1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2015 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3 *
4 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5 * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6 * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7 * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
8 * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9 */
11 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
12 #include <intrin.h>
13 #endif
14 #include <emmintrin.h>
15 #include <smmintrin.h>
17 #include "vpx_dsp/vpx_dsp_common.h"
18 #include "vp9/encoder/vp9_encoder.h"
19 #include "vpx_ports/mem.h"
21 #ifdef __GNUC__
22 #define LIKELY(v) __builtin_expect(v, 1)
23 #define UNLIKELY(v) __builtin_expect(v, 0)
24 #else
25 #define LIKELY(v) (v)
26 #define UNLIKELY(v) (v)
27 #endif
pack_int_mv(int16_t row,int16_t col)29 static INLINE int_mv pack_int_mv(int16_t row, int16_t col) {
30 int_mv result;
31 result.as_mv.row = row;
32 result.as_mv.col = col;
33 return result;
34 }
get_mv_joint(const int_mv mv)36 static INLINE MV_JOINT_TYPE get_mv_joint(const int_mv mv) {
37 // This is simplified from the C implementation to utilise that
38 // x->nmvjointsadcost[1] == x->nmvjointsadcost[2] and
39 // x->nmvjointsadcost[1] == x->nmvjointsadcost[3]
40 return mv.as_int == 0 ? 0 : 1;
41 }
mv_cost(const int_mv mv,const int * joint_cost,int * const comp_cost[2])43 static INLINE int mv_cost(const int_mv mv, const int *joint_cost,
44 int *const comp_cost[2]) {
45 return joint_cost[get_mv_joint(mv)] + comp_cost[0][mv.as_mv.row] +
46 comp_cost[1][mv.as_mv.col];
47 }
mvsad_err_cost(const MACROBLOCK * x,const int_mv mv,const MV * ref,int sad_per_bit)49 static int mvsad_err_cost(const MACROBLOCK *x, const int_mv mv, const MV *ref,
50 int sad_per_bit) {
51 const int_mv diff =
52 pack_int_mv(mv.as_mv.row - ref->row, mv.as_mv.col - ref->col);
54 (unsigned)mv_cost(diff, x->nmvjointsadcost, x->nmvsadcost) * sad_per_bit,
56 }
58 /*****************************************************************************
59 * This function utilizes 3 properties of the cost function lookup tables, *
60 * constructed in using 'cal_nmvjointsadcost' and 'cal_nmvsadcosts' in *
61 * vp9_encoder.c. *
62 * For the joint cost: *
63 * - mvjointsadcost[1] == mvjointsadcost[2] == mvjointsadcost[3] *
64 * For the component costs: *
65 * - For all i: mvsadcost[0][i] == mvsadcost[1][i] *
66 * (Equal costs for both components) *
67 * - For all i: mvsadcost[0][i] == mvsadcost[0][-i] *
68 * (Cost function is even) *
69 * If these do not hold, then this function cannot be used without *
70 * modification, in which case you can revert to using the C implementation, *
71 * which does not rely on these properties. *
72 *****************************************************************************/
vp9_diamond_search_sad_avx(const MACROBLOCK * x,const search_site_config * cfg,MV * ref_mv,MV * best_mv,int search_param,int sad_per_bit,int * num00,const vp9_variance_fn_ptr_t * fn_ptr,const MV * center_mv)73 int vp9_diamond_search_sad_avx(const MACROBLOCK *x,
74 const search_site_config *cfg, MV *ref_mv,
75 MV *best_mv, int search_param, int sad_per_bit,
76 int *num00, const vp9_variance_fn_ptr_t *fn_ptr,
77 const MV *center_mv) {
78 const int_mv maxmv = pack_int_mv(x->mv_limits.row_max, x->mv_limits.col_max);
79 const __m128i v_max_mv_w = _mm_set1_epi32(maxmv.as_int);
80 const int_mv minmv = pack_int_mv(x->mv_limits.row_min, x->mv_limits.col_min);
81 const __m128i v_min_mv_w = _mm_set1_epi32(minmv.as_int);
83 const __m128i v_spb_d = _mm_set1_epi32(sad_per_bit);
85 const __m128i v_joint_cost_0_d = _mm_set1_epi32(x->nmvjointsadcost[0]);
86 const __m128i v_joint_cost_1_d = _mm_set1_epi32(x->nmvjointsadcost[1]);
88 // search_param determines the length of the initial step and hence the number
89 // of iterations.
