1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
20 #include <stddef.h>
21 #include <stdint.h>
23 #include <array>
24 #include <atomic>
25 #include <bitset>
26 #include <list>
27 #include <map>
28 #include <memory>
29 #include <vector>
31 #include "perfetto/ext/base/scoped_file.h"
32 #include "perfetto/ext/base/thread_checker.h"
33 #include "perfetto/ext/tracing/core/basic_types.h"
34 #include "perfetto/ext/tracing/core/consumer.h"
35 #include "perfetto/ext/tracing/core/producer.h"
36 #include "perfetto/tracing/core/data_source_descriptor.h"
37 #include "perfetto/tracing/core/forward_decls.h"
38 #include "perfetto/tracing/core/trace_config.h"
39 #include "perfetto/tracing/internal/basic_types.h"
40 #include "perfetto/tracing/internal/tracing_muxer.h"
41 #include "perfetto/tracing/tracing.h"
43 #include "protos/perfetto/common/interceptor_descriptor.gen.h"
45 namespace perfetto {
47 class ConsumerEndpoint;
48 class DataSourceBase;
49 class ProducerEndpoint;
50 class TraceWriterBase;
51 class TracingBackend;
52 class TracingSession;
53 struct TracingInitArgs;
55 namespace base {
56 class TaskRunner;
57 }
59 namespace internal {
61 struct DataSourceStaticState;
63 // This class acts as a bridge between the public API and the TracingBackend(s).
64 // It exposes a simplified view of the world to the API methods handling all the
65 // bookkeeping to map data source instances and trace writers to the various
66 // backends. It deals with N data sources, M backends (1 backend == 1 tracing
67 // service == 1 producer connection) and T concurrent tracing sessions.
68 //
69 // Handing data source registration and start/stop flows [producer side]:
70 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
71 // 1. The API client subclasses perfetto::DataSource and calls
72 //    DataSource::Register<MyDataSource>(). In turn this calls into the
73 //    TracingMuxer.
74 // 2. The tracing muxer iterates through all the backends (1 backend == 1
75 //    service == 1 producer connection) and registers the data source on each
76 //    backend.
77 // 3. When any (services behind a) backend starts tracing and requests to start
78 //    that specific data source, the TracingMuxerImpl constructs a new instance
79 //    of MyDataSource and calls the OnStart() method.
80 //
81 // Controlling trace and retrieving trace data [consumer side]:
82 // ------------------------------------------------------------
83 // 1. The API client calls Tracing::NewTrace(), returns a RAII TracingSession
84 //    object.
85 // 2. NewTrace() calls into internal::TracingMuxer(Impl). TracingMuxer
86 //    subclasses the TracingSession object (TracingSessionImpl) and returns it.
87 // 3. The tracing muxer identifies the backend (according to the args passed to
88 //    NewTrace), creates a new Consumer and connects to it.
89 // 4. When the API client calls Start()/Stop()/ReadTrace() methods, the
90 //    TracingMuxer forwards them to the consumer associated to the
91 //    TracingSession. Likewise for callbacks coming from the consumer-side of
92 //    the service.
93 class TracingMuxerImpl : public TracingMuxer {
94  public:
95   // This is different than TracingSessionID because it's global across all
96   // backends. TracingSessionID is global only within the scope of one service.
97   using TracingSessionGlobalID = uint64_t;
99   static void InitializeInstance(const TracingInitArgs&);
101   // TracingMuxer implementation.
102   bool RegisterDataSource(const DataSourceDescriptor&,
103                           DataSourceFactory,
104                           DataSourceStaticState*) override;
105   std::unique_ptr<TraceWriterBase> CreateTraceWriter(
106       DataSourceStaticState*,
107       uint32_t data_source_instance_index,
108       DataSourceState*,
109       BufferExhaustedPolicy buffer_exhausted_policy) override;
110   void DestroyStoppedTraceWritersForCurrentThread() override;
111   void RegisterInterceptor(const InterceptorDescriptor&,
112                            InterceptorFactory,
113                            InterceptorBase::TLSFactory,
114                            InterceptorBase::TracePacketCallback) override;
116   std::unique_ptr<TracingSession> CreateTracingSession(BackendType);
118   // Producer-side bookkeeping methods.
