1 //===- subzero/src/IceOperand.h - High-level operands -----------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 //                        The Subzero Code Generator
4 //
5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
7 //
8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 ///
10 /// \file
11 /// \brief Declares the Operand class and its target-independent subclasses.
12 ///
13 /// The main classes are Variable, which represents an LLVM variable that is
14 /// either register- or stack-allocated, and the Constant hierarchy, which
15 /// represents integer, floating-point, and/or symbolic constants.
16 ///
17 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
22 #include "IceCfg.h"
23 #include "IceDefs.h"
24 #include "IceGlobalContext.h"
25 #include "IceStringPool.h"
26 #include "IceTypes.h"
28 #include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
29 #include "llvm/Support/Format.h"
31 #include <limits>
32 #include <type_traits>
34 namespace Ice {
36 class Operand {
37   Operand() = delete;
38   Operand(const Operand &) = delete;
39   Operand &operator=(const Operand &) = delete;
41 public:
42   static constexpr size_t MaxTargetKinds = 10;
43   enum OperandKind {
44     kConst_Base,
45     kConstInteger32,
46     kConstInteger64,
47     kConstFloat,
48     kConstDouble,
49     kConstRelocatable,
50     kConstUndef,
51     kConst_Target, // leave space for target-specific constant kinds
52     kConst_Max = kConst_Target + MaxTargetKinds,
53     kVariable,
54     kVariable64On32,
55     kVariableVecOn32,
56     kVariableBoolean,
57     kVariable_Target, // leave space for target-specific variable kinds
58     kVariable_Max = kVariable_Target + MaxTargetKinds,
59     // Target-specific operand classes use kTarget as the starting point for
60     // their Kind enum space. Note that the value-spaces are shared across
61     // targets. To avoid confusion over the definition of shared values, an
62     // object specific to one target should never be passed to a different
63     // target.
64     kTarget,
65     kTarget_Max = std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max(),
66   };
67   static_assert(kTarget <= kTarget_Max, "Must not be above max.");
getKind()68   OperandKind getKind() const { return Kind; }
getType()69   Type getType() const { return Ty; }
71   /// Every Operand keeps an array of the Variables referenced in the operand.
72   /// This is so that the liveness operations can get quick access to the
73   /// variables of interest, without having to dig so far into the operand.
getNumVars()74   SizeT getNumVars() const { return NumVars; }
getVar(SizeT I)75   Variable *getVar(SizeT I) const {
76     assert(I < getNumVars());
77     return Vars[I];
78   }
79   virtual void emit(const Cfg *Func) const = 0;
81   /// \name Dumping functions.
82   /// @{
84   /// The dump(Func,Str) implementation must be sure to handle the situation
85   /// where Func==nullptr.
86   virtual void dump(const Cfg *Func, Ostream &Str) const = 0;
dump(const Cfg * Func)87   void dump(const Cfg *Func) const {
88     if (!BuildDefs::dump())
89       return;
90     assert(Func);
91     dump(Func, Func->getContext()->getStrDump());
92   }
dump(Ostream & Str)93   void dump(Ostream &Str) const {
94     if (BuildDefs::dump())
95       dump(nullptr, Str);
96   }
97   /// @}
99   virtual ~Operand() = default;
asBoolean()101   virtual Variable *asBoolean() { return nullptr; }
hashValue()103   virtual SizeT hashValue() const {
104     llvm::report_fatal_error("Tried to hash unsupported operand type : " +
105                              std::to_string(Kind));
106     return 0;
107   }
getExternalData()109   inline void *getExternalData() const { return externalData; }
setExternalData(void * data)110   inline void setExternalData(void *data) { externalData = data; }
112 protected:
Operand(OperandKind Kind,Type Ty)113   Operand(OperandKind Kind, Type Ty) : Ty(Ty), Kind(Kind) {
114     // It is undefined behavior to have a larger value in the enum
115     assert(Kind <= kTarget_Max);
116   }
118   const Type Ty;
119   const OperandKind Kind;
120   /// Vars and NumVars are initialized by the derived class.
121   SizeT NumVars = 0;
122   Variable **Vars = nullptr;
124   /// External data can be set by an optimizer to compute and retain any
125   /// information related to the current operand. All the memory used to
126   /// store this information must be managed by the optimizer.
127   void *externalData = nullptr;
128 };
130 template <class StreamType>
131 inline StreamType &operator<<(StreamType &Str, const Operand &Op) {
132   Op.dump(Str);
133   return Str;
134 }
136 /// Constant is the abstract base class for constants. All constants are
137 /// allocated from a global arena and are pooled.
138 class Constant : public Operand {
139   Constant() = delete;
140   Constant(const Constant &) = delete;
141   Constant &operator=(const Constant &) = delete;
143 public:
144   // Declare the lookup counter to take minimal space in a non-DUMP build.
145   using CounterType =
146       std::conditional<BuildDefs::dump(), uint64_t, uint8_t>::type;
emit(const Cfg * Func)147   void emit(const Cfg *Func) const override { emit(Func->getTarget()); }
148   virtual void emit(TargetLowering *Target) const = 0;
classof(const Operand * Operand)150   static bool classof(const Operand *Operand) {
151     OperandKind Kind = Operand->getKind();
152     return Kind >= kConst_Base && Kind <= kConst_Max;
153   }
getLabelName()155   const GlobalString getLabelName() const { return LabelName; }
getShouldBePooled()157   bool getShouldBePooled() const { return ShouldBePooled; }
159   // This should be thread-safe because the constant pool lock is acquired
160   // before the method is invoked.
updateLookupCount()161   void updateLookupCount() {
162     if (!BuildDefs::dump())
163       return;
164     ++LookupCount;
165   }
getLookupCount()166   CounterType getLookupCount() const { return LookupCount; }
hashValue()167   SizeT hashValue() const override { return 0; }
169 protected:
Constant(OperandKind Kind,Type Ty)170   Constant(OperandKind Kind, Type Ty) : Operand(Kind, Ty) {
171     Vars = nullptr;
172     NumVars = 0;
173   }
174   /// Set the ShouldBePooled field to the proper value after the object is fully
175   /// initialized.
176   void initShouldBePooled();
177   GlobalString LabelName;
178   /// Whether we should pool this constant. Usually Float/Double and pooled
179   /// Integers should be flagged true.  Ideally this field would be const, but
180   /// it needs to be initialized only after the subclass is fully constructed.
181   bool ShouldBePooled = false;
182   /// Note: If ShouldBePooled is ever removed from the base class, we will want
183   /// to completely disable LookupCount in a non-DUMP build to save space.
