1 //===-- include/flang/Common/template.h -------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
12 #include "flang/Common/idioms.h"
13 #include <functional>
14 #include <optional>
15 #include <tuple>
16 #include <type_traits>
17 #include <variant>
18 #include <vector>
20 // Utility templates for metaprogramming and for composing the
21 // std::optional<>, std::tuple<>, and std::variant<> containers.
23 namespace Fortran::common {
25 // SearchTypeList<PREDICATE, TYPES...> scans a list of types.  The zero-based
26 // index of the first type T in the list for which PREDICATE<T>::value() is
27 // true is returned, or -1 if the predicate is false for every type in the list.
28 // This is a compile-time operation; see SearchTypes below for a run-time form.
29 template <int N, template <typename> class PREDICATE, typename TUPLE>
30 struct SearchTypeListHelper {
valueSearchTypeListHelper31   static constexpr int value() {
32     if constexpr (N >= std::tuple_size_v<TUPLE>) {
33       return -1;
34     } else if constexpr (PREDICATE<std::tuple_element_t<N, TUPLE>>::value()) {
35       return N;
36     } else {
37       return SearchTypeListHelper<N + 1, PREDICATE, TUPLE>::value();
38     }
39   }
40 };
42 template <template <typename> class PREDICATE, typename... TYPES>
43 constexpr int SearchTypeList{
44     SearchTypeListHelper<0, PREDICATE, std::tuple<TYPES...>>::value()};
46 // TypeIndex<A, TYPES...> scans a list of types for simple type equality.
47 // The zero-based index of A in the list is returned, or -1 if A is not present.
48 template <typename A> struct MatchType {
49   template <typename B> struct Match {
valueMatchType::Match50     static constexpr bool value() {
51       return std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<A>, std::decay_t<B>>;
52     }
53   };
54 };
56 template <typename A, typename... TYPES>
57 constexpr int TypeIndex{SearchTypeList<MatchType<A>::template Match, TYPES...>};
59 // IsTypeInList<A, TYPES...> is a simple presence predicate.
60 template <typename A, typename... TYPES>
61 constexpr bool IsTypeInList{TypeIndex<A, TYPES...> >= 0};
63 // OverMembers extracts the list of types that constitute the alternatives
64 // of a std::variant or elements of a std::tuple and passes that list as
65 // parameter types to a given variadic template.
66 template <template <typename...> class, typename> struct OverMembersHelper;
67 template <template <typename...> class T, typename... Ts>
68 struct OverMembersHelper<T, std::variant<Ts...>> {
69   using type = T<Ts...>;
70 };
71 template <template <typename...> class T, typename... Ts>
72 struct OverMembersHelper<T, std::tuple<Ts...>> {
73   using type = T<Ts...>;
74 };
76 template <template <typename...> class T, typename TUPLEorVARIANT>
77 using OverMembers =
78     typename OverMembersHelper<T, std::decay_t<TUPLEorVARIANT>>::type;
80 // SearchMembers<PREDICATE> scans the types that constitute the alternatives
81 // of a std::variant instantiation or elements of a std::tuple.
82 // The zero-based index of the first type T among the alternatives for which
83 // PREDICATE<T>::value() is true is returned, or -1 when the predicate is false
84 // for every type in the set.
85 template <template <typename> class PREDICATE> struct SearchMembersHelper {
86   template <typename... Ts> struct Scanner {
87     static constexpr int value() { return SearchTypeList<PREDICATE, Ts...>; }
88   };
89 };
91 template <template <typename> class PREDICATE, typename TUPLEorVARIANT>
92 constexpr int SearchMembers{
93     OverMembers<SearchMembersHelper<PREDICATE>::template Scanner,
94         TUPLEorVARIANT>::value()};
96 template <typename A, typename TUPLEorVARIANT>
97 constexpr bool HasMember{
98     SearchMembers<MatchType<A>::template Match, TUPLEorVARIANT> >= 0};
100 // std::optional<std::optional<A>> -> std::optional<A>
101 template <typename A>
102 std::optional<A> JoinOptional(std::optional<std::optional<A>> &&x) {
103   if (x) {
104     return std::move(*x);
105   }
106   return std::nullopt;
107 }
109 // Convert an std::optional to an ordinary pointer
110 template <typename A> const A *GetPtrFromOptional(const std::optional<A> &x) {
111   if (x) {
112     return &*x;
113   } else {
114     return nullptr;
115   }
116 }
118 // Copy a value from one variant type to another.  The types allowed in the
119 // source variant must all be allowed in the destination variant type.
