1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 package android.autofillservice.cts.testcore;
19 import static android.autofillservice.cts.testcore.Timeouts.DATASET_PICKER_NOT_SHOWN_NAPTIME_MS;
20 import static android.autofillservice.cts.testcore.Timeouts.LONG_PRESS_MS;
21 import static android.autofillservice.cts.testcore.Timeouts.SAVE_NOT_SHOWN_NAPTIME_MS;
22 import static android.autofillservice.cts.testcore.Timeouts.SAVE_TIMEOUT;
23 import static android.autofillservice.cts.testcore.Timeouts.UI_DATASET_PICKER_TIMEOUT;
24 import static android.autofillservice.cts.testcore.Timeouts.UI_SCREEN_ORIENTATION_TIMEOUT;
25 import static android.autofillservice.cts.testcore.Timeouts.UI_TIMEOUT;
26 import static android.service.autofill.SaveInfo.SAVE_DATA_TYPE_ADDRESS;
27 import static android.service.autofill.SaveInfo.SAVE_DATA_TYPE_CREDIT_CARD;
28 import static android.service.autofill.SaveInfo.SAVE_DATA_TYPE_DEBIT_CARD;
29 import static android.service.autofill.SaveInfo.SAVE_DATA_TYPE_EMAIL_ADDRESS;
30 import static android.service.autofill.SaveInfo.SAVE_DATA_TYPE_GENERIC;
31 import static android.service.autofill.SaveInfo.SAVE_DATA_TYPE_GENERIC_CARD;
32 import static android.service.autofill.SaveInfo.SAVE_DATA_TYPE_PASSWORD;
33 import static android.service.autofill.SaveInfo.SAVE_DATA_TYPE_PAYMENT_CARD;
34 import static android.service.autofill.SaveInfo.SAVE_DATA_TYPE_USERNAME;
36 import static com.android.compatibility.common.util.ShellUtils.runShellCommand;
38 import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat;
39 import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertWithMessage;
41 import static org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue;
43 import android.app.Activity;
44 import android.app.Instrumentation;
45 import android.app.UiAutomation;
46 import android.content.Context;
47 import android.content.res.Resources;
48 import android.graphics.Bitmap;
49 import android.graphics.Rect;
50 import android.os.SystemClock;
51 import android.service.autofill.SaveInfo;
52 import android.support.test.uiautomator.By;
53 import android.support.test.uiautomator.BySelector;
54 import android.support.test.uiautomator.Direction;
55 import android.support.test.uiautomator.SearchCondition;
56 import android.support.test.uiautomator.StaleObjectException;
57 import android.support.test.uiautomator.UiDevice;
58 import android.support.test.uiautomator.UiObject2;
59 import android.support.test.uiautomator.UiObjectNotFoundException;
60 import android.support.test.uiautomator.UiScrollable;
61 import android.support.test.uiautomator.UiSelector;
62 import android.support.test.uiautomator.Until;
63 import android.text.Html;
64 import android.text.Spanned;
65 import android.text.style.URLSpan;
66 import android.util.Log;
67 import android.view.View;
68 import android.view.WindowInsets;
69 import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent;
70 import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo;
71 import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfo;
73 import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
74 import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
75 import androidx.test.platform.app.InstrumentationRegistry;
77 import com.android.compatibility.common.util.RetryableException;
78 import com.android.compatibility.common.util.Timeout;
80 import java.io.File;
81 import java.io.FileInputStream;
82 import java.util.ArrayList;
83 import java.util.Arrays;
84 import java.util.List;
85 import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
87 /**
88  * Helper for UI-related needs.
89  */
90 public class UiBot {
92     private static final String TAG = "AutoFillCtsUiBot";
94     private static final String RESOURCE_ID_DATASET_PICKER = "autofill_dataset_picker";
95     private static final String RESOURCE_ID_DATASET_HEADER = "autofill_dataset_header";
96     private static final String RESOURCE_ID_SAVE_SNACKBAR = "autofill_save";
97     private static final String RESOURCE_ID_SAVE_ICON = "autofill_save_icon";
98     private static final String RESOURCE_ID_SAVE_TITLE = "autofill_save_title";
99     private static final String RESOURCE_ID_CONTEXT_MENUITEM = "floating_toolbar_menu_item_text";
100     private static final String RESOURCE_ID_SAVE_BUTTON_NO = "autofill_save_no";
101     private static final String RESOURCE_ID_SAVE_BUTTON_YES = "autofill_save_yes";
102     private static final String RESOURCE_ID_OVERFLOW = "overflow";
104     private static final String RESOURCE_STRING_SAVE_TITLE = "autofill_save_title";
105     private static final String RESOURCE_STRING_SAVE_TITLE_WITH_TYPE =
106             "autofill_save_title_with_type";
107     private static final String RESOURCE_STRING_SAVE_TYPE_PASSWORD = "autofill_save_type_password";
108     private static final String RESOURCE_STRING_SAVE_TYPE_ADDRESS = "autofill_save_type_address";
109     private static final String RESOURCE_STRING_SAVE_TYPE_CREDIT_CARD =
110             "autofill_save_type_credit_card";
111     private static final String RESOURCE_STRING_SAVE_TYPE_USERNAME = "autofill_save_type_username";
112     private static final String RESOURCE_STRING_SAVE_TYPE_EMAIL_ADDRESS =
113             "autofill_save_type_email_address";
114     private static final String RESOURCE_STRING_SAVE_TYPE_DEBIT_CARD =
115             "autofill_save_type_debit_card";
116     private static final String RESOURCE_STRING_SAVE_TYPE_PAYMENT_CARD =
117             "autofill_save_type_payment_card";
118     private static final String RESOURCE_STRING_SAVE_TYPE_GENERIC_CARD =
119             "autofill_save_type_generic_card";
120     private static final String RESOURCE_STRING_SAVE_BUTTON_NEVER = "autofill_save_never";
121     private static final String RESOURCE_STRING_SAVE_BUTTON_NOT_NOW = "autofill_save_notnow";
122     private static final String RESOURCE_STRING_SAVE_BUTTON_NO_THANKS = "autofill_save_no";
123     private static final String RESOURCE_STRING_SAVE_BUTTON_YES = "autofill_save_yes";
124     private static final String RESOURCE_STRING_UPDATE_BUTTON_YES = "autofill_update_yes";
125     private static final String RESOURCE_STRING_CONTINUE_BUTTON_YES = "autofill_continue_yes";
126     private static final String RESOURCE_STRING_UPDATE_TITLE = "autofill_update_title";
127     private static final String RESOURCE_STRING_UPDATE_TITLE_WITH_TYPE =
128             "autofill_update_title_with_type";
130     private static final String RESOURCE_STRING_AUTOFILL = "autofill";
132             "autofill_picker_accessibility_title";
134             "autofill_save_accessibility_title";
137     static final BySelector DATASET_PICKER_SELECTOR = By.res("android", RESOURCE_ID_DATASET_PICKER);
138     private static final BySelector SAVE_UI_SELECTOR = By.res("android", RESOURCE_ID_SAVE_SNACKBAR);
139     private static final BySelector DATASET_HEADER_SELECTOR =
140             By.res("android", RESOURCE_ID_DATASET_HEADER);
142     // TODO: figure out a more reliable solution that does not depend on SystemUI resources.
