2 * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17syntax = "proto2";
19package perfetto.protos;
21// Message definitions for app-reported memory breakdowns. At the moment, this
22// is a Chrome-only tracing feature, historically known as 'memory-infra'. See
23// https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/master/docs/memory-infra/ .
24// This is unrelated to the native or java heap profilers (those protos live
25// in //protos/perfetto/trace/profiling/).
27message MemoryTrackerSnapshot {
28  // Memory snapshot of a process. The snapshot contains memory data that is
29  // from 2 different sources, namely system stats and instrumentation stats.
30  // The system memory usage stats come from the OS based on standard API
31  // available in the platform to query memory usage. The instrumentation stats
32  // are added by instrumenting specific piece of code which tracks memory
33  // allocations and deallocations made by a small sub-system within the
34  // application.
35  // The system stats of the global memory snapshot are recorded as part of
36  // ProcessStats and SmapsPacket fields in trace packet with the same
37  // timestamp.
38  message ProcessSnapshot {
39    // Process ID of the process
40    optional int32 pid = 1;
42    // Memory dumps are represented as a graph of memory nodes which contain
43    // statistics. To avoid double counting the same memory across different
44    // nodes, edges are used to mark nodes that account for the same memory. See
45    // this doc for examples of the usage:
46    // https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WGQRJ1sjJrfVkNcgPVY6frm64UqPc94tsxUOXImZUZI
48    // A single node in the memory graph.
49    message MemoryNode {
50      // Unique ID of the node across all processes involved in the global
51      // memory dump. The ID is only unique within this particular global dump
52      // identified by GlobalMemoryDumpPacket.global_dump_id.
53      optional uint64 id = 1;
55      // Absolute name is a unique name for the memory node within the process
56      // with ProcessMemoryDump.pid. The name can contain multiple parts
57      // separated by '/', which traces the edges of the node from the root
58      // node.
59      // Eg: "partition_allocator/array_buffers/buffer1" refers to the child
60      // node "buffer1" in a graph structure of:
61      //   root -> partition_allocator -> array_buffers -> buffer1.
62      optional string absolute_name = 2;
64      // A weak node means that the instrumentation that added the current node
65      // is unsure about the existence of the actual memory. Unless a "strong"
66      // (non-weak is default) node that has an edge to the current node exists
67      // in the current global dump, the current node will be discarded.
68      optional bool weak = 3;
70      // Size of the node in bytes, used to compute the effective size of the
71      // nodes without double counting.
72      optional uint64 size_bytes = 4;
74      // Entries in the memory node that contain statistics and additional
75      // debuggable information about the memory. The size of the node is
76      // tracked separately in the |size_bytes| field.
77      message MemoryNodeEntry {
78        optional string name = 1;
80        enum Units {
81          UNSPECIFIED = 0;
82          BYTES = 1;
83          COUNT = 2;
84        }
85        optional Units units = 2;
87        // Contains either one of uint64 or string value.
88        optional uint64 value_uint64 = 3;
89        optional string value_string = 4;
90      }
91      repeated MemoryNodeEntry entries = 5;
92    }
93    repeated MemoryNode allocator_dumps = 2;
95    // A directed edge that connects any 2 nodes in the graph above. These are
96    // in addition to the inherent edges added due to the tree structure of the
97    // node's absolute names.
98    // Node with id |source_id| owns the node with id |target_id|, and has the
99    // effect of attributing the memory usage of target to source. |importance|
100    // is optional and relevant only for the cases of co-ownership, where it
101    // acts as a z-index: the owner with the highest importance will be
102    // attributed target's memory.
103    message MemoryEdge {
104      optional uint64 source_id = 1;
105      optional uint64 target_id = 2;
106      optional uint32 importance = 3;
107      optional bool overridable = 4;
108    }
109    repeated MemoryEdge memory_edges = 3;
110  }
112  // Unique ID that represents the global memory dump.
113  optional uint64 global_dump_id = 1;
115  enum LevelOfDetail {
116    DETAIL_FULL = 0;
117    DETAIL_LIGHT = 1;
119  }
120  optional LevelOfDetail level_of_detail = 2;
122  repeated ProcessSnapshot process_memory_dumps = 3;