Searched +full:1 +full:c (Results 1 – 25 of 4086) sorted by relevance
... .c posixtestsuite/conformance/definitions/signal_h/1-1.c posixtestsuite/conformance/definitions/
39 # C: common case folding, common mappings shared by both simple and full mappings.49 # A. To do a simple case folding, use the mappings with status C + S.50 # B. To do a full case folding, use the mappings with status C + F.60 # have the value C for the status field, and the code point itself for the mapping field.63 0041; C; 0061; # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A64 0042; C; 0062; # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B65 0043; C; 0063; # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C66 0044; C; 0064; # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D67 0045; C; 0065; # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E68 0046; C; 0066; # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F[all …]
1 Node /c/b[1]/a[1] matches pattern a2 Node /c/b[1]/a[2] matches pattern a3 Node /c/c/b/a[1] matches pattern a4 Node /c/c/b/a[2] matches pattern a5 Node /c/b[2]/a[1] matches pattern a6 Node /c/b[2]/a[2] matches pattern a7 Node /c/b[1] matches pattern b8 Node /c/c/b matches pattern b9 Node /c/b[2] matches pattern b10 Node /c matches pattern c[all …]
38 Sheet 1 150 U 1 1 576468C752 F 0 "U1" H 2300 3500 50 0000 C CNN53 F 1 "TeensyLC_with_headers" V 2550 2750 50 0000 C CNN54 F 2 "Housings_DIP:DIP-28_W15.24mm" V 2950 2750 50 0001 C CNN55 F 3 "" V 2850 2750 50 0001 C CNN56 1 2650 275057 1 0 0 -1 61 U 1 1 5764695463 F 0 "#PWR01" H 1650 1750 50 0001 C CNN[all …]
6 …C 6 -4.710938 5.929688 -4.460938 5.796875 -4.234375 C 5.660156 -4.015625 5.492188 -3.832031 5.2968…8 <symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-1">9 …1 0 L 1 -7 L 3.4375 -7 C 4.238281 -7 4.863281 -6.664062 5.3125 -6 C 5.769531 -5.34375 6 -4.507812 …12 …C 1.816406 -4.597656 2.191406 -5 2.609375 -5 C 3.316406 -5 3.890625 -4.773438 4.328125 -4.328125 C…18 …C 0.0507812 -6.332031 0.898438 -7 2.546875 -7 C 3.285156 -7 3.882812 -6.789062 4.34375 -6.375 C 4.…21 …C 3.78125 -0.710938 3.546875 -0.425781 3.296875 -0.25 C 3.054688 -0.0820312 2.765625 0 2.421875 0 …24 …C 0 -3.769531 0.0234375 -4.070312 0.078125 -4.375 C 0.140625 -4.675781 0.25 -4.988281 0.40625 -5.3…27 …C 1.976562 -6 1.570312 -5.90625 1.34375 -5.71875 C 1.125 -5.539062 1.007812 -5.300781 1 -5 L 0 -5 …30 …1 -7 L 2 -7 L 2 -3.9375 C 2.25 -4.644531 2.609375 -5 3.078125 -5 C 3.671875 -5 4.140625 -4.78125 4…33 …C 0.0390625 -4.332031 0.722656 -5 2.046875 -5 C 2.691406 -5 3.175781 -4.875 3.5 -4.625 C 3.832031 …[all …]
