1 /* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
3 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 You may obtain a copy of the License at
7     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 limitations under the License.
14 ==============================================================================*/
19 #include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
20 #include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/hlo_module.h"
21 #include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/hlo_pass_interface.h"
22 #include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/statusor.h"
24 namespace xla {
26 namespace conditional_opt {
27 // At the conceptual level, a boundary can be thought of as representing a
28 // single virtual operation, except this virtual operation is conditionally
29 // instantiated into different concrete operations at each conditional branch.
30 // So a boundary is mapped to a single concrete operation if it is outside of
31 // conditional branches, and is mapped to a list of instructions if inside the
32 // branches. This data structure therefore allows a common data structure
33 // representation of the instructions to be moved, whether  they are inside or
34 // outside of the branches. Subsequently, it allows a common implementation
35 // basis to be used for both moving instructions out of and for moving them
36 // inside branches.
37 class Boundary {
38  public:
39   enum class Position { kInsideBranch, kOutsideBranch, kUndefined };
Boundary()40   Boundary() : position_(Position::kUndefined) {}
Boundary(Position p)41   explicit Boundary(Position p) : position_(p) {}
mutable_operands()42   std::vector<HloInstruction*>& mutable_operands() { return operands_; }
operands()43   const std::vector<HloInstruction*>& operands() const { return operands_; }
IsInsideBranch()44   bool IsInsideBranch() const { return position_ == Position::kInsideBranch; }
IsOutsideBranch()45   bool IsOutsideBranch() const { return position_ == Position::kOutsideBranch; }
GetPosition()46   Position GetPosition() const { return position_; }
IsEmpty()47   bool IsEmpty() const { return operands_.empty(); }
ToString()48   std::string ToString() const {
49     std::string res;
50     for (HloInstruction* op : operands_) {
51       res += op->ToString() + ";";
52     }
53     return res;
54   }
55   bool operator==(const Boundary& that) {
56     return ContainersEqual(operands_, that.operands_);
57   }
59  private:
60   // Boundary instructions in the conditional branches, one from each branch
61   // of the conditional; or a single operand from outside the conditional.
62   std::vector<HloInstruction*> operands_;
63   Position position_;
64 };
66 // HLO pass that moves identical ops in/out of conditional.
67 // - The definition of identical are the shape of the operands are identical
68 // and their properties are identical.
69 // - Only the identical ops that won't share operands with other ops will
70 // be moved out of conditional.
71 // The cost model of the code motion optimization includes two components:
72 // represented by the move_config_ and reuse_config_ arrays of the optimization.
73 // The move_config_ array uses 1 vs 0 to dictate whether each Hlo Opcode, when
74 // used with its first operand being another given Hlo Opcode, is allowed to
75 // move across any conditional boundary; the reuse_config_ array uses an integer
76 // to represent the force between each pair of HloOpcode regarding how
77 // attractive it is to place these instructions together (both inside or outside
78 // of a conditional). Both arrays use Hlo Opcode only to drive the
79 // configuration, regardless of where the operations are located in the
80 // module.
81 class ConditionalCodeMotion : public HloModulePass {
82  public:
83   // If is_layout_sensitive is true, then the hoist process preserves layout
84   // during identical comparison. Otherwise, layout is ignored.
85   // The search configuration is a single integer but is split into four parts:
86   // (sign, n, m, p), where n,m,p each occupy 8 bits and together make the 24
87   // bits at the end of the int32. For the sign part, if search_config is <0,
88   // the reuse_config_ cost model is modified (tuned); if search_config is >0,
89   // the move_config_ cost model is modified (tuned); if search_config == 0,
90   // the default cost model is used with no tuning. When tuning, the entries in
91   // the designated configuration array (move_config_ or reuse_config_) are
92   // flipped between 0 and another default integer, starting from the pth entry
93   // being queried by the optimization and repeated every nth time a new entry
94   // is visited, until a maximal of m entries have been changed. The tuning
95   // start over when optimizing a new model.
96   explicit ConditionalCodeMotion(bool is_layout_sensitive,
97                                  bool pursue_full_conditional_code_motion,
98                                  int32 search_config = 0)
is_layout_sensitive_(is_layout_sensitive)99       : is_layout_sensitive_(is_layout_sensitive),
100         pursue_full_conditional_code_motion_(
101             /*turn off special case if tuning*/
102             pursue_full_conditional_code_motion && search_config == 0),
103         search_config_(search_config) {}
name()105   absl::string_view name() const override { return "conditional-code-motion"; }
106   StatusOr<bool> Run(HloModule* module) override;
108   // Optimization decision for each boundary of the conditional instruction.
109   class Decision {
110    public:
111     enum class Direction : uint8 {
112       kMoveOutOfBranch,
113       kMoveIntoBranch,
114       kNoChange
115     };
117    public:
Decision(Direction direction,int benefit)118     Decision(Direction direction, int benefit)
119         : direction_(direction), benefit_(benefit) {}
GetDirection()120     Direction GetDirection() const { return direction_; }
GetBenefit()121     int GetBenefit() const { return benefit_; }
123    private:
124     Direction direction_;
125     int benefit_;
126   };
127   // If the optimization decision is NO_CHANGE, new_boundary is set to nullptr;
128   // otherwise, it is set to the new boundary after proposed optimization.
129   virtual Decision ConsiderCodeMotion(
130       HloInstruction* conditional, const Boundary& cur_boundary,
131       std::vector<Boundary>& to_move, std::vector<Boundary>& new_boundaries,
132       absl::flat_hash_map<HloInstruction*, int>& visited_count);
134  private:
135   const bool is_layout_sensitive_;
136   const bool pursue_full_conditional_code_motion_;
137   int32 search_config_;
138   std::vector<std::vector<int64>> move_config_, reuse_config_;
140   StatusOr<bool> MoveInstructionOut(HloInstruction* conditional,
141                                     std::vector<Boundary>& to_move_out,
142                                     std::vector<Boundary>& new_boundaries);
143   StatusOr<bool> MoveInstructionIn(HloInstruction* conditional,
144                                    std::vector<Boundary>& to_move_in,
145                                    std::vector<Boundary>& new_boundaries);
146   void SetDefaultMoveConfig();
147 };
148 }  // namespace conditional_opt
150 }  // namespace xla