1 /* stat.c : display file or file system status
2  * Copyright 2012 <warior.linux@gmail.com>
3  * Copyright 2013 <anand.sinha85@gmail.com>
5 USE_STAT(NEWTOY(stat, "<1c:(format)fLt", TOYFLAG_BIN))
7 config STAT
8   bool stat
9   default y
10   help
11     usage: stat [-tfL] [-c FORMAT] FILE...
13     Display status of files or filesystems.
15     -c	Output specified FORMAT string instead of default
16     -f	Display filesystem status instead of file status
17     -L	Follow symlinks
18     -t	terse (-c "%n %s %b %f %u %g %D %i %h %t %T %X %Y %Z %o")
19     	      (with -f = -c "%n %i %l %t %s %S %b %f %a %c %d")
21     The valid format escape sequences for files:
22     %a  Access bits (octal) |%A  Access bits (flags)|%b  Size/512
23     %B  Bytes per %b (512)  |%C  Security context   |%d  Device ID (dec)
24     %D  Device ID (hex)     |%f  All mode bits (hex)|%F  File type
25     %g  Group ID            |%G  Group name         |%h  Hard links
26     %i  Inode               |%m  Mount point        |%n  Filename
27     %N  Long filename       |%o  I/O block size     |%s  Size (bytes)
28     %t  Devtype major (hex) |%T  Devtype minor (hex)|%u  User ID
29     %U  User name           |%x  Access time        |%X  Access unix time
30     %y  Modification time   |%Y  Mod unix time      |%z  Creation time
31     %Z  Creation unix time
33     The valid format escape sequences for filesystems:
34     %a  Available blocks    |%b  Total blocks       |%c  Total inodes
35     %d  Free inodes         |%f  Free blocks        |%i  File system ID
36     %l  Max filename length |%n  File name          |%s  Best transfer size
37     %S  Actual block size   |%t  FS type (hex)      |%T  FS type (driver name)
38 */
40 #define FOR_stat
41 #include "toys.h"
44   char *c;
46   union {
47     struct stat st;
48     struct statfs sf;
49   } stat;
50   char *file, *pattern;
51   int patlen;
52 )
54 // Force numeric output to long long instead of manually typecasting everything
55 // and safely parse length prefix
out(char c,long long val)56 static void out(char c, long long val)
57 {
58   sprintf(toybuf, "%.*sll%c", TT.patlen, TT.pattern, c);
59   printf(toybuf, val);
60 }
62 // Output string with parsed length prefix
strout(char * val)63 static void strout(char *val)
64 {
65   sprintf(toybuf, "%.*ss", TT.patlen, TT.pattern);
66   printf(toybuf, val);
67 }
date_stat_format(struct timespec * ts)69 static void date_stat_format(struct timespec *ts)
70 {
71   strout(format_iso_time(toybuf+128, sizeof(toybuf)-128, ts));
72 }
print_stat(char type)74 static void print_stat(char type)
75 {
76   struct stat *stat = (struct stat *)&TT.stat;
78   if (type == 'a') out('o', stat->st_mode&~S_IFMT);
79   else if (type == 'A') {
80     char str[11];
82     mode_to_string(stat->st_mode, str);
83     strout(str);
84   } else if (type == 'b') out('u', stat->st_blocks);
85   else if (type == 'B') out('d', 512);
86   else if (type == 'C') {
87     char *context = NULL;
89     strout(lsm_get_context(TT.file, &context) != -1 ? context : "?");
90     free(context);
91   } else if (type == 'd') out('d', stat->st_dev);
92   else if (type == 'D') out('x', stat->st_dev);
93   else if (type == 'f') out('x', stat->st_mode);
94   else if (type == 'F') {
95     char *t = "character device\0directory\0block device\0" \
96               "regular file\0symbolic link\0socket\0FIFO (named pipe)";
97     int i, filetype = stat->st_mode & S_IFMT;
99     for (i = 1; filetype != (i*8192) && i < 7; i++) t += strlen(t)+1;
100     if (!stat->st_size && filetype == S_IFREG) t = "regular empty file";
101     strout(t);
102   } else if (type == 'g') out('u', stat->st_gid);
103   else if (type == 'G') strout(getgroupname(stat->st_gid));
104   else if (type == 'h') out('u', stat->st_nlink);
105   else if (type == 'i') out('u', stat->st_ino);
106   else if (type == 'm') {
107     struct mtab_list *mt = xgetmountlist(0);
108     dev_t dev = stat->st_rdev ? stat->st_rdev : stat->st_dev;
110     // This mount point could exist multiple times, so show oldest.
