1# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
4""" This module provides convenience routines to access Flash ROM (EEPROM)
6saft_flashrom_util is based on utility 'flashrom'.
8Original tool syntax:
9    (read ) flashrom -r <file>
10    (write) flashrom -l <layout_fn> [-i <image_name> ...] -w <file>
12The layout_fn is in format of
13    address_begin:address_end image_name
14    which defines a region between (address_begin, address_end) and can
15    be accessed by the name image_name.
17Currently the tool supports multiple partial write but not partial read.
19In the saft_flashrom_util, we provide read and partial write abilities.
20For more information, see help(saft_flashrom_util.flashrom_util).
22import re
25class TestError(Exception):
26    """Represents an internal error, such as invalid arguments."""
27    pass
30class LayoutScraper(object):
31    """Object of this class is used to retrieve layout from a BIOS file."""
34            "BOOT_STUB": "FV_BSTUB",
35            "RO_FRID": "RO_FRID",
36            "GBB": "FV_GBB",
37            "RECOVERY": "FVDEV",
38            "VBLOCK_A": "VBOOTA",
39            "VBLOCK_B": "VBOOTB",
40            "FW_MAIN_A": "FVMAIN",
41            "FW_MAIN_B": "FVMAINB",
42            "RW_FWID_A": "RW_FWID_A",
43            "RW_FWID_B": "RW_FWID_B",
44            # Intel CSME FW Update sections
45            "ME_RW_A": "ME_RW_A",
46            "ME_RW_B": "ME_RW_B",
47            # Memory Training data cache for recovery boots
48            # Added on Nov 09, 2016
50            # New sections in Depthcharge.
51            "EC_MAIN_A": "ECMAINA",
52            "EC_MAIN_B": "ECMAINB",
53            # EC firmware layout
54            "EC_RW": "EC_RW",
55            "EC_RW_B": "EC_RW_B",
56            "RW_FWID": "RW_FWID",
57            "RW_LEGACY": "RW_LEGACY",
58    }
60    def __init__(self, os_if):
61        self.image = None
62        self.os_if = os_if
64    def check_layout(self, layout, file_size):
65        """Verify the layout to be consistent.
67        The layout is consistent if there is no overlapping sections and the
68        section boundaries do not exceed the file size.
70        Inputs:
71          layout: a dictionary keyed by a string (the section name) with
72                  values being two integers tuples, the first and the last
73                  bites' offset in the file.
74          file_size: and integer, the size of the file the layout describes
75                     the sections in.
77        Raises:
78          TestError in case the layout is not consistent.
79        """
81        # Generate a list of section range tuples.
82        ost = sorted([layout[section] for section in layout])
83        base = -1
84        for section_base, section_end in ost:
85            if section_base <= base or section_end + 1 < section_base:
86                # Overlapped section is possible, like the fwid which is
87                # inside the main fw section.
88                self.os_if.log('overlapped section at 0x%x..0x%x' %
89                               (section_base, section_end))
90            base = section_end
91        if base > file_size:
92            raise TestError('Section end 0x%x exceeds file size %x' %
93                            (base, file_size))
95    def get_layout(self, file_name):
96        """Generate layout for a firmware file.
98        Internally, this uses the "dump_fmap" command, and converts
99        the output into a dictionary mapping region names to 2-tuples
100        of the start and last addresses.
102        Then verify the generated layout's consistency and return it to the
103        caller.
104        """
105        command = 'dump_fmap -p %s' % file_name
106        layout_data = {}  # keyed by the section name, elements - tuples of
107        # (<section start addr>, <section end addr>)
109        for line in self.os_if.run_shell_command_get_output(command):
110            region_name, offset, size = line.split()
112            try:
113                name = self.DEFAULT_CHROMEOS_FMAP_CONVERSION[region_name]
114            except KeyError:
115                continue  # This line does not contain an area of interest.
117            if name in layout_data:
118                raise TestError('%s duplicated in the layout' % name)
120            offset = int(offset)
121            size = int(size)
122            layout_data[name] = (offset, offset + size - 1)
124        self.check_layout(layout_data, self.os_if.get_file_size(file_name))
125        return layout_data
128# flashrom utility wrapper
129class flashrom_util(object):
130    """ a wrapper for "flashrom" utility.