143     private static final String SPLIT_WINDOW_DIVIDER_ID =
144             "com.android.systemui:id/docked_divider_background";
146     private static final boolean DUMP_ON_ERROR = true;
148     private static final int MAX_UIOBJECT_RETRY_COUNT = 3;
150     /** Pass to {@link #setScreenOrientation(int)} to change the display to portrait mode */
151     public static int PORTRAIT = 0;
153     /** Pass to {@link #setScreenOrientation(int)} to change the display to landscape mode */
154     public static int LANDSCAPE = 1;
156     private final UiDevice mDevice;
157     private final Context mContext;
158     private final String mPackageName;
159     private final UiAutomation mAutoman;
160     private final Timeout mDefaultTimeout;
162     private boolean mOkToCallAssertNoDatasets;
UiBot()164     public UiBot() {
165         this(UI_TIMEOUT);
166     }
UiBot(Timeout defaultTimeout)168     public UiBot(Timeout defaultTimeout) {
169         mDefaultTimeout = defaultTimeout;
170         final Instrumentation instrumentation = InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation();
171         mDevice = UiDevice.getInstance(instrumentation);
172         mContext = instrumentation.getContext();
173         mPackageName = mContext.getPackageName();
174         mAutoman = instrumentation.getUiAutomation();
175     }
waitForIdle()177     public void waitForIdle() {
178         final long before = SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNanos();
179         mDevice.waitForIdle();
180         final float delta = ((float) (SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNanos() - before)) / 1_000_000;
181         Log.v(TAG, "device idle in " + delta + "ms");
182     }
waitForIdleSync()184     public void waitForIdleSync() {
185         final long before = SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNanos();
186         InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().waitForIdleSync();
187         final float delta = ((float) (SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNanos() - before)) / 1_000_000;
188         Log.v(TAG, "device idle sync in " + delta + "ms");
189     }
reset()191     public void reset() {
192         mOkToCallAssertNoDatasets = false;
193     }
195     /**
196      * Assumes the device has a minimum height and width of {@code minSize}, throwing a
197      * {@code AssumptionViolatedException} if it doesn't (so the test is skiped by the JUnit
198      * Runner).
199      */
assumeMinimumResolution(int minSize)200     public void assumeMinimumResolution(int minSize) {
201         final int width = mDevice.getDisplayWidth();
202         final int heigth = mDevice.getDisplayHeight();
203         final int min = Math.min(width, heigth);
204         assumeTrue("Screen size is too small (" + width + "x" + heigth + ")", min >= minSize);
205         Log.d(TAG, "assumeMinimumResolution(" + minSize + ") passed: screen size is "
206                 + width + "x" + heigth);
207     }
209     /**
210      * Sets the screen resolution in a way that the IME doesn't interfere with the Autofill UI
211      * when the device is rotated to landscape.
212      *
213      * When called, test must call <p>{@link #resetScreenResolution()} in a {@code finally} block.
214      *
215      * @deprecated this method should not be necessarily anymore as we're using a MockIme.
216      */
217     @Deprecated
218     // TODO: remove once we're sure no more OEM is getting failure due to screen size
setScreenResolution()219     public void setScreenResolution() {
220         if (true) {
221             Log.w(TAG, "setScreenResolution(): ignored");
222             return;
223         }
224         assumeMinimumResolution(500);
226         runShellCommand("wm size 1080x1920");
227         runShellCommand("wm density 320");
228     }
230     /**
231      * Resets the screen resolution.
232      *
233      * <p>Should always be called after {@link #setScreenResolution()}.
234      *
235      * @deprecated this method should not be necessarily anymore as we're using a MockIme.
236      */
237     @Deprecated
238     // TODO: remove once we're sure no more OEM is getting failure due to screen size
resetScreenResolution()239     public void resetScreenResolution() {
240         if (true) {
241             Log.w(TAG, "resetScreenResolution(): ignored");
242             return;
243         }
244         runShellCommand("wm density reset");
245         runShellCommand("wm size reset");
246     }
248     /**
249      * Asserts the dataset picker is not shown anymore.
250      *
251      * @throws IllegalStateException if called *before* an assertion was made to make sure the
252      * dataset picker is shown - if that's not the case, call
253      * {@link #assertNoDatasetsEver()} instead.
254      */
assertNoDatasets()255     public void assertNoDatasets() throws Exception {
256         if (!mOkToCallAssertNoDatasets) {
257             throw new IllegalStateException(
258                     "Cannot call assertNoDatasets() without calling assertDatasets first");
259         }
260         mDevice.wait(Until.gone(DATASET_PICKER_SELECTOR), UI_DATASET_PICKER_TIMEOUT.ms());
261         mOkToCallAssertNoDatasets = false;
262     }
264     /**
265      * Asserts the dataset picker was never shown.
266      *
267      * <p>This method is slower than {@link #assertNoDatasets()} and should only be called in the
268      * cases where the dataset picker was not previous shown.
269      */
assertNoDatasetsEver()270     public void assertNoDatasetsEver() throws Exception {
271         assertNeverShown("dataset picker", DATASET_PICKER_SELECTOR,
273     }
275     /**
276      * Asserts the dataset chooser is shown and contains exactly the given datasets.
277      *
278      * @return the dataset picker object.
279      */
assertDatasets(String...names)280     public UiObject2 assertDatasets(String...names) throws Exception {
281         final UiObject2 picker = findDatasetPicker(UI_DATASET_PICKER_TIMEOUT);
282         return assertDatasets(picker, names);
283     }
assertDatasets(UiObject2 picker, String...names)285     protected UiObject2 assertDatasets(UiObject2 picker, String...names) {
286         assertWithMessage("wrong dataset names").that(getChildrenAsText(picker))
287                 .containsExactlyElementsIn(Arrays.asList(names)).inOrder();
288         return picker;
289     }
291     /**
292      * Asserts the dataset chooser is shown and contains the given datasets.
293      *
294      * @return the dataset picker object.
295      */
assertDatasetsContains(String...names)296     public UiObject2 assertDatasetsContains(String...names) throws Exception {
297         final UiObject2 picker = findDatasetPicker(UI_DATASET_PICKER_TIMEOUT);
298         assertWithMessage("wrong dataset names").that(getChildrenAsText(picker))
299                 .containsAtLeastElementsIn(Arrays.asList(names)).inOrder();
300         return picker;
301     }
303     /**
304      * Asserts the dataset chooser is shown and contains the given datasets, header, and footer.