120 template <typename TOV, typename FROMV> TOV CopyVariant(const FROMV &u) {
121   return std::visit([](const auto &x) -> TOV { return {x}; }, u);
122 }
124 // Move a value from one variant type to another.  The types allowed in the
125 // source variant must all be allowed in the destination variant type.
126 template <typename TOV, typename FROMV>
127 common::IfNoLvalue<TOV, FROMV> MoveVariant(FROMV &&u) {
128   return std::visit(
129       [](auto &&x) -> TOV { return {std::move(x)}; }, std::move(u));
130 }
132 // CombineTuples takes a list of std::tuple<> template instantiation types
133 // and constructs a new std::tuple type that concatenates all of their member
134 // types.  E.g.,
135 //   CombineTuples<std::tuple<char, int>, std::tuple<float, double>>
136 // is std::tuple<char, int, float, double>.
137 template <typename... TUPLES> struct CombineTuplesHelper {
138   static decltype(auto) f(TUPLES *...a) {
139     return std::tuple_cat(std::move(*a)...);
140   }
141   using type = decltype(f(static_cast<TUPLES *>(nullptr)...));
142 };
143 template <typename... TUPLES>
144 using CombineTuples = typename CombineTuplesHelper<TUPLES...>::type;
146 // CombineVariants takes a list of std::variant<> instantiations and constructs
147 // a new instantiation that holds all of their alternatives, which must be
148 // pairwise distinct.
149 template <typename> struct VariantToTupleHelper;
150 template <typename... Ts> struct VariantToTupleHelper<std::variant<Ts...>> {
151   using type = std::tuple<Ts...>;
152 };
153 template <typename VARIANT>
154 using VariantToTuple = typename VariantToTupleHelper<VARIANT>::type;
156 template <typename A, typename... REST> struct AreTypesDistinctHelper {
157   static constexpr bool value() {
158     if constexpr (sizeof...(REST) > 0) {
159       // extra () for clang-format
160       return ((... && !std::is_same_v<A, REST>)) &&
161           AreTypesDistinctHelper<REST...>::value();
162     }
163     return true;
164   }
165 };
166 template <typename... Ts>
167 constexpr bool AreTypesDistinct{AreTypesDistinctHelper<Ts...>::value()};
169 template <typename A, typename... Ts> struct AreSameTypeHelper {
170   using type = A;
171   static constexpr bool value() {
172     if constexpr (sizeof...(Ts) == 0) {
173       return true;
174     } else {
175       using Rest = AreSameTypeHelper<Ts...>;
176       return std::is_same_v<type, typename Rest::type> && Rest::value();
177     }
178   }
179 };
181 template <typename... Ts>
182 constexpr bool AreSameType{AreSameTypeHelper<Ts...>::value()};
184 template <typename> struct TupleToVariantHelper;
185 template <typename... Ts> struct TupleToVariantHelper<std::tuple<Ts...>> {
186   static_assert(AreTypesDistinct<Ts...>,
187       "TupleToVariant: types are not pairwise distinct");
188   using type = std::variant<Ts...>;
189 };
190 template <typename TUPLE>
191 using TupleToVariant = typename TupleToVariantHelper<TUPLE>::type;
193 template <typename... VARIANTS> struct CombineVariantsHelper {
194   using type = TupleToVariant<CombineTuples<VariantToTuple<VARIANTS>...>>;
195 };
196 template <typename... VARIANTS>
197 using CombineVariants = typename CombineVariantsHelper<VARIANTS...>::type;
199 // SquashVariantOfVariants: given a std::variant whose alternatives are
200 // all std::variant instantiations, form a new union over their alternatives.
201 template <typename VARIANT>
202 using SquashVariantOfVariants = OverMembers<CombineVariants, VARIANT>;
204 // Given a type function, MapTemplate applies it to each of the types
205 // in a tuple or variant, and collect the results in a given variadic
206 // template (typically a std::variant).
207 template <template <typename> class, template <typename...> class, typename...>
208 struct MapTemplateHelper;
209 template <template <typename> class F, template <typename...> class PACKAGE,
210     typename... Ts>
211 struct MapTemplateHelper<F, PACKAGE, std::tuple<Ts...>> {
212   using type = PACKAGE<F<Ts>...>;
213 };
214 template <template <typename> class F, template <typename...> class PACKAGE,
215     typename... Ts>
216 struct MapTemplateHelper<F, PACKAGE, std::variant<Ts...>> {
217   using type = PACKAGE<F<Ts>...>;
218 };
219 template <template <typename> class F, typename TUPLEorVARIANT,
220     template <typename...> class PACKAGE = std::variant>
221 using MapTemplate =
222     typename MapTemplateHelper<F, PACKAGE, TUPLEorVARIANT>::type;
224 // std::tuple<std::optional<>...> -> std::optional<std::tuple<...>>
225 // i.e., inverts a tuple of optional values into an optional tuple that has
226 // a value only if all of the original elements were present.
