1 package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind;
3 import java.io.IOException;
4 import java.util.Collection;
6 import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.*;
8 import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.*;
9 import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.impl.ObjectIdReader;
10 import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.TypeDeserializer;
11 import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type.LogicalType;
12 import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.AccessPattern;
13 import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.NameTransformer;
15 /**
16  * Abstract class that defines API used by {@link ObjectMapper} (and
17  * other chained {@link JsonDeserializer}s too) to deserialize Objects of
18  * arbitrary types from JSON, using provided {@link JsonParser}.
19  *<p>
20  * Custom deserializers should usually not directly extend this class,
21  * but instead extend {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.StdDeserializer}
22  * (or its subtypes like {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.StdScalarDeserializer}).
23  *<p>
24  * If deserializer is an aggregate one -- meaning it delegates handling of some
25  * of its contents by using other deserializer(s) -- it typically also needs
26  * to implement {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.ResolvableDeserializer},
27  * which can locate dependant deserializers. This is important to allow dynamic
28  * overrides of deserializers; separate call interface is needed to separate
29  * resolution of dependant deserializers (which may have cyclic link back
30  * to deserializer itself, directly or indirectly).
31  *<p>
32  * In addition, to support per-property annotations (to configure aspects
33  * of deserialization on per-property basis), deserializers may want
34  * to implement
35  * {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.ContextualDeserializer},
36  * which allows specialization of deserializers: call to
37  * {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.ContextualDeserializer#createContextual}
38  * is passed information on property, and can create a newly configured
39  * deserializer for handling that particular property.
40  *<p>
41  * If both
42  * {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.ResolvableDeserializer} and
43  * {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.ContextualDeserializer}
44  * are implemented, resolution of deserializers occurs before
45  * contextualization.
46  */
47 public abstract class JsonDeserializer<T>
48     implements NullValueProvider // since 2.9
49 {
50     /*
51     /**********************************************************
52     /* Main deserialization methods
53     /**********************************************************
54      */
56     /**
57      * Method that can be called to ask implementation to deserialize
58      * JSON content into the value type this serializer handles.
59      * Returned instance is to be constructed by method itself.
60      *<p>
61      * Pre-condition for this method is that the parser points to the
62      * first event that is part of value to deserializer (and which
63      * is never JSON 'null' literal, more on this below): for simple
64      * types it may be the only value; and for structured types the
65      * Object start marker or a FIELD_NAME.
66      * </p>
67      * <p>
68      * The two possible input conditions for structured types result
69      * from polymorphism via fields. In the ordinary case, Jackson
70      * calls this method when it has encountered an OBJECT_START,
71      * and the method implementation must advance to the next token to
72      * see the first field name. If the application configures
73      * polymorphism via a field, then the object looks like the following.
74      *  <pre>
75      *      {
76      *          "@class": "class name",
77      *          ...
78      *      }
79      *  </pre>
80      *  Jackson consumes the two tokens (the <tt>@class</tt> field name
81      *  and its value) in order to learn the class and select the deserializer.
82      *  Thus, the stream is pointing to the FIELD_NAME for the first field
83      *  after the @class. Thus, if you want your method to work correctly
84      *  both with and without polymorphism, you must begin your method with:
85      *  <pre>
86      *       if (p.currentToken() == JsonToken.START_OBJECT) {
87      *         p.nextToken();
88      *       }
89      *  </pre>
90      * This results in the stream pointing to the field name, so that
91      * the two conditions align.
92      * <p>
93      * Post-condition is that the parser will point to the last
94      * event that is part of deserialized value (or in case deserialization
95      * fails, event that was not recognized or usable, which may be
96      * the same event as the one it pointed to upon call).
97      *<p>
98      * Note that this method is never called for JSON null literal,
99      * and thus deserializers need (and should) not check for it.
100      *
101      * @param p Parsed used for reading JSON content
102      * @param ctxt Context that can be used to access information about
103      *   this deserialization activity.
104      *
105      * @return Deserialized value
106      */
deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt)107     public abstract T deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt)
108         throws IOException, JsonProcessingException;
110     /**
111      * Alternate deserialization method (compared to the most commonly
112      * used, {@link #deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext)}),
113      * which takes in initialized value instance, to be
114      * configured and/or populated by deserializer.