184   CounterType LookupCount = 0;
185 };
187 /// ConstantPrimitive<> wraps a primitive type.
188 template <typename T, Operand::OperandKind K>
189 class ConstantPrimitive : public Constant {
190   ConstantPrimitive() = delete;
191   ConstantPrimitive(const ConstantPrimitive &) = delete;
192   ConstantPrimitive &operator=(const ConstantPrimitive &) = delete;
194 public:
195   using PrimType = T;
create(GlobalContext * Ctx,Type Ty,PrimType Value)197   static ConstantPrimitive *create(GlobalContext *Ctx, Type Ty,
198                                    PrimType Value) {
199     auto *Const =
200         new (Ctx->allocate<ConstantPrimitive>()) ConstantPrimitive(Ty, Value);
201     Const->initShouldBePooled();
202     if (Const->getShouldBePooled())
203       Const->initName(Ctx);
204     return Const;
205   }
getValue()206   PrimType getValue() const { return Value; }
207   using Constant::emit;
208   void emit(TargetLowering *Target) const final;
209   using Constant::dump;
dump(const Cfg *,Ostream & Str)210   void dump(const Cfg *, Ostream &Str) const override {
211     if (BuildDefs::dump())
212       Str << getValue();
213   }
classof(const Operand * Operand)215   static bool classof(const Operand *Operand) {
216     return Operand->getKind() == K;
217   }
hashValue()219   SizeT hashValue() const override { return std::hash<PrimType>()(Value); }
221 private:
ConstantPrimitive(Type Ty,PrimType Value)222   ConstantPrimitive(Type Ty, PrimType Value) : Constant(K, Ty), Value(Value) {}
initName(GlobalContext * Ctx)224   void initName(GlobalContext *Ctx) {
225     std::string Buffer;
226     llvm::raw_string_ostream Str(Buffer);
227     constexpr bool IsCompact = !BuildDefs::dump();
228     if (IsCompact) {
229       switch (getType()) {
230       case IceType_f32:
231         Str << "$F";
232         break;
233       case IceType_f64:
234         Str << "$D";
235         break;
236       default:
237         // For constant pooling diversification
238         Str << ".L$" << getType() << "$";
239         break;
240       }
241     } else {
242       Str << ".L$" << getType() << "$";
243     }
244     // Print hex characters byte by byte, starting from the most significant
245     // byte.  NOTE: This ordering assumes Subzero runs on a little-endian
246     // platform.  That means the possibility of different label names depending
247     // on the endian-ness of the platform where Subzero runs.
248     for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(Value); ++i) {
249       constexpr unsigned HexWidthChars = 2;
250       unsigned Offset = sizeof(Value) - 1 - i;
251       Str << llvm::format_hex_no_prefix(
252           *(Offset + (const unsigned char *)&Value), HexWidthChars);
253     }
254     // For a floating-point value in DecorateAsm mode, also append the value in
255     // human-readable sprintf form, changing '+' to 'p' and '-' to 'm' to
256     // maintain valid asm labels.
257     if (BuildDefs::dump() && std::is_floating_point<PrimType>::value &&
258         getFlags().getDecorateAsm()) {
259       char Buf[30];
260       snprintf(Buf, llvm::array_lengthof(Buf), "$%g", (double)Value);
261       for (unsigned i = 0; i < llvm::array_lengthof(Buf) && Buf[i]; ++i) {
262         if (Buf[i] == '-')
263           Buf[i] = 'm';
264         else if (Buf[i] == '+')
265           Buf[i] = 'p';
266       }
267       Str << Buf;
268     }
269     LabelName = GlobalString::createWithString(Ctx, Str.str());
270   }
272   const PrimType Value;
273 };
275 using ConstantInteger32 = ConstantPrimitive<int32_t, Operand::kConstInteger32>;
276 using ConstantInteger64 = ConstantPrimitive<int64_t, Operand::kConstInteger64>;
277 using ConstantFloat = ConstantPrimitive<float, Operand::kConstFloat>;
278 using ConstantDouble = ConstantPrimitive<double, Operand::kConstDouble>;
280 template <>
dump(const Cfg *,Ostream & Str)281 inline void ConstantInteger32::dump(const Cfg *, Ostream &Str) const {
282   if (!BuildDefs::dump())
283     return;
284   if (getType() == IceType_i1)
285     Str << (getValue() ? "true" : "false");
286   else
287     Str << static_cast<int32_t>(getValue());
288 }
290 template <>
dump(const Cfg *,Ostream & Str)291 inline void ConstantInteger64::dump(const Cfg *, Ostream &Str) const {
292   if (!BuildDefs::dump())
293     return;
294   assert(getType() == IceType_i64);
295   Str << static_cast<int64_t>(getValue());
296 }
298 /// RelocOffset allows symbolic references in ConstantRelocatables' offsets,
299 /// e.g., 8 + LabelOffset, where label offset is the location (code or data)
300 /// of a Label that is only determinable during ELF emission.
301 class RelocOffset final {
302   RelocOffset(const RelocOffset &) = delete;
303   RelocOffset &operator=(const RelocOffset &) = delete;
305 public:
create(T * AllocOwner)306   template <typename T> static RelocOffset *create(T *AllocOwner) {
307     return new (AllocOwner->template allocate<RelocOffset>()) RelocOffset();
308   }
create(GlobalContext * Ctx,RelocOffsetT Value)310   static RelocOffset *create(GlobalContext *Ctx, RelocOffsetT Value) {
311     return new (Ctx->allocate<RelocOffset>()) RelocOffset(Value);
312   }
setSubtract(bool Value)314   void setSubtract(bool Value) { Subtract = Value; }
hasOffset()315   bool hasOffset() const { return HasOffset; }
getOffset()317   RelocOffsetT getOffset() const {
318     assert(HasOffset);
319     return Offset;
320   }
setOffset(const RelocOffsetT Value)322   void setOffset(const RelocOffsetT Value) {
323     assert(!HasOffset);
324     if (Subtract) {
325       assert(Value != std::numeric_limits<RelocOffsetT>::lowest());
326       Offset = -Value;
327     } else {
328       Offset = Value;
329     }
330     HasOffset = true;
331   }
333 private:
334   RelocOffset() = default;
RelocOffset(RelocOffsetT Offset)335   explicit RelocOffset(RelocOffsetT Offset) { setOffset(Offset); }
337   bool Subtract = false;
338   bool HasOffset = false;
339   RelocOffsetT Offset;
340 };
342 /// RelocatableTuple bundles the parameters that are used to construct an
343 /// ConstantRelocatable. It is done this way so that ConstantRelocatable can fit
344 /// into the global constant pool template mechanism.