6 …C 6 -4.710938 5.929688 -4.460938 5.796875 -4.234375 C 5.660156 -4.015625 5.492188 -3.832031 5.2968…8 <symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-1">9 …1 0 L 1 -7 L 3.4375 -7 C 4.238281 -7 4.863281 -6.664062 5.3125 -6 C 5.769531 -5.34375 6 -4.507812 …12 …C 0.0507812 -6.332031 0.898438 -7 2.546875 -7 C 3.285156 -7 3.882812 -6.789062 4.34375 -6.375 C 4.…15 …C 3.78125 -0.710938 3.546875 -0.425781 3.296875 -0.25 C 3.054688 -0.0820312 2.765625 0 2.421875 0 …18 …C 1.976562 -6 1.570312 -5.90625 1.34375 -5.71875 C 1.125 -5.539062 1.007812 -5.300781 1 -5 L 0 -5 …21 …C 0 -3.769531 0.0234375 -4.070312 0.078125 -4.375 C 0.140625 -4.675781 0.25 -4.988281 0.40625 -5.3…24 <path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2 -5 L 1 -5 L 1 -6 C 1.363281 -6.0625 1.597656 -6.144531 1.703125 -…27 …1 -7 L 2 -7 L 2 -3.9375 C 2.25 -4.644531 2.609375 -5 3.078125 -5 C 3.671875 -5 4.140625 -4.78125 4…30 …C 0.0390625 -4.332031 0.722656 -5 2.046875 -5 C 2.691406 -5 3.175781 -4.875 3.5 -4.625 C 3.832031 …[all …]
6 …C 6 -4.710938 5.929688 -4.460938 5.796875 -4.234375 C 5.660156 -4.015625 5.492188 -3.832031 5.2968…8 <symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-1">9 …1 0 L 1 -7 L 3.4375 -7 C 4.238281 -7 4.863281 -6.664062 5.3125 -6 C 5.769531 -5.34375 6 -4.507812 …12 …C 1.816406 -4.597656 2.191406 -5 2.609375 -5 C 3.316406 -5 3.890625 -4.773438 4.328125 -4.328125 C…18 <path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2 -5 L 1 -5 L 1 -6 C 1.363281 -6.0625 1.597656 -6.144531 1.703125 -…21 …C 3.78125 -0.710938 3.546875 -0.425781 3.296875 -0.25 C 3.054688 -0.0820312 2.765625 0 2.421875 0 …24 …C 0 -3.769531 0.0234375 -4.070312 0.078125 -4.375 C 0.140625 -4.675781 0.25 -4.988281 0.40625 -5.3…27 …C 1.976562 -6 1.570312 -5.90625 1.34375 -5.71875 C 1.125 -5.539062 1.007812 -5.300781 1 -5 L 0 -5 …30 …1 -7 L 2 -7 L 2 -3.9375 C 2.25 -4.644531 2.609375 -5 3.078125 -5 C 3.671875 -5 4.140625 -4.78125 4…33 …C 0.0390625 -4.332031 0.722656 -5 2.046875 -5 C 2.691406 -5 3.175781 -4.875 3.5 -4.625 C 3.832031 …[all …]
6 …C 6 -4.710938 5.929688 -4.460938 5.796875 -4.234375 C 5.660156 -4.015625 5.492188 -3.832031 5.2968…8 <symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-1">9 …1 0 L 1 -7 L 3.4375 -7 C 4.238281 -7 4.863281 -6.664062 5.3125 -6 C 5.769531 -5.34375 6 -4.507812 …12 …C 1.976562 -6 1.570312 -5.90625 1.34375 -5.71875 C 1.125 -5.539062 1.007812 -5.300781 1 -5 L 0 -5 …18 …C 3.78125 -0.710938 3.546875 -0.425781 3.296875 -0.25 C 3.054688 -0.0820312 2.765625 0 2.421875 0 …21 …"stroke:none;" d="M 3 -1 L 1 -1 L 1 -2.15625 L 3.265625 -7 L 4 -7 L 4 -2 L 5 -2 L 5 -1 L 4 -1 L 4 …24 …C 0 -3.769531 0.0234375 -4.070312 0.078125 -4.375 C 0.140625 -4.675781 0.25 -4.988281 0.40625 -5.3…27 …1 -7 L 2 -7 L 2 -3.9375 C 2.25 -4.644531 2.609375 -5 3.078125 -5 C 3.671875 -5 4.140625 -4.78125 4…30 …C 0.0390625 -4.332031 0.722656 -5 2.046875 -5 C 2.691406 -5 3.175781 -4.875 3.5 -4.625 C 3.832031 …33 …1 -2 C 1.03125 -1.695312 1.117188 -1.453125 1.265625 -1.265625 C 1.421875 -1.085938 1.691406 -1 2.…[all …]
