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1 /* Copyright 2020 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
3 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 You may obtain a copy of the License at
7     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 limitations under the License.
14 ==============================================================================*/
19 #include <memory>
20 #include <vector>
22 #include "absl/status/status.h"
23 #include "absl/types/optional.h"
24 #include "absl/types/variant.h"
25 #include "tensorflow_lite_support/cc/port/integral_types.h"
26 #include "tensorflow_lite_support/cc/task/vision/core/frame_buffer.h"
27 #include "tensorflow_lite_support/cc/task/vision/proto/bounding_box_proto_inc.h"
28 #include "tensorflow_lite_support/cc/task/vision/utils/frame_buffer_utils_interface.h"
30 namespace tflite {
31 namespace task {
32 namespace vision {
34 // Returns the minimal buffer size for a plane in bytes based on the given
35 // format and dimensions.
36 int GetBufferByteSize(FrameBuffer::Dimension dimension,
37                       FrameBuffer::Format format);
39 // Rotates the `from_box` in `from_orientation` to `to_orientation` within an
40 // image of size `from_dimension`.
41 BoundingBox OrientBoundingBox(const BoundingBox& from_box,
42                               FrameBuffer::Orientation from_orientation,
43                               FrameBuffer::Orientation to_orientation,
44                               FrameBuffer::Dimension from_dimension);
46 // Same as OrientBoundingBox but from normalized coordinates.
47 BoundingBox OrientAndDenormalizeBoundingBox(
48     float from_left, float from_top, float from_right, float from_bottom,
49     FrameBuffer::Orientation from_orientation,
50     FrameBuffer::Orientation to_orientation,
51     FrameBuffer::Dimension from_dimension);
53 // Rotates `(from_x, from_y)` coordinates from an image of dimension
54 // `from_dimension` and orientation `from_orientation` into `(to_x, to_y)`
55 // coordinates with orientation `to_orientation`.
56 void OrientCoordinates(int from_x, int from_y,
57                        FrameBuffer::Orientation from_orientation,
58                        FrameBuffer::Orientation to_orientation,
59                        FrameBuffer::Dimension from_dimension, int* to_x,
60                        int* to_y);
62 // Returns whether the conversion from from_orientation to to_orientation
63 // requires 90 or 270 degrees rotation.
64 bool RequireDimensionSwap(FrameBuffer::Orientation from_orientation,
65                           FrameBuffer::Orientation to_orientation);
67 // Structure to express parameters needed to achieve orientation conversion.
68 struct OrientParams {
69   // Counterclockwise rotation angle in degrees. This is expressed as a
70   // multiple of 90 degrees.
71   int rotation_angle_deg;
72   // Flipping operation. It must come after the rotation.
73   enum class FlipType { kHorizontal, kVertical };
74   absl::optional<FlipType> flip;
75 };
77 // Returns rotation angle and the need for horizontal flipping or vertical
78 // flipping.
79 OrientParams GetOrientParams(FrameBuffer::Orientation from_orientation,
80                              FrameBuffer::Orientation to_orientation);
82 // The parameters needed to crop / resize.
83 //
84 // The coordinate system has its origin at the upper left corner, and
85 // positive values extend down and to the right from it.
86 //
87 // After the operation, the `crop_origin` will become the new origin.
88 // `crop_width` and `crop_height` defines the desired cropping region. After
89 // cropping, a resize is performed based on the `resize_width` and
90 // `resize_height`.
91 //
92 // To perform just cropping, the `crop_width` and `crop_height` should be the
93 // same as `resize_width` `and resize_height`.
94 struct CropResizeOperation {
CropResizeOperationCropResizeOperation95   CropResizeOperation(int crop_origin_x, int crop_origin_y,
96                       FrameBuffer::Dimension crop_dimension,
97                       FrameBuffer::Dimension resize_dimension)
98       : crop_origin_x(crop_origin_x),
99         crop_origin_y(crop_origin_y),
100         crop_dimension(crop_dimension),
101         resize_dimension(resize_dimension) {}
103   int crop_origin_x;
104   int crop_origin_y;
105   FrameBuffer::Dimension crop_dimension;
106   FrameBuffer::Dimension resize_dimension;
107 };
109 // The parameters needed to convert to the specified format.