345 class RelocatableTuple {
346   RelocatableTuple() = delete;
347   RelocatableTuple &operator=(const RelocatableTuple &) = delete;
349 public:
RelocatableTuple(const RelocOffsetT Offset,const RelocOffsetArray & OffsetExpr,GlobalString Name)350   RelocatableTuple(const RelocOffsetT Offset,
351                    const RelocOffsetArray &OffsetExpr, GlobalString Name)
352       : Offset(Offset), OffsetExpr(OffsetExpr), Name(Name) {}
RelocatableTuple(const RelocOffsetT Offset,const RelocOffsetArray & OffsetExpr,GlobalString Name,const std::string & EmitString)354   RelocatableTuple(const RelocOffsetT Offset,
355                    const RelocOffsetArray &OffsetExpr, GlobalString Name,
356                    const std::string &EmitString)
357       : Offset(Offset), OffsetExpr(OffsetExpr), Name(Name),
358         EmitString(EmitString) {}
360   RelocatableTuple(const RelocatableTuple &) = default;
362   const RelocOffsetT Offset;
363   const RelocOffsetArray OffsetExpr;
364   const GlobalString Name;
365   const std::string EmitString;
366 };
368 bool operator==(const RelocatableTuple &A, const RelocatableTuple &B);
370 /// ConstantRelocatable represents a symbolic constant combined with a fixed
371 /// offset.
372 class ConstantRelocatable : public Constant {
373   ConstantRelocatable() = delete;
374   ConstantRelocatable(const ConstantRelocatable &) = delete;
375   ConstantRelocatable &operator=(const ConstantRelocatable &) = delete;
377 public:
378   template <typename T>
create(T * AllocOwner,Type Ty,const RelocatableTuple & Tuple)379   static ConstantRelocatable *create(T *AllocOwner, Type Ty,
380                                      const RelocatableTuple &Tuple) {
381     return new (AllocOwner->template allocate<ConstantRelocatable>())
382         ConstantRelocatable(Ty, Tuple.Offset, Tuple.OffsetExpr, Tuple.Name,
383                             Tuple.EmitString);
384   }
getOffset()386   RelocOffsetT getOffset() const {
387     RelocOffsetT Ret = Offset;
388     for (const auto *const OffsetReloc : OffsetExpr) {
389       Ret += OffsetReloc->getOffset();
390     }
391     return Ret;
392   }
getEmitString()394   const std::string &getEmitString() const { return EmitString; }
getName()396   GlobalString getName() const { return Name; }
397   using Constant::emit;
398   void emit(TargetLowering *Target) const final;
399   void emitWithoutPrefix(const TargetLowering *Target,
400                          const char *Suffix = "") const;
401   using Constant::dump;
402   void dump(const Cfg *Func, Ostream &Str) const override;
classof(const Operand * Operand)404   static bool classof(const Operand *Operand) {
405     OperandKind Kind = Operand->getKind();
406     return Kind == kConstRelocatable;
407   }
409 private:
ConstantRelocatable(Type Ty,const RelocOffsetT Offset,const RelocOffsetArray & OffsetExpr,GlobalString Name,const std::string & EmitString)410   ConstantRelocatable(Type Ty, const RelocOffsetT Offset,
411                       const RelocOffsetArray &OffsetExpr, GlobalString Name,
412                       const std::string &EmitString)
413       : Constant(kConstRelocatable, Ty), Offset(Offset), OffsetExpr(OffsetExpr),
414         Name(Name), EmitString(EmitString) {}
416   const RelocOffsetT Offset;         /// fixed, known offset to add
417   const RelocOffsetArray OffsetExpr; /// fixed, unknown offset to add
418   const GlobalString Name;           /// optional for debug/dump
419   const std::string EmitString;      /// optional for textual emission
420 };
422 /// ConstantUndef represents an unspecified bit pattern. Although it is legal to
423 /// lower ConstantUndef to any value, backends should try to make code
424 /// generation deterministic by lowering ConstantUndefs to 0.
425 class ConstantUndef : public Constant {
426   ConstantUndef() = delete;
427   ConstantUndef(const ConstantUndef &) = delete;
428   ConstantUndef &operator=(const ConstantUndef &) = delete;
430 public:
create(GlobalContext * Ctx,Type Ty)431   static ConstantUndef *create(GlobalContext *Ctx, Type Ty) {
432     return new (Ctx->allocate<ConstantUndef>()) ConstantUndef(Ty);
433   }
435   using Constant::emit;
436   void emit(TargetLowering *Target) const final;
437   using Constant::dump;
dump(const Cfg *,Ostream & Str)438   void dump(const Cfg *, Ostream &Str) const override {
439     if (BuildDefs::dump())
440       Str << "undef";
441   }
classof(const Operand * Operand)443   static bool classof(const Operand *Operand) {
444     return Operand->getKind() == kConstUndef;
445   }
447 private:
ConstantUndef(Type Ty)448   ConstantUndef(Type Ty) : Constant(kConstUndef, Ty) {}
449 };
451 /// RegNumT is for holding target-specific register numbers, plus the sentinel
452 /// value if no register is assigned. Its public ctor allows direct use of enum
453 /// values, such as RegNumT(Reg_eax), but not things like RegNumT(Reg_eax+1).
454 /// This is to try to prevent inappropriate assumptions about enum ordering. If
455 /// needed, the fromInt() method can be used, such as when a RegNumT is based
456 /// on a bitvector index.
457 class RegNumT {
458 public:
459   using BaseType = uint32_t;
460   RegNumT() = default;
461   RegNumT(const RegNumT &) = default;
462   template <typename AnyEnum>
463   RegNumT(AnyEnum Value,
464           typename std::enable_if<std::is_enum<AnyEnum>::value, int>::type = 0)
Value(Value)465       : Value(Value) {
466     validate(Value);
467   }
468   RegNumT &operator=(const RegNumT &) = default;
469   operator unsigned() const { return Value; }
470   /// Asserts that the register is valid, i.e. not NoRegisterValue.  Note that
471   /// the ctor already does the target-specific limit check.
assertIsValid()472   void assertIsValid() const { assert(Value != NoRegisterValue); }
fromInt(BaseType Value)473   static RegNumT fromInt(BaseType Value) { return RegNumT(Value); }
474   /// Marks cases that inappropriately add/subtract RegNumT values, and
475   /// therefore need to be fixed because they make assumptions about register
476   /// enum value ordering.  TODO(stichnot): Remove fixme() as soon as all
477   /// current uses are fixed/removed.
fixme(BaseType Value)478   static RegNumT fixme(BaseType Value) { return RegNumT(Value); }
479   /// The target's staticInit() method should call setLimit() to register the
480   /// upper bound of allowable values.
setLimit(BaseType Value)481   static void setLimit(BaseType Value) {
482     // Make sure it's only called once.
