1 // Copyright 2013-2014 The rust-url developers.
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
4 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
5 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
6 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
7 // except according to those terms.
9 //! Data-driven tests
11 use std::ops::Deref;
12 use std::str::FromStr;
14 use serde_json::Value;
15 use url::{quirks, Url};
17 #[test]
urltestdata()18 fn urltestdata() {
19     // Copied form https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/blob/master/url/
20     let mut json = Value::from_str(include_str!("urltestdata.json"))
21         .expect("JSON parse error in urltestdata.json");
23     let mut passed = true;
24     for entry in json.as_array_mut().unwrap() {
25         if entry.is_string() {
26             continue; // ignore comments
27         }
29         let base = entry.take_string("base");
30         let input = entry.take_string("input");
31         let failure = entry.take_key("failure").is_some();
33         let base = match Url::parse(&base) {
34             Ok(base) => base,
35             Err(_) if failure => continue,
36             Err(message) => {
37                 eprint_failure(
38                     format!("  failed: error parsing base {:?}: {}", base, message),
39                     &format!("parse base for {:?}", input),
40                     None,
41                 );
42                 passed = false;
43                 continue;
44             }
45         };
47         let url = match (base.join(&input), failure) {
48             (Ok(url), false) => url,
49             (Err(_), true) => continue,
50             (Err(message), false) => {
51                 eprint_failure(
52                     format!("  failed: {}", message),
53                     &format!("parse URL for {:?}", input),
54                     None,
55                 );
56                 passed = false;
57                 continue;
58             }
59             (Ok(_), true) => {
60                 eprint_failure(
61                     format!("  failed: expected parse error for URL {:?}", input),
62                     &format!("parse URL for {:?}", input),
63                     None,
64                 );
65                 passed = false;
66                 continue;
67             }
68         };
70         passed &= check_invariants(&url, &format!("invariants for {:?}", input), None);
72         for &attr in ATTRIBS {
73             passed &= test_eq_eprint(
74                 entry.take_string(attr),
75                 get(&url, attr),
76                 &format!("{:?} - {}", input, attr),
77                 None,
78             );
79         }
81         if let Some(expected_origin) = entry.take_key("origin").map(|s| s.string()) {
82             passed &= test_eq_eprint(
83                 expected_origin,
84                 &quirks::origin(&url),
85                 &format!("origin for {:?}", input),
86                 None,
87             );
88         }
89     }
91     assert!(passed)
92 }
94 #[allow(clippy::option_as_ref_deref)] // introduced in 1.40, MSRV is 1.36
95 #[test]
setters_tests()96 fn setters_tests() {
97     let mut json = Value::from_str(include_str!("setters_tests.json"))
98         .expect("JSON parse error in setters_tests.json");
100     let mut passed = true;
101     for &attr in ATTRIBS {
102         if attr == "href" {
103             continue;
104         }
106         let mut tests = json.take_key(attr).unwrap();
107         for mut test in tests.as_array_mut().unwrap().drain(..) {
108             let comment = test.take_key("comment").map(|s| s.string());
109             let href = test.take_string("href");
110             let new_value = test.take_string("new_value");
111             let name = format!("{:?}.{} = {:?}", href, attr, new_value);
112             let mut expected = test.take_key("expected").unwrap();
114             let mut url = Url::parse(&href).unwrap();
115             let comment_ref = comment.as_ref().map(|s| s.deref());
116             passed &= check_invariants(&url, &name, comment_ref);
117             let _ = set(&mut url, attr, &new_value);
