1 // Copyright 2020 The Pigweed Authors
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
4 // use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
5 // the License at
6 //
7 //     https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
11 // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
12 // License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
13 // the License.
14 #pragma once
16 #include <tuple>
17 #include <utility>
19 #include "pw_assert/light.h"
20 #include "pw_containers/vector.h"
21 #include "pw_preprocessor/arguments.h"
22 #include "pw_rpc/channel.h"
23 #include "pw_rpc/internal/hash.h"
24 #include "pw_rpc/internal/method_lookup.h"
25 #include "pw_rpc/internal/nanopb_method.h"
26 #include "pw_rpc/internal/packet.h"
27 #include "pw_rpc/internal/server.h"
29 namespace pw::rpc {
31 // Declares a context object that may be used to invoke an RPC. The context is
32 // declared with the name of the implemented service and the method to invoke.
33 // The RPC can then be invoked with the call method.
34 //
35 // For a unary RPC, context.call(request) returns the status, and the response
36 // struct can be accessed via context.response().
37 //
38 //   PW_NANOPB_TEST_METHOD_CONTEXT(my::CoolService, TheMethod) context;
39 //   EXPECT_EQ(OkStatus(), context.call({.some_arg = 123}));
40 //   EXPECT_EQ(500, context.response().some_response_value);
41 //
42 // For a server streaming RPC, context.call(request) invokes the method. As in a
43 // normal RPC, the method completes when the ServerWriter's Finish method is
44 // called (or it goes out of scope).
45 //
46 //   PW_NANOPB_TEST_METHOD_CONTEXT(my::CoolService, TheStreamingMethod) context;
47 //   context.call({.some_arg = 123});
48 //
49 //   EXPECT_TRUE(context.done());  // Check that the RPC completed
50 //   EXPECT_EQ(OkStatus(), context.status());  // Check the status
51 //
52 //   EXPECT_EQ(3u, context.responses().size());
53 //   EXPECT_EQ(123, context.responses()[0].value); // check individual responses
54 //
55 //   for (const MyResponse& response : context.responses()) {
56 //     // iterate over the responses
57 //   }
58 //
59 // PW_NANOPB_TEST_METHOD_CONTEXT forwards its constructor arguments to the
60 // underlying serivce. For example:
61 //
62 //   PW_NANOPB_TEST_METHOD_CONTEXT(MyService, Go) context(service, args);
63 //
64 // PW_NANOPB_TEST_METHOD_CONTEXT takes two optional arguments:
65 //
66 //   size_t kMaxResponse: maximum responses to store; ignored unless streaming
67 //   size_t kOutputSizeBytes: buffer size; must be large enough for a packet
68 //
69 // Example:
70 //
71 //   PW_NANOPB_TEST_METHOD_CONTEXT(MyService, BestMethod, 3, 256) context;
72 //   ASSERT_EQ(3u, context.responses().max_size());
73 //
74 #define PW_NANOPB_TEST_METHOD_CONTEXT(service, method, ...)              \
75   ::pw::rpc::NanopbTestMethodContext<service,                            \
76                                      &service::method,                   \
77                                      ::pw::rpc::internal::Hash(#method), \
78                                      ##__VA_ARGS__>
79 template <typename Service,
80           auto method,
81           uint32_t kMethodId,
82           size_t kMaxResponse = 4,
83           size_t kOutputSizeBytes = 128>
84 class NanopbTestMethodContext;
86 // Internal classes that implement NanopbTestMethodContext.
87 namespace internal::test::nanopb {
89 // A ChannelOutput implementation that stores the outgoing payloads and status.
