1// Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5// You may obtain a copy of the License at
7//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13// limitations under the License.
15'use strict';
17let tocAnchors = [];
18let lastMouseOffY = 0;
19let onloadFired = false;
20const postLoadActions = [];
21let tocEventHandlersInstalled = false;
22let resizeObserver = undefined;
24// Handles redirects from the old docs.perfetto.dev.
25const legacyRedirectMap = {
26  '#/contributing': '/docs/contributing/getting-started#community',
27  '#/build-instructions': '/docs/contributing/build-instructions',
28  '#/testing': '/docs/contributing/testing',
29  '#/app-instrumentation': '/docs/instrumentation/tracing-sdk',
30  '#/recording-traces': '/docs/instrumentation/tracing-sdk#recording',
31  '#/running': '/docs/quickstart/android-tracing',
32  '#/long-traces': '/docs/concepts/config#long-traces',
33  '#/detached-mode': '/docs/concepts/detached-mode',
34  '#/heapprofd': '/docs/data-sources/native-heap-profiler',
35  '#/java-hprof': '/docs/data-sources/java-heap-profiler',
36  '#/trace-processor': '/docs/analysis/trace-processor',
37  '#/analysis': '/docs/analysis/trace-processor#annotations',
38  '#/metrics': '/docs/analysis/metrics',
39  '#/traceconv': '/docs/quickstart/traceconv',
40  '#/clock-sync': '/docs/concepts/clock-sync',
41  '#/architecture': '/docs/concepts/service-model',
44function doAfterLoadEvent(action) {
45  if (onloadFired) {
46    return action();
47  }
48  postLoadActions.push(action);
51function setupSandwichMenu() {
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56    e.preventDefault();
58    // If we are displaying any /docs, toggle the navbar instead (the TOC).
59    if (docsNav) {
60      // |after_first_click| is to avoid spurious transitions on page load.
61      docsNav.classList.add('after_first_click');
62      updateNav();
63      setTimeout(() => docsNav.classList.toggle('expanded'), 0);
64    } else {
65      header.classList.toggle('expanded');
66    }
67  });
70// (Re-)Generates the Table Of Contents for docs (the right-hand-side one).
71function updateTOC() {
72  const tocContainer = document.querySelector('.docs .toc');
73  if (!tocContainer)
74    return;
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76  const anchors = document.querySelectorAll('.doc a.anchor');
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84      onScroll(link)
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89    toc.appendChild(li);
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92          {top: anchor.offsetTop + anchor.offsetHeight / 2, obj: link});
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95  tocContainer.innerHTML = '';
96  tocContainer.appendChild(toc);
98  // Add event handlers on the first call (can be called more than once to
99  // recompute anchors on resize).
100  if (tocEventHandlersInstalled)
101    return;
102  tocEventHandlersInstalled = true;
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108    doc.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {
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113  resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(() => requestAnimationFrame(() => {
114                                        updateNav();
115                                        updateTOC();
116                                      }));
117  resizeObserver.observe(doc);
120// Highlights the current TOC anchor depending on the scroll offset.
121function onMouseMove(offY, e) {
122  lastMouseOffY = e.clientY - offY;
123  onScroll();
126function onScroll(forceHighlight) {
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138      link.classList.remove('highlighted');
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143// This function needs to be idempotent as it is called more than once (on every
144// resize).
145function updateNav() {
146  const curDoc = document.querySelector('.doc');
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148  if (curDoc)
149    curFileName = curDoc.dataset['mdFile'];
151  // First identify all the top-level nav entries (Quickstart, Data Sources,
152  // ...) and make them compressible.
153  const toplevelSections = document.querySelectorAll('.docs .nav > ul > li');
154  const toplevelLinks = [];
155  for (const sec of toplevelSections) {
156    const childMenu = sec.querySelector('ul');
157    if (!childMenu) {
158      // Don't make it compressible if it has no children (e.g. the very
159      // first 'Introduction' link).
160      continue;
161    }
163    // Don't make it compressible if the entry has an actual link (e.g. the very
164    // first 'Introduction' link), because otherwise it become ambiguous whether
165    // the link should toggle or open the link.
166    const link = sec.querySelector('a');
167    if (!link || !link.href.endsWith('#'))
168      continue;
170    sec.classList.add('compressible');
172    // Remember the compressed status as long as the page is opened, so clicking
173    // through links keeps the sidebar in a consistent visual state.
174    const memoKey = `docs.nav.compressed[${link.innerHTML}]`;
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177      sec.classList.add('compressed');
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179    doAfterLoadEvent(() => {
180      childMenu.style.maxHeight = `${childMenu.scrollHeight + 40}px`;
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183    toplevelLinks.push(link);
184    link.onclick = (evt) => {
185      evt.preventDefault();
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197  for (const x of exps) {
198    // If the url of the entry matches the url of the page, mark the item as
199    // highlighted and expand all its parents.
200    if (!x.href)
201      continue;
202    const url = new URL(x.href);
203    if (x.href.endsWith('#')) {
204      // This is a non-leaf link to a menu.
205      if (toplevelLinks.indexOf(x) < 0) {
206        x.removeAttribute('href');
207      }
208    } else if (url.pathname === curFileName && !found) {
209      x.classList.add('selected');
210      doAfterLoadEvent(() => x.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded());
211      found = true;  // Highlight only the first occurrence.
212    }
213  }
216// If the page contains a ```mermaid ``` block, lazily loads the plugin and
217// renders.
218function initMermaid() {
219  const graphs = document.querySelectorAll('.mermaid');
221  // Skip if there are no mermaid graphs to render.
222  if (!graphs.length)
223    return;
225  const script = document.createElement('script');
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227  script.src = '/assets/mermaid.min.js';
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240  script.addEventListener('load', () => {
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247      requestAnimationFrame(() => {
248        mermaid.init(undefined, graph);
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256window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
257  updateNav();
258  updateTOC();
261window.addEventListener('load', () => {
262  setupSandwichMenu();
263  initMermaid();
265  // Don't smooth-scroll on pages that are too long (e.g. reference pages).
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272  onloadFired = true;
273  while (postLoadActions.length > 0) {
274    postLoadActions.shift()();
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277  updateTOC();
279  // Enable animations only after the load event. This is to prevent glitches
280  // when switching pages.
281  document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--anim-enabled', '1')
284const fragment = location.hash.split('?')[0].replace('.md', '');
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