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1#!/usr/bin/env ruby
3# Copyright 2015 gRPC authors.
5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7# You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15# limitations under the License.
17# client is a testing tool that accesses a gRPC interop testing server and runs
18# a test on it.
20# Helps validate interoperation b/w different gRPC implementations.
22# Usage: $ path/to/client.rb --server_host=<hostname> \
23#                            --server_port=<port> \
24#                            --test_case=<testcase_name>
26# These lines are required for the generated files to load grpc
27this_dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))
28lib_dir = File.join(File.dirname(File.dirname(this_dir)), 'lib')
29pb_dir = File.dirname(this_dir)
30$LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib_dir) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(lib_dir)
31$LOAD_PATH.unshift(pb_dir) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(pb_dir)
33require 'optparse'
34require 'logger'
36require_relative '../../lib/grpc'
37require 'googleauth'
38require 'google/protobuf'
40require_relative '../src/proto/grpc/testing/empty_pb'
41require_relative '../src/proto/grpc/testing/messages_pb'
42require_relative '../src/proto/grpc/testing/test_services_pb'
44AUTH_ENV = Google::Auth::CredentialsLoader::ENV_VAR
46# RubyLogger defines a logger for gRPC based on the standard ruby logger.
47module RubyLogger
48  def logger
49    LOGGER
50  end
52  LOGGER = Logger.new(STDOUT)
53  LOGGER.level = Logger::INFO
56# GRPC is the general RPC module
57module GRPC
58  # Inject the noop #logger if no module-level logger method has been injected.
59  extend RubyLogger
62# AssertionError is use to indicate interop test failures.
63class AssertionError < RuntimeError; end
65# Fails with AssertionError if the block does evaluate to true
66def assert(msg = 'unknown cause')
67  fail 'No assertion block provided' unless block_given?
68  fail AssertionError, msg unless yield
71# loads the certificates used to access the test server securely.
72def load_test_certs
73  this_dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))
74  data_dir = File.join(File.dirname(File.dirname(this_dir)), 'spec/testdata')
75  files = ['ca.pem', 'server1.key', 'server1.pem']
76  files.map { |f| File.open(File.join(data_dir, f)).read }
79# creates SSL Credentials from the test certificates.
80def test_creds
81  certs = load_test_certs
82  GRPC::Core::ChannelCredentials.new(certs[0])
85# creates SSL Credentials from the production certificates.
86def prod_creds
87  GRPC::Core::ChannelCredentials.new()
90# creates the SSL Credentials.
91def ssl_creds(use_test_ca)
92  return test_creds if use_test_ca
93  prod_creds
96# creates a test stub that accesses host:port securely.
97def create_stub(opts)
98  address = "#{opts.host}:#{opts.port}"
100  # Provide channel args that request compression by default
101  # for compression interop tests
102  if ['client_compressed_unary',
103      'client_compressed_streaming'].include?(opts.test_case)
104    compression_options =
105      GRPC::Core::CompressionOptions.new(default_algorithm: :gzip)
106    compression_channel_args = compression_options.to_channel_arg_hash
107  else
108    compression_channel_args = {}
109  end
111  if opts.secure
112    creds = ssl_creds(opts.use_test_ca)
113    stub_opts = {
114      channel_args: {
115        GRPC::Core::Channel::SSL_TARGET => opts.host_override
116      }
117    }
119    # Add service account creds if specified
120    wants_creds = %w(all compute_engine_creds service_account_creds)
121    if wants_creds.include?(opts.test_case)
122      unless opts.oauth_scope.nil?
123        auth_creds = Google::Auth.get_application_default(opts.oauth_scope)
124        call_creds = GRPC::Core::CallCredentials.new(auth_creds.updater_proc)
125        creds = creds.compose call_creds
126      end
127    end
129    if opts.test_case == 'oauth2_auth_token'
130      auth_creds = Google::Auth.get_application_default(opts.oauth_scope)
131      kw = auth_creds.updater_proc.call({})  # gives as an auth token
133      # use a metadata update proc that just adds the auth token.