90 template <typename Response>
91 class MessageOutput final : public ChannelOutput {
92  public:
MessageOutput(const internal::NanopbMethod & method,Vector<Response> & responses,std::span<std::byte> buffer)93   MessageOutput(const internal::NanopbMethod& method,
94                 Vector<Response>& responses,
95                 std::span<std::byte> buffer)
96       : ChannelOutput("internal::test::nanopb::MessageOutput"),
97         method_(method),
98         responses_(responses),
99         buffer_(buffer) {
100     clear();
101   }
last_status()103   Status last_status() const { return last_status_; }
set_last_status(Status status)104   void set_last_status(Status status) { last_status_ = status; }
total_responses()106   size_t total_responses() const { return total_responses_; }
stream_ended()108   bool stream_ended() const { return stream_ended_; }
110   void clear();
112  private:
AcquireBuffer()113   std::span<std::byte> AcquireBuffer() override { return buffer_; }
115   Status SendAndReleaseBuffer(std::span<const std::byte> buffer) override;
117   const internal::NanopbMethod& method_;
118   Vector<Response>& responses_;
119   std::span<std::byte> buffer_;
120   size_t total_responses_;
121   bool stream_ended_;
122   Status last_status_;
123 };
125 // Collects everything needed to invoke a particular RPC.
126 template <typename Service,
127           auto method,
128           uint32_t kMethodId,
129           size_t kMaxResponse,
130           size_t kOutputSize>
131 struct InvocationContext {
132   using Request = internal::Request<method>;
133   using Response = internal::Response<method>;
135   template <typename... Args>
InvocationContextInvocationContext136   InvocationContext(Args&&... args)
137       : output(MethodLookup::GetNanopbMethod<Service, kMethodId>(),
138                responses,
139                buffer),
140         channel(Channel::Create<123>(&output)),
141         server(std::span(&channel, 1)),
142         service(std::forward<Args>(args)...),
143         call(static_cast<internal::Server&>(server),
144              static_cast<internal::Channel&>(channel),
145              service,
146              MethodLookup::GetNanopbMethod<Service, kMethodId>()) {}
148   MessageOutput<Response> output;
150   rpc::Channel channel;
151   rpc::Server server;
152   Service service;
153   Vector<Response, kMaxResponse> responses;
154   std::array<std::byte, kOutputSize> buffer = {};
156   internal::ServerCall call;
157 };
159 // Method invocation context for a unary RPC. Returns the status in call() and
160 // provides the response through the response() method.
161 template <typename Service, auto method, uint32_t kMethodId, size_t kOutputSize>
162 class UnaryContext {
163  private:
164   InvocationContext<Service, method, kMethodId, 1, kOutputSize> ctx_;
166  public:
167   using Request = typename decltype(ctx_)::Request;
168   using Response = typename decltype(ctx_)::Response;
170   template <typename... Args>
UnaryContext(Args &&...args)171   UnaryContext(Args&&... args) : ctx_(std::forward<Args>(args)...) {}
service()173   Service& service() { return ctx_.service; }
175   // Invokes the RPC with the provided request. Returns the status.
call(const Request & request)176   Status call(const Request& request) {
177     ctx_.output.clear();
178     ctx_.responses.emplace_back();
179     ctx_.responses.back() = {};
180     return CallMethodImplFunction<method>(
181         ctx_.call, request, ctx_.responses.back());
182   }
184   // Gives access to the RPC's response.
response()185   const Response& response() const {
186     PW_ASSERT(ctx_.responses.size() > 0u);
187     return ctx_.responses.back();
188   }
189 };
191 // Method invocation context for a server streaming RPC.
192 template <typename Service,
193           auto method,
194           uint32_t kMethodId,
195           size_t kMaxResponse,
196           size_t kOutputSize>
197 class ServerStreamingContext {
198  private:
199   InvocationContext<Service, method, kMethodId, kMaxResponse, kOutputSize> ctx_;
201  public:
202   using Request = typename decltype(ctx_)::Request;
203   using Response = typename decltype(ctx_)::Response;
205   template <typename... Args>
ServerStreamingContext(Args &&...args)206   ServerStreamingContext(Args&&... args) : ctx_(std::forward<Args>(args)...) {}
service()208   Service& service() { return ctx_.service; }
210   // Invokes the RPC with the provided request.
call(const Request & request)211   void call(const Request& request) {
212     ctx_.output.clear();
213     internal::BaseServerWriter server_writer(ctx_.call);
214     return CallMethodImplFunction<method>(
215         ctx_.call,
216         request,
217         static_cast<ServerWriter<Response>&>(server_writer));
218   }
220   // Returns a server writer which writes responses into the context's buffer.
