943                              kMediumTimeout, clock);
1945   EXPECT_TRUE(ep1_ch1()->selected_connection() &&
1946               ep2_ch1()->selected_connection());
1948   EXPECT_EQ(RELAY_PORT_TYPE, RemoteCandidate(ep1_ch1())->type());
1949   EXPECT_EQ(RELAY_PORT_TYPE, LocalCandidate(ep1_ch1())->type());
1950   EXPECT_EQ(RELAY_PORT_TYPE, RemoteCandidate(ep2_ch1())->type());
1951   EXPECT_EQ(RELAY_PORT_TYPE, LocalCandidate(ep2_ch1())->type());
1953   TestSendRecv(&clock);
1954   DestroyChannels();
1955 }
1957 // Test that if continual gathering is set to true, ICE gathering state will
1958 // not change to "Complete", and vice versa.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,TestContinualGathering)1959 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest, TestContinualGathering) {
1960   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
1961   ConfigureEndpoints(OPEN, OPEN, kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags,
1962                      kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags);
1963   SetAllocationStepDelay(0, kDefaultStepDelay);
1964   SetAllocationStepDelay(1, kDefaultStepDelay);
1965   IceConfig continual_gathering_config =
1966       CreateIceConfig(1000, GATHER_CONTINUALLY);
1967   // By default, ep2 does not gather continually.
1968   IceConfig default_config;
1969   CreateChannels(continual_gathering_config, default_config);
1971   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(CheckConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1()),
1972                              kMediumTimeout, clock);
1974       IceGatheringState::kIceGatheringComplete == ep1_ch1()->gathering_state(),
1975       kShortTimeout, clock);
1976   EXPECT_EQ(IceGatheringState::kIceGatheringGathering,
1977             ep1_ch1()->gathering_state());
1978   // By now, ep2 should have completed gathering.
1979   EXPECT_EQ(IceGatheringState::kIceGatheringComplete,
1980             ep2_ch1()->gathering_state());
1982   DestroyChannels();
1983 }
1985 // Test that a connection succeeds when the P2PTransportChannel uses a pooled
1986 // PortAllocatorSession that has not yet finished gathering candidates.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,TestUsingPooledSessionBeforeDoneGathering)1987 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest, TestUsingPooledSessionBeforeDoneGathering) {
1988   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
1989   ConfigureEndpoints(OPEN, OPEN, kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags,
1990                      kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags);
1991   // First create a pooled session for each endpoint.
1992   auto& allocator_1 = GetEndpoint(0)->allocator_;
1993   auto& allocator_2 = GetEndpoint(1)->allocator_;
1994   int pool_size = 1;
1995   allocator_1->SetConfiguration(allocator_1->stun_servers(),
1996                                 allocator_1->turn_servers(), pool_size,
1997                                 webrtc::NO_PRUNE);
1998   allocator_2->SetConfiguration(allocator_2->stun_servers(),
1999                                 allocator_2->turn_servers(), pool_size,
2000                                 webrtc::NO_PRUNE);
2001   const PortAllocatorSession* pooled_session_1 =
2002       allocator_1->GetPooledSession();
2003   const PortAllocatorSession* pooled_session_2 =
2004       allocator_2->GetPooledSession();
2005   ASSERT_NE(nullptr, pooled_session_1);
2006   ASSERT_NE(nullptr, pooled_session_2);
2007   // Sanity check that pooled sessions haven't gathered anything yet.
2008   EXPECT_TRUE(pooled_session_1->ReadyPorts().empty());
2009   EXPECT_TRUE(pooled_session_1->ReadyCandidates().empty());
2010   EXPECT_TRUE(pooled_session_2->ReadyPorts().empty());
2011   EXPECT_TRUE(pooled_session_2->ReadyCandidates().empty());
2012   // Now let the endpoints connect and try exchanging some data.
2013   CreateChannels();
2014   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(CheckConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1()),
2015                              kMediumTimeout, clock);
2016   TestSendRecv(&clock);
2017   // Make sure the P2PTransportChannels are actually using ports from the
2018   // pooled sessions.
2019   auto pooled_ports_1 = pooled_session_1->ReadyPorts();
2020   auto pooled_ports_2 = pooled_session_2->ReadyPorts();
2021   EXPECT_THAT(pooled_ports_1,
2022               Contains(ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()->PortForTest()));
2023   EXPECT_THAT(pooled_ports_2,
2024               Contains(ep2_ch1()->selected_connection()->PortForTest()));
2025   DestroyChannels();
2026 }
2028 // Test that a connection succeeds when the P2PTransportChannel uses a pooled
2029 // PortAllocatorSession that already finished gathering candidates.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,TestUsingPooledSessionAfterDoneGathering)2030 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest, TestUsingPooledSessionAfterDoneGathering) {
2031   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
2032   ConfigureEndpoints(OPEN, OPEN, kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags,
2033                      kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags);
2034   // First create a pooled session for each endpoint.
2035   auto& allocator_1 = GetEndpoint(0)->allocator_;
2036   auto& allocator_2 = GetEndpoint(1)->allocator_;
2037   int pool_size = 1;
2038   allocator_1->SetConfiguration(allocator_1->stun_servers(),
2039                                 allocator_1->turn_servers(), pool_size,
2040                                 webrtc::NO_PRUNE);
2041   allocator_2->SetConfiguration(allocator_2->stun_servers(),
2042                                 allocator_2->turn_servers(), pool_size,
2043                                 webrtc::NO_PRUNE);
2044   const PortAllocatorSession* pooled_session_1 =
2045       allocator_1->GetPooledSession();
2046   const PortAllocatorSession* pooled_session_2 =
2047       allocator_2->GetPooledSession();
2048   ASSERT_NE(nullptr, pooled_session_1);
2049   ASSERT_NE(nullptr, pooled_session_2);
2050   // Wait for the pooled sessions to finish gathering before the
2051   // P2PTransportChannels try to use them.
2052   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(pooled_session_1->CandidatesAllocationDone() &&
2053                                  pooled_session_2->CandidatesAllocationDone(),
2054                              kDefaultTimeout, clock);
2055   // Now let the endpoints connect and try exchanging some data.
2056   CreateChannels();
2057   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(CheckConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1()),
2058                              kMediumTimeout, clock);
2059   TestSendRecv(&clock);
2060   // Make sure the P2PTransportChannels are actually using ports from the
2061   // pooled sessions.
2062   auto pooled_ports_1 = pooled_session_1->ReadyPorts();
2063   auto pooled_ports_2 = pooled_session_2->ReadyPorts();
2064   EXPECT_THAT(pooled_ports_1,
2065               Contains(ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()->PortForTest()));
2066   EXPECT_THAT(pooled_ports_2,
2067               Contains(ep2_ch1()->selected_connection()->PortForTest()));
2068   DestroyChannels();
2069 }
2071 // Test that when the "presume_writable_when_fully_relayed" flag is set to
2072 // true and there's a TURN-TURN candidate pair, it's presumed to be writable
2073 // as soon as it's created.
2074 // TODO(deadbeef): Move this and other "presumed writable" tests into a test
2075 // class that operates on a single P2PTransportChannel, once an appropriate one
2076 // (which supports TURN servers and TURN candidate gathering) is available.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,TurnToTurnPresumedWritable)2077 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest, TurnToTurnPresumedWritable) {
2078   ConfigureEndpoints(OPEN, OPEN, kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags,
2079                      kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags);
2080   // Only configure one channel so we can control when the remote candidate
2081   // is added.
2082   GetEndpoint(0)->cd1_.ch_.reset(CreateChannel(
2083       0, ICE_CANDIDATE_COMPONENT_DEFAULT, kIceParams[0], kIceParams[1]));
2084   IceConfig config;
2085   config.presume_writable_when_fully_relayed = true;
2086   ep1_ch1()->SetIceConfig(config);
2087   ep1_ch1()->MaybeStartGathering();
2088   EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(IceGatheringState::kIceGatheringComplete,
2089                  ep1_ch1()->gathering_state(), kDefaultTimeout);
2090   // Add two remote candidates; a host candidate (with higher priority)
2091   // and TURN candidate.
2092   ep1_ch1()->AddRemoteCandidate(
2093       CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 1, 100));
2094   ep1_ch1()->AddRemoteCandidate(
2095       CreateUdpCandidate(RELAY_PORT_TYPE, "", 2, 0));
2096   // Expect that the TURN-TURN candidate pair will be prioritized since it's
2097   // "probably writable".
2098   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(ep1_ch1()->selected_connection() != nullptr, kShortTimeout);
2099   EXPECT_EQ(RELAY_PORT_TYPE, LocalCandidate(ep1_ch1())->type());
2100   EXPECT_EQ(RELAY_PORT_TYPE, RemoteCandidate(ep1_ch1())->type());
2101   // Also expect that the channel instantly indicates that it's writable since
2102   // it has a TURN-TURN pair.
2103   EXPECT_TRUE(ep1_ch1()->writable());
2104   EXPECT_TRUE(GetEndpoint(0)->ready_to_send_);
2105   // Also make sure we can immediately send packets.
2106   const char* data = "test";
2107   int len = static_cast<int>(strlen(data));
2108   EXPECT_EQ(len, SendData(ep1_ch1(), data, len));
2109   // Prevent pending messages to access endpoints after their destruction.
2110   DestroyChannels();
2111 }
2113 // Test that a TURN/peer reflexive candidate pair is also presumed writable.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,TurnToPrflxPresumedWritable)2114 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest, TurnToPrflxPresumedWritable) {
2115   rtc::ScopedFakeClock fake_clock;
2117   // We need to add artificial network delay to verify that the connection
2118   // is presumed writable before it's actually writable. Without this delay
2119   // it would become writable instantly.
2120   virtual_socket_server()->set_delay_mean(50);
2121   virtual_socket_server()->UpdateDelayDistribution();
2123   ConfigureEndpoints(NAT_SYMMETRIC, NAT_SYMMETRIC, kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags,
2124                      kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags);
2125   // We want the remote TURN candidate to show up as prflx. To do this we need
2126   // to configure the server to accept packets from an address we haven't
2127   // explicitly installed permission for.
2128   test_turn_server()->set_enable_permission_checks(false);
2129   IceConfig config;
2130   config.presume_writable_when_fully_relayed = true;
2131   GetEndpoint(0)->cd1_.ch_.reset(CreateChannel(
2132       0, ICE_CANDIDATE_COMPONENT_DEFAULT, kIceParams[0], kIceParams[1]));
2133   GetEndpoint(1)->cd1_.ch_.reset(CreateChannel(
2134       1, ICE_CANDIDATE_COMPONENT_DEFAULT, kIceParams[1], kIceParams[0]));
2135   ep1_ch1()->SetIceConfig(config);
2136   ep2_ch1()->SetIceConfig(config);
2137   // Don't signal candidates from channel 2, so that channel 1 sees the TURN
2138   // candidate as peer reflexive.
2139   PauseCandidates(1);
2140   ep1_ch1()->MaybeStartGathering();
2141   ep2_ch1()->MaybeStartGathering();
2143   // Wait for the TURN<->prflx connection.
2144   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(ep1_ch1()->receiving() && ep1_ch1()->writable(),
2145                              kShortTimeout, fake_clock);
2146   ASSERT_NE(nullptr, ep1_ch1()->selected_connection());
2147   EXPECT_EQ(RELAY_PORT_TYPE, LocalCandidate(ep1_ch1())->type());
2148   EXPECT_EQ(PRFLX_PORT_TYPE, RemoteCandidate(ep1_ch1())->type());
2149   // Make sure that at this point the connection is only presumed writable,
2150   // not fully writable.
2151   EXPECT_FALSE(ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()->writable());
2153   // Now wait for it to actually become writable.
2154   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()->writable(),
2155                              kShortTimeout, fake_clock);
2157   // Explitly destroy channels, before fake clock is destroyed.
2158   DestroyChannels();
2159 }
2161 // Test that a presumed-writable TURN<->TURN connection is preferred above an
2162 // unreliable connection (one that has failed to be pinged for some time).
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,PresumedWritablePreferredOverUnreliable)2163 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest, PresumedWritablePreferredOverUnreliable) {
2164   rtc::ScopedFakeClock fake_clock;
2166   ConfigureEndpoints(NAT_SYMMETRIC, NAT_SYMMETRIC, kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags,
2167                      kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags);
2168   IceConfig config;
2169   config.presume_writable_when_fully_relayed = true;
2170   GetEndpoint(0)->cd1_.ch_.reset(CreateChannel(
2171       0, ICE_CANDIDATE_COMPONENT_DEFAULT, kIceParams[0], kIceParams[1]));
2172   GetEndpoint(1)->cd1_.ch_.reset(CreateChannel(
2173       1, ICE_CANDIDATE_COMPONENT_DEFAULT, kIceParams[1], kIceParams[0]));
2174   ep1_ch1()->SetIceConfig(config);
2175   ep2_ch1()->SetIceConfig(config);
2176   ep1_ch1()->MaybeStartGathering();
2177   ep2_ch1()->MaybeStartGathering();
2178   // Wait for initial connection as usual.
2179   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(CheckConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1()),
2180                              kShortTimeout, fake_clock);
2181   const Connection* old_selected_connection = ep1_ch1()->selected_connection();
2182   // Destroy the second channel and wait for the current connection on the
2183   // first channel to become "unreliable", making it no longer writable.
2184   GetEndpoint(1)->cd1_.ch_.reset();
2185   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(!ep1_ch1()->writable(), kDefaultTimeout,
2186                              fake_clock);
2187   EXPECT_NE(nullptr, ep1_ch1()->selected_connection());
2188   // Add a remote TURN candidate. The first channel should still have a TURN
2189   // port available to make a TURN<->TURN pair that's presumed writable.
2190   ep1_ch1()->AddRemoteCandidate(
2191       CreateUdpCandidate(RELAY_PORT_TYPE, "", 2, 0));
2192   EXPECT_EQ(RELAY_PORT_TYPE, LocalCandidate(ep1_ch1())->type());
2193   EXPECT_EQ(RELAY_PORT_TYPE, RemoteCandidate(ep1_ch1())->type());
2194   EXPECT_TRUE(ep1_ch1()->writable());
2195   EXPECT_TRUE(GetEndpoint(0)->ready_to_send_);
2196   EXPECT_NE(old_selected_connection, ep1_ch1()->selected_connection());
2197   // Explitly destroy channels, before fake clock is destroyed.
2198   DestroyChannels();
2199 }
2201 // Ensure that "SignalReadyToSend" is fired as expected with a "presumed
2202 // writable" connection. Previously this did not work.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,SignalReadyToSendWithPresumedWritable)2203 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest, SignalReadyToSendWithPresumedWritable) {
2204   ConfigureEndpoints(OPEN, OPEN, kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags,
2205                      kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags);
2206   // Only test one endpoint, so we can ensure the connection doesn't receive a
2207   // binding response and advance beyond being "presumed" writable.
2208   GetEndpoint(0)->cd1_.ch_.reset(CreateChannel(
2209       0, ICE_CANDIDATE_COMPONENT_DEFAULT, kIceParams[0], kIceParams[1]));
2210   IceConfig config;
2211   config.presume_writable_when_fully_relayed = true;
2212   ep1_ch1()->SetIceConfig(config);
2213   ep1_ch1()->MaybeStartGathering();
2214   EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(IceGatheringState::kIceGatheringComplete,
2215                  ep1_ch1()->gathering_state(), kDefaultTimeout);
2216   ep1_ch1()->AddRemoteCandidate(
2217       CreateUdpCandidate(RELAY_PORT_TYPE, "", 1, 0));
2218   // Sanity checking the type of the connection.
2219   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(ep1_ch1()->selected_connection() != nullptr, kShortTimeout);
2220   EXPECT_EQ(RELAY_PORT_TYPE, LocalCandidate(ep1_ch1())->type());
2221   EXPECT_EQ(RELAY_PORT_TYPE, RemoteCandidate(ep1_ch1())->type());
2223   // Tell the socket server to block packets (returning EWOULDBLOCK).
2224   virtual_socket_server()->SetSendingBlocked(true);
2225   const char* data = "test";
2226   int len = static_cast<int>(strlen(data));
2227   EXPECT_EQ(-1, SendData(ep1_ch1(), data, len));
2229   // Reset |ready_to_send_| flag, which is set to true if the event fires as it
2230   // should.
2231   GetEndpoint(0)->ready_to_send_ = false;
2232   virtual_socket_server()->SetSendingBlocked(false);
2233   EXPECT_TRUE(GetEndpoint(0)->ready_to_send_);
2234   EXPECT_EQ(len, SendData(ep1_ch1(), data, len));
2235   DestroyChannels();
2236 }
2238 // Test that role conflict error responses are sent as expected when receiving a
2239 // ping from an unknown address over a TURN connection. Regression test for
2240 // crbug.com/webrtc/9034.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,TurnToPrflxSelectedAfterResolvingIceControllingRoleConflict)2241 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,
2242        TurnToPrflxSelectedAfterResolvingIceControllingRoleConflict) {
2243   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
2244   // Gather only relay candidates.
2245   ConfigureEndpoints(NAT_SYMMETRIC, NAT_SYMMETRIC,
2246                      kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags | PORTALLOCATOR_DISABLE_UDP |
2248                      kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags | PORTALLOCATOR_DISABLE_UDP |
2249                          PORTALLOCATOR_DISABLE_STUN |
2250                          PORTALLOCATOR_DISABLE_TCP);
2251   // With conflicting ICE roles, endpoint 1 has the higher tie breaker and will
2252   // send a binding error response.
2253   SetIceRole(0, ICEROLE_CONTROLLING);
2254   SetIceTiebreaker(0, kHighTiebreaker);
2255   SetIceRole(1, ICEROLE_CONTROLLING);
2256   SetIceTiebreaker(1, kLowTiebreaker);
2257   // We want the remote TURN candidate to show up as prflx. To do this we need
2258   // to configure the server to accept packets from an address we haven't
2259   // explicitly installed permission for.
2260   test_turn_server()->set_enable_permission_checks(false);
2261   GetEndpoint(0)->cd1_.ch_.reset(CreateChannel(
2262       0, ICE_CANDIDATE_COMPONENT_DEFAULT, kIceParams[0], kIceParams[1]));
2263   GetEndpoint(1)->cd1_.ch_.reset(CreateChannel(
2264       1, ICE_CANDIDATE_COMPONENT_DEFAULT, kIceParams[1], kIceParams[0]));
2265   // Don't signal candidates from channel 2, so that channel 1 sees the TURN
2266   // candidate as peer reflexive.
2267   PauseCandidates(1);
2268   ep1_ch1()->MaybeStartGathering();
2269   ep2_ch1()->MaybeStartGathering();
2271   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(ep1_ch1()->receiving() && ep1_ch1()->writable(),
2272                              kMediumTimeout, clock);
2274   ASSERT_NE(nullptr, ep1_ch1()->selected_connection());
2276   EXPECT_EQ(RELAY_PORT_TYPE, LocalCandidate(ep1_ch1())->type());
2277   EXPECT_EQ(PRFLX_PORT_TYPE, RemoteCandidate(ep1_ch1())->type());
2279   DestroyChannels();
2280 }
2282 // Test that the writability can be established with the piggyback
2283 // acknowledgement in the connectivity check from the remote peer.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,CanConnectWithPiggybackCheckAcknowledgementWhenCheckResponseBlocked)2284 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,
2285        CanConnectWithPiggybackCheckAcknowledgementWhenCheckResponseBlocked) {
2286   webrtc::test::ScopedFieldTrials field_trials(
2287       "WebRTC-PiggybackIceCheckAcknowledgement/Enabled/");
2288   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
2289   ConfigureEndpoints(OPEN, OPEN, kOnlyLocalPorts, kOnlyLocalPorts);
2290   IceConfig ep1_config;
2291   IceConfig ep2_config = CreateIceConfig(1000, GATHER_CONTINUALLY);
2292   // Let ep2 be tolerable of the loss of connectivity checks, so that it keeps
2293   // sending pings even after ep1 becomes unwritable as we configure the
2294   // firewall below.
2295   ep2_config.receiving_timeout = 30 * 1000;
2296   ep2_config.ice_unwritable_timeout = 30 * 1000;
2297   ep2_config.ice_unwritable_min_checks = 30;
2298   ep2_config.ice_inactive_timeout = 60 * 1000;
2300   CreateChannels(ep1_config, ep2_config);
2302   // Wait until both sides become writable for the first time.
2303   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(CheckConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1()),
2304                              kDefaultTimeout, clock);
2305   // Block the ingress traffic to ep1 so that there is no check response from
2306   // ep2.
2307   ASSERT_NE(nullptr, LocalCandidate(ep1_ch1()));
2308   fw()->AddRule(false, rtc::FP_ANY, rtc::FD_IN,
2309                 LocalCandidate(ep1_ch1())->address());
2310   // Wait until ep1 becomes unwritable. At the same time ep2 should be still
2311   // fine so that it will keep sending pings.
2312   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(ep1_ch1() != nullptr && !ep1_ch1()->writable(),
2313                              kDefaultTimeout, clock);
2314   EXPECT_TRUE(ep2_ch1() != nullptr && ep2_ch1()->writable());
2315   // Now let the pings from ep2 to flow but block any pings from ep1, so that
2316   // ep1 can only become writable again after receiving an incoming ping from
2317   // ep2 with piggyback acknowledgement of its previously sent pings. Note
2318   // though that ep1 should have stopped sending pings after becoming unwritable
2319   // in the current design.
2320   fw()->ClearRules();
2321   fw()->AddRule(false, rtc::FP_ANY, rtc::FD_OUT,
2322                 LocalCandidate(ep1_ch1())->address());
2323   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(ep1_ch1() != nullptr && ep1_ch1()->writable(),
2324                              kDefaultTimeout, clock);
2325   DestroyChannels();
2326 }
2328 // Test what happens when we have 2 users behind the same NAT. This can lead
2329 // to interesting behavior because the STUN server will only give out the
2330 // address of the outermost NAT.
2331 class P2PTransportChannelSameNatTest : public P2PTransportChannelTestBase {
2332  protected:
ConfigureEndpoints(Config nat_type,Config config1,Config config2)2333   void ConfigureEndpoints(Config nat_type, Config config1, Config config2) {
2334     RTC_CHECK_GE(nat_type, NAT_FULL_CONE);
2335     RTC_CHECK_LE(nat_type, NAT_SYMMETRIC);
2336     rtc::NATSocketServer::Translator* outer_nat = nat()->AddTranslator(
2337         kPublicAddrs[0], kNatAddrs[0],
2338         static_cast<rtc::NATType>(nat_type - NAT_FULL_CONE));
2339     ConfigureEndpoint(outer_nat, 0, config1);
2340     ConfigureEndpoint(outer_nat, 1, config2);
2341     set_remote_ice_parameter_source(FROM_SETICEPARAMETERS);
2342   }
ConfigureEndpoint(rtc::NATSocketServer::Translator * nat,int endpoint,Config config)2343   void ConfigureEndpoint(rtc::NATSocketServer::Translator* nat,
2344                          int endpoint,
2345                          Config config) {
2346     RTC_CHECK(config <= NAT_SYMMETRIC);
2347     if (config == OPEN) {
2348       AddAddress(endpoint, kPrivateAddrs[endpoint]);
2349       nat->AddClient(kPrivateAddrs[endpoint]);
2350     } else {
2351       AddAddress(endpoint, kCascadedPrivateAddrs[endpoint]);
2352       nat->AddTranslator(kPrivateAddrs[endpoint], kCascadedNatAddrs[endpoint],
2353                          static_cast<rtc::NATType>(config - NAT_FULL_CONE))
2354           ->AddClient(kCascadedPrivateAddrs[endpoint]);
2355     }
2356   }
2357 };
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelSameNatTest,TestConesBehindSameCone)2359 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelSameNatTest, TestConesBehindSameCone) {
2360   ConfigureEndpoints(NAT_FULL_CONE, NAT_FULL_CONE, NAT_FULL_CONE);
2361   Test(
2362       P2PTransportChannelTestBase::Result("prflx", "udp", "stun", "udp", 1000));
2363 }
2365 // Test what happens when we have multiple available pathways.
2366 // In the future we will try different RTTs and configs for the different
2367 // interfaces, so that we can simulate a user with Ethernet and VPN networks.