110 struct ConvertOperation {
ConvertOperationConvertOperation111   explicit ConvertOperation(FrameBuffer::Format to_format)
112       : to_format(to_format) {}
113   FrameBuffer::Format to_format;
114 };
116 // The parameters needed to change the orientation.
117 struct OrientOperation {
OrientOperationOrientOperation118   explicit OrientOperation(FrameBuffer::Orientation to_orientation)
119       : to_orientation(to_orientation) {}
120   FrameBuffer::Orientation to_orientation;
121 };
123 // A variant of the supported operations on FrameBuffers. Alias for user
124 // convenience.
125 using FrameBufferOperation =
126     absl::variant<CropResizeOperation, ConvertOperation, OrientOperation>;
128 // Image processing utility. This utility provides both basic image buffer
129 // manipulations (e.g. rotation, format conversion, resizing, etc) as well as
130 // capability for chaining pipeline executions. The actual buffer processing
131 // engine is configurable to allow optimization based on platforms.
132 //
133 // Examples:
134 //
135 //  // Create an instance of FrameBufferUtils with Halide processing engine.
136 //  std::unique_ptr<FrameBufferUtils> utils = FrameBufferUtils::Create(kHalide);
137 //
138 //  // Perform single basic operation by each individual call.
139 //  std::unique_ptr<FrameBuffer> input = FrameBuffer::Create(...);
140 //  std::unique_ptr<FrameBuffer> output = FrameBuffer::Create(...);
141 //  utils->Orient(*input, output.get());
142 //  utils->Resize(*input, output.get());
143 //
144 //  // Chaining processing operations.
145 //  const std::vector<FrameBufferOperation> operations = {
146 //      ConvertOperation(FrameBuffer::Format::kNV21),
147 //      CropResizeOperation(/*crop_origin_x=*/20, /*crop_origin_y=*/20,
148 //                          /*crop_width=*/10, /*crop_height=*/10,
149 //                          /*resize_width=*/10, /*resize_height=*/10),
150 //      OrientOperation(FrameBuffer::Orientation::kLeftTop)};
151 //  utils->Execute(*input, operations, output.get());
152 class FrameBufferUtils {
153  public:
154   // Counter-clockwise rotation in degree.
155   enum class RotationDegree { k0 = 0, k90 = 1, k180 = 2, k270 = 3 };
157   // Underlying process engine used for performing operations.
158   enum class ProcessEngine {
159     kLibyuv,
160   };
162   // Factory method FrameBufferUtils instance. The processing engine is
163   // defined by `engine`.
Create(ProcessEngine engine)164   static std::unique_ptr<FrameBufferUtils> Create(ProcessEngine engine) {
165     return absl::make_unique<FrameBufferUtils>(engine);
166   }
168   explicit FrameBufferUtils(ProcessEngine engine);
170   // Performs cropping operation.
171   //
172   // The coordinate system has its origin at the upper left corner, and
173   // positive values extend down and to the right from it. After cropping,
174   // (x0, y0) becomes (0, 0). The new width and height are
175   // (x1 - x0 + 1, y1 - y0 + 1).
176   //
177   // The `output_buffer` should have metadata populated and its backing buffer
178   // should be big enough to store the operation result. If the `output_buffer`
179   // size dimension does not match with crop dimension, then a resize is
180   // automatically performed.
181   absl::Status Crop(const FrameBuffer& buffer, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1,
182                     FrameBuffer* output_buffer);
184   // Performs resizing operation.
185   //
186   // The resize dimension is determined based on output_buffer's size metadata.
187   //
188   // The output_buffer should have metadata populated and its backing buffer
189   // should be big enough to store the operation result.
190   absl::Status Resize(const FrameBuffer& buffer, FrameBuffer* output_buffer);
192   // Performs rotation operation.
193   //
194   // The rotation is specified in counter-clockwise direction.