221   // This should not be called alongside call(); use one or the other.
writer()222   ServerWriter<Response> writer() {
223     ctx_.output.clear();
224     internal::BaseServerWriter server_writer(ctx_.call);
225     return std::move(static_cast<ServerWriter<Response>&>(server_writer));
226   }
228   // Returns the responses that have been recorded. The maximum number of
229   // responses is responses().max_size(). responses().back() is always the most
230   // recent response, even if total_responses() > responses().max_size().
responses()231   const Vector<Response>& responses() const { return ctx_.responses; }
233   // The total number of responses sent, which may be larger than
234   // responses.max_size().
total_responses()235   size_t total_responses() const { return ctx_.output.total_responses(); }
237   // True if the stream has terminated.
done()238   bool done() const { return ctx_.output.stream_ended(); }
240   // The status of the stream. Only valid if done() is true.
status()241   Status status() const {
242     PW_ASSERT(done());
243     return ctx_.output.last_status();
244   }
245 };
247 // Alias to select the type of the context object to use based on which type of
248 // RPC it is for.
249 template <typename Service,
250           auto method,
251           uint32_t kMethodId,
252           size_t kMaxResponse,
253           size_t kOutputSize>
254 using Context = std::tuple_element_t<
255     static_cast<size_t>(internal::MethodTraits<decltype(method)>::kType),
256     std::tuple<UnaryContext<Service, method, kMethodId, kOutputSize>,
257                ServerStreamingContext<Service,
258                                       method,
259                                       kMethodId,
260                                       kMaxResponse,
261                                       kOutputSize>
262                // TODO(hepler): Support client and bidi streaming
263                >>;
265 template <typename Response>
clear()266 void MessageOutput<Response>::clear() {
267   responses_.clear();
268   total_responses_ = 0;
269   stream_ended_ = false;
270   last_status_ = Status::Unknown();
271 }
273 template <typename Response>
SendAndReleaseBuffer(std::span<const std::byte> buffer)274 Status MessageOutput<Response>::SendAndReleaseBuffer(
275     std::span<const std::byte> buffer) {
276   PW_ASSERT(!stream_ended_);
277   PW_ASSERT(buffer.data() == buffer_.data());
279   if (buffer.empty()) {
280     return OkStatus();
281   }
283   Result<internal::Packet> result = internal::Packet::FromBuffer(buffer);
284   PW_ASSERT(result.ok());
286   last_status_ = result.value().status();
288   switch (result.value().type()) {
289     case internal::PacketType::RESPONSE:
290       // If we run out of space, the back message is always the most recent.
291       responses_.emplace_back();
292       responses_.back() = {};
293       PW_ASSERT(
294           method_.DecodeResponse(result.value().payload(), &responses_.back()));
295       total_responses_ += 1;
296       break;
297     case internal::PacketType::SERVER_STREAM_END:
298       stream_ended_ = true;
299       break;
300     default:
301       PW_CRASH("Unhandled PacketType");
302   }
303   return OkStatus();
304 }
306 }  // namespace internal::test::nanopb
308 template <typename Service,
309           auto method,
310           uint32_t kMethodId,
311           size_t kMaxResponse,
312           size_t kOutputSizeBytes>
313 class NanopbTestMethodContext
314     : public internal::test::nanopb::
315           Context<Service, method, kMethodId, kMaxResponse, kOutputSizeBytes> {
316  public:
317   // Forwards constructor arguments to the service class.
318   template <typename... ServiceArgs>
NanopbTestMethodContext(ServiceArgs &&...service_args)319   NanopbTestMethodContext(ServiceArgs&&... service_args)
320       : internal::test::nanopb::
321             Context<Service, method, kMethodId, kMaxResponse, kOutputSizeBytes>(
322                 std::forward<ServiceArgs>(service_args)...) {}
323 };
325 }  // namespace pw::rpc