2368 class P2PTransportChannelMultihomedTest : public P2PTransportChannelTestBase {
2369  public:
GetConnectionWithRemoteAddress(P2PTransportChannel * channel,const SocketAddress & address)2370   const Connection* GetConnectionWithRemoteAddress(
2371       P2PTransportChannel* channel,
2372       const SocketAddress& address) {
2373     for (Connection* conn : channel->connections()) {
2374       if (conn->remote_candidate().address().EqualIPs(address)) {
2375         return conn;
2376       }
2377     }
2378     return nullptr;
2379   }
GetConnectionWithLocalAddress(P2PTransportChannel * channel,const SocketAddress & address)2381   Connection* GetConnectionWithLocalAddress(P2PTransportChannel* channel,
2382                                             const SocketAddress& address) {
2383     for (Connection* conn : channel->connections()) {
2384       if (conn->local_candidate().address().EqualIPs(address)) {
2385         return conn;
2386       }
2387     }
2388     return nullptr;
2389   }
GetConnection(P2PTransportChannel * channel,const SocketAddress & local,const SocketAddress & remote)2391   Connection* GetConnection(P2PTransportChannel* channel,
2392                             const SocketAddress& local,
2393                             const SocketAddress& remote) {
2394     for (Connection* conn : channel->connections()) {
2395       if (conn->local_candidate().address().EqualIPs(local) &&
2396           conn->remote_candidate().address().EqualIPs(remote)) {
2397         return conn;
2398       }
2399     }
2400     return nullptr;
2401   }
DestroyAllButBestConnection(P2PTransportChannel * channel)2403   void DestroyAllButBestConnection(P2PTransportChannel* channel) {
2404     const Connection* selected_connection = channel->selected_connection();
2405     for (Connection* conn : channel->connections()) {
2406       if (conn != selected_connection) {
2407         conn->Destroy();
2408       }
2409     }
2410   }
2411 };
2413 // Test that we can establish connectivity when both peers are multihomed.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMultihomedTest,TestBasic)2414 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMultihomedTest, TestBasic) {
2415   AddAddress(0, kPublicAddrs[0]);
2416   AddAddress(0, kAlternateAddrs[0]);
2417   AddAddress(1, kPublicAddrs[1]);
2418   AddAddress(1, kAlternateAddrs[1]);
2419   Test(kLocalUdpToLocalUdp);
2420 }
2422 // Test that we can quickly switch links if an interface goes down.
2423 // The controlled side has two interfaces and one will die.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMultihomedTest,TestFailoverControlledSide)2424 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMultihomedTest, TestFailoverControlledSide) {
2425   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
2426   AddAddress(0, kPublicAddrs[0]);
2427   // Simulate failing over from Wi-Fi to cell interface.
2428   AddAddress(1, kPublicAddrs[1], "eth0", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_WIFI);
2429   AddAddress(1, kAlternateAddrs[1], "wlan0", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_CELLULAR);
2431   // Use only local ports for simplicity.
2432   SetAllocatorFlags(0, kOnlyLocalPorts);
2433   SetAllocatorFlags(1, kOnlyLocalPorts);
2435   // Make the receiving timeout shorter for testing.
2436   IceConfig config = CreateIceConfig(1000, GATHER_ONCE);
2437   // Create channels and let them go writable, as usual.
2438   CreateChannels(config, config);
2441       CheckCandidatePairAndConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1(), kPublicAddrs[0],
2442                                      kPublicAddrs[1]),
2443       kMediumTimeout, clock);
2445   // Blackhole any traffic to or from the public addrs.
2446   RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Failing over...";
2447   fw()->AddRule(false, rtc::FP_ANY, rtc::FD_ANY, kPublicAddrs[1]);
2448   // The selected connections may switch, so keep references to them.
2449   const Connection* selected_connection1 = ep1_ch1()->selected_connection();
2450   // We should detect loss of receiving within 1 second or so.
2451   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(!selected_connection1->receiving(), kMediumTimeout,
2452                              clock);
2454   // We should switch over to use the alternate addr on both sides
2455   // when we are not receiving.
2456   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()->receiving() &&
2457                                  ep2_ch1()->selected_connection()->receiving(),
2458                              kMediumTimeout, clock);
2459   EXPECT_TRUE(LocalCandidate(ep1_ch1())->address().EqualIPs(kPublicAddrs[0]));
2461       RemoteCandidate(ep1_ch1())->address().EqualIPs(kAlternateAddrs[1]));
2463       LocalCandidate(ep2_ch1())->address().EqualIPs(kAlternateAddrs[1]));
2465   DestroyChannels();
2466 }
2468 // Test that we can quickly switch links if an interface goes down.
2469 // The controlling side has two interfaces and one will die.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMultihomedTest,TestFailoverControllingSide)2470 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMultihomedTest, TestFailoverControllingSide) {
2471   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
2472   // Simulate failing over from Wi-Fi to cell interface.
2473   AddAddress(0, kPublicAddrs[0], "eth0", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_WIFI);
2474   AddAddress(0, kAlternateAddrs[0], "wlan0", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_CELLULAR);
2475   AddAddress(1, kPublicAddrs[1]);
2477   // Use only local ports for simplicity.
2478   SetAllocatorFlags(0, kOnlyLocalPorts);
2479   SetAllocatorFlags(1, kOnlyLocalPorts);
2481   // Make the receiving timeout shorter for testing.
2482   IceConfig config = CreateIceConfig(1000, GATHER_ONCE);
2483   // Create channels and let them go writable, as usual.
2484   CreateChannels(config, config);
2486       CheckCandidatePairAndConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1(), kPublicAddrs[0],
2487                                      kPublicAddrs[1]),
2488       kMediumTimeout, clock);
2490   // Blackhole any traffic to or from the public addrs.
2491   RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Failing over...";
2492   fw()->AddRule(false, rtc::FP_ANY, rtc::FD_ANY, kPublicAddrs[0]);
2494   // We should detect loss of receiving within 1 second or so.
2495   // We should switch over to use the alternate addr on both sides
2496   // when we are not receiving.
2498       CheckCandidatePairAndConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1(), kAlternateAddrs[0],
2499                                      kPublicAddrs[1]),
2500       kMediumTimeout, clock);
2502   DestroyChannels();
2503 }
2505 // Tests that we can quickly switch links if an interface goes down when
2506 // there are many connections.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMultihomedTest,TestFailoverWithManyConnections)2507 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMultihomedTest, TestFailoverWithManyConnections) {
2508   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
2509   test_turn_server()->AddInternalSocket(kTurnTcpIntAddr, PROTO_TCP);
2510   RelayServerConfig turn_server;
2511   turn_server.credentials = kRelayCredentials;
2512   turn_server.ports.push_back(ProtocolAddress(kTurnTcpIntAddr, PROTO_TCP));
2513   GetAllocator(0)->AddTurnServer(turn_server);
2514   GetAllocator(1)->AddTurnServer(turn_server);
2515   // Enable IPv6
2516   SetAllocatorFlags(
2518   SetAllocatorFlags(
2520   SetAllocationStepDelay(0, kMinimumStepDelay);
2521   SetAllocationStepDelay(1, kMinimumStepDelay);
2523   auto& wifi = kPublicAddrs;
2524   auto& cellular = kAlternateAddrs;
2525   auto& wifiIpv6 = kIPv6PublicAddrs;
2526   auto& cellularIpv6 = kIPv6AlternateAddrs;
2527   AddAddress(0, wifi[0], "wifi0", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_WIFI);
2528   AddAddress(0, wifiIpv6[0], "wifi0", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_WIFI);
2529   AddAddress(0, cellular[0], "cellular0", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_CELLULAR);
2530   AddAddress(0, cellularIpv6[0], "cellular0", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_CELLULAR);
2531   AddAddress(1, wifi[1], "wifi1", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_WIFI);
2532   AddAddress(1, wifiIpv6[1], "wifi1", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_WIFI);
2533   AddAddress(1, cellular[1], "cellular1", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_CELLULAR);
2534   AddAddress(1, cellularIpv6[1], "cellular1", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_CELLULAR);
2536   // Set smaller delay on the TCP TURN server so that TCP TURN candidates
2537   // will be created in time.
2538   virtual_socket_server()->SetDelayOnAddress(kTurnTcpIntAddr, 1);
2539   virtual_socket_server()->SetDelayOnAddress(kTurnUdpExtAddr, 1);
2540   virtual_socket_server()->set_delay_mean(500);
2541   virtual_socket_server()->UpdateDelayDistribution();
2543   // Make the receiving timeout shorter for testing.
2544   IceConfig config = CreateIceConfig(1000, GATHER_CONTINUALLY);
2545   // Create channels and let them go writable, as usual.
2546   CreateChannels(config, config, true /* ice_renomination */);
2548       CheckCandidatePairAndConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1(), wifiIpv6[0],
2549                                      wifiIpv6[1]),
2550       kMediumTimeout, clock);
2552   // Blackhole any traffic to or from the wifi on endpoint 1.
2553   RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Failing over...";
2554   fw()->AddRule(false, rtc::FP_ANY, rtc::FD_ANY, wifi[0]);
2555   fw()->AddRule(false, rtc::FP_ANY, rtc::FD_ANY, wifiIpv6[0]);
2557   // The selected connections may switch, so keep references to them.
2558   const Connection* selected_connection1 = ep1_ch1()->selected_connection();
2559   const Connection* selected_connection2 = ep2_ch1()->selected_connection();
2561       !selected_connection1->receiving() && !selected_connection2->receiving(),
2562       kMediumTimeout, clock);
2564   // Per-network best connections will be pinged at relatively higher rate when
2565   // the selected connection becomes not receiving.
2566   Connection* per_network_best_connection1 =
2567       GetConnection(ep1_ch1(), cellularIpv6[0], wifiIpv6[1]);
2568   ASSERT_NE(nullptr, per_network_best_connection1);
2569   int64_t last_ping_sent1 = per_network_best_connection1->last_ping_sent();
2570   int num_pings_sent1 = per_network_best_connection1->num_pings_sent();
2572       num_pings_sent1 < per_network_best_connection1->num_pings_sent(),
2573       kMediumTimeout, clock);
2574   ASSERT_GT(per_network_best_connection1->num_pings_sent() - num_pings_sent1,
2575             0);
2576   int64_t ping_interval1 =
2577       (per_network_best_connection1->last_ping_sent() - last_ping_sent1) /
2578       (per_network_best_connection1->num_pings_sent() - num_pings_sent1);
2579   constexpr int SCHEDULING_DELAY = 200;
2580   EXPECT_LT(
2581       ping_interval1,
2584   // It should switch over to use the cellular IPv6 addr on endpoint 1 before
2585   // it timed out on writing.
2587       CheckCandidatePairAndConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1(), cellularIpv6[0],
2588                                      wifiIpv6[1]),
2589       kMediumTimeout, clock);
2591   DestroyChannels();
2592 }
2594 // Test that when the controlling side switches the selected connection,
2595 // the nomination of the selected connection on the controlled side will
2596 // increase.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMultihomedTest,TestIceRenomination)2597 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMultihomedTest, TestIceRenomination) {
2598   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
2599   // Simulate failing over from Wi-Fi to cell interface.
2600   AddAddress(0, kPublicAddrs[0], "eth0", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_WIFI);
2601   AddAddress(0, kAlternateAddrs[0], "wlan0", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_CELLULAR);
2602   AddAddress(1, kPublicAddrs[1]);
2604   // Use only local ports for simplicity.
2605   SetAllocatorFlags(0, kOnlyLocalPorts);
2606   SetAllocatorFlags(1, kOnlyLocalPorts);
2608   // We want it to set the remote ICE parameters when creating channels.
2609   set_remote_ice_parameter_source(FROM_SETICEPARAMETERS);
2610   // Make the receiving timeout shorter for testing.
2611   IceConfig config = CreateIceConfig(1000, GATHER_ONCE);
2612   // Create channels with ICE renomination and let them go writable as usual.
2613   CreateChannels(config, config, true);
2614   ASSERT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(CheckConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1()),
2615                              kMediumTimeout, clock);
2617       ep2_ch1()->selected_connection()->remote_nomination() > 0 &&
2618           ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()->acked_nomination() > 0,
2619       kDefaultTimeout, clock);
2620   const Connection* selected_connection1 = ep1_ch1()->selected_connection();
2621   Connection* selected_connection2 =
2622       const_cast<Connection*>(ep2_ch1()->selected_connection());
2623   uint32_t remote_nomination2 = selected_connection2->remote_nomination();
2624   // |selected_connection2| should not be nominated any more since the previous
2625   // nomination has been acknowledged.
2626   ConnectSignalNominated(selected_connection2);
2627   SIMULATED_WAIT(nominated(), kMediumTimeout, clock);
2628   EXPECT_FALSE(nominated());
2630   // Blackhole any traffic to or from the public addrs.
2631   RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Failing over...";
2632   fw()->AddRule(false, rtc::FP_ANY, rtc::FD_ANY, kPublicAddrs[0]);
2634   // The selected connection on the controlling side should switch.
2636       ep1_ch1()->selected_connection() != selected_connection1, kMediumTimeout,
2637       clock);
2638   // The connection on the controlled side should be nominated again
2639   // and have an increased nomination.
2641       ep2_ch1()->selected_connection()->remote_nomination() >
2642           remote_nomination2,
2643       kDefaultTimeout, clock);
2645   DestroyChannels();
2646 }
2648 // Test that if an interface fails temporarily and then recovers quickly,
2649 // the selected connection will not switch.
2650 // The case that it will switch over to the backup connection if the selected
2651 // connection does not recover after enough time is covered in
2652 // TestFailoverControlledSide and TestFailoverControllingSide.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMultihomedTest,TestConnectionSwitchDampeningControlledSide)2653 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMultihomedTest,
2654        TestConnectionSwitchDampeningControlledSide) {
2655   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
2656   AddAddress(0, kPublicAddrs[0]);
2657   // Simulate failing over from Wi-Fi to cell interface.
2658   AddAddress(1, kPublicAddrs[1], "eth0", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_WIFI);
2659   AddAddress(1, kAlternateAddrs[1], "wlan0", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_CELLULAR);
2661   // Use only local ports for simplicity.
2662   SetAllocatorFlags(0, kOnlyLocalPorts);
2663   SetAllocatorFlags(1, kOnlyLocalPorts);
2665   // Create channels and let them go writable, as usual.
2666   CreateChannels();
2669       CheckCandidatePairAndConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1(), kPublicAddrs[0],
2670                                      kPublicAddrs[1]),
2671       kMediumTimeout, clock);
2673   // Make the receiving timeout shorter for testing.
2674   IceConfig config = CreateIceConfig(1000, GATHER_ONCE);
2675   ep1_ch1()->SetIceConfig(config);
2676   ep2_ch1()->SetIceConfig(config);
2677   reset_selected_candidate_pair_switches();
2679   // Blackhole any traffic to or from the public addrs.
2680   RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Failing over...";
2681   fw()->AddRule(false, rtc::FP_ANY, rtc::FD_ANY, kPublicAddrs[1]);
2683   // The selected connections may switch, so keep references to them.
2684   const Connection* selected_connection1 = ep1_ch1()->selected_connection();
2685   // We should detect loss of receiving within 1 second or so.
2686   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(!selected_connection1->receiving(), kMediumTimeout,
2687                              clock);
2688   // After a short while, the link recovers itself.
2689   SIMULATED_WAIT(false, 10, clock);
2690   fw()->ClearRules();
2692   // We should remain on the public address on both sides and no connection
2693   // switches should have happened.
2694   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()->receiving() &&
2695                                  ep2_ch1()->selected_connection()->receiving(),
2696                              kMediumTimeout, clock);
2697   EXPECT_TRUE(RemoteCandidate(ep1_ch1())->address().EqualIPs(kPublicAddrs[1]));
2698   EXPECT_TRUE(LocalCandidate(ep2_ch1())->address().EqualIPs(kPublicAddrs[1]));
2699   EXPECT_EQ(0, reset_selected_candidate_pair_switches());
2701   DestroyChannels();
2702 }
2704 // Test that if an interface fails temporarily and then recovers quickly,
2705 // the selected connection will not switch.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMultihomedTest,TestConnectionSwitchDampeningControllingSide)2706 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMultihomedTest,
2707        TestConnectionSwitchDampeningControllingSide) {
2708   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
2709   // Simulate failing over from Wi-Fi to cell interface.
2710   AddAddress(0, kPublicAddrs[0], "eth0", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_WIFI);
2711   AddAddress(0, kAlternateAddrs[0], "wlan0", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_CELLULAR);
2712   AddAddress(1, kPublicAddrs[1]);
2714   // Use only local ports for simplicity.
2715   SetAllocatorFlags(0, kOnlyLocalPorts);
2716   SetAllocatorFlags(1, kOnlyLocalPorts);
2718   // Create channels and let them go writable, as usual.
2719   CreateChannels();
2721       CheckCandidatePairAndConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1(), kPublicAddrs[0],
2722                                      kPublicAddrs[1]),
2723       kMediumTimeout, clock);
2725   // Make the receiving timeout shorter for testing.
2726   IceConfig config = CreateIceConfig(1000, GATHER_ONCE);
2727   ep1_ch1()->SetIceConfig(config);
2728   ep2_ch1()->SetIceConfig(config);
2729   reset_selected_candidate_pair_switches();
2731   // Blackhole any traffic to or from the public addrs.
2732   RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Failing over...";
2733   fw()->AddRule(false, rtc::FP_ANY, rtc::FD_ANY, kPublicAddrs[0]);
2734   // The selected connections may switch, so keep references to them.
2735   const Connection* selected_connection1 = ep1_ch1()->selected_connection();
2736   // We should detect loss of receiving within 1 second or so.
2737   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(!selected_connection1->receiving(), kMediumTimeout,
2738                              clock);
2739   // The link recovers after a short while.
2740   SIMULATED_WAIT(false, 10, clock);
2741   fw()->ClearRules();
2743   // We should not switch to the alternate addr on both sides because of the
2744   // dampening.
2746       CheckCandidatePairAndConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1(), kPublicAddrs[0],
2747                                      kPublicAddrs[1]),
2748       kMediumTimeout, clock);
2749   EXPECT_EQ(0, reset_selected_candidate_pair_switches());
2750   DestroyChannels();
2751 }
2753 // Tests that if the remote side's network failed, it won't cause the local
2754 // side to switch connections and networks.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMultihomedTest,TestRemoteFailover)2755 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMultihomedTest, TestRemoteFailover) {
2756   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
2757   // The interface names are chosen so that |cellular| would have higher
2758   // candidate priority and higher cost.
2759   auto& wifi = kPublicAddrs;
2760   auto& cellular = kAlternateAddrs;
2761   AddAddress(0, wifi[0], "wifi0", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_WIFI);
2762   AddAddress(0, cellular[0], "cellular0", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_CELLULAR);
2763   AddAddress(1, wifi[1], "wifi0", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_WIFI);
2765   // Use only local ports for simplicity.
2766   SetAllocatorFlags(0, kOnlyLocalPorts);
2767   SetAllocatorFlags(1, kOnlyLocalPorts);
2768   // Create channels and let them go writable, as usual.
2769   CreateChannels();
2770   // Make the receiving timeout shorter for testing.
2771   // Set the backup connection ping interval to 25s.
2772   IceConfig config = CreateIceConfig(1000, GATHER_ONCE, 25000);
2773   // Ping the best connection more frequently since we don't have traffic.
2774   config.stable_writable_connection_ping_interval = 900;
2775   ep1_ch1()->SetIceConfig(config);
2776   ep2_ch1()->SetIceConfig(config);
2777   // Need to wait to make sure the connections on both networks are writable.
2779       CheckCandidatePairAndConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1(), wifi[0], wifi[1]),
2780       kDefaultTimeout, clock);
2781   Connection* backup_conn =
2782       GetConnectionWithLocalAddress(ep1_ch1(), cellular[0]);
2783   ASSERT_NE(nullptr, backup_conn);
2784   // After a short while, the backup connection will be writable but not
2785   // receiving because backup connection is pinged at a slower rate.
2787       backup_conn->writable() && !backup_conn->receiving(), kDefaultTimeout,
2788       clock);
2789   reset_selected_candidate_pair_switches();
2790   // Blackhole any traffic to or from the remote WiFi networks.
2791   RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Failing over...";
2792   fw()->AddRule(false, rtc::FP_ANY, rtc::FD_ANY, wifi[1]);
2794   int num_switches = 0;
2795   SIMULATED_WAIT((num_switches = reset_selected_candidate_pair_switches()) > 0,
2796                  20000, clock);
2797   EXPECT_EQ(0, num_switches);
2798   DestroyChannels();
2799 }
2801 // Tests that a Wifi-Wifi connection has the highest precedence.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMultihomedTest,TestPreferWifiToWifiConnection)2802 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMultihomedTest, TestPreferWifiToWifiConnection) {
2803   // The interface names are chosen so that |cellular| would have higher
2804   // candidate priority if it is not for the network type.
2805   auto& wifi = kAlternateAddrs;
2806   auto& cellular = kPublicAddrs;
2807   AddAddress(0, wifi[0], "test0", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_WIFI);
2808   AddAddress(0, cellular[0], "test1", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_CELLULAR);
2809   AddAddress(1, wifi[1], "test0", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_WIFI);
2810   AddAddress(1, cellular[1], "test1", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_CELLULAR);
2812   // Use only local ports for simplicity.
2813   SetAllocatorFlags(0, kOnlyLocalPorts);
2814   SetAllocatorFlags(1, kOnlyLocalPorts);
2816   // Create channels and let them go writable, as usual.
2817   CreateChannels();
2819   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT_MARGIN(CheckConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1()), 1000, 1000);
2820   // Need to wait to make sure the connections on both networks are writable.
2822       CheckCandidatePairAndConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1(), wifi[0], wifi[1]),
2823       1000);
2824   DestroyChannels();
2825 }
2827 // Tests that a Wifi-Cellular connection has higher precedence than
2828 // a Cellular-Cellular connection.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMultihomedTest,TestPreferWifiOverCellularNetwork)2829 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMultihomedTest, TestPreferWifiOverCellularNetwork) {
2830   // The interface names are chosen so that |cellular| would have higher
2831   // candidate priority if it is not for the network type.
2832   auto& wifi = kAlternateAddrs;
2833   auto& cellular = kPublicAddrs;
2834   AddAddress(0, cellular[0], "test1", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_CELLULAR);
2835   AddAddress(1, wifi[1], "test0", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_WIFI);
2836   AddAddress(1, cellular[1], "test1", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_CELLULAR);
2838   // Use only local ports for simplicity.
2839   SetAllocatorFlags(0, kOnlyLocalPorts);
2840   SetAllocatorFlags(1, kOnlyLocalPorts);
2842   // Create channels and let them go writable, as usual.
2843   CreateChannels();
2845   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT_MARGIN(CheckCandidatePairAndConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1(),
2846                                                          cellular[0], wifi[1]),
2847                           1000, 1000);
2848   DestroyChannels();
2849 }
2851 // Test that the backup connection is pinged at a rate no faster than
2852 // what was configured.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMultihomedTest,TestPingBackupConnectionRate)2853 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMultihomedTest, TestPingBackupConnectionRate) {
2854   AddAddress(0, kPublicAddrs[0]);
2855   // Adding alternate address will make sure |kPublicAddrs| has the higher
2856   // priority than others. This is due to FakeNetwork::AddInterface method.
2857   AddAddress(1, kAlternateAddrs[1]);
2858   AddAddress(1, kPublicAddrs[1]);
2860   // Use only local ports for simplicity.
2861   SetAllocatorFlags(0, kOnlyLocalPorts);
2862   SetAllocatorFlags(1, kOnlyLocalPorts);
2864   // Create channels and let them go writable, as usual.
2865   CreateChannels();
2866   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT_MARGIN(CheckConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1()), 1000, 1000);
2867   int backup_ping_interval = 2000;
2868   ep2_ch1()->SetIceConfig(
2869       CreateIceConfig(2000, GATHER_ONCE, backup_ping_interval));
2870   // After the state becomes COMPLETED, the backup connection will be pinged
2871   // once every |backup_ping_interval| milliseconds.
2872   ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(ep2_ch1()->GetState() == IceTransportState::STATE_COMPLETED,
2873                    1000);
2874   auto connections = ep2_ch1()->connections();
2875   ASSERT_EQ(2U, connections.size());
2876   Connection* backup_conn = connections[1];
2877   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(backup_conn->writable(), kMediumTimeout);
2878   int64_t last_ping_response_ms = backup_conn->last_ping_response_received();
2880       last_ping_response_ms < backup_conn->last_ping_response_received(),
2881       kDefaultTimeout);
2882   int time_elapsed =
2883       backup_conn->last_ping_response_received() - last_ping_response_ms;
2884   RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Time elapsed: " << time_elapsed;
2885   EXPECT_GE(time_elapsed, backup_ping_interval);
2887   DestroyChannels();
2888 }
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMultihomedTest,TestGetState)2890 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMultihomedTest, TestGetState) {
2891   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
2892   AddAddress(0, kAlternateAddrs[0]);
2893   AddAddress(0, kPublicAddrs[0]);
2894   AddAddress(1, kPublicAddrs[1]);
2895   // Create channels and let them go writable, as usual.
2896   CreateChannels();
2898   // Both transport channels will reach STATE_COMPLETED quickly.