6 …C 6 -4.710938 5.929688 -4.460938 5.796875 -4.234375 C 5.660156 -4.015625 5.492188 -3.832031 5.2968…8 <symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-1">9 …1 0 L 1 -7 L 3.4375 -7 C 4.238281 -7 4.863281 -6.664062 5.3125 -6 C 5.769531 -5.34375 6 -4.507812 …12 …C 1.976562 -6 1.570312 -5.90625 1.34375 -5.71875 C 1.125 -5.539062 1.007812 -5.300781 1 -5 L 0 -5 …15 …C 3.78125 -0.710938 3.546875 -0.425781 3.296875 -0.25 C 3.054688 -0.0820312 2.765625 0 2.421875 0 …18 …C 0 -3.769531 0.0234375 -4.070312 0.078125 -4.375 C 0.140625 -4.675781 0.25 -4.988281 0.40625 -5.3…21 <path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2 -5 L 1 -5 L 1 -6 C 1.363281 -6.0625 1.597656 -6.144531 1.703125 -…24 …1 -7 L 2 -7 L 2 -3.9375 C 2.25 -4.644531 2.609375 -5 3.078125 -5 C 3.671875 -5 4.140625 -4.78125 4…27 …C 0.0390625 -4.332031 0.722656 -5 2.046875 -5 C 2.691406 -5 3.175781 -4.875 3.5 -4.625 C 3.832031 …30 …1 -2 C 1.03125 -1.695312 1.117188 -1.453125 1.265625 -1.265625 C 1.421875 -1.085938 1.691406 -1 2.…[all …]
6 …C 6 -4.710938 5.929688 -4.460938 5.796875 -4.234375 C 5.660156 -4.015625 5.492188 -3.832031 5.2968…8 <symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-1">9 …1 0 L 1 -7 L 3.4375 -7 C 4.238281 -7 4.863281 -6.664062 5.3125 -6 C 5.769531 -5.34375 6 -4.507812 …12 …C 3.78125 -0.710938 3.546875 -0.425781 3.296875 -0.25 C 3.054688 -0.0820312 2.765625 0 2.421875 0 …15 …C 1.816406 -4.597656 2.191406 -5 2.609375 -5 C 3.316406 -5 3.890625 -4.773438 4.328125 -4.328125 C…21 <path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2 -5 L 1 -5 L 1 -6 C 1.363281 -6.0625 1.597656 -6.144531 1.703125 -…24 …C 0 -3.769531 0.0234375 -4.070312 0.078125 -4.375 C 0.140625 -4.675781 0.25 -4.988281 0.40625 -5.3…27 …C 1.976562 -6 1.570312 -5.90625 1.34375 -5.71875 C 1.125 -5.539062 1.007812 -5.300781 1 -5 L 0 -5 …30 …C 0.0507812 -6.332031 0.898438 -7 2.546875 -7 C 3.285156 -7 3.882812 -6.789062 4.34375 -6.375 C 4.…33 …1 -7 L 2 -7 L 2 -3.9375 C 2.25 -4.644531 2.609375 -5 3.078125 -5 C 3.671875 -5 4.140625 -4.78125 4…[all …]