483     assert(Limit == 0);
484     assert(Value != 0);
485     Limit = Value;
486   }
487   // Define NoRegisterValue as an enum value so that it can be used as an
488   // argument for the public ctor if desired.
489   enum : BaseType { NoRegisterValue = std::numeric_limits<BaseType>::max() };
hasValue()491   bool hasValue() const { return Value != NoRegisterValue; }
hasNoValue()492   bool hasNoValue() const { return !hasValue(); }
494 private:
495   BaseType Value = NoRegisterValue;
496   static BaseType Limit;
497   /// Private ctor called only by fromInt() and fixme().
RegNumT(BaseType Value)498   RegNumT(BaseType Value) : Value(Value) { validate(Value); }
499   /// The ctor calls this to validate against the target-supplied limit.
validate(BaseType Value)500   static void validate(BaseType Value) {
501     (void)Value;
502     assert(Value == NoRegisterValue || Value < Limit);
503   }
504   /// Disallow operators that inappropriately make assumptions about register
505   /// enum value ordering.
506   bool operator<(const RegNumT &) = delete;
507   bool operator<=(const RegNumT &) = delete;
508   bool operator>(const RegNumT &) = delete;
509   bool operator>=(const RegNumT &) = delete;
510 };
512 /// RegNumBVIter wraps SmallBitVector so that instead of this pattern:
513 ///
514 ///   for (int i = V.find_first(); i != -1; i = V.find_next(i)) {
515 ///     RegNumT RegNum = RegNumT::fromInt(i);
516 ///     ...
517 ///   }
518 ///
519 /// this cleaner pattern can be used:
520 ///
521 ///   for (RegNumT RegNum : RegNumBVIter(V)) {
522 ///     ...
523 ///   }
524 template <class B> class RegNumBVIterImpl {
525   using T = B;
526   static constexpr int Sentinel = -1;
527   RegNumBVIterImpl() = delete;
529 public:
530   class Iterator {
531     Iterator() = delete;
532     Iterator &operator=(const Iterator &) = delete;
534   public:
Iterator(const T & V)535     explicit Iterator(const T &V) : V(V), Current(V.find_first()) {}
Iterator(const T & V,int Value)536     Iterator(const T &V, int Value) : V(V), Current(Value) {}
537     Iterator(const Iterator &) = default;
538     RegNumT operator*() {
539       assert(Current != Sentinel);
540       return RegNumT::fromInt(Current);
541     }
542     Iterator &operator++() {
543       assert(Current != Sentinel);
544       Current = V.find_next(Current);
545       return *this;
546     }
547     bool operator!=(Iterator &Other) { return Current != Other.Current; }
549   private:
550     const T &V;
551     int Current;
552   };
554   RegNumBVIterImpl(const RegNumBVIterImpl &) = default;
555   RegNumBVIterImpl &operator=(const RegNumBVIterImpl &) = delete;
RegNumBVIterImpl(const T & V)556   explicit RegNumBVIterImpl(const T &V) : V(V) {}
begin()557   Iterator begin() { return Iterator(V); }
end()558   Iterator end() { return Iterator(V, Sentinel); }
560 private:
561   const T &V;
562 };
RegNumBVIter(const B & BV)564 template <class B> RegNumBVIterImpl<B> RegNumBVIter(const B &BV) {
565   return RegNumBVIterImpl<B>(BV);
566 }
568 /// RegWeight is a wrapper for a uint32_t weight value, with a special value
569 /// that represents infinite weight, and an addWeight() method that ensures that
570 /// W+infinity=infinity.
571 class RegWeight {
572 public:
573   using BaseType = uint32_t;
574   RegWeight() = default;
RegWeight(BaseType Weight)575   explicit RegWeight(BaseType Weight) : Weight(Weight) {}
576   RegWeight(const RegWeight &) = default;
577   RegWeight &operator=(const RegWeight &) = default;
578   constexpr static BaseType Inf = ~0; /// Force regalloc to give a register
579   constexpr static BaseType Zero = 0; /// Force regalloc NOT to give a register
580   constexpr static BaseType Max = Inf - 1; /// Max natural weight.
addWeight(BaseType Delta)581   void addWeight(BaseType Delta) {
582     if (Delta == Inf)
583       Weight = Inf;
584     else if (Weight != Inf)
585       if (Utils::add_overflow(Weight, Delta, &Weight) || Weight == Inf)
586         Weight = Max;
587   }
addWeight(const RegWeight & Other)588   void addWeight(const RegWeight &Other) { addWeight(Other.Weight); }
setWeight(BaseType Val)589   void setWeight(BaseType Val) { Weight = Val; }
getWeight()590   BaseType getWeight() const { return Weight; }
592 private:
593   BaseType Weight = 0;
594 };
595 Ostream &operator<<(Ostream &Str, const RegWeight &W);
596 bool operator<(const RegWeight &A, const RegWeight &B);
597 bool operator<=(const RegWeight &A, const RegWeight &B);
598 bool operator==(const RegWeight &A, const RegWeight &B);
600 /// LiveRange is a set of instruction number intervals representing a variable's
601 /// live range. Generally there is one interval per basic block where the
602 /// variable is live, but adjacent intervals get coalesced into a single
603 /// interval.
604 class LiveRange {
605 public:
606   using RangeElementType = std::pair<InstNumberT, InstNumberT>;
607   /// RangeType is arena-allocated from the Cfg's allocator.
608   using RangeType = CfgVector<RangeElementType>;
609   LiveRange() = default;
610   /// Special constructor for building a kill set. The advantage is that we can
611   /// reserve the right amount of space in advance.