305      * <p>In fullscreen, header view is not under R.id.autofill_dataset_picker.
306      *
307      * @return the dataset picker object.
308      */
assertDatasetsWithBorders(String header, String footer, String...names)309     public UiObject2 assertDatasetsWithBorders(String header, String footer, String...names)
310             throws Exception {
311         final UiObject2 picker = findDatasetPicker(UI_DATASET_PICKER_TIMEOUT);
312         final List<String> expectedChild = new ArrayList<>();
313         if (header != null) {
314             if (Helper.isAutofillWindowFullScreen(mContext)) {
315                 final UiObject2 headerView = waitForObject(DATASET_HEADER_SELECTOR,
316                         UI_DATASET_PICKER_TIMEOUT);
317                 assertWithMessage("fullscreen wrong dataset header")
318                         .that(getChildrenAsText(headerView))
319                         .containsExactlyElementsIn(Arrays.asList(header)).inOrder();
320             } else {
321                 expectedChild.add(header);
322             }
323         }
324         expectedChild.addAll(Arrays.asList(names));
325         if (footer != null) {
326             expectedChild.add(footer);
327         }
328         assertWithMessage("wrong elements on dataset picker").that(getChildrenAsText(picker))
329                 .containsExactlyElementsIn(expectedChild).inOrder();
330         return picker;
331     }
333     /**
334      * Gets the text of this object children.
335      */
getChildrenAsText(UiObject2 object)336     public List<String> getChildrenAsText(UiObject2 object) {
337         final List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
338         getChildrenAsText(object, list);
339         return list;
340     }
getChildrenAsText(UiObject2 object, List<String> children)342     private static void getChildrenAsText(UiObject2 object, List<String> children) {
343         final String text = object.getText();
344         if (text != null) {
345             children.add(text);
346         }
347         for (UiObject2 child : object.getChildren()) {
348             getChildrenAsText(child, children);
349         }
350     }
352     /**
353      * Selects a dataset that should be visible in the floating UI and does not need to wait for
354      * application become idle.
355      */
selectDataset(String name)356     public void selectDataset(String name) throws Exception {
357         final UiObject2 picker = findDatasetPicker(UI_DATASET_PICKER_TIMEOUT);
358         selectDataset(picker, name);
359     }
361     /**
362      * Selects a dataset that should be visible in the floating UI and waits for application become
363      * idle if needed.
364      */
selectDatasetSync(String name)365     public void selectDatasetSync(String name) throws Exception {
366         final UiObject2 picker = findDatasetPicker(UI_DATASET_PICKER_TIMEOUT);
367         selectDataset(picker, name);
368         mDevice.waitForIdle();
369     }
371     /**
372      * Selects a dataset that should be visible in the floating UI.
373      */
selectDataset(UiObject2 picker, String name)374     public void selectDataset(UiObject2 picker, String name) {
375         final UiObject2 dataset = picker.findObject(By.text(name));
376         if (dataset == null) {
377             throw new AssertionError("no dataset " + name + " in " + getChildrenAsText(picker));
378         }
379         dataset.click();
380     }
382     /**
383      * Finds the suggestion by name and perform long click on suggestion to trigger attribution
384      * intent.
385      */
longPressSuggestion(String name)386     public void longPressSuggestion(String name) throws Exception {
387         throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
388     }
390     /**
391      * Asserts the suggestion chooser is shown in the suggestion view.
392      */
assertSuggestion(String name)393     public void assertSuggestion(String name) throws Exception {
394         throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
395     }
397     /**
398      * Asserts the suggestion chooser is not shown in the suggestion view.
399      */
assertNoSuggestion(String name)400     public void assertNoSuggestion(String name) throws Exception {
401         throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
402     }
404     /**
405      * Scrolls the suggestion view.
406      *
407      * @param direction The direction to scroll.
408      * @param speed The speed to scroll per second.
409      */
scrollSuggestionView(Direction direction, int speed)410     public void scrollSuggestionView(Direction direction, int speed) throws Exception {
411         throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
412     }
414     /**
415      * Selects a view by text.
416      *
417      * <p><b>NOTE:</b> when selecting an option in dataset picker is shown, prefer
418      * {@link #selectDataset(String)}.
419      */
selectByText(String name)420     public void selectByText(String name) throws Exception {
421         Log.v(TAG, "selectByText(): " + name);
423         final UiObject2 object = waitForObject(By.text(name));
424         object.click();
425     }
427     /**
428      * Asserts a text is shown.
429      *
430      * <p><b>NOTE:</b> when asserting the dataset picker is shown, prefer
431      * {@link #assertDatasets(String...)}.
432      */
assertShownByText(String text)433     public UiObject2 assertShownByText(String text) throws Exception {
434         return assertShownByText(text, mDefaultTimeout);
435     }
assertShownByText(String text, Timeout timeout)437     public UiObject2 assertShownByText(String text, Timeout timeout) throws Exception {
438         final UiObject2 object = waitForObject(By.text(text), timeout);
439         assertWithMessage("No node with text '%s'", text).that(object).isNotNull();
440         return object;
441     }
443     /**
444      * Finds a node by text, without waiting for it to be shown (but failing if it isn't).
445      */
446     @NonNull
findRightAwayByText(@onNull String text)447     public UiObject2 findRightAwayByText(@NonNull String text) throws Exception {
448         final UiObject2 object = mDevice.findObject(By.text(text));
449         assertWithMessage("no UIObject for text '%s'", text).that(object).isNotNull();
450         return object;
451     }
453     /**
454      * Asserts that the text is not showing for sure in the screen "as is", i.e., without waiting
455      * for it.
456      *
457      * <p>Typically called after another assertion that waits for a condition to be shown.
458      */
assertNotShowingForSure(String text)459     public void assertNotShowingForSure(String text) throws Exception {
460         final UiObject2 object = mDevice.findObject(By.text(text));
461         assertWithMessage("Found node with text '%s'", text).that(object).isNull();
462     }
464     /**
465      * Asserts a node with the given content description is shown.
466      *
467      */
assertShownByContentDescription(String contentDescription)468     public UiObject2 assertShownByContentDescription(String contentDescription) throws Exception {
469         final UiObject2 object = waitForObject(By.desc(contentDescription));
470         assertWithMessage("No node with content description '%s'", contentDescription).that(object)
471                 .isNotNull();
472         return object;
473     }
475     /**
476      * Checks if a View with a certain text exists.
477      */
hasViewWithText(String name)478     public boolean hasViewWithText(String name) {
479         Log.v(TAG, "hasViewWithText(): " + name);
481         return mDevice.findObject(By.text(name)) != null;
482     }
484     /**
485      * Selects a view by id.
486      */
selectByRelativeId(String id)487     public UiObject2 selectByRelativeId(String id) throws Exception {
488         Log.v(TAG, "selectByRelativeId(): " + id);
489         UiObject2 object = waitForObject(By.res(mPackageName, id));
490         object.click();
491         return object;
492     }
494     /**
495      * Asserts the id is shown on the screen.
