1 use proc_macro2::{Punct, Spacing, TokenStream};
3 // None of our generated code requires the `From::from` error conversion
4 // performed by the standard library's `try!` macro. With this simplified macro
5 // we see a significant improvement in type checking and borrow checking time of
6 // the generated code and a slight improvement in binary size.
replacement() -> TokenStream7 pub fn replacement() -> TokenStream {
8     // Cannot pass `$expr` to `quote!` prior to Rust 1.17.0 so interpolate it.
9     let dollar = Punct::new('$', Spacing::Alone);
11     quote! {
12         #[allow(unused_macros)]
13         macro_rules! try {
14             (#dollar __expr:expr) => {
15                 match #dollar __expr {
16                     _serde::__private::Ok(__val) => __val,
17                     _serde::__private::Err(__err) => {
18                         return _serde::__private::Err(__err);
19                     }
20                 }
21             }
22         }
23     }
24 }