LiveRange(const CfgVector<InstNumberT> & Kills)612   explicit LiveRange(const CfgVector<InstNumberT> &Kills) {
613     Range.reserve(Kills.size());
614     for (InstNumberT I : Kills)
615       addSegment(I, I);
616   }
617   LiveRange(const LiveRange &) = default;
618   LiveRange &operator=(const LiveRange &) = default;
reset()620   void reset() {
621     Range.clear();
622     untrim();
623   }
624   void addSegment(InstNumberT Start, InstNumberT End, CfgNode *Node = nullptr);
625   void addSegment(RangeElementType Segment, CfgNode *Node = nullptr) {
626     addSegment(Segment.first, Segment.second, Node);
627   }
629   bool endsBefore(const LiveRange &Other) const;
630   bool overlaps(const LiveRange &Other, bool UseTrimmed = false) const;
631   bool overlapsInst(InstNumberT OtherBegin, bool UseTrimmed = false) const;
632   bool containsValue(InstNumberT Value, bool IsDest) const;
isEmpty()633   bool isEmpty() const { return Range.empty(); }
getStart()634   InstNumberT getStart() const {
635     return Range.empty() ? -1 : Range.begin()->first;
636   }
getEnd()637   InstNumberT getEnd() const {
638     return Range.empty() ? -1 : Range.rbegin()->second;
639   }
untrim()641   void untrim() { TrimmedBegin = Range.begin(); }
642   void trim(InstNumberT Lower);
644   void dump(Ostream &Str) const;
getNumSegments()646   SizeT getNumSegments() const { return Range.size(); }
getSegments()648   const RangeType &getSegments() const { return Range; }
getNodeForSegment(InstNumberT Begin)649   CfgNode *getNodeForSegment(InstNumberT Begin) {
650     auto Iter = NodeMap.find(Begin);
651     assert(Iter != NodeMap.end());
652     return Iter->second;
653   }
655 private:
656   RangeType Range;
657   CfgUnorderedMap<InstNumberT, CfgNode *> NodeMap;
658   /// TrimmedBegin is an optimization for the overlaps() computation. Since the
659   /// linear-scan algorithm always calls it as overlaps(Cur) and Cur advances
660   /// monotonically according to live range start, we can optimize overlaps() by
661   /// ignoring all segments that end before the start of Cur's range. The
662   /// linear-scan code enables this by calling trim() on the ranges of interest
663   /// as Cur advances. Note that linear-scan also has to initialize TrimmedBegin
664   /// at the beginning by calling untrim().
665   RangeType::const_iterator TrimmedBegin;
666 };
668 Ostream &operator<<(Ostream &Str, const LiveRange &L);
670 /// Variable represents an operand that is register-allocated or
671 /// stack-allocated. If it is register-allocated, it will ultimately have a
672 /// valid RegNum field.
673 class Variable : public Operand {
674   Variable() = delete;
675   Variable(const Variable &) = delete;
676   Variable &operator=(const Variable &) = delete;
678   enum RegRequirement : uint8_t {
679     RR_MayHaveRegister,
680     RR_MustHaveRegister,
681     RR_MustNotHaveRegister,
682   };
684 public:
create(Cfg * Func,Type Ty,SizeT Index)685   static Variable *create(Cfg *Func, Type Ty, SizeT Index) {
686     return new (Func->allocate<Variable>())
687         Variable(Func, kVariable, Ty, Index);
688   }
getIndex()690   SizeT getIndex() const { return Number; }
getName()691   std::string getName() const {
692     if (Name.hasStdString())
693       return Name.toString();
694     return "__" + std::to_string(getIndex());
695   }
setName(const Cfg * Func,const std::string & NewName)696   virtual void setName(const Cfg *Func, const std::string &NewName) {
697     if (NewName.empty())
698       return;
699     Name = VariableString::createWithString(Func, NewName);
700   }
getIsArg()702   bool getIsArg() const { return IsArgument; }
703   virtual void setIsArg(bool Val = true) { IsArgument = Val; }
getIsImplicitArg()704   bool getIsImplicitArg() const { return IsImplicitArgument; }
705   void setIsImplicitArg(bool Val = true) { IsImplicitArgument = Val; }
setIgnoreLiveness()707   void setIgnoreLiveness() { IgnoreLiveness = true; }
getIgnoreLiveness()708   bool getIgnoreLiveness() const {
709     return IgnoreLiveness || IsRematerializable;
710   }
712   /// Returns true if the variable either has a definite stack offset, or has
713   /// the UndeterminedStackOffset such that it is guaranteed to have a definite
714   /// stack offset at emission time.
hasStackOffset()715   bool hasStackOffset() const { return StackOffset != InvalidStackOffset; }
716   /// Returns true if the variable has a stack offset that is known at this
717   /// time.
hasKnownStackOffset()718   bool hasKnownStackOffset() const {
719     return StackOffset != InvalidStackOffset &&
720            StackOffset != UndeterminedStackOffset;
721   }
getStackOffset()722   int32_t getStackOffset() const {
723     assert(hasKnownStackOffset());
724     return StackOffset;
725   }
setStackOffset(int32_t Offset)726   void setStackOffset(int32_t Offset) { StackOffset = Offset; }
727   /// Set a "placeholder" stack offset before its actual offset has been
728   /// determined.
setHasStackOffset()729   void setHasStackOffset() {
730     if (!hasStackOffset())
731       StackOffset = UndeterminedStackOffset;
732   }
733   /// Returns the variable's stack offset in symbolic form, to improve
734   /// readability in DecorateAsm mode.
getSymbolicStackOffset()735   std::string getSymbolicStackOffset() const {
736     if (!BuildDefs::dump())
737       return "";
738     return ".L$lv$" + getName();
739   }
hasReg()741   bool hasReg() const { return getRegNum().hasValue(); }
getRegNum()742   RegNumT getRegNum() const { return RegNum; }
setRegNum(RegNumT NewRegNum)743   void setRegNum(RegNumT NewRegNum) {
744     // Regnum shouldn't be set more than once.