496      */
assertShownById(String id)497     public UiObject2 assertShownById(String id) throws Exception {
498         final UiObject2 object = waitForObject(By.res(id));
499         assertThat(object).isNotNull();
500         return object;
501     }
503     /**
504      * Asserts the id is shown on the screen, using a resource id from the test package.
505      */
assertShownByRelativeId(String id)506     public UiObject2 assertShownByRelativeId(String id) throws Exception {
507         return assertShownByRelativeId(id, mDefaultTimeout);
508     }
assertShownByRelativeId(String id, Timeout timeout)510     public UiObject2 assertShownByRelativeId(String id, Timeout timeout) throws Exception {
511         final UiObject2 obj = waitForObject(By.res(mPackageName, id), timeout);
512         assertThat(obj).isNotNull();
513         return obj;
514     }
516     /**
517      * Asserts the id is not shown on the screen anymore, using a resource id from the test package.
518      *
519      * <p><b>Note:</b> this method should only called AFTER the id was previously shown, otherwise
520      * it might pass without really asserting anything.
521      */
assertGoneByRelativeId(@onNull String id, @NonNull Timeout timeout)522     public void assertGoneByRelativeId(@NonNull String id, @NonNull Timeout timeout) {
523         assertGoneByRelativeId(/* parent = */ null, id, timeout);
524     }
assertGoneByRelativeId(int resId, @NonNull Timeout timeout)526     public void assertGoneByRelativeId(int resId, @NonNull Timeout timeout) {
527         assertGoneByRelativeId(/* parent = */ null, getIdName(resId), timeout);
528     }
getIdName(int resId)530     private String getIdName(int resId) {
531         return mContext.getResources().getResourceEntryName(resId);
532     }
534     /**
535      * Asserts the id is not shown on the parent anymore, using a resource id from the test package.
536      *
537      * <p><b>Note:</b> this method should only called AFTER the id was previously shown, otherwise
538      * it might pass without really asserting anything.
539      */
assertGoneByRelativeId(@ullable UiObject2 parent, @NonNull String id, @NonNull Timeout timeout)540     public void assertGoneByRelativeId(@Nullable UiObject2 parent, @NonNull String id,
541             @NonNull Timeout timeout) {
542         final SearchCondition<Boolean> condition = Until.gone(By.res(mPackageName, id));
543         final boolean gone = parent != null
544                 ? parent.wait(condition, timeout.ms())
545                 : mDevice.wait(condition, timeout.ms());
546         if (!gone) {
547             final String message = "Object with id '" + id + "' should be gone after "
548                     + timeout + " ms";
549             dumpScreen(message);
550             throw new RetryableException(message);
551         }
552     }
assertShownByRelativeId(int resId)554     public UiObject2 assertShownByRelativeId(int resId) throws Exception {
555         return assertShownByRelativeId(getIdName(resId));
556     }
assertNeverShownByRelativeId(@onNull String description, int resId, long timeout)558     public void assertNeverShownByRelativeId(@NonNull String description, int resId, long timeout)
559             throws Exception {
560         final BySelector selector = By.res(Helper.MY_PACKAGE, getIdName(resId));
561         assertNeverShown(description, selector, timeout);
562     }
564     /**
565      * Asserts that a {@code selector} is not showing after {@code timeout} milliseconds.
566      */
assertNeverShown(String description, BySelector selector, long timeout)567     protected void assertNeverShown(String description, BySelector selector, long timeout)
568             throws Exception {
569         SystemClock.sleep(timeout);
570         final UiObject2 object = mDevice.findObject(selector);
571         if (object != null) {
572             throw new AssertionError(
573                     String.format("Should not be showing %s after %dms, but got %s",
574                             description, timeout, getChildrenAsText(object)));
575         }
576     }
578     /**
579      * Gets the text set on a view.
580      */
getTextByRelativeId(String id)581     public String getTextByRelativeId(String id) throws Exception {
582         return waitForObject(By.res(mPackageName, id)).getText();
583     }
585     /**
586      * Focus in the view with the given resource id.
587      */
focusByRelativeId(String id)588     public void focusByRelativeId(String id) throws Exception {
589         waitForObject(By.res(mPackageName, id)).click();
590     }
592     /**
593      * Sets a new text on a view.
594      */
setTextByRelativeId(String id, String newText)595     public void setTextByRelativeId(String id, String newText) throws Exception {
596         waitForObject(By.res(mPackageName, id)).setText(newText);
597     }
599     /**
600      * Asserts the save snackbar is showing and returns it.
601      */
assertSaveShowing(int type)602     public UiObject2 assertSaveShowing(int type) throws Exception {
603         return assertSaveShowing(SAVE_TIMEOUT, type);
604     }
606     /**
607      * Asserts the save snackbar is showing and returns it.
608      */
assertSaveShowing(Timeout timeout, int type)609     public UiObject2 assertSaveShowing(Timeout timeout, int type) throws Exception {
610         return assertSaveShowing(null, timeout, type);
611     }
613     /**
614      * Asserts the save snackbar is showing with the Update message and returns it.
615      */
assertUpdateShowing(int... types)616     public UiObject2 assertUpdateShowing(int... types) throws Exception {
617         return assertSaveOrUpdateShowing(/* update= */ true, SaveInfo.NEGATIVE_BUTTON_STYLE_CANCEL,
618                 null, SAVE_TIMEOUT, types);
619     }
621     /**
622      * Presses the Back button.
623      */
pressBack()624     public void pressBack() {
625         Log.d(TAG, "pressBack()");
626         mDevice.pressBack();
627     }
629     /**
630      * Presses the Home button.
631      */
pressHome()632     public void pressHome() {
633         Log.d(TAG, "pressHome()");
634         mDevice.pressHome();
635     }
637     /**
638      * Asserts the save snackbar is not showing.
