1 //! BT snoop logger
3 use crate::internal::RawHal;
4 use bt_common::sys_prop;
5 use bt_packets::hci::{AclPacket, CommandPacket, EventPacket, IsoPacket, Packet};
6 use bytes::{BufMut, Bytes, BytesMut};
7 use gddi::{module, part_out, provides, Stoppable};
8 use log::error;
9 use std::convert::TryFrom;
10 use std::sync::Arc;
11 use std::time::SystemTime;
12 use tokio::fs::{remove_file, rename, File};
13 use tokio::io::AsyncWriteExt;
14 use tokio::runtime::Runtime;
15 use tokio::select;
16 use tokio::sync::mpsc::{channel, Receiver, Sender, UnboundedReceiver};
17 use tokio::sync::Mutex;
19 #[part_out]
20 #[derive(Clone, Stoppable)]
21 struct Hal {
22     control: ControlHal,
23     acl: AclHal,
24     iso: IsoHal,
25 }
27 /// Command & event tx/rx
28 #[derive(Clone, Stoppable)]
29 pub struct ControlHal {
30     /// Transmit end
31     pub tx: Sender<CommandPacket>,
32     /// Receive end
33     pub rx: Arc<Mutex<Receiver<EventPacket>>>,
34 }
36 /// Acl tx/rx
37 #[derive(Clone, Stoppable)]
38 pub struct AclHal {
39     /// Transmit end
40     pub tx: Sender<AclPacket>,
41     /// Receive end
42     pub rx: Arc<Mutex<Receiver<AclPacket>>>,
43 }
45 /// Iso tx/rx
46 #[derive(Clone, Stoppable)]
47 pub struct IsoHal {
48     /// Transmit end
49     pub tx: Sender<IsoPacket>,
50     /// Receive end
51     pub rx: Arc<Mutex<Receiver<IsoPacket>>>,
52 }
54 /// The different modes snoop logging can be in
55 #[derive(Clone)]
56 pub enum SnoopMode {
57     /// All logs disabled
58     Disabled,
59     /// Only sanitized logs
60     Filtered,
61     /// Log everything
62     Full,
63 }
65 /// There was an error parsing the mode from a string
66 pub struct SnoopModeParseError;
68 impl std::str::FromStr for SnoopMode {
69     type Err = SnoopModeParseError;
from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err>71     fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
72         match s {
73             "disabled" => Ok(SnoopMode::Disabled),
74             "filtered" => Ok(SnoopMode::Filtered),
75             "full" => Ok(SnoopMode::Full),
76             _ => Err(SnoopModeParseError),
77         }
78     }
79 }
81 /// All snoop logging config
82 #[derive(Clone, Stoppable)]
83 pub struct SnoopConfig {
84     path: String,
85     max_packets_per_file: u32,
86     mode: SnoopMode,
87 }
89 impl SnoopConfig {
90     /// Constructs a new snoop config
new() -> Self91     pub fn new() -> Self {
92         Self {
93             path: "/data/misc/bluetooth/logs/btsnoop_hci.log".to_string(),
94             max_packets_per_file: sys_prop::get_u32("persist.bluetooth.btsnoopsize")
95                 .unwrap_or(0xFFFF),
96             mode: get_configured_snoop_mode().parse().unwrap_or(SnoopMode::Disabled),
97         }
98     }
100     /// Overwrites the laoded log path with the provided one
set_path(&mut self, value: String)101     pub fn set_path(&mut self, value: String) {
102         self.path = value;
103     }
105     /// Overwrites the loaded mode with the provided one
set_mode(&mut self, value: SnoopMode)106     pub fn set_mode(&mut self, value: SnoopMode) {
107         self.mode = value;
108     }
109 }
111 impl Default for SnoopConfig {
default() -> Self112     fn default() -> Self {
113         Self::new()
114     }
115 }
get_configured_snoop_mode() -> String117 fn get_configured_snoop_mode() -> String {
118     sys_prop::get("persist.bluetooth.btsnooplogmode").unwrap_or(if sys_prop::get_debuggable() {
119         sys_prop::get("persist.bluetooth.btsnoopdefaultmode").unwrap_or_default()
120     } else {
121         String::default()
122     })
123 }
125 module! {
126     snoop_module,
127     providers {
128         parts Hal => provide_snooped_hal,
129     },
130 }
132 #[provides]
provide_snooped_hal(config: SnoopConfig, raw_hal: RawHal, rt: Arc<Runtime>) -> Hal133 async fn provide_snooped_hal(config: SnoopConfig, raw_hal: RawHal, rt: Arc<Runtime>) -> Hal {
134     let (cmd_down_tx, mut cmd_down_rx) = channel::<CommandPacket>(10);
135     let (evt_up_tx, evt_up_rx) = channel::<EventPacket>(10);
136     let (acl_down_tx, mut acl_down_rx) = channel::<AclPacket>(10);
137     let (acl_up_tx, acl_up_rx) = channel::<AclPacket>(10);
138     let (iso_down_tx, mut iso_down_rx) = channel::<IsoPacket>(10);
139     let (iso_up_tx, iso_up_rx) = channel::<IsoPacket>(10);
141     rt.spawn(async move {
142         let mut logger = SnoopLogger::new(config).await;
143         loop {
144             select! {
145                 Some(evt) = consume(&raw_hal.evt_rx) => {
146                     if let Err(e) = evt_up_tx.send(evt.clone()).await {
147                         error!("evt channel closed {:?}", e);
148                         break;
149                     }
150                     logger.log(Type::Evt, Direction::Up, evt.to_bytes()).await;
151                 },
152                 Some(cmd) = cmd_down_rx.recv() => {
153                     if let Err(e) = raw_hal.cmd_tx.send(cmd.clone())  {
154                         error!("cmd channel closed {:?}", e);
155                         break;
156                     }
157                     logger.log(Type::Cmd, Direction::Down, cmd.to_bytes()).await;
158                 },
159                 Some(acl) = acl_down_rx.recv() => {
160                     if let Err(e) = raw_hal.acl_tx.send(acl.clone()) {
161                         error!("acl down channel closed {:?}", e);
162                         break;
163                     }