111     for (dlist_terminate(mt); mt; mt = mt->next) if (mt->stat.st_dev == dev) {
112       strout(mt->dir);
113       break;
114     }
115     llist_traverse(mt, free);
116   } else if (type == 'N') {
117     printf("%s", TT.file);
118     if (S_ISLNK(stat->st_mode))
119       if (readlink0(TT.file, toybuf, sizeof(toybuf)))
120         printf(" -> '%s'", toybuf);
121   } else if (type == 'o') out('u', stat->st_blksize);
122   else if (type == 's') out('u', stat->st_size);
123   else if (type == 't') out('x', dev_major(stat->st_rdev));
124   else if (type == 'T') out('x', dev_minor(stat->st_rdev));
125   else if (type == 'u') out('u', stat->st_uid);
126   else if (type == 'U') strout(getusername(stat->st_uid));
127   else if (type == 'x') date_stat_format(&stat->st_atim);
128   else if (type == 'X') out('u', stat->st_atime);
129   else if (type == 'y') date_stat_format(&stat->st_mtim);
130   else if (type == 'Y') out('u', stat->st_mtime);
131   else if (type == 'z') date_stat_format(&stat->st_ctim);
132   else if (type == 'Z') out('u', stat->st_ctime);
133   else putchar('?');
134 }
print_statfs(char type)136 static void print_statfs(char type) {
137   struct statfs *statfs = (struct statfs *)&TT.stat;
139   if (type == 'a') out('u', statfs->f_bavail);
140   else if (type == 'b') out('u', statfs->f_blocks);
141   else if (type == 'c') out('u', statfs->f_files);
142   else if (type == 'd') out('u', statfs->f_ffree);
143   else if (type == 'f') out('u', statfs->f_bfree);
144   else if (type == 'l') out('d', pathconf(TT.file, _PC_NAME_MAX));
145   else if (type == 't') out('x', statfs->f_type);
146   else if (type == 'T') strout(fs_type_name(statfs));
147   else if (type == 'i') {
148     int *val = (int *) &statfs->f_fsid;
149     char buf[32];
151     sprintf(buf, "%08x%08x", val[0], val[1]);
152     strout(buf);
153   } else if (type == 's') out('d', statfs_bsize(statfs));
154   else if (type == 'S') out('d', statfs_frsize(statfs));
155   else strout("?");
156 }
stat_main(void)158 void stat_main(void)
159 {
160   int flagf = FLAG(f), i;
161   char *format, *f;
163   if (FLAG(t)) format = flagf
164     ? "%n %i %l %t %s %S %b %f %a %c %d"
165     : "%n %s %b %f %u %g %D %i %h %t %T %X %Y %Z %o";
166   else format = flagf
167     ? "  File: \"%n\"\n    ID: %i Namelen: %l    Type: %T\n"
168       "Block Size: %s    Fundamental block size: %S\n"
169       "Blocks: Total: %b\tFree: %f\tAvailable: %a\n"
170       "Inodes: Total: %c\tFree: %d"
171     : "  File: %N\n  Size: %s\t Blocks: %b\t IO Blocks: %B\t %F\n"
172       "Device: %Dh/%dd\t Inode: %i\t Links: %h\t Device type: %t,%T\n"
173       "Access: (%04a/%A)\tUid: (%5u/%8U)\tGid: (%5g/%8G)\n"
174       "Access: %x\nModify: %y\nChange: %z";
176   if (FLAG(c)) format = TT.c;
178   // loop through files listed on command line
179   for (i = 0; toys.optargs[i]; i++) {
181     // stat the file or filesystem
182     TT.file = toys.optargs[i];
183     if (flagf && !statfs(TT.file, (void *)&TT.stat));
184     else if (flagf || (FLAG(L) ? stat : lstat)(TT.file, (void *)&TT.stat)) {
185       perror_msg("'%s'", TT.file);
186       continue;
187     }
189     // parse format and print what it says
190     for (f = format; *f; f++) {
191       if (*f != '%' || !f[1]) putchar(*f);
192       else if (f[1]=='%') putchar(*f++);
193       else {
194         f = next_printf(f, &TT.pattern);
195         TT.patlen = f-TT.pattern;
196         if (!*f || TT.patlen>99) error_exit("bad %s", TT.pattern);
197         if (*f == 'n') strout(TT.file);
198         else if (flagf) print_statfs(*f);
199         else print_stat(*f);
200       }
201     }
202     xputc('\n');
203   }
204 }