639      */
assertSaveNotShowing(int type)640     public void assertSaveNotShowing(int type) throws Exception {
641         assertNeverShown("save UI for type " + type, SAVE_UI_SELECTOR, SAVE_NOT_SHOWN_NAPTIME_MS);
642     }
assertSaveNotShowing()644     public void assertSaveNotShowing() throws Exception {
645         assertNeverShown("save UI", SAVE_UI_SELECTOR, SAVE_NOT_SHOWN_NAPTIME_MS);
646     }
getSaveTypeString(int type)648     private String getSaveTypeString(int type) {
649         final String typeResourceName;
650         switch (type) {
651             case SAVE_DATA_TYPE_PASSWORD:
652                 typeResourceName = RESOURCE_STRING_SAVE_TYPE_PASSWORD;
653                 break;
654             case SAVE_DATA_TYPE_ADDRESS:
655                 typeResourceName = RESOURCE_STRING_SAVE_TYPE_ADDRESS;
656                 break;
657             case SAVE_DATA_TYPE_CREDIT_CARD:
658                 typeResourceName = RESOURCE_STRING_SAVE_TYPE_CREDIT_CARD;
659                 break;
660             case SAVE_DATA_TYPE_USERNAME:
661                 typeResourceName = RESOURCE_STRING_SAVE_TYPE_USERNAME;
662                 break;
663             case SAVE_DATA_TYPE_EMAIL_ADDRESS:
664                 typeResourceName = RESOURCE_STRING_SAVE_TYPE_EMAIL_ADDRESS;
665                 break;
666             case SAVE_DATA_TYPE_DEBIT_CARD:
667                 typeResourceName = RESOURCE_STRING_SAVE_TYPE_DEBIT_CARD;
668                 break;
669             case SAVE_DATA_TYPE_PAYMENT_CARD:
670                 typeResourceName = RESOURCE_STRING_SAVE_TYPE_PAYMENT_CARD;
671                 break;
672             case SAVE_DATA_TYPE_GENERIC_CARD:
673                 typeResourceName = RESOURCE_STRING_SAVE_TYPE_GENERIC_CARD;
674                 break;
675             default:
676                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported type: " + type);
677         }
678         return getString(typeResourceName);
679     }
assertSaveShowing(String description, int... types)681     public UiObject2 assertSaveShowing(String description, int... types) throws Exception {
682         return assertSaveOrUpdateShowing(/* update= */ false, SaveInfo.NEGATIVE_BUTTON_STYLE_CANCEL,
683                 description, SAVE_TIMEOUT, types);
684     }
assertSaveShowing(String description, Timeout timeout, int... types)686     public UiObject2 assertSaveShowing(String description, Timeout timeout, int... types)
687             throws Exception {
688         return assertSaveOrUpdateShowing(/* update= */ false, SaveInfo.NEGATIVE_BUTTON_STYLE_CANCEL,
689                 description, timeout, types);
690     }
assertSaveShowing(int negativeButtonStyle, String description, int... types)692     public UiObject2 assertSaveShowing(int negativeButtonStyle, String description,
693             int... types) throws Exception {
694         return assertSaveOrUpdateShowing(/* update= */ false, negativeButtonStyle, description,
695                 SAVE_TIMEOUT, types);
696     }
assertSaveShowing(int positiveButtonStyle, int... types)698     public UiObject2 assertSaveShowing(int positiveButtonStyle, int... types) throws Exception {
699         return assertSaveOrUpdateShowing(/* update= */ false, SaveInfo.NEGATIVE_BUTTON_STYLE_CANCEL,
700                 positiveButtonStyle, /* description= */ null, SAVE_TIMEOUT, types);
701     }
assertSaveOrUpdateShowing(boolean update, int negativeButtonStyle, String description, Timeout timeout, int... types)703     public UiObject2 assertSaveOrUpdateShowing(boolean update, int negativeButtonStyle,
704             String description, Timeout timeout, int... types) throws Exception {
705         return assertSaveOrUpdateShowing(update, negativeButtonStyle,
706                 SaveInfo.POSITIVE_BUTTON_STYLE_SAVE, description, timeout, types);
707     }
assertSaveOrUpdateShowing(boolean update, int negativeButtonStyle, int positiveButtonStyle, String description, Timeout timeout, int... types)709     public UiObject2 assertSaveOrUpdateShowing(boolean update, int negativeButtonStyle,
710             int positiveButtonStyle, String description, Timeout timeout, int... types)
711             throws Exception {
713         final UiObject2 snackbar = waitForObject(SAVE_UI_SELECTOR, timeout);
715         final UiObject2 titleView =
716                 waitForObject(snackbar, By.res("android", RESOURCE_ID_SAVE_TITLE), timeout);
717         assertWithMessage("save title (%s) is not shown", RESOURCE_ID_SAVE_TITLE).that(titleView)
718                 .isNotNull();
720         final UiObject2 iconView =
721                 waitForObject(snackbar, By.res("android", RESOURCE_ID_SAVE_ICON), timeout);
722         assertWithMessage("save icon (%s) is not shown", RESOURCE_ID_SAVE_ICON).that(iconView)
723                 .isNotNull();
725         final String actualTitle = titleView.getText();
726         Log.d(TAG, "save title: " + actualTitle);
728         final String titleId, titleWithTypeId;
729         if (update) {
730             titleId = RESOURCE_STRING_UPDATE_TITLE;
731             titleWithTypeId = RESOURCE_STRING_UPDATE_TITLE_WITH_TYPE;
732         } else {
733             titleId = RESOURCE_STRING_SAVE_TITLE;
734             titleWithTypeId = RESOURCE_STRING_SAVE_TITLE_WITH_TYPE;
735         }
737         final String serviceLabel = InstrumentedAutoFillService.getServiceLabel();
738         switch (types.length) {
739             case 1:
740                 final String expectedTitle = (types[0] == SAVE_DATA_TYPE_GENERIC)
741                         ? Html.fromHtml(getString(titleId, serviceLabel), 0).toString()
742                         : Html.fromHtml(getString(titleWithTypeId,
743                                 getSaveTypeString(types[0]), serviceLabel), 0).toString();
744                 assertThat(actualTitle).isEqualTo(expectedTitle);
745                 break;
746             case 2:
747                 // We cannot predict the order...
748                 assertThat(actualTitle).contains(getSaveTypeString(types[0]));
749                 assertThat(actualTitle).contains(getSaveTypeString(types[1]));
750                 break;
751             case 3:
752                 // We cannot predict the order...
