1 // This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
2 // for linear algebra.
3 //
4 // Copyright (C) 2014 Benoit Steiner <benoit.steiner.goog@gmail.com>
5 //
6 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
7 // Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
8 // with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
13 namespace Eigen {
15 /** \class TensorExecutor
16   * \ingroup CXX11_Tensor_Module
17   *
18   * \brief The tensor executor class.
19   *
20   * This class is responsible for launch the evaluation of the expression on
21   * the specified computing device.
22   */
23 namespace internal {
25 // Default strategy: the expression is evaluated with a single cpu thread.
26 template<typename Expression, typename Device, bool Vectorizable>
27 class TensorExecutor
28 {
29  public:
30   typedef typename Expression::Index Index;
32   static inline void run(const Expression& expr, const Device& device = Device())
33   {
34     TensorEvaluator<Expression, Device> evaluator(expr, device);
35     const bool needs_assign = evaluator.evalSubExprsIfNeeded(NULL);
36     if (needs_assign)
37     {
38       const Index size = array_prod(evaluator.dimensions());
39       for (Index i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
40         evaluator.evalScalar(i);
41       }
42     }
43     evaluator.cleanup();
44   }
45 };
48 template<typename Expression>
49 class TensorExecutor<Expression, DefaultDevice, true>
50 {
51  public:
52   typedef typename Expression::Index Index;
54   static inline void run(const Expression& expr, const DefaultDevice& device = DefaultDevice())
55   {
56     TensorEvaluator<Expression, DefaultDevice> evaluator(expr, device);
57     const bool needs_assign = evaluator.evalSubExprsIfNeeded(NULL);
58     if (needs_assign)
59     {
60       const Index size = array_prod(evaluator.dimensions());
61       const int PacketSize = unpacket_traits<typename TensorEvaluator<Expression, DefaultDevice>::PacketReturnType>::size;
62       // Give the compiler a strong hint to unroll the loop. But don't insist
63       // on unrolling, because if the function is expensive the compiler should not
64       // unroll the loop at the expense of inlining.
65       const Index UnrolledSize = (size / (4 * PacketSize)) * 4 * PacketSize;
66       for (Index i = 0; i < UnrolledSize; i += 4*PacketSize) {
67         for (Index j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
68           evaluator.evalPacket(i + j * PacketSize);
69         }
70       }
71       const Index VectorizedSize = (size / PacketSize) * PacketSize;
72       for (Index i = UnrolledSize; i < VectorizedSize; i += PacketSize) {
73         evaluator.evalPacket(i);
74       }
75       for (Index i = VectorizedSize; i < size; ++i) {
76         evaluator.evalScalar(i);
77       }
78     }
79     evaluator.cleanup();
80   }
81 };
85 // Multicore strategy: the index space is partitioned and each partition is executed on a single core
87 template <typename Evaluator, typename Index, bool Vectorizable>
88 struct EvalRange {
runEvalRange89   static void run(Evaluator* evaluator_in, const Index first, const Index last) {
90     Evaluator evaluator = *evaluator_in;
91     eigen_assert(last >= first);
92     for (Index i = first; i < last; ++i) {
93       evaluator.evalScalar(i);
94     }
95   }
alignBlockSizeEvalRange97   static Index alignBlockSize(Index size) {
98     return size;
99   }
100 };
102 template <typename Evaluator, typename Index>
103 struct EvalRange<Evaluator, Index, true> {
104   static const int PacketSize = unpacket_traits<typename Evaluator::PacketReturnType>::size;
106   static void run(Evaluator* evaluator_in, const Index first, const Index last) {
107     Evaluator evaluator = *evaluator_in;
108     eigen_assert(last >= first);
109     Index i = first;
110     if (last - first >= PacketSize) {
111       eigen_assert(first % PacketSize == 0);
112       Index last_chunk_offset = last - 4 * PacketSize;
113       // Give the compiler a strong hint to unroll the loop. But don't insist
114       // on unrolling, because if the function is expensive the compiler should not
115       // unroll the loop at the expense of inlining.
116       for (; i <= last_chunk_offset; i += 4*PacketSize) {
117         for (Index j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
118           evaluator.evalPacket(i + j * PacketSize);
119         }
120       }
121       last_chunk_offset = last - PacketSize;
122       for (; i <= last_chunk_offset; i += PacketSize) {
123         evaluator.evalPacket(i);
124       }
125     }
126     for (; i < last; ++i) {
127       evaluator.evalScalar(i);
128     }
129   }
131   static Index alignBlockSize(Index size) {
132     // Align block size to packet size and account for unrolling in run above.
133     if (size >= 16 * PacketSize) {
134       return (size + 4 * PacketSize - 1) & ~(4 * PacketSize - 1);
135     }
136     // Aligning to 4 * PacketSize would increase block size by more than 25%.
