1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
20 #include <list>
21 #include <map>
22 #include <memory>
23 #include <string>
25 #include "perfetto/ext/base/weak_ptr.h"
26 #include "perfetto/ext/ipc/basic_types.h"
27 #include "perfetto/ext/tracing/core/consumer.h"
28 #include "perfetto/ext/tracing/core/tracing_service.h"
29 #include "perfetto/tracing/core/forward_decls.h"
30 #include "protos/perfetto/ipc/consumer_port.ipc.h"
32 namespace perfetto {
34 namespace ipc {
35 class Host;
36 }  // namespace ipc
38 // Implements the Consumer port of the IPC service. This class proxies requests
39 // and responses between the core service logic (|svc_|) and remote Consumer(s)
40 // on the IPC socket, through the methods overriddden from ConsumerPort.
41 class ConsumerIPCService : public protos::gen::ConsumerPort {
42  public:
43   explicit ConsumerIPCService(TracingService* core_service);
44   ~ConsumerIPCService() override;
46   // ConsumerPort implementation (from .proto IPC definition).
47   void EnableTracing(const protos::gen::EnableTracingRequest&,
48                      DeferredEnableTracingResponse) override;
49   void StartTracing(const protos::gen::StartTracingRequest&,
50                     DeferredStartTracingResponse) override;
51   void ChangeTraceConfig(const protos::gen::ChangeTraceConfigRequest&,
52                          DeferredChangeTraceConfigResponse) override;
53   void DisableTracing(const protos::gen::DisableTracingRequest&,
54                       DeferredDisableTracingResponse) override;
55   void ReadBuffers(const protos::gen::ReadBuffersRequest&,
56                    DeferredReadBuffersResponse) override;
57   void FreeBuffers(const protos::gen::FreeBuffersRequest&,
58                    DeferredFreeBuffersResponse) override;
59   void Flush(const protos::gen::FlushRequest&, DeferredFlushResponse) override;
60   void Detach(const protos::gen::DetachRequest&,
61               DeferredDetachResponse) override;
62   void Attach(const protos::gen::AttachRequest&,
63               DeferredAttachResponse) override;
64   void GetTraceStats(const protos::gen::GetTraceStatsRequest&,
65                      DeferredGetTraceStatsResponse) override;
66   void ObserveEvents(const protos::gen::ObserveEventsRequest&,
67                      DeferredObserveEventsResponse) override;
68   void QueryServiceState(const protos::gen::QueryServiceStateRequest&,
69                          DeferredQueryServiceStateResponse) override;
70   void QueryCapabilities(const protos::gen::QueryCapabilitiesRequest&,
71                          DeferredQueryCapabilitiesResponse) override;
72   void SaveTraceForBugreport(const protos::gen::SaveTraceForBugreportRequest&,
73                              DeferredSaveTraceForBugreportResponse) override;
74   void OnClientDisconnected() override;
76  private:
77   // Acts like a Consumer with the core Service business logic (which doesn't
78   // know anything about the remote transport), but all it does is proxying
79   // methods to the remote Consumer on the other side of the IPC channel.
80   class RemoteConsumer : public Consumer {
81    public:
82     RemoteConsumer();
83     ~RemoteConsumer() override;
85     // These methods are called by the |core_service_| business logic. There is
86     // no connection here, these methods are posted straight away.
87     void OnConnect() override;
88     void OnDisconnect() override;
89     void OnTracingDisabled(const std::string& error) override;
90     void OnTraceData(std::vector<TracePacket>, bool has_more) override;
91     void OnDetach(bool) override;
92     void OnAttach(bool, const TraceConfig&) override;
93     void OnTraceStats(bool, const TraceStats&) override;
94     void OnObservableEvents(const ObservableEvents&) override;
96     void CloseObserveEventsResponseStream();
98     // The interface obtained from the core service business logic through
99     // TracingService::ConnectConsumer(this). This allows to invoke methods for
100     // a specific Consumer on the Service business logic.
101     std::unique_ptr<TracingService::ConsumerEndpoint> service_endpoint;
103     // After ReadBuffers() is invoked, this binds the async callback that
104     // allows to stream trace packets back to the client.
105     DeferredReadBuffersResponse read_buffers_response;
107     // After EnableTracing() is invoked, this binds the async callback that
108     // allows to send the OnTracingDisabled notification.
109     DeferredEnableTracingResponse enable_tracing_response;
111     // After Detach() is invoked, this binds the async callback that allows to
112     // send the session id to the consumer.
113     DeferredDetachResponse detach_response;
115     // As above, but for the Attach() case.
116     DeferredAttachResponse attach_response;
118     // As above, but for GetTraceStats().
119     DeferredGetTraceStatsResponse get_trace_stats_response;
121     // After ObserveEvents() is invoked, this binds the async callback that
122     // allows to stream ObservableEvents back to the client.
123     DeferredObserveEventsResponse observe_events_response;
124   };
126   // This has to be a container that doesn't invalidate iterators.
127   using PendingFlushResponses = std::list<DeferredFlushResponse>;
128   using PendingQuerySvcResponses = std::list<DeferredQueryServiceStateResponse>;
129   using PendingQueryCapabilitiesResponses =
130       std::list<DeferredQueryCapabilitiesResponse>;
131   using PendingSaveTraceForBugreportResponses =
132       std::list<DeferredSaveTraceForBugreportResponse>;
134   ConsumerIPCService(const ConsumerIPCService&) = delete;
135   ConsumerIPCService& operator=(const ConsumerIPCService&) = delete;
137   // Returns the ConsumerEndpoint in the core business logic that corresponds to
138   // the current IPC request.
139   RemoteConsumer* GetConsumerForCurrentRequest();
141   void OnFlushCallback(bool success, PendingFlushResponses::iterator);
142   void OnQueryServiceCallback(bool success,
143                               const TracingServiceState&,
144                               PendingQuerySvcResponses::iterator);
145   void OnQueryCapabilitiesCallback(const TracingServiceCapabilities&,
146                                    PendingQueryCapabilitiesResponses::iterator);
147   void OnSaveTraceForBugreportCallback(
148       bool success,
149       const std::string& msg,
150       PendingSaveTraceForBugreportResponses::iterator);
152   TracingService* const core_service_;
154   // Maps IPC clients to ConsumerEndpoint instances registered on the
155   // |core_service_| business logic.
156   std::map<ipc::ClientID, std::unique_ptr<RemoteConsumer>> consumers_;
158   PendingFlushResponses pending_flush_responses_;
159   PendingQuerySvcResponses pending_query_service_responses_;
160   PendingQueryCapabilitiesResponses pending_query_capabilities_responses_;
161   PendingSaveTraceForBugreportResponses pending_bugreport_responses_;
163   base::WeakPtrFactory<ConsumerIPCService> weak_ptr_factory_;  // Keep last.
164 };
166 }  // namespace perfetto