1 /*
2  * Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
3  *
4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can
5  * be found in the LICENSE file.
6  *
7  */
9 #pragma once
11 //
12 //
13 //
15 #include <vulkan/vulkan.h>
17 //
18 //
19 //
21 #include <stdint.h>
22 #include <stdbool.h>
24 //
25 //
26 //
28 #include "hs_vk_target.h"
30 //
31 // Create a HotSort instance from a specific vendor, architecture and
32 // key/val size target.
33 //
35 struct hs_vk *
36 hs_vk_create(struct hs_vk_target   const * const target,
37              VkDevice                            device,
38              VkAllocationCallbacks const *       allocator,
39              VkPipelineCache                     pipeline_cache);
41 //
42 // Resources will be disposed of with the same device and allocator
43 // used for creation.
44 //
46 void
47 hs_vk_release(struct hs_vk * const hs);
49 //
50 // Allocate a thread local descriptor set for the vin and vout
51 // VkBuffers.  Note that HotSort uses only one descriptor set.
52 //
53 // Don't forget to return the descriptor set back to the same pool
54 // with vkFreeDescriptorSets().
55 //
57 VkDescriptorSet
58 hs_vk_ds_alloc(struct hs_vk const * const hs, VkDescriptorPool desc_pool);
60 //
61 // Explicitly bind the descriptor set describing the 'vin' and 'vout'
62 // buffers to the command buffer before calling 'hs_vk_sort()'.
63 //
64 // If 'vout' is VK_NULL_HANDLE then the sort will be performed in
65 // place.
66 //
67 // FIXME -- do we want to expose a set index?
68 //
69 // FIXME -- do we want to allow specialization of the buffer bindings
70 // or sets?
71 //
73 void
74 hs_vk_ds_bind(struct hs_vk const * const hs,
75               VkDescriptorSet            hs_ds,
76               VkCommandBuffer            cb,
77               VkBuffer                   vin,
78               VkBuffer                   vout);
80 //
81 // Explicitly reveal what padding of maximum valued keys will be
82 // applied to the input and output buffers.
83 //
84 //   count            : input number of keys
85 //   count_padded_in  : adjusted count of keys in vin[] buffer
86 //   count_padded_out : adjusted count of keys in vout[] buffer
87 //
88 // Instead of implicitly padding the buffers, HotSort requires this
89 // explicit step to support use cases like:
90 //
91 //   - writing past the end of the vin[] buffer
92 //   - dynamically allocating a vout[] buffer before sorting
93 //
95 void
96 hs_vk_pad(struct hs_vk const * const hs,
97           uint32_t             const count,
98           uint32_t           * const count_padded_in,
99           uint32_t           * const count_padded_out);
101 //
102 // Append commands to the command buffer that when enqueued will sort
103 // the keys in the 'vin' buffer and store them in the 'vout' buffer.
104 //
105 // If 'vout' is VK_NULL_HANDLE then the sort will be performed in
106 // place.
107 //
108 // Pipeline barriers should be applied both before and after invoking
109 // this function.
110 //
111 // Note that the algorithm *may* perform transfer operations on the
112 // buffers before executing a compute shader.
113 //
114 // The algorithm ends with a single compute shader.
115 //
117 void
118 hs_vk_sort(struct hs_vk const * const hs,
119            VkCommandBuffer            cb,
120            VkBuffer                   vin,
121            VkPipelineStageFlags const vin_src_stage,
122            VkAccessFlagBits     const vin_src_access,
123            VkBuffer                   vout,
124            VkPipelineStageFlags const vout_src_stage,
125            VkAccessFlagBits     const vout_src_access,
126            uint32_t             const count,
127            uint32_t             const count_padded_in,
128            uint32_t             const count_padded_out,
129            bool                 const linearize);
131 //
132 //
133 //