1 //
2 // Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 //
8 //      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 //
10 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 // limitations under the License.
15 //
20 #include <inttypes.h>
22 #include <limits>
23 #include <memory>
24 #include <string>
25 #include <utility>
26 #include <vector>
28 #include <base/time/time.h>
29 #include <brillo/secure_blob.h>
30 #include <google/protobuf/repeated_field.h>
31 #include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>  // for FRIEND_TEST
33 #include "update_engine/common/hash_calculator.h"
34 #include "update_engine/common/platform_constants.h"
35 #include "update_engine/payload_consumer/file_descriptor.h"
36 #include "update_engine/payload_consumer/file_writer.h"
37 #include "update_engine/payload_consumer/install_plan.h"
38 #include "update_engine/payload_consumer/partition_writer.h"
39 #include "update_engine/payload_consumer/payload_metadata.h"
40 #include "update_engine/payload_consumer/payload_verifier.h"
41 #include "update_engine/update_metadata.pb.h"
43 namespace chromeos_update_engine {
45 class DownloadActionDelegate;
46 class BootControlInterface;
47 class HardwareInterface;
48 class PrefsInterface;
50 // This class performs the actions in a delta update synchronously. The delta
51 // update itself should be passed in in chunks as it is received.
52 class DeltaPerformer : public FileWriter {
53  public:
54   // Defines the granularity of progress logging in terms of how many "completed
55   // chunks" we want to report at the most.
56   static const unsigned kProgressLogMaxChunks;
57   // Defines a timeout since the last progress was logged after which we want to
58   // force another log message (even if the current chunk was not completed).
59   static const unsigned kProgressLogTimeoutSeconds;
60   // These define the relative weights (0-100) we give to the different work
61   // components associated with an update when computing an overall progress.
62   // Currently they include the download progress and the number of completed
63   // operations. They must add up to one hundred (100).
64   static const unsigned kProgressDownloadWeight;
65   static const unsigned kProgressOperationsWeight;
66   static const uint64_t kCheckpointFrequencySeconds;
DeltaPerformer(PrefsInterface * prefs,BootControlInterface * boot_control,HardwareInterface * hardware,DownloadActionDelegate * download_delegate,InstallPlan * install_plan,InstallPlan::Payload * payload,bool interactive)68   DeltaPerformer(PrefsInterface* prefs,
69                  BootControlInterface* boot_control,
70                  HardwareInterface* hardware,
71                  DownloadActionDelegate* download_delegate,
72                  InstallPlan* install_plan,
73                  InstallPlan::Payload* payload,
74                  bool interactive)
75       : prefs_(prefs),
76         boot_control_(boot_control),
77         hardware_(hardware),
78         download_delegate_(download_delegate),
79         install_plan_(install_plan),
80         payload_(payload),
81         interactive_(interactive) {
82     CHECK(install_plan_);
83   }
85   // FileWriter's Write implementation where caller doesn't care about
86   // error codes.
Write(const void * bytes,size_t count)87   bool Write(const void* bytes, size_t count) override {
88     ErrorCode error;
89     return Write(bytes, count, &error);
90   }
92   // FileWriter's Write implementation that returns a more specific |error| code
93   // in case of failures in Write operation.
94   bool Write(const void* bytes, size_t count, ErrorCode* error) override;
96   // Wrapper around close. Returns 0 on success or -errno on error.
97   // Closes both 'path' given to Open() and the kernel path.
98   int Close() override;
100   // Open the target and source (if delta payload) file descriptors for the
101   // |current_partition_|. The manifest needs to be already parsed for this to
102   // work. Returns whether the required file descriptors were successfully open.
103   bool OpenCurrentPartition();
105   // Closes the current partition file descriptors if open. Returns 0 on success
106   // or -errno on error.
107   int CloseCurrentPartition();
109   // Returns |true| only if the manifest has been processed and it's valid.
110   bool IsManifestValid();
112   // Verifies the downloaded payload against the signed hash included in the
113   // payload, against the update check hash and size using the public key and
114   // returns ErrorCode::kSuccess on success, an error code on failure.
115   // This method should be called after closing the stream. Note this method
116   // skips the signed hash check if the public key is unavailable; it returns
117   // ErrorCode::kSignedDeltaPayloadExpectedError if the public key is available
118   // but the delta payload doesn't include a signature.
119   ErrorCode VerifyPayload(const brillo::Blob& update_check_response_hash,
120                           const uint64_t update_check_response_size);
122   // Converts an ordered collection of Extent objects which contain data of
123   // length full_length to a comma-separated string. For each Extent, the
124   // string will have the start offset and then the length in bytes.