134      call_creds = GRPC::Core::CallCredentials.new(proc { |md| md.merge(kw) })
135      creds = creds.compose call_creds
136    end
138    if opts.test_case == 'jwt_token_creds'  # don't use a scope
139      auth_creds = Google::Auth.get_application_default
140      call_creds = GRPC::Core::CallCredentials.new(auth_creds.updater_proc)
141      creds = creds.compose call_creds
142    end
144    GRPC.logger.info("... connecting securely to #{address}")
145    stub_opts[:channel_args].merge!(compression_channel_args)
146    if opts.test_case == "unimplemented_service"
147      Grpc::Testing::UnimplementedService::Stub.new(address, creds, **stub_opts)
148    else
149      Grpc::Testing::TestService::Stub.new(address, creds, **stub_opts)
150    end
151  else
152    GRPC.logger.info("... connecting insecurely to #{address}")
153    if opts.test_case == "unimplemented_service"
154      Grpc::Testing::UnimplementedService::Stub.new(
155        address,
156        :this_channel_is_insecure,
157        channel_args: compression_channel_args
158      )
159    else
160      Grpc::Testing::TestService::Stub.new(
161        address,
162        :this_channel_is_insecure,
163        channel_args: compression_channel_args
164      )
165    end
166  end
169# produces a string of null chars (\0) of length l.
170def nulls(l)
171  fail 'requires #{l} to be +ve' if l < 0
172  [].pack('x' * l).force_encoding('ascii-8bit')
175# a PingPongPlayer implements the ping pong bidi test.
176class PingPongPlayer
177  include Grpc::Testing
178  include Grpc::Testing::PayloadType
179  attr_accessor :queue
180  attr_accessor :canceller_op
182  # reqs is the enumerator over the requests
183  def initialize(msg_sizes)
184    @queue = Queue.new
185    @msg_sizes = msg_sizes
186    @canceller_op = nil  # used to cancel after the first response
187  end
189  def each_item
190    return enum_for(:each_item) unless block_given?
191    req_cls, p_cls = StreamingOutputCallRequest, ResponseParameters  # short
192    count = 0
193    @msg_sizes.each do |m|
194      req_size, resp_size = m
195      req = req_cls.new(payload: Payload.new(body: nulls(req_size)),
196                        response_type: :COMPRESSABLE,
197                        response_parameters: [p_cls.new(size: resp_size)])
198      yield req
199      resp = @queue.pop
200      assert('payload type is wrong') { :COMPRESSABLE == resp.payload.type }
201      assert("payload body #{count} has the wrong length") do
202        resp_size == resp.payload.body.length
203      end
204      p "OK: ping_pong #{count}"
205      count += 1
206      unless @canceller_op.nil?
207        canceller_op.cancel
208        break
209      end
210    end
211  end
214class BlockingEnumerator
215  include Grpc::Testing
216  include Grpc::Testing::PayloadType
218  def initialize(req_size, sleep_time)
219    @req_size = req_size
220    @sleep_time = sleep_time
221  end
223  def each_item
224    return enum_for(:each_item) unless block_given?
225    req_cls = StreamingOutputCallRequest
226    req = req_cls.new(payload: Payload.new(body: nulls(@req_size)))
227    yield req
228    # Sleep until after the deadline should have passed
229    sleep(@sleep_time)
230  end
233# Intended to be used to wrap a call_op, and to adjust
234# the write flag of the call_op in between messages yielded to it.
235class WriteFlagSettingStreamingInputEnumerable
236  attr_accessor :call_op
238  def initialize(requests_and_write_flags)
239    @requests_and_write_flags = requests_and_write_flags
240  end
242  def each
243    @requests_and_write_flags.each do |request_and_flag|
244      @call_op.write_flag = request_and_flag[:write_flag]
245      yield request_and_flag[:request]
246    end
247  end
250# defines methods corresponding to each interop test case.