2900                            ep1_ch1()->GetState(), kShortTimeout, clock);
2902                            ep2_ch1()->GetState(), kShortTimeout, clock);
2903   DestroyChannels();
2904 }
2906 // Tests that when a network interface becomes inactive, if Continual Gathering
2907 // policy is GATHER_CONTINUALLY, the ports associated with that network
2908 // will be removed from the port list of the channel, and the respective
2909 // remote candidates on the other participant will be removed eventually.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMultihomedTest,TestNetworkBecomesInactive)2910 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMultihomedTest, TestNetworkBecomesInactive) {
2911   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
2912   AddAddress(0, kPublicAddrs[0]);
2913   AddAddress(1, kPublicAddrs[1]);
2914   // Create channels and let them go writable, as usual.
2915   IceConfig ep1_config = CreateIceConfig(2000, GATHER_CONTINUALLY);
2916   IceConfig ep2_config = CreateIceConfig(2000, GATHER_ONCE);
2917   CreateChannels(ep1_config, ep2_config);
2919   SetAllocatorFlags(0, kOnlyLocalPorts);
2920   SetAllocatorFlags(1, kOnlyLocalPorts);
2921   ASSERT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(CheckConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1()),
2922                              kDefaultTimeout, clock);
2923   // More than one port has been created.
2924   EXPECT_LE(1U, ep1_ch1()->ports().size());
2925   // Endpoint 1 enabled continual gathering; the port will be removed
2926   // when the interface is removed.
2927   RemoveAddress(0, kPublicAddrs[0]);
2928   EXPECT_TRUE(ep1_ch1()->ports().empty());
2929   // The remote candidates will be removed eventually.
2930   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(ep2_ch1()->remote_candidates().empty(), 1000,
2931                              clock);
2933   size_t num_ports = ep2_ch1()->ports().size();
2934   EXPECT_LE(1U, num_ports);
2935   size_t num_remote_candidates = ep1_ch1()->remote_candidates().size();
2936   // Endpoint 2 did not enable continual gathering; the local port will still be
2937   // removed when the interface is removed but the remote candidates on the
2938   // other participant will not be removed.
2939   RemoveAddress(1, kPublicAddrs[1]);
2941   EXPECT_EQ_SIMULATED_WAIT(0U, ep2_ch1()->ports().size(), kDefaultTimeout,
2942                            clock);
2943   SIMULATED_WAIT(0U == ep1_ch1()->remote_candidates().size(), 500, clock);
2944   EXPECT_EQ(num_remote_candidates, ep1_ch1()->remote_candidates().size());
2946   DestroyChannels();
2947 }
2949 // Tests that continual gathering will create new connections when a new
2950 // interface is added.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMultihomedTest,TestContinualGatheringOnNewInterface)2951 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMultihomedTest,
2952        TestContinualGatheringOnNewInterface) {
2953   auto& wifi = kAlternateAddrs;
2954   auto& cellular = kPublicAddrs;
2955   AddAddress(0, wifi[0], "test_wifi0", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_WIFI);
2956   AddAddress(1, cellular[1], "test_cell1", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_CELLULAR);
2957   // Set continual gathering policy.
2958   IceConfig continual_gathering_config =
2959       CreateIceConfig(1000, GATHER_CONTINUALLY);
2960   CreateChannels(continual_gathering_config, continual_gathering_config);
2961   SetAllocatorFlags(0, kOnlyLocalPorts);
2962   SetAllocatorFlags(1, kOnlyLocalPorts);
2963   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT_MARGIN(CheckConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1()), kDefaultTimeout,
2964                           kDefaultTimeout);
2966   // Add a new wifi interface on end point 2. We should expect a new connection
2967   // to be created and the new one will be the best connection.
2968   AddAddress(1, wifi[1], "test_wifi1", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_WIFI);
2969   const Connection* conn;
2970   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT((conn = ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()) != nullptr &&
2971                        conn->remote_candidate().address().EqualIPs(wifi[1]),
2972                    kDefaultTimeout);
2973   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT((conn = ep2_ch1()->selected_connection()) != nullptr &&
2974                        conn->local_candidate().address().EqualIPs(wifi[1]),
2975                    kDefaultTimeout);
2977   // Add a new cellular interface on end point 1, we should expect a new
2978   // backup connection created using this new interface.
2979   AddAddress(0, cellular[0], "test_cellular0", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_CELLULAR);
2981       ep1_ch1()->GetState() == IceTransportState::STATE_COMPLETED &&
2982           (conn = GetConnectionWithLocalAddress(ep1_ch1(), cellular[0])) !=
2983               nullptr &&
2984           conn != ep1_ch1()->selected_connection() && conn->writable(),
2985       kDefaultTimeout);
2987       ep2_ch1()->GetState() == IceTransportState::STATE_COMPLETED &&
2988           (conn = GetConnectionWithRemoteAddress(ep2_ch1(), cellular[0])) !=
2989               nullptr &&
2990           conn != ep2_ch1()->selected_connection() && conn->receiving(),
2991       kDefaultTimeout);
2993   DestroyChannels();
2994 }
2996 // Tests that we can switch links via continual gathering.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMultihomedTest,TestSwitchLinksViaContinualGathering)2997 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMultihomedTest,
2998        TestSwitchLinksViaContinualGathering) {
2999   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
3000   AddAddress(0, kPublicAddrs[0]);
3001   AddAddress(1, kPublicAddrs[1]);
3002   // Use only local ports for simplicity.
3003   SetAllocatorFlags(0, kOnlyLocalPorts);
3004   SetAllocatorFlags(1, kOnlyLocalPorts);
3006   // Set continual gathering policy.
3007   IceConfig continual_gathering_config =
3008       CreateIceConfig(1000, GATHER_CONTINUALLY);
3009   // Create channels and let them go writable, as usual.
3010   CreateChannels(continual_gathering_config, continual_gathering_config);
3012       CheckCandidatePairAndConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1(), kPublicAddrs[0],
3013                                      kPublicAddrs[1]),
3014       kMediumTimeout, clock);
3016   // Add the new address first and then remove the other one.
3017   RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Draining...";
3018   AddAddress(1, kAlternateAddrs[1]);
3019   RemoveAddress(1, kPublicAddrs[1]);
3020   // We should switch to use the alternate address after an exchange of pings.
3022       CheckCandidatePairAndConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1(), kPublicAddrs[0],
3023                                      kAlternateAddrs[1]),
3024       kMediumTimeout, clock);
3026   // Remove one address first and then add another address.
3027   RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Draining again...";
3028   RemoveAddress(1, kAlternateAddrs[1]);
3029   AddAddress(1, kAlternateAddrs[0]);
3031       CheckCandidatePairAndConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1(), kPublicAddrs[0],
3032                                      kAlternateAddrs[0]),
3033       kMediumTimeout, clock);
3035   DestroyChannels();
3036 }
3038 // Tests that the backup connection will be restored after it is destroyed.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMultihomedTest,TestRestoreBackupConnection)3039 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMultihomedTest, TestRestoreBackupConnection) {
3040   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
3041   auto& wifi = kAlternateAddrs;
3042   auto& cellular = kPublicAddrs;
3043   AddAddress(0, wifi[0], "test_wifi0", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_WIFI);
3044   AddAddress(0, cellular[0], "test_cell0", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_CELLULAR);
3045   AddAddress(1, wifi[1], "test_wifi1", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_WIFI);
3046   AddAddress(1, cellular[1], "test_cell1", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_CELLULAR);
3047   // Use only local ports for simplicity.
3048   SetAllocatorFlags(0, kOnlyLocalPorts);
3049   SetAllocatorFlags(1, kOnlyLocalPorts);
3051   // Create channels and let them go writable, as usual.
3052   IceConfig config = CreateIceConfig(1000, GATHER_CONTINUALLY);
3053   config.regather_on_failed_networks_interval = 2000;
3054   CreateChannels(config, config);
3056       CheckCandidatePairAndConnected(ep1_ch1(), ep2_ch1(), wifi[0], wifi[1]),
3057       kMediumTimeout, clock);
3059   // Destroy all backup connections.
3060   DestroyAllButBestConnection(ep1_ch1());
3061   // Ensure the backup connection is removed first.
3063       GetConnectionWithLocalAddress(ep1_ch1(), cellular[0]) == nullptr,
3064       kDefaultTimeout, clock);
3065   const Connection* conn;
3067       (conn = GetConnectionWithLocalAddress(ep1_ch1(), cellular[0])) !=
3068               nullptr &&
3069           conn != ep1_ch1()->selected_connection() && conn->writable(),
3070       kDefaultTimeout, clock);
3072   DestroyChannels();
3073 }
3075 // A collection of tests which tests a single P2PTransportChannel by sending
3076 // pings.
3077 class P2PTransportChannelPingTest : public ::testing::Test,
3078                                     public sigslot::has_slots<> {
3079  public:
P2PTransportChannelPingTest()3080   P2PTransportChannelPingTest()
3081       : vss_(new rtc::VirtualSocketServer()), thread_(vss_.get()) {}
3083  protected:
PrepareChannel(P2PTransportChannel * ch)3084   void PrepareChannel(P2PTransportChannel* ch) {
3085     ch->SetIceRole(ICEROLE_CONTROLLING);
3086     ch->SetIceParameters(kIceParams[0]);
3087     ch->SetRemoteIceParameters(kIceParams[1]);
3088     ch->SignalNetworkRouteChanged.connect(
3089         this, &P2PTransportChannelPingTest::OnNetworkRouteChanged);
3090     ch->SignalReadyToSend.connect(this,
3091                                   &P2PTransportChannelPingTest::OnReadyToSend);
3092     ch->SignalStateChanged.connect(
3093         this, &P2PTransportChannelPingTest::OnChannelStateChanged);
3094     ch->SignalCandidatePairChanged.connect(
3095         this, &P2PTransportChannelPingTest::OnCandidatePairChanged);
3096   }
WaitForConnectionTo(P2PTransportChannel * ch,const std::string & ip,int port_num,rtc::ThreadProcessingFakeClock * clock=nullptr)3098   Connection* WaitForConnectionTo(
3099       P2PTransportChannel* ch,
3100       const std::string& ip,
3101       int port_num,
3102       rtc::ThreadProcessingFakeClock* clock = nullptr) {
3103     if (clock == nullptr) {
3104       EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(GetConnectionTo(ch, ip, port_num) != nullptr,
3105                        kMediumTimeout);
3106     } else {
3107       EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(GetConnectionTo(ch, ip, port_num) != nullptr,
3108                                  kMediumTimeout, *clock);
3109     }
3110     return GetConnectionTo(ch, ip, port_num);
3111   }
GetPort(P2PTransportChannel * ch)3113   Port* GetPort(P2PTransportChannel* ch) {
3114     if (ch->ports().empty()) {
3115       return nullptr;
3116     }
3117     return static_cast<Port*>(ch->ports()[0]);
3118   }
GetPrunedPort(P2PTransportChannel * ch)3120   Port* GetPrunedPort(P2PTransportChannel* ch) {
3121     if (ch->pruned_ports().empty()) {
3122       return nullptr;
3123     }
3124     return static_cast<Port*>(ch->pruned_ports()[0]);
3125   }
GetConnectionTo(P2PTransportChannel * ch,const std::string & ip,int port_num)3127   Connection* GetConnectionTo(P2PTransportChannel* ch,
3128                               const std::string& ip,
3129                               int port_num) {
3130     Port* port = GetPort(ch);
3131     if (!port) {
3132       return nullptr;
3133     }
3134     return port->GetConnection(rtc::SocketAddress(ip, port_num));
3135   }
FindNextPingableConnectionAndPingIt(P2PTransportChannel * ch)3137   Connection* FindNextPingableConnectionAndPingIt(P2PTransportChannel* ch) {
3138     Connection* conn = ch->FindNextPingableConnection();
3139     if (conn) {
3140       ch->MarkConnectionPinged(conn);
3141     }
3142     return conn;
3143   }
SendData(IceTransportInternal * channel,const char * data,size_t len,int packet_id)3145   int SendData(IceTransportInternal* channel,
3146                const char* data,
3147                size_t len,
3148                int packet_id) {
3149     rtc::PacketOptions options;
3150     options.packet_id = packet_id;
3151     return channel->SendPacket(data, len, options, 0);
3152   }
CreateConnectionWithCandidate(P2PTransportChannel * channel,rtc::ScopedFakeClock * clock,const std::string & ip_addr,int port,int priority,bool writable)3154   Connection* CreateConnectionWithCandidate(P2PTransportChannel* channel,
3155                                             rtc::ScopedFakeClock* clock,
3156                                             const std::string& ip_addr,
3157                                             int port,
3158                                             int priority,
3159                                             bool writable) {
3160     channel->AddRemoteCandidate(
3161         CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, ip_addr, port, priority));
3163         GetConnectionTo(channel, ip_addr, port) != nullptr, kMediumTimeout,
3164         *clock);
3165     Connection* conn = GetConnectionTo(channel, ip_addr, port);
3167     if (conn && writable) {
3168       conn->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");  // make it writable
3169     }
3170     return conn;
3171   }
NominateConnection(Connection * conn,uint32_t remote_nomination=1U)3173   void NominateConnection(Connection* conn, uint32_t remote_nomination = 1U) {
3174     conn->set_remote_nomination(remote_nomination);
3175     conn->SignalNominated(conn);
3176   }
OnNetworkRouteChanged(absl::optional<rtc::NetworkRoute> network_route)3178   void OnNetworkRouteChanged(absl::optional<rtc::NetworkRoute> network_route) {
3179     last_network_route_ = network_route;
3180     if (last_network_route_) {
3181       last_sent_packet_id_ = last_network_route_->last_sent_packet_id;
3182     }
3183     ++selected_candidate_pair_switches_;
3184   }
ReceivePingOnConnection(Connection * conn,const std::string & remote_ufrag,int priority,uint32_t nomination,const absl::optional<std::string> & piggyback_ping_id)3186   void ReceivePingOnConnection(
3187       Connection* conn,
3188       const std::string& remote_ufrag,
3189       int priority,
3190       uint32_t nomination,
3191       const absl::optional<std::string>& piggyback_ping_id) {
3192     IceMessage msg;
3193     msg.SetType(STUN_BINDING_REQUEST);
3194     msg.AddAttribute(std::make_unique<StunByteStringAttribute>(
3195         STUN_ATTR_USERNAME,
3196         conn->local_candidate().username() + ":" + remote_ufrag));
3197     msg.AddAttribute(
3198         std::make_unique<StunUInt32Attribute>(STUN_ATTR_PRIORITY, priority));
3199     if (nomination != 0) {
3200       msg.AddAttribute(std::make_unique<StunUInt32Attribute>(
3201           STUN_ATTR_NOMINATION, nomination));
3202     }
3203     if (piggyback_ping_id) {
3204       msg.AddAttribute(std::make_unique<StunByteStringAttribute>(
3205           STUN_ATTR_LAST_ICE_CHECK_RECEIVED, piggyback_ping_id.value()));
3206     }
3207     msg.SetTransactionID(rtc::CreateRandomString(kStunTransactionIdLength));
3208     msg.AddMessageIntegrity(conn->local_candidate().password());
3209     msg.AddFingerprint();
3210     rtc::ByteBufferWriter buf;
3211     msg.Write(&buf);
3212     conn->OnReadPacket(buf.Data(), buf.Length(), rtc::TimeMicros());
3213   }
ReceivePingOnConnection(Connection * conn,const std::string & remote_ufrag,int priority,uint32_t nomination=0)3215   void ReceivePingOnConnection(Connection* conn,
3216                                const std::string& remote_ufrag,
3217                                int priority,
3218                                uint32_t nomination = 0) {
3219     ReceivePingOnConnection(conn, remote_ufrag, priority, nomination,
3220                             absl::nullopt);
3221   }
OnReadyToSend(rtc::PacketTransportInternal * transport)3223   void OnReadyToSend(rtc::PacketTransportInternal* transport) {
3224     channel_ready_to_send_ = true;
3225   }
OnChannelStateChanged(IceTransportInternal * channel)3226   void OnChannelStateChanged(IceTransportInternal* channel) {
3227     channel_state_ = channel->GetState();
3228   }
OnCandidatePairChanged(const CandidatePairChangeEvent & event)3229   void OnCandidatePairChanged(const CandidatePairChangeEvent& event) {
3230     last_candidate_change_event_ = event;
3231   }
last_sent_packet_id()3233   int last_sent_packet_id() { return last_sent_packet_id_; }
channel_ready_to_send()3234   bool channel_ready_to_send() { return channel_ready_to_send_; }
reset_channel_ready_to_send()3235   void reset_channel_ready_to_send() { channel_ready_to_send_ = false; }
channel_state()3236   IceTransportState channel_state() { return channel_state_; }
reset_selected_candidate_pair_switches()3237   int reset_selected_candidate_pair_switches() {
3238     int switches = selected_candidate_pair_switches_;
3239     selected_candidate_pair_switches_ = 0;
3240     return switches;
3241   }
3243   // Return true if the |pair| matches the last network route.
CandidatePairMatchesNetworkRoute(CandidatePairInterface * pair)3244   bool CandidatePairMatchesNetworkRoute(CandidatePairInterface* pair) {
3245     if (!pair) {
3246       return !last_network_route_.has_value();
3247     } else {
3248       return pair->local_candidate().network_id() ==
3249                  last_network_route_->local.network_id() &&
3250              pair->remote_candidate().network_id() ==
3251                  last_network_route_->remote.network_id();
3252     }
3253   }
ConnectionMatchesChangeEvent(Connection * conn,std::string reason)3255   bool ConnectionMatchesChangeEvent(Connection* conn, std::string reason) {
3256     if (!conn) {
3257       return !last_candidate_change_event_.has_value();
3258     } else {
3259       const auto& last_selected_pair =
3260           last_candidate_change_event_->selected_candidate_pair;
3261       return last_selected_pair.local_candidate().IsEquivalent(
3262                  conn->local_candidate()) &&
3263              last_selected_pair.remote_candidate().IsEquivalent(
3264                  conn->remote_candidate()) &&
3265              last_candidate_change_event_->last_data_received_ms ==
3266                  conn->last_data_received() &&
3267              last_candidate_change_event_->reason == reason;
3268     }
3269   }
3271  private:
3272   std::unique_ptr<rtc::VirtualSocketServer> vss_;
3273   rtc::AutoSocketServerThread thread_;
3274   int selected_candidate_pair_switches_ = 0;
3275   int last_sent_packet_id_ = -1;
3276   bool channel_ready_to_send_ = false;
3277   absl::optional<CandidatePairChangeEvent> last_candidate_change_event_;
3278   IceTransportState channel_state_ = IceTransportState::STATE_INIT;
3279   absl::optional<rtc::NetworkRoute> last_network_route_;
3280 };
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,TestTriggeredChecks)3282 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest, TestTriggeredChecks) {
3283   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
3284   P2PTransportChannel ch("trigger checks", 1, &pa);
3285   PrepareChannel(&ch);
3286   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
3287   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 1, 1));
3288   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 2, 2));
3290   Connection* conn1 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 1);
3291   Connection* conn2 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 2);
3292   ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 != nullptr);
3293   ASSERT_TRUE(conn2 != nullptr);
3295   // Before a triggered check, the first connection to ping is the
3296   // highest priority one.
3297   EXPECT_EQ(conn2, FindNextPingableConnectionAndPingIt(&ch));
3299   // Receiving a ping causes a triggered check which should make conn1
3300   // be pinged first instead of conn2, even though conn2 has a higher
3301   // priority.
3302   conn1->ReceivedPing();
3303   EXPECT_EQ(conn1, FindNextPingableConnectionAndPingIt(&ch));
3304 }
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,TestAllConnectionsPingedSufficiently)3306 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest, TestAllConnectionsPingedSufficiently) {
3307   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
3308   P2PTransportChannel ch("ping sufficiently", 1, &pa);
3309   PrepareChannel(&ch);
3310   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
3311   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 1, 1));
3312   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 2, 2));
3314   Connection* conn1 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 1);
3315   Connection* conn2 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 2);
3316   ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 != nullptr);
3317   ASSERT_TRUE(conn2 != nullptr);
3319   // Low-priority connection becomes writable so that the other connection
3320   // is not pruned.
3321   conn1->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");
3323       conn1->num_pings_sent() >= MIN_PINGS_AT_WEAK_PING_INTERVAL &&
3324           conn2->num_pings_sent() >= MIN_PINGS_AT_WEAK_PING_INTERVAL,
3325       kDefaultTimeout);
3326 }
3328 // Verify that the connections are pinged at the right time.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,TestStunPingIntervals)3329 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest, TestStunPingIntervals) {
3330   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
3331   int RTT_RATIO = 4;
3332   int SCHEDULING_RANGE = 200;
3333   int RTT_RANGE = 10;
3335   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
3336   P2PTransportChannel ch("TestChannel", 1, &pa);
3337   PrepareChannel(&ch);
3338   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
3339   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 1, 1));
3340   Connection* conn = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 1);
3342   ASSERT_TRUE(conn != nullptr);
3343   SIMULATED_WAIT(conn->num_pings_sent() == 1, kDefaultTimeout, clock);
3345   // Initializing.
3347   int64_t start = clock.TimeNanos();
3348   SIMULATED_WAIT(conn->num_pings_sent() >= MIN_PINGS_AT_WEAK_PING_INTERVAL,
3349                  kDefaultTimeout, clock);
3350   int64_t ping_interval_ms = (clock.TimeNanos() - start) /
3351                              rtc::kNumNanosecsPerMillisec /
3352                              (MIN_PINGS_AT_WEAK_PING_INTERVAL - 1);
3353   EXPECT_EQ(ping_interval_ms, WEAK_PING_INTERVAL);
3355   // Stabilizing.
3357   conn->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");
3358   int ping_sent_before = conn->num_pings_sent();
3359   start = clock.TimeNanos();
3360   // The connection becomes strong but not stable because we haven't been able
3361   // to converge the RTT.
3362   SIMULATED_WAIT(conn->num_pings_sent() == ping_sent_before + 1, kMediumTimeout,
3363                  clock);
3364   ping_interval_ms = (clock.TimeNanos() - start) / rtc::kNumNanosecsPerMillisec;
3365   EXPECT_GE(ping_interval_ms,
3367   EXPECT_LE(
3368       ping_interval_ms,
3371   // Stabilized.
3373   // The connection becomes stable after receiving more than RTT_RATIO rtt
3374   // samples.
3375   for (int i = 0; i < RTT_RATIO; i++) {
3376     conn->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");
3377   }
3378   ping_sent_before = conn->num_pings_sent();
3379   start = clock.TimeNanos();
3380   SIMULATED_WAIT(conn->num_pings_sent() == ping_sent_before + 1, kMediumTimeout,
3381                  clock);
3382   ping_interval_ms = (clock.TimeNanos() - start) / rtc::kNumNanosecsPerMillisec;
3383   EXPECT_GE(ping_interval_ms,
3385   EXPECT_LE(
3386       ping_interval_ms,
3389   // Destabilized.
3391   conn->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");
3392   // Create a in-flight ping.
3393   conn->Ping(clock.TimeNanos() / rtc::kNumNanosecsPerMillisec);
3394   start = clock.TimeNanos();
3395   // In-flight ping timeout and the connection will be unstable.
3397       !conn->stable(clock.TimeNanos() / rtc::kNumNanosecsPerMillisec),
3398       kMediumTimeout, clock);
3399   int64_t duration_ms =
3400       (clock.TimeNanos() - start) / rtc::kNumNanosecsPerMillisec;
3401   EXPECT_GE(duration_ms, 2 * conn->rtt() - RTT_RANGE);
3402   EXPECT_LE(duration_ms, 2 * conn->rtt() + RTT_RANGE);
3403   // The connection become unstable due to not receiving ping responses.
3404   ping_sent_before = conn->num_pings_sent();
3405   SIMULATED_WAIT(conn->num_pings_sent() == ping_sent_before + 1, kMediumTimeout,
3406                  clock);
3407   // The interval is expected to be
3409   start = clock.TimeNanos();
3410   ping_sent_before = conn->num_pings_sent();
3411   SIMULATED_WAIT(conn->num_pings_sent() == ping_sent_before + 1, kMediumTimeout,
3412                  clock);
3413   ping_interval_ms = (clock.TimeNanos() - start) / rtc::kNumNanosecsPerMillisec;
3414   EXPECT_GE(ping_interval_ms,
3416   EXPECT_LE(
3417       ping_interval_ms,
3419 }
3421 // Test that we start pinging as soon as we have a connection and remote ICE
3422 // parameters.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,PingingStartedAsSoonAsPossible)3423 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest, PingingStartedAsSoonAsPossible) {
3424   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
3426   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
3427   P2PTransportChannel ch("TestChannel", 1, &pa);
3428   ch.SetIceRole(ICEROLE_CONTROLLING);
3429   ch.SetIceParameters(kIceParams[0]);
3430   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
3431   EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(IceGatheringState::kIceGatheringComplete, ch.gathering_state(),
3432                  kDefaultTimeout);
3434   // Simulate a binding request being received, creating a peer reflexive
3435   // candidate pair while we still don't have remote ICE parameters.
