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1 /*
2  *
3  * Copyright 2016 gRPC authors.
4  *
5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  *
17  */
19 #include "test/cpp/util/cli_credentials.h"
21 #include <gflags/gflags.h>
22 #include <grpc/slice.h>
23 #include <grpc/support/log.h>
24 #include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/slice.h>
26 #include "src/core/lib/iomgr/load_file.h"
28 DEFINE_bool(
29     enable_ssl, false,
30     "Whether to use ssl/tls. Deprecated. Use --channel_creds_type=ssl.");
31 DEFINE_bool(use_auth, false,
32             "Whether to create default google credentials. Deprecated. Use "
33             "--channel_creds_type=gdc.");
34 DEFINE_string(
35     access_token, "",
36     "The access token that will be sent to the server to authenticate RPCs. "
37     "Deprecated. Use --call_creds=access_token=<token>.");
38 DEFINE_string(
39     ssl_target, "",
40     "If not empty, treat the server host name as this for ssl/tls certificate "
41     "validation.");
42 DEFINE_string(
43     ssl_client_cert, "",
44     "If not empty, load this PEM formated client certificate file. Requires "
45     "use of --ssl_client_key.");
46 DEFINE_string(
47     ssl_client_key, "",
48     "If not empty, load this PEM formated private key. Requires use of "
49     "--ssl_client_cert");
50 DEFINE_string(
51     channel_creds_type, "",
52     "The channel creds type: insecure, ssl, gdc (Google Default Credentials) "
53     "or alts.");
54 DEFINE_string(
55     call_creds, "",
56     "Call credentials to use: none (default), or access_token=<token>. If "
57     "provided, the call creds are composited on top of channel creds.");
59 namespace grpc {
60 namespace testing {
62 namespace {
64 const char ACCESS_TOKEN_PREFIX[] = "access_token=";
65 constexpr int ACCESS_TOKEN_PREFIX_LEN =
66     sizeof(ACCESS_TOKEN_PREFIX) / sizeof(*ACCESS_TOKEN_PREFIX) - 1;
IsAccessToken(const grpc::string & auth)68 bool IsAccessToken(const grpc::string& auth) {
69   return auth.length() > ACCESS_TOKEN_PREFIX_LEN &&
70          auth.compare(0, ACCESS_TOKEN_PREFIX_LEN, ACCESS_TOKEN_PREFIX) == 0;
71 }
AccessToken(const grpc::string & auth)73 grpc::string AccessToken(const grpc::string& auth) {
74   if (!IsAccessToken(auth)) {
75     return "";
76   }
77   return grpc::string(auth, ACCESS_TOKEN_PREFIX_LEN);
78 }
80 }  // namespace
GetDefaultChannelCredsType() const82 grpc::string CliCredentials::GetDefaultChannelCredsType() const {
83   // Compatibility logic for --enable_ssl.
84   if (FLAGS_enable_ssl) {
85     fprintf(stderr,
86             "warning: --enable_ssl is deprecated. Use "
87             "--channel_creds_type=ssl.\n");
88     return "ssl";
89   }
90   // Compatibility logic for --use_auth.
91   if (FLAGS_access_token.empty() && FLAGS_use_auth) {
92     fprintf(stderr,
93             "warning: --use_auth is deprecated. Use "
94             "--channel_creds_type=gdc.\n");
95     return "gdc";
96   }
97   return "insecure";
98 }
GetDefaultCallCreds() const100 grpc::string CliCredentials::GetDefaultCallCreds() const {
101   if (!FLAGS_access_token.empty()) {
102     fprintf(stderr,
103             "warning: --access_token is deprecated. Use "
104             "--call_creds=access_token=<token>.\n");
105     return grpc::string("access_token=") + FLAGS_access_token;
106   }
107   return "none";
108 }
110 std::shared_ptr<grpc::ChannelCredentials>
GetChannelCredentials() const111 CliCredentials::GetChannelCredentials() const {
112   if (FLAGS_channel_creds_type.compare("insecure") == 0) {
113     return grpc::InsecureChannelCredentials();
114   } else if (FLAGS_channel_creds_type.compare("ssl") == 0) {
115     grpc::SslCredentialsOptions ssl_creds_options;
116     // TODO(@Capstan): This won't affect Google Default Credentials using SSL.