227 template <typename... A, std::size_t... J>
228 std::optional<std::tuple<A...>> AllElementsPresentHelper(
229     std::tuple<std::optional<A>...> &&t, std::index_sequence<J...>) {
230   bool present[]{std::get<J>(t).has_value()...};
231   for (std::size_t j{0}; j < sizeof...(J); ++j) {
232     if (!present[j]) {
233       return std::nullopt;
234     }
235   }
236   return {std::make_tuple(*std::get<J>(t)...)};
237 }
239 template <typename... A>
240 std::optional<std::tuple<A...>> AllElementsPresent(
241     std::tuple<std::optional<A>...> &&t) {
242   return AllElementsPresentHelper(
243       std::move(t), std::index_sequence_for<A...>{});
244 }
246 // std::vector<std::optional<A>> -> std::optional<std::vector<A>>
247 // i.e., inverts a vector of optional values into an optional vector that
248 // will have a value only when all of the original elements are present.
249 template <typename A>
250 std::optional<std::vector<A>> AllElementsPresent(
251     std::vector<std::optional<A>> &&v) {
252   for (const auto &maybeA : v) {
253     if (!maybeA) {
254       return std::nullopt;
255     }
256   }
257   std::vector<A> result;
258   for (auto &&maybeA : std::move(v)) {
259     result.emplace_back(std::move(*maybeA));
260   }
261   return result;
262 }
264 // (std::optional<>...) -> std::optional<std::tuple<...>>
265 // i.e., given some number of optional values, return a optional tuple of
266 // those values that is present only of all of the values were so.
267 template <typename... A>
268 std::optional<std::tuple<A...>> AllPresent(std::optional<A> &&...x) {
269   return AllElementsPresent(std::make_tuple(std::move(x)...));
270 }
272 // (f(A...) -> R) -> std::optional<A>... -> std::optional<R>
273 // Apply a function to optional arguments if all are present.
274 // N.B. If the function returns std::optional, MapOptional will return
275 // std::optional<std::optional<...>> and you will probably want to
276 // run it through JoinOptional to "squash" it.
277 template <typename R, typename... A>
278 std::optional<R> MapOptional(
279     std::function<R(A &&...)> &&f, std::optional<A> &&...x) {
280   if (auto args{AllPresent(std::move(x)...)}) {
281     return std::make_optional(std::apply(std::move(f), std::move(*args)));
282   }
283   return std::nullopt;
284 }
285 template <typename R, typename... A>
286 std::optional<R> MapOptional(R (*f)(A &&...), std::optional<A> &&...x) {
287   return MapOptional(std::function<R(A && ...)>{f}, std::move(x)...);
288 }
290 // Given a VISITOR class of the general form
291 //   struct VISITOR {
292 //     using Result = ...;
293 //     using Types = std::tuple<...>;
294 //     template<typename T> Result Test() { ... }
295 //   };
296 // SearchTypes will traverse the element types in the tuple in order
297 // and invoke VISITOR::Test<T>() on each until it returns a value that
298 // casts to true.  If no invocation of Test succeeds, SearchTypes will
299 // return a default value.
300 template <std::size_t J, typename VISITOR>
301 common::IfNoLvalue<typename VISITOR::Result, VISITOR> SearchTypesHelper(
302     VISITOR &&visitor, typename VISITOR::Result &&defaultResult) {
303   using Tuple = typename VISITOR::Types;
304   if constexpr (J < std::tuple_size_v<Tuple>) {
305     if (auto result{visitor.template Test<std::tuple_element_t<J, Tuple>>()}) {
306       return result;
307     }
308     return SearchTypesHelper<J + 1, VISITOR>(
309         std::move(visitor), std::move(defaultResult));
310   } else {
311     return std::move(defaultResult);
312   }
313 }
315 template <typename VISITOR>
316 common::IfNoLvalue<typename VISITOR::Result, VISITOR> SearchTypes(
317     VISITOR &&visitor,
318     typename VISITOR::Result defaultResult = typename VISITOR::Result{}) {
319   return SearchTypesHelper<0, VISITOR>(
320       std::move(visitor), std::move(defaultResult));
321 }
322 } // namespace Fortran::common