753                 assertThat(actualTitle).contains(getSaveTypeString(types[0]));
754                 assertThat(actualTitle).contains(getSaveTypeString(types[1]));
755                 assertThat(actualTitle).contains(getSaveTypeString(types[2]));
756                 break;
757             default:
758                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid types: " + Arrays.toString(types));
759         }
761         if (description != null) {
762             final UiObject2 saveSubTitle = snackbar.findObject(By.text(description));
763             assertWithMessage("save subtitle(%s)", description).that(saveSubTitle).isNotNull();
764         }
766         final String positiveButtonStringId;
767         switch (positiveButtonStyle) {
768             case SaveInfo.POSITIVE_BUTTON_STYLE_CONTINUE:
769                 positiveButtonStringId = RESOURCE_STRING_CONTINUE_BUTTON_YES;
770                 break;
771             default:
772                 positiveButtonStringId = update ? RESOURCE_STRING_UPDATE_BUTTON_YES
773                         : RESOURCE_STRING_SAVE_BUTTON_YES;
774         }
775         final String expectedPositiveButtonText = getString(positiveButtonStringId).toUpperCase();
776         final UiObject2 positiveButton = waitForObject(snackbar,
777                 By.res("android", RESOURCE_ID_SAVE_BUTTON_YES), timeout);
778         assertWithMessage("wrong text on positive button")
779                 .that(positiveButton.getText().toUpperCase()).isEqualTo(expectedPositiveButtonText);
781         final String negativeButtonStringId;
782         if (negativeButtonStyle == SaveInfo.NEGATIVE_BUTTON_STYLE_REJECT) {
783             negativeButtonStringId = RESOURCE_STRING_SAVE_BUTTON_NOT_NOW;
784         } else if (negativeButtonStyle == SaveInfo.NEGATIVE_BUTTON_STYLE_NEVER) {
785             negativeButtonStringId = RESOURCE_STRING_SAVE_BUTTON_NEVER;
786         } else {
787             negativeButtonStringId = RESOURCE_STRING_SAVE_BUTTON_NO_THANKS;
788         }
789         final String expectedNegativeButtonText = getString(negativeButtonStringId).toUpperCase();
790         final UiObject2 negativeButton = waitForObject(snackbar,
791                 By.res("android", RESOURCE_ID_SAVE_BUTTON_NO), timeout);
792         assertWithMessage("wrong text on negative button")
793                 .that(negativeButton.getText().toUpperCase()).isEqualTo(expectedNegativeButtonText);
795         final String expectedAccessibilityTitle =
797         assertAccessibilityTitle(snackbar, expectedAccessibilityTitle);
799         return snackbar;
800     }
802     /**
803      * Taps an option in the save snackbar.
804      *
805      * @param yesDoIt {@code true} for 'YES', {@code false} for 'NO THANKS'.
806      * @param types expected types of save info.
807      */
saveForAutofill(boolean yesDoIt, int... types)808     public void saveForAutofill(boolean yesDoIt, int... types) throws Exception {
809         final UiObject2 saveSnackBar = assertSaveShowing(
810                 SaveInfo.NEGATIVE_BUTTON_STYLE_CANCEL, null, types);
811         saveForAutofill(saveSnackBar, yesDoIt);
812     }
updateForAutofill(boolean yesDoIt, int... types)814     public void updateForAutofill(boolean yesDoIt, int... types) throws Exception {
815         final UiObject2 saveUi = assertUpdateShowing(types);
816         saveForAutofill(saveUi, yesDoIt);
817     }
819     /**
820      * Taps an option in the save snackbar.
821      *
822      * @param yesDoIt {@code true} for 'YES', {@code false} for 'NO THANKS'.
823      * @param types expected types of save info.
824      */
saveForAutofill(int negativeButtonStyle, boolean yesDoIt, int... types)825     public void saveForAutofill(int negativeButtonStyle, boolean yesDoIt, int... types)
826             throws Exception {
827         final UiObject2 saveSnackBar = assertSaveShowing(negativeButtonStyle, null, types);
828         saveForAutofill(saveSnackBar, yesDoIt);
829     }
831     /**
832      * Taps the positive button in the save snackbar.
833      *
834      * @param types expected types of save info.
835      */
saveForAutofill(int positiveButtonStyle, int... types)836     public void saveForAutofill(int positiveButtonStyle, int... types) throws Exception {
837         final UiObject2 saveSnackBar = assertSaveShowing(positiveButtonStyle, types);
838         saveForAutofill(saveSnackBar, /* yesDoIt= */ true);
839     }
841     /**
842      * Taps an option in the save snackbar.
843      *
844      * @param saveSnackBar Save snackbar, typically obtained through
845      *            {@link #assertSaveShowing(int)}.
846      * @param yesDoIt {@code true} for 'YES', {@code false} for 'NO THANKS'.
847      */
saveForAutofill(UiObject2 saveSnackBar, boolean yesDoIt)848     public void saveForAutofill(UiObject2 saveSnackBar, boolean yesDoIt) {
849         final String id = yesDoIt ? "autofill_save_yes" : "autofill_save_no";
851         final UiObject2 button = saveSnackBar.findObject(By.res("android", id));
852         assertWithMessage("save button (%s)", id).that(button).isNotNull();
853         button.click();
854     }
856     /**
857      * Gets the AUTOFILL contextual menu by long pressing a text field.
858      *
859      * <p><b>NOTE:</b> this method should only be called in scenarios where we explicitly want to
860      * test the overflow menu. For all other scenarios where we want to test manual autofill, it's
861      * better to call {@code AFM.requestAutofill()} directly, because it's less error-prone and
862      * faster.
863      *
864      * @param id resource id of the field.
865      */
getAutofillMenuOption(String id)866     public UiObject2 getAutofillMenuOption(String id) throws Exception {
867         final UiObject2 field = waitForObject(By.res(mPackageName, id));
868         // TODO: figure out why obj.longClick() doesn't always work
869         field.click(LONG_PRESS_MS);
871         List<UiObject2> menuItems = waitForObjects(
872                 By.res("android", RESOURCE_ID_CONTEXT_MENUITEM), mDefaultTimeout);
873         final String expectedText = getAutofillContextualMenuTitle();
875         final StringBuffer menuNames = new StringBuffer();
877         // Check first menu for AUTOFILL
878         for (UiObject2 menuItem : menuItems) {
879             final String menuName = menuItem.getText();
880             if (menuName.equalsIgnoreCase(expectedText)) {
881                 Log.v(TAG, "AUTOFILL found in first menu");
882                 return menuItem;
883             }
884             menuNames.append("'").append(menuName).append("' ");
885         }
887         menuNames.append(";");
889         // First menu does not have AUTOFILL, check overflow
890         final BySelector overflowSelector = By.res("android", RESOURCE_ID_OVERFLOW);
892         // Click overflow menu button.
893         final UiObject2 overflowMenu = waitForObject(overflowSelector, mDefaultTimeout);
894         overflowMenu.click();
896         // Wait for overflow menu to show.
897         mDevice.wait(Until.gone(overflowSelector), 1000);
899         menuItems = waitForObjects(
900                 By.res("android", RESOURCE_ID_CONTEXT_MENUITEM), mDefaultTimeout);
901         for (UiObject2 menuItem : menuItems) {
902             final String menuName = menuItem.getText();
903             if (menuName.equalsIgnoreCase(expectedText)) {
904                 Log.v(TAG, "AUTOFILL found in overflow menu");
905                 return menuItem;
906             }
907             menuNames.append("'").append(menuName).append("' ");
908         }
909         throw new RetryableException("no '%s' on '%s'", expectedText, menuNames);
910     }
getAutofillContextualMenuTitle()912     String getAutofillContextualMenuTitle() {
913         return getString(RESOURCE_STRING_AUTOFILL);
914     }
916     /**
917      * Gets a string from the Android resources.
918      */
getString(String id)919     private String getString(String id) {
920         final Resources resources = mContext.getResources();
921         final int stringId = resources.getIdentifier(id, "string", "android");
922         try {
923             return resources.getString(stringId);
924         } catch (Resources.NotFoundException e) {
925             throw new IllegalStateException("no internal string for '" + id + "' / res=" + stringId
926                     + ": ", e);
927         }
928     }
930     /**
931      * Gets a string from the Android resources.