119   void UpdateDataSourcesOnAllBackends();
120   void SetupDataSource(TracingBackendId,
121                        uint32_t backend_connection_id,
122                        DataSourceInstanceID,
123                        const DataSourceConfig&);
124   void StartDataSource(TracingBackendId, DataSourceInstanceID);
125   void StopDataSource_AsyncBegin(TracingBackendId, DataSourceInstanceID);
126   void StopDataSource_AsyncEnd(TracingBackendId, DataSourceInstanceID);
127   void ClearDataSourceIncrementalState(TracingBackendId, DataSourceInstanceID);
128   void SyncProducersForTesting();
130   // Consumer-side bookkeeping methods.
131   void SetupTracingSession(TracingSessionGlobalID,
132                            const std::shared_ptr<TraceConfig>&,
133                            base::ScopedFile trace_fd = base::ScopedFile());
134   void StartTracingSession(TracingSessionGlobalID);
135   void ChangeTracingSessionConfig(TracingSessionGlobalID, const TraceConfig&);
136   void StopTracingSession(TracingSessionGlobalID);
137   void DestroyTracingSession(TracingSessionGlobalID);
138   void FlushTracingSession(TracingSessionGlobalID,
139                            uint32_t,
140                            std::function<void(bool)>);
141   void ReadTracingSessionData(
142       TracingSessionGlobalID,
143       std::function<void(TracingSession::ReadTraceCallbackArgs)>);
144   void GetTraceStats(TracingSessionGlobalID,
145                      TracingSession::GetTraceStatsCallback);
146   void QueryServiceState(TracingSessionGlobalID,
147                          TracingSession::QueryServiceStateCallback);
149   // Sets the batching period to |batch_commits_duration_ms| on the backends
150   // with type |backend_type|.
151   void SetBatchCommitsDurationForTesting(uint32_t batch_commits_duration_ms,
152                                          BackendType backend_type);
154   // Enables direct SMB patching on the backends with type |backend_type| (see
155   // SharedMemoryArbiter::EnableDirectSMBPatching). Returns true if the
156   // operation succeeded for all backends with type |backend_type|, false
157   // otherwise.
158   bool EnableDirectSMBPatchingForTesting(BackendType backend_type);
160   void SetMaxProducerReconnectionsForTesting(uint32_t count);
162  private:
163   // For each TracingBackend we create and register one ProducerImpl instance.
164   // This talks to the producer-side of the service, gets start/stop requests
165   // from it and routes them to the registered data sources.
166   // One ProducerImpl == one backend == one tracing service.
167   // This class is needed to disambiguate callbacks coming from different
168   // services. TracingMuxerImpl can't directly implement the Producer interface
169   // because the Producer virtual methods don't allow to identify the service.
170   class ProducerImpl : public Producer {
171    public:
172     ProducerImpl(TracingMuxerImpl*,
173                  TracingBackendId,
174                  uint32_t shmem_batch_commits_duration_ms);
175     ~ProducerImpl() override;
177     void Initialize(std::unique_ptr<ProducerEndpoint> endpoint);
178     void RegisterDataSource(const DataSourceDescriptor&,
179                             DataSourceFactory,
180                             DataSourceStaticState*);
182     // perfetto::Producer implementation.
183     void OnConnect() override;
184     void OnDisconnect() override;
185     void OnTracingSetup() override;
186     void SetupDataSource(DataSourceInstanceID,
187                          const DataSourceConfig&) override;
188     void StartDataSource(DataSourceInstanceID,
189                          const DataSourceConfig&) override;
190     void StopDataSource(DataSourceInstanceID) override;
191     void Flush(FlushRequestID, const DataSourceInstanceID*, size_t) override;
192     void ClearIncrementalState(const DataSourceInstanceID*, size_t) override;
194     void SweepDeadServices();
196     PERFETTO_THREAD_CHECKER(thread_checker_)
197     TracingMuxerImpl* const muxer_;
198     TracingBackendId const backend_id_;
199     bool connected_ = false;
200     uint32_t connection_id_ = 0;
202     const uint32_t shmem_batch_commits_duration_ms_ = 0;
204     // Set of data sources that have been actually registered on this producer.
205     // This can be a subset of the global |data_sources_|, because data sources
206     // can register before the producer is fully connected.
207     std::bitset<kMaxDataSources> registered_data_sources_{};
209     // A collection of disconnected service endpoints. Since trace writers on
210     // arbitrary threads might continue writing data to disconnected services,
211     // we keep the old services around and periodically try to clean up ones
212     // that no longer have any writers (see SweepDeadServices).
