3 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------
4  * Vulkan Conformance Tests
5  * ------------------------
6  *
7  * Copyright (c) 2018 The Khronos Group Inc.
8  *
9  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
10  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
11  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
12  *
13  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
14  *
15  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
16  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
17  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
18  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
19  * limitations under the License.
20  *
21  *//*!
22  * \file
23  * \brief RenderPass utils
24  *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
26 #include "tcuDefs.hpp"
27 #include "vkRef.hpp"
28 #include "vkDefs.hpp"
29 #include "vkTypeUtil.hpp"
31 namespace vkt
32 {
33 namespace MultiView
34 {
35 using namespace vk;
37 class AttachmentDescription1 : public vk::VkAttachmentDescription
38 {
39 public:
40 	AttachmentDescription1	(const void*					pNext,
41 							 VkAttachmentDescriptionFlags	flags,
42 							 VkFormat						format,
43 							 VkSampleCountFlagBits			samples,
44 							 VkAttachmentLoadOp				loadOp,
45 							 VkAttachmentStoreOp			storeOp,
46 							 VkAttachmentLoadOp				stencilLoadOp,
47 							 VkAttachmentStoreOp			stencilStoreOp,
48 							 VkImageLayout					initialLayout,
49 							 VkImageLayout					finalLayout);
50 };
52 class AttachmentDescription2 : public vk::VkAttachmentDescription2
53 {
54 public:
55 	AttachmentDescription2	(const void*					pNext,
56 							 VkAttachmentDescriptionFlags	flags,
57 							 VkFormat						format,
58 							 VkSampleCountFlagBits			samples,
59 							 VkAttachmentLoadOp				loadOp,
60 							 VkAttachmentStoreOp			storeOp,
61 							 VkAttachmentLoadOp				stencilLoadOp,
62 							 VkAttachmentStoreOp			stencilStoreOp,
63 							 VkImageLayout					initialLayout,
64 							 VkImageLayout					finalLayout);
65 };
67 class AttachmentReference1 : public vk::VkAttachmentReference
68 {
69 public:
70 	AttachmentReference1	(const void*		pNext,
71 							 deUint32			attachment,
72 							 VkImageLayout		layout,
73 							 VkImageAspectFlags	aspectMask);
74 };
76 class AttachmentReference2 : public vk::VkAttachmentReference2
77 {
78 public:
79 	AttachmentReference2	(const void*		pNext,
80 							 deUint32			attachment,
81 							 VkImageLayout		layout,
82 							 VkImageAspectFlags	aspectMask);
83 };
85 class SubpassDescription1 : public vk::VkSubpassDescription
86 {
87 public:
88 	SubpassDescription1	(const void*						pNext,
89 						 VkSubpassDescriptionFlags			flags,
90 						 VkPipelineBindPoint				pipelineBindPoint,
91 						 deUint32							viewMask,
92 						 deUint32							inputAttachmentCount,
93 						 const VkAttachmentReference*		pInputAttachments,
94 						 deUint32							colorAttachmentCount,
95 						 const VkAttachmentReference*		pColorAttachments,
96 						 const VkAttachmentReference*		pResolveAttachments,
97 						 const VkAttachmentReference*		pDepthStencilAttachment,
98 						 deUint32							preserveAttachmentCount,
99 						 const deUint32*					pPreserveAttachments);
100 };
102 class SubpassDescription2 : public vk::VkSubpassDescription2
103 {
104 public:
105 	SubpassDescription2	(const void*						pNext,
106 						 VkSubpassDescriptionFlags			flags,
107 						 VkPipelineBindPoint				pipelineBindPoint,
108 						 deUint32							viewMask,
109 						 deUint32							inputAttachmentCount,
110 						 const VkAttachmentReference2*		pInputAttachments,
111 						 deUint32							colorAttachmentCount,
112 						 const VkAttachmentReference2*		pColorAttachments,
113 						 const VkAttachmentReference2*		pResolveAttachments,
114 						 const VkAttachmentReference2*		pDepthStencilAttachment,
115 						 deUint32							preserveAttachmentCount,
116 						 const deUint32*					pPreserveAttachments);
117 };
119 class SubpassDependency1 : public vk::VkSubpassDependency
120 {
121 public:
122 	SubpassDependency1	(const void*			pNext,
123 						 deUint32				srcSubpass,
124 						 deUint32				dstSubpass,
125 						 VkPipelineStageFlags	srcStageMask,
126 						 VkPipelineStageFlags	dstStageMask,