6 …C 6 -4.710938 5.929688 -4.460938 5.796875 -4.234375 C 5.660156 -4.015625 5.492188 -3.832031 5.2968…8 <symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-1">9 …C 6 -1.394531 5.816406 -0.910156 5.453125 -0.546875 C 5.097656 -0.179688 4.625 0 4.03125 0 L 1 0 L…12 …1 0 L 1 -7 L 3.4375 -7 C 4.238281 -7 4.863281 -6.664062 5.3125 -6 C 5.769531 -5.34375 6 -4.507812 …15 …C 3.78125 -0.710938 3.546875 -0.425781 3.296875 -0.25 C 3.054688 -0.0820312 2.765625 0 2.421875 0 …18 <path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2 -5 L 1 -5 L 1 -6 C 1.363281 -6.0625 1.597656 -6.144531 1.703125 -…21 …1 -7 L 2 -7 L 2 -3.9375 C 2.25 -4.644531 2.609375 -5 3.078125 -5 C 3.671875 -5 4.140625 -4.78125 4…24 …C 0.0390625 -4.332031 0.722656 -5 2.046875 -5 C 2.691406 -5 3.175781 -4.875 3.5 -4.625 C 3.832031 …27 …1 -2 C 1.03125 -1.695312 1.117188 -1.453125 1.265625 -1.265625 C 1.421875 -1.085938 1.691406 -1 2.…30 …1 -2 C 1.007812 -1.695312 1.148438 -1.453125 1.421875 -1.265625 C 1.703125 -1.085938 2.078125 -1 2…[all …]
6 …C 6 -4.710938 5.929688 -4.460938 5.796875 -4.234375 C 5.660156 -4.015625 5.492188 -3.832031 5.2968…8 <symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-1">9 …1 0 L 1 -7 L 3.4375 -7 C 4.238281 -7 4.863281 -6.664062 5.3125 -6 C 5.769531 -5.34375 6 -4.507812 …12 …"stroke:none;" d="M 3 -1 L 1 -1 L 1 -2.15625 L 3.265625 -7 L 4 -7 L 4 -2 L 5 -2 L 5 -1 L 4 -1 L 4 …18 …C 3.78125 -0.710938 3.546875 -0.425781 3.296875 -0.25 C 3.054688 -0.0820312 2.765625 0 2.421875 0 …21 …C 0.0507812 -6.332031 0.898438 -7 2.546875 -7 C 3.285156 -7 3.882812 -6.789062 4.34375 -6.375 C 4.…24 …C 0 -3.769531 0.0234375 -4.070312 0.078125 -4.375 C 0.140625 -4.675781 0.25 -4.988281 0.40625 -5.3…27 …1 -7 L 2 -7 L 2 -3.9375 C 2.25 -4.644531 2.609375 -5 3.078125 -5 C 3.671875 -5 4.140625 -4.78125 4…30 …C 0.0390625 -4.332031 0.722656 -5 2.046875 -5 C 2.691406 -5 3.175781 -4.875 3.5 -4.625 C 3.832031 …33 …1 -2 C 1.03125 -1.695312 1.117188 -1.453125 1.265625 -1.265625 C 1.421875 -1.085938 1.691406 -1 2.…[all …]
6 …C 6 -4.710938 5.929688 -4.460938 5.796875 -4.234375 C 5.660156 -4.015625 5.492188 -3.832031 5.2968…8 <symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-1">9 …1 0 L 1 -7 L 3.4375 -7 C 4.238281 -7 4.863281 -6.664062 5.3125 -6 C 5.769531 -5.34375 6 -4.507812 …12 …C 0.0507812 -6.332031 0.898438 -7 2.546875 -7 C 3.285156 -7 3.882812 -6.789062 4.34375 -6.375 C 4.…18 …C 3.78125 -0.710938 3.546875 -0.425781 3.296875 -0.25 C 3.054688 -0.0820312 2.765625 0 2.421875 0 …21 …"stroke:none;" d="M 3 -1 L 1 -1 L 1 -2.15625 L 3.265625 -7 L 4 -7 L 4 -2 L 5 -2 L 5 -1 L 4 -1 L 4 …24 …C 0 -3.769531 0.0234375 -4.070312 0.078125 -4.375 C 0.140625 -4.675781 0.25 -4.988281 0.40625 -5.3…27 …1 -7 L 2 -7 L 2 -3.9375 C 2.25 -4.644531 2.609375 -5 3.078125 -5 C 3.671875 -5 4.140625 -4.78125 4…30 …C 0.0390625 -4.332031 0.722656 -5 2.046875 -5 C 2.691406 -5 3.175781 -4.875 3.5 -4.625 C 3.832031 …33 …1 -2 C 1.03125 -1.695312 1.117188 -1.453125 1.265625 -1.265625 C 1.421875 -1.085938 1.691406 -1 2.…[all …]
