2 * Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17syntax = "proto2";
19package perfetto.protos;
21import "protos/perfetto/metrics/android/process_metadata.proto";
23// Android app startup metrics.
24message AndroidStartupMetric {
25  // A simplified view of the task state durations for a thread
26  // and a span of time.
27  message TaskStateBreakdown {
28    optional int64 running_dur_ns = 1;
29    optional int64 runnable_dur_ns = 2;
30    optional int64 uninterruptible_sleep_dur_ns = 3;
31    optional int64 interruptible_sleep_dur_ns = 4;
32  }
34  message McyclesByCoreType {
35    optional int64 little = 1;
36    optional int64 big = 2;
37    optional int64 bigger = 3;
38    optional int64 unknown = 4;
39  }
41  message Slice {
42    optional int64 dur_ns = 1;
43    optional double dur_ms = 2;
44  }
46  // Timing information spanning the intent received by the
47  // activity manager to the first frame drawn.
48  // Next id: 31.
49  message ToFirstFrame {
50    // The duration between the intent received and first frame.
51    optional int64 dur_ns = 1;
52    optional double dur_ms = 17;
54    // Breakdown of time to first frame by task state for the main thread of
55    // the process starting up.
56    optional TaskStateBreakdown main_thread_by_task_state = 2;
58    // The mcycles taken by this startup across all CPUs (broken down by core
59    // type).
60    optional McyclesByCoreType mcycles_by_core_type = 26;
62    // In this timespan, how many processes (apart from the main activity) were
63    // spawned.
64    optional uint32 other_processes_spawned_count = 3;
66    // Total time spent in activity manager between the initial intent
67    // and the end of the activity starter.
68    optional Slice time_activity_manager = 4;
70    // The following slices follow the typical steps post-fork.
71    optional Slice time_activity_thread_main = 5;
72    optional Slice time_bind_application = 6;
73    optional Slice time_activity_start = 7;
74    optional Slice time_activity_resume = 8;
75    optional Slice time_activity_restart = 21;
76    optional Slice time_choreographer = 9;
77    optional Slice time_inflate = 22;
78    optional Slice time_get_resources = 23;
80    // If we are starting a new process, record the duration from the
81    // intent being received to the time we call the zygote.
82    optional Slice time_before_start_process = 10;
84    // The actual duration of the process start (based on the zygote slice).
85    optional Slice time_during_start_process = 11;
87    optional Slice to_post_fork = 18;
88    optional Slice to_activity_thread_main = 19;
89    optional Slice to_bind_application = 20;
91    optional Slice time_post_fork = 16;
93    // The total time spent on opening dex files.
94    optional Slice time_dex_open = 24;
95    // Total time spent verifying classes during app startup.
96    optional Slice time_verify_class = 25;
98    // Number of methods that were compiled by JIT during app startup.
99    optional uint32 jit_compiled_methods = 27;
101    // Time spent running CPU on jit thread pool.
102    optional Slice time_jit_thread_pool_on_cpu = 28;
104    // Time spent on garbage collection.
105    optional Slice time_gc_total = 29;
106    optional Slice time_gc_on_cpu = 30;
107    // Deprecated was other_process_to_activity_cpu_ratio
108    reserved 12;
110    // Removed: was uint32 versions of to_post_fork, to_activity_thread_main and
111    // to_bind_application.
112    reserved 13, 14, 15;
113  }
115  // Metrics about startup which were developed by looking at experiments using
116  // high-speed cameras (HSC).
117  message HscMetrics {
118    // The duration of the full "startup" as defined by HSC tests.
119    optional Slice full_startup = 1;
120  }
122  message Activity {
123    optional string name = 1;
124    optional string method = 2;
125    optional int64 ts_method_start = 4;
127    // Field 3 contained Slice with a sum of durations for matching slices.
128    reserved 3;
129  }
131  message BinderTransaction {
132    optional Slice duration = 1;
133    optional string thread = 2;
134  }
136  // Metrics with information about the status of odex files and the outcome
137  // of the loading process.
138  // Multiple files might be loaded for a single startup. Platform might also
139  // decide to discard an odex file and instead load a fallback, for example
140  // in case the OS or apk were updated.
141  message OptimizationStatus {
142    optional string odex_status = 1;
143    optional string compilation_filter = 2;
144    optional string compilation_reason = 3;
145    optional string location = 4;
146  }
148  // Contains timestamps of important events which occurred during the
149  // startup.
150  message EventTimestamps {
151    optional int64 intent_received = 1;
152    optional int64 first_frame = 2;
153  }
155  // Next id: 15
156  message Startup {
157    // Random id uniquely identifying an app startup in this trace.
158    optional uint32 startup_id = 1;
160    // Name of the package launched
161    optional string package_name = 2;
163    // Name of the process launched
164    optional string process_name = 3;
166    // Details about the activities launched
167    repeated Activity activities = 11;
169    // Details about slow binder transactions during the startup. The definition
170    // of a slow transaction is an implementation detail.
171    repeated BinderTransaction long_binder_transactions = 14;
173    // Did we ask the zygote for a new process
174    optional bool zygote_new_process = 4;
176    // Number of processes hosting the activity involved in the launch.
177    // This will usually be 1. If it is 0, it is indicative of a data / process
178    // error. If > 1, the process died during startup and the system respawned
179    // it.
180    optional uint32 activity_hosting_process_count = 6;
182    // Contains timestamps of important events which happened during
183    // the startup.
184    optional EventTimestamps event_timestamps = 13;
186    // Timing information spanning the intent received by the
187    // activity manager to the first frame drawn.
188    optional ToFirstFrame to_first_frame = 5;
190    // Details about the process (uid, version, etc)
191    optional AndroidProcessMetadata process = 7;
193    // Metrics about startup which were developed by looking at experiments
194    // using high-speed cameras (HSC).
195    optional HscMetrics hsc = 8;
197    // The time taken in the startup from intent recieved to the start time
198    // of the reportFullyDrawn slice. This should be longer than the time to
199    // first frame as the application decides this after it starts rendering.
200    optional Slice report_fully_drawn = 9;
202    // Conntains information about the status of odex files.
203    repeated OptimizationStatus optimization_status = 12;
205    reserved 10;
206  }
208  repeated Startup startup = 1;