3436   IceMessage request;
3437   request.SetType(STUN_BINDING_REQUEST);
3438   request.AddAttribute(std::make_unique<StunByteStringAttribute>(
3439       STUN_ATTR_USERNAME, kIceUfrag[1]));
3440   uint32_t prflx_priority = ICE_TYPE_PREFERENCE_PRFLX << 24;
3441   request.AddAttribute(std::make_unique<StunUInt32Attribute>(STUN_ATTR_PRIORITY,
3442                                                              prflx_priority));
3443   Port* port = GetPort(&ch);
3444   ASSERT_NE(nullptr, port);
3445   port->SignalUnknownAddress(port, rtc::SocketAddress("", 1), PROTO_UDP,
3446                              &request, kIceUfrag[1], false);
3447   Connection* conn = GetConnectionTo(&ch, "", 1);
3448   ASSERT_NE(nullptr, conn);
3450   // Simulate waiting for a second (and change) and verify that no pings were
3451   // sent, since we don't yet have remote ICE parameters.
3452   SIMULATED_WAIT(conn->num_pings_sent() > 0, 1025, clock);
3453   EXPECT_EQ(0, conn->num_pings_sent());
3455   // Set remote ICE parameters. Now we should be able to ping. Ensure that
3456   // the first ping is sent as soon as possible, within one simulated clock
3457   // tick.
3458   ch.SetRemoteIceParameters(kIceParams[1]);
3459   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(conn->num_pings_sent() > 0, 1, clock);
3460 }
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,TestNoTriggeredChecksWhenWritable)3462 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest, TestNoTriggeredChecksWhenWritable) {
3463   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
3464   P2PTransportChannel ch("trigger checks", 1, &pa);
3465   PrepareChannel(&ch);
3466   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
3467   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 1, 1));
3468   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 2, 2));
3470   Connection* conn1 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 1);
3471   Connection* conn2 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 2);
3472   ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 != nullptr);
3473   ASSERT_TRUE(conn2 != nullptr);
3475   EXPECT_EQ(conn2, FindNextPingableConnectionAndPingIt(&ch));
3476   EXPECT_EQ(conn1, FindNextPingableConnectionAndPingIt(&ch));
3477   conn1->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");
3478   ASSERT_TRUE(conn1->writable());
3479   conn1->ReceivedPing();
3481   // Ping received, but the connection is already writable, so no
3482   // "triggered check" and conn2 is pinged before conn1 because it has
3483   // a higher priority.
3484   EXPECT_EQ(conn2, FindNextPingableConnectionAndPingIt(&ch));
3485 }
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,TestFailedConnectionNotPingable)3487 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest, TestFailedConnectionNotPingable) {
3488   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
3489   P2PTransportChannel ch("Do not ping failed connections", 1, &pa);
3490   PrepareChannel(&ch);
3491   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
3492   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 1, 1));
3494   Connection* conn1 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 1);
3495   ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 != nullptr);
3497   EXPECT_EQ(conn1, ch.FindNextPingableConnection());
3498   conn1->Prune();  // A pruned connection may still be pingable.
3499   EXPECT_EQ(conn1, ch.FindNextPingableConnection());
3500   conn1->FailAndPrune();
3501   EXPECT_TRUE(nullptr == ch.FindNextPingableConnection());
3502 }
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,TestSignalStateChanged)3504 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest, TestSignalStateChanged) {
3505   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
3506   P2PTransportChannel ch("state change", 1, &pa);
3507   PrepareChannel(&ch);
3508   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
3509   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 1, 1));
3510   Connection* conn1 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 1);
3511   ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 != nullptr);
3512   // Pruning the connection reduces the set of active connections and changes
3513   // the channel state.
3514   conn1->Prune();
3515   EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(IceTransportState::STATE_FAILED, channel_state(),
3516                  kDefaultTimeout);
3517 }
3519 // Test adding remote candidates with different ufrags. If a remote candidate
3520 // is added with an old ufrag, it will be discarded. If it is added with a
3521 // ufrag that was not seen before, it will be used to create connections
3522 // although the ICE pwd in the remote candidate will be set when the ICE
3523 // parameters arrive. If a remote candidate is added with the current ICE
3524 // ufrag, its pwd and generation will be set properly.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,TestAddRemoteCandidateWithVariousUfrags)3525 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest, TestAddRemoteCandidateWithVariousUfrags) {
3526   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
3527   P2PTransportChannel ch("add candidate", 1, &pa);
3528   PrepareChannel(&ch);
3529   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
3530   // Add a candidate with a future ufrag.
3531   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(
3532       CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 1, 1, kIceUfrag[2]));
3533   Connection* conn1 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 1);
3534   ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 != nullptr);
3535   const Candidate& candidate = conn1->remote_candidate();
3536   EXPECT_EQ(kIceUfrag[2], candidate.username());
3537   EXPECT_TRUE(candidate.password().empty());
3538   EXPECT_TRUE(FindNextPingableConnectionAndPingIt(&ch) == nullptr);
3540   // Set the remote ICE parameters with the "future" ufrag.
3541   // This should set the ICE pwd in the remote candidate of |conn1|, making
3542   // it pingable.
3543   ch.SetRemoteIceParameters(kIceParams[2]);
3544   EXPECT_EQ(kIceUfrag[2], candidate.username());
3545   EXPECT_EQ(kIcePwd[2], candidate.password());
3546   EXPECT_EQ(conn1, FindNextPingableConnectionAndPingIt(&ch));
3548   // Add a candidate with an old ufrag. No connection will be created.
3549   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(
3550       CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 2, 2, kIceUfrag[1]));
3551   rtc::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(500);
3552   EXPECT_TRUE(GetConnectionTo(&ch, "", 2) == nullptr);
3554   // Add a candidate with the current ufrag, its pwd and generation will be
3555   // assigned, even if the generation is not set.
3556   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(
3557       CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 3, 0, kIceUfrag[2]));
3558   Connection* conn3 = nullptr;
3559   ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT((conn3 = GetConnectionTo(&ch, "", 3)) != nullptr,
3560                    kMediumTimeout);
3561   const Candidate& new_candidate = conn3->remote_candidate();
3562   EXPECT_EQ(kIcePwd[2], new_candidate.password());
3563   EXPECT_EQ(1U, new_candidate.generation());
3565   // Check that the pwd of all remote candidates are properly assigned.
3566   for (const RemoteCandidate& candidate : ch.remote_candidates()) {
3567     EXPECT_TRUE(candidate.username() == kIceUfrag[1] ||
3568                 candidate.username() == kIceUfrag[2]);
3569     if (candidate.username() == kIceUfrag[1]) {
3570       EXPECT_EQ(kIcePwd[1], candidate.password());
3571     } else if (candidate.username() == kIceUfrag[2]) {
3572       EXPECT_EQ(kIcePwd[2], candidate.password());
3573     }
3574   }
3575 }
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,ConnectionResurrection)3577 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest, ConnectionResurrection) {
3578   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
3579   P2PTransportChannel ch("connection resurrection", 1, &pa);
3580   PrepareChannel(&ch);
3581   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
3583   // Create conn1 and keep track of original candidate priority.
3584   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 1, 1));
3585   Connection* conn1 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 1);
3586   ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 != nullptr);
3587   uint32_t remote_priority = conn1->remote_candidate().priority();
3589   // Create a higher priority candidate and make the connection
3590   // receiving/writable. This will prune conn1.
3591   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 2, 2));
3592   Connection* conn2 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 2);
3593   ASSERT_TRUE(conn2 != nullptr);
3594   conn2->ReceivedPing();
3595   conn2->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");
3597   // Wait for conn2 to be selected.
3598   EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(conn2, ch.selected_connection(), kMediumTimeout);
3599   // Destroy the connection to test SignalUnknownAddress.
3600   conn1->Destroy();
3601   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(GetConnectionTo(&ch, "", 1) == nullptr,
3602                    kMediumTimeout);
3604   // Create a minimal STUN message with prflx priority.
3605   IceMessage request;
3606   request.SetType(STUN_BINDING_REQUEST);
3607   request.AddAttribute(std::make_unique<StunByteStringAttribute>(
3608       STUN_ATTR_USERNAME, kIceUfrag[1]));
3609   uint32_t prflx_priority = ICE_TYPE_PREFERENCE_PRFLX << 24;
3610   request.AddAttribute(std::make_unique<StunUInt32Attribute>(STUN_ATTR_PRIORITY,
3611                                                              prflx_priority));
3612   EXPECT_NE(prflx_priority, remote_priority);
3614   Port* port = GetPort(&ch);
3615   // conn1 should be resurrected with original priority.
3616   port->SignalUnknownAddress(port, rtc::SocketAddress("", 1), PROTO_UDP,
3617                              &request, kIceUfrag[1], false);
3618   conn1 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 1);
3619   ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 != nullptr);
3620   EXPECT_EQ(conn1->remote_candidate().priority(), remote_priority);
3622   // conn3, a real prflx connection, should have prflx priority.
3623   port->SignalUnknownAddress(port, rtc::SocketAddress("", 1), PROTO_UDP,
3624                              &request, kIceUfrag[1], false);
3625   Connection* conn3 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 1);
3626   ASSERT_TRUE(conn3 != nullptr);
3627   EXPECT_EQ(conn3->remote_candidate().priority(), prflx_priority);
3628 }
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,TestReceivingStateChange)3630 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest, TestReceivingStateChange) {
3631   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
3632   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
3633   P2PTransportChannel ch("receiving state change", 1, &pa);
3634   PrepareChannel(&ch);
3635   // Default receiving timeout and checking receiving interval should not be too
3636   // small.
3637   EXPECT_LE(1000, ch.config().receiving_timeout_or_default());
3638   EXPECT_LE(200, ch.check_receiving_interval());
3639   ch.SetIceConfig(CreateIceConfig(500, GATHER_ONCE));
3640   EXPECT_EQ(500, ch.config().receiving_timeout_or_default());
3641   EXPECT_EQ(50, ch.check_receiving_interval());
3642   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
3643   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 1, 1));
3644   Connection* conn1 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 1, &clock);
3645   ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 != nullptr);
3647   clock.AdvanceTime(webrtc::TimeDelta::Seconds(1));
3648   conn1->ReceivedPing();
3649   conn1->OnReadPacket("ABC", 3, rtc::TimeMicros());
3650   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(ch.receiving(), kShortTimeout, clock);
3651   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(!ch.receiving(), kShortTimeout, clock);
3652 }
3654 // The controlled side will select a connection as the "selected connection"
3655 // based on priority until the controlling side nominates a connection, at which
3656 // point the controlled side will select that connection as the
3657 // "selected connection". Plus, SignalNetworkRouteChanged will be fired if the
3658 // selected connection changes and SignalReadyToSend will be fired if the new
3659 // selected connection is writable.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,TestSelectConnectionBeforeNomination)3660 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest, TestSelectConnectionBeforeNomination) {
3661   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
3662   P2PTransportChannel ch("receiving state change", 1, &pa);
3663   PrepareChannel(&ch);
3664   ch.SetIceRole(ICEROLE_CONTROLLED);
3665   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
3666   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 1, 1));
3667   Connection* conn1 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 1);
3668   ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 != nullptr);
3669   // Channel is not ready to send because it is not writable.
3670   EXPECT_FALSE(channel_ready_to_send());
3671   int last_packet_id = 0;
3672   const char* data = "ABCDEFGH";
3673   int len = static_cast<int>(strlen(data));
3674   EXPECT_EQ(-1, SendData(&ch, data, len, ++last_packet_id));
3675   EXPECT_EQ(-1, last_sent_packet_id());
3677   // A connection needs to be writable before it is selected for transmission.
3678   conn1->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");
3679   EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(conn1, ch.selected_connection(), kDefaultTimeout);
3680   EXPECT_TRUE(CandidatePairMatchesNetworkRoute(conn1));
3681   EXPECT_TRUE(ConnectionMatchesChangeEvent(
3682       conn1, "remote candidate generation maybe changed"));
3683   EXPECT_EQ(len, SendData(&ch, data, len, ++last_packet_id));
3685   // When a higher priority candidate comes in, the new connection is chosen
3686   // as the selected connection.
3687   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 2, 10));
3688   Connection* conn2 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 2);
3689   ASSERT_TRUE(conn2 != nullptr);
3690   conn2->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");
3691   EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(conn2, ch.selected_connection(), kDefaultTimeout);
3692   EXPECT_TRUE(CandidatePairMatchesNetworkRoute(conn2));
3694       ConnectionMatchesChangeEvent(conn2, "candidate pair state changed"));
3695   EXPECT_TRUE(channel_ready_to_send());
3696   EXPECT_EQ(last_packet_id, last_sent_packet_id());
3698   // If a stun request with use-candidate attribute arrives, the receiving
3699   // connection will be set as the selected connection, even though
3700   // its priority is lower.
3701   EXPECT_EQ(len, SendData(&ch, data, len, ++last_packet_id));
3702   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 3, 1));
3703   Connection* conn3 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 3);
3704   ASSERT_TRUE(conn3 != nullptr);
3705   // Because it has a lower priority, the selected connection is still conn2.
3706   EXPECT_EQ(conn2, ch.selected_connection());
3707   conn3->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");  // Become writable.
3708   // But if it is nominated via use_candidate, it is chosen as the selected
3709   // connection.
3710   NominateConnection(conn3);
3711   ASSERT_EQ(conn3, ch.selected_connection());
3713   EXPECT_TRUE(CandidatePairMatchesNetworkRoute(conn3));
3715       ConnectionMatchesChangeEvent(conn3, "nomination on the controlled side"));
3716   EXPECT_EQ(last_packet_id, last_sent_packet_id());
3717   EXPECT_TRUE(channel_ready_to_send());
3719   // Even if another higher priority candidate arrives, it will not be set as
3720   // the selected connection because the selected connection is nominated by
3721   // the controlling side.
3722   EXPECT_EQ(len, SendData(&ch, data, len, ++last_packet_id));
3723   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 4, 100));
3724   Connection* conn4 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 4);
3725   ASSERT_TRUE(conn4 != nullptr);
3726   EXPECT_EQ(conn3, ch.selected_connection());
3727   // But if it is nominated via use_candidate and writable, it will be set as
3728   // the selected connection.
3729   NominateConnection(conn4);
3730   // Not switched yet because conn4 is not writable.
3731   EXPECT_EQ(conn3, ch.selected_connection());
3732   reset_channel_ready_to_send();
3733   // The selected connection switches after conn4 becomes writable.
3734   conn4->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");
3735   EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(conn4, ch.selected_connection(), kDefaultTimeout);
3736   EXPECT_TRUE(CandidatePairMatchesNetworkRoute(conn4));
3738       ConnectionMatchesChangeEvent(conn4, "candidate pair state changed"));
3739   EXPECT_EQ(last_packet_id, last_sent_packet_id());
3740   // SignalReadyToSend is fired again because conn4 is writable.
3741   EXPECT_TRUE(channel_ready_to_send());
3742 }
3744 // Test the field trial send_ping_on_nomination_ice_controlled
3745 // that sends a ping directly when a connection has been nominated
3746 // i.e on the ICE_CONTROLLED-side.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,TestPingOnNomination)3747 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest, TestPingOnNomination) {
3748   webrtc::test::ScopedFieldTrials field_trials(
3749       "WebRTC-IceFieldTrials/send_ping_on_nomination_ice_controlled:true/");
3750   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
3751   P2PTransportChannel ch("receiving state change", 1, &pa);
3752   PrepareChannel(&ch);
3753   ch.SetIceConfig(ch.config());
3754   ch.SetIceRole(ICEROLE_CONTROLLED);
3755   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
3756   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 1, 1));
3757   Connection* conn1 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 1);
3758   ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 != nullptr);
3760   // A connection needs to be writable before it is selected for transmission.
3761   conn1->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");
3762   EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(conn1, ch.selected_connection(), kDefaultTimeout);
3763   EXPECT_TRUE(CandidatePairMatchesNetworkRoute(conn1));
3765   // When a higher priority candidate comes in, the new connection is chosen
3766   // as the selected connection.
3767   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 2, 10));
3768   Connection* conn2 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 2);
3769   ASSERT_TRUE(conn2 != nullptr);
3770   conn2->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");
3771   EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(conn2, ch.selected_connection(), kDefaultTimeout);
3772   EXPECT_TRUE(CandidatePairMatchesNetworkRoute(conn2));
3774   // Now nominate conn1 (low prio), it shall be choosen.
3775   const int before = conn1->num_pings_sent();
3776   NominateConnection(conn1);
3777   ASSERT_EQ(conn1, ch.selected_connection());
3778   EXPECT_TRUE(CandidatePairMatchesNetworkRoute(conn1));
3780   // And the additional ping should have been sent directly.
3781   EXPECT_EQ(conn1->num_pings_sent(), before + 1);
3782 }
3784 // Test the field trial send_ping_on_switch_ice_controlling
3785 // that sends a ping directly when switching to a new connection
3786 // on the ICE_CONTROLLING-side.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,TestPingOnSwitch)3787 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest, TestPingOnSwitch) {
3788   webrtc::test::ScopedFieldTrials field_trials(
3789       "WebRTC-IceFieldTrials/send_ping_on_switch_ice_controlling:true/");
3790   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
3791   P2PTransportChannel ch("receiving state change", 1, &pa);
3792   PrepareChannel(&ch);
3793   ch.SetIceConfig(ch.config());
3794   ch.SetIceRole(ICEROLE_CONTROLLING);
3795   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
3796   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 1, 1));
3797   Connection* conn1 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 1);
3798   ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 != nullptr);
3800   // A connection needs to be writable before it is selected for transmission.
3801   conn1->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");
3802   EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(conn1, ch.selected_connection(), kDefaultTimeout);
3803   EXPECT_TRUE(CandidatePairMatchesNetworkRoute(conn1));
3805   // When a higher priority candidate comes in, the new connection is chosen
3806   // as the selected connection.
3807   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 2, 10));
3808   Connection* conn2 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 2);
3809   ASSERT_TRUE(conn2 != nullptr);
3811   const int before = conn2->num_pings_sent();
3813   conn2->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");
3814   EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(conn2, ch.selected_connection(), kDefaultTimeout);
3815   EXPECT_TRUE(CandidatePairMatchesNetworkRoute(conn2));
3817   // And the additional ping should have been sent directly.
3818   EXPECT_EQ(conn2->num_pings_sent(), before + 1);
3819 }
3821 // The controlled side will select a connection as the "selected connection"
3822 // based on requests from an unknown address before the controlling side
3823 // nominates a connection, and will nominate a connection from an unknown
3824 // address if the request contains the use_candidate attribute. Plus, it will
3825 // also sends back a ping response and set the ICE pwd in the remote candidate
3826 // appropriately.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,TestSelectConnectionFromUnknownAddress)3827 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest, TestSelectConnectionFromUnknownAddress) {
3828   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
3829   P2PTransportChannel ch("receiving state change", 1, &pa);
3830   PrepareChannel(&ch);
3831   ch.SetIceRole(ICEROLE_CONTROLLED);
3832   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
3833   // A minimal STUN message with prflx priority.
3834   IceMessage request;
3835   request.SetType(STUN_BINDING_REQUEST);
3836   request.AddAttribute(std::make_unique<StunByteStringAttribute>(
3837       STUN_ATTR_USERNAME, kIceUfrag[1]));
3838   uint32_t prflx_priority = ICE_TYPE_PREFERENCE_PRFLX << 24;
3839   request.AddAttribute(std::make_unique<StunUInt32Attribute>(STUN_ATTR_PRIORITY,
3840                                                              prflx_priority));
3841   TestUDPPort* port = static_cast<TestUDPPort*>(GetPort(&ch));
3842   port->SignalUnknownAddress(port, rtc::SocketAddress("", 1), PROTO_UDP,
3843                              &request, kIceUfrag[1], false);
3844   Connection* conn1 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 1);
3845   ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 != nullptr);
3846   EXPECT_EQ(conn1->stats().sent_ping_responses, 1u);
3847   EXPECT_NE(conn1, ch.selected_connection());
3848   conn1->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");
3849   EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(conn1, ch.selected_connection(), kDefaultTimeout);
3851   // Another connection is nominated via use_candidate.
3852   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 2, 1));
3853   Connection* conn2 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 2);
3854   ASSERT_TRUE(conn2 != nullptr);
3855   // Because it has a lower priority, the selected connection is still conn1.
3856   EXPECT_EQ(conn1, ch.selected_connection());
3857   // When it is nominated via use_candidate and writable, it is chosen as the
3858   // selected connection.
3859   conn2->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");  // Become writable.
3860   NominateConnection(conn2);
3861   EXPECT_EQ(conn2, ch.selected_connection());
3863   // Another request with unknown address, it will not be set as the selected
3864   // connection because the selected connection was nominated by the controlling
3865   // side.
3866   port->SignalUnknownAddress(port, rtc::SocketAddress("", 3), PROTO_UDP,
3867                              &request, kIceUfrag[1], false);
3868   Connection* conn3 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 3);
3869   ASSERT_TRUE(conn3 != nullptr);
3870   EXPECT_EQ(conn3->stats().sent_ping_responses, 1u);
3871   conn3->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");  // Become writable.
3872   EXPECT_EQ(conn2, ch.selected_connection());
3874   // However if the request contains use_candidate attribute, it will be
3875   // selected as the selected connection.
3876   request.AddAttribute(
3877       std::make_unique<StunByteStringAttribute>(STUN_ATTR_USE_CANDIDATE));
3878   port->SignalUnknownAddress(port, rtc::SocketAddress("", 4), PROTO_UDP,
3879                              &request, kIceUfrag[1], false);
3880   Connection* conn4 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 4);
3881   ASSERT_TRUE(conn4 != nullptr);
3882   EXPECT_EQ(conn4->stats().sent_ping_responses, 1u);
3883   // conn4 is not the selected connection yet because it is not writable.
3884   EXPECT_EQ(conn2, ch.selected_connection());
3885   conn4->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");  // Become writable.
3886   EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(conn4, ch.selected_connection(), kDefaultTimeout);
3888   // Test that the request from an unknown address contains a ufrag from an old
3889   // generation.
3890   // port->set_sent_binding_response(false);
3891   ch.SetRemoteIceParameters(kIceParams[2]);
3892   ch.SetRemoteIceParameters(kIceParams[3]);
3893   port->SignalUnknownAddress(port, rtc::SocketAddress("", 5), PROTO_UDP,
3894                              &request, kIceUfrag[2], false);
3895   Connection* conn5 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 5);
3896   ASSERT_TRUE(conn5 != nullptr);
3897   EXPECT_EQ(conn5->stats().sent_ping_responses, 1u);
3898   EXPECT_EQ(kIcePwd[2], conn5->remote_candidate().password());
3899 }
3901 // The controlled side will select a connection as the "selected connection"
3902 // based on media received until the controlling side nominates a connection,
3903 // at which point the controlled side will select that connection as
3904 // the "selected connection".
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,TestSelectConnectionBasedOnMediaReceived)3905 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest, TestSelectConnectionBasedOnMediaReceived) {
3906   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
3907   P2PTransportChannel ch("receiving state change", 1, &pa);
3908   PrepareChannel(&ch);
3909   ch.SetIceRole(ICEROLE_CONTROLLED);
3910   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
3911   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 1, 10));
3912   Connection* conn1 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 1);
3913   ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 != nullptr);
3914   conn1->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");
3915   EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(conn1, ch.selected_connection(), kDefaultTimeout);
3917   // If a data packet is received on conn2, the selected connection should
3918   // switch to conn2 because the controlled side must mirror the media path
3919   // chosen by the controlling side.
3920   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 2, 1));
3921   Connection* conn2 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 2);
3922   ASSERT_TRUE(conn2 != nullptr);
3923   conn2->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");  // Become writable and receiving.
3924   conn2->OnReadPacket("ABC", 3, rtc::TimeMicros());
3925   EXPECT_EQ(conn2, ch.selected_connection());
3926   conn2->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");  // Become writable.
3928   // Now another STUN message with an unknown address and use_candidate will
3929   // nominate the selected connection.
3930   IceMessage request;
3931   request.SetType(STUN_BINDING_REQUEST);
3932   request.AddAttribute(std::make_unique<StunByteStringAttribute>(
3933       STUN_ATTR_USERNAME, kIceUfrag[1]));
3934   uint32_t prflx_priority = ICE_TYPE_PREFERENCE_PRFLX << 24;
3935   request.AddAttribute(std::make_unique<StunUInt32Attribute>(STUN_ATTR_PRIORITY,
3936                                                              prflx_priority));
3937   request.AddAttribute(
3938       std::make_unique<StunByteStringAttribute>(STUN_ATTR_USE_CANDIDATE));
3939   Port* port = GetPort(&ch);
3940   port->SignalUnknownAddress(port, rtc::SocketAddress("", 3), PROTO_UDP,
3941                              &request, kIceUfrag[1], false);
3942   Connection* conn3 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 3);
3943   ASSERT_TRUE(conn3 != nullptr);
3944   EXPECT_NE(conn3, ch.selected_connection());  // Not writable yet.
3945   conn3->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");  // Become writable.
