1#!/usr/bin/env python3
2# Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
4# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6# You may obtain a copy of the License at
8#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14# limitations under the License.
15''' Runs the given job in an isolated docker container.
17Also streams stdout/err onto the firebase realtime DB.
20import fcntl
21import logging
22import json
23import os
24import queue
25import signal
26import socket
27import shutil
28import subprocess
29import sys
30import threading
31import time
33from datetime import datetime, timedelta
34from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials
35from config import DB, SANDBOX_IMG
36from common_utils import init_logging, req, ConcurrentModificationError, SCOPES
38CUR_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)
43def read_nonblock(fd):
44  fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL) | os.O_NONBLOCK)
45  res = ''
46  while True:
47    try:
48      buf = os.read(fd.fileno(), 1024)
49      if not buf:
50        break
51      res += buf.decode()
52    except OSError:
53      break
54  return res
57def log_thread(job_id, queue):
58  ''' Uploads stdout/stderr from the queue to the firebase DB.
60  Each line is logged as an invidivual entry in the DB, as follows:
61  MMMMMM-NNNN log line, where M: hex-encodeed timestamp, N:  monotonic counter.
62  '''
63  uri = '%s/logs/%s.json' % (DB, job_id)
64  req('DELETE', uri)
65  while True:
66    batch = queue.get()
67    if batch is None:
68      break  # EOF
69    req('PATCH', uri, body=batch)
70  logging.debug('Uploader thread terminated')
73def main(argv):
74  init_logging()
75  if len(argv) != 2:
76    print('Usage: %s job_id' % argv[0])
77    return 1
79  job_id = argv[1]
80  res = 42
82  # The container name will be worker-N-sandbox.
83  container = socket.gethostname() + '-sandbox'
85  # Remove stale jobs, if any.
86  subprocess.call(['sudo', 'docker', 'rm', '-f', container])
88  q = queue.Queue()
90  # Conversely to real programs, signal handlers in python aren't really async
91  # but are queued on the main thread. Hence We need to keep the main thread
92  # responsive to react to signals. This is to handle timeouts and graceful
93  # termination of the worker container, which dispatches a SIGTERM on stop.
94  def sig_handler(sig, _):
95    logging.warning('Job runner got signal %s, terminating job %s', sig, job_id)
96    subprocess.call(['sudo', 'docker', 'kill', container])
97    os._exit(1)  # sys.exit throws a SystemExit exception, _exit really exits.
99  signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sig_handler)
101  log_thd = threading.Thread(target=log_thread, args=(job_id, q))
102  log_thd.start()
104  # SYS_PTRACE is required for gtest death tests and LSan.
105  cmd = [
106      'sudo', 'docker', 'run', '--name', container, '--hostname', container,
107      '--cap-add', 'SYS_PTRACE', '--rm', '--env',
108      'PERFETTO_TEST_JOB=%s' % job_id, '--tmpfs', '/tmp:exec'
109  ]
111  # Propagate environment variables coming from the job config.
112  for kv in [kv for kv in os.environ.items() if kv[0].startswith('PERFETTO_')]:
113    cmd += ['--env', '%s=%s' % kv]
115  # We use the tmpfs mount created by gce-startup-script.sh, if present. The
116  # problem is that Docker doesn't allow to both override the tmpfs-size and
117  # prevent the "-o noexec". In turn the default tmpfs-size depends on the host
118  # phisical memory size.
119  if os.getenv('SANDBOX_TMP'):
120    cmd += ['-v', '%s:/ci/ramdisk' % os.getenv('SANDBOX_TMP')]
121  else:
122    cmd += ['--tmpfs', '/ci/ramdisk:exec']
124  # Rationale for the conditional branches below: when running in the real GCE
125  # environment, the gce-startup-script.sh mounts these directories in the right
126  # locations, so that they are shared between all workers.
127  # When running the worker container outside of GCE (i.e.for local testing) we
128  # leave these empty. The VOLUME directive in the dockerfile will cause docker
129  # to automatically mount a scratch volume for those.
130  # This is so that the CI containers can be tested without having to do the
131  # work that gce-startup-script.sh does.
132  if os.getenv('SHARED_WORKER_CACHE'):
133    cmd += ['--volume=%s:/ci/cache' % os.getenv('SHARED_WORKER_CACHE')]
135  artifacts_dir = None
136  if os.getenv('ARTIFACTS_DIR'):
137    artifacts_dir = os.path.join(os.getenv('ARTIFACTS_DIR'), job_id)
138    subprocess.call(['sudo', 'rm', '-rf', artifacts_dir])
139    os.mkdir(artifacts_dir)
140    cmd += ['--volume=%s:/ci/artifacts' % artifacts_dir]
142  cmd += os.getenv('SANDBOX_NETWORK_ARGS', '').split()
143  cmd += [SANDBOX_IMG]
145  logging.info('Starting %s', ' '.join(cmd))
146  proc = subprocess.Popen(
147      cmd,
148      stdin=open(os.devnull),
149      stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
150      stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
151      bufsize=65536)
152  stdout = ''
153  tstart = time.time()
154  while True:
155    ms_elapsed = int((time.time() - tstart) * 1000)
156    stdout += read_nonblock(proc.stdout)
158    # stdout/err pipes are not atomic w.r.t. '\n'. Extract whole lines out into
159    # |olines| and keep the last partial line (-1) in the |stdout| buffer.
160    lines = stdout.split('\n')
161    stdout = lines[-1]
162    lines = lines[:-1]
164    # Each line has a key of the form <time-from-start><out|err><counter>
165    # |counter| is relative to the batch and is only used to disambiguate lines
166    # fetched at the same time, preserving the ordering.
167    batch = {}
168    for counter, line in enumerate(lines):
169      batch['%06x-%04x' % (ms_elapsed, counter)] = line
170    if batch:
171      q.put(batch)
172    if proc.poll() is not None:
173      res = proc.returncode
174      logging.info('Job subprocess terminated with code %s', res)
175      break
177    # Large sleeps favour batching in the log uploader.
178    # Small sleeps favour responsiveness of the signal handler.
179    time.sleep(1)
181  q.put(None)  # EOF maker
182  log_thd.join()
184  if artifacts_dir:
185    artifacts_uploader = os.path.join(CUR_DIR, 'artifacts_uploader.py')
186    cmd = ['setsid', artifacts_uploader, '--job-id=%s' % job_id, '--rm']
187    subprocess.call(cmd)
189  return res
192if __name__ == '__main__':
193  sys.exit(main(sys.argv))