115      * Method is not necessarily used (or supported) by all types
116      * (it will not work for immutable types, for obvious reasons):
117      * most commonly it is used for Collections and Maps.
118      * It may be used both with "updating readers" (for POJOs) and
119      * when Collections and Maps use "getter as setter".
120      *<p>
121      * Default implementation just throws
122      * {@link UnsupportedOperationException}, to indicate that types
123      * that do not explicitly add support do not necessarily support
124      * update-existing-value operation (esp. immutable types)
125      */
deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt, T intoValue)126     public T deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt, T intoValue)
127         throws IOException
128     {
129         ctxt.handleBadMerge(this);
130         return deserialize(p, ctxt);
131     }
133     /**
134      * Deserialization called when type being deserialized is defined to
135      * contain additional type identifier, to allow for correctly
136      * instantiating correct subtype. This can be due to annotation on
137      * type (or its supertype), or due to global settings without
138      * annotations.
139      *<p>
140      * Default implementation may work for some types, but ideally subclasses
141      * should not rely on current default implementation.
142      * Implementation is mostly provided to avoid compilation errors with older
143      * code.
144      *
145      * @param typeDeserializer Deserializer to use for handling type information
146      */
deserializeWithType(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt, TypeDeserializer typeDeserializer)147     public Object deserializeWithType(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt,
148             TypeDeserializer typeDeserializer)
149         throws IOException
150     {
151         // We could try calling
152         return typeDeserializer.deserializeTypedFromAny(p, ctxt);
153     }
155     /**
156      * Method similar to {@link #deserializeWithType(JsonParser,DeserializationContext,TypeDeserializer)}
157      * but called when merging value. Considered "bad merge" by default implementation,
158      * but if {@link MapperFeature#IGNORE_MERGE_FOR_UNMERGEABLE} is enabled will simple delegate to
159      * {@link #deserializeWithType(JsonParser, DeserializationContext, TypeDeserializer)}.
160      *
161      * @since 2.10
162      */
deserializeWithType(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt, TypeDeserializer typeDeserializer, T intoValue)163     public Object deserializeWithType(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt,
164             TypeDeserializer typeDeserializer, T intoValue)
165         throws IOException
166     {
167         ctxt.handleBadMerge(this);
168         return deserializeWithType(p, ctxt, typeDeserializer);
169     }
171     /*
172     /**********************************************************
173     /* Fluent factory methods for constructing decorated versions
174     /**********************************************************
175      */
177     /**
178      * Method that will return deserializer instance that is able
179      * to handle "unwrapped" value instances
180      * If no unwrapped instance can be constructed, will simply
181      * return this object as-is.
182      *<p>
183      * Default implementation just returns 'this'
184      * indicating that no unwrapped variant exists
185      */
unwrappingDeserializer(NameTransformer unwrapper)186     public JsonDeserializer<T> unwrappingDeserializer(NameTransformer unwrapper) {
187         return this;
188     }
190     /**
191      * Method that can be called to try to replace deserializer this deserializer
192      * delegates calls to. If not supported (either this deserializer does not
193      * delegate anything; or it does not want any changes), should either
194      * throw {@link UnsupportedOperationException} (if operation does not
195      * make sense or is not allowed); or return this deserializer as is.
196      *
197      * @since 2.1
198      */
replaceDelegatee(JsonDeserializer<?> delegatee)199     public JsonDeserializer<?> replaceDelegatee(JsonDeserializer<?> delegatee) {
200         throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
201     }
203     /*
204     /**********************************************************
205     /* Introspection methods for figuring out configuration/setup
206     /* of this deserializer instance and/or type it handles
207     /**********************************************************
208      */
210     /**
211      * Method for accessing concrete physical type of values this deserializer produces.
212      * Note that this information is not guaranteed to be exact -- it
213      * may be a more generic (super-type) -- but it should not be
214      * incorrect (return a non-related type).
215      *<p>
216      * Default implementation will return null, which means almost same
217      * same as returning <code>Object.class</code> would; that is, that
218      * nothing is known about handled type.