3946   EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(conn3, ch.selected_connection(), kDefaultTimeout);
3948   // Now another data packet will not switch the selected connection because the
3949   // selected connection was nominated by the controlling side.
3950   conn2->ReceivedPing();
3951   conn2->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");
3952   conn2->OnReadPacket("XYZ", 3, rtc::TimeMicros());
3953   EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(conn3, ch.selected_connection(), kDefaultTimeout);
3954 }
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,TestControlledAgentDataReceivingTakesHigherPrecedenceThanPriority)3956 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,
3957        TestControlledAgentDataReceivingTakesHigherPrecedenceThanPriority) {
3958   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
3959   clock.AdvanceTime(webrtc::TimeDelta::Seconds(1));
3960   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
3961   P2PTransportChannel ch("SwitchSelectedConnection", 1, &pa);
3962   PrepareChannel(&ch);
3963   ch.SetIceRole(ICEROLE_CONTROLLED);
3964   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
3965   // The connections have decreasing priority.
3966   Connection* conn1 =
3967       CreateConnectionWithCandidate(&ch, &clock, "", 1, 10, true);
3968   ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 != nullptr);
3969   Connection* conn2 =
3970       CreateConnectionWithCandidate(&ch, &clock, "", 2, 9, true);
3971   ASSERT_TRUE(conn2 != nullptr);
3973   // Initially, connections are selected based on priority.
3974   EXPECT_EQ(1, reset_selected_candidate_pair_switches());
3975   EXPECT_TRUE(CandidatePairMatchesNetworkRoute(conn1));
3977   // conn2 receives data; it becomes selected.
3978   // Advance the clock by 1ms so that the last data receiving timestamp of
3979   // conn2 is larger.
3980   SIMULATED_WAIT(false, 1, clock);
3981   conn2->OnReadPacket("XYZ", 3, rtc::TimeMicros());
3982   EXPECT_EQ(1, reset_selected_candidate_pair_switches());
3983   EXPECT_TRUE(CandidatePairMatchesNetworkRoute(conn2));
3985   // conn1 also receives data; it becomes selected due to priority again.
3986   conn1->OnReadPacket("XYZ", 3, rtc::TimeMicros());
3987   EXPECT_EQ(1, reset_selected_candidate_pair_switches());
3988   EXPECT_TRUE(CandidatePairMatchesNetworkRoute(conn2));
3990   // conn2 received data more recently; it is selected now because it
3991   // received data more recently.
3992   SIMULATED_WAIT(false, 1, clock);
3993   // Need to become writable again because it was pruned.
3994   conn2->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");
3995   conn2->OnReadPacket("XYZ", 3, rtc::TimeMicros());
3996   EXPECT_EQ(1, reset_selected_candidate_pair_switches());
3997   EXPECT_TRUE(CandidatePairMatchesNetworkRoute(conn2));
3999   // Make sure sorting won't reselect candidate pair.
4000   SIMULATED_WAIT(false, 10, clock);
4001   EXPECT_EQ(0, reset_selected_candidate_pair_switches());
4002 }
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,TestControlledAgentNominationTakesHigherPrecedenceThanDataReceiving)4004 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,
4005        TestControlledAgentNominationTakesHigherPrecedenceThanDataReceiving) {
4006   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
4007   clock.AdvanceTime(webrtc::TimeDelta::Seconds(1));
4009   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
4010   P2PTransportChannel ch("SwitchSelectedConnection", 1, &pa);
4011   PrepareChannel(&ch);
4012   ch.SetIceRole(ICEROLE_CONTROLLED);
4013   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
4014   // The connections have decreasing priority.
4015   Connection* conn1 =
4016       CreateConnectionWithCandidate(&ch, &clock, "", 1, 10, true);
4017   ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 != nullptr);
4018   Connection* conn2 =
4019       CreateConnectionWithCandidate(&ch, &clock, "", 2, 9, true);
4020   ASSERT_TRUE(conn2 != nullptr);
4022   // conn1 received data; it is the selected connection.
4023   // Advance the clock to have a non-zero last-data-receiving time.
4024   SIMULATED_WAIT(false, 1, clock);
4025   conn1->OnReadPacket("XYZ", 3, rtc::TimeMicros());
4026   EXPECT_EQ(1, reset_selected_candidate_pair_switches());
4027   EXPECT_TRUE(CandidatePairMatchesNetworkRoute(conn1));
4029   // conn2 is nominated; it becomes the selected connection.
4030   NominateConnection(conn2);
4031   EXPECT_EQ(1, reset_selected_candidate_pair_switches());
4032   EXPECT_TRUE(CandidatePairMatchesNetworkRoute(conn2));
4034   // conn1 is selected because it has higher priority and also nominated.
4035   NominateConnection(conn1);
4036   EXPECT_EQ(1, reset_selected_candidate_pair_switches());
4037   EXPECT_TRUE(CandidatePairMatchesNetworkRoute(conn2));
4039   // Make sure sorting won't reselect candidate pair.
4040   SIMULATED_WAIT(false, 10, clock);
4041   EXPECT_EQ(0, reset_selected_candidate_pair_switches());
4042 }
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,TestControlledAgentSelectsConnectionWithHigherNomination)4044 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,
4045        TestControlledAgentSelectsConnectionWithHigherNomination) {
4046   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
4047   clock.AdvanceTime(webrtc::TimeDelta::Seconds(1));
4049   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
4050   P2PTransportChannel ch("test", 1, &pa);
4051   PrepareChannel(&ch);
4052   ch.SetIceRole(ICEROLE_CONTROLLED);
4053   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
4054   // The connections have decreasing priority.
4055   Connection* conn1 =
4056       CreateConnectionWithCandidate(&ch, &clock, "", 1, 10, true);
4057   ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 != nullptr);
4058   Connection* conn2 =
4059       CreateConnectionWithCandidate(&ch, &clock, "", 2, 9, true);
4060   ASSERT_TRUE(conn2 != nullptr);
4062   // conn1 is the selected connection because it has a higher priority,
4063   EXPECT_EQ_SIMULATED_WAIT(conn1, ch.selected_connection(), kDefaultTimeout,
4064                            clock);
4065   EXPECT_TRUE(CandidatePairMatchesNetworkRoute(conn1));
4066   reset_selected_candidate_pair_switches();
4068   // conn2 is nominated; it becomes selected.
4069   NominateConnection(conn2);
4070   EXPECT_EQ(1, reset_selected_candidate_pair_switches());
4071   EXPECT_EQ(conn2, ch.selected_connection());
4072   EXPECT_TRUE(CandidatePairMatchesNetworkRoute(conn2));
4074   // conn1 is selected because of its priority.
4075   NominateConnection(conn1);
4076   EXPECT_EQ(1, reset_selected_candidate_pair_switches());
4077   EXPECT_EQ(conn1, ch.selected_connection());
4078   EXPECT_TRUE(CandidatePairMatchesNetworkRoute(conn1));
4080   // conn2 gets higher remote nomination; it is selected again.
4081   NominateConnection(conn2, 2U);
4082   EXPECT_EQ(1, reset_selected_candidate_pair_switches());
4083   EXPECT_EQ(conn2, ch.selected_connection());
4084   EXPECT_TRUE(CandidatePairMatchesNetworkRoute(conn2));
4086   // Make sure sorting won't reselect candidate pair.
4087   SIMULATED_WAIT(false, 100, clock);
4088   EXPECT_EQ(0, reset_selected_candidate_pair_switches());
4089 }
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,TestControlledAgentIgnoresSmallerNomination)4091 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,
4092        TestControlledAgentIgnoresSmallerNomination) {
4093   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
4094   clock.AdvanceTime(webrtc::TimeDelta::Seconds(1));
4096   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
4097   P2PTransportChannel ch("test", 1, &pa);
4098   PrepareChannel(&ch);
4099   ch.SetIceRole(ICEROLE_CONTROLLED);
4100   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
4101   Connection* conn =
4102       CreateConnectionWithCandidate(&ch, &clock, "", 1, 10, false);
4103   ReceivePingOnConnection(conn, kIceUfrag[1], 1, 2U);
4104   EXPECT_EQ(2U, conn->remote_nomination());
4105   // Smaller nomination is ignored.
4106   ReceivePingOnConnection(conn, kIceUfrag[1], 1, 1U);
4107   EXPECT_EQ(2U, conn->remote_nomination());
4108 }
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,TestControlledAgentWriteStateTakesHigherPrecedenceThanNomination)4110 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,
4111        TestControlledAgentWriteStateTakesHigherPrecedenceThanNomination) {
4112   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
4114   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
4115   P2PTransportChannel ch("SwitchSelectedConnection", 1, &pa);
4116   PrepareChannel(&ch);
4117   ch.SetIceRole(ICEROLE_CONTROLLED);
4118   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
4119   // The connections have decreasing priority.
4120   Connection* conn1 =
4121       CreateConnectionWithCandidate(&ch, &clock, "", 1, 10, false);
4122   ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 != nullptr);
4123   Connection* conn2 =
4124       CreateConnectionWithCandidate(&ch, &clock, "", 2, 9, false);
4125   ASSERT_TRUE(conn2 != nullptr);
4127   NominateConnection(conn1);
4128   // There is no selected connection because no connection is writable.
4129   EXPECT_EQ(0, reset_selected_candidate_pair_switches());
4131   // conn2 becomes writable; it is selected even though it is not nominated.
4132   conn2->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");
4133   EXPECT_EQ_SIMULATED_WAIT(1, reset_selected_candidate_pair_switches(),
4134                            kDefaultTimeout, clock);
4135   EXPECT_EQ_SIMULATED_WAIT(conn2, ch.selected_connection(), kDefaultTimeout,
4136                            clock);
4137   EXPECT_TRUE(CandidatePairMatchesNetworkRoute(conn2));
4139   // If conn1 is also writable, it will become selected.
4140   conn1->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");
4141   EXPECT_EQ_SIMULATED_WAIT(1, reset_selected_candidate_pair_switches(),
4142                            kDefaultTimeout, clock);
4143   EXPECT_EQ_SIMULATED_WAIT(conn1, ch.selected_connection(), kDefaultTimeout,
4144                            clock);
4145   EXPECT_TRUE(CandidatePairMatchesNetworkRoute(conn1));
4147   // Make sure sorting won't reselect candidate pair.
4148   SIMULATED_WAIT(false, 10, clock);
4149   EXPECT_EQ(0, reset_selected_candidate_pair_switches());
4150 }
4152 // Test that if a new remote candidate has the same address and port with
4153 // an old one, it will be used to create a new connection.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,TestAddRemoteCandidateWithAddressReuse)4154 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest, TestAddRemoteCandidateWithAddressReuse) {
4155   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
4156   P2PTransportChannel ch("candidate reuse", 1, &pa);
4157   PrepareChannel(&ch);
4158   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
4159   const std::string host_address = "";
4160   const int port_num = 1;
4162   // kIceUfrag[1] is the current generation ufrag.
4163   Candidate candidate = CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, host_address,
4164                                            port_num, 1, kIceUfrag[1]);
4165   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(candidate);
4166   Connection* conn1 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, host_address, port_num);
4167   ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 != nullptr);
4168   EXPECT_EQ(0u, conn1->remote_candidate().generation());
4170   // Simply adding the same candidate again won't create a new connection.
4171   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(candidate);
4172   Connection* conn2 = GetConnectionTo(&ch, host_address, port_num);
4173   EXPECT_EQ(conn1, conn2);
4175   // Update the ufrag of the candidate and add it again.
4176   candidate.set_username(kIceUfrag[2]);
4177   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(candidate);
4178   conn2 = GetConnectionTo(&ch, host_address, port_num);
4179   EXPECT_NE(conn1, conn2);
4180   EXPECT_EQ(kIceUfrag[2], conn2->remote_candidate().username());
4181   EXPECT_EQ(1u, conn2->remote_candidate().generation());
4183   // Verify that a ping with the new ufrag can be received on the new
4184   // connection.
4185   EXPECT_EQ(0, conn2->last_ping_received());
4186   ReceivePingOnConnection(conn2, kIceUfrag[2], 1 /* priority */);
4187   EXPECT_GT(conn2->last_ping_received(), 0);
4188 }
4190 // When the current selected connection is strong, lower-priority connections
4191 // will be pruned. Otherwise, lower-priority connections are kept.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,TestDontPruneWhenWeak)4192 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest, TestDontPruneWhenWeak) {
4193   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
4194   clock.AdvanceTime(webrtc::TimeDelta::Seconds(1));
4195   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
4196   P2PTransportChannel ch("test channel", 1, &pa);
4197   PrepareChannel(&ch);
4198   ch.SetIceRole(ICEROLE_CONTROLLED);
4199   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
4200   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 1, 1));
4201   Connection* conn1 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 1);
4202   ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 != nullptr);
4203   EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, ch.selected_connection());
4204   conn1->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");  // Becomes writable and receiving
4206   // When a higher-priority, nominated candidate comes in, the connections with
4207   // lower-priority are pruned.
4208   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 2, 10));
4209   Connection* conn2 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 2, &clock);
4210   ASSERT_TRUE(conn2 != nullptr);
4211   conn2->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");  // Becomes writable and receiving
4212   NominateConnection(conn2);
4213   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(conn1->pruned(), kMediumTimeout, clock);
4215   ch.SetIceConfig(CreateIceConfig(500, GATHER_ONCE));
4216   // Wait until conn2 becomes not receiving.
4217   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(!conn2->receiving(), kMediumTimeout, clock);
4219   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 3, 1));
4220   Connection* conn3 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 3, &clock);
4221   ASSERT_TRUE(conn3 != nullptr);
4222   // The selected connection should still be conn2. Even through conn3 has lower
4223   // priority and is not receiving/writable, it is not pruned because the
4224   // selected connection is not receiving.
4225   SIMULATED_WAIT(conn3->pruned(), kShortTimeout, clock);
4226   EXPECT_FALSE(conn3->pruned());
4227 }
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,TestDontPruneHighPriorityConnections)4229 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest, TestDontPruneHighPriorityConnections) {
4230   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
4231   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
4232   P2PTransportChannel ch("test channel", 1, &pa);
4233   PrepareChannel(&ch);
4234   ch.SetIceRole(ICEROLE_CONTROLLED);
4235   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
4236   Connection* conn1 =
4237       CreateConnectionWithCandidate(&ch, &clock, "", 1, 100, true);
4238   ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 != nullptr);
4239   Connection* conn2 =
4240       CreateConnectionWithCandidate(&ch, &clock, "", 2, 200, false);
4241   ASSERT_TRUE(conn2 != nullptr);
4242   // Even if conn1 is writable, nominated, receiving data, it should not prune
4243   // conn2.
4244   NominateConnection(conn1);
4245   SIMULATED_WAIT(false, 1, clock);
4246   conn1->OnReadPacket("XYZ", 3, rtc::TimeMicros());
4247   SIMULATED_WAIT(conn2->pruned(), 100, clock);
4248   EXPECT_FALSE(conn2->pruned());
4249 }
4251 // Test that GetState returns the state correctly.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,TestGetState)4252 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest, TestGetState) {
4253   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
4254   clock.AdvanceTime(webrtc::TimeDelta::Seconds(1));
4255   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
4256   P2PTransportChannel ch("test channel", 1, &pa);
4257   EXPECT_EQ(webrtc::IceTransportState::kNew, ch.GetIceTransportState());
4258   PrepareChannel(&ch);
4259   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
4260   // After gathering we are still in the kNew state because we aren't checking
4261   // any connections yet.
4262   EXPECT_EQ(webrtc::IceTransportState::kNew, ch.GetIceTransportState());
4263   EXPECT_EQ(IceTransportState::STATE_INIT, ch.GetState());
4264   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 1, 100));
4265   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 2, 1));
4266   // Checking candidates that have been added with gathered candidates.
4267   ASSERT_GT(ch.connections().size(), 0u);
4268   EXPECT_EQ(webrtc::IceTransportState::kChecking, ch.GetIceTransportState());
4269   Connection* conn1 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 1, &clock);
4270   Connection* conn2 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 2, &clock);
4271   ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 != nullptr);
4272   ASSERT_TRUE(conn2 != nullptr);
4273   // Now there are two connections, so the transport channel is connecting.
4274   EXPECT_EQ(IceTransportState::STATE_CONNECTING, ch.GetState());
4275   // No connections are writable yet, so we should still be in the kChecking
4276   // state.
4277   EXPECT_EQ(webrtc::IceTransportState::kChecking, ch.GetIceTransportState());
4278   // |conn1| becomes writable and receiving; it then should prune |conn2|.
4279   conn1->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");
4280   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(conn2->pruned(), kShortTimeout, clock);
4281   EXPECT_EQ(IceTransportState::STATE_COMPLETED, ch.GetState());
4282   EXPECT_EQ(webrtc::IceTransportState::kConnected, ch.GetIceTransportState());
4283   conn1->Prune();  // All connections are pruned.
4284   // Need to wait until the channel state is updated.
4285   EXPECT_EQ_SIMULATED_WAIT(IceTransportState::STATE_FAILED, ch.GetState(),
4286                            kShortTimeout, clock);
4287   EXPECT_EQ(webrtc::IceTransportState::kFailed, ch.GetIceTransportState());
4288 }
4290 // Test that when a low-priority connection is pruned, it is not deleted
4291 // right away, and it can become active and be pruned again.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,TestConnectionPrunedAgain)4292 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest, TestConnectionPrunedAgain) {
4293   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
4294   clock.AdvanceTime(webrtc::TimeDelta::Seconds(1));
4296   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
4297   P2PTransportChannel ch("test channel", 1, &pa);
4298   PrepareChannel(&ch);
4299   IceConfig config = CreateIceConfig(1000, GATHER_ONCE);
4300   config.receiving_switching_delay = 800;
4301   ch.SetIceConfig(config);
4302   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
4303   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 1, 100));
4304   Connection* conn1 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 1, &clock);
4305   ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 != nullptr);
4306   EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, ch.selected_connection());
4307   conn1->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");  // Becomes writable and receiving
4308   EXPECT_EQ_SIMULATED_WAIT(conn1, ch.selected_connection(), kDefaultTimeout,
4309                            clock);
4311   // Add a low-priority connection |conn2|, which will be pruned, but it will
4312   // not be deleted right away. Once the current selected connection becomes not
4313   // receiving, |conn2| will start to ping and upon receiving the ping response,
4314   // it will become the selected connection.
4315   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 2, 1));
4316   Connection* conn2 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 2, &clock);
4317   ASSERT_TRUE(conn2 != nullptr);
4318   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(!conn2->active(), kDefaultTimeout, clock);
4319   // |conn2| should not send a ping yet.
4320   EXPECT_EQ(IceCandidatePairState::WAITING, conn2->state());
4321   EXPECT_EQ(IceTransportState::STATE_COMPLETED, ch.GetState());
4322   // Wait for |conn1| becoming not receiving.
4323   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(!conn1->receiving(), kMediumTimeout, clock);
4324   // Make sure conn2 is not deleted.
4325   conn2 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 2, &clock);
4326   ASSERT_TRUE(conn2 != nullptr);
4327   EXPECT_EQ_SIMULATED_WAIT(IceCandidatePairState::IN_PROGRESS, conn2->state(),
4328                            kDefaultTimeout, clock);
4329   conn2->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");
4330   EXPECT_EQ_SIMULATED_WAIT(conn2, ch.selected_connection(), kDefaultTimeout,
4331                            clock);
4332   EXPECT_EQ(IceTransportState::STATE_CONNECTING, ch.GetState());
4334   // When |conn1| comes back again, |conn2| will be pruned again.
4335   conn1->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");
4336   EXPECT_EQ_SIMULATED_WAIT(conn1, ch.selected_connection(), kDefaultTimeout,
4337                            clock);
4338   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(!conn2->active(), kDefaultTimeout, clock);
4339   EXPECT_EQ(IceTransportState::STATE_COMPLETED, ch.GetState());
4340 }
4342 // Test that if all connections in a channel has timed out on writing, they
4343 // will all be deleted. We use Prune to simulate write_time_out.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,TestDeleteConnectionsIfAllWriteTimedout)4344 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest, TestDeleteConnectionsIfAllWriteTimedout) {
4345   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
4346   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
4347   P2PTransportChannel ch("test channel", 1, &pa);
4348   PrepareChannel(&ch);
4349   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
4350   // Have one connection only but later becomes write-time-out.
4351   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 1, 100));
4352   Connection* conn1 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 1, &clock);
4353   ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 != nullptr);
4354   conn1->ReceivedPing();  // Becomes receiving
4355   conn1->Prune();
4356   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(ch.connections().empty(), kShortTimeout, clock);
4358   // Have two connections but both become write-time-out later.
4359   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 2, 1));
4360   Connection* conn2 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 2, &clock);
4361   ASSERT_TRUE(conn2 != nullptr);
4362   conn2->ReceivedPing();  // Becomes receiving
4363   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 3, 2));
4364   Connection* conn3 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 3, &clock);
4365   ASSERT_TRUE(conn3 != nullptr);
4366   conn3->ReceivedPing();  // Becomes receiving
4367   // Now prune both conn2 and conn3; they will be deleted soon.
4368   conn2->Prune();
4369   conn3->Prune();
4370   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(ch.connections().empty(), kShortTimeout, clock);
4371 }
4373 // Tests that after a port allocator session is started, it will be stopped
4374 // when a new connection becomes writable and receiving. Also tests that if a
4375 // connection belonging to an old session becomes writable, it won't stop
4376 // the current port allocator session.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,TestStopPortAllocatorSessions)4377 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest, TestStopPortAllocatorSessions) {
4378   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
4379   P2PTransportChannel ch("test channel", 1, &pa);
4380   PrepareChannel(&ch);
4381   ch.SetIceConfig(CreateIceConfig(2000, GATHER_ONCE));
4382   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
4383   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 1, 100));
4384   Connection* conn1 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 1);
4385   ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 != nullptr);
4386   conn1->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");  // Becomes writable and receiving
4387   EXPECT_TRUE(!ch.allocator_session()->IsGettingPorts());
4389   // Start a new session. Even though conn1, which belongs to an older
4390   // session, becomes unwritable and writable again, it should not stop the
4391   // current session.
4392   ch.SetIceParameters(kIceParams[1]);
4393   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
4394   conn1->Prune();
4395   conn1->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");
4396   EXPECT_TRUE(ch.allocator_session()->IsGettingPorts());
4398   // But if a new connection created from the new session becomes writable,
4399   // it will stop the current session.
4400   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 2, 100));
4401   Connection* conn2 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 2);
4402   ASSERT_TRUE(conn2 != nullptr);
4403   conn2->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");  // Becomes writable and receiving
4404   EXPECT_TRUE(!ch.allocator_session()->IsGettingPorts());
4405 }
4407 // Test that the ICE role is updated even on ports that has been removed.
4408 // These ports may still have connections that need a correct role, in case that
4409 // the connections on it may still receive stun pings.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,TestIceRoleUpdatedOnRemovedPort)4410 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest, TestIceRoleUpdatedOnRemovedPort) {
4411   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
4412   P2PTransportChannel ch("test channel", ICE_CANDIDATE_COMPONENT_DEFAULT, &pa);
4413   // Starts with ICEROLE_CONTROLLING.
4414   PrepareChannel(&ch);
4415   IceConfig config = CreateIceConfig(1000, GATHER_CONTINUALLY);
4416   ch.SetIceConfig(config);
4417   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
4418   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 1, 1));
4420   Connection* conn = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 1);
4421   ASSERT_TRUE(conn != nullptr);
4423   // Make a fake signal to remove the ports in the p2ptransportchannel. then
4424   // change the ICE role and expect it to be updated.
4425   std::vector<PortInterface*> ports(1, conn->PortForTest());
4426   ch.allocator_session()->SignalPortsPruned(ch.allocator_session(), ports);
4427   ch.SetIceRole(ICEROLE_CONTROLLED);
4428   EXPECT_EQ(ICEROLE_CONTROLLED, conn->PortForTest()->GetIceRole());
4429 }
4431 // Test that the ICE role is updated even on ports with inactive networks.
4432 // These ports may still have connections that need a correct role, for the
4433 // pings sent by those connections until they're replaced by newer-generation
4434 // connections.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,TestIceRoleUpdatedOnPortAfterIceRestart)4435 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest, TestIceRoleUpdatedOnPortAfterIceRestart) {
4436   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
4437   P2PTransportChannel ch("test channel", ICE_CANDIDATE_COMPONENT_DEFAULT, &pa);
4438   // Starts with ICEROLE_CONTROLLING.
4439   PrepareChannel(&ch);
4440   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
4441   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 1, 1));
4443   Connection* conn = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 1);
4444   ASSERT_TRUE(conn != nullptr);
4446   // Do an ICE restart, change the role, and expect the old port to have its
4447   // role updated.