6 …C 6 -4.710938 5.929688 -4.460938 5.796875 -4.234375 C 5.660156 -4.015625 5.492188 -3.832031 5.2968…8 <symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-1">9 …C 0 -3.769531 0.0234375 -4.070312 0.078125 -4.375 C 0.140625 -4.675781 0.25 -4.988281 0.40625 -5.3…12 …C 0.0507812 -6.332031 0.898438 -7 2.546875 -7 C 3.285156 -7 3.882812 -6.789062 4.34375 -6.375 C 4.…15 …1 0 L 1 -7 L 3.4375 -7 C 4.238281 -7 4.863281 -6.664062 5.3125 -6 C 5.769531 -5.34375 6 -4.507812 …21 …1 -7 L 2 -7 L 2 -3.9375 C 2.25 -4.644531 2.609375 -5 3.078125 -5 C 3.671875 -5 4.140625 -4.78125 4…24 …C 0.0390625 -4.332031 0.722656 -5 2.046875 -5 C 2.691406 -5 3.175781 -4.875 3.5 -4.625 C 3.832031 …27 …1 -2 C 1.03125 -1.695312 1.117188 -1.453125 1.265625 -1.265625 C 1.421875 -1.085938 1.691406 -1 2.…30 …1 -2 C 1.007812 -1.695312 1.148438 -1.453125 1.421875 -1.265625 C 1.703125 -1.085938 2.078125 -1 2…33 …C 3.78125 -0.710938 3.546875 -0.425781 3.296875 -0.25 C 3.054688 -0.0820312 2.765625 0 2.421875 0 …[all …]
6 …C 6 -4.710938 5.929688 -4.460938 5.796875 -4.234375 C 5.660156 -4.015625 5.492188 -3.832031 5.2968…8 <symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-1">9 …C 0 -3.769531 0.0234375 -4.070312 0.078125 -4.375 C 0.140625 -4.675781 0.25 -4.988281 0.40625 -5.3…12 …"stroke:none;" d="M 3 -1 L 1 -1 L 1 -2.15625 L 3.265625 -7 L 4 -7 L 4 -2 L 5 -2 L 5 -1 L 4 -1 L 4 …15 …1 0 L 1 -7 L 3.4375 -7 C 4.238281 -7 4.863281 -6.664062 5.3125 -6 C 5.769531 -5.34375 6 -4.507812 …21 …1 -7 L 2 -7 L 2 -3.9375 C 2.25 -4.644531 2.609375 -5 3.078125 -5 C 3.671875 -5 4.140625 -4.78125 4…24 …C 0.0390625 -4.332031 0.722656 -5 2.046875 -5 C 2.691406 -5 3.175781 -4.875 3.5 -4.625 C 3.832031 …27 …1 -2 C 1.03125 -1.695312 1.117188 -1.453125 1.265625 -1.265625 C 1.421875 -1.085938 1.691406 -1 2.…30 …1 -2 C 1.007812 -1.695312 1.148438 -1.453125 1.421875 -1.265625 C 1.703125 -1.085938 2.078125 -1 2…33 …C 3.78125 -0.710938 3.546875 -0.425781 3.296875 -0.25 C 3.054688 -0.0820312 2.765625 0 2.421875 0 …[all …]
6 …C 6 -4.710938 5.929688 -4.460938 5.796875 -4.234375 C 5.660156 -4.015625 5.492188 -3.832031 5.2968…8 <symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-1">9 …1 0 L 1 -7 L 3.4375 -7 C 4.238281 -7 4.863281 -6.664062 5.3125 -6 C 5.769531 -5.34375 6 -4.507812 …12 …C 3.78125 -0.710938 3.546875 -0.425781 3.296875 -0.25 C 3.054688 -0.0820312 2.765625 0 2.421875 0 …15 …C 1.976562 -6 1.570312 -5.90625 1.34375 -5.71875 C 1.125 -5.539062 1.007812 -5.300781 1 -5 L 0 -5 …18 …C 0.0507812 -6.332031 0.898438 -7 2.546875 -7 C 3.285156 -7 3.882812 -6.789062 4.34375 -6.375 C 4.…21 …C 0 -3.769531 0.0234375 -4.070312 0.078125 -4.375 C 0.140625 -4.675781 0.25 -4.988281 0.40625 -5.3…24 <path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2 -5 L 1 -5 L 1 -6 C 1.363281 -6.0625 1.597656 -6.144531 1.703125 -…27 …1 -7 L 2 -7 L 2 -3.9375 C 2.25 -4.644531 2.609375 -5 3.078125 -5 C 3.671875 -5 4.140625 -4.78125 4…30 …C 0.0390625 -4.332031 0.722656 -5 2.046875 -5 C 2.691406 -5 3.175781 -4.875 3.5 -4.625 C 3.832031 …[all …]