90 // 0 = initial step (MAX_FIRST_STEP) pel
91 // 1 = (MAX_FIRST_STEP/2) pel,
92 // 2 = (MAX_FIRST_STEP/4) pel...
93 const MV *ss_mv = &cfg->ss_mv[cfg->searches_per_step * search_param];
94 const intptr_t *ss_os = &cfg->ss_os[cfg->searches_per_step * search_param];
95 const int tot_steps = cfg->total_steps - search_param;
97 const int_mv fcenter_mv =
98 pack_int_mv(center_mv->row >> 3, center_mv->col >> 3);
99 const __m128i vfcmv = _mm_set1_epi32(fcenter_mv.as_int);
101 const int ref_row = clamp(ref_mv->row, minmv.as_mv.row, maxmv.as_mv.row);
102 const int ref_col = clamp(ref_mv->col, minmv.as_mv.col, maxmv.as_mv.col);
104 int_mv bmv = pack_int_mv(ref_row, ref_col);
105 int_mv new_bmv = bmv;
106 __m128i v_bmv_w = _mm_set1_epi32(bmv.as_int);
108 const int what_stride = x->plane[0].src.stride;
109 const int in_what_stride = x->e_mbd.plane[0].pre[0].stride;
110 const uint8_t *const what = x->plane[0].src.buf;
111 const uint8_t *const in_what =
112 x->e_mbd.plane[0].pre[0].buf + ref_row * in_what_stride + ref_col;
114 // Work out the start point for the search
115 const uint8_t *best_address = in_what;
116 const uint8_t *new_best_address = best_address;
117 #if VPX_ARCH_X86_64
118 __m128i v_ba_q = _mm_set1_epi64x((intptr_t)best_address);
119 #else
120 __m128i v_ba_d = _mm_set1_epi32((intptr_t)best_address);
121 #endif
123 unsigned int best_sad;
124 int i, j, step;
126 // Check the prerequisite cost function properties that are easy to check
127 // in an assert. See the function-level documentation for details on all
128 // prerequisites.
129 assert(x->nmvjointsadcost[1] == x->nmvjointsadcost[2]);
130 assert(x->nmvjointsadcost[1] == x->nmvjointsadcost[3]);
132 // Check the starting position
133 best_sad = fn_ptr->sdf(what, what_stride, in_what, in_what_stride);
134 best_sad += mvsad_err_cost(x, bmv, &fcenter_mv.as_mv, sad_per_bit);
136 *num00 = 0;
138 for (i = 0, step = 0; step < tot_steps; step++) {
139 for (j = 0; j < cfg->searches_per_step; j += 4, i += 4) {
140 __m128i v_sad_d, v_cost_d, v_outside_d, v_inside_d, v_diff_mv_w;
141 #if VPX_ARCH_X86_64
142 __m128i v_blocka[2];
143 #else
144 __m128i v_blocka[1];
145 #endif
147 // Compute the candidate motion vectors
148 const __m128i v_ss_mv_w = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)&ss_mv[i]);
149 const __m128i v_these_mv_w = _mm_add_epi16(v_bmv_w, v_ss_mv_w);
150 // Clamp them to the search bounds
151 __m128i v_these_mv_clamp_w = v_these_mv_w;
152 v_these_mv_clamp_w = _mm_min_epi16(v_these_mv_clamp_w, v_max_mv_w);
153 v_these_mv_clamp_w = _mm_max_epi16(v_these_mv_clamp_w, v_min_mv_w);
154 // The ones that did not change are inside the search area
155 v_inside_d = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(v_these_mv_clamp_w, v_these_mv_w);
157 // If none of them are inside, then move on
158 if (LIKELY(_mm_test_all_zeros(v_inside_d, v_inside_d))) {
159 continue;
160 }
162 // The inverse mask indicates which of the MVs are outside
163 v_outside_d = _mm_xor_si128(v_inside_d, _mm_set1_epi8((int8_t)0xff));
164 // Shift right to keep the sign bit clear, we will use this later
165 // to set the cost to the maximum value.
