1syntax = "proto3";
3package mlir.quant;
5option cc_enable_arenas = true;
7// Represents the quantization parameters for a list of named tensors.
8message QuantizationInfo {
9  // min/max of the per axis value range. To quantize the value, the metadata
10  // of the target properties should be specified or read from the ops
11  // quantization specification.
12  message MinMax {
13    float min = 1;
14    float max = 2;
15  }
17  // Affine parameters to quantize the per axis value. The metadata of the
18  // target properties should be specified as well.
19  message AffineParams {
20    float scale = 1;
21    int32 zero_point = 2;
22  }
24  // Params to quantize the axis. Only one of the field can be used.
25  message PerAxisParams {
26    oneof params_oneof {
27      // min/max of the ranges.
28      MinMax min_max = 1;
30      // affine parameters to quantize the per axis value.
31      AffineParams affine_params = 2;
32    }
33  }
35  // The metadata defines the target properties.
36  message Metadata {
37    //  Bit number of fixed-point data the target kernel supports.
38    int32 num_bits = 1;
39    //  The quantized axis index if it is per-axis quantization.
40    int32 quantize_axis = 2;
41    // The minimum allowed value of the fixed-point data range.
42    // This can also be used to derive the sign of storage type.
43    int32 range_min = 3;
44    // The minimum allowed value of the fixed-point data range.
45    int32 range_max = 4;
46  }
48  // The quantization parameters for a named tensor.
49  message QuantParams {
50    // The tensor name has the following convention:
51    //     tensor_name := op_name | op_name  ’:’  port_number.
52    // If the op has only one port, op_name can be used.
53    // If the op has internal states, such as fused LSTM, the port_number should
54    // follow a predefined convention.
55    oneof name_oneof {
56      string name = 1;
58      // An regex can be used to match multiple tensors.
59      string name_regex = 2;
60    }
62    // The quantization parameters for the tensor. If it is for per-axis, the
63    // parameters should be defined for each axis, otherwise, if it is for
64    // per-tensor, this repeated field should only contain a single element.
65    repeated PerAxisParams params = 3;
67    // Metadata about the quantization parameters.
68    Metadata meta = 5;
69  }
71  // List of quantization parameters for tensors.
72  repeated QuantParams entries = 1;