251class NamedTests
252  include Grpc::Testing
253  include Grpc::Testing::PayloadType
254  include GRPC::Core::MetadataKeys
256  def initialize(stub, args)
257    @stub = stub
258    @args = args
259  end
261  def empty_unary
262    resp = @stub.empty_call(Empty.new)
263    assert('empty_unary: invalid response') { resp.is_a?(Empty) }
264  end
266  def large_unary
267    perform_large_unary
268  end
270  def client_compressed_unary
271    # first request used also for the probe
272    req_size, wanted_response_size = 271_828, 314_159
273    expect_compressed = BoolValue.new(value: true)
274    payload = Payload.new(type: :COMPRESSABLE, body: nulls(req_size))
275    req = SimpleRequest.new(response_type: :COMPRESSABLE,
276                            response_size: wanted_response_size,
277                            payload: payload,
278                            expect_compressed: expect_compressed)
280    # send a probe to see if CompressedResponse is supported on the server
281    send_probe_for_compressed_request_support do
282      request_uncompressed_args = {
283        COMPRESSION_REQUEST_ALGORITHM => 'identity'
284      }
285      @stub.unary_call(req, metadata: request_uncompressed_args)
286    end
288    # make a call with a compressed message
289    resp = @stub.unary_call(req)
290    assert('Expected second unary call with compression to work') do
291      resp.payload.body.length == wanted_response_size
292    end
294    # make a call with an uncompressed message
295    stub_options = {
297    }
299    req = SimpleRequest.new(
300      response_type: :COMPRESSABLE,
301      response_size: wanted_response_size,
302      payload: payload,
303      expect_compressed: BoolValue.new(value: false)
304    )
306    resp = @stub.unary_call(req, metadata: stub_options)
307    assert('Expected second unary call with compression to work') do
308      resp.payload.body.length == wanted_response_size
309    end
310  end
312  def service_account_creds
313    # ignore this test if the oauth options are not set
314    if @args.oauth_scope.nil?
315      p 'NOT RUN: service_account_creds; no service_account settings'
316      return
317    end
318    json_key = File.read(ENV[AUTH_ENV])
319    wanted_email = MultiJson.load(json_key)['client_email']
320    resp = perform_large_unary(fill_username: true,
321                               fill_oauth_scope: true)
322    assert("#{__callee__}: bad username") { wanted_email == resp.username }
323    assert("#{__callee__}: bad oauth scope") do
324      @args.oauth_scope.include?(resp.oauth_scope)
325    end
326  end
328  def jwt_token_creds
329    json_key = File.read(ENV[AUTH_ENV])
330    wanted_email = MultiJson.load(json_key)['client_email']
331    resp = perform_large_unary(fill_username: true)
332    assert("#{__callee__}: bad username") { wanted_email == resp.username }
333  end
335  def compute_engine_creds
336    resp = perform_large_unary(fill_username: true,
337                               fill_oauth_scope: true)
338    assert("#{__callee__}: bad username") do
339      @args.default_service_account == resp.username
340    end
341  end
343  def oauth2_auth_token
344    resp = perform_large_unary(fill_username: true,
345                               fill_oauth_scope: true)
346    json_key = File.read(ENV[AUTH_ENV])
347    wanted_email = MultiJson.load(json_key)['client_email']
348    assert("#{__callee__}: bad username") { wanted_email == resp.username }
349    assert("#{__callee__}: bad oauth scope") do
350      @args.oauth_scope.include?(resp.oauth_scope)
351    end
352  end
354  def per_rpc_creds
355    auth_creds = Google::Auth.get_application_default(@args.oauth_scope)
356    update_metadata = proc do |md|
357      kw = auth_creds.updater_proc.call({})
358    end
360    call_creds = GRPC::Core::CallCredentials.new(update_metadata)
362    resp = perform_large_unary(fill_username: true,
363                               fill_oauth_scope: true,
364                               credentials: call_creds)
365    json_key = File.read(ENV[AUTH_ENV])