132    You can read, write, or query flash ROM size with this utility.
133    Although you can do "partial-write", the tools always takes a
134    full ROM image as input parameter.
136    NOTE before accessing flash ROM, you may need to first "select"
137    your target - usually BIOS or EC. That part is not handled by
138    this utility. Please find other external script to do it.
140    To perform a read, you need to:
141     1. Prepare a flashrom_util object
142        ex: flashrom = flashrom_util.flashrom_util()
143     2. Perform read operation
144        ex: image = flashrom.read_whole()
146        When the contents of the flashrom is read off the target, it's map
147        gets created automatically (read from the flashrom image using
148        'dump_fmap'). If the user wants this object to operate on some other
149        file, they could either have the map for the file created explicitly by
150        invoking flashrom.set_firmware_layout(filename), or supply their own map
151        (which is a dictionary where keys are section names, and values are
152        tuples of integers, base address of the section and the last address
153        of the section).
155    By default this object operates on the map retrieved from the image and
156    stored locally, this map can be overwritten by an explicitly passed user
157    map.
159    To perform a (partial) write:
161     1. Prepare a buffer storing an image to be written into the flashrom.
162     2. Have the map generated automatically or prepare your own, for instance:
163        ex: layout_map_all = { 'all': (0, rom_size - 1) }
164        ex: layout_map = { 'ro': (0, 0xFFF), 'rw': (0x1000, rom_size-1) }
165     4. Perform write operation
167        ex using default map:
168          flashrom.write_partial(new_image, (<section_name>, ...))
169        ex using explicitly provided map:
170          flashrom.write_partial(new_image, layout_map_all, ('all',))
171    """
173    def __init__(self, os_if, keep_temp_files=False, target_is_ec=False):
174        """ constructor of flashrom_util. help(flashrom_util) for more info
176        @param os_if: an object providing interface to OS services
177        @param keep_temp_files: if true, preserve temp files after operations
178        @param target_is_ec: if false, target is BIOS/AP
180        @type os_if: client.cros.faft.utils.os_interface.OSInterface
181        @type keep_temp_files: bool
182        @type target_is_ec: bool
183        """
185        self.os_if = os_if
186        self.keep_temp_files = keep_temp_files
187        self.firmware_layout = {}
188        self._target_command = ''
189        if target_is_ec:
190            self._enable_ec_access()
191        else:
192            self._enable_bios_access()
194    def _enable_bios_access(self):
195        if self.os_if.test_mode or self.os_if.target_hosted():
196            self._target_command = '-p host'
198    def _enable_ec_access(self):
199        if self.os_if.test_mode or self.os_if.target_hosted():
200            self._target_command = '-p ec'
202    def _get_temp_filename(self, prefix):
203        """Returns name of a temporary file in /tmp."""
204        return self.os_if.create_temp_file(prefix)
206    def _remove_temp_file(self, filename):
207        """Removes a temp file if self.keep_temp_files is false."""
208        if self.keep_temp_files:
209            return
210        if self.os_if.path_exists(filename):
211            self.os_if.remove_file(filename)
213    def _create_layout_file(self, layout_map):
214        """Creates a layout file based on layout_map.
216        Returns the file name containing layout information.
217        """
218        layout_text = [
219                '0x%08lX:0x%08lX %s' % (v[0], v[1], k)
220                for k, v in layout_map.items()
221        ]
222        layout_text.sort()  # XXX unstable if range exceeds 2^32
223        tmpfn = self._get_temp_filename('lay_')
224        self.os_if.write_file(tmpfn, '\n'.join(layout_text) + '\n')
225        return tmpfn
227    def check_target(self):
228        """Check if flashrom programmer is working, by specifying no commands.