166 v_outside_d = _mm_srli_epi32(v_outside_d, 1);
168 // Compute the difference MV
169 v_diff_mv_w = _mm_sub_epi16(v_these_mv_clamp_w, vfcmv);
170 // We utilise the fact that the cost function is even, and use the
171 // absolute difference. This allows us to use unsigned indexes later
172 // and reduces cache pressure somewhat as only a half of the table
173 // is ever referenced.
174 v_diff_mv_w = _mm_abs_epi16(v_diff_mv_w);
176 // Compute the SIMD pointer offsets.
177 {
178 #if VPX_ARCH_X86_64 // sizeof(intptr_t) == 8
179 // Load the offsets
180 __m128i v_bo10_q = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)&ss_os[i + 0]);
181 __m128i v_bo32_q = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)&ss_os[i + 2]);
182 // Set the ones falling outside to zero
183 v_bo10_q = _mm_and_si128(v_bo10_q, _mm_cvtepi32_epi64(v_inside_d));
184 v_bo32_q =
185 _mm_and_si128(v_bo32_q, _mm_unpackhi_epi32(v_inside_d, v_inside_d));
186 // Compute the candidate addresses
187 v_blocka[0] = _mm_add_epi64(v_ba_q, v_bo10_q);
188 v_blocka[1] = _mm_add_epi64(v_ba_q, v_bo32_q);
189 #else // VPX_ARCH_X86 // sizeof(intptr_t) == 4
190 __m128i v_bo_d = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)&ss_os[i]);
191 v_bo_d = _mm_and_si128(v_bo_d, v_inside_d);
192 v_blocka[0] = _mm_add_epi32(v_ba_d, v_bo_d);
193 #endif
194 }
196 fn_ptr->sdx4df(what, what_stride, (const uint8_t **)&v_blocka[0],
197 in_what_stride, (uint32_t *)&v_sad_d);
199 // Look up the component cost of the residual motion vector
200 {
201 const int32_t row0 = _mm_extract_epi16(v_diff_mv_w, 0);
202 const int32_t col0 = _mm_extract_epi16(v_diff_mv_w, 1);
203 const int32_t row1 = _mm_extract_epi16(v_diff_mv_w, 2);
204 const int32_t col1 = _mm_extract_epi16(v_diff_mv_w, 3);
205 const int32_t row2 = _mm_extract_epi16(v_diff_mv_w, 4);
206 const int32_t col2 = _mm_extract_epi16(v_diff_mv_w, 5);
207 const int32_t row3 = _mm_extract_epi16(v_diff_mv_w, 6);
208 const int32_t col3 = _mm_extract_epi16(v_diff_mv_w, 7);
210 // Note: This is a use case for vpgather in AVX2
211 const uint32_t cost0 = x->nmvsadcost[0][row0] + x->nmvsadcost[0][col0];
212 const uint32_t cost1 = x->nmvsadcost[0][row1] + x->nmvsadcost[0][col1];
213 const uint32_t cost2 = x->nmvsadcost[0][row2] + x->nmvsadcost[0][col2];
214 const uint32_t cost3 = x->nmvsadcost[0][row3] + x->nmvsadcost[0][col3];
216 __m128i v_cost_10_d, v_cost_32_d;
217 v_cost_10_d = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(cost0);
218 v_cost_10_d = _mm_insert_epi32(v_cost_10_d, cost1, 1);
219 v_cost_32_d = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(cost2);
220 v_cost_32_d = _mm_insert_epi32(v_cost_32_d, cost3, 1);
221 v_cost_d = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(v_cost_10_d, v_cost_32_d);
222 }
224 // Now add in the joint cost
225 {
226 const __m128i v_sel_d =
227 _mm_cmpeq_epi32(v_diff_mv_w, _mm_setzero_si128());
228 const __m128i v_joint_cost_d =
229 _mm_blendv_epi8(v_joint_cost_1_d, v_joint_cost_0_d, v_sel_d);
230 v_cost_d = _mm_add_epi32(v_cost_d, v_joint_cost_d);
231 }
233 // Multiply by sad_per_bit
234 v_cost_d = _mm_mullo_epi32(v_cost_d, v_spb_d);
236 v_cost_d = _mm_add_epi32(v_cost_d,
237 _mm_set1_epi32(1 << (VP9_PROB_COST_SHIFT - 1)));
238 v_cost_d = _mm_srai_epi32(v_cost_d, VP9_PROB_COST_SHIFT);
239 // Add the cost to the sad
240 v_sad_d = _mm_add_epi32(v_sad_d, v_cost_d);
242 // Make the motion vectors outside the search area have max cost
243 // by or'ing in the comparison mask, this way the minimum search won't
244 // pick them.
