1 // Copyright 2020 The Pigweed Authors
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
4 // use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
5 // the License at
6 //
7 //     https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
11 // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
12 // License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
13 // the License.
14 #pragma once
16 #include <algorithm>
17 #include <array>
18 #include <cstddef>
19 #include <cstring>
20 #include <span>
22 #include "pw_containers/vector.h"
23 #include "pw_kvs/flash_memory.h"
24 #include "pw_status/status.h"
26 namespace pw::kvs {
28 class FlashError {
29  public:
30   static constexpr FlashMemory::Address kAnyAddress = FlashMemory::Address(-1);
31   static constexpr size_t kAlways = size_t(-1);
33   // Creates a FlashError that always triggers on the next operation.
34   static constexpr FlashError Unconditional(Status status,
35                                             size_t times = kAlways,
36                                             size_t delay = 0) {
37     return FlashError(status, kAnyAddress, 0, times, delay);
38   }
40   // Creates a FlashError that triggers for particular addresses.
41   static constexpr FlashError InRange(Status status,
42                                       FlashMemory::Address address,
43                                       size_t size = 1,
44                                       size_t times = kAlways,
45                                       size_t delay = 0) {
46     return FlashError(status, address, size, times, delay);
47   }
49   // Determines if this FlashError applies to the operation.
50   Status Check(FlashMemory::Address start_address, size_t size);
52   // Determines if any of a series of FlashErrors applies to the operation.
53   static Status Check(std::span<FlashError> errors,
54                       FlashMemory::Address address,
55                       size_t size);
57  private:
FlashError(Status status,FlashMemory::Address address,size_t size,size_t times,size_t delay)58   constexpr FlashError(Status status,
59                        FlashMemory::Address address,
60                        size_t size,  // not used if address is kAnyAddress
61                        size_t times,
62                        size_t delay)
63       : status_(status),
64         begin_(address),
65         end_(address + size),  // not used if address is kAnyAddress
66         delay_(delay),
67         remaining_(times) {}
69   const Status status_;
71   const FlashMemory::Address begin_;
72   const FlashMemory::Address end_;  // exclusive
74   size_t delay_;
75   size_t remaining_;
76 };
78 // This uses a buffer to mimic the behaviour of flash (requires erase before
79 // write, checks alignments, and is addressed in sectors). The underlying buffer
80 // is not initialized.
81 class FakeFlashMemory : public FlashMemory {
82  public:
83   // Default to 8-bit alignment.
84   static constexpr size_t kDefaultAlignmentBytes = 1;
86   static constexpr std::byte kErasedValue = std::byte{0xff};
88   FakeFlashMemory(std::span<std::byte> buffer,
89                   size_t sector_size,
90                   size_t sector_count,
91                   size_t alignment_bytes = kDefaultAlignmentBytes,
92                   Vector<FlashError>& read_errors = no_errors_,
93                   Vector<FlashError>& write_errors = no_errors_)
FlashMemory(sector_size,sector_count,alignment_bytes)94       : FlashMemory(sector_size, sector_count, alignment_bytes),
95         buffer_(buffer),
96         read_errors_(read_errors),
97         write_errors_(write_errors) {}
99   // The fake flash is always enabled.
Enable()100   Status Enable() override { return OkStatus(); }
Disable()102   Status Disable() override { return OkStatus(); }
IsEnabled()104   bool IsEnabled() const override { return true; }
106   // Erase num_sectors starting at a given address.
107   Status Erase(Address address, size_t num_sectors) override;
109   // Reads bytes from flash into buffer.
110   StatusWithSize Read(Address address, std::span<std::byte> output) override;
112   // Writes bytes to flash.
113   StatusWithSize Write(Address address,
114                        std::span<const std::byte> data) override;
FlashAddressToMcuAddress(Address)116   std::byte* FlashAddressToMcuAddress(Address) const override;
118   // Testing API
120   // Access the underlying buffer for testing purposes. Not part of the
121   // FlashMemory API.
122   std::span<std::byte> buffer() const { return buffer_; }
InjectReadError(const FlashError & error)124   bool InjectReadError(const FlashError& error) {
125     if (read_errors_.full()) {
126       return false;
127     }
128     read_errors_.push_back(error);
129     return true;
130   }
InjectWriteError(const FlashError & error)132   bool InjectWriteError(const FlashError& error) {
133     if (write_errors_.full()) {
134       return false;
135     }
136     write_errors_.push_back(error);
137     return true;
138   }
140  private:
141   static inline Vector<FlashError, 0> no_errors_;
143   const std::span<std::byte> buffer_;
144   Vector<FlashError>& read_errors_;
145   Vector<FlashError>& write_errors_;
146 };
148 // Creates an FakeFlashMemory backed by a std::array. The array is initialized
149 // to the erased value. A byte array to which to initialize the memory may be
150 // provided.
151 template <size_t kSectorSize, size_t kSectorCount, size_t kInjectedErrors = 8>
152 class FakeFlashMemoryBuffer : public FakeFlashMemory {
153  public:
154   // Creates a flash memory with no data written.
155   explicit FakeFlashMemoryBuffer(
156       size_t alignment_bytes = kDefaultAlignmentBytes)
FakeFlashMemoryBuffer(std::array<std::byte,0>{},alignment_bytes)157       : FakeFlashMemoryBuffer(std::array<std::byte, 0>{}, alignment_bytes) {}
159   // Creates a flash memory initialized to the provided contents.
160   explicit FakeFlashMemoryBuffer(
161       std::span<const std::byte> contents,
162       size_t alignment_bytes = kDefaultAlignmentBytes)
FakeFlashMemory(buffer_,kSectorSize,kSectorCount,alignment_bytes,read_errors_,write_errors_)163       : FakeFlashMemory(buffer_,
164                         kSectorSize,
165                         kSectorCount,
166                         alignment_bytes,
167                         read_errors_,
168                         write_errors_) {
169     std::memset(buffer_.data(), int(kErasedValue), buffer_.size());
170     std::memcpy(buffer_.data(),
171                 contents.data(),
172                 std::min(contents.size(), buffer_.size()));
173   }
175  private:
176   std::array<std::byte, kSectorCount * kSectorSize> buffer_;
177   Vector<FlashError, kInjectedErrors> read_errors_;
178   Vector<FlashError, kInjectedErrors> write_errors_;
179 };
181 }  // namespace pw::kvs