366    wanted_email = MultiJson.load(json_key)['client_email']
367    assert("#{__callee__}: bad username") { wanted_email == resp.username }
368    assert("#{__callee__}: bad oauth scope") do
369      @args.oauth_scope.include?(resp.oauth_scope)
370    end
371  end
373  def client_streaming
374    msg_sizes = [27_182, 8, 1828, 45_904]
375    wanted_aggregate_size = 74_922
376    reqs = msg_sizes.map do |x|
377      req = Payload.new(body: nulls(x))
378      StreamingInputCallRequest.new(payload: req)
379    end
380    resp = @stub.streaming_input_call(reqs)
381    assert("#{__callee__}: aggregate payload size is incorrect") do
382      wanted_aggregate_size == resp.aggregated_payload_size
383    end
384  end
386  def client_compressed_streaming
387    # first request used also by the probe
388    first_request = StreamingInputCallRequest.new(
389      payload: Payload.new(type: :COMPRESSABLE, body: nulls(27_182)),
390      expect_compressed: BoolValue.new(value: true)
391    )
393    # send a probe to see if CompressedResponse is supported on the server
394    send_probe_for_compressed_request_support do
395      request_uncompressed_args = {
396        COMPRESSION_REQUEST_ALGORITHM => 'identity'
397      }
398      @stub.streaming_input_call([first_request],
399                                 metadata: request_uncompressed_args)
400    end
402    second_request = StreamingInputCallRequest.new(
403      payload: Payload.new(type: :COMPRESSABLE, body: nulls(45_904)),
404      expect_compressed: BoolValue.new(value: false)
405    )
407    # Create the requests messages and the corresponding write flags
408    # for each message
409    requests = WriteFlagSettingStreamingInputEnumerable.new([
410      { request: first_request,
411        write_flag: 0 },
412      { request: second_request,
413        write_flag: GRPC::Core::WriteFlags::NO_COMPRESS }
414    ])
416    # Create the call_op, pass it to the requests enumerable, and
417    # run the call
418    call_op = @stub.streaming_input_call(requests,
419                                         return_op: true)
420    requests.call_op = call_op
421    resp = call_op.execute
423    wanted_aggregate_size = 73_086
425    assert("#{__callee__}: aggregate payload size is incorrect") do
426      wanted_aggregate_size == resp.aggregated_payload_size
427    end
428  end
430  def server_streaming
431    msg_sizes = [31_415, 9, 2653, 58_979]
432    response_spec = msg_sizes.map { |s| ResponseParameters.new(size: s) }
433    req = StreamingOutputCallRequest.new(response_type: :COMPRESSABLE,
434                                         response_parameters: response_spec)
435    resps = @stub.streaming_output_call(req)
436    resps.each_with_index do |r, i|
437      assert("#{__callee__}: too many responses") { i < msg_sizes.length }
438      assert("#{__callee__}: payload body #{i} has the wrong length") do
439        msg_sizes[i] == r.payload.body.length
440      end
441      assert("#{__callee__}: payload type is wrong") do
442        :COMPRESSABLE == r.payload.type
443      end
444    end
445  end
447  def ping_pong
448    msg_sizes = [[27_182, 31_415], [8, 9], [1828, 2653], [45_904, 58_979]]
449    ppp = PingPongPlayer.new(msg_sizes)
450    resps = @stub.full_duplex_call(ppp.each_item)
451    resps.each { |r| ppp.queue.push(r) }
452  end
454  def timeout_on_sleeping_server
455    enum = BlockingEnumerator.new(27_182, 2)
456    deadline = GRPC::Core::TimeConsts::from_relative_time(1)
457    resps = @stub.full_duplex_call(enum.each_item, deadline: deadline)
458    resps.each { } # wait to receive each request (or timeout)
459    fail 'Should have raised GRPC::DeadlineExceeded'
460  rescue GRPC::DeadlineExceeded
461  end
463  def empty_stream
464    ppp = PingPongPlayer.new([])
465    resps = @stub.full_duplex_call(ppp.each_item)
466    count = 0
467    resps.each do |r|
468      ppp.queue.push(r)
469      count += 1
470    end
471    assert("#{__callee__}: too many responses expected 0") do
472      count == 0
473    end