932      */
getString(String id, Object... formatArgs)933     private String getString(String id, Object... formatArgs) {
934         final Resources resources = mContext.getResources();
935         final int stringId = resources.getIdentifier(id, "string", "android");
936         try {
937             return resources.getString(stringId, formatArgs);
938         } catch (Resources.NotFoundException e) {
939             throw new IllegalStateException("no internal string for '" + id + "' / res=" + stringId
940                     + ": ", e);
941         }
942     }
944     /**
945      * Waits for and returns an object.
946      *
947      * @param selector {@link BySelector} that identifies the object.
948      */
waitForObject(BySelector selector)949     private UiObject2 waitForObject(BySelector selector) throws Exception {
950         return waitForObject(selector, mDefaultTimeout);
951     }
953     /**
954      * Waits for and returns an object.
955      *
956      * @param parent where to find the object (or {@code null} to use device's root).
957      * @param selector {@link BySelector} that identifies the object.
958      * @param timeout timeout in ms.
959      * @param dumpOnError whether the window hierarchy should be dumped if the object is not found.
960      */
waitForObject(UiObject2 parent, BySelector selector, Timeout timeout, boolean dumpOnError)961     private UiObject2 waitForObject(UiObject2 parent, BySelector selector, Timeout timeout,
962             boolean dumpOnError) throws Exception {
963         // NOTE: mDevice.wait does not work for the save snackbar, so we need a polling approach.
964         try {
965             return timeout.run("waitForObject(" + selector + ")", () -> {
966                 return parent != null
967                         ? parent.findObject(selector)
968                         : mDevice.findObject(selector);
970             });
971         } catch (RetryableException e) {
972             if (dumpOnError) {
973                 dumpScreen("waitForObject() for " + selector + "on "
974                         + (parent == null ? "mDevice" : parent) + " failed");
975             }
976             throw e;
977         }
978     }
waitForObject(@ullable UiObject2 parent, @NonNull BySelector selector, @NonNull Timeout timeout)980     public UiObject2 waitForObject(@Nullable UiObject2 parent, @NonNull BySelector selector,
981             @NonNull Timeout timeout)
982             throws Exception {
983         return waitForObject(parent, selector, timeout, DUMP_ON_ERROR);
984     }
986     /**
987      * Waits for and returns an object.
988      *
989      * @param selector {@link BySelector} that identifies the object.
990      * @param timeout timeout in ms
991      */
waitForObject(@onNull BySelector selector, @NonNull Timeout timeout)992     protected UiObject2 waitForObject(@NonNull BySelector selector, @NonNull Timeout timeout)
993             throws Exception {
994         return waitForObject(/* parent= */ null, selector, timeout);
995     }
997     /**
998      * Waits for and returns a child from a parent {@link UiObject2}.
999      */
assertChildText(UiObject2 parent, String resourceId, String expectedText)1000     public UiObject2 assertChildText(UiObject2 parent, String resourceId, String expectedText)
1001             throws Exception {
1002         final UiObject2 child = waitForObject(parent, By.res(mPackageName, resourceId),
1003                 Timeouts.UI_TIMEOUT);
1004         assertWithMessage("wrong text for view '%s'", resourceId).that(child.getText())
1005                 .isEqualTo(expectedText);
1006         return child;
1007     }
1009     /**
1010      * Execute a Runnable and wait for {@link AccessibilityEvent#TYPE_WINDOWS_CHANGED} or
1011      * {@link AccessibilityEvent#TYPE_WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED}.
1012      */
waitForWindowChange(Runnable runnable, long timeoutMillis)1013     public AccessibilityEvent waitForWindowChange(Runnable runnable, long timeoutMillis) {
1014         try {
1015             return mAutoman.executeAndWaitForEvent(runnable, (AccessibilityEvent event) -> {
1016                 switch (event.getEventType()) {
1017                     case AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOWS_CHANGED:
1018                     case AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED:
1019                         return true;
1020                     default:
1021                         Log.v(TAG, "waitForWindowChange(): ignoring event " + event);
1022                 }
1023                 return false;
1024             }, timeoutMillis);
1025         } catch (TimeoutException e) {
1026             throw new WindowChangeTimeoutException(e, timeoutMillis);
1027         }
1028     }
1030     public AccessibilityEvent waitForWindowChange(Runnable runnable) {
1031         return waitForWindowChange(runnable, Timeouts.WINDOW_CHANGE_TIMEOUT_MS);
1032     }
1034     /**
1035      * Waits for and returns a list of objects.
1036      *
1037      * @param selector {@link BySelector} that identifies the object.
1038      * @param timeout timeout in ms
1039      */
1040     private List<UiObject2> waitForObjects(BySelector selector, Timeout timeout) throws Exception {
1041         // NOTE: mDevice.wait does not work for the save snackbar, so we need a polling approach.
1042         try {
1043             return timeout.run("waitForObject(" + selector + ")", () -> {
1044                 final List<UiObject2> uiObjects = mDevice.findObjects(selector);
1045                 if (uiObjects != null && !uiObjects.isEmpty()) {
1046                     return uiObjects;
1047                 }
1048                 return null;
1050             });
1052         } catch (RetryableException e) {
1053             dumpScreen("waitForObjects() for " + selector + "failed");
1054             throw e;
1055         }
1056     }
1058     private UiObject2 findDatasetPicker(Timeout timeout) throws Exception {
1059         // The UI element here is flaky. Sometimes the UI automator returns a StateObject.
1060         // Retry is put in place here to make sure that we catch the object.
1061         UiObject2 picker = null;
1062         int retryCount = 0;
1063         final String expectedTitle = getString(RESOURCE_STRING_DATASET_PICKER_ACCESSIBILITY_TITLE);
1064         while (retryCount < MAX_UIOBJECT_RETRY_COUNT) {
1065             try {
1066                 picker = waitForObject(DATASET_PICKER_SELECTOR, timeout);
1067                 assertAccessibilityTitle(picker, expectedTitle);
1068                 break;
1069             } catch (StaleObjectException e) {
1070                 Log.d(TAG, "Retry grabbing view class");
1071             }
1072             retryCount++;
1073         }
1074         assertWithMessage(expectedTitle + " not found").that(retryCount).isLessThan(
1075                 MAX_UIOBJECT_RETRY_COUNT);
1077         if (picker != null) {
1078             mOkToCallAssertNoDatasets = true;
1079         }
1081         return picker;
1082     }
1084     /**
1085      * Asserts a given object has the expected accessibility title.
1086      */
1087     private void assertAccessibilityTitle(UiObject2 object, String expectedTitle) {
1088         // TODO: ideally it should get the AccessibilityWindowInfo from the object, but UiAutomator
1089         // does not expose that.