6 …C 6 -4.710938 5.929688 -4.460938 5.796875 -4.234375 C 5.660156 -4.015625 5.492188 -3.832031 5.2968…8 <symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-1">9 …C 0 -3.769531 0.0234375 -4.070312 0.078125 -4.375 C 0.140625 -4.675781 0.25 -4.988281 0.40625 -5.3…12 <path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2 -5 L 1 -5 L 1 -6 C 1.363281 -6.0625 1.597656 -6.144531 1.703125 -…15 …1 0 L 1 -7 L 3.4375 -7 C 4.238281 -7 4.863281 -6.664062 5.3125 -6 C 5.769531 -5.34375 6 -4.507812 …18 …C 0.0507812 -6.332031 0.898438 -7 2.546875 -7 C 3.285156 -7 3.882812 -6.789062 4.34375 -6.375 C 4.…21 …C 1.976562 -6 1.570312 -5.90625 1.34375 -5.71875 C 1.125 -5.539062 1.007812 -5.300781 1 -5 L 0 -5 …24 …1 -7 L 2 -7 L 2 -3.9375 C 2.25 -4.644531 2.609375 -5 3.078125 -5 C 3.671875 -5 4.140625 -4.78125 4…27 …C 0.0390625 -4.332031 0.722656 -5 2.046875 -5 C 2.691406 -5 3.175781 -4.875 3.5 -4.625 C 3.832031 …30 …1 -2 C 1.03125 -1.695312 1.117188 -1.453125 1.265625 -1.265625 C 1.421875 -1.085938 1.691406 -1 2.…[all …]
6 …C 6 -4.710938 5.929688 -4.460938 5.796875 -4.234375 C 5.660156 -4.015625 5.492188 -3.832031 5.2968…8 <symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-1">9 …1 0 L 1 -7 L 3.4375 -7 C 4.238281 -7 4.863281 -6.664062 5.3125 -6 C 5.769531 -5.34375 6 -4.507812 …12 …C 3.78125 -0.710938 3.546875 -0.425781 3.296875 -0.25 C 3.054688 -0.0820312 2.765625 0 2.421875 0 …15 …"stroke:none;" d="M 3 -1 L 1 -1 L 1 -2.15625 L 3.265625 -7 L 4 -7 L 4 -2 L 5 -2 L 5 -1 L 4 -1 L 4 …18 …C 0.0507812 -6.332031 0.898438 -7 2.546875 -7 C 3.285156 -7 3.882812 -6.789062 4.34375 -6.375 C 4.…24 …C 0 -3.769531 0.0234375 -4.070312 0.078125 -4.375 C 0.140625 -4.675781 0.25 -4.988281 0.40625 -5.3…27 …1 -7 L 2 -7 L 2 -3.9375 C 2.25 -4.644531 2.609375 -5 3.078125 -5 C 3.671875 -5 4.140625 -4.78125 4…30 …C 0.0390625 -4.332031 0.722656 -5 2.046875 -5 C 2.691406 -5 3.175781 -4.875 3.5 -4.625 C 3.832031 …33 …1 -2 C 1.03125 -1.695312 1.117188 -1.453125 1.265625 -1.265625 C 1.421875 -1.085938 1.691406 -1 2.…[all …]