474  end
476  def cancel_after_begin
477    msg_sizes = [27_182, 8, 1828, 45_904]
478    reqs = msg_sizes.map do |x|
479      req = Payload.new(body: nulls(x))
480      StreamingInputCallRequest.new(payload: req)
481    end
482    op = @stub.streaming_input_call(reqs, return_op: true)
483    op.cancel
484    op.execute
485    fail 'Should have raised GRPC:Cancelled'
486  rescue GRPC::Cancelled
487    assert("#{__callee__}: call operation should be CANCELLED") { op.cancelled? }
488  end
490  def cancel_after_first_response
491    msg_sizes = [[27_182, 31_415], [8, 9], [1828, 2653], [45_904, 58_979]]
492    ppp = PingPongPlayer.new(msg_sizes)
493    op = @stub.full_duplex_call(ppp.each_item, return_op: true)
494    ppp.canceller_op = op  # causes ppp to cancel after the 1st message
495    op.execute.each { |r| ppp.queue.push(r) }
496    fail 'Should have raised GRPC:Cancelled'
497  rescue GRPC::Cancelled
498    assert("#{__callee__}: call operation should be CANCELLED") { op.cancelled? }
499    op.wait
500  end
502  def unimplemented_method
503    begin
504      resp = @stub.unimplemented_call(Empty.new)
505    rescue GRPC::Unimplemented => e
506      return
507    rescue Exception => e
508      fail AssertionError, "Expected BadStatus. Received: #{e.inspect}"
509    end
510    fail AssertionError, "GRPC::Unimplemented should have been raised. Was not."
511  end
513  def unimplemented_service
514    begin
515      resp = @stub.unimplemented_call(Empty.new)
516    rescue GRPC::Unimplemented => e
517      return
518    rescue Exception => e
519      fail AssertionError, "Expected BadStatus. Received: #{e.inspect}"
520    end
521    fail AssertionError, "GRPC::Unimplemented should have been raised. Was not."
522  end
524  def status_code_and_message
526    # Function wide constants.
527    message = "test status method"
528    code = GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::UNKNOWN
530    # Testing with UnaryCall.
531    payload = Payload.new(type: :COMPRESSABLE, body: nulls(1))
532    echo_status = EchoStatus.new(code: code, message: message)
533    req = SimpleRequest.new(response_type: :COMPRESSABLE,
534			    response_size: 1,
535			    payload: payload,
536			    response_status: echo_status)
537    seen_correct_exception = false
538    begin
539      resp = @stub.unary_call(req)
540    rescue GRPC::Unknown => e
541      if e.details != message
542	      fail AssertionError,
543	        "Expected message #{message}. Received: #{e.details}"
544      end
545      seen_correct_exception = true
546    rescue Exception => e
547      fail AssertionError, "Expected BadStatus. Received: #{e.inspect}"
548    end
550    if not seen_correct_exception
551      fail AssertionError, "Did not see expected status from UnaryCall"
552    end
554    # testing with FullDuplex
555    req_cls, p_cls = StreamingOutputCallRequest, ResponseParameters
556    duplex_req = req_cls.new(payload: Payload.new(body: nulls(1)),
557                  response_type: :COMPRESSABLE,
558                  response_parameters: [p_cls.new(size: 1)],
559                  response_status: echo_status)
560    seen_correct_exception = false
561    begin
562      resp = @stub.full_duplex_call([duplex_req])
563      resp.each { |r| }
564    rescue GRPC::Unknown => e
565      if e.details != message
566        fail AssertionError,
567          "Expected message #{message}. Received: #{e.details}"
568      end
569      seen_correct_exception = true
570    rescue Exception => e
571      fail AssertionError, "Expected BadStatus. Received: #{e.inspect}"
572    end
574    if not seen_correct_exception
575      fail AssertionError, "Did not see expected status from FullDuplexCall"
576    end
578  end
581  def custom_metadata
583    # Function wide constants
584    req_size, wanted_response_size = 271_828, 314_159
585    initial_metadata_key = "x-grpc-test-echo-initial"
586    initial_metadata_value = "test_initial_metadata_value"
587    trailing_metadata_key = "x-grpc-test-echo-trailing-bin"