195   //
196   // The output_buffer should have metadata populated and its backing buffer
197   // should be big enough to store the operation result.
198   absl::Status Rotate(const FrameBuffer& buffer, RotationDegree rotation,
199                       FrameBuffer* output_buffer);
201   // Performs horizontal flip operation.
202   //
203   // The `output_buffer` should have metadata populated and its backing buffer
204   // should be big enough to store the operation result.
205   absl::Status FlipHorizontally(const FrameBuffer& buffer,
206                                 FrameBuffer* output_buffer);
208   // Performs vertical flip operation.
209   //
210   // The `output_buffer` should have metadata populated and its backing buffer
211   // should be big enough to store the operation result.
212   absl::Status FlipVertically(const FrameBuffer& buffer,
213                               FrameBuffer* output_buffer);
215   // Performs buffer format conversion.
216   //
217   // The `output_buffer` should have metadata populated and its backing buffer
218   // should be big enough to store the operation result.
219   absl::Status Convert(const FrameBuffer& buffer, FrameBuffer* output_buffer);
221   // Performs buffer orientation conversion. Depends on the orientations, this
222   // method may perform rotation and optional flipping operations.
223   //
224   // If `buffer` and `output_buffer` has the same orientation, then a copy
225   // operation will performed.
226   //
227   // The `output_buffer` should have metadata populated and its backing buffer
228   // should be big enough to store the operation result.
229   absl::Status Orient(const FrameBuffer& buffer, FrameBuffer* output_buffer);
231   // Performs the image processing operations specified, in that order.
232   //
233   // The `output_buffer` should have metadata populated and its backing buffer
234   // should be big enough to store the operation result.
235   absl::Status Execute(const FrameBuffer& buffer,
236                        const std::vector<FrameBufferOperation>& operations,
237                        FrameBuffer* output_buffer);
239   // Performs a chain of operations to convert `buffer` to desired metadata
240   // (width, height, format, orientation) defined by `output_buffer` and
241   // optional cropping (`bounding_box`).
242   //
243   // Internally, a chain of operations is constructed. For performance
244   // optimization, operations are performed in the following order: crop,
245   // resize, convert color space format, and rotate.
246   //
247   // The `output_buffer` should have metadata populated and its backing buffer
248   // should be big enough to store the operation result. Insufficient backing
249   // buffer size may cause garbage result or crash. Use `GetBufferByteSize` to
250   // calculate the minimal buffer size.
251   //
252   // If the `buffer` is already in desired format, then an extra copy will be
253   // performed.
254   //
255   // The input param `bounding_box` is defined in the `buffer` coordinate space.
256   absl::Status Preprocess(const FrameBuffer& buffer,
257                           absl::optional<BoundingBox> bounding_box,
258                           FrameBuffer* output_buffer);
260  private:
261   // Returns the new FrameBuffer size after the operation is applied.
262   FrameBuffer::Dimension GetSize(const FrameBuffer& buffer,
263                                  const FrameBufferOperation& operation);
265   // Returns the new FrameBuffer orientation after command is processed.
266   FrameBuffer::Orientation GetOrientation(
267       const FrameBuffer& buffer, const FrameBufferOperation& operation);
269   // Returns the new FrameBuffer format after command is processed.
270   FrameBuffer::Format GetFormat(const FrameBuffer& buffer,
271                                 const FrameBufferOperation& operation);
273   // Returns Plane struct based on one dimension buffer and its metadata. If
274   // an error occurred, it will return an empty vector.
275   std::vector<FrameBuffer::Plane> GetPlanes(const uint8* buffer,
276                                             FrameBuffer::Dimension dimension,
277                                             FrameBuffer::Format format);
279   // Executes command with params.
280   absl::Status Execute(const FrameBuffer& buffer,
281                        const FrameBufferOperation& operation,
282                        FrameBuffer* output_buffer);
284   // Execution engine conforms to FrameBufferUtilsInterface.
285   std::unique_ptr<FrameBufferUtilsInterface> utils_;
286 };
288 }  // namespace vision
289 }  // namespace task
290 }  // namespace tflite