745     assert(!hasReg() || RegNum == NewRegNum);
746     RegNum = NewRegNum;
747   }
hasRegTmp()748   bool hasRegTmp() const { return getRegNumTmp().hasValue(); }
getRegNumTmp()749   RegNumT getRegNumTmp() const { return RegNumTmp; }
setRegNumTmp(RegNumT NewRegNum)750   void setRegNumTmp(RegNumT NewRegNum) { RegNumTmp = NewRegNum; }
752   RegWeight getWeight(const Cfg *Func) const;
setMustHaveReg()754   void setMustHaveReg() { RegRequirement = RR_MustHaveRegister; }
mustHaveReg()755   bool mustHaveReg() const { return RegRequirement == RR_MustHaveRegister; }
setMustNotHaveReg()756   void setMustNotHaveReg() { RegRequirement = RR_MustNotHaveRegister; }
mustNotHaveReg()757   bool mustNotHaveReg() const {
758     return RegRequirement == RR_MustNotHaveRegister;
759   }
mayHaveReg()760   bool mayHaveReg() const { return RegRequirement == RR_MayHaveRegister; }
setRematerializable(RegNumT NewRegNum,int32_t NewOffset)761   void setRematerializable(RegNumT NewRegNum, int32_t NewOffset) {
762     IsRematerializable = true;
763     setRegNum(NewRegNum);
764     setStackOffset(NewOffset);
765     setMustHaveReg();
766   }
isRematerializable()767   bool isRematerializable() const { return IsRematerializable; }
setRegClass(uint8_t RC)769   void setRegClass(uint8_t RC) { RegisterClass = static_cast<RegClass>(RC); }
getRegClass()770   RegClass getRegClass() const { return RegisterClass; }
getLiveRange()772   LiveRange &getLiveRange() { return Live; }
getLiveRange()773   const LiveRange &getLiveRange() const { return Live; }
setLiveRange(const LiveRange & Range)774   void setLiveRange(const LiveRange &Range) { Live = Range; }
resetLiveRange()775   void resetLiveRange() { Live.reset(); }
776   void addLiveRange(InstNumberT Start, InstNumberT End,
777                     CfgNode *Node = nullptr) {
778     assert(!getIgnoreLiveness());
779     Live.addSegment(Start, End, Node);
780   }
trimLiveRange(InstNumberT Start)781   void trimLiveRange(InstNumberT Start) { Live.trim(Start); }
untrimLiveRange()782   void untrimLiveRange() { Live.untrim(); }
rangeEndsBefore(const Variable * Other)783   bool rangeEndsBefore(const Variable *Other) const {
784     return Live.endsBefore(Other->Live);
785   }
rangeOverlaps(const Variable * Other)786   bool rangeOverlaps(const Variable *Other) const {
787     constexpr bool UseTrimmed = true;
788     return Live.overlaps(Other->Live, UseTrimmed);
789   }
rangeOverlapsStart(const Variable * Other)790   bool rangeOverlapsStart(const Variable *Other) const {
791     constexpr bool UseTrimmed = true;
792     return Live.overlapsInst(Other->Live.getStart(), UseTrimmed);
793   }
795   /// Creates a temporary copy of the variable with a different type. Used
796   /// primarily for syntactic correctness of textual assembly emission. Note
797   /// that only basic information is copied, in particular not IsArgument,
798   /// IsImplicitArgument, IgnoreLiveness, RegNumTmp, Live, LoVar, HiVar,
799   /// VarsReal. If NewRegNum.hasValue(), then that register assignment is made
800   /// instead of copying the existing assignment.
801   const Variable *asType(const Cfg *Func, Type Ty, RegNumT NewRegNum) const;
803   void emit(const Cfg *Func) const override;
804   using Operand::dump;
805   void dump(const Cfg *Func, Ostream &Str) const override;
807   /// Return reg num of base register, if different from stack/frame register.
getBaseRegNum()808   virtual RegNumT getBaseRegNum() const { return RegNumT(); }
810   /// Access the LinkedTo field.
setLinkedTo(Variable * Var)811   void setLinkedTo(Variable *Var) { LinkedTo = Var; }
getLinkedTo()812   Variable *getLinkedTo() const { return LinkedTo; }
813   /// Follow the LinkedTo chain up to the furthest ancestor.
getLinkedToRoot()814   Variable *getLinkedToRoot() const {
815     Variable *Root = LinkedTo;
816     if (Root == nullptr)
817       return nullptr;
818     while (Root->LinkedTo != nullptr)
819       Root = Root->LinkedTo;
820     return Root;
821   }
822   /// Follow the LinkedTo chain up to the furthest stack-allocated ancestor.
823   /// This is only certain to be accurate after register allocation and stack
824   /// slot assignment have completed.
getLinkedToStackRoot()825   Variable *getLinkedToStackRoot() const {
826     Variable *FurthestStackVar = nullptr;
827     for (Variable *Root = LinkedTo; Root != nullptr; Root = Root->LinkedTo) {
828       if (!Root->hasReg() && Root->hasStackOffset()) {
829         FurthestStackVar = Root;
830       }
831     }
832     return FurthestStackVar;
833   }
classof(const Operand * Operand)835   static bool classof(const Operand *Operand) {
836     OperandKind Kind = Operand->getKind();
837     return Kind >= kVariable && Kind <= kVariable_Max;
838   }
hashValue()840   SizeT hashValue() const override { return std::hash<SizeT>()(getIndex()); }
getExternalData()842   inline void *getExternalData() const { return externalData; }
setExternalData(void * data)843   inline void setExternalData(void *data) { externalData = data; }
845 protected:
Variable(const Cfg * Func,OperandKind K,Type Ty,SizeT Index)846   Variable(const Cfg *Func, OperandKind K, Type Ty, SizeT Index)
847       : Operand(K, Ty), Number(Index),
848         Name(VariableString::createWithoutString(Func)),
849         RegisterClass(static_cast<RegClass>(Ty)) {
850     Vars = VarsReal;
851     Vars[0] = this;
852     NumVars = 1;
853   }
854   /// Number is unique across all variables, and is used as a (bit)vector index
855   /// for liveness analysis.
856   const SizeT Number;
857   VariableString Name;
858   bool IsArgument = false;
859   bool IsImplicitArgument = false;
860   /// IgnoreLiveness means that the variable should be ignored when constructing
861   /// and validating live ranges. This is usually reserved for the stack
862   /// pointer and other physical registers specifically referenced by name.
863   bool IgnoreLiveness = false;
864   // If IsRematerializable, RegNum keeps track of which register (stack or frame
865   // pointer), and StackOffset is the known offset from that register.
866   bool IsRematerializable = false;
867   RegRequirement RegRequirement = RR_MayHaveRegister;
868   RegClass RegisterClass;
869   /// RegNum is the allocated register, (as long as RegNum.hasValue() is true).
870   RegNumT RegNum;
871   /// RegNumTmp is the tentative assignment during register allocation.
872   RegNumT RegNumTmp;
873   static constexpr int32_t InvalidStackOffset =
874       std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min();
875   static constexpr int32_t UndeterminedStackOffset =
876       1 + std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min();
877   /// StackOffset is the canonical location on stack (only if
878   /// RegNum.hasNoValue() || IsArgument).
879   int32_t StackOffset = InvalidStackOffset;
880   LiveRange Live;
881   /// VarsReal (and Operand::Vars) are set up such that Vars[0] == this.
882   Variable *VarsReal[1];
883   /// This Variable may be "linked" to another Variable, such that if neither
884   /// Variable gets a register, they are guaranteed to share a stack location.