588    trailing_metadata_value = "\x0a\x0b\x0a\x0b\x0a\x0b"
590    metadata = {
591      initial_metadata_key => initial_metadata_value,
592      trailing_metadata_key => trailing_metadata_value
593    }
595    # Testing with UnaryCall
596    payload = Payload.new(type: :COMPRESSABLE, body: nulls(req_size))
597    req = SimpleRequest.new(response_type: :COMPRESSABLE,
598			    response_size: wanted_response_size,
599			    payload: payload)
601    op = @stub.unary_call(req, metadata: metadata, return_op: true)
602    op.execute
603    if not op.metadata.has_key?(initial_metadata_key)
604      fail AssertionError, "Expected initial metadata. None received"
605    elsif op.metadata[initial_metadata_key] != metadata[initial_metadata_key]
606      fail AssertionError,
607             "Expected initial metadata: #{metadata[initial_metadata_key]}. "\
608             "Received: #{op.metadata[initial_metadata_key]}"
609    end
610    if not op.trailing_metadata.has_key?(trailing_metadata_key)
611      fail AssertionError, "Expected trailing metadata. None received"
612    elsif op.trailing_metadata[trailing_metadata_key] !=
613          metadata[trailing_metadata_key]
614      fail AssertionError,
615            "Expected trailing metadata: #{metadata[trailing_metadata_key]}. "\
616            "Received: #{op.trailing_metadata[trailing_metadata_key]}"
617    end
619    # Testing with FullDuplex
620    req_cls, p_cls = StreamingOutputCallRequest, ResponseParameters
621    duplex_req = req_cls.new(payload: Payload.new(body: nulls(req_size)),
622                  response_type: :COMPRESSABLE,
623                  response_parameters: [p_cls.new(size: wanted_response_size)])
625    duplex_op = @stub.full_duplex_call([duplex_req], metadata: metadata,
626                                        return_op: true)
627    resp = duplex_op.execute
628    resp.each { |r| } # ensures that the server sends trailing data
629    duplex_op.wait
630    if not duplex_op.metadata.has_key?(initial_metadata_key)
631      fail AssertionError, "Expected initial metadata. None received"
632    elsif duplex_op.metadata[initial_metadata_key] !=
633          metadata[initial_metadata_key]
634      fail AssertionError,
635             "Expected initial metadata: #{metadata[initial_metadata_key]}. "\
636             "Received: #{duplex_op.metadata[initial_metadata_key]}"
637    end
638    if not duplex_op.trailing_metadata[trailing_metadata_key]
639      fail AssertionError, "Expected trailing metadata. None received"
640    elsif duplex_op.trailing_metadata[trailing_metadata_key] !=
641          metadata[trailing_metadata_key]
642      fail AssertionError,
643          "Expected trailing metadata: #{metadata[trailing_metadata_key]}. "\
644          "Received: #{duplex_op.trailing_metadata[trailing_metadata_key]}"
645    end
647  end
649  def all
650    all_methods = NamedTests.instance_methods(false).map(&:to_s)
651    all_methods.each do |m|
652      next if m == 'all' || m.start_with?('assert')
653      p "TESTCASE: #{m}"
654      method(m).call
655    end
656  end
658  private
660  def perform_large_unary(fill_username: false, fill_oauth_scope: false, **kw)
661    req_size, wanted_response_size = 271_828, 314_159
662    payload = Payload.new(type: :COMPRESSABLE, body: nulls(req_size))
663    req = SimpleRequest.new(response_type: :COMPRESSABLE,
664                            response_size: wanted_response_size,
665                            payload: payload)
666    req.fill_username = fill_username
667    req.fill_oauth_scope = fill_oauth_scope
668    resp = @stub.unary_call(req, **kw)
669    assert('payload type is wrong') do
670      :COMPRESSABLE == resp.payload.type
671    end
672    assert('payload body has the wrong length') do
673      wanted_response_size == resp.payload.body.length
674    end
675    assert('payload body is invalid') do
676      nulls(wanted_response_size) == resp.payload.body
677    end
678    resp
679  end
681  # Send probing message for compressed request on the server, to see
682  # if it's implemented.