125   // The length value of the last extent in the string may be short, since
126   // the full length of all extents in the string is capped to full_length.
127   // Also, an extent starting at kSparseHole, appears as -1 in the string.
128   // For example, if the Extents are {1, 1}, {4, 2}, {kSparseHole, 1},
129   // {0, 1}, block_size is 4096, and full_length is 5 * block_size - 13,
130   // the resulting string will be: "4096:4096,16384:8192,-1:4096,0:4083"
131   static bool ExtentsToBsdiffPositionsString(
132       const google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<Extent>& extents,
133       uint64_t block_size,
134       uint64_t full_length,
135       std::string* positions_string);
137   // Returns true if a previous update attempt can be continued based on the
138   // persistent preferences and the new update check response hash.
139   static bool CanResumeUpdate(PrefsInterface* prefs,
140                               const std::string& update_check_response_hash);
142   // Resets the persistent update progress state to indicate that an update
143   // can't be resumed. Performs a quick update-in-progress reset if |quick| is
144   // true, otherwise resets all progress-related update state.
145   // If |skip_dynamic_partititon_metadata_updated| is true, do not reset
146   // dynamic-partition-metadata-updated.
147   // Returns true on success, false otherwise.
148   static bool ResetUpdateProgress(
149       PrefsInterface* prefs,
150       bool quick,
151       bool skip_dynamic_partititon_metadata_updated = false);
153   // Attempts to parse the update metadata starting from the beginning of
154   // |payload|. On success, returns kMetadataParseSuccess. Returns
155   // kMetadataParseInsufficientData if more data is needed to parse the complete
156   // metadata. Returns kMetadataParseError if the metadata can't be parsed given
157   // the payload.
158   MetadataParseResult ParsePayloadMetadata(const brillo::Blob& payload,
159                                            ErrorCode* error);
set_public_key_path(const std::string & public_key_path)161   void set_public_key_path(const std::string& public_key_path) {
162     public_key_path_ = public_key_path;
163   }
set_update_certificates_path(const std::string & update_certificates_path)165   void set_update_certificates_path(
166       const std::string& update_certificates_path) {
167     update_certificates_path_ = update_certificates_path;
168   }
170   // Return true if header parsing is finished and no errors occurred.
171   bool IsHeaderParsed() const;
173   // Checkpoints the update progress into persistent storage to allow this
174   // update attempt to be resumed after reboot.
175   // If |force| is false, checkpoint may be throttled.
176   // Exposed for testing purposes.
177   bool CheckpointUpdateProgress(bool force);
179   // Compare |calculated_hash| with source hash in |operation|, return false and
180   // dump hash and set |error| if don't match.
181   // |source_fd| is the file descriptor of the source partition.
182   static bool ValidateSourceHash(const brillo::Blob& calculated_hash,
183                                  const InstallOperation& operation,
184                                  const FileDescriptorPtr source_fd,
185                                  ErrorCode* error);
187   // Initialize partitions and allocate required space for an update with the
188   // given |manifest|. |update_check_response_hash| is used to check if the
189   // previous call to this function corresponds to the same payload.
190   // - Same payload: not make any persistent modifications (not write to disk)
191   // - Different payload: make persistent modifications (write to disk)
192   // In both cases, in-memory flags are updated. This function must be called
193   // on the payload at least once (to update in-memory flags) before writing
194   // (applying) the payload.
195   // If error due to insufficient space, |required_size| is set to the required
196   // size on the device to apply the payload.
197   static bool PreparePartitionsForUpdate(
198       PrefsInterface* prefs,
199       BootControlInterface* boot_control,
200       BootControlInterface::Slot target_slot,
201       const DeltaArchiveManifest& manifest,
202       const std::string& update_check_response_hash,
203       uint64_t* required_size);
205  protected:
206   // Exposed as virtual for testing purposes.
207   virtual std::unique_ptr<PartitionWriter> CreatePartitionWriter(
208       const PartitionUpdate& partition_update,
209       const InstallPlan::Partition& install_part,
210       DynamicPartitionControlInterface* dynamic_control,
211       size_t block_size,
212       bool is_interactive,
213       bool is_dynamic_partition);
215   // return true if it has been long enough and a checkpoint should be saved.
216   // Exposed for unittest purposes.
217   virtual bool ShouldCheckpoint();
219  private:
220   friend class DeltaPerformerTest;
221   friend class DeltaPerformerIntegrationTest;
222   FRIEND_TEST(DeltaPerformerTest, BrilloMetadataSignatureSizeTest);
223   FRIEND_TEST(DeltaPerformerTest, BrilloParsePayloadMetadataTest);
224   FRIEND_TEST(DeltaPerformerTest, UsePublicKeyFromResponse);
226   // Obtain the operation index for current partition. If all operations for
227   // current partition is are finished, return # of operations. This is mostly
228   // intended to be used by CheckpointUpdateProgress, where partition writer
229   // needs to know the current operation number to properly checkpoint update.