213     std::list<std::shared_ptr<ProducerEndpoint>> dead_services_;
215     // The currently active service endpoint is maintained as an atomic shared
216     // pointer so it won't get deleted from underneath threads that are creating
217     // trace writers. At any given time one endpoint can be shared (and thus
218     // kept alive) by the |service_| pointer, an entry in |dead_services_| and
219     // as a pointer on the stack in CreateTraceWriter() (on an arbitrary
220     // thread). The endpoint is never shared outside ProducerImpl itself.
221     //
222     // WARNING: Any *write* access to this variable or any *read* access from a
223     // non-muxer thread must be done through std::atomic_{load,store} to avoid
224     // data races.
225     std::shared_ptr<ProducerEndpoint> service_;  // Keep last.
226   };
228   // For each TracingSession created by the API client (Tracing::NewTrace() we
229   // create and register one ConsumerImpl instance.
230   // This talks to the consumer-side of the service, gets end-of-trace and
231   // on-trace-data callbacks and routes them to the API client callbacks.
232   // This class is needed to disambiguate callbacks coming from different
233   // tracing sessions.
234   class ConsumerImpl : public Consumer {
235    public:
236     ConsumerImpl(TracingMuxerImpl*,
237                  BackendType,
238                  TracingBackendId,
239                  TracingSessionGlobalID);
240     ~ConsumerImpl() override;
242     void Initialize(std::unique_ptr<ConsumerEndpoint> endpoint);
244     // perfetto::Consumer implementation.
245     void OnConnect() override;
246     void OnDisconnect() override;
247     void OnTracingDisabled(const std::string& error) override;
248     void OnTraceData(std::vector<TracePacket>, bool has_more) override;
249     void OnDetach(bool success) override;
250     void OnAttach(bool success, const TraceConfig&) override;
251     void OnTraceStats(bool success, const TraceStats&) override;
252     void OnObservableEvents(const ObservableEvents&) override;
254     void NotifyStartComplete();
255     void NotifyError(const TracingError&);
256     void NotifyStopComplete();
258     // Will eventually inform the |muxer_| when it is safe to remove |this|.
259     void Disconnect();
261     TracingMuxerImpl* const muxer_;
262     BackendType const backend_type_;
263     TracingBackendId const backend_id_;
264     TracingSessionGlobalID const session_id_;
265     bool connected_ = false;
267     // This is to handle the case where the Setup call from the API client
268     // arrives before the consumer has connected. In this case we keep around
269     // the config and check if we have it after connection.
270     bool start_pending_ = false;
272     // Similarly if the session is stopped before the consumer was connected, we
273     // need to wait until the session has started before stopping it.
274     bool stop_pending_ = false;
276     // Similarly we need to buffer a call to get trace statistics if the
277     // consumer wasn't connected yet.
278     bool get_trace_stats_pending_ = false;
280     // Whether this session was already stopped. This will happen in response to
281     // Stop{,Blocking}, but also if the service stops the session for us
282     // automatically (e.g., when there are no data sources).
283     bool stopped_ = false;
285     // shared_ptr because it's posted across threads. This is to avoid copying
286     // it more than once.
287     std::shared_ptr<TraceConfig> trace_config_;
288     base::ScopedFile trace_fd_;
290     // If the API client passes a callback to start, we should invoke this when
291     // NotifyStartComplete() is invoked.
292     std::function<void()> start_complete_callback_;
294     // An internal callback used to implement StartBlocking().
295     std::function<void()> blocking_start_complete_callback_;
297     // If the API client passes a callback to get notification about the
298     // errors, we should invoke this when NotifyError() is invoked.
299     std::function<void(TracingError)> error_callback_;
301     // If the API client passes a callback to stop, we should invoke this when
302     // OnTracingDisabled() is invoked.
303     std::function<void()> stop_complete_callback_;
305     // An internal callback used to implement StopBlocking().
306     std::function<void()> blocking_stop_complete_callback_;
308     // Callback passed to ReadTrace().
309     std::function<void(TracingSession::ReadTraceCallbackArgs)>
310         read_trace_callback_;
312     // Callback passed to GetTraceStats().
313     TracingSession::GetTraceStatsCallback get_trace_stats_callback_;
315     // Callback for a pending call to QueryServiceState().
