1# Contributing Code
3## Communicate
5* Whether you're writing a new feature or fixing an existing bug, it pays to get a second opinion
6  before you get too far. If it's a new feature idea, post to the discussion group
7  ([angleproject][ANGLE-website]).
8* Not all bugs in our [bug system][anglebug.com] are assigned, but if the one you're interested in
9  fixing is, send a note to the person it's assigned to and ask if they would like a patch.
10* Behavior changes and anything nontrivial (i.e. anything other than simple cleanups and style
11  fixes) should generally be tracked in the bug system. Please [file a bug][anglebug-new] and
12  describe what you're doing if there isn't one already.
13* If you would like bug-editing rights, simply ask a team member via email or the discussion group.
15[ANGLE-website]: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/angleproject
16[anglebug.com]: http://anglebug.com
17[anglebug-new]: http://anglebug.com/new
19## Get your code ready
21### Code
231. Must conform to the [ANGLE style][ANGLE-style] guidelines.
242. Must be tested. (see the [Testing][Testing] section below)
253. Should be a reasonable size to review.  Giant patches are unlikely to get reviewed quickly.
27[ANGLE-style]: CodingStandard.md
28[Testing]: #Testing
30### Build maintenance
321. If you added or removed source files:
33   * You _must_ update the build files with your changes. See [`src/libGLESv2.gni`][libGLESv2.gni]
34     and [`src/compiler.gni`][compiler.gni].
352. ANGLE's BUILD.gn script is used by [Chromium's gn build][gn-build-config]. If you change build
36   files other than to add or remove source files be aware you could break the Chromium build.
37   ANGLE's commit queue (CQ) will detect such breakage. Ask a project member for help with Chromium
38   issues if you don't have a Chromium checkout.
393. Some generated code is baked into the repository. If you modify the source of these files, such
40   as the translator's [`glslang.l`][glslang.l], or one of the internal shaders in the Vulkan
41   backend, you will need to run [`scripts/run_code_generation.py`][run_code_generation.py] and
42   include the autogenerated files in your change.
43   `git cl upload` should warn you if you are missing this step.
45[gn-build-config]: https://www.chromium.org/developers/gn-build-configuration
46[compiler.gni]: https://chromium.googlesource.com/angle/angle/+/refs/heads/main/src/compiler.gni
47[libGLESv2.gni]: https://chromium.googlesource.com/angle/angle/+/refs/heads/main/src/libGLESv2.gni
48[glslang.l]: https://chromium.googlesource.com/angle/angle/+/refs/heads/main/src/compiler/translator/glslang.l
49[run_code_generation.py]: https://chromium.googlesource.com/angle/angle/+/refs/heads/main/scripts/run_code_generation.py
51### Testing
53* ANGLE uses trybots to test on a variety of platforms. Please run your changes against our bots
54  and check the results before landing changes or requesting reviews.
55   * Upload your change (see [Making changes](#making-changes)).
56   * To kick off a try job, use the 'CQ Dry Run' button, or set the Commit-Queue +1 label to trigger
57     a dry run of the CQ (will not land the change).
58   * If you are not part of the `angle-committers` group, you will need to either ask to be added or
59     ask a member of the group to submit the tryjob for you. Add jmadill or geofflang as a reviewer
60     for assistance.
61   * Wait for the bots to report the result on the code review page. The bot results should be
62     visible in Gerrit as yellow (in-progress), green (passed), or red (failed). This can take up to
63     two hours for some of the debug bots. Click on the colored rectangle to open the bot log to
64     triage failed tests.
65   * If a failure is unexpected, or seems likely unrelated to your change, ask an ANGLE project
66     member for advice.
67   * We do not currently have the capability to run individual bots or tests in a run.
68* Tests can also be run locally, ANGLE's main testing methods are:
69   * `angle_unittests`, `angle_end2end_tests` and `angle_white_box_tests` targets.
70   * The OpenGL CTS also known as [drawElements Quality Program (dEQP)](dEQP.md).
71     If you're working on a new feature, there may be some extensive tests for it already written.
72   * The [Top-of-Tree WebGL Conformance tests][WebGL-CTS].
73     * If you are a Chromium developer, see
74       [Building ANGLE for Chromium Development][build-ANGLE-for-chromium] for instructions on
75       building ANGLE within Chromium.
76     * If you aren't a browser developer, you should be able to drop your compiled DLLs into a
77       Chrome installation, in place of those distributed with Chrome, to check WebGL conformance.
78       [Chrome Canary][Chrome-Canary] is well-suited for this.
79   * If your code isn't covered by an existing test, you are *strongly encouraged* to add new test
80     coverage. This both ensures that your code is correct and that new contributors won't break it
81     in the future.