127 						 VkAccessFlags			srcAccessMask,
128 						 VkAccessFlags			dstAccessMask,
129 						 VkDependencyFlags		dependencyFlags,
130 						 deInt32				viewOffset);
131 };
133 class SubpassDependency2 : public vk::VkSubpassDependency2
134 {
135 public:
136 	SubpassDependency2	(const void*			pNext,
137 						 deUint32				srcSubpass,
138 						 deUint32				dstSubpass,
139 						 VkPipelineStageFlags	srcStageMask,
140 						 VkPipelineStageFlags	dstStageMask,
141 						 VkAccessFlags			srcAccessMask,
142 						 VkAccessFlags			dstAccessMask,
143 						 VkDependencyFlags		dependencyFlags,
144 						 deInt32				viewOffset);
145 };
147 class RenderPassCreateInfo1 : public VkRenderPassCreateInfo
148 {
149 public:
150 							RenderPassCreateInfo1	(const void*						pNext,
151 													 VkRenderPassCreateFlags			flags,
152 													 deUint32							attachmentCount,
153 													 const VkAttachmentDescription*		pAttachments,
154 													 deUint32							subpassCount,
155 													 const VkSubpassDescription*		pSubpasses,
156 													 deUint32							dependencyCount,
157 													 const VkSubpassDependency*			pDependencies,
158 													 deUint32							correlatedViewMaskCount,
159 													 const deUint32*					pCorrelatedViewMasks);
161 	Move<VkRenderPass>		createRenderPass		(const DeviceInterface& vk,
162 													 VkDevice device) const;
163 };
165 class RenderPassCreateInfo2 : public VkRenderPassCreateInfo2
166 {
167 public:
168 							RenderPassCreateInfo2	(const void*						pNext,
169 													 VkRenderPassCreateFlags			flags,
170 													 deUint32							attachmentCount,
171 													 const VkAttachmentDescription2*	pAttachments,
172 													 deUint32							subpassCount,
173 													 const VkSubpassDescription2*		pSubpasses,
174 													 deUint32							dependencyCount,
175 													 const VkSubpassDependency2*		pDependencies,
176 													 deUint32							correlatedViewMaskCount,
177 													 const deUint32*					pCorrelatedViewMasks);
179 	Move<VkRenderPass>		createRenderPass		(const DeviceInterface& vk,
180 													 VkDevice device) const;
181 };
183 class SubpassBeginInfo1
184 {
185 public:
186 						SubpassBeginInfo1	(const void*		pNext,
187 											 VkSubpassContents	contents);
189 	VkSubpassContents	contents;
190 };
192 class SubpassBeginInfo2 : public VkSubpassBeginInfo
193 {
194 public:
195 						SubpassBeginInfo2	(const void*		pNext,
196 											 VkSubpassContents	contents);
197 };
199 class SubpassEndInfo1
200 {
201 public:
202 						SubpassEndInfo1	(const void*	pNext);
203 };
205 class SubpassEndInfo2 : public VkSubpassEndInfo
206 {
207 public:
208 						SubpassEndInfo2	(const void*	pNext);
209 };
211 class RenderpassSubpass1
212 {
213 public:
214 	typedef SubpassBeginInfo1		SubpassBeginInfo;
215 	typedef SubpassEndInfo1			SubpassEndInfo;
217 	static void	cmdBeginRenderPass	(const DeviceInterface&			vk,
218 									 VkCommandBuffer				cmdBuffer,
219 									 const VkRenderPassBeginInfo*	pRenderPassBegin,
220 									 const SubpassBeginInfo*		pSubpassBeginInfo);
222 	static void	cmdNextSubpass		(const DeviceInterface&			vk,
223 									 VkCommandBuffer				cmdBuffer,
224 									 const SubpassBeginInfo*		pSubpassBeginInfo,
225 									 const SubpassEndInfo*			pSubpassEndInfo);
227 	static void	cmdEndRenderPass	(const DeviceInterface&			vk,
228 									 VkCommandBuffer				cmdBuffer,
229 									 const SubpassEndInfo*			pSubpassEndInfo);
230 };
232 class RenderpassSubpass2
233 {
234 public:
235 	typedef SubpassBeginInfo2		SubpassBeginInfo;
236 	typedef SubpassEndInfo2			SubpassEndInfo;
238 	static void	cmdBeginRenderPass	(const DeviceInterface&			vk,
239 									 VkCommandBuffer				cmdBuffer,
240 									 const VkRenderPassBeginInfo*	pRenderPassBegin,
241 									 const SubpassBeginInfo*		pSubpassBeginInfo);
243 	static void	cmdNextSubpass		(const DeviceInterface&			vk,
244 									 VkCommandBuffer				cmdBuffer,
245 									 const SubpassBeginInfo*		pSubpassBeginInfo,
246 									 const SubpassEndInfo*			pSubpassEndInfo);
248 	static void	cmdEndRenderPass	(const DeviceInterface&			vk,
249 									 VkCommandBuffer				cmdBuffer,
250 									 const SubpassEndInfo*			pSubpassEndInfo);
251 };
253 } // renderpass
255 } // vkt