230        The command executed is just 'flashrom -p <target>'.
232        @return: True if flashrom completed successfully
233        @raise autotest_lib.client.common_lib.error.CmdError: if flashrom failed
234        """
235        cmd = 'flashrom %s' % self._target_command
236        self.os_if.run_shell_command(cmd)
237        return True
239    def get_section(self, base_image, section_name):
240        """
241        Retrieves a section of data based on section_name in layout_map.
242        Raises error if unknown section or invalid layout_map.
243        """
244        if section_name not in self.firmware_layout:
245            return ''
246        pos = self.firmware_layout[section_name]
247        if pos[0] >= pos[1] or pos[1] >= len(base_image):
248            raise TestError(
249                    'INTERNAL ERROR: invalid layout map: %s.' % section_name)
250        blob = base_image[pos[0]:pos[1] + 1]
251        # Trim down the main firmware body to its actual size since the
252        # signing utility uses the size of the input file as the size of
253        # the data to sign. Make it the same way as firmware creation.
254        if section_name in ('FVMAIN', 'FVMAINB', 'ECMAINA', 'ECMAINB'):
255            align = 4
256            pad = blob[-1]
257            blob = blob.rstrip(pad)
258            blob = blob + ((align - 1) - (len(blob) - 1) % align) * pad
259        return blob
261    def put_section(self, base_image, section_name, data):
262        """
263        Updates a section of data based on section_name in firmware_layout.
264        Raises error if unknown section.
265        Returns the full updated image data.
266        """
267        pos = self.firmware_layout[section_name]
268        if pos[0] >= pos[1] or pos[1] >= len(base_image):
269            raise TestError('INTERNAL ERROR: invalid layout map.')
270        if len(data) != pos[1] - pos[0] + 1:
271            # Pad the main firmware body since we trimed it down before.
272            if (len(data) < pos[1] - pos[0] + 1
273                        and section_name in ('FVMAIN', 'FVMAINB', 'ECMAINA',
274                                             'ECMAINB', 'RW_FWID')):
275                pad = base_image[pos[1]]
276                data = data + pad * (pos[1] - pos[0] + 1 - len(data))
277            else:
278                raise TestError('INTERNAL ERROR: unmatched data size.')
279        return base_image[0:pos[0]] + data + base_image[pos[1] + 1:]
281    def get_size(self):
282        """ Gets size of current flash ROM """
283        # TODO(hungte) Newer version of tool (flashrom) may support --get-size
284        # command which is faster in future. Right now we use back-compatible
285        # method: read whole and then get length.
286        image = self.read_whole()
287        return len(image)
289    def set_firmware_layout(self, file_name):
290        """get layout read from the BIOS """
292        scraper = LayoutScraper(self.os_if)
293        self.firmware_layout = scraper.get_layout(file_name)
295    def enable_write_protect(self):
296        """Enable the write protection of the flash chip."""
298        # For MTD devices, this will fail: need both --wp-range and --wp-enable.
299        # See: https://crrev.com/c/275381
301        cmd = 'flashrom %s --verbose --wp-enable' % self._target_command
302        self.os_if.run_shell_command(cmd, modifies_device=True)
304    def disable_write_protect(self):
305        """Disable the write protection of the flash chip."""
306        cmd = 'flashrom %s --verbose --wp-disable' % self._target_command
307        self.os_if.run_shell_command(cmd, modifies_device=True)
309    def set_write_protect_region(self, image_file, region, enabled=None):
310        """
311        Set write protection region, using specified image's layout.
313        The name should match those seen in `futility dump_fmap <image>`, and
314        is not checked against self.firmware_layout, due to different naming.
316        @param image_file: path of the image file to read regions from
317        @param region: Region to set (usually WP_RO)
318        @param enabled: if True, run --wp-enable; if False, run --wp-disable.
319        """
320        cmd = 'flashrom %s --verbose --image %s:%s --wp-region %s' % (
321                self._target_command, region, image_file, region)
322        if enabled is not None:
323            cmd += ' '
324            cmd += '--wp-enable' if enabled else '--wp-disable'
326        self.os_if.run_shell_command(cmd, modifies_device=True)
328    def set_write_protect_range(self, start, length, enabled=None):
329        """
330        Set write protection range by offset, using current image's layout.
332        @param start: offset (bytes) from start of flash to start of range
333        @param length: offset (bytes) from start of range to end of range
334        @param enabled: If True, run --wp-enable; if False, run --wp-disable.