6 …C 6 -4.710938 5.929688 -4.460938 5.796875 -4.234375 C 5.660156 -4.015625 5.492188 -3.832031 5.2968…8 <symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-1">9 …C 0 -3.769531 0.0234375 -4.070312 0.078125 -4.375 C 0.140625 -4.675781 0.25 -4.988281 0.40625 -5.3…12 …C 1.976562 -6 1.570312 -5.90625 1.34375 -5.71875 C 1.125 -5.539062 1.007812 -5.300781 1 -5 L 0 -5 …15 …1 0 L 1 -7 L 3.4375 -7 C 4.238281 -7 4.863281 -6.664062 5.3125 -6 C 5.769531 -5.34375 6 -4.507812 …21 …C 1.816406 -4.597656 2.191406 -5 2.609375 -5 C 3.316406 -5 3.890625 -4.773438 4.328125 -4.328125 C…24 <path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2 -5 L 1 -5 L 1 -6 C 1.363281 -6.0625 1.597656 -6.144531 1.703125 -…27 …C 0.0507812 -6.332031 0.898438 -7 2.546875 -7 C 3.285156 -7 3.882812 -6.789062 4.34375 -6.375 C 4.…30 …1 -7 L 2 -7 L 2 -3.9375 C 2.25 -4.644531 2.609375 -5 3.078125 -5 C 3.671875 -5 4.140625 -4.78125 4…33 …C 0.0390625 -4.332031 0.722656 -5 2.046875 -5 C 2.691406 -5 3.175781 -4.875 3.5 -4.625 C 3.832031 …[all …]
10 20071220-1.c O2 # Relocation against a BB address11 20071220-2.c12 990208-1.c13 label13.C O014 label13a.C O015 label3.C18 20010122-1.c19 20030323-1.c20 20030811-1.c21 pr17377.c[all …]
8 …f32-dwconv2d-chw/ -D ROW_TILE=1 -D ACCUMULATORS=1 -D FMA=0 -o src/f32-dwconv2d-chw/…9 …f32-dwconv2d-chw/ -D ROW_TILE=2 -D ACCUMULATORS=1 -D FMA=0 -o src/f32-dwconv2d-chw/…10 …f32-dwconv2d-chw/ -D ROW_TILE=3 -D ACCUMULATORS=1 -D FMA=0 -o src/f32-dwconv2d-chw/…11 …f32-dwconv2d-chw/ -D ROW_TILE=4 -D ACCUMULATORS=1 -D FMA=0 -o src/f32-dwconv2d-chw/…12 …f32-dwconv2d-chw/ -D ROW_TILE=5 -D ACCUMULATORS=1 -D FMA=0 -o src/f32-dwconv2d-chw/…13 …f32-dwconv2d-chw/ -D ROW_TILE=6 -D ACCUMULATORS=1 -D FMA=0 -o src/f32-dwconv2d-chw/…15 …-dwconv2d-chw/ -D ROW_TILE=1 -D ACCUMULATORS=2 -D FMA=0 -o src/f32-dwconv2d-chw/gen…16 …-dwconv2d-chw/ -D ROW_TILE=1 -D ACCUMULATORS=3 -D FMA=0 -o src/f32-dwconv2d-chw/gen…17 …-dwconv2d-chw/ -D ROW_TILE=1 -D ACCUMULATORS=4 -D FMA=0 -o src/f32-dwconv2d-chw/gen…18 …-dwconv2d-chw/ -D ROW_TILE=2 -D ACCUMULATORS=2 -D FMA=0 -o src/f32-dwconv2d-chw/gen…[all …]
25 "lib/asyn-thread.c",26 "lib/inet_ntop.c",27 "lib/system_win32.c",28 "lib/x509asn1.c",29 "lib/vtls/schannel.c",30 "lib/vtls/schannel_verify.c",31 "lib/idn_win32.c",41 "lib/asyn-ares.c",42 "lib/base64.c",44 "lib/conncache.c",[all …]
9 $1 == "pat" { pattern = $2; next }11 check = ($1 ~ pattern)12 printf("%s ~ /%s/ -> should be %d, is %d\n", $1, pattern, $2, check)17 pat ab{0}c18 ac 121 pat a(b{0})c22 ac 125 pat ab{0}*c26 ac 129 pat a(b{0})*c[all …]
153 #define _(a,b,c) [PIPE_FORMAT_##a] = { \ argument154 .hw = NV30_3D_VTXFMT_TYPE_##b | ((c) << NV30_3D_VTXFMT_SIZE__SHIFT) \158 _(R8_UNORM , U8_UNORM , 1),163 _(R16_SNORM , V16_SNORM , 1),167 _(R16_SSCALED , V16_SSCALED, 1),171 _(R16_FLOAT , V16_FLOAT , 1),175 _(R32_FLOAT , V32_FLOAT , 1),183 #define SWZ_OUT_1 1188 #define SWZ_SRC_2 1198 #define _(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m) [PIPE_FORMAT_##a] = { \ argument[all …]