1# Capstone Disassembler Engine
2# By Dang Hoang Vu, 2013
3from __future__ import print_function
4import sys, re
6INCL_DIR = '../include/capstone/'
8include = [ 'arm.h', 'arm64.h', 'm68k.h', 'mips.h', 'x86.h', 'ppc.h', 'sparc.h', 'systemz.h', 'xcore.h', 'tms320c64x.h', 'm680x.h', 'evm.h', 'mos65xx.h' ]
10template = {
11    'java': {
12            'header': "// For Capstone Engine. AUTO-GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT\npackage capstone;\n\npublic class %s_const {\n",
13            'footer': "}",
14            'line_format': '\tpublic static final int %s = %s;\n',
15            'out_file': './java/capstone/%s_const.java',
16            # prefixes for constant filenames of all archs - case sensitive
17            'arm.h': 'Arm',
18            'arm64.h': 'Arm64',
19            'm68k.h': 'M68k',
20            'mips.h': 'Mips',
21            'x86.h': 'X86',
22            'ppc.h': 'Ppc',
23            'sparc.h': 'Sparc',
24            'systemz.h': 'Sysz',
25            'xcore.h': 'Xcore',
26            'tms320c64x.h': 'TMS320C64x',
27            'm680x.h': 'M680x',
28            'evm.h': 'Evm',
29            'comment_open': '\t//',
30            'comment_close': '',
31        },
32    'python': {
33            'header': "# For Capstone Engine. AUTO-GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT [%s_const.py]\n",
34            'footer': "",
35            'line_format': '%s = %s\n',
36            'out_file': './python/capstone/%s_const.py',
37            # prefixes for constant filenames of all archs - case sensitive
38            'arm.h': 'arm',
39            'arm64.h': 'arm64',
40            'm68k.h': 'm68k',
41            'mips.h': 'mips',
42            'x86.h': 'x86',
43            'ppc.h': 'ppc',
44            'sparc.h': 'sparc',
45            'systemz.h': 'sysz',
46            'xcore.h': 'xcore',
47            'tms320c64x.h': 'tms320c64x',
48            'm680x.h': 'm680x',
49            'evm.h': 'evm',
50            'mos65xx.h': 'mos65xx',
51            'comment_open': '#',
52            'comment_close': '',
53        },
54    'ocaml': {
55            'header': "(* For Capstone Engine. AUTO-GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT [%s_const.ml] *)\n",
56            'footer': "",
57            'line_format': 'let _%s = %s;;\n',
58            'out_file': './ocaml/%s_const.ml',
59            # prefixes for constant filenames of all archs - case sensitive
60            'arm.h': 'arm',
61            'arm64.h': 'arm64',
62            'mips.h': 'mips',
63            'm68k.h': 'm68k',
64            'x86.h': 'x86',
65            'ppc.h': 'ppc',
66            'sparc.h': 'sparc',
67            'systemz.h': 'sysz',
68            'xcore.h': 'xcore',
69            'tms320c64x.h': 'tms320c64x',
70            'm680x.h': 'm680x',
71            'evm.h': 'evm',
72            'comment_open': '(*',
73            'comment_close': ' *)',
74        },
77# markup for comments to be added to autogen files
78MARKUP = '//>'
80def gen(lang):
81    global include, INCL_DIR
82    print('Generating bindings for', lang)
83    templ = template[lang]
84    print('Generating bindings for', lang)
85    for target in include:
86        if target not in templ:
87            print("Warning: No binding found for %s" % target)
88            continue
89        prefix = templ[target]
90        outfile = open(templ['out_file'] %(prefix), 'wb')   # open as binary prevents windows newlines
91        outfile.write((templ['header'] % (prefix)).encode("utf-8"))
93        lines = open(INCL_DIR + target).readlines()
95        count = 0
96        for line in lines:
97            line = line.strip()
99            if line.startswith(MARKUP):  # markup for comments
100                outfile.write(("\n%s%s%s\n" %(templ['comment_open'], \
101                                              line.replace(MARKUP, ''), \
102                                              templ['comment_close']) ).encode("utf-8"))
103                continue
105            if line == '' or line.startswith('//'):
106                continue
108            if line.startswith('#define '):
109                line = line[8:]     #cut off define
110                xline = re.split('\s+', line, 1)     #split to at most 2 express
111                if len(xline) != 2:
112                    continue
113                if '(' in xline[0] or ')' in xline[0]:      #does it look like a function
114                    continue
115                xline.insert(1, '=')            # insert an = so the expression below can parse it
116                line = ' '.join(xline)
118            if not line.startswith(prefix.upper()):
119                continue
121            tmp = line.strip().split(',')
122            for t in tmp:
123                t = t.strip()
124                if not t or t.startswith('//'): continue
125                # hacky: remove type cast (uint64_t)
126                t = t.replace('(uint64_t)', '')
127                t = re.sub(r'\((\d+)ULL << (\d+)\)', r'\1 << \2', t)    # (1ULL<<1) to 1 << 1
128                f = re.split('\s+', t)
130                if f[0].startswith(prefix.upper()):
131                    if len(f) > 1 and f[1] not in ('//', '///<', '='):
132                        print("Error: Unable to convert %s" % f)
133                        continue
134                    elif len(f) > 1 and f[1] == '=':
135                        rhs = ''.join(f[2:])
136                    else:
137                        rhs = str(count)
138                        count += 1
140                    try:
141                        count = int(rhs) + 1
142                        if (count == 1):
143                            outfile.write(("\n").encode("utf-8"))
144                    except ValueError:
145                        if lang == 'ocaml':
146                            # ocaml uses lsl for '<<', lor for '|'
147                            rhs = rhs.replace('<<', ' lsl ')
148                            rhs = rhs.replace('|', ' lor ')
149                            # ocaml variable has _ as prefix
150                            if rhs[0].isalpha():
151                                rhs = '_' + rhs
153                    outfile.write((templ['line_format'] %(f[0].strip(), rhs)).encode("utf-8"))
155        outfile.write((templ['footer']).encode("utf-8"))
156        outfile.close()
158def main():
159    try:
160        if sys.argv[1] == 'all':
161            for key in template.keys():
162                gen(key)
163        else:
164            gen(sys.argv[1])
165    except:
166        raise RuntimeError("Unsupported binding %s" % sys.argv[1])
168if __name__ == "__main__":
169    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
170        print("Usage:", sys.argv[0], " <bindings: java|python|ocaml|all>")
171        sys.exit(1)
172    main()