82   * Add new tests to `angle_end2end_tests` for OpenGL-based API tests, `angle_unittests` for
83     cross-platform internal tests, and `angle_white_box_tests` for rendering tests which also need
84     visibility into internal ANGLE classes.
85  * If you are submitting a performance fix, test your code with `angle_perftests` and add a new
86    performance test if it is not covered by the existing benchmarks. For more documentation on
87    `angle_perftests` see the [README][README].
88  * The [Chromium GPU FYI bot waterfall][Chromium-waterfall] provides continuous integration for
89    ANGLE patches that have been committed.  There may be hardware configurations that are not
90    tested by the ANGLE trybots, if you notice breakage on this waterfall after landing a patch,
91    please notify a project member.
93[WebGL-CTS]: https://www.khronos.org/registry/webgl/sdk/tests/webgl-conformance-tests.html
94[build-ANGLE-for-Chromium]: BuildingAngleForChromiumDevelopment.md
95[Chrome-Canary]: https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/canary.html
96[README]: ../src/tests/perf_tests/README.md
97[Chromium-waterfall]: https://ci.chromium.org/p/chromium/g/chromium.gpu.fyi/console
99### Legal
1011. You must complete the [Individual Contributor License Agreement][Individual-CLA]. You can do this
102   online, and it only takes a minute. If you are contributing on behalf of a corporation, you must
103   fill out the [Corporate Contributor License Agreement][Corporate-CLA] and send it to Google as
104   described on that page.
1052. Once you've submitted the CLA, please email the following information (as entered on the CLA) to
106   `shannonwoods at chromium dot org` for record keeping purposes:
107   * Full Name:
108   * Email:
109   * Company (If applicable):
1103. If you've never submitted code before, you must add your (or your organization's) name and
111   contact info to the [AUTHORS](../AUTHORS) file.
1124. *NOTE TO REVIEWERS*: Follow the [External Contributor Checklist][Contributor-checklist].
114[Individual-CLA]: https://cla.developers.google.com/about/google-individual
115[Corporate-CLA]: https://cla.developers.google.com/about/google-corporate
116[Contributor-checklist]: http://www.chromium.org/developers/contributing-code/external-contributor-checklist
118## Life of a Change List
120### Getting started with Gerrit for ANGLE
1221. Go to [https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/new-password][CR-passwd]
1232. Log in with the email you use for your git commits.
1243. Follow the directions on the new-password page to set up authentication with your Google account.
1254. Make sure to set your real name.
126   * Visit [https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/#/settings][CR-settings] and check the "Full
127     Name" field.
1285. Check out the repository (see [DevSetup](DevSetup.md)).
1296. Install the Gerrit `commit_msg` hook
130   * Gerrit requires a hook to append a change ID tag to each commit, so that it can associate your
131     CL with a particular review, and track dependencies between commits.
132   * Download the hook from
133     [https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/tools/hooks/commit-msg][commit-msg-hook] and copy
134     this file to `.git/hooks/commit-msg` within your local repository. On non-Windows platforms,
135     ensure that permissions are set to allow execution.
136   * *BE AWARE:* Some patch management tools, such as StGit, currently bypass git hooks. They should
137     not currently be used with changes intended for review.
139[CR-passwd]: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/new-password
140[CR-settings]: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/#/settings
141[commit-msg-hook]: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/tools/hooks/commit-msg
143### Making changes
1451. Commit your changes locally:
146   * `git add src/../FileName.cpp`
147   * `git commit`
148   * A text editor will open. Add a description at the top of the file.
149   * Associate the CL with an issue in the issue tracker (e.g. a fix for a reported bug)
150     by adding the following line to the commit message: `Bug: angleproject:<issue number>`.
151     * If necessary please file a new bug at http://anglebug.com/new
152   * Save.
153   * Close the text editor.
154   * Use `git commit --amend` to update your CL with new changes.
155   * Use `git cl format` to amend the style of your CL. This saves both your time and the reviewers'!
1562. Ensure your code is landed on top of latest changes
157   * `git pull --rebase`
158   * Resolve conflicts if necessary
1593. Upload the change list
160   * `git cl upload`
161   * The change list and modified files will be uploaded to [ANGLE Gerrit][ANGLE-Gerrit].
162   * Follow the generated URL to the new issue.
163   * Take a moment to perform a self-review of your code. Gerrit's viewer makes it easy to see
164     whitespace errors, erroneous tabs, and other simple style problems.
165   * [Select reviewers](#selecting-reviewers).  If you don't do this, reviewers may not realize
166     you're requesting a review!
167   * Make changes, upload and repeat as necessary.
168   * Project members and others will review your code as described in the
169     [CodeReviewProcess](CodeReviewProcess.md).
