1 /*
2  * cblas_zhbmv.c
3  * The program is a C interface to zhbmv
4  *
5  * Keita Teranishi  5/18/98
6  *
7  */
8 #include "cblas.h"
9 #include "cblas_f77.h"
10 #include <stdio.h>
11 #include <stdlib.h>
cblas_zhbmv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER order,const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,const int N,const int K,const void * alpha,const void * A,const int lda,const void * X,const int incX,const void * beta,void * Y,const int incY)12 void cblas_zhbmv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER order,
13                  const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,const int N,const int K,
14                  const void *alpha, const void  *A, const int lda,
15                  const void  *X, const int incX, const void *beta,
16                  void  *Y, const int incY)
17 {
18    char UL;
19 #ifdef F77_CHAR
20    F77_CHAR F77_UL;
21 #else
22    #define F77_UL &UL
23 #endif
24 #ifdef F77_INT
25    F77_INT F77_N=N, F77_K=K, F77_lda=lda, F77_incX=incX, F77_incY=incY;
26 #else
27    #define F77_N N
28    #define F77_K K
29    #define F77_lda lda
30    #define F77_incX incx
31    #define F77_incY incY
32 #endif
33    int n, i=0, incx=incX;
34    const double *xx= (double *)X, *alp= (double *)alpha, *bet = (double *)beta;
35    double ALPHA[2],BETA[2];
36    int tincY, tincx;
37    double *x=(double *)X, *y=(double *)Y, *st=0, *tx;
38    extern int CBLAS_CallFromC;
39    extern int RowMajorStrg;
40    RowMajorStrg = 0;
42    CBLAS_CallFromC = 1;
43    if (order == CblasColMajor)
44    {
45       if (Uplo == CblasLower) UL = 'L';
46       else if (Uplo == CblasUpper) UL = 'U';
47       else
48       {
49          cblas_xerbla(2, "cblas_zhbmv","Illegal Uplo setting, %d\n",Uplo );
50          CBLAS_CallFromC = 0;
51          RowMajorStrg = 0;
52          return;
53       }
54       #ifdef F77_CHAR
55          F77_UL = C2F_CHAR(&UL);
56       #endif
57       F77_zhbmv(F77_UL, &F77_N, &F77_K, alpha, A, &F77_lda, X,
58                      &F77_incX, beta, Y, &F77_incY);
59    }
60    else if (order == CblasRowMajor)
61    {
62       RowMajorStrg = 1;
63       ALPHA[0]= *alp;
64       ALPHA[1]= -alp[1];
65       BETA[0]= *bet;
66       BETA[1]= -bet[1];
68       if (N > 0)
69       {
70          n = N << 1;
71          x = malloc(n*sizeof(double));
73          tx = x;
74          if( incX > 0 ) {
75            i = incX << 1 ;
76            tincx = 2;
77            st= x+n;
78          } else {
79            i = incX *(-2);
80            tincx = -2;
81            st = x-2;
82            x +=(n-2);
83          }
85          do
86          {
87            *x = *xx;
88            x[1] = -xx[1];
89            x += tincx ;
90            xx += i;
91          }
92          while (x != st);
93          x=tx;
96          #ifdef F77_INT
97             F77_incX = 1;
98          #else
99             incx = 1;
100          #endif
102          if(incY > 0)
103            tincY = incY;
104          else
105            tincY = -incY;
106          y++;
108          i = tincY << 1;
109          n = i * N ;
110          st = y + n;
111          do {
112             *y = -(*y);
113             y += i;
114          } while(y != st);
115          y -= n;
116       }  else
117          x = (double *) X;
119       if (Uplo == CblasUpper) UL = 'L';
120       else if (Uplo == CblasLower) UL = 'U';
121       else
122       {
123          cblas_xerbla(2, "cblas_zhbmv","Illegal Uplo setting, %d\n", Uplo);
124          CBLAS_CallFromC = 0;
125          RowMajorStrg = 0;
126          return;
127       }
128       #ifdef F77_CHAR
129          F77_UL = C2F_CHAR(&UL);
130       #endif
131       F77_zhbmv(F77_UL, &F77_N, &F77_K, ALPHA,
132                      A ,&F77_lda, x,&F77_incX, BETA, Y, &F77_incY);
133    }
134    else
135    {
136       cblas_xerbla(1, "cblas_zhbmv","Illegal Order setting, %d\n", order);
137       CBLAS_CallFromC = 0;
138       RowMajorStrg = 0;
139       return;
140    }
141    if ( order == CblasRowMajor )
142    {
143       RowMajorStrg = 1;
144       if(X!=x)
145          free(x);
146       if (N > 0)
147       {
148          do
149          {
150             *y = -(*y);
151             y += i;
152          }
153          while (y != st);
154       }
155    }
156    CBLAS_CallFromC = 0;
157    RowMajorStrg = 0;
158    return;
159 }