230   size_t GetPartitionOperationNum();
232   // Parse and move the update instructions of all partitions into our local
233   // |partitions_| variable based on the version of the payload. Requires the
234   // manifest to be parsed and valid.
235   bool ParseManifestPartitions(ErrorCode* error);
237   // Appends up to |*count_p| bytes from |*bytes_p| to |buffer_|, but only to
238   // the extent that the size of |buffer_| does not exceed |max|. Advances
239   // |*cbytes_p| and decreases |*count_p| by the actual number of bytes copied,
240   // and returns this number.
241   size_t CopyDataToBuffer(const char** bytes_p, size_t* count_p, size_t max);
243   // If |op_result| is false, emits an error message using |op_type_name| and
244   // sets |*error| accordingly. Otherwise does nothing. Returns |op_result|.
245   bool HandleOpResult(bool op_result,
246                       const char* op_type_name,
247                       ErrorCode* error);
249   // Logs the progress of downloading/applying an update.
250   void LogProgress(const char* message_prefix);
252   // Update overall progress metrics, log as necessary.
253   void UpdateOverallProgress(bool force_log, const char* message_prefix);
255   // Returns true if enough of the delta file has been passed via Write()
256   // to be able to perform a given install operation.
257   bool CanPerformInstallOperation(const InstallOperation& operation);
259   // Checks the integrity of the payload manifest. Returns true upon success,
260   // false otherwise.
261   ErrorCode ValidateManifest();
263   // Validates that the hash of the blobs corresponding to the given |operation|
264   // matches what's specified in the manifest in the payload.
265   // Returns ErrorCode::kSuccess on match or a suitable error code otherwise.
266   ErrorCode ValidateOperationHash(const InstallOperation& operation);
268   // Returns true on success.
269   bool PerformInstallOperation(const InstallOperation& operation);
271   // These perform a specific type of operation and return true on success.
272   // |error| will be set if source hash mismatch, otherwise |error| might not be
273   // set even if it fails.
274   bool PerformReplaceOperation(const InstallOperation& operation);
275   bool PerformZeroOrDiscardOperation(const InstallOperation& operation);
276   bool PerformSourceCopyOperation(const InstallOperation& operation,
277                                   ErrorCode* error);
278   bool PerformSourceBsdiffOperation(const InstallOperation& operation,
279                                     ErrorCode* error);
280   bool PerformPuffDiffOperation(const InstallOperation& operation,
281                                 ErrorCode* error);
283   // Extracts the payload signature message from the current |buffer_| if the
284   // offset matches the one specified by the manifest. Returns whether the
285   // signature was extracted.
286   bool ExtractSignatureMessage();
288   // Updates the payload hash calculator with the bytes in |buffer_|, also
289   // updates the signed hash calculator with the first |signed_hash_buffer_size|
290   // bytes in |buffer_|. Then discard the content, ensuring that memory is being
291   // deallocated. If |do_advance_offset|, advances the internal offset counter
292   // accordingly.
293   void DiscardBuffer(bool do_advance_offset, size_t signed_hash_buffer_size);
295   // Primes the required update state. Returns true if the update state was
296   // successfully initialized to a saved resume state or if the update is a new
297   // update. Returns false otherwise.
298   bool PrimeUpdateState();
300   // Get the public key to be used to verify metadata signature or payload
301   // signature. Always use |public_key_path_| if exists, otherwise if the Omaha
302   // response contains a public RSA key and we're allowed to use it (e.g. if
303   // we're in developer mode), decode the key from the response and store it in
304   // |out_public_key|. Returns false on failures.
305   bool GetPublicKey(std::string* out_public_key);
307   // Creates a PayloadVerifier from the zip file containing certificates. If the
308   // path to the zip file doesn't exist, falls back to use the public key.
309   // Returns a tuple with the created PayloadVerifier and if we should perform
310   // the verification.
311   std::pair<std::unique_ptr<PayloadVerifier>, bool> CreatePayloadVerifier();
313   // After install_plan_ is filled with partition names and sizes, initialize
314   // metadata of partitions and map necessary devices before opening devices.
315   // Also see comment for the static PreparePartitionsForUpdate().
316   bool PreparePartitionsForUpdate(uint64_t* required_size);
318   // Check if current manifest contains timestamp errors.
319   // Return:
320   // - kSuccess if update is valid.