137     return (size + PacketSize - 1) & ~(PacketSize - 1);
138   }
139 };
141 template <typename Expression, bool Vectorizable>
142 class TensorExecutor<Expression, ThreadPoolDevice, Vectorizable> {
143  public:
144   typedef typename Expression::Index Index;
145   static inline void run(const Expression& expr, const ThreadPoolDevice& device)
146   {
147     typedef TensorEvaluator<Expression, ThreadPoolDevice> Evaluator;
148     Evaluator evaluator(expr, device);
149     const bool needs_assign = evaluator.evalSubExprsIfNeeded(NULL);
150     if (needs_assign)
151     {
152       const Index size = array_prod(evaluator.dimensions());
154       device.parallelFor(size, evaluator.costPerCoeff(Vectorizable),
155                          EvalRange<Evaluator, Index, Vectorizable>::alignBlockSize,
156                          [&evaluator](Index first, Index last) {
157                            EvalRange<Evaluator, Index, Vectorizable>::run(&evaluator, first, last);
158                          });
159 #else
160       size_t num_threads = device.numThreads();
161       if (num_threads > 1) {
162         num_threads = TensorCostModel<ThreadPoolDevice>::numThreads(
163             size, evaluator.costPerCoeff(Vectorizable), num_threads);
164       }
165       if (num_threads == 1) {
166         EvalRange<Evaluator, Index, Vectorizable>::run(&evaluator, 0, size);
167       } else {
168         const Index PacketSize = Vectorizable ? unpacket_traits<typename Evaluator::PacketReturnType>::size : 1;
169         Index blocksz = std::ceil<Index>(static_cast<float>(size)/num_threads) + PacketSize - 1;
170         const Index blocksize = numext::maxi<Index>(PacketSize, (blocksz - (blocksz % PacketSize)));
171         const Index numblocks = size / blocksize;
173         Barrier barrier(numblocks);
174         for (int i = 0; i < numblocks; ++i) {
175           device.enqueue_with_barrier(
176               &barrier, &EvalRange<Evaluator, Index, Vectorizable>::run,
177               &evaluator, i * blocksize, (i + 1) * blocksize);
178         }
179         if (numblocks * blocksize < size) {
180           EvalRange<Evaluator, Index, Vectorizable>::run(
181               &evaluator, numblocks * blocksize, size);
182         }
183         barrier.Wait();
184       }
185 #endif  // defined(!EIGEN_USE_SIMPLE_THREAD_POOL)
186     }
187     evaluator.cleanup();
188   }
189 };
190 #endif  // EIGEN_USE_THREADS
193 // GPU: the evaluation of the expression is offloaded to a GPU.
194 #if defined(EIGEN_USE_GPU)
196 template <typename Expression, bool Vectorizable>
197 class TensorExecutor<Expression, GpuDevice, Vectorizable> {
198  public:
199   typedef typename Expression::Index Index;
200   static void run(const Expression& expr, const GpuDevice& device);
201 };
204 #if defined(__CUDACC__)
205 template <typename Evaluator, typename Index, bool Vectorizable>
206 struct EigenMetaKernelEval {
207   static __device__ EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE
208   void run(Evaluator& eval, Index first, Index last, Index step_size) {
209     for (Index i = first; i < last; i += step_size) {
210       eval.evalScalar(i);
211     }
212   }
213 };
215 template <typename Evaluator, typename Index>
216 struct EigenMetaKernelEval<Evaluator, Index, true> {
217   static __device__ EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE
218   void run(Evaluator& eval, Index first, Index last, Index step_size) {
219     const Index PacketSize = unpacket_traits<typename Evaluator::PacketReturnType>::size;
220     const Index vectorized_size = (last / PacketSize) * PacketSize;
221     const Index vectorized_step_size = step_size * PacketSize;
223     // Use the vector path
224     for (Index i = first * PacketSize; i < vectorized_size;
225          i += vectorized_step_size) {
226       eval.evalPacket(i);
227     }
228     for (Index i = vectorized_size + first; i < last; i += step_size) {
229       eval.evalScalar(i);
230     }
231   }
232 };
234 template <typename Evaluator, typename Index>
235 __global__ void
236 __launch_bounds__(1024)
237 EigenMetaKernel(Evaluator eval, Index size) {
239   const Index first_index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
240   const Index step_size = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
242   const bool vectorizable = Evaluator::PacketAccess & Evaluator::IsAligned;
243   EigenMetaKernelEval<Evaluator, Index, vectorizable>::run(eval, first_index, size, step_size);
244 }
246 /*static*/
247 template <typename Expression, bool Vectorizable>
248 inline void TensorExecutor<Expression, GpuDevice, Vectorizable>::run(
249     const Expression& expr, const GpuDevice& device) {
250   TensorEvaluator<Expression, GpuDevice> evaluator(expr, device);
251   const bool needs_assign = evaluator.evalSubExprsIfNeeded(NULL);
252   if (needs_assign) {
253     const int block_size = device.maxCudaThreadsPerBlock();
254     const int max_blocks = device.getNumCudaMultiProcessors() *
255                            device.maxCudaThreadsPerMultiProcessor() / block_size;
256     const Index size = array_prod(evaluator.dimensions());
257     // Create a least one block to ensure we won't crash when tensorflow calls with tensors of size 0.
258     const int num_blocks = numext::maxi<int>(numext::mini<int>(max_blocks, divup<int>(size, block_size)), 1);
261         (EigenMetaKernel<TensorEvaluator<Expression, GpuDevice>, Index>),
262         num_blocks, block_size, 0, device, evaluator, size);
263   }
264   evaluator.cleanup();
265 }
267 #endif  // __CUDACC__
268 #endif  // EIGEN_USE_GPU
270 // SYCL Executor policy
271 #ifdef EIGEN_USE_SYCL
273 template <typename Expression, bool Vectorizable>
274 class TensorExecutor<Expression, SyclDevice, Vectorizable> {
275 public:
276   static inline void run(const Expression &expr, const SyclDevice &device) {
277     // call TensorSYCL module
278     TensorSycl::run(expr, device);
279   }
280 };
282 #endif
284 } // end namespace internal
286 } // end namespace Eigen