164                     logger.log(Type::Acl, Direction::Down, acl.to_bytes()).await;
165                 },
166                 Some(acl) = consume(&raw_hal.acl_rx) => {
167                     if let Err(e) = acl_up_tx.send(acl.clone()).await {
168                         error!("acl up channel closed {:?}", e);
169                         break;
170                     }
171                     logger.log(Type::Acl, Direction::Up, acl.to_bytes()).await;
172                 },
173                 Some(iso) = iso_down_rx.recv() => {
174                     if let Err(e) = raw_hal.iso_tx.send(iso.clone()) {
175                         error!("iso down channel closed {:?}", e);
176                         break;
177                     }
178                     logger.log(Type::Iso, Direction::Down, iso.to_bytes()).await;
179                 },
180                 Some(iso) = consume(&raw_hal.iso_rx) => {
181                     if let Err(e) = iso_up_tx.send(iso.clone()).await {
182                         error!("iso up channel closed {:?}", e);
183                         break;
184                     }
185                     logger.log(Type::Iso, Direction::Up, iso.to_bytes()).await;
186                 },
187                 else => break,
188             }
189         }
190     });
192     Hal {
193         control: ControlHal { tx: cmd_down_tx, rx: Arc::new(Mutex::new(evt_up_rx)) },
194         acl: AclHal { tx: acl_down_tx, rx: Arc::new(Mutex::new(acl_up_rx)) },
195         iso: IsoHal { tx: iso_down_tx, rx: Arc::new(Mutex::new(iso_up_rx)) },
196     }
197 }
consume<T>(rx: &Arc<Mutex<UnboundedReceiver<T>>>) -> Option<T>199 async fn consume<T>(rx: &Arc<Mutex<UnboundedReceiver<T>>>) -> Option<T> {
200     rx.lock().await.recv().await
201 }
203 #[allow(unused)]
204 enum Type {
205     Cmd = 1,
206     Acl,
207     Sco,
208     Evt,
209     Iso,
210 }
212 enum Direction {
213     Up,
214     Down,
215 }
217 struct SnoopLogger {
218     config: SnoopConfig,
219     file: Option<File>,
220     packets: u32,
221 }
223 // micros since 0000-01-01
224 const SNOOP_EPOCH_DELTA: u64 = 0x00dcddb30f2f8000;
226 impl SnoopLogger {
new(mut config: SnoopConfig) -> Self227     async fn new(mut config: SnoopConfig) -> Self {
228         // filtered snoop is not available at this time
229         if let SnoopMode::Filtered = config.mode {
230             config.mode = SnoopMode::Disabled;
231         }
233         remove_file(&config.path).await.ok();
234         remove_file(config.path.clone() + ".last").await.ok();
235         if let SnoopMode::Disabled = config.mode {
236             remove_file(config.path.clone() + ".filtered").await.ok();
237             remove_file(config.path.clone() + ".filtered.last").await.ok();
238         }
240         let mut ret = Self { config, file: None, packets: 0 };
241         ret.open_next_file().await;
243         ret
244     }
log(&mut self, t: Type, dir: Direction, bytes: Bytes)246     async fn log(&mut self, t: Type, dir: Direction, bytes: Bytes) {
247         if let SnoopMode::Disabled = self.config.mode {
248             return;
249         }
251         let mut flags = 0;
252         if let Direction::Up = dir {
253             flags |= 0b01;
254         }
255         if let Type::Cmd | Type::Evt = t {
256             flags |= 0b10;
257         }
259         let timestamp: u64 = u64::try_from(
260             SystemTime::now().duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap().as_micros(),
261         )
262         .unwrap()
263             + SNOOP_EPOCH_DELTA;
265         // Add one for the type byte
266         let length = u32::try_from(bytes.len()).unwrap() + 1;
268         let mut buffer = BytesMut::new();
269         buffer.put_u32(length); // original length
270         buffer.put_u32(length); // captured length
271         buffer.put_u32(flags); // flags
272         buffer.put_u32(0); // dropped packets
273         buffer.put_u64(timestamp); // timestamp
274         buffer.put_u8(t as u8); // type
275         buffer.put(bytes);
277         self.packets += 1;
278         if self.packets > self.config.max_packets_per_file {
279             self.open_next_file().await;
280         }
282         if let Some(file) = &mut self.file {
283             if file.write_all(&buffer).await.is_err() {
284                 error!("Failed to write");
285             }
286             if file.flush().await.is_err() {
287                 error!("Failed to flush");
288             }
289         } else {
290             panic!("Logging without a backing file");
291         }
292     }
close_file(&mut self)294     async fn close_file(&mut self) {
295         if let Some(file) = &mut self.file {
296             file.flush().await.ok();
297             self.file = None;
298         }
299         self.packets = 0;
300     }
open_next_file(&mut self)302     async fn open_next_file(&mut self) {
303         self.close_file().await;
305         rename(&self.config.path, self.config.path.clone() + ".last").await.ok();
306         let mut file = File::create(&self.config.path).await.expect("could not open snoop log");
307         file.write_all(b"btsnoop\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x03\xea")
308             .await
309             .expect("could not write snoop header");
310         if file.flush().await.is_err() {
311             error!("Failed to flush");
312         }
313         self.file = Some(file);
314     }
315 }