245 v_sad_d = _mm_or_si128(v_sad_d, v_outside_d);
247 // Find the minimum value and index horizontally in v_sad_d
248 {
249 // Try speculatively on 16 bits, so we can use the minpos intrinsic
250 const __m128i v_sad_w = _mm_packus_epi32(v_sad_d, v_sad_d);
251 const __m128i v_minp_w = _mm_minpos_epu16(v_sad_w);
253 uint32_t local_best_sad = _mm_extract_epi16(v_minp_w, 0);
254 uint32_t local_best_idx = _mm_extract_epi16(v_minp_w, 1);
256 // If the local best value is not saturated, just use it, otherwise
257 // find the horizontal minimum again the hard way on 32 bits.
258 // This is executed rarely.
259 if (UNLIKELY(local_best_sad == 0xffff)) {
260 __m128i v_loval_d, v_hival_d, v_loidx_d, v_hiidx_d, v_sel_d;
262 v_loval_d = v_sad_d;
263 v_loidx_d = _mm_set_epi32(3, 2, 1, 0);
264 v_hival_d = _mm_srli_si128(v_loval_d, 8);
265 v_hiidx_d = _mm_srli_si128(v_loidx_d, 8);
267 v_sel_d = _mm_cmplt_epi32(v_hival_d, v_loval_d);
269 v_loval_d = _mm_blendv_epi8(v_loval_d, v_hival_d, v_sel_d);
270 v_loidx_d = _mm_blendv_epi8(v_loidx_d, v_hiidx_d, v_sel_d);
271 v_hival_d = _mm_srli_si128(v_loval_d, 4);
272 v_hiidx_d = _mm_srli_si128(v_loidx_d, 4);
274 v_sel_d = _mm_cmplt_epi32(v_hival_d, v_loval_d);
276 v_loval_d = _mm_blendv_epi8(v_loval_d, v_hival_d, v_sel_d);
277 v_loidx_d = _mm_blendv_epi8(v_loidx_d, v_hiidx_d, v_sel_d);
279 local_best_sad = _mm_extract_epi32(v_loval_d, 0);
280 local_best_idx = _mm_extract_epi32(v_loidx_d, 0);
281 }
283 // Update the global minimum if the local minimum is smaller
284 if (LIKELY(local_best_sad < best_sad)) {
285 new_bmv = ((const int_mv *)&v_these_mv_w)[local_best_idx];
286 new_best_address = ((const uint8_t **)v_blocka)[local_best_idx];
288 best_sad = local_best_sad;
289 }
290 }
291 }
293 bmv = new_bmv;
294 best_address = new_best_address;
296 v_bmv_w = _mm_set1_epi32(bmv.as_int);
297 #if VPX_ARCH_X86_64
298 v_ba_q = _mm_set1_epi64x((intptr_t)best_address);
299 #else
300 v_ba_d = _mm_set1_epi32((intptr_t)best_address);
301 #endif
303 if (UNLIKELY(best_address == in_what)) {
304 (*num00)++;
305 }
306 }
308 *best_mv = bmv.as_mv;
309 return best_sad;
310 }