885   Variable *LinkedTo = nullptr;
886   /// External data can be set by an optimizer to compute and retain any
887   /// information related to the current variable. All the memory used to
888   /// store this information must be managed by the optimizer.
889   void *externalData = nullptr;
890 };
892 // Variable64On32 represents a 64-bit variable on a 32-bit architecture. In
893 // this situation the variable must be split into a low and a high word.
894 class Variable64On32 : public Variable {
895   Variable64On32() = delete;
896   Variable64On32(const Variable64On32 &) = delete;
897   Variable64On32 &operator=(const Variable64On32 &) = delete;
899 public:
create(Cfg * Func,Type Ty,SizeT Index)900   static Variable64On32 *create(Cfg *Func, Type Ty, SizeT Index) {
901     return new (Func->allocate<Variable64On32>())
902         Variable64On32(Func, kVariable64On32, Ty, Index);
903   }
setName(const Cfg * Func,const std::string & NewName)905   void setName(const Cfg *Func, const std::string &NewName) override {
906     Variable::setName(Func, NewName);
907     if (LoVar && HiVar) {
908       LoVar->setName(Func, getName() + "__lo");
909       HiVar->setName(Func, getName() + "__hi");
910     }
911   }
913   void setIsArg(bool Val = true) override {
914     Variable::setIsArg(Val);
915     if (LoVar && HiVar) {
916       LoVar->setIsArg(Val);
917       HiVar->setIsArg(Val);
918     }
919   }
getLo()921   Variable *getLo() const {
922     assert(LoVar != nullptr);
923     return LoVar;
924   }
getHi()925   Variable *getHi() const {
926     assert(HiVar != nullptr);
927     return HiVar;
928   }
initHiLo(Cfg * Func)930   void initHiLo(Cfg *Func) {
931     assert(LoVar == nullptr);
932     assert(HiVar == nullptr);
933     LoVar = Func->makeVariable(IceType_i32);
934     HiVar = Func->makeVariable(IceType_i32);
935     LoVar->setIsArg(getIsArg());
936     HiVar->setIsArg(getIsArg());
937     if (BuildDefs::dump()) {
938       LoVar->setName(Func, getName() + "__lo");
939       HiVar->setName(Func, getName() + "__hi");
940     }
941   }
classof(const Operand * Operand)943   static bool classof(const Operand *Operand) {
944     OperandKind Kind = Operand->getKind();
945     return Kind == kVariable64On32;
946   }
948 protected:
Variable64On32(const Cfg * Func,OperandKind K,Type Ty,SizeT Index)949   Variable64On32(const Cfg *Func, OperandKind K, Type Ty, SizeT Index)
950       : Variable(Func, K, Ty, Index) {
951     assert(typeWidthInBytes(Ty) == 8);
952   }
954   Variable *LoVar = nullptr;
955   Variable *HiVar = nullptr;
956 };
958 // VariableVecOn32 represents a 128-bit vector variable on a 32-bit
959 // architecture. In this case the variable must be split into 4 containers.
960 class VariableVecOn32 : public Variable {
961   VariableVecOn32() = delete;
962   VariableVecOn32(const VariableVecOn32 &) = delete;
963   VariableVecOn32 &operator=(const VariableVecOn32 &) = delete;
965 public:
create(Cfg * Func,Type Ty,SizeT Index)966   static VariableVecOn32 *create(Cfg *Func, Type Ty, SizeT Index) {
967     return new (Func->allocate<VariableVecOn32>())
968         VariableVecOn32(Func, kVariableVecOn32, Ty, Index);
969   }
setName(const Cfg * Func,const std::string & NewName)971   void setName(const Cfg *Func, const std::string &NewName) override {
972     Variable::setName(Func, NewName);
973     if (!Containers.empty()) {
974       for (SizeT i = 0; i < ContainersPerVector; ++i) {
975         Containers[i]->setName(Func, getName() + "__cont" + std::to_string(i));
976       }
977     }
978   }
980   void setIsArg(bool Val = true) override {
981     Variable::setIsArg(Val);
982     for (Variable *Var : Containers) {
983       Var->setIsArg(getIsArg());
984     }
985   }
getContainers()987   const VarList &getContainers() const { return Containers; }
initVecElement(Cfg * Func)989   void initVecElement(Cfg *Func) {
990     for (SizeT i = 0; i < ContainersPerVector; ++i) {
991       Variable *Var = Func->makeVariable(IceType_i32);
992       Var->setIsArg(getIsArg());
993       if (BuildDefs::dump()) {
994         Var->setName(Func, getName() + "__cont" + std::to_string(i));
995       }
996       Containers.push_back(Var);
997     }
998   }
classof(const Operand * Operand)1000   static bool classof(const Operand *Operand) {
1001     OperandKind Kind = Operand->getKind();
1002     return Kind == kVariableVecOn32;
1003   }
1005   // A 128-bit vector value is mapped onto 4 32-bit register values.
1006   static constexpr SizeT ContainersPerVector = 4;
1008 protected:
VariableVecOn32(const Cfg * Func,OperandKind K,Type Ty,SizeT Index)1009   VariableVecOn32(const Cfg *Func, OperandKind K, Type Ty, SizeT Index)
1010       : Variable(Func, K, Ty, Index) {
1011     assert(typeWidthInBytes(Ty) ==
1012            ContainersPerVector * typeWidthInBytes(IceType_i32));
1013   }
1015   VarList Containers;
1016 };
1018 enum MetadataKind {
1019   VMK_Uses,       /// Track only uses, not defs
1020   VMK_SingleDefs, /// Track uses+defs, but only record single def
1021   VMK_All         /// Track uses+defs, including full def list
1022 };
1023 using InstDefList = CfgVector<const Inst *>;
1025 /// VariableTracking tracks the metadata for a single variable.  It is
1026 /// only meant to be used internally by VariablesMetadata.
1027 class VariableTracking {
1028 public:
1029   enum MultiDefState {
1030     // TODO(stichnot): Consider using just a simple counter.