4448   ch.SetIceParameters(kIceParams[1]);
4449   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
4450   ch.SetIceRole(ICEROLE_CONTROLLED);
4451   EXPECT_EQ(ICEROLE_CONTROLLED, conn->PortForTest()->GetIceRole());
4452 }
4454 // Test that after some amount of time without receiving data, the connection
4455 // will be destroyed. The port will only be destroyed after it is marked as
4456 // "pruned."
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,TestPortDestroyedAfterTimeoutAndPruned)4457 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest, TestPortDestroyedAfterTimeoutAndPruned) {
4458   rtc::ScopedFakeClock fake_clock;
4460   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
4461   P2PTransportChannel ch("test channel", ICE_CANDIDATE_COMPONENT_DEFAULT, &pa);
4462   PrepareChannel(&ch);
4463   ch.SetIceRole(ICEROLE_CONTROLLED);
4464   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
4465   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 1, 1));
4467   Connection* conn = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 1);
4468   ASSERT_TRUE(conn != nullptr);
4470   // Simulate 2 minutes going by. This should be enough time for the port to
4471   // time out.
4472   for (int second = 0; second < 120; ++second) {
4473     fake_clock.AdvanceTime(webrtc::TimeDelta::Seconds(1));
4474   }
4475   EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, GetConnectionTo(&ch, "", 1));
4476   // Port will not be removed because it is not pruned yet.
4477   PortInterface* port = GetPort(&ch);
4478   ASSERT_NE(nullptr, port);
4480   // If the session prunes all ports, the port will be destroyed.
4481   ch.allocator_session()->PruneAllPorts();
4482   EXPECT_EQ_SIMULATED_WAIT(nullptr, GetPort(&ch), 1, fake_clock);
4483   EXPECT_EQ_SIMULATED_WAIT(nullptr, GetPrunedPort(&ch), 1, fake_clock);
4484 }
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,TestMaxOutstandingPingsFieldTrial)4486 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest, TestMaxOutstandingPingsFieldTrial) {
4487   webrtc::test::ScopedFieldTrials field_trials(
4488       "WebRTC-IceFieldTrials/max_outstanding_pings:3/");
4489   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
4490   P2PTransportChannel ch("max", 1, &pa);
4491   ch.SetIceConfig(ch.config());
4492   PrepareChannel(&ch);
4493   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
4494   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 1, 1));
4495   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 2, 2));
4497   Connection* conn1 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 1);
4498   Connection* conn2 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 2);
4499   ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 != nullptr);
4500   ASSERT_TRUE(conn2 != nullptr);
4502   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(conn1->num_pings_sent() == 3 && conn2->num_pings_sent() == 3,
4503                    kDefaultTimeout);
4505   // Check that these connections don't send any more pings.
4506   EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, ch.FindNextPingableConnection());
4507 }
4509 class P2PTransportChannelMostLikelyToWorkFirstTest
4510     : public P2PTransportChannelPingTest {
4511  public:
P2PTransportChannelMostLikelyToWorkFirstTest()4512   P2PTransportChannelMostLikelyToWorkFirstTest()
4513       : turn_server_(rtc::Thread::Current(), kTurnUdpIntAddr, kTurnUdpExtAddr) {
4514     network_manager_.AddInterface(kPublicAddrs[0]);
4515     allocator_.reset(
4516         CreateBasicPortAllocator(&network_manager_, ServerAddresses(),
4517                                  kTurnUdpIntAddr, rtc::SocketAddress()));
4518     allocator_->set_flags(allocator_->flags() | PORTALLOCATOR_DISABLE_STUN |
4519                           PORTALLOCATOR_DISABLE_TCP);
4520     allocator_->set_step_delay(kMinimumStepDelay);
4521   }
StartTransportChannel(bool prioritize_most_likely_to_work,int stable_writable_connection_ping_interval)4523   P2PTransportChannel& StartTransportChannel(
4524       bool prioritize_most_likely_to_work,
4525       int stable_writable_connection_ping_interval) {
4526     channel_.reset(new P2PTransportChannel("checks", 1, allocator()));
4527     IceConfig config = channel_->config();
4528     config.prioritize_most_likely_candidate_pairs =
4529         prioritize_most_likely_to_work;
4530     config.stable_writable_connection_ping_interval =
4531         stable_writable_connection_ping_interval;
4532     channel_->SetIceConfig(config);
4533     PrepareChannel(channel_.get());
4534     channel_->MaybeStartGathering();
4535     return *channel_.get();
4536   }
allocator()4538   BasicPortAllocator* allocator() { return allocator_.get(); }
turn_server()4539   TestTurnServer* turn_server() { return &turn_server_; }
4541   // This verifies the next pingable connection has the expected candidates'
4542   // types and, for relay local candidate, the expected relay protocol and ping
4543   // it.
VerifyNextPingableConnection(const std::string & local_candidate_type,const std::string & remote_candidate_type,const std::string & relay_protocol_type=UDP_PROTOCOL_NAME)4544   void VerifyNextPingableConnection(
4545       const std::string& local_candidate_type,
4546       const std::string& remote_candidate_type,
4547       const std::string& relay_protocol_type = UDP_PROTOCOL_NAME) {
4548     Connection* conn = FindNextPingableConnectionAndPingIt(channel_.get());
4549     ASSERT_TRUE(conn != nullptr);
4550     EXPECT_EQ(conn->local_candidate().type(), local_candidate_type);
4551     if (conn->local_candidate().type() == RELAY_PORT_TYPE) {
4552       EXPECT_EQ(conn->local_candidate().relay_protocol(), relay_protocol_type);
4553     }
4554     EXPECT_EQ(conn->remote_candidate().type(), remote_candidate_type);
4555   }
4557  private:
4558   std::unique_ptr<BasicPortAllocator> allocator_;
4559   rtc::FakeNetworkManager network_manager_;
4560   TestTurnServer turn_server_;
4561   std::unique_ptr<P2PTransportChannel> channel_;
4562 };
4564 // Test that Relay/Relay connections will be pinged first when no other
4565 // connections have been pinged yet, unless we need to ping a trigger check or
4566 // we have a selected connection.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMostLikelyToWorkFirstTest,TestRelayRelayFirstWhenNothingPingedYet)4567 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMostLikelyToWorkFirstTest,
4568        TestRelayRelayFirstWhenNothingPingedYet) {
4569   const int max_strong_interval = 500;
4570   P2PTransportChannel& ch = StartTransportChannel(true, max_strong_interval);
4571   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(ch.ports().size() == 2, kDefaultTimeout);
4572   EXPECT_EQ(ch.ports()[0]->Type(), LOCAL_PORT_TYPE);
4573   EXPECT_EQ(ch.ports()[1]->Type(), RELAY_PORT_TYPE);
4575   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(RELAY_PORT_TYPE, "", 1, 1));
4576   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 2, 2));
4578   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(ch.connections().size() == 4, kDefaultTimeout);
4580   // Relay/Relay should be the first pingable connection.
4581   Connection* conn = FindNextPingableConnectionAndPingIt(&ch);
4582   ASSERT_TRUE(conn != nullptr);
4583   EXPECT_EQ(conn->local_candidate().type(), RELAY_PORT_TYPE);
4584   EXPECT_EQ(conn->remote_candidate().type(), RELAY_PORT_TYPE);
4586   // Unless that we have a trigger check waiting to be pinged.
4587   Connection* conn2 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 2);
4588   ASSERT_TRUE(conn2 != nullptr);
4589   EXPECT_EQ(conn2->local_candidate().type(), LOCAL_PORT_TYPE);
4590   EXPECT_EQ(conn2->remote_candidate().type(), LOCAL_PORT_TYPE);
4591   conn2->ReceivedPing();
4592   EXPECT_EQ(conn2, FindNextPingableConnectionAndPingIt(&ch));
4594   // Make conn3 the selected connection.
4595   Connection* conn3 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 1);
4596   ASSERT_TRUE(conn3 != nullptr);
4597   EXPECT_EQ(conn3->local_candidate().type(), LOCAL_PORT_TYPE);
4598   EXPECT_EQ(conn3->remote_candidate().type(), RELAY_PORT_TYPE);
4599   conn3->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");
4600   ASSERT_TRUE(conn3->writable());
4601   conn3->ReceivedPing();
4603   /*
4605   TODO(honghaiz): Re-enable this once we use fake clock for this test to fix
4606   the flakiness. The following test becomes flaky because we now ping the
4607   connections with fast rates until every connection is pinged at least three
4608   times. The selected connection may have been pinged before
4609   |max_strong_interval|, so it may not be the next connection to be pinged as
4610   expected in the test.
4612   // Verify that conn3 will be the "selected connection" since it is readable
4613   // and writable. After |MAX_CURRENT_STRONG_INTERVAL|, it should be the next
4614   // pingable connection.
4615   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(conn3 == ch.selected_connection(), kDefaultTimeout);
4616   WAIT(false, max_strong_interval + 100);
4617   conn3->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");
4618   ASSERT_TRUE(conn3->writable());
4619   EXPECT_EQ(conn3, FindNextPingableConnectionAndPingIt(&ch));
4621   */
4622 }
4624 // Test that Relay/Relay connections will be pinged first when everything has
4625 // been pinged even if the Relay/Relay connection wasn't the first to be pinged
4626 // in the first round.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMostLikelyToWorkFirstTest,TestRelayRelayFirstWhenEverythingPinged)4627 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMostLikelyToWorkFirstTest,
4628        TestRelayRelayFirstWhenEverythingPinged) {
4629   P2PTransportChannel& ch = StartTransportChannel(true, 500);
4630   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(ch.ports().size() == 2, kDefaultTimeout);
4631   EXPECT_EQ(ch.ports()[0]->Type(), LOCAL_PORT_TYPE);
4632   EXPECT_EQ(ch.ports()[1]->Type(), RELAY_PORT_TYPE);
4634   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 1, 1));
4635   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(ch.connections().size() == 2, kDefaultTimeout);
4637   // Initially, only have Local/Local and Local/Relay.
4638   VerifyNextPingableConnection(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, LOCAL_PORT_TYPE);
4639   VerifyNextPingableConnection(RELAY_PORT_TYPE, LOCAL_PORT_TYPE);
4641   // Remote Relay candidate arrives.
4642   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(RELAY_PORT_TYPE, "", 2, 2));
4643   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(ch.connections().size() == 4, kDefaultTimeout);
4645   // Relay/Relay should be the first since it hasn't been pinged before.
4646   VerifyNextPingableConnection(RELAY_PORT_TYPE, RELAY_PORT_TYPE);
4648   // Local/Relay is the final one.
4649   VerifyNextPingableConnection(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, RELAY_PORT_TYPE);
4651   // Now, every connection has been pinged once. The next one should be
4652   // Relay/Relay.
4653   VerifyNextPingableConnection(RELAY_PORT_TYPE, RELAY_PORT_TYPE);
4654 }
4656 // Test that when we receive a new remote candidate, they will be tried first
4657 // before we re-ping Relay/Relay connections again.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMostLikelyToWorkFirstTest,TestNoStarvationOnNonRelayConnection)4658 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMostLikelyToWorkFirstTest,
4659        TestNoStarvationOnNonRelayConnection) {
4660   P2PTransportChannel& ch = StartTransportChannel(true, 500);
4661   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(ch.ports().size() == 2, kDefaultTimeout);
4662   EXPECT_EQ(ch.ports()[0]->Type(), LOCAL_PORT_TYPE);
4663   EXPECT_EQ(ch.ports()[1]->Type(), RELAY_PORT_TYPE);
4665   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(RELAY_PORT_TYPE, "", 1, 1));
4666   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(ch.connections().size() == 2, kDefaultTimeout);
4668   // Initially, only have Relay/Relay and Local/Relay. Ping Relay/Relay first.
4669   VerifyNextPingableConnection(RELAY_PORT_TYPE, RELAY_PORT_TYPE);
4671   // Next, ping Local/Relay.
4672   VerifyNextPingableConnection(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, RELAY_PORT_TYPE);
4674   // Remote Local candidate arrives.
4675   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 2, 2));
4676   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(ch.connections().size() == 4, kDefaultTimeout);
4678   // Local/Local should be the first since it hasn't been pinged before.
4679   VerifyNextPingableConnection(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, LOCAL_PORT_TYPE);
4681   // Relay/Local is the final one.
4682   VerifyNextPingableConnection(RELAY_PORT_TYPE, LOCAL_PORT_TYPE);
4684   // Now, every connection has been pinged once. The next one should be
4685   // Relay/Relay.
4686   VerifyNextPingableConnection(RELAY_PORT_TYPE, RELAY_PORT_TYPE);
4687 }
4689 // Test skip_relay_to_non_relay_connections field-trial.
4690 // I.e that we never create connection between relay and non-relay.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMostLikelyToWorkFirstTest,TestSkipRelayToNonRelayConnectionsFieldTrial)4691 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMostLikelyToWorkFirstTest,
4692        TestSkipRelayToNonRelayConnectionsFieldTrial) {
4693   webrtc::test::ScopedFieldTrials field_trials(
4694       "WebRTC-IceFieldTrials/skip_relay_to_non_relay_connections:true/");
4695   P2PTransportChannel& ch = StartTransportChannel(true, 500);
4696   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(ch.ports().size() == 2, kDefaultTimeout);
4697   EXPECT_EQ(ch.ports()[0]->Type(), LOCAL_PORT_TYPE);
4698   EXPECT_EQ(ch.ports()[1]->Type(), RELAY_PORT_TYPE);
4700   // Remote Relay candidate arrives.
4701   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(RELAY_PORT_TYPE, "", 1, 1));
4702   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(ch.connections().size() == 1, kDefaultTimeout);
4704   // Remote Local candidate arrives.
4705   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 2, 2));
4706   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(ch.connections().size() == 2, kDefaultTimeout);
4707 }
4709 // Test the ping sequence is UDP Relay/Relay followed by TCP Relay/Relay,
4710 // followed by the rest.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMostLikelyToWorkFirstTest,TestTcpTurn)4711 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelMostLikelyToWorkFirstTest, TestTcpTurn) {
4712   // Add a Tcp Turn server.
4713   turn_server()->AddInternalSocket(kTurnTcpIntAddr, PROTO_TCP);
4714   RelayServerConfig config;
4715   config.credentials = kRelayCredentials;
4716   config.ports.push_back(ProtocolAddress(kTurnTcpIntAddr, PROTO_TCP));
4717   allocator()->AddTurnServer(config);
4719   P2PTransportChannel& ch = StartTransportChannel(true, 500);
4720   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(ch.ports().size() == 3, kDefaultTimeout);
4721   EXPECT_EQ(ch.ports()[0]->Type(), LOCAL_PORT_TYPE);
4722   EXPECT_EQ(ch.ports()[1]->Type(), RELAY_PORT_TYPE);
4723   EXPECT_EQ(ch.ports()[2]->Type(), RELAY_PORT_TYPE);
4725   // Remote Relay candidate arrives.
4726   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(RELAY_PORT_TYPE, "", 1, 1));
4727   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(ch.connections().size() == 3, kDefaultTimeout);
4729   // UDP Relay/Relay should be pinged first.
4730   VerifyNextPingableConnection(RELAY_PORT_TYPE, RELAY_PORT_TYPE);
4732   // TCP Relay/Relay is the next.
4733   VerifyNextPingableConnection(RELAY_PORT_TYPE, RELAY_PORT_TYPE,
4734                                TCP_PROTOCOL_NAME);
4736   // Finally, Local/Relay will be pinged.
4737   VerifyNextPingableConnection(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, RELAY_PORT_TYPE);
4738 }
4740 // Test that a resolver is created, asked for a result, and destroyed
4741 // when the address is a hostname. The destruction should happen even
4742 // if the channel is not destroyed.
TEST(P2PTransportChannelResolverTest,HostnameCandidateIsResolved)4743 TEST(P2PTransportChannelResolverTest, HostnameCandidateIsResolved) {
4744   rtc::MockAsyncResolver mock_async_resolver;
4745   EXPECT_CALL(mock_async_resolver, GetError()).WillOnce(Return(0));
4746   EXPECT_CALL(mock_async_resolver, GetResolvedAddress(_, _))
4747       .WillOnce(Return(true));
4748   // Destroy is called asynchronously after the address is resolved,
4749   // so we need a variable to wait on.
4750   bool destroy_called = false;
4751   EXPECT_CALL(mock_async_resolver, Destroy(_))
4752       .WillOnce(Assign(&destroy_called, true));
4753   webrtc::MockAsyncResolverFactory mock_async_resolver_factory;
4754   EXPECT_CALL(mock_async_resolver_factory, Create())
4755       .WillOnce(Return(&mock_async_resolver));
4757   FakePortAllocator allocator(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
4758   P2PTransportChannel channel("tn", 0, &allocator,
4759                               &mock_async_resolver_factory);
4760   Candidate hostname_candidate;
4761   SocketAddress hostname_address("fake.test", 1000);
4762   hostname_candidate.set_address(hostname_address);
4763   channel.AddRemoteCandidate(hostname_candidate);
4765   ASSERT_EQ_WAIT(1u, channel.remote_candidates().size(), kDefaultTimeout);
4766   const RemoteCandidate& candidate = channel.remote_candidates()[0];
4767   EXPECT_FALSE(candidate.address().IsUnresolvedIP());
4768   WAIT(destroy_called, kShortTimeout);
4769 }
4771 // Test that if we signal a hostname candidate after the remote endpoint
4772 // discovers a prflx remote candidate with the same underlying IP address, the
4773 // prflx candidate is updated to a host candidate after the name resolution is
4774 // done.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,PeerReflexiveCandidateBeforeSignalingWithMdnsName)4775 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,
4776        PeerReflexiveCandidateBeforeSignalingWithMdnsName) {
4777   rtc::MockAsyncResolver mock_async_resolver;
4778   webrtc::MockAsyncResolverFactory mock_async_resolver_factory;
4779   EXPECT_CALL(mock_async_resolver_factory, Create())
4780       .WillOnce(Return(&mock_async_resolver));
4782   // ep1 and ep2 will only gather host candidates with addresses
4783   // kPublicAddrs[0] and kPublicAddrs[1], respectively.
4784   ConfigureEndpoints(OPEN, OPEN, kOnlyLocalPorts, kOnlyLocalPorts);
4785   // ICE parameter will be set up when creating the channels.
4786   set_remote_ice_parameter_source(FROM_SETICEPARAMETERS);
4787   GetEndpoint(0)->network_manager_.set_mdns_responder(
4788       std::make_unique<webrtc::FakeMdnsResponder>(rtc::Thread::Current()));
4789   GetEndpoint(1)->async_resolver_factory_ = &mock_async_resolver_factory;
4790   CreateChannels();
4791   // Pause sending candidates from both endpoints until we find out what port
4792   // number is assgined to ep1's host candidate.
4793   PauseCandidates(0);
4794   PauseCandidates(1);
4795   ASSERT_EQ_WAIT(1u, GetEndpoint(0)->saved_candidates_.size(), kMediumTimeout);
4796   ASSERT_EQ(1u, GetEndpoint(0)->saved_candidates_[0]->candidates.size());
4797   const auto& local_candidate =
4798       GetEndpoint(0)->saved_candidates_[0]->candidates[0];
4799   // The IP address of ep1's host candidate should be obfuscated.
4800   EXPECT_TRUE(local_candidate.address().IsUnresolvedIP());
4801   // This is the underlying private IP address of the same candidate at ep1.
4802   const auto local_address = rtc::SocketAddress(
4803       kPublicAddrs[0].ipaddr(), local_candidate.address().port());
4804   // Let ep2 signal its candidate to ep1. ep1 should form a candidate
4805   // pair and start to ping. After receiving the ping, ep2 discovers a prflx
4806   // remote candidate and form a candidate pair as well.
4807   ResumeCandidates(1);
4808   ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(ep1_ch1()->selected_connection() != nullptr, kMediumTimeout);
4809   // ep2 should have the selected connection connected to the prflx remote
4810   // candidate.
4811   const Connection* selected_connection = nullptr;
4813       (selected_connection = ep2_ch1()->selected_connection()) != nullptr,
4814       kMediumTimeout);
4815   EXPECT_EQ(PRFLX_PORT_TYPE, selected_connection->remote_candidate().type());
4816   EXPECT_EQ(kIceUfrag[0], selected_connection->remote_candidate().username());
4817   EXPECT_EQ(kIcePwd[0], selected_connection->remote_candidate().password());
4818   // Set expectation before ep1 signals a hostname candidate.
4819   {
4820     InSequence sequencer;
4821     EXPECT_CALL(mock_async_resolver, Start(_));
4822     EXPECT_CALL(mock_async_resolver, GetError()).WillOnce(Return(0));
4823     // Let the mock resolver of ep2 receives the correct resolution.
4824     EXPECT_CALL(mock_async_resolver, GetResolvedAddress(_, _))
4825         .WillOnce(DoAll(SetArgPointee<1>(local_address), Return(true)));
4826   }
4827   // Destroy is called asynchronously after the address is resolved,
4828   // so we need a variable to wait on.
4829   bool destroy_called = false;
4830   EXPECT_CALL(mock_async_resolver, Destroy(_))
4831       .WillOnce(Assign(&destroy_called, true));
4832   ResumeCandidates(0);
4833   // Verify ep2's selected connection is updated to use the 'local' candidate.
4835                  ep2_ch1()->selected_connection()->remote_candidate().type(),
4836                  kMediumTimeout);
4837   EXPECT_EQ(selected_connection, ep2_ch1()->selected_connection());
4839   WAIT(destroy_called, kShortTimeout);
4840   DestroyChannels();
4841 }
4843 // Test that if we discover a prflx candidate during the process of name
4844 // resolution for a remote hostname candidate, we update the prflx candidate to
4845 // a host candidate if the hostname candidate turns out to have the same IP
4846 // address after the resolution completes.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,PeerReflexiveCandidateDuringResolvingHostCandidateWithMdnsName)4847 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,
4848        PeerReflexiveCandidateDuringResolvingHostCandidateWithMdnsName) {
4849   auto mock_async_resolver = new NiceMock<rtc::MockAsyncResolver>();
4850   ON_CALL(*mock_async_resolver, Destroy).WillByDefault([mock_async_resolver] {
4851     delete mock_async_resolver;
4852   });
4853   webrtc::MockAsyncResolverFactory mock_async_resolver_factory;
4854   EXPECT_CALL(mock_async_resolver_factory, Create())
4855       .WillOnce(Return(mock_async_resolver));
4857   // ep1 and ep2 will only gather host candidates with addresses
4858   // kPublicAddrs[0] and kPublicAddrs[1], respectively.
4859   ConfigureEndpoints(OPEN, OPEN, kOnlyLocalPorts, kOnlyLocalPorts);
4860   // ICE parameter will be set up when creating the channels.
4861   set_remote_ice_parameter_source(FROM_SETICEPARAMETERS);
4862   GetEndpoint(0)->network_manager_.set_mdns_responder(
4863       std::make_unique<webrtc::FakeMdnsResponder>(rtc::Thread::Current()));
4864   GetEndpoint(1)->async_resolver_factory_ = &mock_async_resolver_factory;
4865   CreateChannels();
4866   // Pause sending candidates from both endpoints until we find out what port
4867   // number is assgined to ep1's host candidate.
4868   PauseCandidates(0);
4869   PauseCandidates(1);
4870   ASSERT_EQ_WAIT(1u, GetEndpoint(0)->saved_candidates_.size(), kMediumTimeout);
4871   ASSERT_EQ(1u, GetEndpoint(0)->saved_candidates_[0]->candidates.size());
4872   const auto& local_candidate =
4873       GetEndpoint(0)->saved_candidates_[0]->candidates[0];
4874   // The IP address of ep1's host candidate should be obfuscated.
4875   ASSERT_TRUE(local_candidate.address().IsUnresolvedIP());
4876   // This is the underlying private IP address of the same candidate at ep1.
4877   const auto local_address = rtc::SocketAddress(
4878       kPublicAddrs[0].ipaddr(), local_candidate.address().port());
4879   bool mock_async_resolver_started = false;
4880   // Not signaling done yet, and only make sure we are in the process of
4881   // resolution.
4882   EXPECT_CALL(*mock_async_resolver, Start(_))
4883       .WillOnce(InvokeWithoutArgs([&mock_async_resolver_started]() {
4884         mock_async_resolver_started = true;
4885       }));
4886   // Let ep1 signal its hostname candidate to ep2.
4887   ResumeCandidates(0);
4888   ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(mock_async_resolver_started, kMediumTimeout);
4889   // Now that ep2 is in the process of resolving the hostname candidate signaled
4890   // by ep1. Let ep2 signal its host candidate with an IP address to ep1, so
4891   // that ep1 can form a candidate pair, select it and start to ping ep2.
4892   ResumeCandidates(1);
4893   ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(ep1_ch1()->selected_connection() != nullptr, kMediumTimeout);
4894   // Let the mock resolver of ep2 receives the correct resolution.