1090         for (AccessibilityWindowInfo window : mAutoman.getWindows()) {
1091             final CharSequence title = window.getTitle();
1092             if (title != null && title.toString().equals(expectedTitle)) {
1093                 return;
1094             }
1095         }
1096         throw new RetryableException("Title '%s' not found for %s", expectedTitle, object);
1097     }
1099     /**
1100      * Sets the the screen orientation.
1101      *
1102      * @param orientation typically {@link #LANDSCAPE} or {@link #PORTRAIT}.
1103      *
1104      * @throws RetryableException if value didn't change.
1105      */
1106     public void setScreenOrientation(int orientation) throws Exception {
1107         mAutoman.setRotation(orientation);
1109         UI_SCREEN_ORIENTATION_TIMEOUT.run("setScreenOrientation(" + orientation + ")", () -> {
1110             return getScreenOrientation() == orientation ? Boolean.TRUE : null;
1111         });
1112     }
1114     /**
1115      * Gets the value of the screen orientation.
1116      *
1117      * @return typically {@link #LANDSCAPE} or {@link #PORTRAIT}.
1118      */
1119     public int getScreenOrientation() {
1120         return mDevice.getDisplayRotation();
1121     }
1123     /**
1124      * Dumps the current view hierarchy and take a screenshot and save both locally so they can be
1125      * inspected later.
1126      */
1127     public void dumpScreen(@NonNull String cause) {
1128         try {
1129             final File file = Helper.createTestFile("hierarchy.xml");
1130             if (file == null) return;
1131             Log.w(TAG, "Dumping window hierarchy because " + cause + " on " + file);
1132             try (FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file)) {
1133                 mDevice.dumpWindowHierarchy(file);
1134             }
1135         } catch (Exception e) {
1136             Log.e(TAG, "error dumping screen on " + cause, e);
1137         } finally {
1138             takeScreenshotAndSave();
1139         }
1140     }
1142     private Rect cropScreenshotWithoutScreenDecoration(Activity activity) {
1143         final WindowInsets[] inset = new WindowInsets[1];
1144         final View[] rootView = new View[1];
1146         InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().runOnMainSync(() -> {
1147             rootView[0] = activity.getWindow().getDecorView();
1148             inset[0] = rootView[0].getRootWindowInsets();
1149         });
1150         final int navBarHeight = inset[0].getStableInsetBottom();
1151         final int statusBarHeight = inset[0].getStableInsetTop();
1153         return new Rect(0, statusBarHeight, rootView[0].getWidth(),
1154                 rootView[0].getHeight() - navBarHeight - statusBarHeight);
1155     }
1157     // TODO(b/74358143): ideally we should take a screenshot limited by the boundaries of the
1158     // activity window, so external elements (such as the clock) are filtered out and don't cause
1159     // test flakiness when the contents are compared.
1160     public Bitmap takeScreenshot() {
1161         return takeScreenshotWithRect(null);
1162     }
1164     public Bitmap takeScreenshot(@NonNull Activity activity) {
1165         // crop the screenshot without screen decoration to prevent test flakiness.
1166         final Rect rect = cropScreenshotWithoutScreenDecoration(activity);
1167         return takeScreenshotWithRect(rect);
1168     }
1170     private Bitmap takeScreenshotWithRect(@Nullable Rect r) {
1171         final long before = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
1172         final Bitmap bitmap = mAutoman.takeScreenshot();
1173         final long delta = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - before;
1174         Log.v(TAG, "Screenshot taken in " + delta + "ms");
1175         if (r == null) {
1176             return bitmap;
1177         }
1178         try {
1179             return Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap, r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom);
1180         } finally {
1181             if (bitmap != null) {
1182                 bitmap.recycle();
1183             }
1184         }
1185     }
1187     /**
1188      * Takes a screenshot and save it in the file system for post-mortem analysis.
1189      */
1190     public void takeScreenshotAndSave() {
1191         File file = null;
1192         try {
1193             file = Helper.createTestFile("screenshot.png");
1194             if (file != null) {
1195                 Log.i(TAG, "Taking screenshot on " + file);
1196                 final Bitmap screenshot = takeScreenshot();
1197                 Helper.dumpBitmap(screenshot, file);
1198             }
1199         } catch (Exception e) {
1200             Log.e(TAG, "Error taking screenshot and saving on " + file, e);
1201         }
1202     }
1204     /**
1205      * Asserts the contents of a child element.
1206      *
1207      * @param parent parent object
1208      * @param childId (relative) resource id of the child
1209      * @param assertion if {@code null}, asserts the child does not exist; otherwise, asserts the
1210      * child with it.
1211      */
1212     public void assertChild(@NonNull UiObject2 parent, @NonNull String childId,
1213             @Nullable Visitor<UiObject2> assertion) {
1214         final UiObject2 child = parent.findObject(By.res(mPackageName, childId));
1215         try {
1216             if (assertion != null) {
1217                 assertWithMessage("Didn't find child with id '%s'", childId).that(child)
1218                         .isNotNull();
1219                 try {
1220                     assertion.visit(child);
1221                 } catch (Throwable t) {
1222                     throw new AssertionError("Error on child '" + childId + "'", t);
1223                 }
1224             } else {
1225                 assertWithMessage("Shouldn't find child with id '%s'", childId).that(child)
1226                         .isNull();
1227             }
1228         } catch (RuntimeException | Error e) {
1229             dumpScreen("assertChild(" + childId + ") failed: " + e);
1230             throw e;
1231         }
1232     }
1234     /**
1235      * Finds the first {@link URLSpan} on the current screen.
1236      */
1237     public URLSpan findFirstUrlSpanWithText(String str) throws Exception {
1238         final List<AccessibilityNodeInfo> list = mAutoman.getRootInActiveWindow()
1239                 .findAccessibilityNodeInfosByText(str);
1240         if (list.isEmpty()) {
1241             throw new AssertionError("Didn't found AccessibilityNodeInfo with " + str);
1242         }
1244         final AccessibilityNodeInfo text = list.get(0);
1245         final CharSequence accessibilityTextWithSpan = text.getText();
1246         if (!(accessibilityTextWithSpan instanceof Spanned)) {
1247             throw new AssertionError("\"" + text.getViewIdResourceName() + "\" was not a Spanned");
1248         }
1250         final URLSpan[] spans = ((Spanned) accessibilityTextWithSpan)
1251                 .getSpans(0, accessibilityTextWithSpan.length(), URLSpan.class);
1252         return spans[0];
1253     }
1255     public boolean scrollToTextObject(String text) {
1256         UiScrollable scroller = new UiScrollable(new UiSelector().scrollable(true));
1257         try {
1258             // Swipe far away from the edges to avoid triggering navigation gestures
1259             scroller.setSwipeDeadZonePercentage(0.25);
1260             return scroller.scrollTextIntoView(text);
1261         } catch (UiObjectNotFoundException e) {
1262             return false;
1263         }
1264     }
1265 }