117     if (!FLAGS_ssl_client_cert.empty()) {
118       grpc_slice cert_slice = grpc_empty_slice();
119       GRPC_LOG_IF_ERROR(
120           "load_file",
121           grpc_load_file(FLAGS_ssl_client_cert.c_str(), 1, &cert_slice));
122       ssl_creds_options.pem_cert_chain =
123           grpc::StringFromCopiedSlice(cert_slice);
124       grpc_slice_unref(cert_slice);
125     }
126     if (!FLAGS_ssl_client_key.empty()) {
127       grpc_slice key_slice = grpc_empty_slice();
128       GRPC_LOG_IF_ERROR(
129           "load_file",
130           grpc_load_file(FLAGS_ssl_client_key.c_str(), 1, &key_slice));
131       ssl_creds_options.pem_private_key =
132           grpc::StringFromCopiedSlice(key_slice);
133       grpc_slice_unref(key_slice);
134     }
135     return grpc::SslCredentials(ssl_creds_options);
136   } else if (FLAGS_channel_creds_type.compare("gdc") == 0) {
137     return grpc::GoogleDefaultCredentials();
138   } else if (FLAGS_channel_creds_type.compare("alts") == 0) {
139     return grpc::experimental::AltsCredentials(
140         grpc::experimental::AltsCredentialsOptions());
141   }
142   fprintf(stderr,
143           "--channel_creds_type=%s invalid; must be insecure, ssl, gdc or "
144           "alts.\n",
145           FLAGS_channel_creds_type.c_str());
146   return std::shared_ptr<grpc::ChannelCredentials>();
147 }
GetCallCredentials() const149 std::shared_ptr<grpc::CallCredentials> CliCredentials::GetCallCredentials()
150     const {
151   if (IsAccessToken(FLAGS_call_creds)) {
152     return grpc::AccessTokenCredentials(AccessToken(FLAGS_call_creds));
153   }
154   if (FLAGS_call_creds.compare("none") != 0) {
155     // Nothing to do; creds, if any, are baked into the channel.
156     return std::shared_ptr<grpc::CallCredentials>();
157   }
158   fprintf(stderr,
159           "--call_creds=%s invalid; must be none "
160           "or access_token=<token>.\n",
161           FLAGS_call_creds.c_str());
162   return std::shared_ptr<grpc::CallCredentials>();
163 }
GetCredentials() const165 std::shared_ptr<grpc::ChannelCredentials> CliCredentials::GetCredentials()
166     const {
167   if (FLAGS_call_creds.empty()) {
168     FLAGS_call_creds = GetDefaultCallCreds();
169   } else if (!FLAGS_access_token.empty() && !IsAccessToken(FLAGS_call_creds)) {
170     fprintf(stderr,
171             "warning: ignoring --access_token because --call_creds "
172             "already set to %s.\n",
173             FLAGS_call_creds.c_str());
174   }
175   if (FLAGS_channel_creds_type.empty()) {
176     FLAGS_channel_creds_type = GetDefaultChannelCredsType();
177   } else if (FLAGS_enable_ssl && FLAGS_channel_creds_type.compare("ssl") != 0) {
178     fprintf(stderr,
179             "warning: ignoring --enable_ssl because "
180             "--channel_creds_type already set to %s.\n",
181             FLAGS_channel_creds_type.c_str());
182   } else if (FLAGS_use_auth && FLAGS_channel_creds_type.compare("gdc") != 0) {
183     fprintf(stderr,
184             "warning: ignoring --use_auth because "
185             "--channel_creds_type already set to %s.\n",
186             FLAGS_channel_creds_type.c_str());
187   }
188   // Legacy transport upgrade logic for insecure requests.
189   if (IsAccessToken(FLAGS_call_creds) &&
190       FLAGS_channel_creds_type.compare("insecure") == 0) {
191     fprintf(stderr,
192             "warning: --channel_creds_type=insecure upgraded to ssl because "
193             "an access token was provided.\n");
194     FLAGS_channel_creds_type = "ssl";
195   }
196   std::shared_ptr<grpc::ChannelCredentials> channel_creds =
197       GetChannelCredentials();
198   // Composite any call-type credentials on top of the base channel.
199   std::shared_ptr<grpc::CallCredentials> call_creds = GetCallCredentials();
200   return (channel_creds == nullptr || call_creds == nullptr)
201              ? channel_creds
202              : grpc::CompositeChannelCredentials(channel_creds, call_creds);
203 }
GetCredentialUsage() const205 const grpc::string CliCredentials::GetCredentialUsage() const {
206   return "    --enable_ssl             ; Set whether to use ssl (deprecated)\n"
207          "    --use_auth               ; Set whether to create default google"
208          " credentials\n"
209          "                             ; (deprecated)\n"
210          "    --access_token           ; Set the access token in metadata,"
211          " overrides --use_auth\n"
212          "                             ; (deprecated)\n"
213          "    --ssl_target             ; Set server host for ssl validation\n"
214          "    --ssl_client_cert        ; Client cert for ssl\n"
215          "    --ssl_client_key         ; Client private key for ssl\n"
216          "    --channel_creds_type     ; Set to insecure, ssl, gdc, or alts\n"
217          "    --call_creds             ; Set to none, or"
218          " access_token=<token>\n";
219 }
GetSslTargetNameOverride() const221 const grpc::string CliCredentials::GetSslTargetNameOverride() const {
222   bool use_ssl = FLAGS_channel_creds_type.compare("ssl") == 0 ||
223                  FLAGS_channel_creds_type.compare("gdc") == 0;
224   return use_ssl ? FLAGS_ssl_target : "";
225 }
227 }  // namespace testing
228 }  // namespace grpc