1031     MDS_Unknown,
1032     MDS_SingleDef,
1033     MDS_MultiDefSingleBlock,
1034     MDS_MultiDefMultiBlock
1035   };
1036   enum MultiBlockState {
1037     MBS_Unknown,     // Not yet initialized, so be conservative
1038     MBS_NoUses,      // Known to have no uses
1039     MBS_SingleBlock, // All uses in are in a single block
1040     MBS_MultiBlock   // Several uses across several blocks
1041   };
1042   VariableTracking() = default;
1043   VariableTracking(const VariableTracking &) = default;
1044   VariableTracking &operator=(const VariableTracking &) = default;
VariableTracking(MultiBlockState MultiBlock)1045   VariableTracking(MultiBlockState MultiBlock) : MultiBlock(MultiBlock) {}
getMultiDef()1046   MultiDefState getMultiDef() const { return MultiDef; }
getMultiBlock()1047   MultiBlockState getMultiBlock() const { return MultiBlock; }
1048   const Inst *getFirstDefinitionSingleBlock() const;
1049   const Inst *getSingleDefinition() const;
1050   const Inst *getFirstDefinition() const;
getLatterDefinitions()1051   const InstDefList &getLatterDefinitions() const { return Definitions; }
getNode()1052   CfgNode *getNode() const { return SingleUseNode; }
getUseWeight()1053   RegWeight getUseWeight() const { return UseWeight; }
1054   void markUse(MetadataKind TrackingKind, const Inst *Instr, CfgNode *Node,
1055                bool IsImplicit);
1056   void markDef(MetadataKind TrackingKind, const Inst *Instr, CfgNode *Node);
1058 private:
1059   MultiDefState MultiDef = MDS_Unknown;
1060   MultiBlockState MultiBlock = MBS_Unknown;
1061   CfgNode *SingleUseNode = nullptr;
1062   CfgNode *SingleDefNode = nullptr;
1063   /// All definitions of the variable are collected in Definitions[] (except for
1064   /// the earliest definition), in increasing order of instruction number.
1065   InstDefList Definitions; /// Only used if Kind==VMK_All
1066   const Inst *FirstOrSingleDefinition = nullptr;
1067   RegWeight UseWeight;
1068 };
1070 /// VariablesMetadata analyzes and summarizes the metadata for the complete set
1071 /// of Variables.
1072 class VariablesMetadata {
1073   VariablesMetadata() = delete;
1074   VariablesMetadata(const VariablesMetadata &) = delete;
1075   VariablesMetadata &operator=(const VariablesMetadata &) = delete;
1077 public:
VariablesMetadata(const Cfg * Func)1078   explicit VariablesMetadata(const Cfg *Func) : Func(Func) {}
1079   /// Initialize the state by traversing all instructions/variables in the CFG.
1080   void init(MetadataKind TrackingKind);
1081   /// Add a single node. This is called by init(), and can be called
1082   /// incrementally from elsewhere, e.g. after edge-splitting.
1083   void addNode(CfgNode *Node);
getKind()1084   MetadataKind getKind() const { return Kind; }
1085   /// Returns whether the given Variable is tracked in this object. It should
1086   /// only return false if changes were made to the CFG after running init(), in
1087   /// which case the state is stale and the results shouldn't be trusted (but it
1088   /// may be OK e.g. for dumping).
isTracked(const Variable * Var)1089   bool isTracked(const Variable *Var) const {
1090     return Var->getIndex() < Metadata.size();
1091   }
1093   /// Returns whether the given Variable has multiple definitions.
1094   bool isMultiDef(const Variable *Var) const;
1095   /// Returns the first definition instruction of the given Variable. This is
1096   /// only valid for variables whose definitions are all within the same block,
1097   /// e.g. T after the lowered sequence "T=B; T+=C; A=T", for which
1098   /// getFirstDefinitionSingleBlock(T) would return the "T=B" instruction. For
1099   /// variables with definitions span multiple blocks, nullptr is returned.
1100   const Inst *getFirstDefinitionSingleBlock(const Variable *Var) const;
1101   /// Returns the definition instruction of the given Variable, when the
1102   /// variable has exactly one definition. Otherwise, nullptr is returned.
1103   const Inst *getSingleDefinition(const Variable *Var) const;
1104   /// getFirstDefinition() and getLatterDefinitions() are used together to
1105   /// return the complete set of instructions that define the given Variable,
1106   /// regardless of whether the definitions are within the same block (in
1107   /// contrast to getFirstDefinitionSingleBlock).
1108   const Inst *getFirstDefinition(const Variable *Var) const;
1109   const InstDefList &getLatterDefinitions(const Variable *Var) const;
1111   /// Returns whether the given Variable is live across multiple blocks. Mainly,
1112   /// this is used to partition Variables into single-block versus multi-block
1113   /// sets for leveraging sparsity in liveness analysis, and for implementing
1114   /// simple stack slot coalescing. As a special case, function arguments are
1115   /// always considered multi-block because they are live coming into the entry
1116   /// block.
1117   bool isMultiBlock(const Variable *Var) const;
1118   bool isSingleBlock(const Variable *Var) const;
1119   /// Returns the node that the given Variable is used in, assuming
1120   /// isMultiBlock() returns false. Otherwise, nullptr is returned.
1121   CfgNode *getLocalUseNode(const Variable *Var) const;
1123   /// Returns the total use weight computed as the sum of uses multiplied by a
1124   /// loop nest depth factor for each use.
1125   RegWeight getUseWeight(const Variable *Var) const;
1127 private:
1128   const Cfg *Func;
1129   MetadataKind Kind;
1130   CfgVector<VariableTracking> Metadata;
1131   static const InstDefList *NoDefinitions;
1132 };
1134 /// BooleanVariable represents a variable that was the zero-extended result of a
1135 /// comparison. It maintains a pointer to its original i1 source so that the
1136 /// WASM frontend can avoid adding needless comparisons.
1137 class BooleanVariable : public Variable {
1138   BooleanVariable() = delete;
1139   BooleanVariable(const BooleanVariable &) = delete;
1140   BooleanVariable &operator=(const BooleanVariable &) = delete;
BooleanVariable(const Cfg * Func,OperandKind K,Type Ty,SizeT Index)1142   BooleanVariable(const Cfg *Func, OperandKind K, Type Ty, SizeT Index)
1143       : Variable(Func, K, Ty, Index) {}
1145 public:
create(Cfg * Func,Type Ty,SizeT Index)1146   static BooleanVariable *create(Cfg *Func, Type Ty, SizeT Index) {
1147     return new (Func->allocate<BooleanVariable>())
1148         BooleanVariable(Func, kVariable, Ty, Index);
1149   }
asBoolean()1151   virtual Variable *asBoolean() { return BoolSource; }
setBoolSource(Variable * Src)1153   void setBoolSource(Variable *Src) { BoolSource = Src; }
classof(const Operand * Operand)1155   static bool classof(const Operand *Operand) {
1156     return Operand->getKind() == kVariableBoolean;
1157   }
1159 private:
1160   Variable *BoolSource = nullptr;
1161 };
1163 } // end of namespace Ice