4895   EXPECT_CALL(*mock_async_resolver, GetResolvedAddress(_, _))
4896       .WillOnce(DoAll(SetArgPointee<1>(local_address), Return(true)));
4897   // Upon receiving a ping from ep1, ep2 adds a prflx candidate from the
4898   // unknown address and establishes a connection.
4899   //
4900   // There is a caveat in our implementation associated with this expectation.
4901   // See the big comment in P2PTransportChannel::OnUnknownAddress.
4902   ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(ep2_ch1()->selected_connection() != nullptr, kMediumTimeout);
4904             ep2_ch1()->selected_connection()->remote_candidate().type());
4905   // ep2 should also be able resolve the hostname candidate. The resolved remote
4906   // host candidate should be merged with the prflx remote candidate.
4907   mock_async_resolver->SignalDone(mock_async_resolver);
4909                  ep2_ch1()->selected_connection()->remote_candidate().type(),
4910                  kMediumTimeout);
4911   EXPECT_EQ(1u, ep2_ch1()->remote_candidates().size());
4913   DestroyChannels();
4914 }
4916 // Test that if we only gather and signal a host candidate, the IP address of
4917 // which is obfuscated by an mDNS name, and if the peer can complete the name
4918 // resolution with the correct IP address, we can have a p2p connection.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,CanConnectWithHostCandidateWithMdnsName)4919 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest, CanConnectWithHostCandidateWithMdnsName) {
4920   NiceMock<rtc::MockAsyncResolver> mock_async_resolver;
4921   webrtc::MockAsyncResolverFactory mock_async_resolver_factory;
4922   EXPECT_CALL(mock_async_resolver_factory, Create())
4923       .WillOnce(Return(&mock_async_resolver));
4925   // ep1 and ep2 will only gather host candidates with addresses
4926   // kPublicAddrs[0] and kPublicAddrs[1], respectively.
4927   ConfigureEndpoints(OPEN, OPEN, kOnlyLocalPorts, kOnlyLocalPorts);
4928   // ICE parameter will be set up when creating the channels.
4929   set_remote_ice_parameter_source(FROM_SETICEPARAMETERS);
4930   GetEndpoint(0)->network_manager_.set_mdns_responder(
4931       std::make_unique<webrtc::FakeMdnsResponder>(rtc::Thread::Current()));
4932   GetEndpoint(1)->async_resolver_factory_ = &mock_async_resolver_factory;
4933   CreateChannels();
4934   // Pause sending candidates from both endpoints until we find out what port
4935   // number is assgined to ep1's host candidate.
4936   PauseCandidates(0);
4937   PauseCandidates(1);
4938   ASSERT_EQ_WAIT(1u, GetEndpoint(0)->saved_candidates_.size(), kMediumTimeout);
4939   ASSERT_EQ(1u, GetEndpoint(0)->saved_candidates_[0]->candidates.size());
4940   const auto& local_candidate_ep1 =
4941       GetEndpoint(0)->saved_candidates_[0]->candidates[0];
4942   // The IP address of ep1's host candidate should be obfuscated.
4943   EXPECT_TRUE(local_candidate_ep1.address().IsUnresolvedIP());
4944   // This is the underlying private IP address of the same candidate at ep1,
4945   // and let the mock resolver of ep2 receive the correct resolution.
4946   rtc::SocketAddress resolved_address_ep1(local_candidate_ep1.address());
4947   resolved_address_ep1.SetResolvedIP(kPublicAddrs[0].ipaddr());
4949   EXPECT_CALL(mock_async_resolver, GetResolvedAddress(_, _))
4950       .WillOnce(DoAll(SetArgPointee<1>(resolved_address_ep1), Return(true)));
4951   // Let ep1 signal its hostname candidate to ep2.
4952   ResumeCandidates(0);
4954   // We should be able to receive a ping from ep2 and establish a connection
4955   // with a peer reflexive candidate from ep2.
4956   ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT((ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()) != nullptr,
4957                    kMediumTimeout);
4959             ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()->local_candidate().type());
4961             ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()->remote_candidate().type());
4963   DestroyChannels();
4964 }
4966 // Test that when the IP of a host candidate is concealed by an mDNS name, the
4967 // stats from the gathering ICE endpoint do not reveal the address of this local
4968 // host candidate or the related address of a local srflx candidate from the
4969 // same endpoint. Also, the remote ICE endpoint that successfully resolves a
4970 // signaled host candidate with an mDNS name should not reveal the address of
4971 // this remote host candidate in stats.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,CandidatesSanitizedInStatsWhenMdnsObfuscationEnabled)4972 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,
4973        CandidatesSanitizedInStatsWhenMdnsObfuscationEnabled) {
4974   NiceMock<rtc::MockAsyncResolver> mock_async_resolver;
4975   webrtc::MockAsyncResolverFactory mock_async_resolver_factory;
4976   EXPECT_CALL(mock_async_resolver_factory, Create())
4977       .WillOnce(Return(&mock_async_resolver));
4979   // ep1 and ep2 will gather host candidates with addresses
4980   // kPublicAddrs[0] and kPublicAddrs[1], respectively. ep1 also gathers a srflx
4981   // and a relay candidates.
4982   ConfigureEndpoints(OPEN, OPEN,
4983                      kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags | PORTALLOCATOR_DISABLE_TCP,
4984                      kOnlyLocalPorts);
4985   // ICE parameter will be set up when creating the channels.
4986   set_remote_ice_parameter_source(FROM_SETICEPARAMETERS);
4987   GetEndpoint(0)->network_manager_.set_mdns_responder(
4988       std::make_unique<webrtc::FakeMdnsResponder>(rtc::Thread::Current()));
4989   GetEndpoint(1)->async_resolver_factory_ = &mock_async_resolver_factory;
4990   CreateChannels();
4991   // Pause sending candidates from both endpoints until we find out what port
4992   // number is assigned to ep1's host candidate.
4993   PauseCandidates(0);
4994   PauseCandidates(1);
4995   // Ep1 has a UDP host, a srflx and a relay candidates.
4996   ASSERT_EQ_WAIT(3u, GetEndpoint(0)->saved_candidates_.size(), kMediumTimeout);
4997   ASSERT_EQ_WAIT(1u, GetEndpoint(1)->saved_candidates_.size(), kMediumTimeout);
4999   for (const auto& candidates_data : GetEndpoint(0)->saved_candidates_) {
5000     ASSERT_EQ(1u, candidates_data->candidates.size());
5001     const auto& local_candidate_ep1 = candidates_data->candidates[0];
5002     if (local_candidate_ep1.type() == LOCAL_PORT_TYPE) {
5003       // This is the underlying private IP address of the same candidate at ep1,
5004       // and let the mock resolver of ep2 receive the correct resolution.
5005       rtc::SocketAddress resolved_address_ep1(local_candidate_ep1.address());
5006       resolved_address_ep1.SetResolvedIP(kPublicAddrs[0].ipaddr());
5007       EXPECT_CALL(mock_async_resolver, GetResolvedAddress(_, _))
5008           .WillOnce(
5009               DoAll(SetArgPointee<1>(resolved_address_ep1), Return(true)));
5010       break;
5011     }
5012   }
5013   ResumeCandidates(0);
5014   ResumeCandidates(1);
5016   ASSERT_EQ_WAIT(kIceGatheringComplete, ep1_ch1()->gathering_state(),
5017                  kMediumTimeout);
5018   // We should have the following candidate pairs on both endpoints:
5019   // ep1_host <-> ep2_host, ep1_srflx <-> ep2_host, ep1_relay <-> ep2_host
5020   ASSERT_EQ_WAIT(3u, ep1_ch1()->connections().size(), kMediumTimeout);
5021   ASSERT_EQ_WAIT(3u, ep2_ch1()->connections().size(), kMediumTimeout);
5023   IceTransportStats ice_transport_stats1;
5024   IceTransportStats ice_transport_stats2;
5025   ep1_ch1()->GetStats(&ice_transport_stats1);
5026   ep2_ch1()->GetStats(&ice_transport_stats2);
5027   EXPECT_EQ(3u, ice_transport_stats1.connection_infos.size());
5028   EXPECT_EQ(3u, ice_transport_stats1.candidate_stats_list.size());
5029   EXPECT_EQ(3u, ice_transport_stats2.connection_infos.size());
5030   // Check the stats of ep1 seen by ep1.
5031   for (const auto& connection_info : ice_transport_stats1.connection_infos) {
5032     const auto& local_candidate = connection_info.local_candidate;
5033     if (local_candidate.type() == LOCAL_PORT_TYPE) {
5034       EXPECT_TRUE(local_candidate.address().IsUnresolvedIP());
5035     } else if (local_candidate.type() == STUN_PORT_TYPE) {
5036       EXPECT_TRUE(local_candidate.related_address().IsAnyIP());
5037     } else if (local_candidate.type() == RELAY_PORT_TYPE) {
5038       // The related address of the relay candidate should be equal to the
5039       // srflx address. Note that NAT is not configured, hence the following
5040       // expectation.
5041       EXPECT_EQ(kPublicAddrs[0].ipaddr(),
5042                 local_candidate.related_address().ipaddr());
5043     } else {
5044       FAIL();
5045     }
5046   }
5047   // Check the stats of ep1 seen by ep2.
5048   for (const auto& connection_info : ice_transport_stats2.connection_infos) {
5049     const auto& remote_candidate = connection_info.remote_candidate;
5050     if (remote_candidate.type() == LOCAL_PORT_TYPE) {
5051       EXPECT_TRUE(remote_candidate.address().IsUnresolvedIP());
5052     } else if (remote_candidate.type() == STUN_PORT_TYPE) {
5053       EXPECT_TRUE(remote_candidate.related_address().IsAnyIP());
5054     } else if (remote_candidate.type() == RELAY_PORT_TYPE) {
5055       EXPECT_EQ(kPublicAddrs[0].ipaddr(),
5056                 remote_candidate.related_address().ipaddr());
5057     } else {
5058       FAIL();
5059     }
5060   }
5061   DestroyChannels();
5062 }
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,ConnectingIncreasesSelectedCandidatePairChanges)5064 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,
5065        ConnectingIncreasesSelectedCandidatePairChanges) {
5066   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
5067   ConfigureEndpoints(OPEN, OPEN, kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags,
5068                      kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags);
5069   CreateChannels();
5071   IceTransportStats ice_transport_stats;
5072   ASSERT_TRUE(ep1_ch1()->GetStats(&ice_transport_stats));
5073   EXPECT_EQ(0u, ice_transport_stats.selected_candidate_pair_changes);
5075   // Let the channels connect.
5076   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(ep1_ch1()->selected_connection() != nullptr,
5077                              kMediumTimeout, clock);
5079   ASSERT_TRUE(ep1_ch1()->GetStats(&ice_transport_stats));
5080   EXPECT_EQ(1u, ice_transport_stats.selected_candidate_pair_changes);
5082   DestroyChannels();
5083 }
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,DisconnectedIncreasesSelectedCandidatePairChanges)5085 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,
5086        DisconnectedIncreasesSelectedCandidatePairChanges) {
5087   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
5088   ConfigureEndpoints(OPEN, OPEN, kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags,
5089                      kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags);
5090   CreateChannels();
5092   IceTransportStats ice_transport_stats;
5093   ASSERT_TRUE(ep1_ch1()->GetStats(&ice_transport_stats));
5094   EXPECT_EQ(0u, ice_transport_stats.selected_candidate_pair_changes);
5096   // Let the channels connect.
5097   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(ep1_ch1()->selected_connection() != nullptr,
5098                              kMediumTimeout, clock);
5100   ASSERT_TRUE(ep1_ch1()->GetStats(&ice_transport_stats));
5101   EXPECT_EQ(1u, ice_transport_stats.selected_candidate_pair_changes);
5103   // Prune connections and wait for disconnect.
5104   for (Connection* con : ep1_ch1()->connections()) {
5105     con->Prune();
5106   }
5107   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(ep1_ch1()->selected_connection() == nullptr,
5108                              kMediumTimeout, clock);
5110   ASSERT_TRUE(ep1_ch1()->GetStats(&ice_transport_stats));
5111   EXPECT_EQ(2u, ice_transport_stats.selected_candidate_pair_changes);
5113   DestroyChannels();
5114 }
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,NewSelectionIncreasesSelectedCandidatePairChanges)5116 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,
5117        NewSelectionIncreasesSelectedCandidatePairChanges) {
5118   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
5119   ConfigureEndpoints(OPEN, OPEN, kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags,
5120                      kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags);
5121   CreateChannels();
5123   IceTransportStats ice_transport_stats;
5124   ASSERT_TRUE(ep1_ch1()->GetStats(&ice_transport_stats));
5125   EXPECT_EQ(0u, ice_transport_stats.selected_candidate_pair_changes);
5127   // Let the channels connect.
5128   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(ep1_ch1()->selected_connection() != nullptr,
5129                              kMediumTimeout, clock);
5131   ASSERT_TRUE(ep1_ch1()->GetStats(&ice_transport_stats));
5132   EXPECT_EQ(1u, ice_transport_stats.selected_candidate_pair_changes);
5134   // Prune the currently selected connection and wait for selection
5135   // of a new one.
5136   const Connection* selected_connection = ep1_ch1()->selected_connection();
5137   for (Connection* con : ep1_ch1()->connections()) {
5138     if (con == selected_connection) {
5139       con->Prune();
5140     }
5141   }
5143       ep1_ch1()->selected_connection() != nullptr &&
5144           (ep1_ch1()->GetStats(&ice_transport_stats),
5145            ice_transport_stats.selected_candidate_pair_changes >= 2u),
5146       kMediumTimeout, clock);
5148   ASSERT_TRUE(ep1_ch1()->GetStats(&ice_transport_stats));
5149   EXPECT_GE(ice_transport_stats.selected_candidate_pair_changes, 2u);
5151   DestroyChannels();
5152 }
5154 // A similar test as above to check the selected candidate pair is sanitized
5155 // when it is queried via GetSelectedCandidatePair.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,SelectedCandidatePairSanitizedWhenMdnsObfuscationEnabled)5156 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,
5157        SelectedCandidatePairSanitizedWhenMdnsObfuscationEnabled) {
5158   NiceMock<rtc::MockAsyncResolver> mock_async_resolver;
5159   webrtc::MockAsyncResolverFactory mock_async_resolver_factory;
5160   EXPECT_CALL(mock_async_resolver_factory, Create())
5161       .WillOnce(Return(&mock_async_resolver));
5163   // ep1 and ep2 will gather host candidates with addresses
5164   // kPublicAddrs[0] and kPublicAddrs[1], respectively.
5165   ConfigureEndpoints(OPEN, OPEN, kOnlyLocalPorts, kOnlyLocalPorts);
5166   // ICE parameter will be set up when creating the channels.
5167   set_remote_ice_parameter_source(FROM_SETICEPARAMETERS);
5168   GetEndpoint(0)->network_manager_.set_mdns_responder(
5169       std::make_unique<webrtc::FakeMdnsResponder>(rtc::Thread::Current()));
5170   GetEndpoint(1)->async_resolver_factory_ = &mock_async_resolver_factory;
5171   CreateChannels();
5172   // Pause sending candidates from both endpoints until we find out what port
5173   // number is assigned to ep1's host candidate.
5174   PauseCandidates(0);
5175   PauseCandidates(1);
5176   ASSERT_EQ_WAIT(1u, GetEndpoint(0)->saved_candidates_.size(), kMediumTimeout);
5177   const auto& candidates_data = GetEndpoint(0)->saved_candidates_[0];
5178   ASSERT_EQ(1u, candidates_data->candidates.size());
5179   const auto& local_candidate_ep1 = candidates_data->candidates[0];
5180   ASSERT_TRUE(local_candidate_ep1.type() == LOCAL_PORT_TYPE);
5181   // This is the underlying private IP address of the same candidate at ep1,
5182   // and let the mock resolver of ep2 receive the correct resolution.
5183   rtc::SocketAddress resolved_address_ep1(local_candidate_ep1.address());
5184   resolved_address_ep1.SetResolvedIP(kPublicAddrs[0].ipaddr());
5185   EXPECT_CALL(mock_async_resolver, GetResolvedAddress(_, _))
5186       .WillOnce(DoAll(SetArgPointee<1>(resolved_address_ep1), Return(true)));
5187   ResumeCandidates(0);
5188   ResumeCandidates(1);
5190   ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(ep1_ch1()->selected_connection() != nullptr &&
5191                        ep2_ch1()->selected_connection() != nullptr,
5192                    kMediumTimeout);
5194   const auto pair_ep1 = ep1_ch1()->GetSelectedCandidatePair();
5195   ASSERT_TRUE(pair_ep1.has_value());
5196   EXPECT_EQ(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, pair_ep1->local_candidate().type());
5197   EXPECT_TRUE(pair_ep1->local_candidate().address().IsUnresolvedIP());
5199   const auto pair_ep2 = ep2_ch1()->GetSelectedCandidatePair();
5200   ASSERT_TRUE(pair_ep2.has_value());
5201   EXPECT_EQ(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, pair_ep2->remote_candidate().type());
5202   EXPECT_TRUE(pair_ep2->remote_candidate().address().IsUnresolvedIP());
5204   DestroyChannels();
5205 }
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,NoPairOfLocalRelayCandidateWithRemoteMdnsCandidate)5207 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,
5208        NoPairOfLocalRelayCandidateWithRemoteMdnsCandidate) {
5209   const int kOnlyRelayPorts = cricket::PORTALLOCATOR_DISABLE_UDP |
5210                               cricket::PORTALLOCATOR_DISABLE_STUN |
5211                               cricket::PORTALLOCATOR_DISABLE_TCP;
5212   // We use one endpoint to test the behavior of adding remote candidates, and
5213   // this endpoint only gathers relay candidates.
5214   ConfigureEndpoints(OPEN, OPEN, kOnlyRelayPorts, kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags);
5215   GetEndpoint(0)->cd1_.ch_.reset(CreateChannel(
5216       0, ICE_CANDIDATE_COMPONENT_DEFAULT, kIceParams[0], kIceParams[1]));
5217   IceConfig config;
5218   // Start gathering and we should have only a single relay port.
5219   ep1_ch1()->SetIceConfig(config);
5220   ep1_ch1()->MaybeStartGathering();
5221   EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(IceGatheringState::kIceGatheringComplete,
5222                  ep1_ch1()->gathering_state(), kDefaultTimeout);
5223   EXPECT_EQ(1u, ep1_ch1()->ports().size());
5224   // Add a plain remote host candidate and three remote mDNS candidates with the
5225   // host, srflx and relay types. Note that the candidates differ in their
5226   // ports.
5227   cricket::Candidate host_candidate = CreateUdpCandidate(
5228       LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 1 /* port */, 0 /* priority */);
5229   ep1_ch1()->AddRemoteCandidate(host_candidate);
5231   std::vector<cricket::Candidate> mdns_candidates;
5232   mdns_candidates.push_back(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "example.local",
5233                                                2 /* port */, 0 /* priority */));
5234   mdns_candidates.push_back(CreateUdpCandidate(STUN_PORT_TYPE, "example.local",
5235                                                3 /* port */, 0 /* priority */));
5236   mdns_candidates.push_back(CreateUdpCandidate(RELAY_PORT_TYPE, "example.local",
5237                                                4 /* port */, 0 /* priority */));
5238   // We just resolve the hostname to, and add the candidates with this
5239   // address directly to simulate the process of adding remote candidates with
5240   // the name resolution.
5241   for (auto& mdns_candidate : mdns_candidates) {
5242     rtc::SocketAddress resolved_address(mdns_candidate.address());
5243     resolved_address.SetResolvedIP(0x1111);  //
5244     mdns_candidate.set_address(resolved_address);
5245     EXPECT_FALSE(mdns_candidate.address().IsUnresolvedIP());
5246     ep1_ch1()->AddRemoteCandidate(mdns_candidate);
5247   }
5249   // All remote candidates should have been successfully added.
5250   EXPECT_EQ(4u, ep1_ch1()->remote_candidates().size());
5252   // Expect that there is no connection paired with any mDNS candidate.
5253   ASSERT_EQ(1u, ep1_ch1()->connections().size());
5254   ASSERT_NE(nullptr, ep1_ch1()->connections()[0]);
5255   EXPECT_EQ(
5256       "",
5257       ep1_ch1()->connections()[0]->remote_candidate().address().ToString());
5258   DestroyChannels();
5259 }
5261 class MockMdnsResponder : public webrtc::MdnsResponderInterface {
5262  public:
5263   MOCK_METHOD(void,
5264               CreateNameForAddress,
5265               (const rtc::IPAddress&, NameCreatedCallback),
5266               (override));
5267   MOCK_METHOD(void,
5268               RemoveNameForAddress,
5269               (const rtc::IPAddress&, NameRemovedCallback),
5270               (override));
5271 };
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,SrflxCandidateCanBeGatheredBeforeMdnsCandidateToCreateConnection)5273 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,
5274        SrflxCandidateCanBeGatheredBeforeMdnsCandidateToCreateConnection) {
5275   // ep1 and ep2 will only gather host and srflx candidates with base addresses
5276   // kPublicAddrs[0] and kPublicAddrs[1], respectively, and we use a shared
5277   // socket in gathering.
5278   const auto kOnlyLocalAndStunPorts =
5280       cricket::PORTALLOCATOR_DISABLE_TCP |
5282   // ep1 is configured with a NAT so that we do gather a srflx candidate.
5283   ConfigureEndpoints(NAT_FULL_CONE, OPEN, kOnlyLocalAndStunPorts,
5284                      kOnlyLocalAndStunPorts);
5285   // ICE parameter will be set up when creating the channels.
5286   set_remote_ice_parameter_source(FROM_SETICEPARAMETERS);
5287   // Use a mock mDNS responder, which does not complete the name registration by
5288   // ignoring the completion callback.
5289   auto mock_mdns_responder = std::make_unique<MockMdnsResponder>();
5290   EXPECT_CALL(*mock_mdns_responder, CreateNameForAddress(_, _))
5291       .Times(1)
5292       .WillOnce(Return());
5293   GetEndpoint(0)->network_manager_.set_mdns_responder(
5294       std::move(mock_mdns_responder));
5296   CreateChannels();
5298   // We should be able to form a srflx-host connection to ep2.
5299   ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT((ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()) != nullptr,
5300                    kMediumTimeout);
5302             ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()->local_candidate().type());
5304             ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()->remote_candidate().type());
5306   DestroyChannels();
5307 }
5309 // Test that after changing the candidate filter from relay-only to allowing all
5310 // types of candidates when doing continual gathering, we can gather without ICE
5311 // restart the other types of candidates that are now enabled and form candidate
5312 // pairs. Also, we verify that the relay candidates gathered previously are not
5313 // removed and are still usable for necessary route switching.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,SurfaceHostCandidateOnCandidateFilterChangeFromRelayToAll)5314 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,
5315        SurfaceHostCandidateOnCandidateFilterChangeFromRelayToAll) {
5316   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
5318   ConfigureEndpoints(
5319       OPEN, OPEN,
5320       kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags | PORTALLOCATOR_ENABLE_SHARED_SOCKET,
5321       kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags | PORTALLOCATOR_ENABLE_SHARED_SOCKET);
5322   auto* ep1 = GetEndpoint(0);
5323   auto* ep2 = GetEndpoint(1);
5324   ep1->allocator_->SetCandidateFilter(CF_RELAY);
5325   ep2->allocator_->SetCandidateFilter(CF_RELAY);
5326   // Enable continual gathering and also resurfacing gathered candidates upon
5327   // the candidate filter changed in the ICE configuration.
5328   IceConfig ice_config = CreateIceConfig(1000, GATHER_CONTINUALLY);
5329   ice_config.surface_ice_candidates_on_ice_transport_type_changed = true;
5330   CreateChannels(ice_config, ice_config);
5331   ASSERT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(ep1_ch1()->selected_connection() != nullptr,
5332                              kDefaultTimeout, clock);
5333   ASSERT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(ep2_ch1()->selected_connection() != nullptr,
5334                              kDefaultTimeout, clock);
5336             ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()->local_candidate().type());
5338             ep2_ch1()->selected_connection()->local_candidate().type());
5340   // Loosen the candidate filter at ep1.
5341   ep1->allocator_->SetCandidateFilter(CF_ALL);
5343       ep1_ch1()->selected_connection() != nullptr &&
5344           ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()->local_candidate().type() ==
5345               LOCAL_PORT_TYPE,
5346       kDefaultTimeout, clock);
5348             ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()->remote_candidate().type());
5350   // Loosen the candidate filter at ep2.
5351   ep2->allocator_->SetCandidateFilter(CF_ALL);
5353       ep2_ch1()->selected_connection() != nullptr &&
5354           ep2_ch1()->selected_connection()->local_candidate().type() ==
5355               LOCAL_PORT_TYPE,
5356       kDefaultTimeout, clock);
5357   // We have migrated to a host-host candidate pair.