219      *
220      * @return Physical type of values this deserializer produces, if known;
221      *    {@code null} if not
222      *
223      * @since 2.3
224      */
handledType()225     public Class<?> handledType() { return null; }
227     /**
228      * Method for accessing logical type of values this deserializer produces.
229      * Typically used for further configuring handling of values, for example,
230      * to find which coercions are legal.
231      *
232      * @return Logical type of values this deserializer produces, if known;
233      *    {@code null} if not
234      *
235      * @since 2.12
236      */
logicalType()237     public LogicalType logicalType() { return null; }
239     /**
240      * Method called to see if deserializer instance is cachable and
241      * usable for other properties of same type (type for which instance
242      * was created).
243      *<p>
244      * Note that cached instances are still resolved on per-property basis,
245      * if instance implements {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.ResolvableDeserializer}:
246      * cached instance is just as the base. This means that in most cases it is safe to
247      * cache instances; however, it only makes sense to cache instances
248      * if instantiation is expensive, or if instances are heavy-weight.
249      *<p>
250      * Default implementation returns false, to indicate that no caching
251      * is done.
252      */
isCachable()253     public boolean isCachable() { return false; }
255     /**
256      * Accessor that can be used to determine if this deserializer uses
257      * another deserializer for actual deserialization, by delegating
258      * calls. If so, will return immediate delegate (which itself may
259      * delegate to further deserializers); otherwise will return null.
260      *
261      * @return Deserializer this deserializer delegates calls to, if null;
262      *   null otherwise.
263      *
264      * @since 2.1
265      */
getDelegatee()266     public JsonDeserializer<?> getDelegatee() {
267         return null;
268     }
270     /**
271      * Method that will
272      * either return null to indicate that type being deserializers
273      * has no concept of properties; or a collection of identifiers
274      * for which <code>toString</code> will give external property
275      * name.
276      * This is only to be used for error reporting and diagnostics
277      * purposes (most commonly, to accompany "unknown property"
278      * exception).
279      *
280      * @since 2.0
281      */
getKnownPropertyNames()282     public Collection<Object> getKnownPropertyNames() {
283         return null;
284     }
286     /*
287     /**********************************************************
288     /* Default NullValueProvider implementation
289     /**********************************************************
290      */
292     /**
293      * Method that can be called to determine value to be used for
294      * representing null values (values deserialized when JSON token
295      * is {@link JsonToken#VALUE_NULL}). Usually this is simply
296      * Java null, but for some types (especially primitives) it may be
297      * necessary to use non-null values.
298      *<p>
299      * This method may be called once, or multiple times, depending on what
300      * {@link #getNullAccessPattern()} returns.
301      *<p>
302      * Default implementation simply returns null.
303      *
304      * @since 2.6 Added to replace earlier no-arguments variant
305      */
306     @Override
getNullValue(DeserializationContext ctxt)307     public T getNullValue(DeserializationContext ctxt) throws JsonMappingException {
308         // Change the direction in 2.7
309         return getNullValue();
310     }
312     /**
313      *  This method may be called in conjunction with calls to
314      * {@link #getNullValue(DeserializationContext)}, to check whether it needs
315      * to be called just once (static values), or each time empty value is
316      * needed.
317      *<p>
318      * Default implementation indicates that "null value" to use for input null
319      * is simply Java `null` for all deserializers, unless overridden by sub-classes.
320      * This information may be used as optimization.
321      */
322     @Override
getNullAccessPattern()323     public AccessPattern getNullAccessPattern() {
324         // Default implementation assumes that the null value does not vary, which
325         // is usually the case for most implementations. But it is not necessarily
326         // `null`; so sub-classes may want to refine further.
327         return AccessPattern.CONSTANT;
328     }
330     /**
331      * This method may be called in conjunction with calls to
332      * {@link #getEmptyValue(DeserializationContext)}, to check whether it needs
333      * to be called just once (static values), or each time empty value is
334      * needed.
335      *
336      * @since 2.9
337      */
getEmptyAccessPattern()338     public AccessPattern getEmptyAccessPattern() {
339         return AccessPattern.DYNAMIC;
340     }
342     /*
343     /**********************************************************
344     /* Other accessors
345     /**********************************************************
346      */
348     /**
349      * Method called to determine value to be used for "empty" values
350      * (most commonly when deserializing from empty JSON Strings).