316     TracingSession::QueryServiceStateCallback query_service_state_callback_;
318     // The states of all data sources in this tracing session. |true| means the
319     // data source has started tracing.
320     using DataSourceHandle = std::pair<std::string, std::string>;
321     std::map<DataSourceHandle, bool> data_source_states_;
323     std::unique_ptr<ConsumerEndpoint> service_;  // Keep before last.
324     PERFETTO_THREAD_CHECKER(thread_checker_)     // Keep last.
325   };
327   // This object is returned to API clients when they call
328   // Tracing::CreateTracingSession().
329   class TracingSessionImpl : public TracingSession {
330    public:
331     TracingSessionImpl(TracingMuxerImpl*, TracingSessionGlobalID, BackendType);
332     ~TracingSessionImpl() override;
333     void Setup(const TraceConfig&, int fd) override;
334     void Start() override;
335     void StartBlocking() override;
336     void SetOnStartCallback(std::function<void()>) override;
337     void SetOnErrorCallback(std::function<void(TracingError)>) override;
338     void Stop() override;
339     void StopBlocking() override;
340     void Flush(std::function<void(bool)>, uint32_t timeout_ms) override;
341     void ReadTrace(ReadTraceCallback) override;
342     void SetOnStopCallback(std::function<void()>) override;
343     void GetTraceStats(GetTraceStatsCallback) override;
344     void QueryServiceState(QueryServiceStateCallback) override;
345     void ChangeTraceConfig(const TraceConfig&) override;
347    private:
348     TracingMuxerImpl* const muxer_;
349     TracingSessionGlobalID const session_id_;
350     BackendType const backend_type_;
351   };
353   struct RegisteredDataSource {
354     DataSourceDescriptor descriptor;
355     DataSourceFactory factory{};
356     DataSourceStaticState* static_state = nullptr;
357   };
359   struct RegisteredInterceptor {
360     protos::gen::InterceptorDescriptor descriptor;
361     InterceptorFactory factory{};
362     InterceptorBase::TLSFactory tls_factory{};
363     InterceptorBase::TracePacketCallback packet_callback{};
364   };
366   struct RegisteredBackend {
367     // Backends are supposed to have static lifetime.
368     TracingBackend* backend = nullptr;
369     TracingBackendId id = 0;
370     BackendType type{};
372     TracingBackend::ConnectProducerArgs producer_conn_args;
373     std::unique_ptr<ProducerImpl> producer;
375     // The calling code can request more than one concurrently active tracing
376     // session for the same backend. We need to create one consumer per session.
377     std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ConsumerImpl>> consumers;
378   };
380   explicit TracingMuxerImpl(const TracingInitArgs&);
381   void Initialize(const TracingInitArgs& args);
382   ConsumerImpl* FindConsumer(TracingSessionGlobalID session_id);
383   void InitializeConsumer(TracingSessionGlobalID session_id);
384   void OnConsumerDisconnected(ConsumerImpl* consumer);
385   void OnProducerDisconnected(ProducerImpl* producer);
387   struct FindDataSourceRes {
388     FindDataSourceRes() = default;
FindDataSourceResFindDataSourceRes389     FindDataSourceRes(DataSourceStaticState* a, DataSourceState* b, uint32_t c)
390         : static_state(a), internal_state(b), instance_idx(c) {}
391     explicit operator bool() const { return !!internal_state; }
393     DataSourceStaticState* static_state = nullptr;
394     DataSourceState* internal_state = nullptr;
395     uint32_t instance_idx = 0;
396   };
397   FindDataSourceRes FindDataSource(TracingBackendId, DataSourceInstanceID);
399   std::unique_ptr<base::TaskRunner> task_runner_;
400   std::vector<RegisteredDataSource> data_sources_;
401   std::vector<RegisteredBackend> backends_;
402   std::vector<RegisteredInterceptor> interceptors_;
403   TracingPolicy* policy_ = nullptr;
405   std::atomic<TracingSessionGlobalID> next_tracing_session_id_{};
407   // Maximum number of times we will try to reconnect producer backend.
408   // Should only be modified for testing purposes.
409   std::atomic<uint32_t> max_producer_reconnections_{100u};
411   PERFETTO_THREAD_CHECKER(thread_checker_)
412 };
414 }  // namespace internal
415 }  // namespace perfetto