5359             ep2_ch1()->selected_connection()->remote_candidate().type());
5361   // Block the traffic over non-relay-to-relay routes and expect a route change.
5362   fw()->AddRule(false, rtc::FP_ANY, kPublicAddrs[0], kPublicAddrs[1]);
5363   fw()->AddRule(false, rtc::FP_ANY, kPublicAddrs[1], kPublicAddrs[0]);
5364   fw()->AddRule(false, rtc::FP_ANY, kPublicAddrs[0], kTurnUdpExtAddr);
5365   fw()->AddRule(false, rtc::FP_ANY, kPublicAddrs[1], kTurnUdpExtAddr);
5367   // We should be able to reuse the previously gathered relay candidates.
5369       RELAY_PORT_TYPE,
5370       ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()->local_candidate().type(),
5371       kDefaultTimeout, clock);
5373             ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()->remote_candidate().type());
5374   DestroyChannels();
5375 }
5377 // A similar test as SurfaceHostCandidateOnCandidateFilterChangeFromRelayToAll,
5378 // and we should surface server-reflexive candidates that are enabled after
5379 // changing the candidate filter.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,SurfaceSrflxCandidateOnCandidateFilterChangeFromRelayToNoHost)5380 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,
5381        SurfaceSrflxCandidateOnCandidateFilterChangeFromRelayToNoHost) {
5382   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
5383   // We need an actual NAT so that the host candidate is not equivalent to the
5384   // srflx candidate; otherwise, the host candidate would still surface even
5385   // though we disable it via the candidate filter below. This is a result of
5386   // the following limitation in the current implementation:
5387   //  1. We don't generate the srflx candidate when we have public IP.
5388   //  2. We keep the host candidate in this case in CheckCandidateFilter even
5389   //     though we intend to filter them.
5390   ConfigureEndpoints(
5392       kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags | PORTALLOCATOR_ENABLE_SHARED_SOCKET,
5393       kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags | PORTALLOCATOR_ENABLE_SHARED_SOCKET);
5394   auto* ep1 = GetEndpoint(0);
5395   auto* ep2 = GetEndpoint(1);
5396   ep1->allocator_->SetCandidateFilter(CF_RELAY);
5397   ep2->allocator_->SetCandidateFilter(CF_RELAY);
5398   // Enable continual gathering and also resurfacing gathered candidates upon
5399   // the candidate filter changed in the ICE configuration.
5400   IceConfig ice_config = CreateIceConfig(1000, GATHER_CONTINUALLY);
5401   ice_config.surface_ice_candidates_on_ice_transport_type_changed = true;
5402   CreateChannels(ice_config, ice_config);
5403   ASSERT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(ep1_ch1()->selected_connection() != nullptr,
5404                              kDefaultTimeout, clock);
5405   ASSERT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(ep2_ch1()->selected_connection() != nullptr,
5406                              kDefaultTimeout, clock);
5407   const uint32_t kCandidateFilterNoHost = CF_ALL & ~CF_HOST;
5408   // Loosen the candidate filter at ep1.
5409   ep1->allocator_->SetCandidateFilter(kCandidateFilterNoHost);
5411       ep1_ch1()->selected_connection() != nullptr &&
5412           ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()->local_candidate().type() ==
5413               STUN_PORT_TYPE,
5414       kDefaultTimeout, clock);
5416             ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()->remote_candidate().type());
5418   // Loosen the candidate filter at ep2.
5419   ep2->allocator_->SetCandidateFilter(kCandidateFilterNoHost);
5421       ep2_ch1()->selected_connection() != nullptr &&
5422           ep2_ch1()->selected_connection()->local_candidate().type() ==
5423               STUN_PORT_TYPE,
5424       kDefaultTimeout, clock);
5425   // We have migrated to a srflx-srflx candidate pair.
5427             ep2_ch1()->selected_connection()->remote_candidate().type());
5429   // Block the traffic over non-relay-to-relay routes and expect a route change.
5430   fw()->AddRule(false, rtc::FP_ANY, kPrivateAddrs[0], kPublicAddrs[1]);
5431   fw()->AddRule(false, rtc::FP_ANY, kPrivateAddrs[1], kPublicAddrs[0]);
5432   fw()->AddRule(false, rtc::FP_ANY, kPrivateAddrs[0], kTurnUdpExtAddr);
5433   fw()->AddRule(false, rtc::FP_ANY, kPrivateAddrs[1], kTurnUdpExtAddr);
5434   // We should be able to reuse the previously gathered relay candidates.
5436       RELAY_PORT_TYPE,
5437       ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()->local_candidate().type(),
5438       kDefaultTimeout, clock);
5440             ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()->remote_candidate().type());
5441   DestroyChannels();
5442 }
5444 // This is the complement to
5445 // SurfaceHostCandidateOnCandidateFilterChangeFromRelayToAll, and instead of
5446 // gathering continually we only gather once, which makes the config
5447 // |surface_ice_candidates_on_ice_transport_type_changed| ineffective after the
5448 // gathering stopped.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,CannotSurfaceTheNewlyAllowedOnFilterChangeIfNotGatheringContinually)5449 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,
5450        CannotSurfaceTheNewlyAllowedOnFilterChangeIfNotGatheringContinually) {
5451   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
5453   ConfigureEndpoints(
5454       OPEN, OPEN,
5455       kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags | PORTALLOCATOR_ENABLE_SHARED_SOCKET,
5456       kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags | PORTALLOCATOR_ENABLE_SHARED_SOCKET);
5457   auto* ep1 = GetEndpoint(0);
5458   auto* ep2 = GetEndpoint(1);
5459   ep1->allocator_->SetCandidateFilter(CF_RELAY);
5460   ep2->allocator_->SetCandidateFilter(CF_RELAY);
5461   // Only gather once.
5462   IceConfig ice_config = CreateIceConfig(1000, GATHER_ONCE);
5463   ice_config.surface_ice_candidates_on_ice_transport_type_changed = true;
5464   CreateChannels(ice_config, ice_config);
5465   ASSERT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(ep1_ch1()->selected_connection() != nullptr,
5466                              kDefaultTimeout, clock);
5467   ASSERT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(ep2_ch1()->selected_connection() != nullptr,
5468                              kDefaultTimeout, clock);
5469   // Loosen the candidate filter at ep1.
5470   ep1->allocator_->SetCandidateFilter(CF_ALL);
5471   // Wait for a period for any potential surfacing of new candidates.
5472   SIMULATED_WAIT(false, kDefaultTimeout, clock);
5474             ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()->local_candidate().type());
5476   // Loosen the candidate filter at ep2.
5477   ep2->allocator_->SetCandidateFilter(CF_ALL);
5479             ep2_ch1()->selected_connection()->local_candidate().type());
5480   DestroyChannels();
5481 }
5483 // Test that when the candidate filter is updated to be more restrictive,
5484 // candidates that 1) have already been gathered and signaled 2) but no longer
5485 // match the filter, are not removed.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,RestrictingCandidateFilterDoesNotRemoveRegatheredCandidates)5486 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,
5487        RestrictingCandidateFilterDoesNotRemoveRegatheredCandidates) {
5488   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
5490   ConfigureEndpoints(
5491       OPEN, OPEN,
5492       kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags | PORTALLOCATOR_ENABLE_SHARED_SOCKET,
5493       kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags | PORTALLOCATOR_ENABLE_SHARED_SOCKET);
5494   auto* ep1 = GetEndpoint(0);
5495   auto* ep2 = GetEndpoint(1);
5496   ep1->allocator_->SetCandidateFilter(CF_ALL);
5497   ep2->allocator_->SetCandidateFilter(CF_ALL);
5498   // Enable continual gathering and also resurfacing gathered candidates upon
5499   // the candidate filter changed in the ICE configuration.
5500   IceConfig ice_config = CreateIceConfig(1000, GATHER_CONTINUALLY);
5501   ice_config.surface_ice_candidates_on_ice_transport_type_changed = true;
5502   // Pause candidates so we can gather all types of candidates. See
5503   // P2PTransportChannel::OnConnectionStateChange, where we would stop the
5504   // gathering when we have a strongly connected candidate pair.
5505   PauseCandidates(0);
5506   PauseCandidates(1);
5507   CreateChannels(ice_config, ice_config);
5509   // We have gathered host, srflx and relay candidates.
5510   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(ep1->saved_candidates_.size() == 3u,
5511                              kDefaultTimeout, clock);
5512   ResumeCandidates(0);
5513   ResumeCandidates(1);
5515       ep1_ch1()->selected_connection() != nullptr &&
5516           LOCAL_PORT_TYPE ==
5517               ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()->local_candidate().type() &&
5518           ep2_ch1()->selected_connection() != nullptr &&
5519           LOCAL_PORT_TYPE ==
5520               ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()->remote_candidate().type(),
5521       kDefaultTimeout, clock);
5522   ASSERT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(ep2_ch1()->selected_connection() != nullptr,
5523                              kDefaultTimeout, clock);
5524   // Test that we have a host-host candidate pair selected and the number of
5525   // candidates signaled to the remote peer stays the same.
5526   auto test_invariants = [this]() {
5528               ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()->local_candidate().type());
5530               ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()->remote_candidate().type());
5531     EXPECT_THAT(ep2_ch1()->remote_candidates(), SizeIs(3));
5532   };
5534   test_invariants();
5536   // Set a more restrictive candidate filter at ep1.
5537   ep1->allocator_->SetCandidateFilter(CF_HOST | CF_REFLEXIVE);
5538   SIMULATED_WAIT(false, kDefaultTimeout, clock);
5539   test_invariants();
5541   ep1->allocator_->SetCandidateFilter(CF_HOST);
5542   SIMULATED_WAIT(false, kDefaultTimeout, clock);
5543   test_invariants();
5545   ep1->allocator_->SetCandidateFilter(CF_NONE);
5546   SIMULATED_WAIT(false, kDefaultTimeout, clock);
5547   test_invariants();
5548   DestroyChannels();
5549 }
5551 // Verify that things break unless
5552 // - both parties use the surface_ice_candidates_on_ice_transport_type_changed
5553 // - both parties loosen candidate filter at the same time (approx.).
5554 //
5555 // i.e surface_ice_candidates_on_ice_transport_type_changed requires
5556 // coordination outside of webrtc to function properly.
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,SurfaceRequiresCoordination)5557 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest, SurfaceRequiresCoordination) {
5558   webrtc::test::ScopedFieldTrials field_trials(
5559       "WebRTC-IceFieldTrials/skip_relay_to_non_relay_connections:true/");
5560   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
5562   ConfigureEndpoints(
5563       OPEN, OPEN,
5564       kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags | PORTALLOCATOR_ENABLE_SHARED_SOCKET,
5565       kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags | PORTALLOCATOR_ENABLE_SHARED_SOCKET);
5566   auto* ep1 = GetEndpoint(0);
5567   auto* ep2 = GetEndpoint(1);
5568   ep1->allocator_->SetCandidateFilter(CF_RELAY);
5569   ep2->allocator_->SetCandidateFilter(CF_ALL);
5570   // Enable continual gathering and also resurfacing gathered candidates upon
5571   // the candidate filter changed in the ICE configuration.
5572   IceConfig ice_config = CreateIceConfig(1000, GATHER_CONTINUALLY);
5573   ice_config.surface_ice_candidates_on_ice_transport_type_changed = true;
5574   // Pause candidates gathering so we can gather all types of candidates. See
5575   // P2PTransportChannel::OnConnectionStateChange, where we would stop the
5576   // gathering when we have a strongly connected candidate pair.
5577   PauseCandidates(0);
5578   PauseCandidates(1);
5579   CreateChannels(ice_config, ice_config);
5581   // On the caller we only have relay,
5582   // on the callee we have host, srflx and relay.
5583   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(ep1->saved_candidates_.size() == 1u,
5584                              kDefaultTimeout, clock);
5585   EXPECT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(ep2->saved_candidates_.size() == 3u,
5586                              kDefaultTimeout, clock);
5588   ResumeCandidates(0);
5589   ResumeCandidates(1);
5591       ep1_ch1()->selected_connection() != nullptr &&
5592           RELAY_PORT_TYPE ==
5593               ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()->local_candidate().type() &&
5594           ep2_ch1()->selected_connection() != nullptr &&
5595           RELAY_PORT_TYPE ==
5596               ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()->remote_candidate().type(),
5597       kDefaultTimeout, clock);
5598   ASSERT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(ep2_ch1()->selected_connection() != nullptr,
5599                              kDefaultTimeout, clock);
5601   // Wait until the callee discards it's candidates
5602   // since they don't manage to connect.
5603   SIMULATED_WAIT(false, 300000, clock);
5605   // And then loosen caller candidate filter.
5606   ep1->allocator_->SetCandidateFilter(CF_ALL);
5608   SIMULATED_WAIT(false, kDefaultTimeout, clock);
5610   // No p2p connection will be made, it will remain on relay.
5611   EXPECT_TRUE(ep1_ch1()->selected_connection() != nullptr &&
5612               RELAY_PORT_TYPE ==
5613                   ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()->local_candidate().type() &&
5614               ep2_ch1()->selected_connection() != nullptr &&
5615               RELAY_PORT_TYPE ==
5616                   ep1_ch1()->selected_connection()->remote_candidate().type());
5618   DestroyChannels();
5619 }
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,TestInitialSelectDampening0)5621 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest, TestInitialSelectDampening0) {
5622   webrtc::test::ScopedFieldTrials field_trials(
5623       "WebRTC-IceFieldTrials/initial_select_dampening:0/");
5625   constexpr int kMargin = 10;
5626   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
5627   clock.AdvanceTime(webrtc::TimeDelta::Seconds(1));
5629   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
5630   P2PTransportChannel ch("test channel", 1, &pa);
5631   PrepareChannel(&ch);
5632   ch.SetIceConfig(ch.config());
5633   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
5635   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 1, 100));
5636   Connection* conn1 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 1, &clock);
5637   ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 != nullptr);
5638   EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, ch.selected_connection());
5639   conn1->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");  // Becomes writable and receiving
5640   // It shall not be selected until 0ms has passed....i.e it should be connected
5641   // directly.
5642   EXPECT_EQ_SIMULATED_WAIT(conn1, ch.selected_connection(), kMargin, clock);
5643 }
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,TestInitialSelectDampening)5645 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest, TestInitialSelectDampening) {
5646   webrtc::test::ScopedFieldTrials field_trials(
5647       "WebRTC-IceFieldTrials/initial_select_dampening:100/");
5649   constexpr int kMargin = 10;
5650   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
5651   clock.AdvanceTime(webrtc::TimeDelta::Seconds(1));
5653   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
5654   P2PTransportChannel ch("test channel", 1, &pa);
5655   PrepareChannel(&ch);
5656   ch.SetIceConfig(ch.config());
5657   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
5659   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 1, 100));
5660   Connection* conn1 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 1, &clock);
5661   ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 != nullptr);
5662   EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, ch.selected_connection());
5663   conn1->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");  // Becomes writable and receiving
5664   // It shall not be selected until 100ms has passed.
5665   SIMULATED_WAIT(conn1 == ch.selected_connection(), 100 - kMargin, clock);
5666   EXPECT_EQ_SIMULATED_WAIT(conn1, ch.selected_connection(), 2 * kMargin, clock);
5667 }
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,TestInitialSelectDampeningPingReceived)5669 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest, TestInitialSelectDampeningPingReceived) {
5670   webrtc::test::ScopedFieldTrials field_trials(
5671       "WebRTC-IceFieldTrials/initial_select_dampening_ping_received:100/");
5673   constexpr int kMargin = 10;
5674   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
5675   clock.AdvanceTime(webrtc::TimeDelta::Seconds(1));
5677   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
5678   P2PTransportChannel ch("test channel", 1, &pa);
5679   PrepareChannel(&ch);
5680   ch.SetIceConfig(ch.config());
5681   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
5683   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 1, 100));
5684   Connection* conn1 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 1, &clock);
5685   ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 != nullptr);
5686   EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, ch.selected_connection());
5687   conn1->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");  // Becomes writable and receiving
5688   conn1->ReceivedPing("id1");                  //
5689   // It shall not be selected until 100ms has passed.
5690   SIMULATED_WAIT(conn1 == ch.selected_connection(), 100 - kMargin, clock);
5691   EXPECT_EQ_SIMULATED_WAIT(conn1, ch.selected_connection(), 2 * kMargin, clock);
5692 }
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,TestInitialSelectDampeningBoth)5694 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest, TestInitialSelectDampeningBoth) {
5695   webrtc::test::ScopedFieldTrials field_trials(
5696       "WebRTC-IceFieldTrials/"
5697       "initial_select_dampening:100,initial_select_dampening_ping_received:"
5698       "50/");
5700   constexpr int kMargin = 10;
5701   rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock;
5702   clock.AdvanceTime(webrtc::TimeDelta::Seconds(1));
5704   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
5705   P2PTransportChannel ch("test channel", 1, &pa);
5706   PrepareChannel(&ch);
5707   ch.SetIceConfig(ch.config());
5708   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
5710   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 1, 100));
5711   Connection* conn1 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 1, &clock);
5712   ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 != nullptr);
5713   EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, ch.selected_connection());
5714   conn1->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");  // Becomes writable and receiving
5715   // It shall not be selected until 100ms has passed....but only wait ~50 now.
5716   SIMULATED_WAIT(conn1 == ch.selected_connection(), 50 - kMargin, clock);
5717   // Now receiving ping and new timeout should kick in.
5718   conn1->ReceivedPing("id1");  //
5719   EXPECT_EQ_SIMULATED_WAIT(conn1, ch.selected_connection(), 2 * kMargin, clock);
5720 }
TEST(P2PTransportChannel,InjectIceController)5722 TEST(P2PTransportChannel, InjectIceController) {
5723   MockIceControllerFactory factory;
5724   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
5725   EXPECT_CALL(factory, RecordIceControllerCreated()).Times(1);
5726   auto dummy = std::make_unique<cricket::P2PTransportChannel>(
5727       "transport_name",
5728       /* component= */ 77, &pa,
5729       /* async_resolver_factory = */ nullptr,
5730       /* event_log = */ nullptr, &factory);
5731 }
5733 class ForgetLearnedStateController : public cricket::BasicIceController {
5734  public:
ForgetLearnedStateController(const cricket::IceControllerFactoryArgs & args)5735   explicit ForgetLearnedStateController(
5736       const cricket::IceControllerFactoryArgs& args)
5737       : cricket::BasicIceController(args) {}
SortAndSwitchConnection(IceControllerEvent reason)5739   SwitchResult SortAndSwitchConnection(IceControllerEvent reason) override {
5740     auto result = cricket::BasicIceController::SortAndSwitchConnection(reason);
5741     if (forget_connnection_) {
5742       result.connections_to_forget_state_on.push_back(forget_connnection_);
5743       forget_connnection_ = nullptr;
5744     }
5745     result.recheck_event =
5746         IceControllerEvent(IceControllerEvent::ICE_CONTROLLER_RECHECK);
5747     result.recheck_event->recheck_delay_ms = 100;
5748     return result;
5749   }
ForgetThisConnectionNextTimeSortAndSwitchConnectionIsCalled(Connection * con)5751   void ForgetThisConnectionNextTimeSortAndSwitchConnectionIsCalled(
5752       Connection* con) {
5753     forget_connnection_ = con;
5754   }
5756  private:
5757   Connection* forget_connnection_ = nullptr;
5758 };
5760 class ForgetLearnedStateControllerFactory
5761     : public cricket::IceControllerFactoryInterface {
5762  public:
Create(const cricket::IceControllerFactoryArgs & args)5763   std::unique_ptr<cricket::IceControllerInterface> Create(
5764       const cricket::IceControllerFactoryArgs& args) override {
5765     auto controller = std::make_unique<ForgetLearnedStateController>(args);
5766     // Keep a pointer to allow modifying calls.
5767     // Must not be used after the p2ptransportchannel has been destructed.
5768     controller_ = controller.get();
5769     return controller;
5770   }
5771   virtual ~ForgetLearnedStateControllerFactory() = default;
5773   ForgetLearnedStateController* controller_;
5774 };
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest,TestForgetLearnedState)5776 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelPingTest, TestForgetLearnedState) {
5777   ForgetLearnedStateControllerFactory factory;
5778   FakePortAllocator pa(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr);
5779   P2PTransportChannel ch("ping sufficiently", 1, &pa, nullptr, nullptr,
5780                          &factory);
5781   PrepareChannel(&ch);
5782   ch.MaybeStartGathering();
5783   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 1, 1));
5784   ch.AddRemoteCandidate(CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "", 2, 2));
5786   Connection* conn1 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 1);
5787   Connection* conn2 = WaitForConnectionTo(&ch, "", 2);
5788   ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 != nullptr);
5789   ASSERT_TRUE(conn2 != nullptr);
5791   // Wait for conn1 to be selected.
5792   conn1->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");
5793   EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(conn1, ch.selected_connection(), kMediumTimeout);
5795   conn2->ReceivedPingResponse(LOW_RTT, "id");
5796   EXPECT_TRUE(conn2->writable());
5798   // Now let the ice controller signal to P2PTransportChannel that it
5799   // should Forget conn2.
5800   factory.controller_
5801       ->ForgetThisConnectionNextTimeSortAndSwitchConnectionIsCalled(conn2);
5803   // We don't have a mock Connection, so verify this by checking that it
5804   // is no longer writable.
5805   EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(false, conn2->writable(), kMediumTimeout);
5806 }
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,DisableDnsLookupsWithTransportPolicyRelay)5808 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest, DisableDnsLookupsWithTransportPolicyRelay) {
5809   ConfigureEndpoints(OPEN, OPEN, kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags,
5810                      kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags);
5811   auto* ep1 = GetEndpoint(0);
5812   ep1->allocator_->SetCandidateFilter(CF_RELAY);
5814   rtc::MockAsyncResolver mock_async_resolver;
5815   webrtc::MockAsyncResolverFactory mock_async_resolver_factory;
5816   ON_CALL(mock_async_resolver_factory, Create())
5817       .WillByDefault(Return(&mock_async_resolver));
5818   ep1->async_resolver_factory_ = &mock_async_resolver_factory;
5820   bool lookup_started = false;
5821   ON_CALL(mock_async_resolver, Start(_))
5822       .WillByDefault(Assign(&lookup_started, true));
5824   CreateChannels();
5826   ep1_ch1()->AddRemoteCandidate(
5827       CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "hostname.test", 1, 100));
5829   EXPECT_FALSE(lookup_started);
5831   DestroyChannels();
5832 }
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,DisableDnsLookupsWithTransportPolicyNone)5834 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest, DisableDnsLookupsWithTransportPolicyNone) {
5835   ConfigureEndpoints(OPEN, OPEN, kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags,
5836                      kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags);
5837   auto* ep1 = GetEndpoint(0);
5838   ep1->allocator_->SetCandidateFilter(CF_NONE);
5840   rtc::MockAsyncResolver mock_async_resolver;
5841   webrtc::MockAsyncResolverFactory mock_async_resolver_factory;
5842   ON_CALL(mock_async_resolver_factory, Create())
5843       .WillByDefault(Return(&mock_async_resolver));
5844   ep1->async_resolver_factory_ = &mock_async_resolver_factory;
5846   bool lookup_started = false;
5847   ON_CALL(mock_async_resolver, Start(_))
5848       .WillByDefault(Assign(&lookup_started, true));
5850   CreateChannels();
5852   ep1_ch1()->AddRemoteCandidate(
5853       CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "hostname.test", 1, 100));
5855   EXPECT_FALSE(lookup_started);
5857   DestroyChannels();
5858 }
TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest,EnableDnsLookupsWithTransportPolicyNoHost)5860 TEST_F(P2PTransportChannelTest, EnableDnsLookupsWithTransportPolicyNoHost) {
5861   ConfigureEndpoints(OPEN, OPEN, kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags,
5862                      kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags);
5863   auto* ep1 = GetEndpoint(0);
5864   ep1->allocator_->SetCandidateFilter(CF_ALL & ~CF_HOST);
5866   rtc::MockAsyncResolver mock_async_resolver;
5867   webrtc::MockAsyncResolverFactory mock_async_resolver_factory;
5868   EXPECT_CALL(mock_async_resolver_factory, Create())
5869       .WillOnce(Return(&mock_async_resolver));
5870   EXPECT_CALL(mock_async_resolver, Destroy(_));
5872   ep1->async_resolver_factory_ = &mock_async_resolver_factory;
5874   bool lookup_started = false;
5875   EXPECT_CALL(mock_async_resolver, Start(_))
5876       .WillOnce(Assign(&lookup_started, true));
5878   CreateChannels();
5880   ep1_ch1()->AddRemoteCandidate(
5881       CreateUdpCandidate(LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, "hostname.test", 1, 100));
5883   EXPECT_TRUE(lookup_started);
5885   DestroyChannels();
5886 }
5888 }  // namespace cricket