351      * Usually this is same as {@link #getNullValue} (which in turn
352      * is usually simply Java null), but it can be overridden
353      * for specific types. Or, if type should never be converted from empty
354      * String, method can also throw an exception.
355      *<p>
356      * This method may be called once, or multiple times, depending on what
357      * {@link #getEmptyAccessPattern()} returns.
358      *<p>
359      * Default implementation simply calls {@link #getNullValue} and
360      * returns value.
361      *
362      * @since 2.6 Added to replace earlier no-arguments variant
363      */
getEmptyValue(DeserializationContext ctxt)364     public Object getEmptyValue(DeserializationContext ctxt) throws JsonMappingException {
365         return getNullValue(ctxt);
366     }
368     /**
369      * Accessor that can be used to check whether this deserializer
370      * is expecting to possibly get an Object Identifier value instead of full value
371      * serialization, and if so, should be able to resolve it to actual
372      * Object instance to return as deserialized value.
373      *<p>
374      * Default implementation returns null, as support cannot be implemented
375      * generically. Some standard deserializers (most notably
376      * {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.BeanDeserializer})
377      * do implement this feature, and may return reader instance, depending on exact
378      * configuration of instance (which is based on type, and referring property).
379      *
380      * @return ObjectIdReader used for resolving possible Object Identifier
381      *    value, instead of full value serialization, if deserializer can do that;
382      *    null if no Object Id is expected.
383      *
384      * @since 2.0
385      */
getObjectIdReader()386     public ObjectIdReader getObjectIdReader() { return null; }
388     /**
389      * Method needed by {@link BeanDeserializerFactory} to properly link
390      * managed- and back-reference pairs.
391      *
392      * @since 2.2 (was moved out of <code>BeanDeserializerBase</code>)
393      */
findBackReference(String refName)394     public SettableBeanProperty findBackReference(String refName)
395     {
396         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot handle managed/back reference '"+refName
397                 +"': type: value deserializer of type "+getClass().getName()+" does not support them");
398     }
400     /**
401      * Introspection method that may be called to see whether deserializer supports
402      * update of an existing value (aka "merging") or not. Return value should either
403      * be {@link Boolean#FALSE} if update is not supported at all (immutable values);
404      * {@link Boolean#TRUE} if update should usually work (regular POJOs, for example),
405      * or <code>null</code> if this is either not known, or may sometimes work.
406      *<p>
407      * Information gathered is typically used to either prevent merging update for
408      * property (either by skipping, if based on global defaults; or by exception during
409      * deserialization construction if explicit attempt made) if {@link Boolean#FALSE}
410      * returned, or inclusion if {@link Boolean#TRUE} is specified. If "unknown" case
411      * (<code>null</code> returned) behavior is to exclude property if global defaults
412      * used; or to allow if explicit per-type or property merging is defined.
413      *<p>
414      * Default implementation returns <code>null</code> to allow explicit per-type
415      * or per-property attempts.
416      *
417      * @since 2.9
418      */
supportsUpdate(DeserializationConfig config)419     public Boolean supportsUpdate(DeserializationConfig config) {
420         return null;
421     }
423     /*
424     /**********************************************************
425     /* Deprecated methods
426     /**********************************************************
427      */
429     /**
430      * @deprecated Since 2.6 Use overloaded variant that takes context argument
431      */
432     @Deprecated
getNullValue()433     public T getNullValue() { return null; }
435     /**
436      * @deprecated Since 2.6 Use overloaded variant that takes context argument
437      */
438     @Deprecated
getEmptyValue()439     public Object getEmptyValue() { return getNullValue(); }
441     /*
442     /**********************************************************
443     /* Helper classes
444     /**********************************************************
445      */
447     /**
448      * This marker class is only to be used with annotations, to
449      * indicate that <b>no deserializer is configured</b>.
450      *<p>
451      * Specifically, this class is to be used as the marker for
452      * annotation {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize}
453      */
454     public abstract static class None extends JsonDeserializer<Object> {
None()455         private None() { } // not to be instantiated
456     }
457 }