321   // - kPayloadTimestampError if downgrade is detected
322   // - kDownloadManifestParseError if |new_version| has an incorrect format
323   // - Other error values if the source of error is known, or kError for
324   //   a generic error on the device.
325   ErrorCode CheckTimestampError() const;
327   // Check if partition `part_name` is a dynamic partition.
328   bool IsDynamicPartition(const std::string& part_name, uint32_t slot);
330   // Update Engine preference store.
331   PrefsInterface* prefs_;
333   // BootControl and Hardware interface references.
334   BootControlInterface* boot_control_;
335   HardwareInterface* hardware_;
337   // The DownloadActionDelegate instance monitoring the DownloadAction, or a
338   // nullptr if not used.
339   DownloadActionDelegate* download_delegate_;
341   // Install Plan based on Omaha Response.
342   InstallPlan* install_plan_;
344   // Pointer to the current payload in install_plan_.payloads.
345   InstallPlan::Payload* payload_{nullptr};
347   PayloadMetadata payload_metadata_;
349   // Parsed manifest. Set after enough bytes to parse the manifest were
350   // downloaded.
351   DeltaArchiveManifest manifest_;
352   bool manifest_parsed_{false};
353   bool manifest_valid_{false};
354   uint64_t metadata_size_{0};
355   uint32_t metadata_signature_size_{0};
356   uint64_t major_payload_version_{0};
358   // Accumulated number of operations per partition. The i-th element is the
359   // sum of the number of operations for all the partitions from 0 to i
360   // inclusive. Valid when |manifest_valid_| is true.
361   std::vector<size_t> acc_num_operations_;
363   // The total operations in a payload. Valid when |manifest_valid_| is true,
364   // otherwise 0.
365   size_t num_total_operations_{0};
367   // The list of partitions to update as found in the manifest major
368   // version 2. When parsing an older manifest format, the information is
369   // converted over to this format instead.
370   std::vector<PartitionUpdate> partitions_;
372   // Index in the list of partitions (|partitions_| member) of the current
373   // partition being processed.
374   size_t current_partition_{0};
376   // Index of the next operation to perform in the manifest. The index is
377   // linear on the total number of operation on the manifest.
378   size_t next_operation_num_{0};
380   // A buffer used for accumulating downloaded data. Initially, it stores the
381   // payload metadata; once that's downloaded and parsed, it stores data for
382   // the next update operation.
383   brillo::Blob buffer_;
384   // Offset of buffer_ in the binary blobs section of the update.
385   uint64_t buffer_offset_{0};
387   // Last |next_operation_num_| value updated as part of the progress update.
388   uint64_t last_updated_operation_num_{std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max()};
390   // The block size (parsed from the manifest).
391   uint32_t block_size_{0};
393   // Calculates the whole payload file hash, including headers and signatures.
394   HashCalculator payload_hash_calculator_;
396   // Calculates the hash of the portion of the payload signed by the payload
397   // signature. This hash skips the metadata signature portion, located after
398   // the metadata and doesn't include the payload signature itself.
399   HashCalculator signed_hash_calculator_;
401   // Signatures message blob extracted directly from the payload.
402   std::string signatures_message_data_;
404   // The public key to be used. Provided as a member so that tests can
405   // override with test keys.
406   std::string public_key_path_{constants::kUpdatePayloadPublicKeyPath};
408   // The path to the zip file with X509 certificates.
409   std::string update_certificates_path_{constants::kUpdateCertificatesPath};
411   // The number of bytes received so far, used for progress tracking.
412   size_t total_bytes_received_{0};
414   // An overall progress counter, which should reflect both download progress
415   // and the ratio of applied operations. Range is 0-100.
416   unsigned overall_progress_{0};
418   // The last progress chunk recorded.
419   unsigned last_progress_chunk_{0};
421   // If |true|, the update is user initiated (vs. periodic update checks).
422   bool interactive_{false};
424   // The timeout after which we should force emitting a progress log
425   // (constant), and the actual point in time for the next forced log to be
426   // emitted.
427   const base::TimeDelta forced_progress_log_wait_{
428       base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kProgressLogTimeoutSeconds)};
429   base::TimeTicks forced_progress_log_time_;
431   // The frequency that we should write an update checkpoint (constant), and
432   // the point in time at which the next checkpoint should be written.
433   const base::TimeDelta update_checkpoint_wait_{
434       base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kCheckpointFrequencySeconds)};
435   base::TimeTicks update_checkpoint_time_;
437   std::unique_ptr<PartitionWriter> partition_writer_;
439   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DeltaPerformer);
440 };
442 }  // namespace chromeos_update_engine