1 /*
2   Copyright 1999-2021 ImageMagick Studio LLC, a non-profit organization
3   dedicated to making software imaging solutions freely available.
5   You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.  You may
6   obtain a copy of the License at
8     https://imagemagick.org/script/license.php
10   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14   limitations under the License.
16   MagickCore morphology methods.
17 */
21 #include "MagickCore/geometry.h"
23 #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
24 extern "C" {
25 #endif
27 typedef enum
28 {
29   UndefinedKernel,    /* equivalent to UnityKernel */
30   UnityKernel,        /* The no-op or 'original image' kernel */
31   GaussianKernel,     /* Convolution Kernels, Gaussian Based */
32   DoGKernel,
33   LoGKernel,
34   BlurKernel,
35   CometKernel,
36   BinomialKernel,
37   LaplacianKernel,    /* Convolution Kernels, by Name */
38   SobelKernel,
39   FreiChenKernel,
40   RobertsKernel,
41   PrewittKernel,
42   CompassKernel,
43   KirschKernel,
44   DiamondKernel,      /* Shape Kernels */
45   SquareKernel,
46   RectangleKernel,
47   OctagonKernel,
48   DiskKernel,
49   PlusKernel,
50   CrossKernel,
51   RingKernel,
52   PeaksKernel,         /* Hit And Miss Kernels */
53   EdgesKernel,
54   CornersKernel,
55   DiagonalsKernel,
56   LineEndsKernel,
57   LineJunctionsKernel,
58   RidgesKernel,
59   ConvexHullKernel,
60   ThinSEKernel,
61   SkeletonKernel,
62   ChebyshevKernel,    /* Distance Measuring Kernels */
63   ManhattanKernel,
64   OctagonalKernel,
65   EuclideanKernel,
66   UserDefinedKernel   /* User Specified Kernel Array */
67 } KernelInfoType;
69 typedef enum
70 {
71   UndefinedMorphology,
72 /* Convolve / Correlate weighted sums */
73   ConvolveMorphology,           /* Weighted Sum with reflected kernel */
74   CorrelateMorphology,          /* Weighted Sum using a sliding window */
75 /* Low-level Morphology methods */
76   ErodeMorphology,              /* Minimum Value in Neighbourhood */
77   DilateMorphology,             /* Maximum Value in Neighbourhood */
78   ErodeIntensityMorphology,     /* Pixel Pick using GreyScale Erode */
79   DilateIntensityMorphology,    /* Pixel Pick using GreyScale Dialate */
80   IterativeDistanceMorphology,  /* Add Kernel Value, take Minimum */
81 /* Second-level Morphology methods */
82   OpenMorphology,               /* Dilate then Erode */
83   CloseMorphology,              /* Erode then Dilate */
84   OpenIntensityMorphology,      /* Pixel Pick using GreyScale Open */
85   CloseIntensityMorphology,     /* Pixel Pick using GreyScale Close */
86   SmoothMorphology,             /* Open then Close */
87 /* Difference Morphology methods */
88   EdgeInMorphology,             /* Dilate difference from Original */
89   EdgeOutMorphology,            /* Erode difference from Original */
90   EdgeMorphology,               /* Dilate difference with Erode */
91   TopHatMorphology,             /* Close difference from Original */
92   BottomHatMorphology,          /* Open difference from Original */
93 /* Recursive Morphology methods */
94   HitAndMissMorphology,         /* Foreground/Background pattern matching */
95   ThinningMorphology,           /* Remove matching pixels from image */
96   ThickenMorphology,            /* Add matching pixels from image */
97 /* Directly Applied Morphology methods */
98   DistanceMorphology,           /* Add Kernel Value, take Minimum */
99   VoronoiMorphology             /* Distance matte channel copy nearest color */
100 } MorphologyMethod;
102 typedef struct _KernelInfo
103 {
104   KernelInfoType
105     type;
107   size_t
108     width,
109     height;
111   ssize_t
112     x,
113     y;
115   MagickRealType
116     *values;
118   double
119     minimum,
120     maximum,
121     negative_range,
122     positive_range,
123     angle;
125   struct _KernelInfo
126     *next;
128   size_t
129     signature;
130 } KernelInfo;
132 extern MagickExport KernelInfo
133   *AcquireKernelInfo(const char *,ExceptionInfo *),
134   *AcquireKernelBuiltIn(const KernelInfoType,const GeometryInfo *,
135     ExceptionInfo *),
136   *CloneKernelInfo(const KernelInfo *),
137   *DestroyKernelInfo(KernelInfo *);
139 extern MagickExport Image
140   *MorphologyImage(const Image *,const MorphologyMethod,const ssize_t,
141     const KernelInfo *,ExceptionInfo *);
143 extern MagickExport void
144   ScaleGeometryKernelInfo(KernelInfo *,const char *),
145   ScaleKernelInfo(KernelInfo *,const double,const GeometryFlags),
146   UnityAddKernelInfo(KernelInfo *,const double);
148 #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
149 }
150 #endif
152 #endif