683  def send_probe_for_compressed_request_support(&send_probe)
684    bad_status_occurred = false
686    begin
687      send_probe.call
688    rescue GRPC::BadStatus => e
689      if e.code == GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::INVALID_ARGUMENT
690        bad_status_occurred = true
691      else
692        fail AssertionError, "Bad status received but code is #{e.code}"
693      end
694    rescue Exception => e
695      fail AssertionError, "Expected BadStatus. Received: #{e.inspect}"
696    end
698    assert('CompressedRequest probe failed') do
699      bad_status_occurred
700    end
701  end
705# Args is used to hold the command line info.
706Args = Struct.new(:default_service_account, :host, :host_override,
707                  :oauth_scope, :port, :secure, :test_case,
708                  :use_test_ca)
710# validates the command line options, returning them as a Hash.
711def parse_args
712  args = Args.new
713  args.host_override = 'foo.test.google.fr'
714  OptionParser.new do |opts|
715    opts.on('--oauth_scope scope',
716            'Scope for OAuth tokens') { |v| args['oauth_scope'] = v }
717    opts.on('--server_host SERVER_HOST', 'server hostname') do |v|
718      args['host'] = v
719    end
720    opts.on('--default_service_account email_address',
721            'email address of the default service account') do |v|
722      args['default_service_account'] = v
723    end
724    opts.on('--server_host_override HOST_OVERRIDE',
725            'override host via a HTTP header') do |v|
726      args['host_override'] = v
727    end
728    opts.on('--server_port SERVER_PORT', 'server port') { |v| args['port'] = v }
729    # instance_methods(false) gives only the methods defined in that class
730    test_cases = NamedTests.instance_methods(false).map(&:to_s)
731    test_case_list = test_cases.join(',')
732    opts.on('--test_case CODE', test_cases, {}, 'select a test_case',
733            "  (#{test_case_list})") { |v| args['test_case'] = v }
734    opts.on('--use_tls USE_TLS', ['false', 'true'],
735            'require a secure connection?') do |v|
736      args['secure'] = v == 'true'
737    end
738    opts.on('--use_test_ca USE_TEST_CA', ['false', 'true'],
739            'if secure, use the test certificate?') do |v|
740      args['use_test_ca'] = v == 'true'
741    end
742  end.parse!
743  _check_args(args)
746def _check_args(args)
747  %w(host port test_case).each do |a|
748    if args[a].nil?
749      fail(OptionParser::MissingArgument, "please specify --#{a}")
750    end
751  end
752  args
755def main
756  opts = parse_args
757  stub = create_stub(opts)
758  NamedTests.new(stub, opts).method(opts['test_case']).call
759  p "OK: #{opts['test_case']}"
762if __FILE__ == $0
763  main