1705. If your change list needs revision:
171   * If you have correctly installed the commit hook from the section above, Gerrit will be able to
172     track your changes by Change-Id.
173   * You should need only to update your commit with `git commit --amend` and re-upload with
174     `git cl upload`.
1756. Landing change after it receives +2 Code Review:
176   * If you are a committer, you may submit the change yourself via the Gerrit web interface.
177   * If you are not a committer, ask your reviewer to submit the change list.
1787. Pull and integrate reviewed CL:
179   * `git pull --rebase`
181[ANGLE-Gerrit]: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/q/project:angle/angle
183### Selecting reviewers
185When your CL is ready to review, you can use the "Find Owners" button in
186Gerrit to select appropriate code reviewers. They will be able to route your
187CL to additional reviewers as neccessary and answer any questions you may have
188about the process.
190### Rules for submission
192 * At least one **Owner** must give approval.
193 * The owner must be from the **most specific** directory.
194 * At least two **Committers** must give approval for non-trival CLs.
195   For trivial CLs, a single Owner approval is sufficient.
196 * Only **Committers** may submit CLs. If you aren't a committer please ask for help submitting.
197 * Committers may submit high-priority small CLs immediately using **TBR**.
198   See [the Chromium docs][TBR] for more info.
199 * There are exceptions to these rules. Use your best judgement.
201[TBR]: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/main/docs/code_reviews.md#tbr-to-be-reviewed
203### Reverting a CL
205Sometimes a change will cause an unforseen problem, e.g. on a platform that's not tested with
206pre-submit testing.  In those cases, a CL may be reverted; often by a "[Wrangler][wrangler]", who is
207an engineer who keeps the testing infrastructure healthy/green.
209[wrangler]: ../infra/ANGLEWrangling.md
211The best and easiest way to create a revert change is with Gerrit's **REVERT** button, in the
212upper-right corner of the original change.  Pressing this will pop up a dialog with a template
213commit message, and an optional checkbox for automatically sending the revert CL to CQ.  Please edit
214the commit message with the reason for the revert.  When satisfied, press the dialog's **REVERT**
215button.  It is wise to add the author and reviewers of the original CL as reviewers of the revert
216CL.  If it's been less than 24 hours since the original CL landed, the revert Cl will land
217immediately and bypass the try bots.
219If you cannot use Gerrit's **REVERT** button, you can create a revert CL with the "git revert"
220command.  When doing so, the commit message should include a short description for why the original
221commit needs to be reverted, and potentially a bug; similar to this example [revert CL][RevertCL].
223[RevertCL]: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/2453504
226### Relanding a reverted CL
228When you re-land a reverted CL, follow this process:
230 * Prefix the CL title with "Reland: ".
231 * Keep the commit message of the original CL and add a description of what changed in the re-land.
232 * Ensure the re-land CL has a unique Change-Id.
233 * First upload the reverted CL as Patchset 1 with no changes applied.
234 * Then, apply your fixes, and upload your CL as a new Patchset.  The reviewers will be able to see
235   the diff between Patchset 1 and the fixed/final Patchset.
237Here is an example [reland CL][RelandCL].  This [link][RelandCLDiff] shows the difference between Patchset 1
238and the fixed/final Patchset.  Notice how a reviewer can easily see the fix to the original CL.
240[RelandCL]: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/angle/angle/+/2197735
241[RelandCLDiff]: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/angle/angle/+/2197735/1..3
243If you do not need to make any changes to your CL to re-land, you can instead use Gerrit's **CREATE
244RELAND** button.
246### Committer status
248Similar to [Chromium's committer status][Committer-status], long-term contributors to the ANGLE
249project may request to join the `angle-committers` group.  This allows you to give `+2` on code
250reviews and land patches without assistance.  After about 6 months of regular contributions, you may
251request committer status from a core ANGLE team member via email or code review.  Chromium
252committers and Googlers may ask at any time.
254### OWNERS files and becoming an Owner
256See these Chromium docs for some good guidelines: [link][Owners].
258### More info
260See also:
262* [ANGLE Gerrit][ANGLE-Gerrit]
263* [Chromium Projects: Contributing Code][Contributing-code]
264* [depot_tools tutorial][depot-tools-tutorial]
265* [angle_perftests README][Perftest-README]
267[Committer-status]: https://dev.chromium.org/getting-involved/become-a-committer
268[Contributing-code]: http://www.chromium.org/developers/contributing-code/
269[depot-tools-tutorial]: http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chrome-infra-docs/flat/depot_tools/docs/html/depot_tools_tutorial.html
270[Perftest-README]: ../src/tests/perf_tests/README.md
271[Owners]: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/main/docs/code_reviews.md#expectations-of-owners