335                        If None (default), don't specify either one.
336        """
337        cmd = 'flashrom %s --verbose --wp-range %s %s' % (
338                self._target_command, start, length)
339        if enabled is not None:
340            cmd += ' '
341            cmd += '--wp-enable' if enabled else '--wp-disable'
343        self.os_if.run_shell_command(cmd, modifies_device=True)
345    def get_write_protect_status(self):
346        """Get a dict describing the status of the write protection
348        @return: {'enabled': True/False, 'start': '0x0', 'length': '0x0', ...}
349        @rtype: dict
350        """
351        # https://crrev.com/8ebbd500b5d8da9f6c1b9b44b645f99352ef62b4/writeprotect.c
353        status_pattern = re.compile(
354                r'WP: status: (.*)')
355        enabled_pattern = re.compile(
356                r'WP: write protect is (\w+)\.?')
357        range_pattern = re.compile(
358                r'WP: write protect range: start=(\w+), len=(\w+)')
359        range_err_pattern = re.compile(
360                r'WP: write protect range: (.+)')
362        output = self.os_if.run_shell_command_get_output(
363                'flashrom %s --wp-status' % self._target_command)
365        wp_status = {}
366        for line in output:
367            if not line.startswith('WP: '):
368                continue
370            found_enabled = re.match(enabled_pattern, line)
371            if found_enabled:
372                status_word = found_enabled.group(1)
373                wp_status['enabled'] = (status_word == 'enabled')
374                continue
376            found_range = re.match(range_pattern, line)
377            if found_range:
378                (start, length) = found_range.groups()
379                wp_status['start'] = int(start, 16)
380                wp_status['length'] = int(length, 16)
381                continue
383            found_range_err = re.match(range_err_pattern, line)
384            if found_range_err:
385                # WP: write protect range: (cannot resolve the range)
386                wp_status['error'] = found_range_err.group(1)
387                continue
389            found_status = re.match(status_pattern, line)
390            if found_status:
391                wp_status['status'] = found_status.group(1)
392                continue
394        return wp_status
396    def dump_flash(self, filename):
397        """Read the flash device's data into a file, but don't parse it."""
398        cmd = 'flashrom %s -r "%s"' % (self._target_command, filename)
399        self.os_if.log('flashrom_util.dump_flash(): %s' % cmd)
400        self.os_if.run_shell_command(cmd)
402    def read_whole(self):
403        """
404        Reads whole flash ROM data.
405        Returns the data read from flash ROM, or empty string for other error.
406        """
407        tmpfn = self._get_temp_filename('rd_')
408        cmd = 'flashrom %s -r "%s"' % (self._target_command, tmpfn)
409        self.os_if.log('flashrom_util.read_whole(): %s' % cmd)
410        self.os_if.run_shell_command(cmd)
411        result = self.os_if.read_file(tmpfn)
412        self.set_firmware_layout(tmpfn)
414        # clean temporary resources
415        self._remove_temp_file(tmpfn)
416        return result
418    def write_partial(self, base_image, write_list, write_layout_map=None):
419        """
420        Writes data in sections of write_list to flash ROM.
421        An exception is raised if write operation fails.
422        """
424        if write_layout_map:
425            layout_map = write_layout_map
426        else:
427            layout_map = self.firmware_layout
429        tmpfn = self._get_temp_filename('wr_')
430        self.os_if.write_file(tmpfn, base_image)
431        layout_fn = self._create_layout_file(layout_map)
433        write_cmd = 'flashrom %s -l "%s" -i %s -w "%s"' % (
434                self._target_command, layout_fn, ' -i '.join(write_list),
435                tmpfn)
436        self.os_if.log('flashrom.write_partial(): %s' % write_cmd)
437        self.os_if.run_shell_command(write_cmd, modifies_device=True)
439        # clean temporary resources
440        self._remove_temp_file(tmpfn)
441        self._remove_temp_file(layout_fn)
443    def write_whole(self, base_image):
444        """Write the whole base image. """
445        layout_map = {'all': (0, len(base_image) - 1)}
446        self.write_partial(base_image, ('all', ), layout_map)
448    def get_write_cmd(self, image=None):
449        """Get the command to write the whole image (no layout handling)
451        @param image: the filename (empty to use current handler data)
452        """
453        return 'flashrom %s -w "%s"' % (self._target_command, image)