119             for attr in ATTRIBS {
120                 if let Some(value) = expected.take_key(attr) {
121                     passed &= test_eq_eprint(value.string(), get(&url, attr), &name, comment_ref);
122                 };
123             }
125             passed &= check_invariants(&url, &name, comment_ref);
126         }
127     }
129     assert!(passed);
130 }
check_invariants(url: &Url, name: &str, comment: Option<&str>) -> bool132 fn check_invariants(url: &Url, name: &str, comment: Option<&str>) -> bool {
133     let mut passed = true;
134     if let Err(e) = url.check_invariants() {
135         passed = false;
136         eprint_failure(
137             format!("  failed: invariants checked -> {:?}", e),
138             name,
139             comment,
140         );
141     }
143     #[cfg(feature = "serde")]
144     {
145         let bytes = serde_json::to_vec(url).unwrap();
146         let new_url: Url = serde_json::from_slice(&bytes).unwrap();
147         passed &= test_eq_eprint(url.to_string(), &new_url.to_string(), name, comment);
148     }
150     passed
151 }
153 trait JsonExt {
take_key(&mut self, key: &str) -> Option<Value>154     fn take_key(&mut self, key: &str) -> Option<Value>;
string(self) -> String155     fn string(self) -> String;
take_string(&mut self, key: &str) -> String156     fn take_string(&mut self, key: &str) -> String;
157 }
159 impl JsonExt for Value {
take_key(&mut self, key: &str) -> Option<Value>160     fn take_key(&mut self, key: &str) -> Option<Value> {
161         self.as_object_mut().unwrap().remove(key)
162     }
string(self) -> String164     fn string(self) -> String {
165         if let Value::String(s) = self {
166             s
167         } else {
168             panic!("Not a Value::String")
169         }
170     }
take_string(&mut self, key: &str) -> String172     fn take_string(&mut self, key: &str) -> String {
173         self.take_key(key).unwrap().string()
174     }
175 }
get<'a>(url: &'a Url, attr: &str) -> &'a str177 fn get<'a>(url: &'a Url, attr: &str) -> &'a str {
178     match attr {
179         "href" => quirks::href(url),
180         "protocol" => quirks::protocol(url),
181         "username" => quirks::username(url),
182         "password" => quirks::password(url),
183         "hostname" => quirks::hostname(url),
184         "host" => quirks::host(url),
185         "port" => quirks::port(url),
186         "pathname" => quirks::pathname(url),
187         "search" => quirks::search(url),
188         "hash" => quirks::hash(url),
189         _ => unreachable!(),
190     }
191 }
193 #[allow(clippy::unit_arg)]
set<'a>(url: &'a mut Url, attr: &str, new: &str)194 fn set<'a>(url: &'a mut Url, attr: &str, new: &str) {
195     let _ = match attr {
196         "protocol" => quirks::set_protocol(url, new),
197         "username" => quirks::set_username(url, new),
198         "password" => quirks::set_password(url, new),
199         "hostname" => quirks::set_hostname(url, new),
200         "host" => quirks::set_host(url, new),
201         "port" => quirks::set_port(url, new),
202         "pathname" => Ok(quirks::set_pathname(url, new)),
203         "search" => Ok(quirks::set_search(url, new)),
204         "hash" => Ok(quirks::set_hash(url, new)),
205         _ => unreachable!(),
206     };
207 }
test_eq_eprint(expected: String, actual: &str, name: &str, comment: Option<&str>) -> bool209 fn test_eq_eprint(expected: String, actual: &str, name: &str, comment: Option<&str>) -> bool {
210     if expected == actual {
211         return true;
212     }
213     eprint_failure(
214         format!("expected: {}\n  actual: {}", expected, actual),
215         name,
216         comment,
217     );
218     false
219 }
eprint_failure(err: String, name: &str, comment: Option<&str>)221 fn eprint_failure(err: String, name: &str, comment: Option<&str>) {
222     eprintln!("    test: {}\n{}", name, err);
223     if let Some(comment) = comment {
224         eprintln!("{}\n", comment);
225     } else {
226         eprintln!();
227     }
228 }
230 const ATTRIBS: &[&str] = &[
231     "href", "protocol", "username", "password", "host", "hostname", "port", "pathname", "search",
232     "hash",
233 ];